
The Official TTC Thread!

HOU!!! Belated Congrats...
I was having some issues logging in to the new PS

Totally random... but I was on a plane over the weekend coming home from a girls trip and I sat next to this very nice guy who said he and his wife had been trying to succeed for 8 mos w/o success. Not sure exactly how the convo got started but he opened the door with his story and I shamelessly decided to offer him some PS wisdom... from Preseed, BB measuring to instead cups, I gave him quite a lot of info... and he wrote it down. I can only imagine what his wife thought when he got home with a list of fertility ideas but I am sure it made quite the interesting trip for the passengers around us!
mdoern sparkler-I am cracking up in my office thinking about you launching into the preseed-instead cup, BD timing discussions with some strange guy on a plane:-) Awesome! and I hope it works for them!!!!

DC-OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate that you had to go through this! I had a false positive, defective test, checmical pregnancy, I have no idea which, the first cycle after we were married. We were excited but terrified but it was not confirmed at the Drs office. I too had a little thread of hope that maybe it would work out, but it didn''t for me. Even now, there is still sometimes a little voice in the back of my head that is like "well maybe I''ll be like those ladies on the "I didn''t know I was pregnant shows" who never get positives and have no signs and then have a baby
" The fact that i''ve gained 10 lbs since then only serves to support that little voice

Huge hugs to you and I hope that a new cycle starts soon and that it is the one for you!!!!
Date: 5/19/2010 1:23:54 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
mdoern sparkler-I am cracking up in my office thinking about you launching into the preseed-instead cup, BD timing discussions with some strange guy on a plane:-) Awesome! and I hope it works for them!!!!

DC-OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate that you had to go through this! I had a false positive, defective test, checmical pregnancy, I have no idea which, the first cycle after we were married. We were excited but terrified but it was not confirmed at the Drs office. I too had a little thread of hope that maybe it would work out, but it didn''t for me. Even now, there is still sometimes a little voice in the back of my head that is like ''well maybe I''ll be like those ladies on the ''I didn''t know I was pregnant shows'' who never get positives and have no signs and then have a baby
'' The fact that i''ve gained 10 lbs since then only serves to support that little voice

Huge hugs to you and I hope that a new cycle starts soon and that it is the one for you!!!!
yep.. it was pretty funny!

DC.. I also wanted to say I am so sorry. I can only imagine how frustrated you are. Damn those false negatives. If/When AF comes i hope you have your cocktail and hopefully will have good luck in the next cycle!
Date: 5/18/2010 10:42:11 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
Boy I REALLY hope I am knocked up because I just ate half a L pizza and would have aten more if dh hadn''t gotten in the way!!! I''m gonna feel pretty embarrassed if I was just extra hungry tonight haha

Cramps, but not nearly as bad as normal and no other signs of aunt flo. I''ve been light headed two days in a two. Thought I wasn''t eating enough at lunch (I usually bring a lunchable) so I ate *ahem* two lunches today lol....ugh

Ok, that''s enough confessions for one day haha

Am I seeing things or did you just say "aten"?
Date: 5/19/2010 2:02:58 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Date: 5/18/2010 10:42:11 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

Boy I REALLY hope I am knocked up because I just ate half a L pizza and would have aten more if dh hadn''t gotten in the way!!! I''m gonna feel pretty embarrassed if I was just extra hungry tonight haha

Cramps, but not nearly as bad as normal and no other signs of aunt flo. I''ve been light headed two days in a two. Thought I wasn''t eating enough at lunch (I usually bring a lunchable) so I ate *ahem* two lunches today lol....ugh

Ok, that''s enough confessions for one day haha

Am I seeing things or did you just say ''aten''?

Is that not a word? I always thought it was! Haha!
On another note: DEFINITELY not pregnant. *shakes her fist at AF*
Oh Bella...I forgot to mention to you yesterday that Wallgreens and Rite Aid usually have instead cups. I had know idea that they were used to help people get ku however it makes sense to me now. I think she meant eaten, probably just skipped a letter on the keyboard. Maybe it's preganancy brain?

ETA...Sorry Smurfs...was posting at same time.
Lanie: Thanks for the kind words and positivity. I hope I can stay positive too

Ryan Claire: Thanks for the well wishes. I think hubby is much more relaxed about the whole thing than I am, so he seems to be ok. I think he is more upset when I get upset, ie doesn''t like to see my sad/cry. I am so sorry to hear that your annoying cycle is continuing. Seriously, someone needs to take AF by the ear and drag her over to you! That sucks about the accupuncture not working, but at least it is one more thing that you can check off your list as far as possible solutions. I am hope that the OBGYN and RE can bring some better results.

