
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare|1313250826|2990039 said:
Today I used the OPKs for the first time...they didn't come with any directions on how to read. What does this mean?

That looks like a negative, because the test line (the one closer to the MAX line) is supposed to be as dark or darker than the control line (the one closer to the blue LH label). What CD are you on today? You might want to try testing again later today to see if it gets darker. Looks like it might be getting close soon - good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1313251388|2990048 said:
centralsquare|1313250826|2990039 said:
Today I used the OPKs for the first time...they didn't come with any directions on how to read. What does this mean?

That looks like a negative, because the test line (the one closer to the MAX line) is supposed to be as dark or darker than the control line (the one closer to the blue LH label). What CD are you on today? You might want to try testing again later today to see if it gets darker. Looks like it might be getting close soon - good luck!

I'm on very early. I'm just trying to learn how to do this!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC- I went off bc twice in the last 12 months and each time I would start spotting on the third day off with full-on flow on the 4th day.

Jas- that is random about the positive opk results, hopefully DH will make up for yesterday when he gets home from his poker trip. My fingers will be crossed for you. Super ugh about your DH knowing that yesterday was a prime day and not putting out!! I would be "miffed" as well :(

LC- I loved your "as bad as when you DIYed your backsplash" oh I have been there sister, except for us it was painting the outside of our house together, and I would like to not get ourselves into that dark place again. Still I am so happy that you did get knocked up!!

S&I - yikes about your allergic reaction to the meds. I hope you can get the new compounded version and that it is not crazy expensive, I'm very glad to hear that you have stopped spotting for now, hopefully you were able to get enough of the progesteron in your system before you started reacting. Sticky dust to you!!

Afm- I got my OPKs in the mail last night so I promptly peed on one and it looks very much like the one that centralsquare just posted. I think I have a few days before I O but it will be interesting to see if I do get a fade in. I'm taking all your advice and not sharing the results with DH. He asked me last night when our "good" days were going to be and I told him this Sunday to next Sunday. He leaves for an out if town work trip after that so any baby making will have to happen before he leaves. He was really "cooperative" last month but it is not our normal thing to have that much sexy time so I'm hoping that last months effort was not a fluke.
S&I, you just can't cut a break you poor thing. I hope the new version of progesterone works for you. I'm super thrilled that your spotting has stopped though. I hope your pregnancy will be smooth-sailing after all you had to go through in the first week!

Jas and MM, I think it is good to start off not saying too much about the OPKs, and hopefully, you will both get pregnant quickly. The problem comes when you don't get pregnant quickly. For us, I found that after the first couple months trying, I had to be more assertive because we both want to maximize our chances, and I didn't think it was fair for me to not tell him, and then resent him for not initiating on the right days. DH actually wants to know when the right time is, so I usually say it is getting close and then tell him when I get a smiley. We still manage to enjoy ourselves, but we're in this TTC thing together. MM, your approach sounds like the right balance. Oh, and Jas, it's possible that your body was gearing up to ovulate and didn't, and now you are getting ready to ovulate for real. I hope the timing works out!

Centralsquare, do you have an idea of how long your cycles are and when you ovulate? Your OPK is definitely negative, but it is dark enough to suggest you may be ovulating soon. Then again, it is possible that you just have a little extra LH in your system and will have semi-dark tests for several days leading up to your positive.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, sorry to hear about the allergic reaction. I have also used the compounded suppositories. They take time to make and aren't usually available the same day you drop the prescription off to be filled. Mine were not covered by my insurance and were pricey. I want to say maybe $100 for a months supply. But don't quote me, I used those back in 2008 so my memory could be wrong. But generally you will only use it for your first 12 weeks of pregnancy so not too too bad. They are larger than the prometrium caplets and a little harder to put in. More uncomfortable because they are bigger. Keep us posted! And don't wait to fill the prescription. CVS and Walgreens couldn't get them for me. I had to go to a compounding center and it took an overnight to make them.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1313192194|2989710 said:
Clairitek, I agree with the others, tomorrow's temp will really be telling. You start trying next month, right?

