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Steel said:dcgator: The onesies are adorable. But I hate myself for finding them so darned cute. I like to think I will be the classic Victorian mother dressing the baby up in frills but I seem to be bucking that trend despite myself. But I think I will only cross the line if I wear *in public* anything that Britney Spears wore during her pregnancy. Do you remember that unfortunate 'I've got a golden ticket' ensemble she wore? Now note, I said *in public* because between you and me I'm damned sure gonna buy and wear tops like that, but I will keep them for sweats days; at home. So yeah, I think the gorgeously frilly outfit baby might have a tasteless onesis underneath it; but that will be my mommy dirty secret. Shhhh. He/She can go the therapy later on and blame it all on the slightly inappropriate onesie. Anyhoo; did that ramble take your mind off 2WW? Best of luck honey.
Miscka: I couldn't read a chart if I tried. But I wish you bundles of luck!
Brightlight:How evil of FF to put you 2WW when you are not! No woman TTC likes the 2WW, never mind being told you are waiting when you are still in game mode. Good luck!
As for me: Nothing to report. Just gettin' on with life. I put a deposit on a little car yesterday so I can be scooting about here, there and everywhere. 1st on the list is to get to the hairdresser. Does anybody else have serious grey going on - where the hell do the little blighters come from. Well anyway I have a grey hair convention that is about to be seriously terminated for lack of venue. I'm gonna try high and low lights to blast them away rather than an all over colour. We will see. Plus I will be irresistible to DH - all the better for TTC. Good luck to ALL!
ETA1 Neh ne nah ne ne... Yes I edited...bah....the shame...![]()
ETA2 Oooh, nobody noticed I edited that time. Since 2.0 a big notice has come up when I have snuck back in to edit my idiot spelling, but I got away with it just now. Well apart from me writing this...rats.
Carry on.
dcgator said:Well see if I can keep that superstar attitude through the next few days, but I am really going to try. Good luck to the rest of the ladies in the TTC pool!
gaby06 said:I'm CD1 todayI was hopping to be this the month, but I guess we will have to wait a bit longer.
This month I ordered the cheap pregnancy test as well as the cheap ovulation sticks, and I'm going to buy the clear blue as well and use them as the same time with the hope of more accuracy![]()