
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC- I ordered some cheapie PG tests and I'm excited to get it. How's it going? Did Af show up yet?

Irish- Welcome back!

Laura- I'm taking Femara to help with ovulation.

NEL- That's exciting about the new job and working with your old boss. I hope the doggie gets well soon.

Scarlet- haha about optimism--I may be + here but you should see me in person :cheeky:

Pumpkin-Hoping for a nice BFP!!!


As for moi, AF showed up with a vengeance today (bloating cramps and all)!!! It's ok I was getting anxious to have a fresh start anyways. So I was actually freaking out because my luteal phase in the past was ~11 days and this cycle it was 15 days. I guess it's good that it's on the longer side but I knew AF was going to show since my temp dropped yesterday. This is also good news because this makes it CD11 when DH gets back from business and I've never ovulated that early EVER. I am really hoping this works! I guess ovulating is half the battle and that happened last month :bigsmile:. I just have to stay positive but it's definitely a roller coaster at times and I have mini pity parties about being disadvantaged but previous TTC success stories have definitely given me lots of hope. :naughty:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello ladies-

We have a snow day in NYC so I'm working from home (which means more Pricescope sneaks)!

Fabcrab-As the hubby says, AF is a good thing since it tells us everything is working. Although, it's hard not to get disappointed when we're trying. I have a feeling it's your turn.

NEL- Fingers crossed for the pups. Work/life balance, wishing you the opportunity to get that!!! It's so weird when I was younger, I was 100% about my career but the closer I get to having a kid, the more I wish I'd chosen a profession that would allow for that more easily. I just spoke with a friend who is going PT at 60% and that's STILL 4 days a week, and with a pretty major pay cut to boot. It's going to be hard to figure out what to do! Either way, it's great you have some options.

Blen (and NEL)-My temp was 97.3 today, so I'm pretty sure still no ovulation. I've read about the body gearing up and then not ovulating but I feel like this has happened EVERY month! I'm starting to wonder if something is wrong. I have noted that every time I get cramping (which I always think is Mittleschmirtz) its always on the right side. So I wonder if the right side tries to ovulate but can't. :errrr: Although, usually when my temp drops as low as it did this am, that means the O is coming shortly. As for BD'ing this weekend, we'll try to squeeze it in, but being "quiet" is easier said than done!!! :naughty: :naughty:

IrishAngel-Welcome to the thread! And we hope hope hope your stay is short!

LC-Have you ever done any of the juice cleanses? There are a couple of companies in NYC that do them and they are fantastic. Actually, if we don't get preggers this cycle, I may do one more. As for AF, that stinks but I think your body is just trying to work itself off the Seasonale.

AFM, another WEIRD symptom to ask about. I got the tiniest bit of spotting yesterday, and only once when I wiped last night. I would normally guess implantation spotting but again my temp has been low and the EWCM had only been like 3 days ago! SO weird!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Sorry I've been missing in action! We've been busy over here but today there is lots of SNOW so we are stuck in all day!!!

Fabcrab, sorry that you got a BFN, but sounds like you are on track for next cycle! Good news like you said is that you did ovulate. Do you use OPK's? I might have missed that if you said you were. I really like them. They give me some reassurance as to when I am O'ing etc. TTC is a roller coaster for sure. Hang in there, the roller coaster ride does end with a sweet little one in your belly and it makes it so worth it!

Lauraloo, 2ww is so exciting yet nerve wracking. I think you gave it your all for sure. Those little swimmers can live for up to 5 days so I think you covered it! Good Luck and keep us posted!

Pumpkin, how are you doing? Any sign of AF or a BFP?!

Scarlet, I hope you were able to get some BD in while you had house guests! Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures!!! :lol: A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!!!

LC, any sign of AF or a BFP??!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Irishangel, welcome back and good luck to you!!!!

NEL - glad to hear your dog is feeling better. Starting a new job will be exciting especially if it is working under a great boss. The fact that he is family friendly is HUGE if you plan on returning to work. it will make the transition so much easier for you and the fam! Any news on an offer?

