
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1313435069|2991389 said:
amc, glad you have a plan in action. Are you going to go off hbc in time to ttc on the cruise? It's getting close now

Your chart looks great, so far!

The plan is to go on HBC when AF starts in late September/early October. I'll then go on it for around 6 weeks, stopping about 2 weeks before the wedding. That should allow me to O mid-cruise, which would be perfect. Obviously no guarantees that even if all this happened I would get pregnant, but I think we're laying a pretty solid foundation.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jas, thanks - who knew it could be this adventurous this early on in my pregnancy? So sorry your boys are sick. Hope they feel better soon! Awesome that you ended up not Oing while your DH was away. Your BD schedule sounds good - hope you can confirm O soon!

BrightSpot, thanks! I totally felt all the crazy symptoms early on this cycle. I tried to convince myself that it was too early and that I was just making them up in my head because I was being super aware, but I recorded them in FF anyways, just so I would have the data in case I did get PG. Your chart looks great, as well as your BD timing, so I have my fingers crossed that you caught that egg! When are you going to test? My temp hit an all-time high of 98.6 this morning at 18DPO. When I told my DH this morning, he asked "isn't that the normal temperature?". Silly man, he's forgotten what my normal high and low temps are. I think my chart actually went triphasic this cycle, but I still don't like where FF put my coverline. :lol:

amc, that sounds like a highly technical plan you have with your BCP so you can O on your honeymoon! Hope it works out, and you'll bring back a souvenir in your uterus!

AFM, I spent quite a while at the OB office. I explained what happened this weekend to the medical assistant, then waited a long time for the NP to come in, then explained it all over to the NP, who then had to go consult with my OB because she was fresh out of ideas. My OB suggested that I continue to take the progesterone supplements along with benedryl, for as long as I could stand it. I guess they're saying that the baby needs the progesterone more than I need my skin not to itch. No tests were done on me, but I was given the blood work form for the progesterone test on Friday, because they want to test it after being on the supplements for 1 week. At least I was able to schedule my first prenatal appointment with the NP for the 29th. I'll be 6w+4d by then - I hope!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, thanks! I think we’ll have dinner with my husband’s family tonight. Hopefully the Benadryl will help you. Still sending you loads of sticky dust!

Jas, sorry you’re having a confusing cycle. I hope you are still gearing up to O. It’s also possible this will be an anovulatory cycle. I seem to remember Lizzy saying she had an anovulatory cycle after one of her recent miscarriages. I hope that’s not the case though.

amc, I hope your plan works out! If not on the honeymoon, I hope it happens quickly after that.

Bright, thanks. I got an unexpected break because the judge spontaneously granted an extension on one of the things I was scrambling to get done. Of course it was after I was pretty much done, but it takes some pressure off. I thought the exact same thing about my ring. It so easily could have fallen off at any time this past week. Somebody was watching over me. Now, I’m going to be paranoid when I get the ring back. As for you, I agree with S&I that you shouldn't necessarily discount your feelings. I swear it seems like a lot of the ladies on here have intuition about being pregnant early on, and that’s great that your temps are still climbing. Fingers crossed!

AFM, I forgot to mention my crazy dream this morning. This is how I know I am thinking about TTC way too much. I had a dream that DH and I went to a store or a coffee shop or something, and he was able to get a SA done right at the check out counter. I don't recall how he got the sample, but the lady at the counter put it into a small blender and whipped it up, and after about a minute told us that everything looked great. Ha!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thanks for the sticky dust! That's a pretty wild dream! I forgot to mention that I had some crazy dreams too. The cycle before this one, I had a dream that all of my co-workers were pregnant, even the ones that already had older kids. I felt so left out. Then this cycle the night of 9DPO, I had a dream that I had 4 positive pregnancy tests throughout the day. I was so shocked that I still had a BFN the morning of 10DPO in real life. I even got up after taking my temp (it was a Saturday) early to test because I was so sure it would be a BFP. Silly me!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I ditto S&I's wish for a honeymoon souvenir in your uterus!

