
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, if you wake up at around the same time every day including weekends, I would just get up on your own after your husband gets up. I think it's okay if it's within 15-20 mins of the average time. And, also it's normal to wake up later on weekends - but if you happen to get up - take it and then go back to sleep. That's what I did.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483|1316018844|3017417 said:
JGator|1316018093|3017399 said:
Missy, try to take your temp around the same time every day and put it in Fertility Friend - you will get a nice graph for all your hard work. Also, if it's not the same time, FF will note that it was off the usual time with a hollow circle so you'll know that when you go back to your chart later. Remember, the earlier you wake up the lower the temp will be and if you drink alcohol the night before your temp could also spike the next day. You should see a definite pattern though. Good luck.

I since I woke up and temped at 5:40am, that could be why it was low? I was having trouble with thinking of a good time. DH gets up before me, his alarm goes off every 10 minutes starting at 5:40am and he finally gets up at 6 to leave for work at I figured I'd have to take it the first time the alarm goes off in case I wake up each time his alarm goes off. I'd rather wait til he leaves for work, but I'm sure I'll wake up a few times before that because of his alarm! Does any of that make sense? It made sense in my head, but reading it is a different story haha

I would just take it when his first alarm goes off. Most BBTs store the previous temp, so you don't even need to look at or write down your temp at that time. With mine, I just turn it on at a later time and it will display the last temp taken. Also, some people are more sensitive to time than others. I can take my temp at 5am or 10am and it barely changes. Once you figure out which category you're in you can decided how you want to temp.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm so sorry. Hoping all the IVF leadup goes well and that it is the help you need to get a sticky bean.

PPM, I'm sorry for your loss. Hope you can figure out what the heck is going on with your body and that you get KU with a sticky bean soon.

Missy, woooohoooo for the Ravens! Loved watching that game. Don't stress yourself out too much with the time of temping, I don't set an alarm to wake up early on the weekends and I am still able to see a pattern (though I notice the temps are a smidge higher if i sleep later). Don't worry about the exact temp either, as long as you see a pattern you are good to go. I think CD60 is a good benchmark for you to see your dr, a friend of mine went through that earlier this summer and they gave her meds to jump start her cycle at that point once confirming she wasn't KU.

mp, probably better safe than sorry with the repeat pap, and as you said, good way to get some extra face time with your dr. in. Glad you've got everything scheduled for you bloodwork next cycle, hope it turns up good results.

sugarpie, sounds like you got some well timed BD in! Hope your TWW goes quickly!

Brightspot, did ya get to jump DH last night? I don't think CD22 is super late - but I guess it depends what is normal for your cycle. Did you see a temp rise at all today?

amc, wow you are so prepared! I mentioned TTC at my annual exam last year, but all I had was, "so, yeah, we might try sometime in the next year...what am I supposed to do?" And she told me, "go off the pill and start taking prenatal vitamins." I am almost certain I don't want this OB to manage my pregnancy whenever I do get KU, and instead want to use a midwife group. I actually am due again for my annual in Oct. and tried to schedule it with the midwife group to give them a test drive, but they didn't have any openings for routine gyn exams until January! So I scheduled with the same OB, and I'll just have to wait and meet with the midwives whenever I am KU, hopefully the wait for appointments for preggos won't be five months!

Hi to anyone I missed and good thoughts especially to those of you in the TWW.

AFM AF arrived right when I expected on Saturday, so today is CD5. So my LP has been 12 days both cycles I've been off BC and O has been CD 19 and 16, respectively. FF is averaging them and expecting me to O on day 18 this cycle, but I know two data points does not a make a reliable prediction so I'm not relying on that alone! We are leaving on vacation next Friday, which will be CD14, so we'll have to try and get in a lot of vacation BD and see if we bring back a souvenir! (I feel a little awkward posting this because we are staying with Clairitek and her DH for the first three days of our trip, ah, the joys of having a real life friend on your anonymous TTC forum :lol: ).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1316020170|3017446 said:
We are leaving on vacation next Friday, which will be CD14, so we'll have to try and get in a lot of vacation BD and see if we bring back a souvenir! (I feel a little awkward posting this because we are staying with Clairitek and her DH for the first three days of our trip, ah, the joys of having a real life friend on your anonymous TTC forum :lol: ).

