
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC – LOVE the knit hats. I’m so jealous of anyone who can sit and patiently create something so intricate and adorable. This is coming from someone who doesn’t know how to sew a simple hole.

Bright – Still keeping my fingers crossed for you, my cycle buddy!

Missy- Sending you lots of DUST!

PPM – Happy to hear you are TTC again this cycle, and keeping my fingers crossed this is your month.

CD1 over here. Boo hoo. :blackeye:

I can’t say I’m that surprised though. Before I got my BFP when PG with DS, I remember feeling a sharp, almost pin-like sensation in my uterus area. I was blow drying my hair in the bathroom and stopped dead in my tracks when I felt that sensation - knowing something was up. A few days after that, I had a lot of creamy CM (sorry, tmi), which is very rare for me before AF. For me, PG symptoms were very similar to PMS symptoms….but different. Of course, everyone is different and many women don't experience any symptoms, but last time I was PG, I just knew.

Looking forward to TTC Cycle #2 next month.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1316980927|3025272 said:
AMC: Oh gosh! I wish I could order one of those from you! You've got the talent. How gosh darn adorable! When I read your posts about getting a little risky with BDing I was hoping oh-so-badly that you would. Your FI is a strong-willed man, resisting sexy time with his future wife all in the name of waiting until November! How are wedding plans?

Thanks (and thanks to the others who said they liked them). I'll attach another pic at the end of this post with my newest creations. I think I'm going to sell them eventually, but I need to refine my technique a bit. Right now they look like they were made by a hobbyist, and not a professional. Maybe that adds to their rustic charm?

I know, he is so strong willed. Damn it.

Wedding plans are good. Oh I went to reserve a town car for transportation from the cruise port to Disney, and it was only $30 more for a stretch we'll be riding in style. We really are just down to the little details now. Like are we going to assign seats at the reception, or just tables? I'm leaning towards seats because it's rare that I'm allowed to have that much control over people :)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sugarpie, sorry about the arrival of CD1. It was only your first try, so I hope you are not too down. How many months did it take to get a BFP last time? That’s interesting that you knew you were pregnant with your daughter. I keep thinking that I will know too or feel something different when I finally do get pregnant, but then other people say they had no symptoms at all until later, so who knows. Anyway, wishing you lots of luck on this next cycle.

Missy, did you test? You know you want to! Just kidding. I can totally understand wanting to wait a few more days, but the fact that AF is staying away is a great sign!

PPM, I’m glad you are going to try again. I bet you won’t have any trouble getting another BFP very soon, and I’m crossing my fingers the next one will be a sticky bean.

Bright, sorry to hear about your test results. But it is encouraging that JGator got her BFP with relatively low progesterone levels. Are you still in the 2WW? I think it is a good thing that you will be seeing an RE and getting to the bottom of your lower progesterone levels. (I strongly suspect I am going to find out I have the same issue.) Keep us posted. Oh, and to answer your question, I have not taken B6 supplements consistently, but I know that some people take them to increase LP. My LP seemed to increase by about a day on its own over the course of a few months. I think it was probably just regulating after BC.

amc, your future baby is going to be styling! You are too funny about the seating chart. I thought assigning tables was hard enough, so I let people choose their own seats. We had a bunch of people we knew from different times/aspects of our lives, and I had no idea where to put them, so I kept looking around at the reception to make sure everyone looked like they were happy :)

Lizzy, still thinking about you a lot. Hope things are going well as you prepare to start the IVF process. I hope this is the answer you’ve been looking for!

AFM, we spent a lot of time comparing fridges and dishwashers this weekend, but we didn’t get anything just yet because there is supposed to be a sale next week. We’re also having trouble finding a dishwasher that has a short enough door that it will not run into our fridge when the dishwasher is open now that the fridges are larger and dishwasher doors are longer. Plus, they apparently have to be the same brand, so the finishes will match, which limits our choices! I talked DH into getting a new oven, so that’s exciting. It’s going to be an expensive month in our household! I called my doctor’s office this morning, but the nurse was only able to tell me that my non-hormonal levels came back normal (glucose, potassium, etc.). The doctor needs to review the FSH and LH this afternoon because the nurse doesn’t read those I guess. I asked her to ask the doctor about scheduling the progesterone test for later in the cycle too. I'm anxious to get the results.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

12dpo today, but I didn't test yet! I'm too scared!!! :errrr: Felt slightly nauseous this morning, but I took a vitamin on an empty stomach and I'm not sure how that affects me since it's the first time I did it. Stupid me for not thinking! Temp is still up this morning. Maybe I will feel brave enough to test tomorrow :) I haven't said much to DH other than back on Friday when I was cramping and thought AF was coming, I told him that I think AF is finally coming after 52 days and he says "oh, that" Um yeah, I haven't had AF since August 2nd! And just this past week when my stomach was bloated he asked what the heck is wrong with me :confused: Normally he's the one with stomach issues, not me! For some reason I'm terrified to see a BFN this time around so I'm waiting for some more clear symptoms!!

