
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen- OH MY GOD!!!! Definitely a line. I am so excited for you!! Congratulations :appl: :love: :appl: :love:

Charbie- Well, I feel like my CM mucus is all over the place. Like I've only had EWCM once and that was with my first round of clomid and there was A LOT of EWCM but it only lasted for a few hours. Sometimes I would get watery CM before AF. I don't know. Any advice?

Laura- Welcome! Hoping for a very short stay here :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen- OH MY GOD!!!! Definitely a line. I am so excited for you!! Congratulations :appl: :love: :appl: :love:

Charbie- Well, I feel like my CM mucus is all over the place. Like I've only had EWCM once and that was with my first round of clomid and there was A LOT of EWCM but it only lasted for a few hours. Sometimes I would get watery CM before AF. I don't know. Any advice?

Laura- Welcome! Hoping for a very short stay here :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY BLEN! That's right about the darkness of my lines on the wondfo's. It wasn't until this morning that I felt I had a nice bright line. You're preggo with numero dos, Mama! Excited to go through this with you- since we'll be due within days of each other. It'll be nice to have an experienced one knowing right where I'm at ;)

Fab- Huh. I also have gotten the watery CM before AF, but the EWCM is so "unique"- I'm hoping hat with the Femera you'll see it in abundance! Wooo-hooo for some baby making!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen... EEK!!! That looks to me like an early line that is getting darker!! TONS of sticky dust to you and congrats! :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you for all of the well wishes and dust! To clarify, I can tell from the tests that there is definitely hcg in my system - the question mark in my mind right now is just WHY it is there. I am so hopeful that there is a new little baby growing in there. Friday can't come fast enough right now. Charbie, I would LOVE to go through this with you! :D
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen, I know it is so hard waiting to get your Beta HCG #'s in. I've been there. You were so right on to go in and get the first beta taken right away. Good news is that Friday is right around the corner. So excited for you!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen, yay, for a darker line, congrats :appl: I am so happy for you!!!

Sending all of you TTC's sticky dust!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you, Skippy and LizzyAnn! LizzyAnn: I usually think that little good can come out of really early testing - and yet I do it anyway, funny that - but I am really grateful that my 4-day wait starts now and not after waiting to take the first test to start with. The midwife was so nice too - she told me that she could see me in the next 45 minutes if I got down there right then, as they weren't even holding office hours today but she was in the office at the moment, or I could wait until tomorrow, but that she'd recommend being kind to myself and just doing it THEN. I dropped everything at work and headed to their office, and I'm really glad that she worked me in like that.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen!!! I'm so glad you tested. Hee hee, I'm as smiley as little (or should I say big) G is in your Av. :appl: I dunno how you're going to wait till Friday, but maybe I'll do my best and ask noobie questions to you to distract you. ;)) So nice of your midwife to work you into her schedule. That's awesome.

Laura, WELCOME!!!! There's a few of us here that are in the early stages of TTC. I'm half in/half out myself. Also try to attune myself with my fertility signs. Hee hee, i feel like I sound like a 70's disco dancer, "What's your sign, babe?" Hee hee.

Charbie, how are you feeling, friend? I see you're hanging in the JBP thread. Yay!

on my side, I suspect AF will come tomorrow, but who knows. This will be my first AF after HBC so not sure what to expect. I used to get them on Tues after the last day of my active pills, but I'd also have 90 day cycles on my HBC. Well, we'll see.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen, I'm so happy you were able to conceive again so fast! Yay! How are you feeling this time? I'm sending you tons of sticky dust and am so hopeful!!

:wavey: everyone else! I hope you're well and that this year brings you all BFPs very soon!!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks LC and Mrs!

Mrs - not really feeling symptoms yet (but it is early), and I am tentatively quite excited.

I am running out the door right now, but wanted to post this. I know that it doesn't mean anything from an official medical standpoint but I still find it very encouraging! #1 was taken with more dilute urine, but #2 and #3 should have been similar concentration.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen, so so happy for you! I know the darkness of the line doesn't "hypothetically" mean much, but there is no doubt that those are 3 BFP's. Congratulations! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations Charbie! Told you I was psychic! Major sticky dust for you!

And another YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! for you Blen! Well done, ladies! Let's keep up the good BFP work!

Welcome to the thread, Laura!

Happy New Year to all the TTC ladies and lurkers!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen – Congrats! HH 9 months to you!

RRose, Blen, Fabcrab, llian, WOIN – Thanks for the warm welcome. Hope all of our stays are short!