Modernsparkler: That story is too funny. But, they do say that everything happens for a reason, so maybe he just needed to get this info, and poof, his wife will get KU
I will indeed grab a nice cosmo or some other yummy concoction as soon as AF shows up

Bella: I am so sorry that you had to go through it too. It just really sucks. I am only kinda hopeful b/c my temp went back up this morning, and I am praying that I am one of those girls who will get a BFN before a BFP and a late BFP, but I guess that is just the little hopeful girl in me. Oh well, if AF doesn''t start tomorrow (or the next day) I will test again. But for now, I am just going to ride it out. So, how are things with you. Were you able to capitalize on the BD''ing timing?
Well, we can finally enter into the thick of it! We just moved into our new home last week (Yea! But I evidently forgot to schedule the un-packing fairies to show up--or they are really late
) and my parents left yesterday after helping us for just over a week. The timing is perfect, I''m at 14 DPO today, so entering into my fertile period (according to various websites, I should O sometime between Thur and Sat, not charting/temping yet). We BD''d last night (anyone else find it weird to talk about that for the first time online?), and I''m not sure if it will happen again tonight, DH has to work late. I told him to feel free to wake me up, though!

I know its hoping against hope, but I would really like it happen this month, the first month. See, I lost my sister 6 years ago, and her birthday was Feb 21st, and while if I conceive now I know it wouldn''t end up being (hopefully, unless I go past due date) due on her birthday, it would be close enough to be so special for me. There is family precedent, my Mom got pregnant both times within a month of I have my fingers crossed.

It was a bit odd last night, in that its the first time ever for us without any protection. Its kind of unnerving for DH, he says he has spent his whole life up to this point trying so hard NOT to get pregnant...its a bit of a shift in thinking for him. He made a comment about making a baby last night after we were done, and I almost thought when he got out of bed that he was going to run to the bathroom to be sick (he didn''t). It makes me smile and giggle today thinking about that--but it shows that I know he is a bit nervous, excited, but still nervous about the whole thing. He''s in a particularly stressful time at work right now, too, and recently had some bad news from I know this is just one more thing on top of a lot of others for him to stress about. I need to remind him that at least the activity is a stress reliever...
Welcome, lilyfoot!

Dcgator - I am sooooooo very sorry. That just SUCKS.
I have been thinking about you a lot and hoping for good things, and I''m sad to hear this news. BUT I still have a really good feeling for you....I bet you''ll be preggo for real in no time!! Take good care of yourself right now. *BIG hugs*

RyanClaire - thanks so much!! :) I am feeling pretty good (with regard to typical early preggo symptoms) nausea yet, bb''s slightly sore, VERY tired. However, yesterday I started to come down with something (sore scratchy throat) and between this morning when I went to work and now it totally flared into this crazy congested/head pressure and pain/hacking cough/voice gone/feel really crappy kind of thing. I feel so crappy I actually called in backup and came home (I was supposed to be on call in the PICU tonight). God bless the poor resident who came in for me....she was so gracious about it. Re: medical interventions - I am looking forward to seeing where this next step in your journey takes you!! :) Hopefully straight toward having a snuggly little one in your arms!!

Modernsparkler - thank you!! I know, i had issues logging in too. I''m with Bella, I think I like old Pricescope better. I guess I''ll get used to the new one, but it was so nice and comfortable when I signed on today to see the old one back up!! :)

Smurfy - sorry AF showed up. Boooooo!

Amandine - welcome!! I will send you some get preggo fast neat would it be to have a little one with a Bday close to your sister''s!! :) First time intentional babymaking sex is strange, isn''t it? LOL! I remember feeling all weird about it too. But I got over it pretty quick. :) If I see those silly unpacking faries flitting about, I will send them your way!!
hou - it''s ok, now i have an excuse to eat ice cream out of the bucket haha
oh man i need to get back on the being healthier wagon!!

emerald- no worries! :)
DCG - I just wanted to say how sorry I am. This whole process is enough of an emotional roller coaster ride without adding false positives/chemicals to the equation. Take care of yourself and fingers crossed for a real, sticky BFP soon. HUGS.
Date: 5/17/2010 12:56:52 AM
Author: Bella_mezzo

Dreamer, I needed to hear that:-) My OPKs clearly show me ovulating at CD 16 most cycles and about every third cycle on CD13, but we haven't had success yet getting pregnant. So, I've been starting to think that we should start early each month just in case (esp. b/c I have a strong fade-in pattern on the OPKs) and see what happens.