**Edited to add my DPO

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC - seriously you are crazy talented with that crochette hook! Those beenies are just the most adorable little hats I have seen! Good luck on the final details for your wedding! Fun!

Brightspot - Good luck on trying out accupuncture this week, hopefully the person who answered the phone will not be the one treating you! I know that you are bummed about progressing to a fertilitly doctor but I hope that he/she can devise a plan for you!

Missy - Any temp shift yet? I also think you should test!!! The breaking out is a sign! test test test!

PPM - Hi lady! I hope you are doing well. I am very excited that you will be trying again this cycle. My fingers are crossed for you!

Sugarpie - Boo to AF for showing up. :nono: Enjoy a glass of wine if that is your thing and I wish you luck for next cycle!

AFM- Oh lordy. I was away all weekend with my sister so I thankfully did not have the crazy urge to test. Then last night I was sitting on the sofa with DH and I had this persistant stabbing to the right hand side of my uterus, just to the side of my belly button. I regularly have random cramping so that was not too strange for me but you know how it goes, I didn't want to get my hopes up. Woke up this morning and tested since it is 10DPO and low and behold I saw the faintist line on my cheepie. I busted out the digi and freaked out until the display popped up! PREGNANT!! I am in serious shock! I tried to post first thing this morning but my fingers were shaking so bad I couldn't type! :loopy: At work now and wanted to show you ladies! DH left early this morning for a work trip and I wanted to tell him in person so I have to wait until tomorrow night, but that is a long time and I'm not sure if I can wait! Oh my gosh! :shock: Ladies send me some sticky dust please!!

BFP photo.JPG
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sugar, sorry about AF showing up. Good luck on the next cycle.

AMC, love the beanies! When you create your etsy shop, let us know. I can be your first customer.

MP, glad your non-hormonal levels came back normal. Hope you hear back from your doctor soon on the FSH and LH.

Missy, Test, Test, Test! That chart looks pretty promising to me.

MerryMerry - Congratulations!!! Amazing news. Sending sticky dust to you and your bean. It is surreal when you just find out isn't it?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Merry- Yay, congrats!!

Missy- I agree, test! Your chart looks good and possibly tri-phasic?

JGator said:
When you create your etsy shop, let us know. I can be your first customer.

Aww thanks! That's really sweet :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Merry congrats!!!!!! So happy for you! I did have a temp shift...check my post from earlier I attached my chart! I hope I'm next, got one FRER left! My afternoon pee was pretty diluted so I'll try tonight or tomorrow morning. I will let you ladies know later!

Thank you JGator and AMC I thought it was looking pretty good myself! ;)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much for your congratulations AMC, Missy and JGator!! I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I just got a call from DH and he is coming home tonight from his business trip :D I can't wait to tell him!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

sphenequeen and MerryMary, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! How was the doctor's appointment SQ?

amc, those crochets are just adorable!

PPM, hugs. Relaxation and TTC don't mix!

sugarpie, sorry about CD1. I get the same tingly-cramp sensations too. I have to keep reminding myself that I get this all the time and it means nothing! boo.

Missy, are you going to test? Cudos for staying strong!

afm, we are beginning week2-ish of TTC#1. Since my cycle is still wonky I'm not quite sure when my previous CD1 was. Right now I'm either CD10 or CD17 :rolleyes: TMI alert, we're enjoying the sans-glove but we have to figure out weekday schedule. It's been a good practice so far. I'll start temping next cycle.

Have a good week everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

choro72|1317072277|3026189 said:
we're enjoying the sans-glove but we have to figure out weekday schedule.

We have to figure out a schedule as well. DF is on graveyard right now at gets home at 7am....which is the same time I have to get up to get ready for work. I can stretch that to about 7:30, but that only gives us 30 minutes for *ahem* the deed and laying there for 15 minutes with a pillow under my not sure if that's enough time. I may just be a little late to work for a week or so :naughty: Our evenings are pretty full, I get home from work, we go to the gym, have dinner, and then he has to get ready for work.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, oh my, when do you get to see your DH? But that's an awesome way to be late for work. For us, it's a problem of him coming home exhausted at midnight or so. I'm asleep by then, and he's dead fast asleep when I get up. We're not going to do anything that will make this experience like a "chore", so he's trying to adjust his schedule now. We'll see.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

choro72|1317073918|3026213 said:
amc, oh my, when do you get to see your DH? But that's an awesome way to be late for work. For us, it's a problem of him coming home exhausted at midnight or so. I'm asleep by then, and he's dead fast asleep when I get up. We're not going to do anything that will make this experience like a "chore", so he's trying to adjust his schedule now. We'll see.