Scarlet, the spotting is interesting. have you ever gotten spotting before? Definitely could be implantation. Keep an eye on it. Any cramping? Where are you in your cycle?

AFM, my OPK's are getting darker and darker so my guess is tomorrow it will be a full on positive. My DH and I BD'd on Monday and plan on BD for the rest of the week. He works from home so he is making time in the afternoon while my DS is napping so we can BD! :lol: I am just too tired at the end of the day after chasing around my little guy. So it's afternoon delight for me!!!! Hey, do any of you do anything after you BD like put your legs up in the air?? I totally do that. My DH thinks I'm hilarious but it worked last time!! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Scarlet do you have any older charts to post from past months? I can think of two possibilities, one is that you do not show atemp shift but ovulation occurrs, which is not uncommon. The other is that you are just not ovulating. Do you tend to only get the one patch of fertile CF or do you get a few in the month? The former would be more indicative of ovulation than the latter.

Also, are you sure it was EW and not semen? They are hard to tell apart. Finally, are you assessing CM internally or externally?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Angel, Welcome!!! hope your stay here is short!

NEL, having a great boss is HUGE, so I definitely thing it's great to know that he's a really great boss. And him being a family person too makes it great also.

Fab, Awesome analogy of a "reset". I like it. GREAT that DH's trip will align in time for some serious BD action. ;))

Scarlet, snow day! Yay! Dunno about your symptoms, but you've got Dreamer on the case, and she's a regular book worm (in a total good way Dreamer!) I've heard of the juice cleanses, we haven't tried those. I hear some of the juices are WAY tasty.

Lizzy, hooray for the OPK showing good sign. Get your groove on girly!NO AF or BFP, i think it's just going to be an uneventual AF.

AFM on the TTC front, I've been tempting since Day 20-ish, and FF said I O'd like 6 days ago. I don't really buy it much, but it's going on just temperature shifts. So at least I think I'll be getting AF soon.

On the non-TTC front, things have been H.E.L.L. MIL got in a serious crash on Monday. We actually flew out yesterday and are at the hospital.

Catch up later. But MIL is doing better today. Still not outta the woods, but better.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Irish Angel – Welcome!

NEL – Glad to hear about your pup and that the interview went well! The work/life balance thing is constantly on my mind, I hope you find what you’re looking for. Any news on an offer?

Fabcrab – I hope this cycle is it for you!

Scarlet – What CD are you on? Do you ever have any spotting other than when AF shows? Hope you get some answers soon!

Lizzyann – Hope you get your +opk and that your son feels like napping! I discreetly try to elevate my pelvis – don’t want MH thinking I’m a nut!

LC – glad your MIL is doing better, hope she makes a full recovery quickly.

AFM – Just hanging out in the 2WW. I’m about 7/8 DPO. Not sure how to count that since I got +opks on 2 consecutive days. They were positive from midday CD16 to midday on CD 17. I may have tested at 5/6dpo and 7/8dpo :rolleyes: knowing exactly what the results would be. Couldn’t help myself, if there are sticks in the house, I must pee on them! I was born without patience. If there is a next month I’ll invest in some cheapies and I think I might give temping another try. I tried before a few months back, but didn’t last more than a week. I won’t be peeing on anything else till at least Saturday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PP--How are you, lady? Still keeping everything crossed for you!

FabCrab--Sorry AF showed up with a vengeance, however I'm excited that the timing works out well this month! Having to worry about coordinating business travel around O is probably no fun, but it sounds like you're all clear this month!

Scarlet--So how is your temp today? Your body is trying to play some sort of trick on you with all of these mixed signals.

I couldn't agree more about wishing I'd considered another career when I was younger. I sort of had tunnel vision and thought I was going to be the successful, bread-winning woman in the business world without any thought that I might want work/life balance at some point. Now I wish I'd considered something like being a physical therapist--I could set my own schedule, do something I'd feel really good about and maybe even open my own practice one day. Hindsight is 20/20, I guess!