You might have me confused with my friend Stephb0lt! We won't start until next April-ish due to our once-in-a-lifetime family trip to Tuscany (I don't want to be too pregnant or have a newborn when we travel).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy pee-sticks JAS, that's a lot of ups and downs for this cycle thus far. It could be your body was gearing up to O then stopped and is doing so again. I hope you'll have a few days before your actual O day so your DH will get home in time.

Merry, wow, your DH actually asked about your "good days!" That's definitely showing initiative and sharing your TTC efforts. Your DH sounds very in-tune with you, that's fantastic!

CSq, Since you're so early, I suspect this will be a fade-in. Are you charting as well?


monkeyprincess|1313260559|2990143 said:
Centralsquare, do you have an idea of how long your cycles are and when you ovulate? Your OPK is definitely negative, but it is dark enough to suggest you may be ovulating soon. Then again, it is possible that you just have a little extra LH in your system and will have semi-dark tests for several days leading up to your positive.

I don't know...*just* stopped birth control so I don't yet know my cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, when I went off the pill, it was 4 days until I started the withdrawal bleeding.

S&I, I'm so sorry about the allergic reaction! You've had a rough go the past few days! I hope the new pills work better for you & you can get them relatively quickly & inexpensively. So, you cramped after every O, not just this cycle?

MP, I'm glad we can be 2WW buddies! Here's hoping for a pleasant surprise for both of us. I had another high temp today (even higher than the previous 3), so I'm hoping I did O on the 9th, making me 4dpo today, OPK's be damned.

MM, good luck with your opk's. How fun would that be to have a BFP before your trip! Where in England do your inlaws live? I went to London this summer & had a blast!

Clairitek, thanks for the chart read! I'm hoping that I did indeed O. I guess we'll see. I'm glad to hear you had a similar situation (O based on temps, but not opks) It definitely looks like an O on your chart! When are you going in Tuscany, btw? I went there last summer & had a blast. You'll love it!

lc, yeah, sometimes it feels like we're doing all the work in this process, doesn't it? I'm glad you got KU before you had to have the talk with your dh. We're pretty much in the drop your pants on demand zone. Maybe I should try to spice it up a bit. :naughty:

centralsquare, good luck with the opk's. Hopefully you'll get a positive soon!

MM, good luck to you too! I hope you & dh can get some well timed BD-ing before he goes out of town! That's sweet that he's asking about good days.

jas, I'm sorry your DH had a "headache" (love the 50's housewife shout out) on a prime day. Do you think he's still stressed from the MC?
I hope you're feeling better soon & that your O comes when your DH gets back!

lizzy, hope you're feeling well. Are you still taking the clomid?

Thanks to all of you ladies for talking about some of your TTC BD experiences. It makes me feel so much better to know I'm not alone in not loving this process. I've been pretty honest with my DH about timing, temping, opks, etc, & he's been really supportive, but the BD on demand has been a little stressful & sometimes left me feeling less desired than I'd like. Also, it can be a lot of work. I miss the

AFM, so I guess it would be too early for implantation cramping at 3dpo. Likely the cramps are in my head, not my uterus. ;) Hopefully I'll continue to have high temps. We went blueberry picking with the inlaws today--lots of fun. Gotta run, though--everyone is swarming around wanting to use our computer & I keep minimizing b/c nobody knows we're trying & I don't want to get questions. :errrr:

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

centralsquare, just keep testing and you'll hopefully see it get darker and darker as you get closer to Oing. Good luck!

MM, I hope your BD plan works out before your DH goes out of town. That's great that he asked you about your "good" days. I did pick up the new Progesterone suppositories earlier today, and used one about 4 hours ago, so we'll see how I react (or hopefully don't react) to these.

MP, I know right? Rough week! At least my HCG levels doubled, my temps are still high, and my spotting seems to have stopped, so I'm focusing on all the positives. I felt silly calling the emergency line so many times though - I'm usually not like that.

