
The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Bella,

Saw your post about concerns with your uterine lining. I wanted to share my experiences/worries about that. I have VERY short periods, and while it''s not a heaviness issue, I was concerned about clumpiness. Well, my very last test back in the fall was to take a biopsy of my uterine lining. The Dr. didn''t have concern, but she knew I was worried about it and other than a few other (too invasive for us at the time to pursue) tests, it was the last thing to look at for any potential issues.

Turns out all was fine. The Dr. said that bad cramps doesn''t mean your lining is too thick and clumps when shedding the lining is not a bad thing either, and is not indicative of clumpiness prior to the break down of the lining. She also said that a thicker/normal lining is BETTER than a thinner/normal lining for implantation.

The first thought I had when we first noticed it was taking a while to conceive was that my periods are so short, and sometimes (but not much anymore) very painful. Anyway, just wanted to let you know it''s not always (or even very often) indicative of problems with the lining.

She said that most of the time when you have super painfu periods, it''s due to your uterus contracting strongly, which can make delivery easier because the muscle is stronger??? Never heard that before, but good to know there is something positive to look for out of it, right?

Also wanted to post some fabulous news----- a friend of ours at church has been trying for baby number two for over two years, and on Sunday, they announced they are due with a baby in December. :) Their little girl will be 4 years old on Jan. 1. Yay!!!

This stuff happens in clusters...
Just delurking to say something to dcgator...and a hello to fisher!

Dc--I like your plan of having CD3 bw and a semen analysis. My CD3 was about 120 dollars (the priciest part was testing for anti mullerian hormone) and the SA was 125... It varies of course and yours might be covered. Mine is from a crappy insurance perspective. And I especially like your plan of waiting on the HSG. I never had one bc it was 500 from my insurance plan, which I was later told by a friend was pretty cheap! I''d give it some time (6 months or so) before I did that. They can be a little uncomfy from what I regretfully read online. And my DH was iffy about the SA, but if you live close by they can do it at home and bring in the sample within an hour. BUT, hopefully you won''t need any of these!!! Good luck! I''m pulling for you!

Hi fisher! That''s great news about your friend!!! Fingers crossed for you and your DH as well!
Just wanted to stop in quickly ...

BFN this morning. I had a pretty significant temp drop yesterday at 12dpo and it actually came back up this morning surprisingly. I''m now having spotting so pretty sure I''m out this month. Today is day 41 of my cycle. I was a little disappointed yesterday, but I feel better today. I have my dr''s appt tomorrow morning so I''m looking forward to discussing things with her. Good luck to everyone else this week! Hoping for lots of BFPs around here!
Brooks: Sorry you got a negative. Boo for AF

Bella: Glad to see you are as psychotic as me! It is okay to research but if we buy we might aswell set up home in crazytown.
Good luck this month. As fot the cloth pads; I think I would find that a little much at the moment, I have realised I might have a complex about lady-blood since my bathroom of horrors experience.

Gaby: I love the name Alice: Ally, Ali, Lissey. I think it is so sweet that you have moved to have room for your little one - whenever he/she wants to come. I hope you get knocked up so you can fill your baby bedroom. How did the move go, was it far? Are you renting?

Amandine: Sorry for the BFN. Enjoy the vino- but not too much you could be a mamma this cycle. Happy B-day's to your husband and his uncle. Did you guys have cakes? Yummmmy.

Imperfectgirl: Obsessive? I can't imagine any lady becoming obsessive about TTC
. Now where are my OPK's, nope still not ovulating. Where was I, oh yeah IG, why would your husband think you could become obsessive?
Seriously, good luck this cycle. Just get busy and we will keep our fingers crossed for you.

dcgator: Thanks! How is the 2WW working for you. Did you POAS yet (
Sweetlime: hi there, I suppose giving your body a 'rest' is a good idea. It must be frustrating though. Is this to be your 1st? Sorry if you have said already.

CDNinNYC: Sorry you are in the 2WW. Don't worry about testing. You did the test a favour, it was bored sitting in it's little wrapper. It can go off the pee stick heaven now. I hope you are knocked up!

Fisher: So pleased for your friend!