Hope you enjoyed your snow day, I know I did!

LizzyAnn--yay for pinpointing your O day! Now have fun!! :naughty:

LC--I am SO SORRY about your MIL. How is she doing???

LauraLoo--I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I also got two positives on my OPKs this month, so not sure which day I Oed (though DH was out of town and we aren't officially trying yet). Saturday is just around the corner, though I'm sure it feels like forever to you!

AFM: No news on any offer yet, I think there is going to be another round of interviews. I'm really torn right now about what to do, but don't want to sweat it too much since I may not get an offer, anyway. I just want it all settled so I can really focus on TTC. I should probably pull myself away from this thread until I know I can TTC, but now I'm so emotionally invested in all of you that I keep wanting to post even if I have to hold off on TTC for several more months!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Laura, I couldn't help but giggle about being born without patience. I'm the same way. At least I'm at my in-law's house so I can't pee on anything even if I wanted to.

Lizzy, Hee hee about the "afternoon pick me up" shall we say. I'm a big fan of the morning BD, but DH loves to sleep in, so it's a "only on vacations" thing. Never tried the legs up in the air thing, but why the heck not! You've got a little run around from it, soo might as well give it a shot! YOur DH probably finds it amusing if anything.

MIL is still critical, but now has an infection. They said the next two days are probably going to be pretty bad... :(sad My BIL and I went to the impound today. OMG the car looked AWFUL! I collected a few of her things from the driver's seat and... :errrr: We're staying positive and hanging in there.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Not a lot of time to type, but I just saw LCs note.....thoughts and prayers for your MIL LC. I am glad you and your husband were able to fly out there to be with her during such a tough time. Please keep us posted as you have time.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for all of the welcome wishes ladies!

I'm very sorry about your MIL, LC. I'll definitely keep her in my thoughts. 2011 hasn't gotten off to a great start it seems. :(

To answer NEL's question, I took my last BC pill today. I had a sudden revelation during the week before Christmas that we were ready for a baby and all of the reasons we said we were waiting were just excuses. DH agreed and went on to say that he didn't have any clue why we were waiting at all. It was weird though because DH and I had just decided that we'd go for it, but it's as if everyone knew because all of a sudden we were bombarded with the questions about when a baby would be joining our family. Go figure. =) Anyway, this revelation occurred two days after I started a new pack of bc pills. :rolleyes: So, when I went to the doctor I of course needed to finish that cycle of pills, and then he recommended we wait 1-2 months before TTC to make sure everything goes back to working properly. It makes perfect sense, but it's frustrating to have to wait before we can even start trying. I'm trying to be positive about the whole thing, but a part of me is nervous that we'll run into some trouble. A few women in my family have had trouble getting pregnant (and staying pregnant). Supposedly there are no genetic factors, and DH and I both have a clean bill of health, but I tend to worry...especially when it seems I am surrounded by couples who are currently having trouble conceiving. We're trying to be positive, and DH thinks we have nothing to worry about, so I'm trying to go with that. =) In the mean time, I started taking my prenatal vitamins and I went out and bought a basal thermometer so I'd have something to do for the next 2 months. The doctor (as well as some friends who've had children) didn't think I needed to start charting so I wasn't planning on it (it'd just be something else for me to obsess over) but I went and did it anyway.

Also, we planned a long weekend in Vegas! :appl: I've never been there, and we all know once a baby is on board it won't happen for a long time, so it's our last hurrah before (hopefully) our lives change forever. :)

So it worth it to pay for fertility friend or ovusoft's membership or is the free account sufficient? Should I start paying now or wait until we are officially TTC? I've looked around the websites a bit but they don't seem to give a whole lot of information until you sign up...and then even more if you pay. Just curious. :)

Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC, how is your MIL today? I'm so sorry to hear that she now has an infection--ugh, what a kick in the gut. I'm so glad you and your DH were able to get out to her. I've been thinking about you and am hoping she's on her way to healing.