Okay, that's hilarious!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1316020170|3017446 said:
Missy, woooohoooo for the Ravens! Loved watching that game. Don't stress yourself out too much with the time of temping, I don't set an alarm to wake up early on the weekends and I am still able to see a pattern (though I notice the temps are a smidge higher if i sleep later). Don't worry about the exact temp either, as long as you see a pattern you are good to go. I think CD60 is a good benchmark for you to see your dr, a friend of mine went through that earlier this summer and they gave her meds to jump start her cycle at that point once confirming she wasn't KU.

We are leaving on vacation next Friday, which will be CD14, so we'll have to try and get in a lot of vacation BD and see if we bring back a souvenir! (I feel a little awkward posting this because we are staying with Clairitek and her DH for the first three days of our trip, ah, the joys of having a real life friend on your anonymous TTC forum :lol: ).

Steph, thanks for replying about my temping questions!
And I am totally laughing about vacation BD at Claritek's ...hilarious!! I'm waiting for her to reply about this! HA!! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy- I've been meaning to come back here and tell you how sorry I am that your beta fell. I am putting everything I can towards wishing that IVF is just the thing for you. Your RE sounds wonderful and proactive. I want to echo the others that I hope you allow yourself too feel what you want to feel and to come here and vent whenever you need to. Hugs to you dear. My thoughts are with you.

PPM- So sorry to hear about that cyst and your false positive! Amazing how you can grow something that size and not be in a bunch of pain. What a roller coaster this process is. I hope they get you sorted out soon.

MP- Nice to see you pop your head back in here. Sorry that you have to get a repeat pap smear. What an annoying thing to happen. You're right that another chance to talk to the doctor for free (for you) could be a good thing.

AMC- Your question list is stellar. I won't have another annual until after I start TTC. I suppose I can always ask some of those things about c-section and pitocin once I am KU. If I don't like her answers I can always switch.

Missy- 40+ day cycle you say? Wow! I hope you have a conclusion soon one way or another. If you've had lots of EWCM lately I suppose that could mean that youre about to O or you're about to get AF. I hope its O so you can have a shot at getting KU this cycle. I temp the second I wake up after I've been asleep for 4+ hours. Sometimes its at 4 am. Sometimes its at 540 am when my alarm goes off. I do see the shift when I discard temps when I've had alcohol within a few hours of bedtime. This month my shift coincided with my OPKs, too. Hopefully the next few days will be telling for you with the temping. What brand of thermometer did you get? Target? Or did you order online?

Hello to BrightSpot, ChinaCat, centralsquare, merrymary, HOT, and others! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483|1316027059|3017561 said:
stephb0lt|1316020170|3017446 said:
Missy, woooohoooo for the Ravens! Loved watching that game. Don't stress yourself out too much with the time of temping, I don't set an alarm to wake up early on the weekends and I am still able to see a pattern (though I notice the temps are a smidge higher if i sleep later). Don't worry about the exact temp either, as long as you see a pattern you are good to go. I think CD60 is a good benchmark for you to see your dr, a friend of mine went through that earlier this summer and they gave her meds to jump start her cycle at that point once confirming she wasn't KU.

We are leaving on vacation next Friday, which will be CD14, so we'll have to try and get in a lot of vacation BD and see if we bring back a souvenir! (I feel a little awkward posting this because we are staying with Clairitek and her DH for the first three days of our trip, ah, the joys of having a real life friend on your anonymous TTC forum :lol: ).

Steph, thanks for replying about my temping questions!
And I am totally laughing about vacation BD at Claritek's ...hilarious!! I'm waiting for her to reply about this! HA!! :lol:

.... We have a one bedroom apartment. They'll be sleeping on our sleeper sofa. I have offered to stuff a towel under our door as noise travels fairly easily between the living room and our bedroom. I shall also invest in some earplugs. OR! We can sleep on an air mattress in our en suite bathroom (which is inordinately large for the size of our apartment) because you can't hear a darn thing between the bathroom and living room. Anything to help StephB0lt and her DH sperminate her next egg! :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy: I'm glad you picked up your BBT! I don't think that temp is anything to worry about... Now, if your post-O temps are that low, I'd start to wonder about what was going on. Pre-O, not so much. I am a person who's temp changes quite a bit if my temp time is more than an hour off. Every person is different. I find that it's pretty easy to temp and fall back asleep. Let us know if you experience what I'm unofficially calling the "Temp Anxiety Phenomenon"... where you start dreaming about temping and stressing over it, to the point where you don't sleep well and it messes up your temps. :rodent: I went through it, but only for the first week or so... and I feel like a few other ladies dealt with the same thing in the early stages of temping.

