
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

First pic I see a smudge. Second pic I see a faint line.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, don't you just love those OPK smileys. Congrats!

Good luck spenequeen.

BrightSpot, I will ask the bean to cross his/her paddles (apparently he/she has developing arms and legs that are more like paddles at this point). I am feeling fine...not much symptom wise - heart burn, some low back pain, brief moments of nausea like a minute or two at a time, and gas. So, so far, so good. My next ultrasound isn't for another 2 1/2 weeks. I am keeping the faith for you this time around...maybe at 12 dpo you will see something positive. I think that's when I got mine, but now that I'm a week less pregnant than I thought - who knows!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry Phoenix, it very well could be a positive, but I just can't tell from those pictures. Honestly, it looks a bit like a smudge to me, but maybe it is clearer in person. I would definitely recommend she wait and try a FRER or at least a test with pink dye, rather than the blue dye, before getting her hopes up too high. Best wishes to your friend!

SQ, good luck!

Bright, sorry about the BFN, but since it is so early, it really doesn't mean much. That's why I never test anymore and just wait for AF. Hold out a few more days and try again. I'm sending you lots of dust. Since my doctor is out of the office, I'm just waiting until next week on the results of my CD3 tests. If I were pregnant and waiting on betas or progesterone, I would definitely be hounding the clinic. But since it is only the CD3 test, it's not like there is anything I can do with the information at this point anyway. Trying not to think about the what-ifs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1316716566|3023121 said:
amc, twins, huh? It sounds like you might be playing with fire again this month : )

See, now we are close enough that I'd be happy. I would still be able to attend my own wedding (huge plus) but wouldn't be obviously pregnant. Win win, right? :naughty:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1316721770|3023213 said:
Afm, 9dpo here. I tested this morning-bfn. :oops: I probably should've waited. It's likely too early to tell but it's deflating nonetheless.

I'm right there with ya, Bright. Tested again today, this time with a (non-expired) digital, and BFN. I've since been trying to convince myself that this wasn't our month. I don't have the same symptoms that I had right before getting my BFP with DS. Actually, I don't have very many symptoms at all! Nada! I had some cramps early on, on and off sensitive boobs, and hormonal, but everything is so similar to PMS symptoms, it's hard to tell. I'm starting to think I was creating symptoms in my own mind.

My cycles are always between 28-29 days. Never longer, never shorter. My luteal phase is always 11-12 days. The only teeny tiny ray of hope is that it will take longer to get a BFP, since my luteal phase is less than the average 14 days.

Anywhoo... :rolleyes:

Phoenix - the 2nd pic looks almost sort of like a faint line....but it's very hard to tell. The first pic looks like a smudge. Congrats on your pregnancy btw!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi All,

So I was going to wait until Sunday to test, but just couldn't wait - I have been far too anxious especially since my MP is never late and because I spotted on 17th. Well... the first test (First Response) came back with one dark line and one faint pink line. Hmmmm. I then called my sister and she suggested running to the store to get a digital test and the EPT read "Pregnant."

I am in shock right now - I haven't even told my husband yet because he is at work until 10 and I want to tell him in person.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sphenequeen, congratulations! Awesome news. Let us know how everything went with telling your husband.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:appl: :appl: CONGRATS Sphenequeen!! :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

SQ just checking in while on vacation to say you lucky lady! This was your first cycle wasn't it? So exciting! Do you know how many dpo you are?
AFM, I can't properly catch up and respond to everyone but I am at 9dpo not too many symptoms. Just been gassy and bloated basically all week. I didn't temp yesterday morning but my temp is still up today at 97.76 coverline is at 96.57. So I'm still waiting it out. I'll check back on later!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

SQ! How exciting! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!

At the airport waiting to board my plane to visit Clairitek! CD14 and no sign of O yet. Not really worried about this month, would rather enjoy our vacation than obsess about BD timing, but if it happens awesome. So excited to see Clairitek for the first time in over a year!