IrishAngel--your story about suddenly realizing there was no reason to wait made me smile. I think it would be so much fun to say "we're ready, let's go for it" and that be that! I feel like I'm always hemming and hawing and thinking and strategizing. I think this will be a lot of fun for you and your DH. Congrats on your first day off of the pill!

PP and LauraLoo--keeping my fingers crossed for both of you ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC- I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your MIL!!!! *BIG HUGS* A similar thing happened to me a year ago and I know how emotionally draining it is to go through that. Please keep us updated. You and your family are in my thoughts. I am glad you are staying positive--you will get through this. How are you guys holding up?

Scarlet- You are so sweet!!! I am crossing my fingers for you too for implantation spotting and BFP! Your ring is gorgeous by the way :cheeky: Yeah similar thing happened to me with clomid like on the first cycle I got tons of EWCM on CD15 but I didn't get a temp rise until CD19. I think some of the folks says that the temp shift is only accurate to about 2-3 days.

Lizzy- Thanks! So did you get a positive OPK? Yes, I use OPKs--the clearblue digital ones with a smiley face but I guess I was testing too late during the day so I missed last month's surge. It was weird too because I could've sworn I would've gotten a positive on CD18 last month but the test just freaked out and wouldn't read it and of course when I tested again it was a negatron. Oh well! I'm excited for this round hehe.

Laura- I totally know what you mean about testing! I have the same testing obsession, but I try not to give in hehe. It's like, I just want to know damn it! But at the same time, if I end up having a chemical pregnancy then I'd really rather not know so I use that as an inspiration not to test too soon but it always doesn't work. I got some cheapies from amazon just the other day...didn't know they require plastic cups lol but I'm on CD4 right now so I have like a couple of weeks before I need plastic cups.

NEL- Hey, even though you are not 100% TTC yet, we love having you here and love hearing from you.

Irish- That's great!!!! I am super excited for you. It looks like you're in the right track for charting. As far as the fertilityfriend question, I just opted for the free membership. I find that that's plenty enough for me to keep track of my cycles. It's funny that family members and friends just have a way of "knowing". I wonder if TTC'ers just ooze out the baby fever? :devil:


As for moi, nothing too exciting to report. I am on CD 4 and I took my second set of 5 mg femara pills. The RE nurse is sounds super positive that it should work again and she's rooting that this month is it too :appl: . I also came to a realization that I may be overanalyzing this whole process so far and I just need to kind of take a step back, relax, and enjoy the ride (esp BD haha :naughty:).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ladies, you guys are fantastic! Mil is still critical, has more infections, but the doctors are pleased with her progress. I don't know anything about this medical stuff, but she's smiling, is more responsive, etc. so I take that as a good sign. Thanks for all your thoughts and well WISHES.

But lets talk about baby stuff to keep my mind off things!

Angel, contrasts for getting off the pill! there's a few if us that just got off. I'm waiting to complete my first cycle off birth control. Cd 38
our something like that. I'm pretty sure it's a getting off birth control thing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies,
I am having a hard time keeping up with this thread over the past few weeks. But AF did arrive, as expected. It is disappionting, but that was only our third month trying. I am on CD 5 today and we're planning quite a lot of BD this cycle, so fingers crossed :)
Good luck to everyone else - I will try to catch up later!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies!

MIL is doing better. She's still got her infections, but the surgeon said her broken bones can be operated on Monday, so that's got to be good news. They're weaning her from the ventilator, and after the surgery, hopefully they can take it out. She's communicating with us and is alert.

Pumpkin, sounds like you have a plan for this cycle. :)) Definitely hope you enjoy it.

Fab, you've got a great attitude about enjoying yourself. I'm also cheering you guys on this cycle.

NEL, have you heard back from the company about more interviews/offer? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I agree I totally feel like I'm invested in eveyrone here too. Hope you hear soon, and we're not quite on the TTC boat here, I'm just "prepping" I guess.

