
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 4/13/2010 8:39:36 AM
Author: Lanie
Digital says I''m a Preggosaurus!

I am in fingers can''t concentrate to type.

Well, since this was your first O, does that mean you are still a jerkstore?

I am so very happy for you and I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months to come!

Btw, you might need to change your signature now...
fisher: Thank you for your sweet thoughts. I''m glad your MIL is doing well. A year cancer free is a wonderful thing. Her regimine sounds exhausting, but I''m glad it''s working. Scary that she was 27 pounds lighter, but gardening will bring those muscles back! Paul saw a lot of wonderful charachteristics in you, and your faith and positive attitude were definitly there. If you and the women on his side are such strong wonderful women, just imagine how your children will be!

You are right that future grandmothers work towards a goal! I''m hoping the last couple months of test negatives are attributed to stress and bad timing and that you and I both can see our mothers and mothers-in-law play joyfully with our children.

Thank you for your prayers. Mom is going back to Duke this morning to have a check-up; she was having a dull pain yesterday and they just want to make sure everything''s fine. They won''t know for a couple months whether the radiation worked, but she seems to be doing well overall. Her attitude was sort of dismal until the first surgery was over. I think she was more afraid of not waking up from that than she was of cancer (at least for that moment). She wanted to get powers of attorney signed, and talked with me briefly about the family farm I would inherit...but all that stopped once she got out of surgery and was drinking a ginger ale and eating a pack of nabs an hour after surgery. Ocular melanoma is a very aggressive cancer (see the "Ocular Melanoma" thread, or google it. BUT, hers is small (6mm) and hasn''t spread, and was caught right when it started to grow. Hopefully the radiation will have worked, but if not, they can do a couple rounds of laser therapy or last resort remove the eye. Prayers that the radiation will work!

I''m so glad you liked OBX! You''re thinking of "Jockey''s Ridge." My family spent one weekend each year at Nags Head growing up. If you ever come down that way again, let me know somehow...I don''t live TOO far but obviously don''t want to give out my address to the world (though if this page was seen by just our TTCers I''d totally trust all of us girls!)
Lanie, congratulations! What great news! Do I read your chart right that based on LMP you''ll be due 12/24? What fun!

I love BFPs! They make me smile.

Lots of gals over in the preggo thread are having their babies soon or have recently so it''ll be nice to have some new folks!
Congratulations, Lanie! What a pretty chart!
Here''s to a happy and healthy 9 months, lady!

Lauren: I second Plantation''s recommendation of Eze! So gorgeous - I was there about 10 years ago, but fondly remember the perfume factory!! We stayed in Cannes and then drove to Monaco - amazingly gorgeous drive - and Eze was on the way. Oh, how I wish we could visit there now! Oddly enough, my strongest memory of Monaco is that they sold thong bathing suits in the vending machines

Plantation: Congrats on the 2WW! Good luck trying to be patient!

* * *

So, I think I''m in the 2WW! My final peak reading was yesterday. We were too worn out to try to BD one last time - we''ll see what happens tonight. This is my first cycle temping, and I haven''t been as consistent as I would like, so I am trying not to read too much into the spike that I saw this morning.

I''ve generally tried to temp around 8:45, but that has stretched from 7:00 am to 9:00 am, so my chart is a bit rocky. Yesterday, I was at 97.77 at 8:50 a.m. Today, I was at 98.14 at 7:00 a.m. (had to go to the loo) but after going back to sleep, took it at 9:00 a.m. and it was at 98.61! So I simply averaged the two and recorded it as today''s temp. Either way, it''s a jump from yesterday''s reading, so I''m cautiously optimistic that it confirms my O! Now, tomorrow I have a dental appt at 8:20 a.m., so I''m sure that my temp at 7:45 or so will ruin the chain of higher temps, but I guess I''ll face that problem when I come to it!
Well ladies,

We have definitley had an exciting morning, haven''t we
. What a way to start off a week!

Lanie: Congrats again! Yippee for your BFP! As for the confusing OPK''s, I don''t think its an exact science. I go more by the temp rise, and kinda use the OPK''s to confirm O.

Catluver: Did AF show her ugly head, or are you still in the game?

Houie: All the signs sounds really promising. I have my fingers crossed for you my dear. If you are in fact at CD 5, then you will be testing at the end of the week
! Sticky dust for you! Hopefully Krissie and I will be right behind you!