Steph: CD5- you are well on your way! How exciting! I'm jealous of your upcoming vaycay and hope you and your DH have a fabulous time. It sounds like Ctek is 100% supportive of your BD agenda. That's what good friends are for! They'll push a towel under the door when they know you're fertile :lol:

AMC: It's awesome that you have a list of questions to ask. It's good to be prepared. You pay for the visit, after all, so make sure you get some answers.

Lizzy: How are you?? Thinking of you ::)

AFM: It's so rainy and BLAH where I am. DH and I just ordered takeout (pho! :lickout:) and are going to spend the night playing chess and watching documentaries. We're such dorky people. I got a call back from my doctor's office: Beta was at 7. Super low. If I had an ectopic they expect it would be higher. The number makes them think it was an actual pregnancy was not viable early on... and I simply did not bleed until later. That still doesn't explain my "extremely un-pregnant uterus". Maybe it will forever be a mystery.

Anyway, I'm pretending it's CD 5. My bleeding is similar to, or lighter than, a regular period. I just have a hunch that I'll be ovulating in 2.5 weeks.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC - Whoops missed your reply, thanks! I'll test out the timing at the beginning of my next cycle! If I don't get a BFP, I'll still be excited to start out a fresh cycle with my temping.

PPM - Glad you seem to be doing a little better! Thanks for your input as well! Temp Anxiety Phenomenon - CHECK! I'm already obsessing about it. I woke a couple times to look at the clock and I finally said to myself "OK, quit worrying about the time or you won't get a full 3-4 hours of sleep and your temp will be off!!" Great!!! Also, it was stormy, rainy night last night here also. I heard the loudest thunder I've ever heard and some crazy lightening too! DH went out on a fire call in the middle of the storm so it was just me and my scaredy cats!

Claritek - What a nice friend you are! Maybe Steph will be able to say her baby was conceived at your house! What a story that will be :bigsmile:

AFM - I've been hogging up this thread a lot lately! Sorry ladies!! I got a +OPK yesterday afternoon! And still had EWCM in the evening. I guess I really did scare my body into working correctly! We still used a tiny bit of Preseed because I wasn't sure it was enough! So maybe this is it. I don't know if I'll get crosshairs on FF since I just started temping yesterday. I noticed a pretty big jump in temp this morning. I couldn't attach my whole chart because it's a long cycle and PS makes it really itty bitty if I try to attach the whole thing!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, Hi, glad to hear things are going well. Sorry for your loss, but wishing you the best to catch the egg and have a sticky bean this cycle.

Missy, I think you won't see the cross hairs this month without more days of data prior to O, but see what tomorrow's temperature looks like and you may have ovulated yesterday or today. Looks good. Try not to stress too much over the temping, but it's fun to see the chart progress on FF.

Hi to Brightspot, MP, AMC, Stephbolt, Clairitek, :wavey: and anyone else out there I missed. Hope all is well, and I am wishing you a speedy journey TTC.

AFM, I am 7.5 weeks pregnant based on my LMP. My progesterone ended up being low so I was put on progesterone suppositories, and it has improved to a normal range now. I have my next ultrasound on Monday so hoping we can hear a heartbeat and see a healthy baby in there.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1316040914|3017773 said:
Missy0483|1316027059|3017561 said:
stephb0lt|1316020170|3017446 said:
Missy, woooohoooo for the Ravens! Loved watching that game. Don't stress yourself out too much with the time of temping, I don't set an alarm to wake up early on the weekends and I am still able to see a pattern (though I notice the temps are a smidge higher if i sleep later). Don't worry about the exact temp either, as long as you see a pattern you are good to go. I think CD60 is a good benchmark for you to see your dr, a friend of mine went through that earlier this summer and they gave her meds to jump start her cycle at that point once confirming she wasn't KU.

We are leaving on vacation next Friday, which will be CD14, so we'll have to try and get in a lot of vacation BD and see if we bring back a souvenir! (I feel a little awkward posting this because we are staying with Clairitek and her DH for the first three days of our trip, ah, the joys of having a real life friend on your anonymous TTC forum :lol: ).

Steph, thanks for replying about my temping questions!
And I am totally laughing about vacation BD at Claritek's ...hilarious!! I'm waiting for her to reply about this! HA!! :lol:

.... We have a one bedroom apartment. They'll be sleeping on our sleeper sofa. I have offered to stuff a towel under our door as noise travels fairly easily between the living room and our bedroom. I shall also invest in some earplugs. OR! We can sleep on an air mattress in our en suite bathroom (which is inordinately large for the size of our apartment) because you can't hear a darn thing between the bathroom and living room. Anything to help StephB0lt and her DH sperminate her next egg! :cheeky:

There's also the option of joining the mile high club! The flight between Philadelphia and SF is plenty long! :naughty: :Up_to_something:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I am all stocked up with OPKs, both strips and digis to confirm. Used a strip this morning on CD11. Pulled a pretty decent line, but not positive by any means. I really missed peeing on things :) I'm hoping I O on CD 16 or later so that AF doesn't creep into my cruise any more (well, assuming I'm don't get preggo).