S&I, I'm sorry your doc wasn't very helpful & that you have to keep taking the supplement! Has benadryl helped? Would something topical help in addition? That sounds so uncomfortable! I'm hoping your progesterone test on Friday will show great numbers & you can discontinue the supplements. How exciting to schedule your first prenatal exam, though! Continued sticky dust (the itch-free variety) coming your way.
So, your temp is continuing to climb? (lol about your DH's remark) Yay for a triphasic chart! Did you have an implantation dip or spike or anything? I wasn't sure if the continued climb on my chart was a positive sign or not. You got your BFP at 12dpo, right? Maybe I'll try testing around then too, which would be on the 22nd, though FF doesn't recommend it until the 29th. (Though all of this talk makes me want to POAS now!) :roll:

MP, that's great that you have a bit more time on your deadline (and even better that it's nearly finished!) That is so scary about your ring. Is it insured? I'd be pretty pissed at that jeweler! I literally laughed out loud about your dream. One tall, mocha, skim, half caf SA comin' right up! Maybe the crazy dream could be an indicator of something? :naughty: Has your DH done an SA yet? Thanks for the reminder--I need to have my DH schedule his. As for intuition, I really thought I was KU a couple of months ago--super long cycle with high temps & I was feeling hot & tired, but the craziness might have just been because we traveled to Europe, so the time difference & travel in general might have thrown things off. Hopefully this feeling is more accurate. Heh.

FertilityFriend question: for those of you who use it, do you like it? Also, do you use the basic (free) version, or do you pay for the VIP version? Are the extra VIP features worth it? I just started using it this month & am debating whether to stick with it or keep using my woman calendar iphone app (it's a nice, easy interface, & seems to do a good job predicting dates, but doesn't really analyze the data). Also, if I stick with FF, do I pay or not?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot, I'm attaching my chart from today so you can analyze it and compare it to your own. I'm not sure if you can count my 8DPO dip as my implantation dip. See what I mean about FF putting my coverline a little lower than expected? I would have thought it should be at 97.6, which would make my O on CD15 instead of CD14. I think FF tells you to test only after you've had 18 days of high temps because it has no idea what your usual cycles are. I ignored that. I didn't upgrade to the VIP membership - mine just expired recently. I noticed that my chart shows a lot less data now, like the symptoms I had marked. My 12DPO chart is probably a few pages back in this thread if you want to go digging around for it. Since my previous cycle's LP was only 10 days long, I was planning on testing at 10DPO. Obviously, I failed miserably and tested at 6DPO and 8DPO as well. All were BFNs until 12DPO's faint BFP.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, thanks so much for posting your chart! And what a beautiful chart it is! I agree that your coverline looks a little low, but yay for the climbing temps! It's totally helpful to compare.

I was totally thinking of you today as I'm 6dpo & was feeling a bit of an urge to test. Well, maybe I'm 5dpo now that FF downgraded me. I should probably wait at least until AF is expected (and stop getting so darned excited.) I'm going on a little vacay on the 28th & hope I know by then.

How are you feeling? Is the benadryl helping? Have a great evening!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for posting...very educational as I begin plotting my chart!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1313453244|2991556 said:
S&I, thanks so much for posting your chart! And what a beautiful chart it is! I agree that your coverline looks a little low, but yay for the climbing temps! It's totally helpful to compare.

I was totally thinking of you today as I'm 6dpo & was feeling a bit of an urge to test. Well, maybe I'm 5dpo now that FF downgraded me. I should probably wait at least until AF is expected (and stop getting so darned excited.) I'm going on a little vacay on the 28th & hope I know by then.

How are you feeling? Is the benadryl helping? Have a great evening!

I think if I switched to have FF use the FAM method instead of the default Advanced method, it put my coverline at 97.6 and my O date at CD15, but I figured the Advanced method should be more accurate. Either way, 1 day isn't that big of a deal. I felt really silly after I got my BFNs the evening of 6DPO and the morning of 8DPO, so I wouldn't suggest that you test yet. But I definitely understand the urge and would not fault you for testing. When I tested the morning of 10DPO, I was so shocked that it was still a BFN (because I had a dream about getting 4 BFPs before I woke up to temp!), that I didn't even want to test at 11DPO. So I guess I did the EOD method of testing, similar to how we pretty much did the EOD method of BDing. When is AF due for you? You should definitely know before your vacay though! Fingers crossed that you'll get your BFP soon!

I am feeling better, thanks for asking! I took one of the 200mg Prometrium suppositories around 6:30PM before we went to dinner with my family, but forgot to take the benadryl, so I was a bit itchy at dinner. But I took a benadryl as soon as I got home, as well as one of the 100mg Progesterone supplements before bed, and I didn't itch all that much at night. I think I'll try to continue doing it this way, at least until I run out of the 100mg version. I just hope the itching stays at a tolerable level.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

First on my to-do list this morning was to re-read te last few pages and catch up!