We actually see a lot of each other and get to spend a lot of time together, but that time is usually spent doing stuff. We don't have a whole lot of down time until the weekends. We might just have to get take out for a week or so to create some more time in the evening :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MM, congrats! :appl: :appl: :appl: Tons of sticky dust to you!

Missy, random acne was also one of my symptoms that FF gave me tons of "pregnancy points" for, when I entered it as a symptom. Your chart looks pretty good!

AMC, those beanies are beyond adorable! Definitely let us know when you set up your Etsy shop!

BrightSpot, my appointment-free window is coming to an end soon. I'm having the 12-week scan next Friday! Other than that, I seem to have developed evening/night-time sickness instead of morning sickness. :knockout: Like others have said, low progesterone is a relatively easy thing to resolve. You might consider asking your doctor if she would suggest starting on the progesterone suppositories right after you confirm O to get a jump-start on it. I didn't start them until 3 days after my BFP (and am still on them), so don't worry about it too much!

Hi :wavey: to everyone else!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Merry: WOOPWOOP! Sticky dust to you, Mama! How EXCITING! Congrats on getting KTFU :appl: :appl: :bigsmile:

Missy: Tonight. You must test tonight. If it is BFN and AF doesn't show tomorrow, I will send you a supply of HPTs from my stockpile. I can't handle the anticipation... Your chart looks so promising!

Grading papers.... will post more later... just had to pop on to congratulate Merry and bug Missy to test ASAP :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok I can barely type right now (I now know how you feel Merry!!!) because....

I am adding to the BFP train we have going on around here! I got my BFP tonight on a FRER!!! DH was upstairs and I was just getting ready to shower, my boobs started hurting a little this afternoon and I had been holding my pee so I decided to try. I got to share the news with my cat first :bigsmile: I wanted to do something cute to surprise DH but didn't have a chance to come up with anything beforehand. I just walked upstairs and said "Omg, guess what?" as he stares at his phone typing a txt message. I showed him and he's like..."what, I only see one line" I said "Oh my gosh how can you not see it??" It's a pretty dark line!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "We did it!" but he said don't get too excited yet, it's just a test. So I'm sure he'll be one to finally get excited and realize what's happening once it's confirmed with the doc and all. So here's proof that it only takes once, because according to FF we only BD'd on O day. Also, I had taken a OPK earlier today around 4pm and it's almost positive, so that pushed me to test tonight too. Along with you ladies suggesting it as well! I am hoping for the best! Wish me sticky dust ladies!


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, congrats!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, thanks so much for your post. From what my doc said, I thought there wasn't a shot for this month, but that's good to know it's possible to get PG with low progesterone. That's great that your numbers are up! Are you still taking progesterone?

Missy, huge congrats to you on your BFP! :appl: How exciting & kind of a hole in one too! I love that you told your cat first. Maybe your DH is in shock! I'm sure he'll get excited as things progress. Sending you lots of sticky dust!
Sounds like you guys had a great time in the Poconos. Lake Harmony looks beautiful! We were in the Water Gap area & got to see a rodeo on Sunday.

PPM, I was thinking I would need to see a RE soon &, now that I've gotten over the sadness, I'm excited to hopefully get more info & get the ball rolling to move forward. From my research, I suspect you're right with the clomid/prometarium but I'll have to wait & see. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks for asking! :))
I'm glad you're trying this month (also glad the nurse confirmed that the wait was merely standard protocol & not for a medical reason.) I'll bet you get a BFP pretty quickly. Sending you baby & sticky dust!

sugar, so sorry AF showed! :nono: I hope next cycle is the one for you! It must be easier to put early symptoms into perspective since you have a frame of reference. I tend to overanalyze every little twinge, then wind up disappointed. :rolleyes:

amc, thanks for posting another pic of your yarn babies. They're just so adorable! :love: Count me as one of your future customers too!
I second the idea of O-week takeout. There's nothing like a fun round of "beat the delivery guy." :tongue:

MP, yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to the appointment with the RE & hopefully can get to the bottom of what's going on with my body. That's great that your LP lengthened on its own. At least mine is already a day longer than it was last month, so hopefully that's a positive trend.
Good news that your non-hormonal levels came back normal (I don't think my doc tested for those things, so I'm encouraged that yours is being thorough). I hope you talk to your doc & get the news on LH/FSH soon! Keep us posted!
Good luck with the new appliances!