I have my file ready for my doc appointment tomorrow- charts printed, OPK pics printed, forms filled out (12 pages!), copies of records from my previous gyno and primary doc. I'm really really glad I made the appointment. I was sort of torn at first, but I know me and I know that if I waited until I was pregnant to see a new doctor I would feel like I had to stay with her no matter what, even if I didn't like her.

Clairitek said:
AFM, I am 7.5 weeks pregnant based on my LMP. My progesterone ended up being low so I was put on progesterone suppositories, and it has improved to a normal range now. I have my next ultrasound on Monday so hoping we can hear a heartbeat and see a healthy baby in there.


Missy0483 said:
AFM - I've been hogging up this thread a lot lately! Sorry ladies!! I got a +OPK yesterday afternoon! And still had EWCM in the evening. I guess I really did scare my body into working correctly! We still used a tiny bit of Preseed because I wasn't sure it was enough! So maybe this is it. I don't know if I'll get crosshairs on FF since I just started temping yesterday. I noticed a pretty big jump in temp this morning. I couldn't attach my whole chart because it's a long cycle and PS makes it really itty bitty if I try to attach the whole thing!

Sounds promising. I doubt you'll get crosshairs, but you can put them in manually. Or you can just put in 5 days worth of low temps before your CD44...then you'll get them. Obviously only if you know for sure you O'd. It sounds promising with all the EWCM though!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, wow, girl, you're on it! That's great that you're so prepared for your appointment. I hope it goes well--keep us posted!

C-tek & Steph, you guys crack me up! I hope you two have a wonderful visit and, um, a productive one for you, Steph!
C-tek, do you guys have a dog to walk or maybe you could go out for ice cream during the sperminator mission. 8-)

JGator, yay on 7.5 weeks! How are you feeling? How have the progesterone supplements working for you? Did you have your levels tested at any point pre-pregnancy, or were they just low after the BFP? Good luck on your us on Monday! How exciting! Let us know how it goes.

Missy, that's great that you're temping! It should give you some valuable info & help with cross-checking the other symptoms. I was totally stressed (& dreaming about) temping at first, but it will become second nature with time. I suspect FF won't give you crosshairs this cycle (unless you do an override like amc mentioned) but the + OPK & ewcm is super promising! Hopefully you'll have several days of elevated temps to confirm (14...18...280... :naughty:)
You & I are both on the slow train this month! Maybe we can be 2WW buddies? :cheeky:

PPM, that's so weird that they don't really know what's going on. I'm thinking of you & hope you're feeling better. Hugs. It's raining here too & a nice bowl of pho sounds great right about now!
Yep, I did get to jump poor DH (see below). The things we go through in this quest... :rolleyes:

MP, that sucks to have to go in for another pap, but good that you'll get a result this time ( :angryfire: ) & also that you can have more time with your doc to discuss TCC stuff with a visit that's covered by insurance. Thanks for chiming in on a late O. I guess because my progesterone was so low last month & my doc thought maybe it wasn't a "strong" o, I linked that to a "late" o, but they probably aren't (necessarily) related.
I'm liking the book so far. It talks about addressing the roots of fertility problems rather than the symptoms, being thorough & not jumping prematurely to lots of harsh, invasive treatments that may not be necessary, which I like. It also gives you a lot of lifestyle changes you can try before you progress to testing, etc. It also puts people into fertility types & offers type-specific advice, which is the only part I'm unsure about so far as I don't seem to fall squarely into one category. It gives both eastern & western medicine suggestions that are complimentary. You might enjoy it.
How are you feeling? You should have good news or testing soon. Did I remember you saying you wanting to have fasting glucose tested too or was that someone else?

Lizzy, still thinking of you & hoping you're feeling better.