Lizzy, thanks so much for telling me about your experience. Luckily, I was able to pick up the new prescription the same day from a Peoples Pharmacy not too far from our house. It's only a week's worth (14 suppositories) of Progesterone 100mg, to try out so I don't end up with a bunch of them that I can't take, like the Prometrium. :? I guess my insurance did cover some of it, since it was only 5 bucks. They came with a plastic applicator thing, which I used, so we'll see how it goes with these. My hands are still itchy, but I think that's from the remains of the Prometrium. I am planning on calling my regular OB first thing Monday morning to tell her what happened, so she can come up with a solid plan for the next 8 weeks.

BrightSpot, thanks! No, I never noticed any O pains or post-O cramps in any other cycle except for this one. I think I might have just been super aware of anything I was feeling this cycle though. I just looked back at my chart, and I marked some slight pelvic discomfort at 3DPO, so maybe that's what you're feeling too! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy postings ladies! I'm just going to do a quick catchup from this page onwards... Sorry!

CS- I haven't started with my OPKs yet but from what I understand the test line needs to be as dark or darker than the control line to be considered positive. Yeah cd 5 probably is a bit too early but at least you know what a negative looks like now! If you have just stopped BC I wouldn't be too rigid with what ton expect either, it cowlD take a whole for your cycle to regulate.

Merry - I don't get too specific about the times with my DH, but I do give him a general idea, like you did with the week. I figure I can't get upset for him not trying during the window if he doesn't know we are 'on'.

MP - how many DPO are you now? I know what you are saying about being the right time and all. I'm trying not to be upset about it but in the original plan, (sometime last year) august was the ideal month for us. I know that the goals have moved but it's taken so long to get to this point and now I've got another long wait ahead! oh well, I am telling everyone to take the time to stop,and snell the roses so I should take my own advice :)

LC - I burst out laughing at your back splash comment. We are currently deciding on ours ATM (coincedently called a splash back here!) and we could have easily throttled each other a fewtimes over the decision of what to do. We are doing wallpaper under glass and just have to choose a wallpaper pattern. It's like pulling teeth. Lol.

Bright- I LOLed at your comment about the cramps being in your head and not your uterus! I've got my finders crossed that you are feeling something just like S&I did.

S&I - glad to read things are better for you, sorry about the early scares, hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on in...

To everyone else I have missed.. So sorry! I have been reading along and I promise to catchup with you all next time :)

Afm - CD 5 and still waiting for AF to get lost. I went bra shopping on Friday and I have gone from a DD cup to an E, but probably should be in an F, but they didn't have any in store. I knew they were feeling bigger but seriously?? I went home and told DH and he was so proud. Lol. My name starts with an A but he has been pronouncing it with an E all weekend. :cheeky: ah whatever makes him happy. :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, congrats again. I'm sorry you are going through so much with the spotting and trying to get the supplements and then an allergic reaction! Your baby better be a perfect angel to make up for all he/she was putting you through from the very start!

Lizzy, hope you are not having too many side effects from the Clomid. So next Wednesday you start getting monitored and they they will do IUI at some point after that?

MP, sounds like you got in some well timed BD before your sister arrived. Hope you are enjoying her visit!

Bright, my very limited experience, I saw my fade-in start Thursday afternoon and got a positive Saturday morning I think? Some ladies here have much longer fade-ins though and some very short. From your chart I would say you did O but I am far from an expert.

China, glad acupuncture is going so well for you!

Amc, congrats you married lady! When I was on BC I would take my last active pill Sat morning and AF would arrive sometime Tuesday. So between 3 and 4 days for me.

Jas, sorry your DH wasn't up for the challenge. Men can be so DH was sick all day yesterday and missed a party for one of my friends, but this morning when he has band practice he is miraculously recovered. Don't count yourself out yet though!

HOT, so sorry AF showed up. LOL at your DH's new name for you.