Puppmom: What a bummer on the US pictures. Next time, you need to request a cool tech, lol. Glad to hear that everything is going well with the little guy.

Lynnie: OMG, you are killing me with the suspense here. How have you managed to wait so long? Did we test this morning? And btw, all the symptoms sound quite like a lot of other people''s who got KU...fingers crossed for you
Oh, and I love the egg hunt idea

Krissie: Are you in this area too (DC/BWI). I couldn''t remember? That sounds really promising with your BD''ing schedule and possible O date. Too funny about your DH, boys are so weak, lol.
I definitely think we are going to be TWW twins. Yeah, someone to keep me sane

LTP: Welcome back, its good to see you pop back in. And, wow, that trip sounds amazing. If you have any space left in your luggage, I''m in! Very cool about kicking the BC, it is definitely liberating!

Brightlight: I am happy to see that you have returned b/c we were getting worried. I am happy to hear that AF finally showed up after her extended vacation and she accounted for her whereabouts
. What CD are you on now?

Miskca: Thanks for the well wishes. I hope that you figure your O''ing stuff out soon. Maybe you should hop on the temping train next month? As for the BD''ing, I have heard mixed recs too. I guess ED or EOD doesn''t matter as long as everyone is healthy. Plus, it only takes one, right?

Icekid: Yes, we aren''t that far from you, lol. I fully intend on taking a trip up to Annapolis during the summer some time. We should totally have a GTG. Then you can show off your little bump
. Sorry that you couldn''t get the US yesterday, but your little bean just wanted to give you a nice birthday present

Plantationcatt: I think we are going to hold off on a pup for a while. I think it might get too crowded in the condo with two cats, two grown-ups and (God willing) a LO. As for your O/BD''ing schedule, it sounds like you may be in the same timeframe as Krissie, Houie and I. We will all likely be testing around the same time! Lots of sticky dust for you!

LV: How is it going? Are you still liking the acupunture?

Bliss: Where are you hunny? Does AF have you tied up in bed or something?
I hope everything is well with you.

As for me, I think I am officially in the 2WW.
FF puts my O on Saturday (CD 11), though I think I may have O''ed on Sunday, b/c I normally O around CD 14, and b/c my temp on Sunday was probably screwy b/c I woke up at 5:30 (instead of my normal 6:30) and I got up to tinkle at around 4 or 4:30. Oh well. Either way, I think I BD''ed well, (Thursday, Saturday, and Monday) so fingers crossed

Good luck ladies and have a great day!
congrats Lanie! what wonderful news! i haven''t followed this thread for very long... how long have you been TTC?

i''m CD2 now. boo. but i''m gonna start clomid for the first time this cycle. i''m hoping it doesn''t cause too many crazy side effects. urgh. wish me luck!
Oh my stars...thanks so much plantationcatt, laila, LV, charbie, dcgator,puppmom, Krissie, sweetlime! I can''t get my mind off of it! I wasn''t going to test until Tax Day. The doctor said I could start testing Sunday or Monday since the HcG would be out of my system from the trigger shot. At 7 or 8dpo I did a test to see if it was out yet, and there was barely a line, so I knew I''d be good for Tax Day. Well, I got this giant zit on my nose which I never get, I was getting nauseous on Sunday, but attributed it to not eating all day. My boobs have also been super sore since about Thurs/Friday. Anytime after I ate, I felt like throwing it up, which I attributed to just feeling crappy. Then Monday I was salivating so much, like I needed to throw up. I googled "salivation and pregnancy" thinking maybe some people had it, and sure enough lots of stories about it came up. I had never heard of that before!!! Monday night I felt waves of nausea that kept coming, but never threw up. Sometimes I get sick after eating. But I was telling myself I was imagining everything. I never really said anything to DH about what I was feeling, so he wouldn''t get excited. So last night I told myself I''d test the next morning if my mams still hurt, if I felt nauseous, and if I had a temp spike. Not to mention the weird stretching pains across my abdomen that I feel every once in awhile. Those 3 things made me upwrap the digital, and it popped up PREGNANT so fast I couldn''t believe it.