So, I am going to use this as justification for my new theory

Who knows, all this TTC stuff is conjecture anyway
We did the marathon approach and started on CD8 and continued until three days post temp shift on CD 19
It was tiring to be sure, but we covered those bases. And that was the whole reason that they changed my due date... because it was possible I O'd earlier and got pg because we started DTD so early in the month. *shrug* I think that Laila's notion of early implantation is more likely combined with perhaps O-ing a couple days sooner than my chart showed, because I have a hard time thinkign I O'd on CD 9!

But listen, Bella, I was researcher extraordinaire when I can TTC and although I read the books and temped and all that myself, what I learned from all my research is that temping and even OPKs are really not an exact science. There is lots of leeway in any of the signs that we monitor. So I do really think that if you have not been having luck yet then starting earlier in the month, maybe just doing EOD until CD 20 if you guys can swing it, could do the trick.

But the most important thing to know is that among totally healthy couples with nothing at all wrong 6 months is the *average* length of time to get pregnant. And the normal healthy range is 1-12 months. We all know so many people who got pg in the shorter end of that range, but there are many many more who took the longer end of that range, they just don't talk about it because of social stigma, I think. My MIL for example took 12 months, 8 months, then 6 months to get pregnant with her 3 kids. And at that time she didn't think anything of it! Things were just different then. As my mom was saying, when she got pg with me most women did not know until they were almost 12 weeks because they had to inject a rabbit with yur urine and see if it died to confirm your pregnancy!
So early m/c was so unheard of. We know more now, but in some ways it has not made our lives easier I think.
I agree with dreamer that you have to remember the cold hard facts of it. even if you time everything exactly right, there is still only a 25% chance of conceiving every cycle. and actually for women between 30-35, the average is 9 months of TTC, and over 35 it's 12 months. so don't beat yourself up over timing.

dcgator - I of course have no idea what happened, but I would have taken that as a sign of a chemical pregnancy. and though it sucks because it's still a loss, it's a sign in the right direction that you O and that your egg and your man's swimmers do meet up. hopefully that sheds some positive light on an otherwise crappy situation.
Date: 5/19/2010 11:10:43 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Welcome, lilyfoot!
Thank you!!!

I bought/started taking prenatals yesterday
yaaaaaaaaay!!! AF is back from her vacation! i don''t remember the last time i really was excited to get my period, but finally, exactly 5 weeks post d&c, she has returned. this means whenever i feel ready, i get to join you all again.

it''s weird. now that AF is back, i''m getting excited to TTC again. i thought i''d rather wait months until the end of the year, but now i''m like, ''ok, let''s get this party started again.'' i sort of hope it wears off tho, bc logically, i KNOW it is going to be better timing if we wait. especially since we got preggo on a fluke month! it always seemed like July was going to be our month to start, and while it could still be, i know we should wait.

so, back on the pill i go. i''ll be watching and waiting for all of you!
YAY Charbie! I know it's bittersweet, but I hope that AF treats you right, gets out of town on time, and that you are a total jerkstore again when you want to start TTC again:-)

DD and Noelwr-Thanks so much for your encouragement! Everyone in my family is super fertile, but they all got married at 23 and had their first baby (a girl) at 24--my mom, my grandmother, and my great grandmother...probably further back too, but those three for sure.

So, since I am 31 (and will be 32 in July) it freaks me out a little, like I am starting really late, and who knows if there are latent issues

Honestly, I think we're fine. The biggest issue is DH being so tired from sleep apnea that he's just not up for BD most of the time and even when he "girds his loins" for the marathons a lot of times they go on and on and on with no end, so it's not really BDing if you know what i mean.

I got a positive OPK yesterday but, DH was too tired last night. We're shooting for tonight (and I have Instead cups at the ready:-) but other than that I think us being more aggressive in the scheduling department really can't happen until his apnea is treated
We had a marathon of 4 or 5 days in a row last month, but only one day--the first day--actually counted as BDing. So, I think for now that isn't going to work for us--which is unfortunate b/c I am a major control freak and would love nothing more to have 10 days of straight BDing to feel like I did all I could to cover my bases!