Angel, it seems like 2011 is a crappy start, but I hope this means the TTC part will good news for everyone? We'll see. we're not there yet, but we'll get there. very exciting that you and your DH decided to take the plunge. Fantastic. :) I know what you mean by a last hurrah. We were planning on something like that, but I don't think that it's in the cards anymore. But we can still do something smaller but closer. Personally, I'm on the free F-F access. Some of the ladies here are pros about charting so I'll probably stick to the free FF membership.

So DH and his sister got in a fight yesterday. And stupid me I got in the middle of it to try to clear the air. Dude, they're a two grown adults acting like children. :rolleyes: SIL of course took anger out on me when I tried to talk to her. I understand but it was a lot of negativity. I had to call my sister to help me calm down and process it. And all I could think was, "Really??? Through all of this going on, you're still picking a fight?" SIL expects everyone to read her mind and DH kinda sits in his own world... It's ridiculous that they can't just act like grown ups.... (Vent over, thanks for letting me steam guys)

AFM, I'm on CD 41. Still waiting for AF.... My temps are still elevated, so i guess I'll just wait and see. I started TCOYF and they said that LP can go for 11-14 days. Day 11 would be Monday; Day 14 will be Thursday. So, I'm thinking sometime this week, AF should be here.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies!

Scarlet, any news? just wondering how you are doing...

lc, glad to hear your MIl is doing better. Sounds like she is getting thru this ordeal one step at a time which is all you can hope for. I hope AF comes soon for you. Sorry to hear about the fight with the SIL. I'm sure your DH and her are quite stressed over their mom getting in an accident, so they are probably very emotional and acting in a different way then they normally do in order to try to get thru it the best they can. Hopefully, as their mom gets better, they will be less stressed and will be in a better place.

Laura, how are you doing? You are so funny about the "urge" to pee on sticks if they are in the house. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who elevates my pelvis after BD. Hey, any little bit helps!!!

New england lady, are you a Patriots fan? Can you believe their loss to the Jets??? I hear you on the career choices we make when we are younger vs. the ones we wished we would have made. I think at some point along the way you just decide to TTC and then go with the flow. It will all work out. It sounds to me like you really want to get started but are hesitant with the new job, which I totally understand. It is always good to have a plan, but my best advice is plan as much as you can and then let life lead you. You may get lucky and get PG right away or it could take a little, you know? Now, if you take the new job, do you have to be with the new company for a certain amount of time before you get a paid maternity leave? Any news on another interview or an offer with the new company? Whether you decide to wait a little longer to start TTC or not, please stay and post here. It is always nice to read your comments!

Irishangel, so exciting to be off the BCP! Definitely go to Vegas and enjoy! it definitely gets a lot harder to take trips once the little one arrives!

Fabcrab, glad to hear you are on track for next cycle! Sounds like your RE nurse thinks this may be the month as well!! You are so right to stay positive and go with the flow. TTC can be emotionally draining on you and your relationship with your DH but I think the more you relax and stay positive the sooner you will have a positive outcome! Dust for you!!!

Pumpkin, sorry to hear AF arrived. :cry: Darn it. Fingers crossed for you next month! Lots of BD!!

AFM, I got a positive LH surge on my OPK on CD16. We BD on CD12, CD14, CD15, and CD16. I hope that was enough. What do you guys think? I was hoping to BD on CD17 but we had family over that day and we were so exhausted by the end of the day that we weren't up for it. eh. I'm debating on luring my DH into BD tonight, but after the Patriots loss I don't know if he'll be up for it!! ha ha! Would it even be worth it or too late? Based on the ovulation calculators, my most fertile days were Cd12-CD16, so I hope we did well! Let me know what you all think?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies

Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend (sorry if you don't have a long weekend!)

fabcrab - good luck this cycle, you have such a positive attitude. I'm routing for you too!

LC - so glad your MIL is doing better!

NEL - How is Byron doing?

PP - sorry about AF... Sounds like you have a plan for this cycle, hope this is it!