S&I, I'm sorry about your continued allergic reaction to those supplements! Glad that they didn't cost you an arm and a leg for the 14 day supply. I hope that your numbers come back stellar and that maybe you can taper off of them without risk. Anxiously awaiting your next beta draw! Seems like your OB is pretty proactive with this early monitoring and helping this bean stick around. I'm glad to read about that.

BrightSpot- We are going to Tuscany in September of 2012! I am so excited for the trip. I've been wanting to visit Tuscany for years and having all of my family there will be a great experience. Out of the 5 grandkids, only one of us has children (4!! 3 bio and 1 adopted) and I really, really hope I am pregnant for that trip. I know my other cousin who is married is planning to start trying once they return from that trip. Good luck with your 2WW!

Missy- I'm sorry about the disappointing time with your friends on that vacation. Glad you had a good time with your BIL and husband, though!

HOT- Whoa to those new assets! :naughty: I fear for when I am pregnant and inevitably have an increased bust size. I know DH will be excited about it but I'm already on the bigger side bra-wise and I'm not sure I want too much more! Good luck this cycle! More oysters coming your way?

MP- That was a close one with your diamond! I hope the jeweler can make things right away. Crazy dream you had, too! I don't really remember dreams, but DH does. I can only imagine the weird stuff his subconscious will come up with when we are pregnant. I'll be thinking about you this week as you approach testing time! I have a good feeling about this cycle for you.

Lizzy- I somehow missed that you were trying IUI this cycle. I hope that your timing works out and that you have a fair shot at having this work out for you! Sounds like you're armed and ready for O-detection!

jas- I hope your stay in this thread is short but I really enjoy your sense of humor. You seem like just the kind of girlfriend I've want in my life when I am actually TTCing. I hope that your m/c leftovers disappear soon so you can just put it in the past fully and move on. It sounds like things are really lingering and I'm so sorry for that. Interesting that your DH told his friends about TTCing! My DH hardly shares anything with his closest friends so I woudn't be surprised if he didn't tell them at all and they found out once I posted a belly picture on FB. I hope your timing works out with DH's work schedule and that you can catch the egg this month!

CS- I hope the OPKs give you some clear answers this cycle! I think I blew through about 15 my first cycle since I was testing 2x a day from CD10 onwards. Then this cycle I hardly used any. I was happy to see that I did get a positive with them though, since my temping doesn't seem to be that consistent.

Steph- So soon for you and R to start trying! EEEeee! So excited!

On Saturday I noticed I had a lot of EWCM. Definitely made me question the validity of my temping and FF telling me that I O'd on CD12. I sort of forgot about it and then on Sunday night I used an OPK. It came up positive almost immediately but yesterday afternoon it was back to negative. I'm guessing I started my surge on Saturday and that I managed to catch it in the middle. This is my 3rd cycle off of BCPs and the first time I've noticed EWCM. So it looks like jas was right and FF really IS dim (or my temp pattern is totally whacked). I think I O'd yesterday (CD18). Even after I put in the positive OPK and EWCM into FF it STILL kept my O date as CD12! So I guess the writing is on the wall and I will likely rely mostly on OPKs to tell me when I am Oing. I will try to temp the rest of the cycle (missed Monday, oops) to see if I can get the temping and OPKs to sync up.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek, yup IUI for me this cycle. Should be interesting... I'm so glad you tested with your OPK when you did or you might have missed O! Weird that FF insists on your O being earlier.

S&I, sorry to hear you are still allergic to the new progesterone. My RE told me that the progesterone suppositories will not affect your progesterone level in your blood draw. She said that the suppository never reaches your blood stream, but it does give progesterone to where you need it (you know, down there :)) ) If your progesterone level goes up on your blood draw then that means that your progesterone is naturally rising. I don't think your level sounds too low though. On my 14dpo blood draw mine is usually around 18. When do you go back in for another beta?

Brightspot, I'm hoping all of these high temps mean a BFP for you!

MP, too funny about your dream! Did you tell your DH? Ha ha!!!! Sorry about the ring situation, but I am so glad it happened when it did. Happy Birthday to you by the way!!!

Jas, sorry your boys are sick. I hate when my little man doesn't feel good. He wants to play but he gets so frustrated. I hope they feel better soon! Great job on the BD'ing! How many positive OPK's have you had now?

LC, thank you lady! I am looking forward to my acupuncture appt tomorrow too! How often do you go? I could see it getting real expensive. It's $65 per session. I haven't had a chance to call my insurance company so I should probably do that.