Sorry for the debbie-downer mini-rant. it's so frustrating when the issues are things neither you nor your partner can really control, but they are frusterating nonetheless!

So, ladies, please send lots of dust and prayers my way that today will be a great day in the BDing dept and that the Instead cup will do the trick afterwards!
charbie - I''m happy to hear AF is back (I bet that''s not something that''s often said in this thread, huh?
). It seems like you''re working it all out on your mind, I''m looking forward to hearing you''re TTC again!

Bella - wow, that sounds incredibly frustrating! I am sending you tons and tons of BD/Instead cup dust!
So I know I am not pregnant but I AM a little confused.
I normally have really really bad really heavy flow. This month it started yesterday and is really really really light and today it is pretty much nonexistant. Could this be a result of the prenatals affecting me differently? That''s the only thing I can really think of....
Not likely. It could just be the result of you being a little more stressed about AF this month.
Hey Ladies,

Well, I hope everything is back to working now for everybody. Since this whole new site stuff has thrown us all off, I figured I would update the thread with where everybody is:

CD2 - Smurfy
CD6 - Catluver
CD7 - inhisarms17
CD11 - Sweetlime
CD12 - Brightlight
CD14 - Bella_mezzo
CD22 - Miscka, Gaby06
CD24 - Krissie, Huskylover
CD26 - DC Gator
CD29 - PO10472
CD34 - KeepingtheFaith21 (Is this right?)
CD48 - caitlin
CD82- Ryan Claire

Lilyfoot and Amandine, feel free to add yourselves onto the list.

Amandine: Welcome to the TTC hood
. I very much hope that your stay is really short and that you are able to get a LO with that Feb birthday. Good luck!

Houie: Thanks for the hugs. Yeah, it does suck indeed. When I saw you got KU, I was like, alright, my turn now too! But alas, I guess it wasn''t in the cards this month...
Oh well, so it goes. I am still so very excited for you and I hope that you will keep lurking in here to cheer the rest of us on

Geri: Thanks for the kind thoughts. It''s good to see you in here once in a while
. I hope that you are enjoying your newly married bliss
Whenever you decide to stick your toes back in here, we will be happy to have you.

Noel: I am leaning more towards a false positive, b/c on further inspection, the vertical line looks like its off center. Of course, I didn''t know that at the time, since it was my first supposed BFP, but after researching some stuff online, it looks like it could have been an evap line or something similar. Oh well, I have to see that Dr. anyway in a couple weeks, so I am going to talk with her about it all.

Charbie: It''s great to see you so excited about TTC again. It seems like for most ladies who had a loss, they seemed to change their mind about TTC once AF came back to town. Either way, at least you know you can get pregnant pretty quickly, which is good to know. I can understand wanting to wait a bit, but when you decide you want to ditch the BC again, we will be here for you
. I hope that you will continue to lurk though, as its pretty nice to have some old friends in here

Bella: I have my fingers, toes, etc crossed for a succesful BD''ing tonight! I really hope that this is it for you girly
. It only takes one, right?

Po: Any news from your end? I am hoping you had some good luck!

Well, I have had a few days to calm down now, so I am getting back to my normal cheery self now. Still no AF, but she is due up until tomorrow. If she doesn''t come tomorrow though, we are going to have a serious chat... Either way, I have to go to the OBGYN in about 2 weeks for a check-up and I already told them I want to discuss the whole process. I know it might not do anything, but it makes me feel better to do something rather than nothing. What can I say, I am Type-A to the core
. Anywho, I hope all you ladies are enjoying your BD''ing and for anyone who is still in the 2WW, Good Luck!
Well at least this month I don''t have to deal with AF being so bad. I haven''t even needed to take any midol yet!!
Hugs DC
Date: 5/20/2010 10:57:44 AM
Author: Bella_mezzo
YAY Charbie! I know it''s bittersweet, but I hope that AF treats you right, gets out of town on time, and that you are a total jerkstore again when you want to start TTC again:-)

DD and Noelwr-Thanks so much for your encouragement! Everyone in my family is super fertile, but they all got married at 23 and had their first baby (a girl) at 24--my mom, my grandmother, and my great grandmother...probably further back too, but those three for sure.