MM, enjoy your OPKs! At least you will have a reason to POAS as soon as they arrive, unlike me when my arrived at the very end of a cycle in which I was on BC still! You can download some different browsers that spell check for you – I think Firefox has one built in? I explained to DH how the female cycle worked when we decided I was going off BC before we actually wanted to try. He didn't realize I couldn't get pregnant every single day of the month. So he knows I am testing to see when I O and that will dictate when we BD when we try next month.

Ctek, bummer that you missed your surge this month! Guess there is good reason to use temping + OPKs sometimes!

AFM, CD2 here, making my first cycle off BC 31 days. I'm glad I was tracking things this month because otherwise I would probably have spent last week worrying if I was PG since my cycle was longer than the 28 days I got used to on BC. I was expecting the worst as far as my cycle being really crazy coming off BC, so I'm happily surprised to find that it seemed pretty normal. Hopefully that continues for the next few months as we start trying!

Hi to anyone I missed, hope you are having fun weekends!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hawaiianorangetree|1313319545|2990511 said:
CS- I haven't started with my OPKs yet but from what I understand the test line needs to be as dark or darker than the control line to be considered positive. Yeah cd 5 probably is a bit too early but at least you know what a negative looks like now! If you have just stopped BC I wouldn't be too rigid with what ton expect either, it cowlD take a whole for your cycle to regulate.

Thanks, hawaiianorangetree! I'm still learning a ton so appreciate the info!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I - Glad to see your numbers came back okay! How are you feeling? I may have missed it, but did you have any symptoms before your BFP or having any now? Just curious which days did you BD if you don't mind?

Steph - That's good to hear that your first cycle off BC wasn't bad! Mine wasn't either, I did notice that I was more irritable before AF came. Mine was 34 days, then 32 the next cycle. I hope it continues to go smoothly for you! Did you watch the Ravens/Eagles game? I didn't get to see it.

Hi everyone! :wavey: Back home from vacation...I'll just say it could have been better, but it could have been worse also. I think we weren't close enough with our friends and thought we knew them better. The one friend basically ruined it for us, so I don't think we'll be hanging out again! She posted on Facebook the last day there "Really don't want to come home....having a great time with my hubby" and didn't even mention us! We did have a good time when it was just DH, BIL, and I hanging out so it wasn't all bad! BIL hasn't talked to the girl from Match which is a very good thing! I'm on CD13 today so probably have a little while before I O if it stays on track with last cycle but who knows with the crazy week I just had.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, sorry to hear vaca wasn't what you thought it was going to be. I also find it hard to vaca with friends so we don't usually plan anything other than day trips with groups of us. I love my friends but we all have different likes/dislikes/tastes you know?

Steph, glad to hear you had a great first cycle. Wednesday is my first u/s and then they will let me know if I need to come back in for another u/s if my follicles aren't big enough yet. Once large enough, I will take the HCG trigger shot and go in the next day for the IUI. I'm ready to get the ball rolling....

HOT, wow on the big boobies!!! After having my DS, I've lost so much fullness, which sucks. I'm hoping AF leaves soon so you can get started on your next O!

S&I, so glad to hear your insurance picked up the tab on the new progesterone. That's great news! Are you allergic to tree nuts? Reason I ask is because when I started prometrium my RE asked me if I was allergic so I'm wondering if maybe that is the allergen giving you a reaction. Do you have to go in for another beta next week? Keep us posted tomorrow!

Brightspot, glad to hear you are having a good weekend! For one of my pregnancies I got cramping around 4pdo. I don't know if it was related but you never know. Good luck in your 2ww!

MP, how's it going lady? 2ww!!!

Mary, keep using your OPK's if your second line is getting darker. O should be getting close.

Centralsquare, your getting close to a positive now, keep testing!

Jas, when your DH gets home - BD BD BD! You may still catch it! It is possible your body surged but did not O, so you are surging again in the hopes that you will O. Keep us posted!

Clairitek, sorry it looks like you missed O. How long are your cycles usually?