AFM, tomorrow is my u/s and acupuncture appt. I have been holding off on BD'ing because I am waiting to see how many follies we have first. My DH leaves tomorrow and is home on Thursday night so if all is well tomorrow hopefully we can sneak in some BD'ing Thurs night. I'm hoping that we can do the IUI either this weekend or beginning of next week. Hopefully just in time before vacation next week!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Lizzy, I went once a week but skipped a week here and there if the schedule didn't match up. My appts were about $30-$40 a pop, but like I said it was community acupuncture, so no table and I stayed fully clothed the whole time. Just rolled up sleeves and pant legs. I think your appointments might be more "concentrated" if you will, so you'll probably won't need to go as often. After I got my BFP, I went once a week for 2 or 3 weeks, then I trailed off. But also during the whole treatment time frame I was dealing with sciatica pain so that was the other driving reason I went.

Claritek, How odd that FF thinks you O'd earlier despite your positive OPKs and EWCM. I'd probably say it'll shift your crosshairs if you temp for a few more days. It wants 3 or 4 days of elevated temps before it moves, but typically OPKs and EWCM can also move the cross hairs.

Monkey, thinking about you dear. You should be half way through your 2WW right?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, excited to hear what you find out tomorrow about your little follies! I hope this cycle will be a go for you! Good luck with the acupuncture. Did you say your doctor suggested the acupuncture? I haven’t done any research on it, but I’d be curious to know if there is documented evidence it helps with fertility. Everone keeps talking about it on here, so it has perked my interest. I'm still skeptical, but maybe I just need to be less western-centric when it comes to medicine.

Clairitek, I don’t know what to tell you on the FF. When I was temping it was always accurate for me based on my temps and coincided with my positive opks. You must have just had a tricky temp pattern that it hasn’t been able to decipher. I would definitely go with the OPK and what your body is telling you over FF. You’ll be a pro by the time you’re ready to start. Your trip next year sounds amazing. I spent some time in Tuscany about 10 years ago. I really wish I could now because I know I’d appreciate it even more.

S&I, glad to hear you are feeling better. That’s interesting what Lizzy said about the progesterone. That works out well for you because you can figure out whether you need to stay on it or not. But if Benadryl is making it tolerable, I say better safe than sorry.

Brightspot, how are you feeling? Any more signs? It’s at the point that any symptoms you feel might be the real deal.

LC, thanks. I’m probably at about the halfway point. Either 6 or 7 dpo. Not feeling anything different, and I haven’t had much chance to obsess yet. There’s still plenty of time for that. I feel okay about thing because I will be seeing my doctor in about 3 weeks, so at least I’m getting closer to get some answers if there is something not quite right. Still following your story closely and very excited for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, that's so funny about your 4 BFP dream. I guess your subconscious was about a day ahead of your hcg production! FF thinks my AF is due on the 25th, so I'll try to wait until then to test. I'm not feeling so many symptoms now, so maybe I shouldn't get so excited.
I hope you had a nice dinner with your family. Have you told them yet? I'm so glad your itching has subsided a bit. Does the benadryl help you sleep as well? Can't wait to hear the news on your next beta!

Clairitek, you're going to love Tuscany & September should be a beautiful time to visit. How wonderful to be able to share the trip with your family as well. I was there last July & it was gorgeous, but hot! (and no A/C in my hotel!) Let me know if you need any recommendations. That would be great if you're KU in time for the trip. (but if not, there's always chianti...) :naughty: I've been wondering about the accuracy of some things on FF too. That's great that you caught your surge & are getting a sense of your cycle before go time.

Lizzy, I hope all goes well with your acupuncture & u/s tomorrow & that you can do the IUI before your vacay. Keep us posted!

MP, so, ironically, I'm feeling fewer symptoms now that they could actually mean something. Oh well. My DH was laughing last night at how suggestible I am. I had started thinking about my blood draw appointment & I swear my arm started to hurt! So I might've just had some psychosomatic symptoms going on. :rolleyes: Perhaps your lack of symptoms is coming from your lack of time to obsess. Would you like me to obsess on your behalf? Ooh, maybe I just felt a cramp!
Seriously, though, I really hope this is the month for you! And if not, you'll be able to talk to your doc next month & get more info & a plan to move forward.
Any updates on the ring front?

AFM, I had my progesterone test today. I'm really not a fan of needles, but it seems the blood draw is a pretty frequent part of this process. I'd so much rather POAS than have a stick in the arm! The results come back on Friday, I think, so for now, I wait. My temp was still high today, but much lower than yesterday's (though I had a wicked case of insomnia on Sunday night, so I think that was probably the cause of the extra high temp).

