
The Official TTC Thread!

HMG, that must be fun, but also kind of hard, to see all the itty bitty babies at work. Sorry I don''t have any advice on your chart, I''m still trying to figure it out myself...Thanks for the support re: my MIL...hopefully we won''t have issues with parenting style (though she is pretty "dominant" with my nephew, but maybe that''s because my SIL and BIL don''t really have strong preferences about things), but we''ll see.

Congrats Laila! It must be extra sweet after your journey.

LV, I''ll still hold out hope for you this cycle!

plantationcatt - I had issues w/soreness too, but found that Pre-Seed took care of it.

dcgator, hope your BD marathon went well!

Lanie, congrats on your first O cycle! That''s great news.

Bliss, I hope AF gets in line and stops giving you trouble!

noelwr, hope you come back soon, miss you!
As for me, I had BFNs on CD 9 and 11, so I''m feeling a bit worried and discouraged about how long it might take and whether there''s something wrong (since we did pretty well w/the timing this time). I know that it''s ridiculous since we''ve only been trying for a short while, and considering how much some of you ladies have been through, but it''s just the unknown and lack of control about it. TTC is one of the few things in life that you can''t control simply with hard work and perseverance, and there''s no such thing as "fair." Ah, well. At least we''re all here to support each other, and take it 1 cycle at a time! Thanks for letting me vent.

Well, I''m not too hopeful this cycle since I feel normal. I''m stocking up on OPKs and tests online now.
Catluver--did you mean 9 and 11dpo? When did you O? You might still be early. That''s why I''m waiting to test. I would feel so discouraged getting a BFN even if it was early. But that''s me!

Bella--sorry about dumb AF. What cycle are you TTC if you don''t mind me asking?

Bliss--did AF make an appearance???

Houmedgal--haha. When I type your name into my iPhone it autocompletes it for me! Anyway, no help from me since I''m still figuring it out as well. How you and your dh manage to BD twice a day so much is beyond me! You guys are awesome!!!

Dcgator--hope you are having fun with the hubs!!!

Wonder how Noelwr is coming along???
Date: 4/11/2010 7:20:42 PM
Author: Lanie
Catluver--did you mean 9 and 11dpo? When did you O? You might still be early. That''s why I''m waiting to test. I would feel so discouraged getting a BFN even if it was early. But that''s me!
Lanie, yes I meant 9 and 11DPO, woops. According to FF I O''d on CD 14. When are you going to test?
Hou, I think you O''ed on CD 17.

Congratulations!!! How absolutely wonderful for you and your hubby! I’m so happy that you’ve come back with positive news. Eeek! Has it sunk in yet? Will you be posting on the preggo thread? Yay for you, lady!!!

Yippee for ovulation!!!

I will never forget the first time I learned that I do in fact ovulate; it was like realizing that I can in fact more than likely carry life within me and it was so overwhelming. And to see it in chart form was so empowering. Yay for you!!!! You should definitely find a way to celebrate this cycle!


I’m certainly praying for your mother. How has she been holding up? Positive attitude counts for so much in the fight…. I’m not sure how one carries a positive attitude all the time (I mean, I can ‘t even do that when thinking of TTC), but I’ve seen the power of positive thought and positive attitude (along with prayer) in my mother-in-law’s fight and it meant the world to her and to her family. How aggressive is her illness?

Thank you for asking about Martha; she’s doing pretty well. There’s still a road before her to complete health, but the biggest fight has been fought hard and won: there is no more cancer and hasn’t been for almost a year!!! Once May rolls around, she will be a year cancer-free without aggressive chemo. So wonderful!!! She still has to visit the clinic every 6 weeks for testing and she takes chemo (pill form) 5 days in a row every 6 weeks; she also still takes steroids every 6 weeks (and sometimes more frequently when her numbers drop). They monitor her monthly (and sometimes more often if she gets sick) to be sure her platelets and white blood count is in range. She tends to need blood more frequently than she would like because her platelets aren’t coming up as quickly as she’d like. At her sickest, she lost weight to the point of being only 98 lbs, but she’s since gained up to 125 and she’s getting stronger and stronger all the time. We visited today and she was showing me around her garden. Last year, she was fighting to live and this spring, she’s plucking weeds and enjoying the outdoors. A blessing from God!!