I got out of the shower and woke up DH and said, "Hey, I took one of those pregnancy tests but I can''t see if there''s a second line. I think there is, but not sure...can you come see and tell me I''m just imagining things?" He was confused bc I told him I wasn''t testing for awhile. Then he went back to sleep and said he''d help me after he woke up a little bit!
So then he came in there, looked at it blurry eyed, and was still confused. It was kind of funny, but anti climatic bc he didn''t know what to say. We were kind of just in shock.

I have an appt with my RE Thursday morning that I set in case this cycle didn''t work, so I don''t know if they''ll do a blood draw? I''m sure they will, and hopefully I''ll never have to see them again until TTC #2! I am so thankful for Femara and Ovidrel.

And yes, if this zygote (blastocyst? hahaha) sticks, I''ll be due around Christmas. I''m pretty sure I''m actually 11 dpo, which makes my due date either 12/23 or 12/24. AH! Much to my DH''s chagrin! He''s okay though...we were originally trying to avoid it bc he thinks it isn''t fair to have your bday be so close. But he said we could go ahead with it this cycle in case it was The One. And NO I''m not a jerkstore. This is my 4th cycle trying...not all ovulatory, but still, I went through a small piece of hell myself before getting to this.

I''m very cautious...I know how sometimes these things don''t turn out. But i''m just blessed and happy and THANKFUL for today. One day at a time.

Good luck to those who are in the 2ww!!!
Date: 4/10/2010 4:44:31 PM
Author: Steal
Sorry for the me me me post, but I'm going shopping and need some pointers...

10mIU pregnancy test


20mIU pregnancy test


25mIU pregnancy test (fancy!)


ovulation test

Are the 10mIU tests a waste of money? Do they tend to give false positives? The 20mIU are slightly more expensive but if the former give false positives that hardly makes them cost effective

And are those ovulation tests ones to go for?

Thanks for the help ladies.

Thanks for the input Miscka & HOUmedgal. I think I will get the 25mIU tests. I want to buy ones that are as cheap as possible so realy want to avoid the likes of first response; but thanks anyway.

So does anybody have input on the ovulation strips?

Congrats to all the BFP!!!!!

Lanie, I think your attempt to tell DH in a cute way was adorable. He must have been surprised!
By the way (and then I''ll shut up) I drank Red Raspberry Leaf Tea from CD1, about 3 cups a day, and ate goji berries after ovulation like they were going out of style!
Oh wow...congrats!!!
I just love logging on and finding BFP announcements!
Lots of sticky dust to you ^.^
Lanie!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soooo happy for you my dear!!! Yaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!! Hehe, apparently all we needed to do for you was kick that egg outta your ovary!! haha! I love it!! Sending sticky healthy baby dust your way!!!
CD2 - Sweetlime
CD5 - Bella_mezzo
CD9 - LovesVintage
CD12 - Miscka, caitlin
CD13 - Kunzite
CD14 - DCGator
CD18 - Krissie
CD20 - PO10472
CD21 - Plantationcatt, HOUMedGal
CD27 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD28 - noelwr
CD31 - Lynnie
CD38 - Bliss
CD43- Ryan Claire

LANIE!!!!!!!!!! OMG, Congrats!!!!!!!
Soooo happy for you! WOOT!!! Aw, your poor DH was in a sleep daze!

Brightlight... feel free to add yourself. Good luck this cycle! Sorry about the family issues. Unfortunately, you can''t choose your family, right??

Krissie... good luck with the 2WW!!

Same for you DC!!!!

Bliss, WHERE ARE YOU???? Hope all is well!

Okay, don''t kill me y''all.... I haven''t tested yet. And no AF. I will def test by tomorrow morning, though. I''m working tonight, tomorrrow, and Thursday, all 12 hr night shifts, so I''m not going to be seeing much of DH. *IF* (big if) I get a BFP I *think* I can hold out til Saturday... Friday, he''s having the guys over here for a poker game.
***please don''t use the waving bat emotie at me*** I''m sorry for the suspense. I feel FINE - no symptoms to speak of at all (at least today). So tomorrow morning, FOR SURE, I will test.
I have a little break before afternoon clinic, so thought I''d drop in to day hi...and I was greeted by Lanie''s awesome news! I love it!

Charbie - thank you! How are you feeling??

Plantationcatt - Sounds to me like you''re in the tww too! Goooooooood luck!! How about this...I''ll have a New Year''s Eve baby, and you have an early 2011 baby! K?? :) Prayers and hopes for peace and comfort for you and your mom...I am so sorry she''s going through this.