Hi to anyone I missed!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies, i just wanted to pop in quickly to say/rant that so far DH has NOT be cooperative. I asked last night if he was up for some sexy time and he said he was too tired from playing hours of Call of Duty. The only saving grace is that I have been peeing on my OPKs twice a day since Saturday and haven't gotten near a positive yet. So its OK. Frankly, with out the OPKs I would have stressed out on DH and panicking that we were going to miss the egg. Sooo glad I have these little sticks to pee on!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MerryMary|1313537218|2992235 said:
Hi Ladies, i just wanted to pop in quickly to say/rant that so far DH has NOT be cooperative. I asked last night if he was up for some sexy time and he said he was too tired from playing hours of Call of Duty. The only saving grace is that I have been peeing on my OPKs twice a day since Saturday and haven't gotten near a positive yet. So its OK. Frankly, with out the OPKs I would have stressed out on DH and panicking that we were going to miss the egg. Sooo glad I have these little sticks to pee on!

Peeing on things is strangely fun...even if it is on OPKs and not HPTs...

I'm still debating whether or not to get any for this cycle. I have a clear temp shift, and we obviously aren't trying yet. So the real reason would be because I find them entertaining. Also debating whether or not to bring them on the cruise. I'm leaning towards yes, since I will be just off the pill and want to know when I O (even though I will most likely O exactly on CD 14 or 15). But with the stress of travel and the wedding, I'd hate to O late and think we got the eggy when in fact we didn't...Hmmm...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1313538869|2992248 said:
MerryMary|1313537218|2992235 said:
Hi Ladies, i just wanted to pop in quickly to say/rant that so far DH has NOT be cooperative. I asked last night if he was up for some sexy time and he said he was too tired from playing hours of Call of Duty. The only saving grace is that I have been peeing on my OPKs twice a day since Saturday and haven't gotten near a positive yet. So its OK. Frankly, with out the OPKs I would have stressed out on DH and panicking that we were going to miss the egg. Sooo glad I have these little sticks to pee on!

Peeing on things is strangely fun...even if it is on OPKs and not HPTs...

I'm still debating whether or not to get any for this cycle. I have a clear temp shift, and we obviously aren't trying yet. So the real reason would be because I find them entertaining. Also debating whether or not to bring them on the cruise. I'm leaning towards yes, since I will be just off the pill and want to know when I O (even though I will most likely O exactly on CD 14 or 15). But with the stress of travel and the wedding, I'd hate to O late and think we got the eggy when in fact we didn't...Hmmm...

I think my next show (I work in theater) is going to be "Peeing on Things is Strangely Fun: The POAS Story" Trust me, there'd be a huge audience. Mostly guys, I'm guessing, who just like to pee on things. Not sticks. As far as I know.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good evening, all. My boys were lousy sick most of the morning, and have rallied in the afternoon. And by "rallied" I mean practicing their antagonizing/whining skills. Hooray! Good thing they're also awfully cute.

S&I: yay for first appointments. Glad you're feeling better! I'm so sorry you are going through all this .

Monkey: After your dream, I am never going to Starbucks again. LOL.

Claritek -- thanks for the compliment. I don't actually have a lot of RL galpals (I know a lot of gals who don't find me particularly amusing. Or maybe I smell. Who knows?) so I would welcome someone like you in my life, especially when we could be TTC pals. I just shudder to think what DH DOESN'T tell his poker buddies. Ew.

Lizzyann - thanks, I hope they are on the mend. I have had like 40 positive OPKS (ok, four. And then one a few days before that came and went.) I refuse to OPK anymore this cycle. I'm afraid the damned thing would explode.

Merry - Boo to your DH. If only we could make a video game "TTC: Call of Booty" Actually, that's not a bad idea. Hmmm.

Brightspot -- I like FF, but I swear sometimes it just makes me paranoid. You're fertile! You're not fertile! You could be fertile! You were fertile yesterday and I just didn't feel like telling you. But I like to chart things almost as much as I like peeing on sticks.

