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Miscka said:Thanks again everyone for the congrats!!!! It means the world.
dc - I told him by running from the bathroom to the bedroom yelling "we made a baby! we made a baby!"Not the cutest or most creative way for sure!
Miscka - Ithe way you told your DH, that is quite adorable. Congrats again! How are you feeling now, any more symptoms yet? Btw, I chickened out on the SI. I may try it next cycle though. I have had a weird development, but I will get to that a bit later.
Brooks - I did get my CD3 B/W done, and I should find out the results tomorrow morning. In fact they said they had the results back on Friday, but the Dr. didn't get back to me,. Oh well, I guess I will know in the morning. Were your results all normal, or did they find anything? Personally, I am more concerned about low progestrone levels, so I might try to get them to run those tests. Did you plan on getting those done as well? Otherwise, how is your cycle going thus far, anymore clarity?
Houie - I have seen your latest BFP and you look great! How are you feeling now? Thanks for checking in us and do keep poking your head in b/c the rest of us appreciate the support![]()
Ryan Claire - Yippee on getting to your first 2WW!I really hope you get KU on your first go out. Fingers, toes, knees etc crossed for you. Please keep us updated!
Po - Aww, no sad thoughts lady, I am here with. I think I've been here longer than you too, so you are not quite the senior citizen on this thread yet, lol. Just keep those positive baby thoughts my dear. I have definitley had my times when I am thrilled that everyone is moving on but felt like the only kid not picked for the team. But all we can do is hang in there and eventually, we will get our chance to play...BIG HUG sweetie!
AFM, I had quite an interesting thing happen this morning. Since I got my period on Tuesday, I didn't even bother to contine to test with my HPT's. Well my period was really only 2 days of heavy flow, and then 2 more days of light/spotting. In addition, my temps have been bouncing around like a ping pong ball. Down to 96.3 CD1 and back up to 97.1 2 days later. So, for whatever reason, I decided to test this morning. Imagine my complete and utter surprise to see a super faint 2nd line (though real and not imagined as confirmed by my DH). So, I am thinking that I may have gotten KU and not gotten a BFP till CD15 (which would have been Tuesday morning), then I got my period and lost the little eggie and now just have residual HCG in my system. While I was thrilled to finally see a real 2nd line for my first time in 7 cycles (not counting the false positive I had once), I am saddened to think that I didn't check sooner. While I know there is nothing I really could have done, I feel like maybe I could have done something, like take progestrone or something. Oh well, I guess it's good to know that I can get KU. But, now I am even more convinced that instead of just getting CD3 B/W done, I should be getting my progestrone levels checked too.
So, since the doc is supposed to call me tomorrow for my results of my CD3 B/W, I am going to discuss with her about checking my progestrone levels. I am also going to take another test to see if the HCG is gone completely or what. I will definitely let you ladies know what happens with both my B/W levels and the HCG levels.
dcgator said:Hey Ladies
Just a quick update on the HPT front: the test this morning had no 2nd line (not even a faint one) so I guess it was just as I suspected that I might have gotten KU, but it didn't last. Oh well, I imagine the good think is that after 7 cycles, I finally got to see that elusive 2nd line. I am P.O.'ed that I didn't test during the down time since I would have seen a brighter line for once, but such is life. I guess somebody didn't want to me to get too excited only to be let down even more. Oh well, like I said before, at least I know that I can actually get KU, which is a huge victory after seeing so many stark white HPT's I was about to start painting one myself,![]()
I called the Dr. this morning, and they still haven't looked at my results so that is kind of annoying, but I plan to be annoying and continue calling back until they get me my results.
Thanks for everybody's support, but keep all your happy thoughts for a few more weeks, please.![]()
PS Geri (or anyone else who can had that experience) - If you are lurking, I know you had a couple chemical pregnancies. Were you able to get KU the cycle immediately proceeding the BFP one? I just want to know if I can still get KU this cycle or do I have to wait till the next one. I would be REALLY bummed to have to wait, but I would rather know now...![]()