Thinking of all you ladies wherever you are in your cycles.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats SQ! :appl: :appl: appl: Come on over to the JBP (Just Barely Pregnant) thread when you're ready!

MP, hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your CD3 test results, and can talk to your doctor about the 7DPO tests as well.

Lizzy, thinking of you!

Missy, when are you going to test?

Steph and Clairitek, hope you ladies have fun this weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, SQ! Lucky you!

Missy, hope you're having a great time. Looking forward to an update when you get back!

Bright and Sugar, dust to you that you get good news this weekend!

Steph and Clairitek, enjoy your visit! Might not be such a bad thing if O is a bit delayed, Steph! Good luck this cycle.

S&I, thanks for checking in. Hope things are going well in JBP land. Really hoping to join you sometime soon!

AFM, nothing new on CD5. Looking forward to a relatively quiet weekend. Our dishwasher and fridge apparently had a suicide pact because they both started malfunctioning this week, so we will be appliance shopping this weekend. They were the old ones DH has had since before I met him, and I'm not at all sad to see them go. I just wish the oven had gotten the memo as well. Maybe I will have to accidentally start a fire or something - j/k. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

SQ, congrats! So exciting!

AFM, I fully expected to have my temp shift this morning...nope! My temp was 96.8 though which is the temp at which I've O'd every month. My OPK was even more positive than yesterday, so I'm guessing I'm Oing today. I told my DF about how I think I'm popping an egg from each ovary this monthin. For a second I thought he was going to okay us trying...then he said "it's too bad we can't shift your cycles around and have that happen in November." Darn.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I am not entirely caught up but I see that SQ got a BFP! Wanted to stop in and congratulate her!

I am thinking about everyone here and wishing for the best! Fingers and toes crossed for those in the 2WW!

Nothing really interesting going on with me since I am not TTC right now. I've had 3 months straight of 9 day LPs. Not excited about that but I'll deal with it when we are actually TTC (which will hopefully be in March-ish).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1316790837|3023847 said:
Our dishwasher and fridge apparently had a suicide pact because they both started malfunctioning this week

LOL! Too funny! :lol: Thanks for the positive wishes and have fun appliance shopping!
CD10 over here, and last BFN was yesterday. I refuse to test anymore. I'm "revolting" against my lack of PG symptoms :devil: .
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies! I hope everyone is doing well!

First off - YAY to SQ on her BFP :appl: :appl: and I am sending you tons of sticky dust!!!

AMC - too bad your DH isn't on board with trying this cycle but you are only ONE Month away! Yay! I am so excited for you =) Keep holding on lady you are SO close!

Monkey - I am sorry to hear about your appliances going kaput! We just replaced our appliances earlier this year and I got a KitchenAid dishwasher and an Electrolux fridge. I :love: them! Maybe you can find a deal where you would get an extra discount if you included a new oven too!

Steph and Clairtek - have a great time hanging out this weekend!!

Missy - Good luck on the rest of your TWW. I hope that your temps continue to stay high!

HOT- I was so sorry to hear about your DD accident :eek: I am glad that she is going to be ok. That is a scary thing to have happend.

BrightSpot and SugarPie - I have my fingers crossed for both of you. I hope you get your BFPs in the next couple of days!!

PPM - Did you talk to your dr to dig a little deeper as to why he suggested waiting 3 months? I hope that you are doing ok.

ChinaCat - how are you doing? Have you continued going to the acupuncturist? It is interesting to hear about about the keeping your feet warm theory.

Lizzy - I am thinking about you! I hope you are doing good!