AFM: I think I ovulated yesterday! Temp shift this morning (probably...I woke up 2 hours early and it was kinda high but below coverline, then at regular time it was high.) But all other signs are good...low closed cervix, achy boobs. So I'm hopeful, as we BD 0-1. Heh. We'll see now. I guess I'm in the 2WW. Unless my body decides to mutiny again and FF breaks up with me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jas|1313544228|2992303 said:
amc80|1313538869|2992248 said:
MerryMary|1313537218|2992235 said:
Hi Ladies, i just wanted to pop in quickly to say/rant that so far DH has NOT be cooperative. I asked last night if he was up for some sexy time and he said he was too tired from playing hours of Call of Duty. The only saving grace is that I have been peeing on my OPKs twice a day since Saturday and haven't gotten near a positive yet. So its OK. Frankly, with out the OPKs I would have stressed out on DH and panicking that we were going to miss the egg. Sooo glad I have these little sticks to pee on!

Peeing on things is strangely fun...even if it is on OPKs and not HPTs...

I'm still debating whether or not to get any for this cycle. I have a clear temp shift, and we obviously aren't trying yet. So the real reason would be because I find them entertaining. Also debating whether or not to bring them on the cruise. I'm leaning towards yes, since I will be just off the pill and want to know when I O (even though I will most likely O exactly on CD 14 or 15). But with the stress of travel and the wedding, I'd hate to O late and think we got the eggy when in fact we didn't...Hmmm...

I think my next show (I work in theater) is going to be "Peeing on Things is Strangely Fun: The POAS Story" Trust me, there'd be a huge audience. Mostly guys, I'm guessing, who just like to pee on things. Not sticks. As far as I know.

As someone that just started with OPKs, I find this dialog very funny :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek, thanks. I think the only reason why my OB is doing all this proactive stuff is because I've been practically calling the office everyday since my BFP. :oops: I'm pretty sure "normal" patients aren't as annoying as I am. I wonder if maybe your body was gearing up to O on CD12, and then just changed its mind, sort of like what jas did? FF is notorious for moving crosshairs, but usually only after 3 days of high temps (or whatever FF considers as high temps). Do you mind posting your chart?

Lizzy, thanks. That's good to know that the progesterone suppositories don't actually show up in the blood tests, although I'm not sure why they would want me to test it only after being on the supplements for a week then. I was telling my DH the other night that I didn't really understand what the new progesterone level would really tell me - if the supplements are working, or if my body decided to produce more on its own. Then what? I go back in this Friday to get both HCG and progesterone tested, so we'll see what happens. I am going to go first thing in the morning, in hopes that they can get the results before the office closes that day. Good luck with your u/s and acupuncture appt today! Keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get to see some nice follies developing!

MP, thanks. I'm glad Lizzy brought up the blood test thing. That's really good to know. You're about half-way through your 2WW - when are you going to test? I need some new BFPs in the JBP thread. A lot of the ladies there have graduated to the big girls thread already.

BrightSpot, I remember FF telling me not to test until 18DPO because I had only recorded 1 cycle before that. But I felt like my LPs have always been on the short side. Symptoms come and go, so you're still definitely in it! Maybe yesterday's lowish-high temp could be your implantation dip? Hope your progesterone level comes back higher than mine! I texted my sister that I thought I saw a line the morning of 12DPO, since we were already texting back and forth while she was waiting to board the plane. Then I told my parents later that night after seeing the clear line on the FRER. DH told his parents the next day or so. We kind of had to come clean with them because DH's brother's wife is planning their church wedding for 5 days before my EDD (they already got married at the courthouse in May).

MM, so sorry that DH is not being cooperative. I tried to inform my DH during the day that we would be BDing that night, so he could prepare himself. Even then, he tried to back out of it the first night. But I jumped on him anyways! Since it was my first cycle using OPKs, I think DH was a bit fascinated with them as well.

amc, the stress of the wedding and the traveling might delay your O date a little bit. I say bring the OPKs with you just in case. If you don't feel like using them, no problem. It would stink if you wanted to use them, but didn't have them, you know?

jas, I love your show idea, ha! Hope your precious boys are feeling better by now! A kinda high temp 2 hours early is usually a good sign of a thermal shift, so yay for Oing! Good luck in your 2WW! It's getting a little lonely over in the JBP thread.

centralsquare, how are you liking the OPKs now?