She’s fought so hard and has kept such a great attitude through all of this…. I admire her more and more all the time. Since the time we started dating, Paul’s told me he sees a lot of her best characteristics in me, and I’m pretty sure I’d not handle a life-threatening illness with the grace that she has. She’s never had a moment of doubting God, of being bitter, or of asking for pity. The biggest “health issue” I’ve had in my life has been TTC (and they don’t even think anything is *wrong*), which is NOTHING in comparison to having a life-threatening illness, and I’ve absolutely dipped into pitying myself, wondering all the “why me?” thoughts, and it certainly reminds me that life’s not about a “me, me, me” mentality. I strive to be more like her. Such a strong spirit she has!

That said, you’d mentioned not being sure about TTC during this time, given your mother’s health. Paul and I struggled with this same thing in October of 2008 when Martha was first diagnosed. The thing is, after we thought about it, we knew if we stopped TTC it wouldn’t be for her, it would be for us, out of our worry/sadness, and that it wouldn’t do anything to help her. If anything, Martha fought *harder* for the thought of meeting her grandchildren and spoiling the tar out of them.

In the end, we didn’t stop TTC but the first cycles after finding out about her sickness weren’t timed well, because at the time, Paul needed support more than he needed to be reminded of TTC scheduling.

I’m sure you and your husband will find the best path for you to take and I’m certain your mother will be thrilled to hear your good news when it comes. J

Thank you again for thinking of and praying for my mother-in-law. Truly, truly. I will certainly keep your mother in my prayers, as well.



I’m not sure which of the two days you likely ovulated, but regardless, it’s good news that you have timed things well for whichever day it was. Good job!! Thinking positive thoughts for you!


Paul & I took a mini-vacation to the Outer Banks this week. Blissful is the only way to describe it. I’d even say it was better than our honeymoon. I love the beach and we were right on the beach and all we had to do was roll out of bed and walk outside to see the sun rise. Ahh…. I loved it. Very relaxing, and we just had the best time. I will try to post some pictures from highlights of our mini-cay. I didn’t take anything TTC-related with me. No thermometer, no nothing. Very liberating. In fact, this morning was the first time this whole cycle that I’ve even temped. It was quite low, so I’m wondering if it was just a fluke or if I will get a steep rise tomorrow. How wonderful it would be to have ovulated so close to the trip time! We shall see.

Still praying for this cycle to be a most wonderful one, and I trust it will be, if only for the time Paul and I spent together, loving one another more and more each day. Yeah, and all that mushy stuff…..

Happy thoughts for everyone this week; Spring is just such a fabulous time of year, is it not? (Side note: Paul told me that he read an article at one time during his college years that there are more babies born in January and February than other months because of Spring Fever…. It will be interesting to see what happens this Spring, being that for so many of us, winter was LONG and COLDER than in the past….)

Here are some pictures from the trip. We stayed at Kill Devil Hills in the Outer Banks. The sun rise in the mornings was fabulous!!! Being a Cali girl, I'm still partial to sunsets at the beach, but sun rise is a close second.
On Thursday, the sun rose just as we saw a group of dolphins swimming by. Breathlessly beautiful to watch. We also went to Corolla, another part of the Outer Banks, where wild horses can be found on the beach and in the dunes. So lovely. The Outer Banks also has a national park (Jockey something) that holds the biggest dunes in the nation. I loved that. Took more pictures than I can count.... We walked the beach at night with a flashlight, looking for seashells. This beach has more shells than I've ever seen before. The sand is almost coarse with all the shells present. Then we went to Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown. Williamsburg had tulips everywhere, so I was enthralled with them and took more time taking pictures of them than soaking up the history of the historic district.

It was a wonderful trip and I'm so thankful for the time I had with my husband at these wonderful places. So relaxing, so wonderful.....