So, since I am 31 (and will be 32 in July) it freaks me out a little, like I am starting really late, and who knows if there are latent issues

Honestly, I think we''re fine. The biggest issue is DH being so tired from sleep apnea that he''s just not up for BD most of the time and even when he ''girds his loins'' for the marathons a lot of times they go on and on and on with no end, so it''s not really BDing if you know what i mean.

I got a positive OPK yesterday but, DH was too tired last night. We''re shooting for tonight (and I have Instead cups at the ready:-) but other than that I think us being more aggressive in the scheduling department really can''t happen until his apnea is treated
We had a marathon of 4 or 5 days in a row last month, but only one day--the first day--actually counted as BDing. So, I think for now that isn''t going to work for us--which is unfortunate b/c I am a major control freak and would love nothing more to have 10 days of straight BDing to feel like I did all I could to cover my bases!

Sorry for the debbie-downer mini-rant. it''s so frustrating when the issues are things neither you nor your partner can really control, but they are frusterating nonetheless!

So, ladies, please send lots of dust and prayers my way that today will be a great day in the BDing dept and that the Instead cup will do the trick afterwards!
Bella there have been more than a few of our PS friends who had the exact same things to work around in the BD department for various reasons. I think that since you know that the marathons wont happen then don''t worry too much about it if possible
and just know that it could take a little longer and there is most likely nothing wrong! You do not need to DTD every day to catch the egg. I think every third day is more than enough during a 10 day period if that is an easier "schedule". Better 3 good goes than too many attempts, right? Or, if that is too challengins, as it is for many couples I recall in my years in this thread either lurking or just haning around, then even 2 times in a 10 day period could work too! I think it is not an issue of keeping swimmers in there as it is a pure numbers game with conception and if DTD is a little less frequent that you would like then it could just take a few more months. And that is ok! Really, it is ok. As Noel said, 9 months is average for us old ladies
Smurfy, have you tested? I swear, all of your symptoms sounded like you were KTFU. The very short mysterious AF could be spotting during pregnancy. Put down the ice cream scoop and test, woman!

Bella! DUST for a great BD session tonight! All it takes is 1 try...
I know it can be so crushing when you''re ovulating and you aren''t able to BD for one reason or another. Once, I was ovulating and DH was out of town. I wanted to run in circles howling in frustration! They just don''t get how tortuous it is to wait for the next month to try. It just seems so long sometimes and I felt DH was overly confident in our baby making abilities. Darn it, I wanted him to be as paranoid as I was! Ahhhh, your DH sounds like a supportive sweetie. I think tonight will be timed perfectly!!!! You will get KTFU with the Instead cup! I think so!!!! Oh, this 2WW is going to be torture. I can tell!

Welcome, lilyfoot! I like the laid back approach! Heehee. I started out that way but after the first month of BFNs, I got serious with the OPKs, checking my cervix and etc! LOLOLOL! I hope you are a jerkstore!

dcgator!!!!!!!!!!!! Huge hugs, my friend. I am so sorry about the craptastic week. Oh, and for PS to go down? Torture!!! I am so sorry about the false positive or possible chemical pregnancy. That is crushing and devastating. I understand how that could feel. I had that after my mc and thought I might be pregnant. Turned out I still had HCG in my system! It was a huge bummer and made me realize I really was ready to try again. Hold on to that daddy book - you''ll be needing it soon, I know it!!! I know, I know... it is really really hard to have a letdown like that. (((HUG))) We''ve all been there and it is awful. But there is still hope! Nothing''s over until AF shows up!

Ryan Claire!!!! Excited about your RE and OB! Hopefully they''ll know right off the bat how to get AF back right away! You never know, she might come the day before you go to the OB. That tricky AF! She has been up to her old tricks lately. I know she will come...and then you will be on your way to being a mama soon.

Modernsparkler, YOU ROCK! LOL I love that you educated that guy on TTC!!!!!

AMANDINE! Welcome!!!! Oh, I hope you get KTFU. I am sorry you lost your sister. It would be WONDERFUL to keep her memory special by having a beautiful life to celebrate near her birthday.

HOU! Hehehehehe, you and I like to hang out here as much, if not more than the JBP thread! I always come to this thread first because it has been home for so long! It is so nice to see you here, too. Same for you, Noel and Geri! You are like my sisters!

Charbie!!!!!! YAAAAY for AF!!!!! Ohhh, what a relief and how wonderful that she came so fast! I had to wait soooo long for her. Oh, this is very reassuring and we should celebrate! I''m glad you are getting excited to TTC. Huge hugs, Charbie. You will be a mama again soon.