I really wanted to see Cloverfield - the movie when it was released. But DH thought it would make me sick (the candid type of videography) so we saw something else. So I saw it was on Channel4 last night and was delighted to be able to finally see it. So I got out a sneaky west coast cooler (drink) and burger bites (crisps) and got settled to enjoy the show with DH. mmmmmmhhhhh alcohol and crisps It was a.pile.of.crap. worse than a Perfect Storm. It had zero plot and NO ending. Seriously did they forget to film an ending. RIPOFF!!!!!!!!! I was delighted I didn't see it in the theatre because they would have had to remove me. I would have had to shout abuse at the screen. grumble....ripoff... grumble....

So I jeapardised our chances a tiny bit this month with one drinky-winky to watch the crap-iest film ever made. And it wasn't even worth it. Although the drinky was mmmmh nice.

Nothing new to report here. Waiting another week and a little bit to get busy. So just watching the tumbleweeds.......
Date: 6/8/2010 10:00:42 AM
Author: Steal
Brooks: Sorry you got a negative. Boo for AF

Bella: Glad to see you are as psychotic as me! It is okay to research but if we buy we might aswell set up home in crazytown.
Good luck this month. As fot the cloth pads; I think I would find that a little much at the moment, I have realised I might have a complex about lady-blood since my bathroom of horrors experience.

Gaby: I love the name Alice: Ally, Ali, Lissey. I think it is so sweet that you have moved to have room for your little one - whenever he/she wants to come. I hope you get knocked up so you can fill your baby bedroom. How did the move go, was it far? Are you renting?

Amandine: Sorry for the BFN. Enjoy the vino- but not too much you could be a mamma this cycle. Happy B-day''s to your husband and his uncle. Did you guys have cakes? Yummmmy.

Imperfectgirl: Obsessive? I can''t imagine any lady becoming obsessive about TTC
. Now where are my OPK''s, nope still not ovulating. Where was I, oh yeah IG, why would your husband think you could become obsessive?
Seriously, good luck this cycle. Just get busy and we will keep our fingers crossed for you.

dcgator: Thanks! How is the 2WW working for you. Did you POAS yet (
). <---joke What did FF say? Are you on holiday yet?

Sweetlime: hi there, I suppose giving your body a ''rest'' is a good idea. It must be frustrating though. Is this to be your 1st? Sorry if you have said already.

CDNinNYC: Sorry you are in the 2WW. Don''t worry about testing. You did the test a favour, it was bored sitting in it''s little wrapper. It can go off the pee stick heaven now. I hope you are knocked up!

Fisher: So pleased for your friend!


I really wanted to see Cloverfield - the movie when it was released. But DH thought it would make me sick (the candid type of videography) so we saw something else. So I saw it was on Channel4 last night and was delighted to be able to finally see it. So I got out a sneaky west coast cooler (drink) and burger bites (crisps) and got settled to enjoy the show with DH. mmmmmmhhhhh alcohol and crisps It was a.pile.of.crap. worse than a Perfect Storm. It had zero plot and NO ending. Seriously did they forget to film an ending. RIPOFF!!!!!!!!! I was delighted I didn''t see it in the theatre because they would have had to remove me. I would have had to shout abuse at the screen. grumble....ripoff... grumble....

So I jeapardised our chances a tiny bit this month with one drinky-winky to watch the crap-iest film ever made. And it wasn''t even worth it. Although the drinky was mmmmh nice.

Nothing new to report here. Waiting another week and a little bit to get busy. So just watching the tumbleweeds.......
I found the best emotie ever!

Steal, Sign me up for crazy town, though I haven''t bought diapers yet, I have bought some other stuff off of craigslist

Thanks so much for responding, that is great to know. My periods are really short too, usually 2 days. They start with a bang, usually no spotting, 2 days of super heavy flow and then maybe 1 day of spotting to end things--often the two days have mondo cramps, nausea, a migraine, and some poo issues
My Dr. keeps saying it is fine and normal, but it is nice to hear that she''s not the only one saying that b/c it seems kind of weird to me. In HS and college my periods usually lasted 5 days. They got short like this in my mid-twenties, but she said that was normal as my hormones settled down a little....