AFM, I didn't itch at all yesterday! I didn't even have to take a benadryl yesterday. I went back to taking my usual zyrtec in the AM, along with the Prometrium 200mg. Then I took the Progesterone 100mg at night. I even went to sleep really early around 9PM last night. I had stopped taking zyrtec last Thursday since the label said consult your doctor if pregnant. I didn't realize that it was doing more than just blocking my sneezing around mold! I feel so much better that my body isn't fighting against the natural progression anymore. One day at a time!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, my husband brought my ring to the jeweler on Monday, and I won’t get it back until Tuesday. They are most likely going to redo the basket. All I'm wearing now is my skinny little half eternity band, and it looks so pathetic without my diamond!
Anyway, based on my unscientific study, there is definitely a correlation between the amount of symptoms felt and the time spent analyzing symptoms. However, even if I obsess and look for symptoms, I haven’t felt any since the first couple months of trying when I was first paying attention to every little thing. I don’t feel like I’m pregnant this time around either unfortunately. How about you, are your temps still looking good?

S&I, glad the itching has stopped. And believe me, I would love nothing more than to keep you company in the JBP thread. My body just hasn’t jumped on board yet. I have given up on the early testing because as you know there is nothing worse than seeking a stark white HPT. I’m guessing if AF decides to show, it will happen by Monday, so I won’t be testing before then.

MM, no worries on the BDing. We’ve all been there. I think it is really mental for the guys. There is just added pressure when they know they have to perform for a purpose. You still have plenty of time it sounds like. Once DH knew how much it upset me when we squandered a perfectly good opportunity, he has been amazing.

Jas, I can’t wait for your POAS production : ) As I was reading that I was imagining a dance number to the song “I Peed on a Stick and I liked it” to the tune of I Kissed a Girl. Anyway, yay for maybe O’ing. Sounds like you had a great timing!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, my RE did recommend acupuncture. There is a certain specialist in my area that they gave me the name of. She told me there is no scientific proof that acupuncture helps, but she said that if anything it will be relaxing, which will be a big stress relief. I'll let you know how it goes tonight.

Brightspot, how many dpo are you now? When will you test?

Merry, sorry about your uncooperative DH. I know you weren't sure about telling him when your fertile times are, but for me I prefer to tell him so that he can be prepared for BD'ing every other day. I basically just tell him "it's go time!"

AMC, I'd take the opk's on your cruise. It sounds like you would want to know if you are O'ing so why not?

Jas, yay for the 2ww!!! That Call of Booty thing is hilarious!!!!

S&I, truly I think the main thing you want to gain from your blood work on Friday is knowing your new beta hcg #. If that # has doubled every 48-72 hours over the last week, then you are off to a great start. If your progesterone goes up, then that just means that your natural progesterone is kicking in. Keep us posted!

AFM, I had my u/s today and I have three leading follicles. One is 18.5mm and the other two are 17.5mm. She said that it is always possible that they may or may not have eggs in them, but we're hoping at least one will be viable. She was really pleased with their sizes and wants me to do the trigger shot and BD tomorrow night, then on Saturday I will go in for the IUI. She said this way my Dh will have 48 hours to build up sperm again before the IUI. So great timing! She said the goal is to do the IUI as ovulation is occurring and it usually occurs 36 hours after trigger shot. So we shall see! I'm just glad that all of this worked out before vacation. Vacation will be a great way to pass some time during the 2ww too!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I- Yay for no more itching! Glad that you're feeling better.

Lizzy- It amazes me that the follicles get so long to carry such a tiny little thing, and on on a relatively small part of our body! Your REs plan sounds great!

Jas- I love your idea for a new play. That made me snort out loud in my office.

MM- Urgh. Sorry your DH is not being very cooperative! Glad you have the OPKs though to calm the panic of possibly missing the egg.

BrightSpot- How was your temp this morning?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, fantastic news on the US and the plan with the IUI! I'm so glad the timing worked out, and you're 100% correct, vacation is the best way to pass the 2WW. How was your acupuncture appt too?

Monkey, I'm pretty sure you said you stopped temping right? Anyway, the whole lack of symptom thing must be driving you crazy, but hey, just enjoy your symptom free-ness. I'm glad the jeweler's going to fix the basket. How's the job hunt going? And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

For some reason my "Spidey Senses" are tingling for one of you ladies this go 'round. I hope it's correct. Keeping fingers toes crossed and eagle posing just in case.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I said:
the stress of the wedding and the traveling might delay your O date a little bit. I say bring the OPKs with you just in case. If you don't feel like using them, no problem. It would stink if you wanted to use them, but didn't have them, you know?

That's what I was thinking. It's not like they take up a lot of room, you know?

S&I said:
that sounds like a highly technical plan you have with your BCP so you can O on your honeymoon! Hope it works out, and you'll bring back a souvenir in your uterus!