I did not get the positive I thought I would last night. I caught a stomach bug a couple days after Christmas and as soon as I started feeling better from that, I started coming down with a cold. Maybe that is throwing things off a bit. I am actually really not that far off – today is CD 15 and I’ve gotten positives before on this CD. I’ve been peeing on sticks like crazy since Sunday trying to catch the elusive :) . Hope I don’t run out, those are freakin expensive!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen those sticks looks great, I really doubt it is lingering HCG with sticks looking like that. Can't wait for the confirmation though from the beta! Yah!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Charbie and Blen I am so happy for you both!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen- Congrats mama to be for the 2nd time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much sticky dust!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen, I'm no doctor but I highly doubt it's lingering HCG. If the lines on your test were getting lighter as the days go by, then maybe I'd say lingering HCG. But they are getting darker!!!!! Pretty sure there is a little bean in your belly lady!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just popping in real quick! :wavey:

SOOOO EXCITED BLEN and CHARBIE!!!! I'm so so so happy for you guys. Tons and tons of dust! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What wonderful Wondfos! And they're darkening, too! So awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Sending lots of dust and hugs!!!!!!!! So exciting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Charbie- I didn't know....omg congrats!!!!! Here's to a super sticky bean.

Blen. :appl: :appl: yeah!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much LuvinLife, Bliss, WOIN, Scarlet, Bella Mezzo, Moxie, Dreamer, Laura, LizzyAnn, and FabCrab!

I think that you guys (Dreamer, LizzyAnn, et al) are probably right, but I am just nervous about the betas and scared that if I "call it" now, then it's not going to work out or something. I don't think I will be ready to join the early preggo thread until I get those results back. The good thing is that I've been busy enough at work that I haven't had too much time just to sit and dwell on it.

I am kicking myself for not going ahead and peeing on a dang stick a couple of weeks ago. I have a friend who miscarried a day before me who did just that to make sure that she got a negative, and talking to her prompted me to go to the drugstore, but then the cheapest tests at the store I went to were $10 a piece and I was like, "This is ridiculous! I am leaving! Take that, store!" In retrospect, not the right decision. Hindsight is 20/20 though. :lol:

Laura - If there is a next time or if you run out, Wondfo also makes cheap ovulation sticks. I haven't tried them, but the pregnancy tests seem to do the job!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blenheim|1294194222|2814534 said:
Thanks so much LuvinLife, Bliss, WOIN, Scarlet, Bella Mezzo, Moxie, Dreamer, Laura, LizzyAnn, and FabCrab!

I think that you guys (Dreamer, LizzyAnn, et al) are probably right, but I am just nervous about the betas and scared that if I "call it" now, then it's not going to work out or something. I don't think I will be ready to join the early preggo thread until I get those results back. The good thing is that I've been busy enough at work that I haven't had too much time just to sit and dwell on it.

Blen - OMG, that totally looks promising to me too. While not an expert by any means, I can't imagine that the clearly darkening line means anything other than you are KU lady! I am super duper hopeful for a sticky little bean for you and hope that Friday gets here soon! An early congrats and I hope to see you in the JBP thread soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

What did today's pee stick look like Blen?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DCGator - Thank you! I really hope to join you ladies soon.

Dreamer - Today's stick looked pretty much exactly like yesterday's. I was a little bummed that it wasn't darker, but they're not meant to be used for qualitative purposes and at least it was darker than the first two...

Just got the second beta drawn. The first one came back as 28. The midwife who drawed today's was kind of negative about it and thought that it was more consistent with lingering hcg than a new pregnancy, but I'm not convinced she was reading the chart right. It said that at the range for hcg at 3 weeks pregnant was 7-71, and so she wanted today's (possible 3w6d) to come back at minimum 71. Doubling would be "just" 56. I thought the range was just a range, and didn't mean it would be 7 at 3w0d and 71 at 3w6d? Like, during the 3rd week all of those hcgs could be normal, depending on when the fertilized egg implanted and how the woman's body was responding? Not to mention that I thought that the "test 5 days before your missed period" tests detected levels of 25 or higher and were meant for 10dpo or later. So a level of 28 on 11 dpo wouldn't be unexpected, I wouldn't think. She also said that she didn't work much and almost never dealt with betas this early and was filling in for someone...

If I did ovulate 13 days ago, then AF is expected today. No sign.

Super emotional today, but George's ophthamologist also said at his appointment this morning that he needs surgery on both eyes, so it could be that, plus the waiting.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen--I think you are more on the up-and-up than the nurse who drew your blood :) I completely agree that 7 - 71 is a range since as you stated, the hgcs are going to vary based on when the egg was fertilized. That you fall wihin the range would be my primary concern. Will you get the results tomorrow?