I just found out one of my friends found out she was expecting last week and had a miscarriage this weekend
Her DH told my DH, but she hasn''t talked to me about it yet, so I am hesitant to reach out to her. I think once I am over this sinus infection I''ll just see if she wants to grab coffee and see if it comes up. They have 2 boys (3 and 1) and were excited to be going for baby number 3 which was a big decision b/c like everyone in NYC space is a big issue and 3 kids can be tricky in a 2 bedroom apt:-)

Steal and CDNYC, I am in manhattan too. We had been renting out our second bedroom for a friend to use as their office during the day, but she just bough a second apt to join to her first, so we have an empty room now too. I am mentally decorating for a nursery already, but DH is using it as his "ironing room" He loves having space to iron, me...well...I don''t iron eitherway. Call me the queen of wrinkles:-)
Bella, our soon to be nursery is currently my "ironing room". I thought I was the only one - you know, using a WHOLE room for ironing. Where is a girl to iron now?
Hello ladies,

Yeah for making it through Monday! I seriously think that the clock just about stopped after 2:00 pm yesterday. Oh well, we are well on our way to hump day and one more day closer to vaca for me

Catluver: As for our TTC journey, this is my 6th cycle charting, and our third really trying. I have O''ed every cycle and except for 1 cycle where we missed the fertile window, we have had a good chance of getting KU. I was really hoping I would get KU in the first 3 months not trying and it would just "happen" (my how I loathe that concept), but alas, no luck. So here we are now. My OB is pretty cool, actually. While she wasn''t encouraging or demanding I get the tests, she understood my concerns and was sympathetic to the whole process. She wrote me the scripts because a) I won''t be back there for a while and b) the first two are pretty non-evasive and I''m sure she figures if it makes me feel better, or reveals any issues, there is no harm in doing them now versus a couple months. She strongly advised that I wait for the 3rd test and I totally agree with her. I guess the good news is I ovulate, the bad news is I haven''t gotten KU yet. Oh well, I really hope that this is it! I am still hopeful for you this cycle. Only a few more days left in the 2WW, right?

Sweetlime: I am sorry to hear that you haven''t O''ed yet. That is kinda strange that you O''ed without the drugs, but I guess the body does really work in mysterious ways... I am also sorry to hear that we will not get to enjoy your company in the coming months, but I wish you all the best on your break and hope that it will do the trick for you. I know a couple other girls have gotten lucky that way, so enjoy your time away from all the TTC madness and hopefully you will be back soon with some good news.

Bella: I hope that Dr. info helped you out. And
for losing you too in July. I hope that it''s only for a short time because I very much enjoy your conversations as well. I hope you are on the mend now and feeling better. Sorry about your friend, that is rotten.

CDNinNYC: Thanks for the happy thoughts. I hope this is THE ONE too. I''m glad that I could remind you.
I sincerlely hope that your MIL can get some help dealing with the situation and that she will get the help to get better physically. I also really hope that you get an anni-baby too. I wouldn''t really worry about the BFN on 8DPO, b/c that is super dooper early. I agree that I wouldn''t be able to hold out for another week, but hopefully you will be able to hold out for a few more days till you can get your BFP!

Fisher: That''s great news about your friend. Congrats to her! How is everything going with you?

Lanie: How nice to see you again in here dear. It sounds like everything is progressing really well with your LO, how exciting! Thanks so much for the info on the pricing of the tests. I need to call my insurance and check what they will cover, but if not, the hundred or so per test is not bad at all. As far as getting the third test, yes, I think we will wait till one year for that one. Thanks for sharing!

Brooks: I am really sorry about the BFN today. If you temp does continue to stay up and AF stays away, I would definitley have the Dr. run a blood test just in case. Either way, good luck with your chat. Mine definitely made me feel better with the talk. Hopefully s/he can bring you some clarity.

Steal: Yep, hanging in the 2WW now. My guess is that I am 2DPO, but I am waiting for FF to confirm that tomorrow. I was thinking about POAS tomorrow, lol, j/k
. But for real, I am going to try to wait till 10DPO, but we shall see how long that lasts. I leave for holiday on Saturday morning, but I am counting Friday afternoon as the start of it
. Sorry to hear about the movie, but I wouldn''t worry to much about the little drink. As my doc said yesterday, a drink or two isn''t going to do anything, so long as you don''t go crazy.