Puppmom, interesting observation! How sweet of you to go back look at my old chart to compare!
You''re right, either way we''re covered pretty good with respect to our BD pattern, so we''ll see! I''d just like to know what day is appropriate to start POASing!!
How are you doing? I hope everything is going well for you and your little one!!

CatLuver, the babies at work definitely give me baaaaaad baby fever!! Last time when I got preggo I was on a rotation with all babies (normal newborn nursery at our local county hospital, aka "the baby factory"), and this month I''m in the Level 2 nursery at the children''s hospital. Hopefully the fact that I''m working with all babies again this month is a good baby dust factor! hehe!! Re: your MIL...just remember that even if she becomes dominant about the way you parent your kids, YOU are the one taking care of them and deciding what''s best for them 24/7. Unless she lives with you, she won''t be calling the shots. You will. You can graciously accept her advice, then do what you please with it. If it''s good, use it....and if it''s not, forget about it! (Sorry, had a bit o'' wine tonight, and obviously speaking my mind! ha!) Hang in there this cycle...I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Plenty of women don''t get a BFP until day 12,13,14, or even later!! Stay optimistic!

Lanie - awww, I feel special! I autocomplete!! hehehe! Sooo we didn''t BD twice a day...the days that have X''s are the days we did, but only once per day. So we''re not as awesome as you thought we were! ha! Maybe you''re seeing the + signs from the positive OPK''s too?? Fingers crossed for you this cycle!!!

Laila - thanks for the vote!! I guess I felt more like it that day, just because it''s taken me a few days to "gear up" in the past, and I only started feeling like O was coming on CD14...we''ll see!!

Fisher - what an absolutely lovely vacation! Love the pics...thanks for sharing! Glad you and Paul got to share some good quality time seems as though you guys have kept such an awesome perspective, and grown even closer, even though this journey hasn''t been easy. I admire that.
Here''s to Spring Fever!!


Gotta go eat dinner, but just wanted to add something...............sorry if it''s TMI!...............I noticed today that my nipples are sore, as opposed to just the sides of my bb''s, which is something I felt pretty early when I was preggo last time....hmmmmmmm. (trying not to get excited but failing miserably!)
HOU-oh.....can''t wait to hear what your bit of TMI news means:-)

Catluver-Hope that you get a BFP soon, it is still really early.

Fisher, It''s always good to hear from you and I''m glad you had an awesome and special trip!!!

Lanie-We got married in Oct 3, 2010, waited until we got married to have sex, and have been "trying" since then (though really between figuring things out, travel, winter colds/flu...this is really just our 4th cycle that has a hope of being successful:-) I am pretty sure we had a chemical pregnancy in October
but other than that we''ve been in the land of BFNs. I am 31 and DH is 33. We''d like to have a big family, so it''d be great to get pregnant soon, but if we''re not by next year than we''ll pursue adoption and see what happens.

Okay, bedtime for bonzo. Have a great night ladies.

Noelwr-Hope your trip is going really well!!!!!
Hou, thanks for thinking of me. I''m feeling well and our little man is doing great so far. I had an ultrasound this morning to look at a few ovarian cysts but all seems well. My tech was a wet rag so no pics for me.

I can''t wait to hear what happens with this cycle! Lots of baby dust to you!
Hi ladies,

It sounds like we all had some fun weekends, including me

Miscka: Did you decide what went on with your cycle? Did you O early or was it just a false alarm?

Lanie: What a pretty chart dear. And yeah for O''ing. From the looks of it, you are a champ in the Bd''ing department. I think you have a pretty good shot with catching the eggie. My fingers are crossed for you my dear! You going to wait till AF to test or give in to POAS temptation?

Bliss: I would indeed go see a doc if you stomach isn''t feeling right. When DH and I came back from Mexico on our HM, we had some minor tummy issues, but it only lasted a couple days, and no stomach pains. It won''t hurt to check it out just in case...