Lizzy - Looks like you covered your bases, good luck! Your window is probably shut by now but who cares, a little pratice might take his mind off that devastating loss last night. MH wanted to go to bed (to sleep!) immediately after the game. Keep your feet in the air! :lol:

As for me - BFNs all weekend. I think I am about 11dpo today and expecting AF by Thursday I think. I was sick at the beginning of this cycle so everything got shifted a couple of days. I guess it's still early, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I did just order a bazillion opks and hpts and some preseed from amazon. Don't even want to know what I spent on those at the drug store this cycle. I think I'll start charting next cycle too so I can pinpoint O. I'm starting some projects around the house so that should keep me plenty busy and less obsessive for the next cycle. I can't believe how loooonng the 2ww is!! I definitely need to find some hobbies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies,

Laura, Great idea to have hobbies keep you busy during the 2WW. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Sorry about your hubs Patriots loss. Funny that he just wanted to go to bed. DH gets so worked up over football too.

Lizzy, wow! you guys had your bases covered this cycle! Go you! I agree SIL was probably stressed out. I'm not holding anything against her, but she's not the type to apologize for being out of line. She probably thinks she did nothing wrong :rolleyes: I will shoot her a little email to set a boundary. She was trashing my DH when we had our confontation, and just wanna tell her, "Not acceptable."

AFM, I'm finally on CD1 again. AF came today, last cycle was 41 days.Wow, that was long. I hope it doesn't stay long like this, that'd kinda suck (less eggs to chase). Anyway, well see how things go this cycle, the temping has been going pretty well, I'm going to try to pay attention to my CM this cycle.

I went home today, DH, SIL and BIL are still there. They find out if she can have surgery today, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. (a) that'll mean she's getting stronger and healthier and (b) they'll be able to take her off the ventilator sooner.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Posting to check on Laura and lizzy.

FabCrab, is your DH back from his trip yet?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi LC! 41 days!!! :shock: Crossing my fingers for a shorter cycle this month! Was your MIL able to get the surgery done? I hope she is recovering well. Were you able to send a note to your SIL? Sounds like she may be a little difficult even without the extra stress from her mom's accident. I hope your DH is hanging in there. When is he coming home?

Laura, don't you worry my feet were in the air each and everytime we BD'd!!! :lol: :oops: :lol: Have you peed on anymore sticks? Even though it came up negative on 11DPO, you could still get a positive depending on when the egg implanted. Keep us posted.

AFM, quick question...Do you guys consider your O on the day you get a positive LH surge on your OPK's? If so I would have O'd on CD16 making me now 4DPO. I am on CD20 with a 28 day cycle so my AF would be due on 1/26. My DH is traveling for work from the 26th-27th this month so I am not sure whether I should test on the morning he leaves or when he returns. I could probably even test earlier than that I guess. I think I used First response or Clear blue easy tests last time because I could test up to 4 days before my period is due. What are you guys using for tests and how early can you test with them? I prefer digital tests that say pregnant or not pregnant. I can deal with the lines for OPK but I don't like uncertainty when it comes to the pregnancy test!!! 2ww is so exciting yet nerve wracking. I keep touching my BB's to see if they are sensitive? :lol: That was one of my first symptoms when I was pregnant with my DS.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC - How is your MIL? Was she able to have surgery? Glad AF finally showed her ugly face.

Lizzy - I wonder the same thing about when O actually happens in relation to the OPKs. I think its supposed to be 24-48hrs after a positive. Not sure if that is after your first positive or last positive if they are not on the same day. I guess it's all the same when you think about it. Anyway, that is exactly why I am going to try temping in addition to opks this month.

For pg tests I've been using FRERs. They can get pricy though (when you use as many as I do :rolleyes: ). Check out the cheapies if you're like me. Good luck!