Well, I had another slightly elevated temp today, so pending anything wacky, I think I will get a confirmed O on FF tomorrow. That should make me 2DPO today and in the 2WW. Oh the joys of the TTC process. I hope everyone is getting on well in their BD''ing and 2WW, and if you are waiting for your O, I hope it comes soon!
Unfortunately I have to step back from baby making. Things with us have taken a turn for the worse, DH left his job in part to the labor commission investigating the company he was working for (they treated their employees REALLY badly) and in part to him being offered a job that promised twice his previous salary and was strictly a no commission job. He shows up, signs the paper and then guess''s a commission based job. They flat out lied to us...So, we are surviving on water and ramen noodles, staying in, and trying just to make rent on my salary. Obviously not the best place to raise a child in. Anyways, hopefully things will pick up for us soon...My best thoughts and wishes are with all of you ladies.
I have a question for you ladies. I just got my Day 22 (progesterone) test results back from the doctor, and it shows my levels at 6.9. I was 6DPO at the time. I realize these levels are low, but am not sure exactly what it means. Do any of you ladies have any insight? I have a doctor''s appointment lined up, but not until June 22nd. Thanks!
Hi Parrot Tulips! I believe it shows you probably ovulated, but either 1) your progesterone is a bit too low, or 2) it is a ''weak'' ovulation. With natural cycles, you want to be over 10, and with medicated cycles, over 20. The month I finally got KTFU, my progesterone test 3 DPO came back at 65 (I took Follistim). What did your doctor think?
Thanks Laila. My appointment isn''t for another 2 weeks, so I''m not sure what the doctor thinks yet.

While I definitely don''t want for there to be anything "wrong" with me, it''ll be nice to know whether there is or not, so we can actually do something about it. We''ve been TTC for nearly a year now, and our timing has always been spot on (with consistent "high" ratings on FF), so I''m growing just a touch impatient...
Date: 6/8/2010 4:18:11 PM
Author: parrot tulips
Thanks Laila. My appointment isn''t for another 2 weeks, so I''m not sure what the doctor thinks yet.

While I definitely don''t want for there to be anything ''wrong'' with me, it''ll be nice to know whether there is or not, so we can actually do something about it. We''ve been TTC for nearly a year now, and our timing has always been spot on (with consistent ''high'' ratings on FF), so I''m growing just a touch impatient...
I totally understand, as I went through the same thing. Your doc might prescribe Clomid or another drug to help with a stronger and better ovulation.
So.... I may have told the dentist this morning I was pregnant.
Date: 6/8/2010 5:38:16 PM
Author: CDNinNYC
So.... I may have told the dentist this morning I was pregnant.

So you got your BFP today?!

Congrats girl!
Lots of sticky to you.
I was just about to write that 8 dpo is too early yet and wishing you luck for your next test.

Sorry to hear about your MIL, but glad that SIL intervened.
Hope she (MIL) comes around and is more proactive about your medical care.
Date: 6/8/2010 5:46:16 PM
Author: lili
Date: 6/8/2010 5:38:16 PM

Author: CDNinNYC

So.... I may have told the dentist this morning I was pregnant.

So you got your BFP today?!


Congrats girl!

Lots of sticky to you.

I was just about to write that 8 dpo is too early yet and wishing you luck for your next test.

Sorry to hear about your MIL, but glad that SIL intervened.

Hope she (MIL) comes around and is more proactive about your medical care.

Hehehe, I actually don't know with certainty but he wanted to do an x-ray and I was like, "Is that safe?" You know, because....

I did do another test this morning (DPO 9) and got a super faint double line but I can't say with all certainty that it was a BFP or an evap. I took a photo, though, so I can compare it to the next one.

I just think it's funny that if I am pregnant, the first person I told was the dentist.

The administrator and assistant were congratulating me. It was a bit embarrassing. Gah, I bet this is the universe biting me in the butt.

Thank you re. my MIL. I hope she makes a decision soon as to her next steps.

How are you doing?
CDN wanna post said picture

Crossing my fingers!! (and running to Amazon for some SI!!)
Hey Mischka!

Slap some sense into me and tell me I'm seeing things.

ETA: OMG, that was huge! Ooops, sorry!