AFM, CD9. I picked up some digi CBE OPK's as I only have a couple cheapies left. I have such a busy week ahead of myself with a ton of appointments and stuff but it is all good. I'm hoping my u/s gives us a good idea on when I will O. My DH is away Wed-Thurs this week and then we are on vaca the end of next week, so I'm hoping all of our timing works out for the IUI.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT, I'm also hoping that it'll be smooth sailing from here, or at least not as frustrating. The wallpaper under glass idea sounds really neat. Wow, going up 2 cup sizes all at once? I'm still waiting for mine to get bigger.

Steph, thanks! I sure hope that this rocky start means a smoother pregnancy. Hope this cycle turns out to be even more consistent than the last one.

Missy, I'm feeling better today, less and less itchy. I started feeling some light cramping from 3DPO through 6DPO, then it turned into more noticeable pain/discomfort from 7DPO through 12DPO. I got my faint BFP the morning of 12DPO. According to FF, I Oed on CD14, and we only BDed on the evening of CD5, the evening of CD10, the morning of CD13, and the evening of CD14. So sorry your vacation was semi-stressful, but glad you were able to find some time away from your friend to enjoy yourself. How much longer until you O?

Lizzy, I wasn't aware of any nut allergies, but maybe I'm slightly allergic to peanut oil or something. The weird thing is that I wasn't itchy down there - just my hands, toes, and BBs. I'll definitely keep you posted about what my OB says tomorrow. I might even ask her if I can go in for another beta as well as progesterone test too, to see if the suppositories are helping, just for ease of mind. Finger crossed for you that your DH and vacations are timed well with the IUI.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi S&I, I just pulled up my paper on prometrium. My RE gives a handout with every drug. Here's what it says " Side effects of progesterone can include slight weight gain, mood swings, and breast tenderness. There will be a slight vaginal discharge so it is advisable to wear a pantiliner. You should not use Prometrium if you are allergic to peanuts. "

There is some more info but after your allergic reaction I wanted to re read it to see what it says. Keep us posted!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1313359302|2990790 said:
Hi S&I, I just pulled up my paper on prometrium. My RE gives a handout with every drug. Here's what it says " Side effects of progesterone can include slight weight gain, mood swings, and breast tenderness. There will be a slight vaginal discharge so it is advisable to wear a pantiliner. You should not use Prometrium if you are allergic to peanuts. "

There is some more info but after your allergic reaction I wanted to re read it to see what it says. Keep us posted!

Thanks Lizzy. Yeah, the info that came with my original prescription had a big warning that it was made with peanut oil, but I wasn't aware of having a peanut allergy. I make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my DH's lunch every weekday - he loves them. I think maybe the concentration in the Prometrium might have been high enough to cause the reaction. That, or my vajayjay just doesn't like peanuts!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1313359829|2990797 said:
lizzyann|1313359302|2990790 said:
Hi S&I, I just pulled up my paper on prometrium. My RE gives a handout with every drug. Here's what it says " Side effects of progesterone can include slight weight gain, mood swings, and breast tenderness. There will be a slight vaginal discharge so it is advisable to wear a pantiliner. You should not use Prometrium if you are allergic to peanuts. "

There is some more info but after your allergic reaction I wanted to re read it to see what it says. Keep us posted!

Thanks Lizzy. Yeah, the info that came with my original prescription had a big warning that it was made with peanut oil, but I wasn't aware of having a peanut allergy. I make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my DH's lunch every weekday - he loves them. I think maybe the concentration in the Prometrium might have been high enough to cause the reaction. That, or my vajayjay just doesn't like peanuts!

Ha Ha! Too funny! I actually have a slight allergy to tree nuts so my RE wanted me to keep an eye out for any allergic reactions, but I have been lucky and have not experienced them. Hopefully, it will be smooth sailing now with the new compound!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, can't wait to hear what you find out on Wednesday. I so hope the timing works out well for you! When are you expecting to O?

Missy, wow, that's too bad that your vacation wasn't good for your friendship, but maybe in the long run, it is better you found out now. I love my friends, but there are very few that I would want to take a lengthy vacation with unless it was very clear that we would have plenty of time to do our own thing. Glad you managed to have fun with your DH and BIL though.