Krissie: Yeah for our fun weekends!
And yes, I very much appreciated the cooler weather. We ran the Cherry Blossom yesterday and I think I would have lost it if the weather had still been in the 80''s-90''s. So, did you get your O, are you still in prime time? We could possibly be TWW twins
...The preseed regime sounds good. I have tried that yet, but if I don''t catch in the next cycle or two, I will be on board. Your DH is absolutely adorable with the candles
. I hope that it works for you guys. Btw, I wouldn''t worry to much about the beer. It''s still really early

Bella: Glad to hear that job is going well but sorry about the bad teacher of stats. Ugh, I didn''t like stats and a bad teacher only makes it worse
. Yeah for DH getting attention for the sleep apnea. Now you both can get some good sleep, lol

Icekid: Thanks for stopping back in. That is so exciting about your first Dr. appt. Hopefully you can sweet talk your way into an ultrasound. Best of luck and let us know how it goes!

Lynnie: Any sign of AF, or is she holding off. Remind me, where you in the 2WW or just passing through this cycle?

Steal and Platationcatt: I just use the First Response (FR) Fertilty Tests and pregnancy tests. I have been using those for about 4 months now and I haven''t really had any problems.

Catluver: Sorry about the BFN''s. I know this process can be super frsutrating, but hang in there girl! I feel you on the control thing. I am kind of a control freak too, so I know that it is frustrating when my body doesn''t do what I expect or want it to. But, I guess all we can do at the end of the day is just roll with it. But, if you feel like you did everything right and it doesn''t happen in the next cycle or two, it won''t hurt to go to a RE to make sure there aren''t some other issues. (((HUGS))) and we are here for you.

Houie: That BD''ing schedule and BM''ing aides sounds really promising. I really hope that you end up with a BFP in a couple weeks. It looks you, me and Krissie could be testing around the same time...Fingers crossed for you my dear!

Fisher: Your trip sounds just lovely. I
the OBX and am headed there in June for a family vaca. I am also glad that you were so relaxed and enjoyed the time with your DH. I hope that the relaxed state of mind helped you out in other dept''s too
. Thanks for the pics!

As for me, DH and I really enjoyed our weekend (in and out of the bedroom,
). I meant to BD on Friday, but for some reason, I was just EXHAUSTED. I ran a 5K on Friday to get ready for my 10-Miler on Sunday, so maybe I just was pooped from that. Anywho, (TMI ALERT) we BD''ed on Saturday and again this morning before work (happy Monday!) so hopefully, that will do it. I had a slight temp rise yesterday and today, so if I get one tomorrow, I am going to say that I O''ed Saturday or Sunday. I also had a truely positve OPK today and a possible positve OPK yesterday (the 10-Miler might have messed up my sample). So, I guess we''ll know tomorrow whether I am in the running or not...fingers crossed

I hope you all have a great day and start to the week!
Date: 4/12/2010 11:17:40 AM
Author: dcgator
I had a slight temp rise yesterday and today, so if I get one tomorrow, I am going to say that I O''ed Saturday or Sunday. I also had a truely positve OPK today and a possible positve OPK yesterday (the 10-Miler might have messed up my sample). So, I guess we''ll know tomorrow whether I am in the running or not...fingers crossed

I hope you all have a great day and start to the week!
dcgator -- I''m just now understanding temps/OPK stuff, but doesn''t a temp spike happen after you have ovulated? And an OPK signals impending ovulation? So if you had a positive OPK this morning and a maybe positive yesterday, that would mean that you haven''t done it yet, right?
CD4 - Bella_mezzo
CD8 - LovesVintage
CD11 - Miscka, caitlin
CD12 - Kunzite
CD13 - DCGator
CD17 - Krissie
CD19 - PO10472
CD20 - Plantationcatt, HOUMedGal
CD26 - CatLuver, InHisArms
CD27 - noelwr, Lanie
CD30 - Lynnie
CD37 - Bliss
CD39 - Sweetlime
CD43- Ryan Claire
CD52 - brightlight

Fisher... I''m glad you had a wonderful vacation. The pics look amazing!

Lanie... I think noel went on vacation. Hopefully she''ll have good news when she comes back!

HOU... Hoping your sore nips mean something good! When are you planning to test?

Icekid... good luck with getting an ultrasound!!

DC... glad you had fun this weekend!

Bliss... how are you feeling?