Date: 6/8/2010 5:58:47 PM
Author: Miscka
CDN wanna post said picture

Crossing my fingers!! (and running to Amazon for some SI!!)
Goes double from me. I hope it is true. Sticky dust.......
Sorry about the sinus infection and AF.
On to the next cycle it is.
To answer your question, it depends on the dr and their practices like LV said.
W/ my old insurance, the OB was only able to put a scripts for my CD3 bloodwork.
I don't know if she's able to order the HSG or if I need to be referred to a specialist for that since I switched insurance shortly after seeing her.
And hubby would need to see an urologist for his SA scripts.
W/ my current insurance, I got my initial bloodwork to check the blood count and immunities when I met w/ the nurse practitioner.
Once the results from that panel is complete, we were able to meet w/ the RE who did an u/s on the ute and put in the scripts for CD3 bloodwork for me and SA for hubby (if he hasn't already done one recently). When those results came back w/o any red flag, then he ordered the HSG (dye test to check on the fallopian tubes).
That is great that your hubby insists on getting his done.
The sooner he gets it tested, the sooner you guys can rule him out and the sooner you can proceed w/ your diagnostics.
Dr usually won't proceed w/ the more invasive tests on the female until the guy is ruled out.

I think getting the first 2 test (CD3 and SA) is a good idea.
At least it'll give you a peace of mind that your hormones are in balance.
As for the HSG, I'd wait a few more cycles, though from my experience, I'd probably do that immediately too.
My bloodwork and SA came back normal.
My CM and temperature shifts corroborate that I am ovuating.
My period is on the heavier side (though not as heavy and long as it was when I was younger).
I get occasional cramps and nausea (if it is hot and humid when I start my thing), but it's not too severe that I need painkillers.
Anyway, my first HSG revealed that I had endometriosis, so a laparascopy was ordered.
The cycle after my lap, we got conceived our now 2 yr DD.
Then a year ago, we started trying for our second.
After 6 months of BFN, we went again to see the fertility specialist.
Bloodwork and SA came back normal.
HSG test was ordered again, and this time the tubes were clear.
We told the dr that we'd like to try a couple of cycles before proceeding w/ the IUI.
I missed the cycle when I had the HSG because the test was done too close to my window, but we got our positive the cycle after.
I like to think that the HSG somehow lubed my tubes and make conception easier :P
Unfortunately for us, the pregnancy wasn't viable and so we are back to where we were a year ago.
I'd probably do the HSG again if that was offered to me, but I doubt the Dr will put a script again since it's been only 6 months since the last one.

Ugh, I'm sorry that's super long.
Anyway, good luck to you.

I'm so sorry for your friend.
Hope she's recovering well.
only if you slap some sense in me too since I see something

Fingers crossed for darker lines tomorrow.
Fingers crossed for O and enjoy your vacay!

Sorry clomid wasn''t able to do its thing.
A short break sounds good.
I''ve heard and seen good results from acupuncture.
If anything, you''ll be relax, fit and healthy from sticking w/ your diet and exercise routines.
I hope you have good news later when you pop back.


Great news from your friend.
Lots of dust to her.
Lots of dust to you too.
Hope to see more of you on here (better yet the preggo thread) soon.
CDN, Congratulations!! That sure looks like a second line! Did you take only one test today???? Gah! at your restraint? Have you told your DH yet???? Or just your dentist office?!? Haha.

Many Congratulations!!
Lili, thanks for confirming you see what I see! Fingers crossed it's a BFP and not an evap line.

Loves Vintage, thank you! I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself. It's still super early and I'll be so embarrassed if I'm wrong. I have to go back to the dentist next Tuesday for surgery, so that's my deadline to know for sure. I have another test that I'll try out tomorrow morning. If there's a line, I'll try a digi.

Hehe, I haven't told DH yet. If it's a positive, I think I'll wait until Father's Day.

It's hard not to read too much into some weird symptoms. Anyone else come across BBs that are hot to the touch and swollen but only the outside area, near the armpits? I googled "hot breasts" and you can imagine what popped up.
Sorry, CDN, for being so, uhh, enthusiastic. I just get so excited. I hope, I hope, I hope it's a second line and not an evap! And, wow, Father's Day is June 20th! You are one patient lady!!
Thanks for the happy thoughts for my friend, girls.