Hello to ChinaCat, centralsquare, merrymary, HOT, and others

AFM, so, I didn't get home from work until nearly 3am on Tuesday, the day of the mega EWCM (well, technically Wednesday morning...) I POAS & got a + OPK! (This one was the darkest one I've seen since I've been using them. The test line & control line were about the same color). I didn't test the day before, so maybe I missed a stronger reading. Very proud of my result & worried about the short lifespan of my potential eggie, we had a groggy vignette as follows:

DH: Welcome home.
Me: Oh, good, you're up... :naughty:

I POAS again yesterday afternoon around 4:30 & it was totally negative. We BD'd again yesterday afternoon. My temps have been really erratic lately, in large part because of my crazy sleep & waking schedule this week. Does this look like I'm in the 2WW? :errrr:

I was supposed to go in for a second progesterone test today as my levels were low last month, but I think I might postpone until next week since it's supposed to be done at 7dpo. My doc based the schedule on last month's cycle, which was 31 days & I'm already on CD 25.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1316119867|3018399 said:
Does this look like I'm in the 2WW? :errrr:

Definitely! Your crosshairs should be there tomorrow. Good luck! :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1316103573|3018243 said:
Clairitek said:
AFM, I am 7.5 weeks pregnant based on my LMP. My progesterone ended up being low so I was put on progesterone suppositories, and it has improved to a normal range now. I have my next ultrasound on Monday so hoping we can hear a heartbeat and see a healthy baby in there.


Ha! Sometimes the PS quoting button does interesting things. I think this is meant for JGator!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

...I would like to jump in here, if you all don't mind. :wavey:
My husband and I just started TTC (first month) and I have been looking through these threads, reading about many of your hopes, happy moments, and frustrations. I have to admit that I have not caught on to all of the lingo as of yet (anyone care to fill me in?).

This is the most major step in my almost 5 year marriage and I am so excited/nervous about the whole darn thing. I hope that I can get support and encouragement from all of you ladies, and I will do the same.

Best of luck to all who are trying and here goes nothing!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

sphenequeen - Welcome! We like new people around here to obsess about about TTC with us! :tongue:

Check out page 4 of this thread. There's a bunch of terms that we use there that should help you out!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, I am by no means an expert on any of this stuff either. I hope all your questions have been resolved, even though you may never know the real reason for your BFPs. Hope this cycle is relatively normal for you, so you can get back on the train!

Missy and BrightSpot, looks like you're both in the 2WW! Good luck to you both!

Lizzy, how did your IVF info session on Wednesday go? Thinking of you!

MP, yay for setting up another appointment to talk about fertility stuff! :appl: Boo to having to do another pap. :knockout:

Clairitek and Steph, you guys crack me up! Have fun catching up with each other IRL!

amc, dang girl! You are one prepared lady!

sphenequeen, welcome! :wavey: Hope your stay here is short and sweet! Definitely check out page 4 of this thread for a huge list of all the acronyms.

Hi :wavey: to anyone I've missed! It's so easy to get behind on this thread! I've been sick since Monday, so I haven't posted, but I've been reading along.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, hey there. How are things going? Agreed that having to do another pap in three months is not cool. The worst part is that I really know I don’t need another one, but am only doing it to get a chance to talk to my doctor. Sort of makes me feel cheap : ) I, um, lied a bit to my doctor and said we had started trying at the beginning of year, but we really didn’t start until March. So, at least according to my doctor, December will be about the one year mark, so she should take me a little more seriously if I’m still not pregnant.

amc, I agree, you are so on top of things. Your doctor won’t know what hit her/him. Hope it goes well.

Missy, hopefully you really are ovulating this time. Good luck!

Welcome SQ. This is a great thread. So great that even though I’m trying to distance myself a bit from this thread for my own sanity, I’m still posting right now. Good luck to you!

Bright, I ordered the book because I figured it can’t hurt. It will give me something to do this weekend, assuming I don’t have to work all weekend again. My doctor mentioned a glucose test and she did say I should fast for 12 hours before, so I assume that will be part of my workup next week, but I’m not positive. It’s weird when you are struggling to get pregnant because you don’t want something to be wrong, but at the same time you do, so you can try to fix it. I guess for this first test, I should hope that everything comes back with good results because I at least want to know I’ve got lots of good eggs left. But if the tests come back with nothing wrong, then where does that leave me? Ughh.

Steph and Clairitek, hilarious! Reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I was home visiting my family for the weekend, and my sister was asking about where I was in my cycle now that she knows I’m trying. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her I was just about to ovulate and that we were in the middle of BD week. I don’t need her picturing anything, you know?

JGator, awesome results. I hope you start to feel more and more confident!

PPM, I was thinking that you must have had a real BFP and your miscarriage was early enough that your uterus didn’t change much. I am confident you will get another one, and a sticky one, very soon.

Lizzy, I’m sure you are taking a much needed break, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you!