Krissie - sounds like you probably O''ed!! Also sounds like your timing was good! Fingers crossed!!

Dcgator - thank you!! I am hopeful...I think I am indeed 6DPO today, and last time I got my BFP on 8DPO...eeee! I''m dying to start peeing on sticks....I am NOT a patient girl when it comes to this!! We are gonna have a lotta testing going on around here at the end of this week and early next week....can''t wait!!! Dust to you!!

Sweetlime - sorry AF showed up, but best of luck with the clomid!! One of my bestest friends in the whole world got her twin boys on her 1st clomid cycle....

Steal - I''m not as knowledgeable about OPK''s. I haven''t seen much difference between internet cheapies and store-bought more expensive ones.

Lynnie - you''re KILLING me here. KILLING ME! LOL!!! I can''t wait to hear your news....goooooooood luck!!!!!!!

Bliss, where are you? Noel, are you back from vacay yet? And is Geri back from her honeymoon yet?!


So I figured out one thing that was going on yesterday...the headache was a migraine. I finally started having visual disturbances last night which clued me in to what was going on. But I went to bed and slept it off and feel better today. Nips are still sore today, temp is back up a bit....So to help with my confusion re: OPK''s and when I O''ed, I just took my OPK''s out of FF, and based on everything without the OPK results, FF says I did O on CD15, which puts me at 6DPO today. I am DYING to pee on a stick, but I know I won''t get a positive this early!!

Oh, does anyone''s thermometer have a few favorite temps it gravitates towards? For example, several times this cycle my therm has given me the exact same, it said 97.33 three days in a row, then said 97.18 2 days in a row, and for the past 5 days I''ve had the same two temps (97.58, 97.90, 97.90, 97.58, 97.90)! I know my temp can''t actually be the EXACT same like that.
Lanie - Just wanted to pop in and suggest that you call your RE''s office. They might want you to stop in for a blood draw to see what your beta level is and then again a few days later to see how your level is doubling. At my office, they want to do a blood test if you have a positive HPT or if you have not tested on your own. I know you have an appointment on Thursday, but I would be too impatient for that! Also, at my office, they do not discharge patients to their ob/gyn until 10 weeks. Your office may or may not be the same. The beauty of this, from my perspective, is that my RE''s office will do an u/s at 7 weeks, whereas my ob/gyn does not do one until 9 or 10 weeks. I don''t recall which.

DCG - Thanks for asking about me. Acupuncture continues to go well, and I will go weekly until I conceive. I''m adding daily meditation as well. I am trying to stay away from this thread, but it is so hard, and there''s basically no way to stop myself from popping in to congratulate a TTC-er with a BFP!!!
Congrats Lanie!

Sending everyone lots of dust this month. Looks like April''s going to be a good month!

I''ve added myself below.

CD2 - Sweetlime
CD5 - Bella_mezzo
CD7 - Brightlight
CD9 - LovesVintage
CD12 - Miscka, caitlin
CD13 - Kunzite
CD14 - DCGator
CD18 - Krissie
CD20 - PO10472
CD21 - Plantationcatt, HOUMedGal
CD27 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD28 - noelwr
CD31 - Lynnie
CD38 - Bliss
CD43- Ryan Claire
I''ve been traveling for work, so I''ve barely gotten to read any updates, but I *HAD* to sign on to congratulate Lanie. What wonderful, wonderful news. I am so happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Yay Lanie!!!! Wow, what great news. I know you''ve been working on this for a while. Congrats to you and your DH!!
Thanks HOUmedgal. So cheapies it is.

I''m sorry dcgator, I meant to thank you for your input on the preggo tests. So better late than never: Thanks
Steal - yeah, I think the cheapie OPK''s are just as good. I just ran out of them this cycle, so used some store bought ones, but I was just as satisfied with the cheapies when I was using them! :)

I have some funnies for you gals....found on another TTC website. This definitely describes me:

Here''s another one....hehee

HOUMedGirl: Those are awesome! Thanks for the laugh

DCGator: I am indeed in DC! Sending you good 2WW vibes from across town
LOL Hou!
Lanie - CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy to see your news. Bucket loads of dust for you and your hubby
Congratulations Lanie! I''m so happy for you!!!
Just popping in to say WOW congrats, Lanie!!!! I could not be more thrilled for you. Wonderful wonderful news. See how much easier it is when you actually ovulate hehe

HMG- Hope you are next
Lanie! Congrats mama!! I am thrilled for you and your DH. I must immediately stock up on goji berries
Hey ladies,

I hope you all had a nice day

Sweetlime: Sorry you are out of the running for the last cycle, but I hope that the Clomid does the trick for you this cycle. Good luck!