Well, it just so happens that without going on BCP I will start AF the day of my I figure if I have to go on the pill anyway, I might as well use it to my advantage, right?

AFM, I just went to the bathroom and have EWCM. This makes me happy because I've never really had a lot (or at least I haven't noticed that I have it), so yay for me. Well, yay for my cervix. Ha. I was thinking it was way too early for that...until I looked at my chart, I didn't realize that I'm already on CD12.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC, acupuncture went great! I'm going back again next week after my IUI!

Clairitek, it is so weird how big the follicles actually are really! I hope one of them is my sticky bean!

AFM, I had my acupuncture appt tonight and it was awesome! Sooooo relaxing. I was there for an hour and a half. First, she asked me a zillion questions on my TTC journey, then she put the needles in and I sat in the room by myself and every now and then she came in to check my pulse. The only needles that hurt going in were the ones in my ears. But they only hurt for the second going in. Once the needles are in you don't feel anything. She wants to see me again after my IUI next week before vacation. I highly recommend it ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello. I am nauseated. That is due to (a) the flu and (b) DH letting me know we may have a mouse in the house. I am 2dpo (although FF refuses to give me any satisfaction at this point). My boobs hurt a little. I think, though, my boobs always hurt a little post-o. So, you know, nothing to see here. Except, possibly, a mouse.

S&I, thanks for asking, the boys are back to their usual hijinks today, bless 'em. I blame them for passing along whatever plague I have. I hope to join you in the JBP soon! Like, really soon...I'm hoping for about 10-11 days from now. But I'm optimistic. So glad your itchies have disappeared!

Monkey -- LOL about your unscientific study. I swear every twinge, pull, and spasm is messing with me already, as it usually does every month, whether I'm TTC or not. I like your thinking on the music for my new show. Heh, I should totally do a TTC musical...Act II could be the Joys of Pregnancy. *scrambles for a pen*

Lizzyann -- Sounds like you're gearing up for such an exciting week. I think a 2WW vacay is PERFECTLY timed! Whoohoo on your follicles! There's a sentence, huh? Sounds like acupuncture was outstanding!

Clairitek -- How are you doing?

Lliang -- hee on the Spidey senses. Hopefully yours are more "successful" than the Broadway production. :)

That's all for now. I am feeling like dog crap and need to rest up to keep up with Thing 1 and Thing 2 tomorrow. And, you know, resting up for my inevitable rodent confrontation
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

My leg is itching. Could that mean I'm pregnant? :tongue:

More soon...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Returning from going AWOL :oops: I've been reading intermittently but did not get around to posting for a myriad of reasons. I'm going to catch up from this page forward, so apologies in advance if I don't say :wavey: :wavey: to all of the TTCers.

BS: Itchy legs = pregnancy in my book. EVERY symptom = pregnancy in my book. I know you were just teasing, but I hope your KTFU anyway!

Jas: Your posts bring some much needed laughter into my life. CD2- how long til you test? I need some pee-stick action.

Lizzy: Sounds like all is well and wonderful on your end. Thanks for sharing your accupuncture story! I'm super intrigued. Hope it's just what you needed to make this cycle THE one.

AMC: Three cheers for EWCM! How perfectly shitty that AF is going to show up on your wedding. It just stinks that you have to use hormonal BPC to rid yourself of AF for a wedding, yanno? Of course you know. Maybe mother nature will do something awesome and your cycle will shift a few days in either direction. A woman can hope!

MP: Glad the ring will be fixed and I hope you get it back soon.

:wavey: to everyone else out in TTC land.

AFM: I've been back at school for the past two weeks and the kiddos come tomorrow. I've been freaking out, to say the least. (First year teacher). CD15 and no sign of AF. OPKs aren't getting darker, CM has been consistently lotiony, cervix is relatively firm. I had a freak out about 1.5 weeks ago about TTC. I told DH I couldn't do it... I just... I don't know. ANYWAY- I think some hesitation is perfectly normal. He told me he was sad but understood my rationale. Fast forward to now: I've warmed up to the idea of trying this month (again) and he's being resistant. Obviously we both need to be on board with this. So long story not really short: I have no freaking clue if we're going to TTC this month. Gah.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

This is lame, but I had to post to correct my incorrect use of 'your' in my prior thread contribution. It should have been 'you're'.

Sorry. Pet peeve. The editing timeframe already passed. I'm neurotic.

ETA: I also wrote 'CD 15 and no sign of AF'... I meant OVULATION. Clearly. I haven't been sleeping much lately, can you tell?