HOT, wow, DH would be so jealous if he knew that other women's bra sizes were increasing spontaneously :) He teases me about getting implants sometimes, and I always tell him that if he would really like them bigger, all I'd need to do is gain about 10 or 15 pounds or get pregnant. It's hard not feel down when you have yet another unsuccessful cycle, no matter how hard you try to put a positive spin on it. Thinking of you and hoping you get your BFP sooner than you expect!

Steph, wishing you lots of luck as you start trying! I hope your prior tracking makes it that much easier for you to get knocked up quickly. I did have a nice time with my sister, thanks for asking. I had to work a lot last week and again yesterday afternoon and today, and it just never seems like we get enough time together, but I'm hoping to make a trip home Labor Day weekend.

S&I, so glad things seem to be going better for you. Keep us updated on what you learn this week. Sticky dust continuing your way.

Brightspot, I'm not sure if any pregnancy signs or symptoms are reliable much before 6 or 7 days until implantation occurs. But then again, it sounds like others maybe had cramps earlier than that. Who knows? Either way, I'm hoping you'll get good news this cycle!

AFM, the weekend flew by and I'm scrambling to get work done to meet a deadline tomorrow, which obviously explains why I felt a need to post on here instead :) I think I'm either 4 or 5 dpo (I have sort of lost track). Definitely not feeling any symptoms or signs, but I wouldn't expect to at this point. Although, I wish I had that as an excuse for why I ate so much this weekend. We went out for every meal, and my sister also bought a ton of fancy cupcakes to celebrate my birthday (which is next week). I'm so going to have to work out double time this week!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Totally non-TTC related topic, but my diamond just fell out of my engagment ring setting! I was sitting here typing, and reached up to scratch my shoulder and the diamond fell on the keyboard. Unbelievable. DH is uber pissed because for our anniversary he took the ring back to the jeweler to have the platinum polished and the setting checked. I have to assume something they did while polishing it messed it up. I am just lucky it happened when it did, if it had happened any other time, I probably would have lost the diamond. Sorry, just had to vent, and I assume you ladies on PS would understand my frustration.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1313374224|2990930 said:
Totally non-TTC related topic, but my diamond just fell out of my engagment ring setting! I was sitting here typing, and reached up to scratch my shoulder and the diamond fell on the keyboard. Unbelievable. DH is uber pissed because for our anniversary he took the ring back to the jeweler to have the platinum polished and the setting checked. I have to assume something they did while polishing it messed it up. I am just lucky it happened when it did, if it had happened any other time, I probably would have lost the diamond. Sorry, just had to vent, and I assume you ladies on PS would understand my frustration.

Yikes! Good thing it happened the way it happened, but boo for the jeweler handing back the ring with the loose setting! I hope they'll set it back for free!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, Happy early birthday. When is it? Bummer you have a deadline tomorrow. Yikes that's just mean, y'know? Well, sounds like you had a BLAST while your sister was visiting. ETA: OMG I'd be super pissed too! I'm so glad it was home and you were paying attention and it wasn't when you were out and about. Man! Also hoping this is not your ONLY lucky break, wink wink!

Lizzy, really excited to hear what your RE says on Weds. You're really exuding a positive vibe, even in your posts, I think it's just so amazing. Of course, though, because you *are* amazing!

Missy, I'm glad you had such a good time with your DH and BIL. Bummer your friends were a little not so stellar, but your vacation was still fun when it was your family.

Steph, hooray for your first cycle off HBC! 31 days isn't too shabby, and I'm glad you didn't freak out with the 31 days. I found charting SO interesting in the geeky science nerd kind of way.... Your next few cycles will help you gauge the best plan when you start actively trying, so it's great you have this "experiment" time.