AFM, AF should arrive this weekend. I about 10 or 11DPO. I'm starting to have a harder time keeping track of which cycle day I'm on these days, which is probably a good thing. That means, I will go in for my CD3 test early next week and hopefully will get one step closer to see where our TTC'ing is going wrong. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, thinking of you today. I think you had appointments Wed and today. Hope you are getting some answers you like!

Welcome SQ! :wavey:

Brightspot- Have you shared what you do for a living? Just curious b/c of your hours and also you mentioned a call time, which leads me to believe you are either an actress or work in production of some sort. No worries if you don't want to share!

Clairetek & Steph- Did you guys know each other pre-PS? I've actually made some very good IRL friends off of the preggo and newborn thread.

How's everyone else? PPM, how are you feeling?

AFM- Not much going on. AF was due yesterday or today and I have massive wicked back cramps, so I assume she's en route. I just wish she'd show up so I can non-guiltily enjoy the amazing wine we've planned for dinner tonight. :cheeky: I'll be bummed, of course, but nothing I can do now except know for sure and then have lots of sex in 2 weeks. :devil: Like most of us, if I knew for sure that I WILL get preggo in the normal time frame (say 6 months for my age), then I'm totally cool with the process and it taking a few months. It only stresses me out b/c of the what ifs. Though I was reminding myself in the shower this morning that even if perfect timing occurs, you still only have a 20% chance each month. I think it just worries me b/c first try I think it took 2 cycles, and the last time was a one-shot wonder, so I can't help but wonder if something is off. Which is ridiculous. This is cycle #2. That's nothing. Ok, I feel better now.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I - Thank you! I'm in the 2WW for the 2nd time this cycle, although the first time was a "fakeout 2WW" because I didn't even O haha.

Brightspot - Yay for being cycle buddies!! How was your temp this morning?

Claritek - Nice job catching the quoting error. Kinda funny how that works!

AMC - You are so prepared for this, pretty impressive I must say!

AFM - My temp went up again this morning. How do I go about adding in dummy temps for the 5 days prior to me using the BBT? I want to see where I'd get crosshairs. My first temp was 96.57...can I just pick random temps, should they be lower than 96.57?? Maybe sneak one more BD in tonight. I think DH and I need to up the BD'ing throughout my whole cycle since it's been all over the place! Plus he made the comment to one of his friends that I only worry about BDing at the "right" times rather than just whenever, we're open with some of our friends so I don't mind that he said something like this. So I'm gonna work on that! My LH surge was very short again. Negative at 7:30am, Postive at 1:30pm, Postive at 4pm, Negative at 7pm. I've had 2 days of EWCM, yesterday and today which is good because I barely got it last cycle.

Question...I partially understand crosshairs. I understand the vertical one, but the horizontal one, how does it calculate where to put the line for the temps?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, glad things are going well for you so far!

amc, hope your appt. went well!

Brightspot, that chart looks great! Thinking good thoughts for you!

sphenequeen, welcome! Hope you have a short stay with us. Where in your cycle are you?

Hi there S&I! Sorry to hear you've been sick, but hope your little bean is doing well otherwise!

mp, I don't blame you for stretching the truth a little to get your dr. to take things more seriously, although I hope by Dec it's a moot point and you are already KU!

Hi China! Are you going to test tonight/tomorrow if AF still hasn't shown up?

Missy, I'd keep charting for a few days to see where your temps stabilize post O, and then pick something about a degree lower for pre-O temps. I was just asking DH if he is bothered I'm going about trying to get KU so analytically - but luckily he said it would go against everything in my personality to not do it that way, but we'll see how he feels next week when it actually starts.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Glad that Clairitek and I are cracking so many of you up. :lol: China, we did know each other pre-PS - met playing softball in grad school and became fast friends, and she mentioned PS to me back when I was getting some LIWitis. But then she went and moved herself across the country to SF and it's been a year since we've seen each other, so I am really looking forward to this trip, even if we do force her and her DH to take their cats for a walk so we can get some alone time :naughty:

I'm off to the beach with a bunch of my girlfriends this weekend, I'm so excited, counting the hours until I can leave work and head down there! Lots of wine, girl talk, and good food is on the agenda, but probably not much actual beach time since it feels like fall is here on the East Coast!