You're not going to believe this! I sure can't hardly!

So yesterday another friend in the same circle who has two little ones (and had to undergo medications to achieve each of those pregnancies, including an early miscarriage) announces that she's also pregnant--- #3, no intervetions, no meds. Not necessarily planned (they'd given up on being able to conceive without meds or interventions years ago), but *so* very welcomed.

I just can't wrap my mind around the joy of it all... and the timing. Two dear friends, both trying over two years, and both blessed with motherhood again with due dates within a week of one another. WOW!!!

So exciting over here....

And it gives this girl renewed hope, as June marks our two year mark of *actively* trying.

DC, Hey lady! We're doing well. Still very much wanting a baby, but no longer doing any interventions at all. Perhaps it's a break, perhaps it's permanent. For now, it feels right and we're content with the hope within us that one day soon we'll have a little one to raise up in this crazy world. May was a weird month for me, emotionally. Mother's Day seems to haunt me at times, but Paul is supportive and whatever slump I was in a couple weeks ago has lifted and I thank God for it! I can only feel dumpy so long, you know? Anyway, our faith is strong and we're excited. And having friends who've also been through the long wait pop into pregnancy is certainly a lift! I

How are you these days? I miss the updates and stories around here, but honestly, if I read too much or too often about cycle days and this concern and that strategy for pregnancy achievement, it bogs me down and makes me feel like I have to be really stringent and it overtakes too much of my life. So I pop in every now and then (like now, when I have splendid news to share) and when some of the PS girls notify me on FB that good news has been shared here.

I think of you all lots and pray for positives soon.... to be followed by the most precious little babies, to be folllowed by well-behaved and well-mannered, honor roll children (yeah, maybe that's pushing it a little, huh?)....

(CDN.... happy for you, girly! You should have a darker line soon to erase any doubts! If this is our turn at parenthood, I will be telling my husband the day before Father's Day so we can celebrate his first Father's Day the right way! Which will be, oh I don't know, however he wants to, I suppose! Hoping for a darker line soon!!)
CDNYC-I totally see the line too!!!! Can''t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Lili-Thanks so much for such a thorough response and I am sorry that it has been such a difficult road for you! (though your little munchkin makes me smile everytime I see your avatar!) I am 31, turing 32 in July, so while time isn''t on our side, we''re going to wait a while for invasive tests like HSG. But, I think we''ll get the bloodwork and SA in September if nothing has happened by then (DH seems to have cooled a little on getting his "men" tested ASAP:-)

MIcksa, I must have missed a post, what is this SI of which you speak?

I am slowly on the mend, but still can''t really taste, smell, or hear from my right ear...I feel like an old man...not so sexy:-) Hope I am better by the end of next week

Gotta go do a take home final, but I''ll be back later this week:-)
CDN I really think thats a line but I refrain from encouraging since I have thought evap were lines like 5 time. Although, that REALLY looks legit to me. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!!

Bella, its the Soy Isoflavone CDN tried this cycle! Tons of info on FF if you want to look it up. I am going to try it next cycle for SURE!
Dcgator, thanks for sharing. I totally understand; even if it supposedly takes 6-12 months to get pregnant, when you''re doing everything "right", are relatively young and haven''t had any issues in the past, it''s hard to just not know why it''s not happening...and wonder if there is something wrong. I can''t think too much about friends who got pregnant on the first quasi-try saying that there''s nothing to worry about - it makes me stressed and stress is bad! Are you for sure going to get the two tests next cycle if this one doesn''t work out?

CD, good luck!
CDN any news??

AFM I am pretty upset this am. Temps up AGAIN and I will get crosshairs tomorrow if they don''t go down. That means I Oed around CD 11! WTF. I am pretty sure that''s right bc I had sore bbs. Sucks bc I was out of town on CD 9 and 10 so no BD
just really frustrated that it seems to have randomly happened so early. I was CD 16 and possibly 17 last 2 months. Has this ever happened to anyone else? or anyone know anything about what such irregularity would mean? Off to fill my secret Amazon cart with OPKs, preseed and Soy I

oh and KRISSIE where are ya girl?