Lanie: That is to funny about the zit on the nose, I just got one this morning too,
I hope that is a good sign...Silly DH for not getting out of bed, but sounds like he was happy that he did
I would let the RE know that you are KU, and they might want you to come in sooner. I remember your DH''s worry about the Xmas baby. My DH is worried about that with our''s too, but as long as its a healthy baby, anytime is good, right? Lots of sticky dust for you!

Lynnie: We are going to try to patiently wait until tomorrow. Please let us know as soon as you find out. Fingers crossed!

Houie: Sorry about the migrane, but I''m glad its resolved its self. Hold out just a couple more days and then hopefully you will get you BFP
OMG, I totally have the same issue with my thermometer. I had a CVS BBT and I just bought a Target one this month b/c my thermometer would give me the same exact temps multiple times during the month. I thought it might be broken, but the Target one does the same thing. Actually the 97.18 is pretty popular with my BBT this week...

LV: We understand if you need a break, but when you want to pop in, we are happy to see you. Good luck with the accupuncture and meditation, I hope it does the trick!

CDCinNYC and Steal: You guys should add yourselves to the running list (if you want to). That way we can share with you both as you move into the exciting parts of your cycles

Krissie: Yeah for DC PS''ers! We will def have to do a GTG this summer in Annapolis or somewhere else with icekid so we can all show off our soon to be and her already baby bumps

Have a lovely evening ladies. I am going to watch me some Glee!
Date: 4/13/2010 9:22:34 PM
Author: dcgator
Hey ladies,

I hope you all had a nice day

Sweetlime: Sorry you are out of the running for the last cycle, but I hope that the Clomid does the trick for you this cycle. Good luck!

Lanie: That is to funny about the zit on the nose, I just got one this morning too,
I hope that is a good sign...Silly DH for not getting out of bed, but sounds like he was happy that he did
I would let the RE know that you are KU, and they might want you to come in sooner. I remember your DH''s worry about the Xmas baby. My DH is worried about that with our''s too, but as long as its a healthy baby, anytime is good, right? Lots of sticky dust for you!

Lynnie: We are going to try to patiently wait until tomorrow. Please let us know as soon as you find out. Fingers crossed!

Houie: Sorry about the migrane, but I''m glad its resolved its self. Hold out just a couple more days and then hopefully you will get you BFP
OMG, I totally have the same issue with my thermometer. I had a CVS BBT and I just bought a Target one this month b/c my thermometer would give me the same exact temps multiple times during the month. I thought it might be broken, but the Target one does the same thing. Actually the 97.18 is pretty popular with my BBT this week...

LV: We understand if you need a break, but when you want to pop in, we are happy to see you. Good luck with the accupuncture and meditation, I hope it does the trick!

CDCinNYC and Steal: You guys should add yourselves to the running list (if you want to). That way we can share with you both as you move into the exciting parts of your cycles

Krissie: Yeah for DC PS''ers! We will def have to do a GTG this summer in Annapolis or somewhere else with icekid so we can all show off our soon to be and her already baby bumps

Have a lovely evening ladies. I am going to watch me some Glee!
Dcgator, are you preggo too? I''m gone for two weeks, and I feel so behind!
Dcgator, I''m glad to know my therm isn''t the only one that plays that funny business. I think mine is a Walgreen''s one...I had a CVS one before, but it died on me after several months of temping, so I bought the Walgreen''s one.

So I felt better today (without a migraine!) but still have sore nips and this evening, started to have dull low pelvic cramping and a bit of low back pain...feels similar to what I swore was implantation pains the first time.

I''m probably jinxing myself by thinking that all of these things are preggo symptoms...but I''m comfortable getting prematurely excited with you girls because I know you''ll all be there for me if after I''ve finished shooting my mouth off about all these symptoms I end up un-preggo this month.
just wanted to pop in to say congrats to Laila and Lanie

And HOU im not sure i follow this too well, but things are looking good right?
so congrats and sticky dust for you too!