Thanks for checking in on me... Still BFN at about 13dpo. I'm pretty sure cycle #1 was not it for us, not that I expected it to be. Just waiting for AF, excited about temping and of course hanging by the pool with you lovely ladies. Cocktail anyone? I have ONE frer left. I'm going to try to resist busting it out unless absolutely necessary. I just ordered some wondfos - 100 pg tests and 100 opks + 20 pg tests, once they come I'll POS shamelessly, and only break out the big guns if there is something I need to confirm. I will splurge on a digi at that point as well :D
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, Laura, yes DH just got back tonight. I'm back from picking him up from the airport. No MIL hasn't gotten her surgery yet. They said they're going to wait until she gets stronger. The nurses said highly doubtful before the weekend.

I'm correcting myself that my previous cycle was 42 days. Crazy!!! And AF is *really light!* Like I don't need anything more than a panty liner. I'm not complaining, so I'll just roll with it for now. CD2, and again really light AF. Today it was basically just like spotting. So tomorrow I think I'll be done with my period.

Lizzy, I've usually tested on the day my period was due, or a day later. But we also haven't really been trying so we're kind half a$$ing it. For you I think you can get the First Responses and test that morning. Then test the day after DH gets back, just in case too.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So much to catch up on!

LC, I'm glad you finally got AF, but a 41-day cycle is a long one. That's a long time to wait to O, so I hope your cycles start getting shorter! I've been off of BC for about 6 months now and still just now feel like my body is regular. Who knew it took so long to figure this all out!

I'm so glad your MIL is starting to recover--how is she doing today?

LauraLoo, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you. It's not over until the fat lady sings.

LizzyAnn--Yep, both DH and I are Pats fans, so Sunday night was a big bummer for us. We're convinced we jinxed the Pats because we went out and bought our very first big, fancy TV and nice surround sound before the game in anticipation of watching the Pats go through the playoffs and get to the Superbowl. What a disappointment!

Your LH surge question is a good one. Until last month, I always considered the day I got my LH surge to be "O" day because I only got one positive test per cycle. Since the LH surge happens 12 - 36 hours before O, I figured my positives were happening closer to 12 hours pre-O since I only got one positive, you know what I mean? But then last month I got positives 2 days in a row, which means my first positive was closer to 36 hours pre-O and the second was 12 hours or less before O. So I would say that if you only got one positive, you ovulated within 24 hours...but if you got a positive in the evening, you may not have Oed until he next morning. Clear as mud, right? Regardless, you covered your bases very well this month!!

ETA: I forgot my own update. Byron is doing okay--he's slightly weaker, but we saw the neurologist last night and the weakness in his muscles could be due to the medication he is on. We are tapering it, so we're hoping he gets stronger as we reduce it. I only spoke with my old boss briefly about my interview. He said the informal feedback was very positive, but they're having a formal debriefing today to discuss next steps. I think I would come in for one more round of interviews, which would happen next week at the earliest. I don't really mind since Byron has been my focus recently and I'd rather not have to worry about starting a new job right now. The obvious downside is that the longer this process takes, the longer I have to hold off on TTC.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies, just stopped in for a quick you guys still exercise after you O? I usually dance with my DS for about 15 mins a day to some kid music and in the middle of dancing I got worried that maybe it was too much movement. I also think I tend to be over cautious because I had 2 m/c's before having my DS. Anyways, let me know your thoughts.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm by no means a medical expert, but I don't think exercising after O'ing shouldn't cause concern. I can understand why one would feel more cautious, especially since you said you had previous m/c's. But I think the general exercising shouldn't cause any additional stress to prevent/harm O'ing. Now if you were doing something extreme, then I think that might be different. I think staying healthy is probably the best thing you can do for yourself.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for your thoughts LC. I really appreciate it. I get kinda obsessive compulsive and turn into a nervous nelly when I am TTC and I know it is due to the previous m/c's. I'm not a big exerciser in general. THe most I do is dance with my little guy and do zumba once or twice a week. I stopped doing zumba though because it is pretty fast paced and I didn't want to over do it while TTC. So my DS and I just kind of listen to some kids music and dance for a little every day. But then I got nervous and was like "am I going to loosen my egg from implantation??" :o See, I am such a worrier. Thanks for putting me at ease. I am probably going to test on Monday or Tuesday next week. I'd rather wait till Tuesday if I can hold out!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, totally get you. I think I'd be a worrier too. Zumba sounds like fun. i did a class at lululemon once and had a fun time. My gym does it but I always forget about it. I keep telling myself "Next week" :rolleyes: Dancin' with the little guy sounds like fun, I wouldn't want you guys to loose that bonding activity. Anyway, I can't think how general exercise activities can be bad for TTC'ing, but maybe you can ask your OB?