HOT, you have to post pics of your splash back when you're done. I tried to post a Powerpoint slide show but it's too big. I'll have to pull down the before/after from DH's laptop. But just want to give you a heads up, if your counter has a little "lip" splash back that goes up the wall 3-4 inches, pry it off and lay your splash back flush against the horizontal surface. I didn't pry it off on mine and now it's bugging the heck out of me. I still have leftover tile so I want to pry it off when DH is out of town and try putting up the tile... He probably won't even notice anyway. Also re: the bra shopping. Maybe your cup size is increasing since you're off HBC. I think my cup size went up because of HBC (and probably boozing and weight gain). Anyway, sounds like your DH is enjoying your new "assets".

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry for the me-centric post to follow...

I got through 3 of the new compounded Progesterone 100mg version this weekend, before the itching came back in full force. I called my OB's office this morning, and was only able to get an appointment with one of the NPs at 2pm. I'm starting to think that I'm allergic to progesterone itself. Is that even possible? I found something online called "Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis", which of course, is freaking me out! But one of the treatments for that is actually progesterone supplements. :confused:

I want to get another beta today and have them test my progesterone at the same time, to see if it has gone up any from the total of 700mg of progesterone I've taken over the weekend, or worse, if it's gone down from the original 13.5 on Tuesday. I was told 15-20 is where it should be, but I've read online that anywhere from 10 to 40 is good for the first trimester. I just hope that my body doesn't attack itself in reaction to my own progesterone levels!

Anyways, I'll keep you ladies posted as I find out more. Hope everyone had a better weekend than I did!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, darn, how frustrating that you're still having a reaction. I hope you are able to get bloodwork done today and that you find out your progesterone is up. I know there is a big debate whether progesterone supplements really do anyting to help anyway, so if you can't take them, it probably isn't the end of the world. Let us know what you hear!

LC, thanks! My b-day is actually today. We celebrated a bit this weekend and while we were in Vegas, so today feels like just another day at work. I would love to catch another lucky break this month, and I keep wanting to feel something different that might be a sign of pregnancy, but I don't. Still holding out as much hope as I can muster!

Dust to all in the 2WW! Hope you all have a good start to the week!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry, double post. Talk about hogging the thread :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hope you get to go out for dinner to celebrate again tonight!

I would be ecstatic if my blood work came back with a higher progesterone level. If I really need the extra supplements, then I'd probably suffer through the itchiness, as long as it's good for the baby! I just want an answer either way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all, and Happy Monday. My boys are sick, so they're getting bonus tv time and I'm catching up here. The whine factor has been through the roof. The boys. My whine factor has been under control.

S&I I'm so sorry about your allergic reaction. You really are having quite the adventurous early pregnancy.

MerryMary -- Wishing you luck with DH's cooperation.

Thanks, lliang chi!

Bright Spot, I don't think DH was stressed about the m/c. He tends to be hyper-logical about stuff, which is good and bad. I think he was just not up for it and didn't see the big deal. Of course, ultimately he was right as I've not yet ovulated! Blueberry picking sounds like a lot of fun! Hope your temps stay up up up!

-- Boo on AF sticking around. Bra shopping...did you get some fun bras or stick to what I call "work horses" (the basic colors in no-frills designs).

Stephb0lt -- Heh. These miraculous recoveries huh? I'm glad you had a pretty damned normal cycle for your first one of BC. Way to you, Steph's system!

Missy -- sorry about the vacay not being as awesome as it could have been! :(

Monkey -- oh no on the diamond. Blargh. Just what you needed during a busy week, huh? And happy birthday! I'm more than happy to take any extra cupcakes off your hands. :)

Lizzyann -- good luck timing everything!!!!

AFM -- I guess I didn't need to fret about DH getting home quickly. I still haven't ovulated AND my OPK is still positive. I think I'm still having after effects from the m/ hormones are just out of control. It's been a long summer. Honestly, this feels ridiculous. Hopefully I just caught the surge downswing and will ovulate today or tomorrow. We BD yesterday and will tomorrow if my temps haven't risen.

DH told all his *poker buddies* that we are TTC. I was all :shock: ...really? We're telling them now? Heh.