Sorry to those I missed... Positive vibes to EVERYONE!!

As for me, still waiting on AF. My last 2 cycles were 28 days exactly, so I guess I am late? Today is CD30. DC, this is our 2nd cycle of TTC. It''s weird - right now I am finding it very difficult to ''read'' my body. Saturday, felt a bit crampy in the morning, and was pretty sure AF would come. Then, the crampiness went away and I felt fine. Yesterday, I had an exausting GTG with my good GF''s. One has a 4 year old, one has a 2 year old, and I just met my other gf''s 3 month old for the first time (she lives far, and I had work the day my gf''s all went up to visit her). Talk about baby fever!! She is so cute! I came home and did a bit of gardening. I was so tired, and just laid around last evening. And last night, I slept for 12 hours. Woke up, had a bit of a headache/stuffed up, and I think that''s allergies. BBs feel ok, just a bit sore on the sides. So I have NO idea if AF is coming. I do always feel tired the day before I get her, so we''ll see if she shows up today.
I guess I could POAS, but I don''t have any Ss to P O! I need to get some. Thanks for the recs, girls. I was gonna wait til Wed morning and get tests at the pharmacy at work, but I may be hitting up Rite Aid this afternoon. I wanted to surprise DH for our anniversary (Sun), but if it''s a BFP I don''t think I can hold out that long!

Thought you girls would appreciate this... the other day, DH had a cute way of proposing BDing. He said, "I want to go on an egg hunt". It took me a minute to figure out what he meant! Haha
Hou: Your TMI symptoms seem promising! Fingers crossed!

Fisher: AAAAAAH I love the OBX! DH and I just spent our anniversary there in October and it was fantastic - no crowds, gorgeous scenery, and so relaxing. I''m glad that you got to spend some down time with your hubby there, and hope that the time away was great for both of you. Did you eat at the pancake place - I think that was DH''s favorite memory

DC: WTG on the Cherry Blossom Run! The weather was amazing this weekend! Ok, I feel like a weakling for declining BD after gardening

* * *
So we had High on Fri & Sat, then peak yesterday and today! We DTD on Friday (took ages due to too much Pre-Seed!), wimped out on Saturday, then yesterday morning and this morning. Provided I O at some point today, that puts us at O, O-1 and O-3. Not bad odds - fingers crossed! I haven''t gotten any O pains (I did last month, on my right side, but rarely feel them on the left) and honestly it''s too difficult to tell what''s going on with my CM today due to the Pre-Seed and the swimming invaders, so I''m just going to assume Eva was telling the truth and feel satisfied with our efforts! We''ll probably try to BD one last time tomorrow morning, but I swear DH is going to wave the white flag pretty soon! LOL!
Date: 4/12/2010 12:29:31 PM
Author: Lynnie
Thought you girls would appreciate this... the other day, DH had a cute way of proposing BDing. He said, 'I want to go on an egg hunt'. It took me a minute to figure out what he meant! Haha

LOL...that's too cute and funny!
those pictures are beautiful.
glad to hear you had a great and relaxing time.
glad to have you back too.
baby sprinkles and dusts to you and P.
Just catching up on the thread, but Congratulations, Lanie!!!!!!!!!!!

HOU - here's hoping your TMI news is positive!
I was just in Houston this past weekend, and thought of you. I need to try and plan a GTG for the next time I'm down there.

LV - thank you so much for your warm welcome - again! I'm so sorry your last cycle didn't work out for you, but indulging for a bit sounds like it could be a great month! Sending good vibes your way, dear!

Fisher - your trip seems like an amazing time - and those pictures! Just lovely, and thanks for sharing!

Lynnie - I'm loving your DH's approach to Easter DTD. Egg hunt . . . cute, and I would have been oblivious, as well!

Plantationcatt - thank you again for the warm welcome, and looking forward to seeing pics of the new pup! As far as our trip, W and I are going to be staying in a villa in Beaulieu-sur-mer for 8 days, and then 4 days in Paris. I'm so excited, I can't even stand it. Oh, and next Friday is my very last pill in my pack of Yaz. Can't wait to kick the BC to the curb!