Hi to the mommas! Jgator, S&I, and PhoenixGirl! :wavey: I hope you are all doing great! Keep baking those babies ladies :))

:wavey: to anyone I missed! (I hate getting so far behind)

AFM/ I had positive OPKs on CD12 and CD13 this cycle. We BD'd on CD8, CD11 and CD14 (O day) (aside/ does that make CD14 actually 0DPO?) So I think that puts me at 7DPO and plan to start testing on Monday which should be 10DPO. My cycles have been around 27-28 days. I am hopeful but haven't had any telling symptoms so far. Just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that for me, the 3rd time's a charm!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MerryMary|1316798890|3023948 said:
(aside/ does that make CD14 actually 0DPO?)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MM, good to see an update from you. It’s a pretty good bet that you ovulated on either CD 13 or CD14, so your BD timing was great. I obviously have never been pregnant, but I wouldn’t think you’d be feeling many symptoms at this early stage anyway, so don’t worry about that. Much luck to you this cycle! Only a few more days to go.

Sugar, isn’t it just frustrating when all you want is to feel symptoms of any kind? I’m still holding out hope for you, symptoms or not!

Clairitek, March will be here before you know it. Don’t stress about your LP. If that is an issue for you, there are a lot of options when the time comes. You could try B6 supplements. When I first got off BC, my LP was about 11 (maybe 12) days with some staining a few days before, but now it is more like 12 to 13 days without the staining. So, there is a chance it will get longer before you TTC.

amc, happy O’ing. Your time will be here before you know it! You’ve got so many exciting things happening in the next couple of months.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483, Stephb0lt, S&I, MP, AMC-80, Clairtek, MerryMary Thank you all for your well wishes! I honestly can't believe it myself. Yes, this was my first cycle, and to answer Missy 0483, I am 16DPO. I took three tests (two last night and one this morning) and they are all positive. I told my husband last night when he got home and he is as excited and stunned as I am.

I have a Dr.'s appt scheduled for Monday morning. I will let you all know how it goes! I think if all goes well, I will dip my toe in the JBP thread.

Good luck to you all! This is a very exciting time for all of us.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1316805681|3024065 said:
amc, happy O’ing. Your time will be here before you know it! You’ve got so many exciting things happening in the next couple of months.

MerryMary said:
AMC - too bad your DH isn't on board with trying this cycle but you are only ONE Month away! Yay! I am so excited for you Keep holding on lady you are SO close!

Thanks to you both! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. In looking at my current chart and the last two, it looks like my body was possibly trying to O on CD15, which is what's expected...but didn't until CD 18 or 19. I *should* finally be Oing today on CD19.

Actually, I have two theories- the first is that wedding stress is causing my cycles to be long. The other is that I used to have 33/34 day cycles before ever going on HBC, and even though I've been off of it for over a year, my cycles are just now starting to go back to normal.

Or, option 3, it's a combination of those two things.

My big focus over the next two months is to focus on relaxing. I'm going to get a massage, pedicure, facial, etc.

Oh, and I never updated you on my crocheting. It turns out that I'm sort of a natural at it which was totally unexpected. I made the giraffe and have since made an owl, penguin, and bunny...all with no pattern. Here's a pic:

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, those are freaking adorable! And you did that all without a pattern? I'm impressed. The owl is so adorable. I've never crocheted, but I have knitted in the past. A bunch of my friends had babies a few years back, so I knitted them all the softest little hats, and I still have a few left over for when I finally have my own. I'm thinking of starting a project for my future baby, and would also be a bit of a stress-reliever while I wait for my BFP.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess said:
amc, those are freaking adorable! And you did that all without a pattern? I'm impressed. The owl is so adorable. I've never crocheted, but I have knitted in the past. A bunch of my friends had babies a few years back, so I knitted them all the softest little hats, and I still have a few left over for when I finally have my own. I'm thinking of starting a project for my future baby, and would also be a bit of a stress-reliever while I wait for my BFP.

That is partially why I took it up, it's really relaxing. Plus the math side of my brain enjoys figuring out stitches and counts and such.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Friday, everyone! This thread is really hopping today!

SQ, huge congratulations to you! Wow--hole in one! :appl: I'm so happy for you & your DH. Sending you lots of dust for a happy & healthy 9 months! I hope everything goes well at your appointment on Monday. Keep us posted & have a great weekend!