So, let's hope the O-Fairy visits my house today!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1313208002|2989842 said:
AMC, it usually took 3 days on placebo for AF to show up for me. Can you remember what day of the week you always got AF? For me it was Tuesdays after I took the last active pill on Saturday the week before. AMC, if you're only going to get digi OPKs when you're for real TTC, it's going to get PRICEY! Maybe you should pay the up front cost for CBE Fertility Monitor. A lot cheaper than the CBE digi OPKs. I think mine cost $50 for a 10 pack?

I *think* I started my pills on Saturday, so my last active would have been on Fridays...and then I'm guessing AF came Tuesday-ish? I remember that if I did the Sunday start as suggested in the instructions I would end up having AF still during the following weekend, so I moved it back a day. I'm guessing it will be 3-4 days though, as confirmed by all the ladies on here :)

I haven't decided if I'm going to use OPKs when we are really TTC. I might give it a few months before I start using them, not sure. I did buy CBE digis on Amazon and they weren't horribly expensive...I think I got two packs of 7 for less than $30. I might sneak a few on the cruise though, because I want to hit that eggy!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Monday--hope everyone had a great weekend. This thread is moving so fast!

S&I, so sorry you're still having a reaction to the supplements! What a mess! I'm glad you can see the NP about it today. Keep us posted on how the appointment goes. I hope you can get some relief soon! <hugs>
Thanks for checking your BFP chart for me. I've been feeling some discomfort on & off, but it's likely too early to know if it's anything to be worried or excited about.

HOT, thanks for the finger crossing! Good luck to you & your DH on the splash back. The wallpaper under glass sounds cool. I'd love to see pics when it's completed! I'm glad your DH is enjoying your new & improved assets. :naughty: I hope AF is outta there soon...

Steph, thanks for the chart read. It always helps to have another set of (unbiased!) eyes. That's great that you've finished your first cycle off hbc. You're smart to get a sense of how things are going before you officially start TTC. I hope things continue smoothly & you're ready to go for September!

Missy, welcome back! I'm sorry the vacay wasn't all you'd hoped in regards to hanging out with your friends, but glad you had fun with your DH & BIL & that the girl from Match wasn't an issue. How did you like Myrtle Beach?

lizzy, thanks for the luck & advice. I'm so anxious to hear how your appointment on Wednesday goes. How are you feeling? Sending you mature follicle vibes. =) I hope the timing works out well to do the IUI before your vacay! My CD3 testing might get derailed for vacay this month, but one thing at a time.

MP, happy birthday! I hope you're having a great day (sorry about the deadline!) & have something fun planned for tonight. Glad you had fun with your sis too. You're totally right that it's too early to analyze every "symptom." I'll just drive myself crazy that way! (And don't worry yourself if you don't feel anything yet.) I can't believe your diamond fell out of your ering, especially after your jeweler just checked the setting! Yipes! How lucky that it happened at home & not on the Vegas strip or elsewhere, though. I hope that's not the only lucky break you get this month... :naughty:

jas, I hope your boys are feeling better soon! I'm glad your DH's headache didn't wind up being a problem as you guys still have a shot at catching that egg! We had fun blueberry picking (what to bake now?) & my temps have been staying up, so hopefully that's a good sign. It sounds like you guys have been able to get some well timed BDing in after all. I hope your temps rise soon. How long have the OPKs been positive? Are you telling people you're TTC? Maybe your DH was just practicing his poker face?

amc, glad you have a plan in action. Are you going to go off hbc in time to ttc on the cruise? It's getting close now!

AFM, my temps have remained high--actually, they're continuing to rise & FF moved my O date from the 9th (cd19) to the 10th (cd20) & raised my coverline. This is my first month using FF so I'm not quite sure how it works. Does this chart look weird to you guys?

I was getting really excited over the weekend at the prospect of being KU, probably because this is the best looking chart I've had since we've been TTC & I've been overanalyzing "symptoms." I'm trying to focus less on it now as I'm worried I'll be really disappointed if this isn't the month for me. I go in for my progesterone test tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.