~LC (who should be doing work...)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi LC, are you still studying??!! Thanks for your comments. I did a little research online and it basically says not to do any strenuous exercises. They recommend low-impact type of exercises when TTC - walk, yoga, swim. I highly doubt 15 minutes of swinging my hips is going to be a problem, but I may call my OB at some point if I find myself getting stressed about it. Glad to hear your DH is home. How is he doing? TTC might be a nice distraction for him. I know a way you can make him laugh. Put your legs up in the air or do a headstand after BD'ing!!! :D

Laura, still crossing my fingers for you. Are you going to POAS tomorrow?? I guess for me I am considering my O on the day I got the positive LH surge. The OPK that I use says to pee on it once a day until you get the positive surge. So once I got the positive surge I didn't keep peeing on them to see when it went away. Maybe I should have? I didn't even think of that. Sounds like you are fully stocked up on supplies!!! Is FRER short for something? I'm thinking first response. I am going to stop and get some digital pregnancy tests this weekend either first response or clear blue easy. I was going to get them today but I worry that I'll want to pee on them early!! :lol:

NElady, sucks about the Pats for sure! My DH was like "not the jets, anybody but the jets!!!" At least you got a new TV though!! I totally understand your thought process on the LH surge vs. O. Like I explained to Laura above, I stopped peeing on them after I got a positive. The kit I used said there was no need to keep peeing on them, but after reading everyone's comments, I guess it might be worthwhile to continue to do it daily until the positive goes away. Glad to hear Byron is doing better!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello all, I think I'm ready to join this thread. My husband and I have agreed that we will start trying for a baby in a couple of months, so I have just started reading the very beginning of this thread. My sister tried for a couple years before she became pregnant with her first and had a couple of miscarriages and ultimately got pregnant using clomid and taking progesterone supplements. My other sister, who hasn't tried for a baby yet, recently found out she has endometriosis. So knowing these things, I am worried that having a baby is not going to be easy for me. I hope I am wrong.

I have a question for all of you. Do you recommend that I get off of the pill after this month and wait a couple of months before trying? Or are our chances just as good if we start trying right after going off the pill? I have heard before that women are often more fertile just after going off the pill, and I was thinking it wouldn't hurt to have a little boost. Just curious if anyone has any thoughts on this.

I can't believe we are actually really going to do this soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC--the little bit of dancing sounds pretty harmless. I'm going to sound like a total dork, but did you ever see the first Sex and the City movie where Charlotte gets pregnant, but then is terrified to go running? Then she finally does start running again? This scenario reminds me of that--I think the dancing is fine, it sounds very low-impact.

Monkeyprincess, welcome! I'm waiting out in the TTC pool as well--I thought we might start this month, but things got pushed back a bit. I had originally planned to go off the pill when we decided we were definiely ready because I'd read/heard that you're most fertile immediately after coming off, but when several of my friends had a hard time conceiving I thought maybe going the monitoring route was better. I do think that I was more fertile the month after I came off the pill because I had very evident EWCM and my OPK was very dark...I haven't really had that since. That being said, my cycle has shifted a bit over the past 6 months since coming off, so in that regard I'm glad I'm monitoring. So my point is that I can see advantages of both, but if you think that monitoring to make sure you O will make you feel better, then go ahead and come off now. If you'd prefer to go the "let's not try to have a baby, let's stop trying NOT to have one" route and then take it from there, then hold off.