Dreamer, you''re the TTC guru!!!!

OK, ladies... make yourselves a nice cup of tea with honey to relax tonight! For women about to ovulate, have a seksi night and make it special! Dust dust dust!!!!!
Thanks Bliss and Dreamer!!!

I am totally venturing into TMI territory, but I don''t care
All I''ll say is...The afterwork BD session, way better than the late at nighttime!!!!

So, I am hanging out after using my handy dandy instead cup and, since I had a positive OPK yesterday and today, perhaps this 2 ww will actually be nerve wracking in a good, full of possibilities way

We''re going to try and BD tomorrow and Saturday too, and then we wait

Smurfy, If more things don''t happen by this weekend in the AF dept. then I would test again for sure...

YAY for fantastic BDing sessions where both parties are fully awake and enjoying it
I can''t stop smiling KWIM
Bella!!!! This may very well be the month you get KTFU!!!!! SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for the Instead Cup! Man, you are skilled!!!! You got it on the first try! Nice job! Yay for BDing during your fertile phase! Now, eat lots of pineapple around implantation time! And drink some nice pre-mama tea, too! Wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohhhh, your DH's Phelps might be meeting your eggie right this moment!

Phelps: Hey, beautiful. What's up?
Eggie: I'm having an Ovulation Celebration.
Phelps: Oh! Then I got here just in time!
Eggie: Where are you from?
Phelps: I'm from a faraway land in a town called Testes. But I arrived in a vessel called Instead Cup.
Eggie: That sounds like a very nice place!
Phelps: Well, you know... I like this place, too.
Eggie: Fallopia? It's a magical world... In fact, I just got here, too.
Phelps: I think it's fate. Wanna dance?


Bliss you crack me up!!! I just LOL (with a totally unladylike snort) and that can not be...b/c DH can not know I posted this here:-)

Phelps and Eggie, it''s like a soap opera:-)

I think I''ll watch the ovulation celebration again tomorrow:-)

OMG BLIIISSSS! I LOVE YOU! HAHAHA. You CRACK me up!! I actually just read the Eggie/Sperm convo out loud to DH and even HE appreciated the humor. You're right, I still love hanging out many of my girls are still over here and I feel compelled to root them on!!

Bella!!! WOOOHOOOO for getting the chance to try the Instead cup!!
Maybe after work is your "golden hour"!! Sounds like perfect timing...I hope hope hope this is your month!! How did you like the Instead?? Hopefully it will bring good things your way!!

Dreamer, good to see (read?? ha) you! How are you doing?

Dcgator, whether it was a false + or a chemical, either way it sucks the same to get your hopes up and then have them crushed. I'm glad you are feeling a little better about things...hopefully your chat with the OB at your checkup will be fruitful.

Smurfy, the prenatals wouldn't do that to you....but I've heard many a story about ladies who *thought* AF was here, only to have her leave after a light day or two, and then they turned up preggo. Have you tested??

Charbie - congrats on AF's return!!! I remember how weird it felt to be so happy to see her after my MC! LOL. She came 5 weeks 2 days post D&C for me, so about the same as you! Come back when you're ready...we'll all be here to cheer you on! :)

Geri - hey lady! How are you?? :)

Alright, who's gonna be the next May BFP??? Po?? Smurfy?? Bueller?!?! LOL!


I was inspired by Bliss to put together all my Wondfos to show the progression from 10dpo thru 14dpo....I will show it to you if you PROMISE not to laugh at how many tests I've peed on.
The days that have three tests (10dpo and 11dpo) are from morning, afternoon, and night, and the days that only have 2 tests (12,13,14 dpo) are from morning and evening.

IMG_9152 - Copy.JPG
And, just for comparison''s sake, here''s my progression of FRER''s. I swear that the Wondfos are just as sensitive, if not more sensitive, than the FRER''s!! And they''re so cheap!! LOVE THEM! :)

IMG_9155 - Copy.JPG
HOU-Thanks for stopping over here to say hey to all your buddies:-)

I am hoping it is the golden hour, and plan to try to the same thing again tomorrow

So, Dr. google is freaking me out a little about removing the Instead....I don''t think I put it in as far on my trial run, and this time, eek, it''s way up there...I''m scared I think I am going to have to get way up there to get it out