MM, huge congrats to you on your BFP!! :appl: How exciting! That's great that your DH is coming home tonight. That would be a really hard secret to keep! Did he sense anything was going on when you talked to him?
Thanks for sharing your PG symptoms & the sending a pic of a positive wondfo. I was analyzing mine yesterday & thought I saw a line in the crease, which is clearly not where it's supposed to be.... :rolleyes: )
Sending you tons of sticky dust for a happy & healthy 9 months!

choro, good luck! Hope your DH can adjust his schedule a bit. Sometimes when I stress about fitting BDing into the schedule, I have to remind myself that caring for an actual LO would take even more time than trying to create one. :saint: It's a little daunting!

S&I, how exciting for your 12 week scan! Are you going to find out the sex? Have you told people (aside from family) you're PG yet? Sorry about the evening sickness. Hopefully it will go away when you enter your 4th trimester.
Thanks for the tip on the progesterone suppositories. I put it on the list of questions for my RE appt. I suspect the weak ovulation might be a bigger issue.

AFM, 13 dpo today. FF predicted AF would show yesterday, but it didn't. I tested yesterday & got another BFN. It really feels like AF is coming & my temp dropped a bit this morning, so I'm not very hopeful. I made an appointment with a RE & an acupuncturist for October 6th. Hopefully it will be a productive day.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Missy! Congrats girl! :appl: :appl: :appl: Tons of sticky dust to you! If your DH still won't believe it, go get one of those CBE digital tests - no confusion there!
Who knew your confusing long cycle would do the trick, and yay for 1-hit wonders! ;)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

WOW! Congrats Missy and Merry!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Wishing you both a happy and healthy 9 months!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, Yeah! I am so happy for you. You are going to be a Mommy! Wishing you a sticky bean, and a healthy and happy 9 months! See you over on JBP.

Bright, I am still taking the progesterone nightly. I think I will have to take it for the first trimester. Good luck with your appointment on 10/6. We scheduled an RE appointment for September 9, and ended up finding out I was pregnant 2.5 weeks before the appointment (and 6 months into TTC). So, that may do the trick for you too. You are still in it this cycle, and I am still hopeful for you. It ain't over this cycle till you see AF.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats MerryMary and Missy!!! So happy for you two and sending lots of dust!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I am so so behind again but popped in after my day of travel the East Coast to see that we have two more BFPs!! Yay! How wonderful for Missy and MerryMary!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats MerryMary and Missy!!! Yay for your BFPs!

As some of yuo have seen in the thread I posted a few days ago, I too just got a BFP!!! Three BFPs for three M-named PSers! I'm still in complete shock/denial, but we're excited! I feel cheated that I missed out on the whole TTC thread with an oopsie, but I'm sure I'll be back to TTC in no time down the road!!!

Wishing everyone here a short stay and a fast BFP!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

There is something in the water around here, and I want a glass... Stat!

CONGRATS to Missy and Megumi! Wow! How awesome, ladies! Hoping you have great sticky little beans and a happy and healthy 9 months.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, Merry, and Meg!!! Triple congratulations to you lovely ladies. I'll be changing my screen name to Mstephbolt later today. :lol:

Wishing you all a happy and healthy nine months!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1317132836|3026799 said:
Missy, Merry, and Meg!!! Triple congratulations to you lovely ladies. I'll be changing my screen name to Mstephbolt later today. :lol:

Wishing you all a happy and healthy nine months!

Does that mean I have to change mine MMMonkeyprincess? :)

Congrats ladies! I'm happy for all of you and wishing you lots of sticky dust!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats megumic, AKA wedding-date-twin!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Now off to check out your other thread...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats to all the recent BFP! You guys are really hoppin' in here! Merry, Meg and Missy, sending you some stick bean dust as well!

Monkey, I'm glad you RE is getting on the ball with the tests. Wow, you're doing some crazy appliance shopping there! At least it's a reasonable distraction from TTCing.

Lizzy, Thinking about you my friend. I hope things are going well for you.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you everyone! I attempted to call my doctor for a blood test to confirm it, but they're closed for lunch so I'll have to try back later today!

I think DH is either really excited, freaked out, or totally speechless because he didn't have much to say about it yet. I think the blood test will make this more real for him! I have enough excitement for the both of us right now anyway!

I didn't even notice the "M" name thing, that is so funny!!! :lol:

**Just as I posted that DH hasn't really said much, I got a text from him asking if I talked to the doctor that's a step in the right direction!