JGator, lol about the crossed paddles! I love that! That's great that your symptoms haven't been too bad. How exciting to get to hear the heartbeat again in another couple of weeks!

Missy, hope you're having fun in the Poconos. DH & I are actually headed out there for a quick weekend trip! That's great that your temp is still up. Hoping you have good news to share soon! How long is your LP usually?

Steph, have a wonderful vacation & have fun with C-tek! Hope you guys have a great time. (and if you have a souvenir to bring home, all the better...) :naughty:

S&I, good to see you! How are you feeling? Hope you're enjoying your appointment free window. 8)

MP, lol about your appliance suicide pact! Or was it murder/suicide? :Up_to_something: Regardless, at least you'll be able to replace them with matching new ones. Have fun shopping!
I think you're wise to hold off on testing. Testing so early probably doesn't yield reliable results & just made me feel sad (and a little silly). I guess the big bag of tests was burning a hole in my pocket.
Re: your comment about short LPs & B6, how long were you taking the B6 before your LP lengthened? My LP seems to be on the shorter side as well (11-12 days). I've been taking B6 for a couple of months for CM & didn't know it also helped lengthen the LP.

amc, sounds like you're having some pretty sneaky thoughts. :naughty: At least if something did happen now, it wouldn't affect your cruise. It's always best when the bride shows up for the wedding. :tongue: I think that either of your theories could be correct as to why your cycle length is different. But, as long as you're O-ing, which you are, and you know when, which you do, you're good to go!

And I absolutely love your little crocheted animals! I waaaant one!!! :love: Are they hats? I'm so impressed that you made these...and without a pattern! Have you thought about selling them, perhaps on etsy?

C-tek, good to see you! Have a great time with Steph.

sugarpie, I don't have any symptoms either. :nono: But I have heard that sometimes they don't come until after AF...doesn't. Did you have a lot of early symptoms when PG with your DS? I'm holding out hope for you! When is AF due? I haven't tested again since my BFN yesterday. I'm trying to hold out until Monday, but we'll see how that goes. :rolleyes:

MM, hey, lady! Great to hear from you! :wavey: It sounds like you got some well-timed BD-ing in. Fingers crossed that this is the month for you! :appl: (They should really make a "fingers crossed" emoticon for this thread)

AFM, not much to report here. I found a community acupuncture place that's affordable & close to home, so I'm hoping to schedule an appointment next week. (Though I was a little put off when I told her we were TTC-ing & considering trying acupuncture to help regulate things & she asked if I'd considered IVF. I haven't even tried clomid yet! :eek: )

DH & I are taking a little weekend getaway to the Poconos. Hopefully it won't be as rainy as it's been today! AF will likely come on Sunday unless it doesn't... :))

Happy weekend, everyone! :sun:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi again,

Just got a call from my doc with my progesterone level for the month. It came in at 8, which was slightly higher than last month's 7.5, but still indicated a "borderline ovulation." So, odds are pretty good I'm not PG. I was also suspicious I had a high testosterone level (possible PCOS?), but the level came in abnormally low. She suggested I see a fertility doc. I'm a bit sad, but glad to be taking the next step.

Hope you're all having a great evening.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I am still keeping my fingers crossed and the bean's paddles crossed for you. My progesterone was 11 then 8 the first few weeks of my pregnancy - I started taking progesterone, and it went from 8 to 18 and it was 21 this past Monday. So, I think there is still a chance for you this cycle and it is manageable - just make sure they give you progesterone as soon as you know you are pregnant. If it doesn't work out this cycle, you are in a great city and you will find a great RE there. I hope it doesn't get to that point, but remember CRMI is world renowned and located in NYC. Have fun in the Poconos.

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey everyone just checking in again. Having a good time in the Poconos! We came here for the PA State Fire Convention and we're sitting here waiting for the parade to start. We have a fire engine from our local fire company here so hope we win a trophy!