Have a great weekend ladies!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Steph - Take their cats for a walk :lol: Love it!! I agree with the fall temps! Our one thermostats is old and we can't completely turn it off and set it to Zero, it's like stuck at 52 degrees so our heater came on upstairs this morning :errrr: I wasn't ready for it to happen so quickly! They said it feels like Mid-October weather right now. Sheesh!Have fun at the beach!!!! You heading to OC beach?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I don't blame you for "exaggerating" about when you started trying to your doctor. If that's what it takes for her to take you seriously, then you gotta do what you gotta do. I did something similar with my OB. I had seen her for my regular yearly exam the month before our wedding last year, and told her about our plans to pretty much just start trying after the wedding since I was already 32. She agreed to that plan, and told me to come back if nothing happened after 6 months. So I took her up on that offer, even though I know exactly why nothing had happened. :wink:

China, when are you going to test? Fingers crossed for you!

Missy, according to TCOYF, the horizontal coverline is calculated by adding 0.1 degree to your low pre-O temps to give you a better visual on your temp shift. But in my current cycle, FF gave me a coverline of 97.4something, while my other app that I use gave me a coverline of 97.6 (which makes more sense to me), so I have no idea how FF calculated that, especially since I only record to the first decimal place. As far as putting in some low pre-O temps, I think anything below your 96.57 should be fine, maybe try putting in 96.2-96.3 temps for a few days before O and see what happens. I think FF wants 6 low temps before 3 high temps to give you crosshairs. Good luck!

Steph, thanks - I was a little worried that my fever would overcook the bean, but it didn't get too high. I just hated that I couldn't take any medicine. Sounds like you've got a wonderful weekend planned! I can just picture Clairitek and her DH out walking their cats next weekend - love it!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all, just taking a breather from all the TTC stuff! I did want to update you all on my status though. I had my IFV overview meeting on Wednesday that my DH and I attended. We got a lot of good info and had the chance to ask a lot of questions. I also had my meeting with my RE today to discuss my individual plan for IVF. IVF is a very organized and structured procedure from start to finish. The whole thing is about 6-8 weeks long and there are many blood work, ultrasound, and different medications/injections that I will be taking along the way. It will be a lot, but my RE's office is very organized and great about making sure I understand when and where I need to be. They are sending me out a packet with all of my paperwork including a calendar that tells me all of the important dates that I will need to come in or start a certain medication. Right now, I will be starting Lupron injections on Day 21 which is 10/3, tentatively starting stimulation injections on 10/15, and tentatively having my retrieval sometime the week of 10/24. There are day 3 transfers and day 5 transfers. Basically, they watch the embryo for either 3 or 5 days. The ideal would be to keep them alive and well till day 5 so that the RE can watch them a little longer and transfer the best. I need to decide though how many embryos. I definitely will do two if I end up having to do a day 3 transfer, but my RE thinks that I should just do one on a day 5 transfer. Not sure how I feel yet about it. The chance of twins is about 67% on a day 5 transfer. But at this point I am not scared of twins at all. However, she gave me a lot of statistics about twins including chances of premature babies, time spent in NICU, and other potential problems that can come up with multiples and that aspect is making me really think hard about transferring one or two for a day 5 transfer. I asked my RE about whether she has had success with IVF for other repeat miscarriage patients and she reassured me that yes, she has had success. She said that this is the best way to get me a baby the quickest and she felt that it will tell us a lot once she gets a chance to see my eggs and the embryos that are produced. She also said that she feels that if we kept trying naturally, she felt eventually we would get pregnant and it would stick. But she just felt that she didn't want to keep putting me thru losses along the way. She also can't guarantee me that I won't miscarry from IVF. I am aware of that. But this is my last hope ladies. I need to do this. And I need to have her look at my eggs as I feel I need to hear that aspect of it.

The bleeding is almost done now and I have a couple of weeks to relax and enjoy this non TTC period. So I am going to take a breather from posting, but I will be stopping in to check in on you guys. Thank you so much for your support and tons of TTC sticky dust coming to all of you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt - to answer your question, I am about a week away from expecting AF if there has been no conception.

I am going to look through pg. 4 ASAP so that I can catch up with you all!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

SQ, welcome! :wavey: It definitely takes a while to get the hang of the acronyms (I'm still stumped on occasion). Looking forward to getting to know you & hope your stay is short & sweet!

S&I, thanks for the good wishes! I hope you feel better soon!

MP, I hope you don't have to work this weekend! Let me know what you think of the book. I'm nearly finished with it & just need to go through & make my notes for an action plan. :wink2:
I totally agree with you about not wanting something to be wrong, but also maybe wanting to find the cause of a problem so you can fix it.
Assuming your CD3 tests come back well, maybe you could have the progesterone test & perhaps an HSG? (btw, mine was $160, so not expensive if your insurance won't cover it.) Is your DH going to get checked out as well?
That's great that you're one step closer to finding answers! (and maybe AF won't show up & this won't even be a concern!) :naughty:
My current theory (for me) is PCOS, hence my glucose test question. I have to go in for a progesterone test next week & was thinking of seeing if I can get some tests for PCOS while the needle is already in, so to speak.