Sending positive vibes to everyone else!
I''m back! Sorry, I''ve been MIA for so long! I left for Easter and then had to help my brother with a problem regarding his wife. So, AF came. I''m actually happy, b/c now I can move on with this next cycle. I was in limbo for so long! Anyway, I figured out what happened with my wonky cycle. I mentioned earlier that I had a family issue. Well, the day before and the day of my scheduled ovulation date, I was having some serious issues regarding my SIL (the same one mentioned above). So, it looks like SIL scared the egg into not coming down at the last minute. (I don''t blame her. SIL isn''t a nice person.
) Anyway, around the time AF was scheduled to come, I got another wave of EWCM. Turns out I experienced delayed ovulation ''cause two weeks later AF came!

Anyway, gotta go catch up on what everyone''s been up to!
BLISSS where are you???

Hou - fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Krissie - good luck, your timing sounds perfect!

Fisher your trip sounds amazing!

dcgator, no clue! I think I am still waiting, and may be for a few days. I am super jealous of your running, I wish I could run! Sounds like you and DH gave it a good shot
good luck in the 2ww!

Lynnie go POAS!!

Lauren, when do you run out of pills?

brightlight, yay to a new cycle! Dust your way

Not much going on here. Just CD 11, hanging out and waiting to see if I ever O!

Here''s a TMI question....but is there such a thing as too much BD for TTC? Haha, trying to word it delicately...but I read online a few places EOD is best but others say there''s no limit unless you suspect/know DH has low sperm count. Any thoughts on this?
Fishie- What gorgeous photos! It sounds like a wonderful trip.

HMG- Eeeeeeeeeeek I cannot even stand the suspense. When will the wonderful POAS day be???

dc- Sounds like a productive weekend all around for you! I know a bunch of folks who ran in the 10k. Hehe, sometimes I forget how close we are to DC.

Lynnie- Get thee to the drug store STAT

brightlight- So glad darn AF finally showed up for you. I had a feeling it might have been a little stress. That is normally what happens to me every month so I am familiar hehe.

Krissie- Nice BD timing! Sounds like Miss Eva is really working out well for you.

First appt today; NP agreed that I need an ultrasound
Sadly, said ultrasound will not be until Friday. Friday, incidentally is my birthday. Hoping for a good heartbeat because the alternative might ruin my birthday forever........

Bella - Thank you! Hope AF is either gone or being nicer to you by now!!


Pupp - Thanks for the dust!! And boooo for your tech! not even a single pic?

Oh well. I''m so glad to hear things are going well with you and the little man!!! Not too much longer now...can you believe how fast the time passes?! It just seems like yesterday you got your bfp....

DC - fingers crossed for a temp rise tomorrow! Sounds like you had a good BD schedule if your O was Sat or Sun!! Ahh, wouldn''t it be fun to all be testing within days of each other, and be part of the next rash of BFP''s around here!?! Dust to you!!!!!

Lynnie - I''m not sure when to start testing, since I''m not entirely sure if I''m 5 DPO today, or 3 DPO...depends on when I O''ed, which I''m not 100% certain on. Although with the way I''m feeling today (definite sore nips and generalized feeling like crap) I''m thinking maybe I really am 5 DPO and preggo.

Soooo I probably won''t be able to stand waiting any longer than Friday (which, if I''m 5 DPO today, will be 9 DPO, which is when I got my BFP last time). I''m not the type who gets really down about BFN''s if I test too early...I''m a true believer in it ain''t over till your temp drops and AF shows for real. So I tend to test on the early side of things.
I can''t stand the suspense!! Oh, and pleaaaaase get some sticks and pee on them!!!!!!!!!!!

Krissie - O, O-1 and O-3 sounds goooood! O-1 is the highest chance day. :) Best of luck!!!

Lauren - yea, we totally need to get together!! Strawdermangirl, Appletini, and I have gotten together a few times recently, and we''d totally have a GTG in your honor the next time you''re here! :) WOOOHOOO for last BC pill!! It''s actually very liberating to be off those things.