I am so, so sorry George has to have eye surgery :(

AFM--I have an interview on Monday with my old boss who is now at another company. I'm very torn since I'd decided to stay where I am and was pleased that it meant moving up our TTC timeline. But he is a fabulous boss, it would be a great opportunity for me and it would be a nice compensation increase, so I'm pursuing it. The kicker is that here I get more vacation time, 2 weeks paid maternity leave (+ short term disability) and they have a new parent transition program wherein I can work part-time for up to 3 months after taking my leave without taking a pay cut. If I do get another offer I may talk with my boss about matching the salary unless I feel this opportunity is much better for me. I just want to get all of this settled so I can start focusing on TTC, darn it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blenheim|1294262219|2815132 said:
DCGator - Thank you! I really hope to join you ladies soon.

Dreamer - Today's stick looked pretty much exactly like yesterday's. I was a little bummed that it wasn't darker, but they're not meant to be used for qualitative purposes and at least it was darker than the first two...

Just got the second beta drawn. The first one came back as 28. The midwife who drawed today's was kind of negative about it and thought that it was more consistent with lingering hcg than a new pregnancy, but I'm not convinced she was reading the chart right. It said that at the range for hcg at 3 weeks pregnant was 7-71, and so she wanted today's (possible 3w6d) to come back at minimum 71. Doubling would be "just" 56. I thought the range was just a range, and didn't mean it would be 7 at 3w0d and 71 at 3w6d? Like, during the 3rd week all of those hcgs could be normal, depending on when the fertilized egg implanted and how the woman's body was responding? Not to mention that I thought that the "test 5 days before your missed period" tests detected levels of 25 or higher and were meant for 10dpo or later. So a level of 28 on 11 dpo wouldn't be unexpected, I wouldn't think. She also said that she didn't work much and almost never dealt with betas this early and was filling in for someone...

If I did ovulate 13 days ago, then AF is expected today. No sign.

Super emotional today, but George's ophthamologist also said at his appointment this morning that he needs surgery on both eyes, so it could be that, plus the waiting.

YOU are correct the midwife was talking out of her a$$ ;)) I would be shocked if a 28 was lingering from your m/c especially given that you had signs of ovulation. No way you would ovulate with an HCG level like that. As a comparison, I think that DCGator and another PSer had a level of 17 at 10/11 DPO. So yours is higher than that. And you are correct about doubling time. There is *no* absolute value for betas. And if it goes up at all, even if not technically doubling in 72 hours (which is the "slowest" they like to see) it is still in the range of possibly normal and could not possibly be lingering HCG from the m/c, which would not be going up :rolleyes: So there you go. Wait and see. And be informed in case the next midwife is equally unsure about this stuff.

And sorry about Georgie :blackeye: When will he need the surgery?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL, Holy moley that new gig sounds like a really nice family-friendly place. I'd be inclined to take that over a current position, but I'm also a wandering spirit (if you will). I'm finally happy and feel like I can stay at my current role for at least 3 yrs, so that's what finally tipped the "Yup, I'm ready" decision for me.

Blen, Wow! I couldn't get around your numbers, made my head spin, but I also think that you know more than the nurse/midwife that took your blood. I'm going to be watching your posts like a HAWK to hear the good news :) Sorry to hear about G. When will everything be definite?

Nothing new with me. Just wanted to say Hi. I might be expecting AF this week (or not, we'll see). I started temping, but it was towards the end of my cycle, so I don't think it'll say much. More like getting in practice for next cycle. I also think I'm going take the plunge and do OPKs or Easy Blue Clear (or however that goes) next month. I guess I just want my cycle to get back to normal, and to O, so I know that we'll be good to go, when we're ready to go.

Did some BDing this week (Sunday) but again not an earnest effort, PnP as Mrs. Charbie puts it. :) DH has been nursing a cold for the past 3 weeks, so he's been nyquil-ing and going to bed early. Kinda puts a cramp in the BDing...

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen, I find it hilarious that the midwife chose to give you her opinion on the first HCG beta read, but then goes on to say she doesn't work much and doesn't know much about early reads. :roll: Come on...she shouldn't have said anything then. Again, I am not a doctor, but in my opinion 28 is perfectly acceptable for an early read. I remember when I finally got pregnant with my son, my first beta HCG was also low, but within the normal range. When i called to get the beta #, the nurse was pessimistic saying it looked low. I thought I was miscarrying again because she freaked me out so bad. When my second beta results came in, it had more than doubled. I spoke with my Dr. and he was FURIOUS with the nurse for making me worry. I went on to have a beautiful baby boy! Hang in there! Friday is almost here. You are smart not to call it for sure. I will be the same way when my time comes. Good news for you is that your period is late!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blen, you're totally right, a beta of 28 at 11 dpo is perfectly fine!!! Sorry the midwife gave you cause to worry. :(( If I recall correctly, my first beta this pregnancy was at 11 dpo (or was it 12 dpo?) and it was "only" 19. And now I'm 2 days away from full term. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: With the O signs you had, the darkening pee sticks, and the 28 at 11 dpo....I think all signs point to preggo. I'd be REALLY surprised if it was lingering HCG.