China, right now I'm wearing several hats career-wise, but you hit the nail on the head that one of them is actress. It's fun, but does make for some pretty irregular looking bbt charts due to odd sleeping/waking hours.
I agree with you about all of the what if's making this a stressful process. It sounds like you have a pretty good history in this department, though. :wink2:

Missy, my temp was high again this morning, though not quite as high as yesterday (I got up earlier, though, so that probably accounts for much of the change). I got crosshairs today. That's great that yours is up as well! (I was also thinking it's probably a good idea to spread out the BD in the cycle so it doesn't get too mission focused, ya know?)
It's a good thing you're POAS so often to catch your surge. I had been using the OPKs once a day, but now I wonder if that's not enough. (had I not taken one at 3:30am, I would've missed mine).

steph, thanks for the well wishes. I hope you have a wonderful trip! (lol about C-tek & DH taking the cats for a walk :lol: )
Have a great weekend at the beach! It's crazy how cold it is out East, isn't it?

Lizzy, thanks for checking in & updating us on your status. You're been in my thoughts a lot lately & I'm so glad you have a plan to move forward quickly & a great team on your side. I hope you can enjoy a little time away from TTC stress & that the IVF will bring you the LO you so deserve. Hugs.

AFM, got crosshairs today. Yay! Now, the wait is on.

Question to you ladies--anyone out there with PCOS? I've been reading & researching this TTC stuff like mad & am curious as I seem to fit a few of the symptoms.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

China, will you test?

Steph and Clairitek, omg what a story for your bebe. "You were conceived on aunt Clairitek's sofa. The kitty joined us."

Missy, goodness 40 cycle!? Hope the temping works out for you...

Lizzy, hugs. I hope the IVF route will work out quickly.

I ordered the bulk pee sticks last week on Amazon but they haven't shipped yet. grr. AF (still weird...) is almost gone now, so we can start trying soon! Have a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all! Well, I ended up calling in sick yesterday so the fiance and I could go to the Reno Air Races. Thank God we left about an hour before the crash. Such a crazy thing and so sad.

My doc appointment was yesterday morning. I really liked the doctor. She sat down with me for about 20 minutes and answered all of my questions. I pulled out my OPK pics to start things off. She said that while my surges are obviously strong, she'd much prefer that over no surge at all. She also looked at my charts and said everything looks great. I showed her some blood work that I just had done last month and the only thing of concern was my vitamin D. She wrote me a prescription for the pills that you only take once a week. And now I'm feeling old since Sally Field advertises something that I need...and she's old! She said her c-section rate is around 30% and she doesn't force inductions until between 41 and 42 weeks. I was happy with that. She also said she tries to deliver all of her patients even though the practice uses a call schedule...and the only downfall to that is I might be coming in for an appointment while she's out the door to deliver a baby. Fine with me, I'd rather see someone else for the appointment and have her deliver the baby. She did recommend I get my TDap vaccine since it's been 13 years, and if I step on a rusty nail or something when preggo she'd rather have had me gotten the shot now. So I'll go ahead and get that done soon. She also recommended I get a flu shot and I'm really debating this. I've never gotten the flu and have never gotten the shot. I've read studies linking it to higher instances of future miscarriages as well. But she said the fact that the immune system weakens when pregnant combined with the very mild asthma I have means I should get it. But I am really torn. Anyone have any strong feelings one way or the other? Oh, she also said I am free to go on any ride I want at Disney World, even if I am (ever so barely) pregnant. I told her about my fear of dislodging the baby and she sort of laughed and said it would be totally fine. The only other thing is that I have European Jew in my lineage and apparently there are all sorts of special bloodwork that can be done...but she would need to send me to a geneticist for that. I'm not sure I really want to go down that route since 1) nobody in my family has ever had issues, 2) it probably wouldn't affect any TTC decisions anyway, and 3) my fiance's family has none of this lineage.

All in all it was a great appointment. Now I just need to decide on the flu shot in the next few days, then get in to get that and the TDap shot. Hope you are all having a great weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80 - I am glad you had a good appt.

AF started today - For the past two months months now I have been having a 24 day cycle (usually I am 28 days like clockwork). I have been calculating incorrectly for the past two months. No major loss, just not what I was expecting today.