Brightlight - good to see you! Sorry about the stressful stuff with your SIL. Glad to see you back in the game! :) Good luck this cycle!

Miscka - thank you! So the lastest info I have seen re: how frequently to BD is that once a day during fertile time is ideal, but more than once a day may be too much (as far as keeping a quality sperm count going). Sending O dust to you!!!

IceKid - I''m glad you''re getting an US! Happy early birthday, too!! I do hope you get awesome news on far along do you think you''ll be by then? Will you be far enough along for a heartbeat? Oh, and I think I''ll start POASing on Friday...we''ll see!!!



Alright, so either I''m preggo, or totally coming down with something. I have felt exhausted and generally like crap all day, and my nips are definitely sore. Like, my shirt touching them hurts. I have had a headache all day, as well as generalized gastrointestinal not-rightness...bloated, crampy, a little nauseous...I haven''t felt like this since I was preggo, but I don''t remember feeling quite this awful during my TWW! Maybe it''s just because I know what being preggo feels like now, so I have something to compare to.

My temp went down a bit today, which seems to argue for the earlier O day...see below. I''m starting to believe it, because I don''t think I''d feel this crappy if I was only 3 DPO...?!? I don''t know. I''m just getting rather excited...I could be making all of it up, but this really feels like how I felt last time.


HOU-the suspense is killing me:-0 Hope that your yucky feeling is due to a BFP.

Ice-hope you''re bday present is a great US!

AF was super short, just 1.5-2 days this month
so I think her crazy self is hopefully trucking across the city to Bliss...speaking of, BLISS WHERE ARE YOU? We miss you
Glad she''s left you alone, Bella! Yea, where''s Bliss?!
Digital says I''m a Preggosaurus!

I am in fingers can''t concentrate to type.

Hou! I''m so hoping your ku!

And lynnie! Did the big red monster named af come yet? I went thru the same thing when I got my bfp...I kept putting off testing bc I was "so sure" I was about to start. I was 5 days late when I tested and got a bfp pretty fast.

I''m so excited for all of the Os and 2wws going on right now!!! These april showers are bringing lots and lots of new years babies!
Lanie-Oh my GOSH! I''m so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to read your post three times to make sure it said what I thought it said!
LANIE!!!!!!!! Congratulations!


We're gonna be pregnancy buddies! How does it feel? Are you in total shock?! You must be shaking!
Fisher, thanks for the congrats! Your vacation pictures are LOVELY! Looks like you and Paul had a wonderful time that you will always treasure.
It's so nice to be able to get away and spend quality time together.
charbie: Thanks for the test recommendation.

HOU: Thanks second for the test recommendation. Hoping you have a New Year''s Eve Baby!

CatLuver: Preseed it is, then.

dcgator: Tell DH I vote for dog before baby. Easter is already trained not to go in the future nursery. Yep.

Krissie: Mexican in Switzerland? Go figure. Glad you & DH are enjoying the ride. Pun intended.

Bella: Glad DH is treating sleep apnea and your job is going well!

Lauren: I googled Beaulieu-sur-mer and found out I''ve been sure to visit the perfume factory at Eze and walk to the top of that hill next door for 360 degree views.

brightlight: Hi! Dust to your new cycle without drama!

icekid: Thinking of you for Friday.

Dust to everyone!


I think I''m in the 2ww since I''m not temping, but had EWCM on Friday & Sat and then dried up late Sat...and based on my cycles I should have O''d between the 9th and 11th (days of the month; CDays would be 17 thru 19). My chart is totally lame without temperatures, but we BDed every day or every other day since CD10...hopefully that worked. I''m exhaused and hoping it''s for good reason, but trying not to get my hopes up. Now...trying to be patient.


Remember when you were worried that you wouldn't ovulate!?!!? HAHA!! So, so happy for you!!!


Have you told your DH yet?


AHHHHHHHHH- SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(you just made my day)!!!

(and by the looks of your chart, you guys were some BD''ing fools! that''s the way you make a baby!
(oh, and i totally understand the whole "why won''t my fingers type?" thing- you''ve got to be on cloud 9 right now!)