My LP was about 10 days last cycle if I calculated O day correctly but I wasn't temping so I may be off. Today is 10dpo I've had slight cramps today so far and on and off yesterday other than that I feel good. I didn't get a chance to temp this morning. We were up late last night so I got up later and forgot to temp right away! So not sure if my temp is up or down.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh boy am I behind on posting! Forgive me, but I'm going to start catching up with this page.

SQ: WOW! One-shot-wonder! Congrats to you and wishing you a happy and healthy nine months! :appl: :appl:

Missy: Cramps are common as an early pregnancy sign... as well as impending AF. Ugh. Darn progesterone sending mixed messages! My fingers and absolutely crossed for you, as tight as can be. I really hope you get your BFP this cycle!

Bright: Sorry about the low progesterone :(( Since you've had a little while to process it, how are you feeling about talking with a fertility specialist? Do you know what the likely plan is, moving forward? Clomid to help with ovulation and Prometrium for after? I am thinking positively for you and hoping it's the little boost you'll need to get your much desired and deserved BFP. Hugs to you!

Steph & Ctek: Hope you ladies had/are having a WONDERFUL weekend together!!

AMC: Oh gosh! I wish I could order one of those from you! You've got the talent. How gosh darn adorable! When I read your posts about getting a little risky with BDing I was hoping oh-so-badly that you would. Your FI is a strong-willed man, resisting sexy time with his future wife all in the name of waiting until November! How are wedding plans?

Merry: Are you still planning on testing tomorrow?! Thinking of you and hoping for the best!

Monkey: :wavey: How are you doing, lady? Bummer about the appliances. Why do crummy things happen all at once?! But as you said... your kitchen will soon be full of gleaming, shiny, new appliances. :D Home projects are expensive but so satisfying, as well. Hope you found some good deals and that your oven decided to bite the dust, as well ;))

Sugar: Sorry 'bout the BFN. Has AF shown yet or are your still in it for this cycle? TTCing can be a bit of a downer. Update us when you can!

AFM: We are TTC this cycle. When the PA called to tell me my hCH levels were back at zero, she simply said that waiting two cycles was protocol. Wrong answer! It's currently CD 16, and no sign of O. We're attempting daily BDing 'til O is confirmed. I'm really, truly not going to test until my period is late (probably around October 9th). Last month was emotionally draining and I'd like to avoid a repeat. Compulsive testing is out of the question!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM - That's so good to hear that you're TTC this cycle! I hope your O comes soon!!

AMC - LOVE your new found talent! They are too cute!

Bright - Hope you're having fun in the Poconos! We were actually in Lake Harmony. Such a pretty area! Did AF show up yet? I nope not!

Merry - Did you cave in and test early?? If not, I'm hoping to hear good news soon anyway!

MP - How did appliance shopping go? I'd like a new fridge, washer and a dryer! But not wishing for them to break because we really can't afford all that right now!!

AFM, 11DPO today (CD55 wow what a drawn out cycle I'm having!) I temped this morning and it's still high. No cramps today, so it doesn't feel like AF is coming yet. I was bloated on and off since we left for vacation on Wednesday. Like it hurt just trying to suck in my stomach haha. Not sure if that was from what I was eating or what! It's gone for now. My face broke out overnight, yuck. I think all of this is in my head again, stupid phantom symptoms!! I saw my cousin today and we took some pictures together with her kids. I said "wow, so glad we did this when my face decided to break out!) She says "Maybe you're knocked up" so she's not helping me to stop overanalyzing! FF predicts AF today or tomorrow, but I'm just not feeling crampy like I usually do. Not sure when I'll test yet because I'm not totally sure what my LP is, but I will probably test mid-week if AF stays away and my temp is still up :P
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, one of my few symptoms was breaking out before I got my BFP. Sounds encouraging.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, glad to hear you are TTC again this cycle. Sending much deserved luck and sticky dust your way.