
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

China congratulations on your BFP!! I wish you a truck load of sticky dust!! :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL, China, JGator, S&I and Bright, thank you all for your comments. It means more than you know to have support from you all because I don't really have anyone other than DH to talk to about this, although I've started sharing more with my mom and sisters. I hadn't heard back yet from the doctor, so I called again today. The nurse told me she could tell that the doctor had opened my file, but because she hasn't reported back to the nurse, that means that she is still considering my questions and how to proceed. She is out this afternoon, but they promised to call me as soon as she reports back to them. I can tell I'm starting to be the annoying patient who keeps calling, but if that's what it takes to push this thing ahead, I'm willing to be that girl. I'm trying to stay positive for the upcoming cycle, but it is getting hard.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, I haven't been posting much lately, but I wanted to pop in and say congratulations to all of you ladies who got your BFP's over the last week! Sticky dust coming to you all.

MP, don't be afraid to be pushy. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. One thing you may want to mention to the Dr. if he or she does not want to offer the 7dpo testing is that your sister had PCOS and you are worried that there is a chance that you may also have it and thus want to get that progesterone read to ensure that ovulation is happening. Even if you don't think you have PCOS, I think that might be a good way to convince them to give you the test. Personally, i think your Dr. is not going to have a problem sending you for that blood work. Another thing you may want to consider is an HSG if all blood work checks out. I know an RE isn't covered but maybe it is something you could push for if nothing shows in your blood work. Hope you are doing well. I also think I will be posting in the TTC 6 months or more thread when I start posting regularly again. Thinking about you and keep us all posted.

I received all of my drugs last week for IVF. It is a TON of medications and truly a beast of a process, but I'll try anything at this point. I start my first drug on Monday. Retrieval is tentatively scheduled for last week of October. I am worried about the anesthesia but I know I can do it.

Good luck to you all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

China, congratulations!! :appl: I suspected you had some good news & am so happy you shared it with us! I totally understand feeling a bit nervous, especially after your loss. <hugs> Sending you tons of sticky dust for a happy & healthy 9 months. You deserve it, lady!
How are you feeling? I hope your appointment on Tuesday goes well. Keep us posted!
Also, thanks so much for "chatting" with me yesterday. Your caring & witty posts made what was a pretty bad day a lot better. ::)

SQ, that's great that your appt went well & your bean is baking away! Also good that you're not feeling any m/s yet. Yay!

MM, I love how you told your hubby your news. So sweet! I'm so glad you didn't have to wait too long either! I hope the wait for your first dr's appointment goes by quickly. How was your trip across the pond, btw?

Missy, I'm sorry things have been tough at work. Honestly, I think you should be able to address the lifting of heavy objects & crazy workload without having to divulge your pregnancy if you're not ready to do that yet. Perhaps a simple "doctor's orders" statement would do? Good luck & hope things are better soon.

steph, so glad you had a great trip & had fun with C-tek. As much as it was funny to think about her walking her cats to give you some privacy, maybe it's better than O was delayed until you're back home. Now get on it, lady! :naughty:

MP, good for you for calling to harass the doc! :Up_to_something: I really think you have to be your own advocate with your OB. I think I was starting to be that annoying chick for my doc's office too, but, hey, you've gotta do what ya gotta do. I don't understand why they wouldn't run the progesterone test if you want it. Ditto to S&I's suggestion about mentioning your temp not staying up through the LP & the spotting before AF. I hope your doc calls you back tomorrow with good news. Also, ditto to NEL's post about the 6 month+ thread.
I can't remember if you said your DH has done a SA or not. It might be something to consider. Also, my OB did my HSG test, so maybe yours could order one too. And maybe it could be coded for something that's not fertility related. Hugs to you.

Lizzy, I think of you often & was glad to see your post. I hope the IVF process goes well & you finally get the sticky bean you so deserve!
Keep us posted if you're up for it. Hugs.

AFM, CD2 here. It was a rough day yesterday, but onwards & upwards. I'm compiling a list of info for my first RE appt next week. (amc, where are you when I need you? :wink2: ) So hopefully I can go in as prepared as possible & get this ball rolling.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1317242734|3028161 said:
I'm compiling a list of info for my first RE appt next week. (amc, where are you when I need you? :wink2: ) So hopefully I can go in as prepared as possible & get this ball rolling.

I'm here, I'm here! :) Wish I could be of service...but everything I know about REs/IVF is what I read in blogs....which is probably still way more than the average person. I read a lot of blogs. :lol:

And now, a question for all of you.

My wedding is on 11/27. It looks like I will O on 11/22. Our cruise (and a bunch of family and friends are joining us) is 11/27-12/4. I'm a big believer of waiting to test, mainly out of fear of picking up a chemical pregnancy. But, on 12/2 we are doing an all day beach break thing in Cozumel, where it's all you can eat and drink. I will be 10 DPO at that point. I know that drinking that early doesn't pose any real risks, but my theory is if you're pregnant enough to test positive then it's time to cut that stuff out.

Part of me wants to wait until 12/4 (the day we get off the cruise and go to Disney World)...I'd be 12DPO. But I also don't want to spend the whole trip analyzing every symptom and wondering if I'm pregnant or not...honestly I'd rather get a negative test, be sad for a minute, and move on with my vacation than fret and wonder. Does that make sense? But then I go back to that fear of picking up a chemical pregnancy.

I'm thinking of getting a FRER 3 pack and testing on 10, 12, and 14 DPO (I'd be home for the last test). I've also thought about not bringing any tests and just waiting until I'm home at 14DPO. But again, I want to enjoy my vacation and not be doing the "am I or am I not" thing, since I know it will consume me. I find it highly unlikely (okay, impossible) that I'll leave my house without packing any tests...

What would you do?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I think that unless you think you can keep a secret from everyone you'll be celebrating with when you're 10 DPO, you should just wait and not go overboard with the drinks. Personally, I know there's no way in heck I could hide it if I was with all of my closest friends and family! :)

Now if you and your DH want to know ASAP, and don't mind if the beans get accidentally spilled very early in your pregnancy, then by all means test away! :D The other thing to think about is the reality of getting a BFN at 10 dpo, ovulating late w/all of the stress, etc...

With what little I know of you, I am guessing this just wouldn't work, but have you thought about leaving the more analytical side of ttc at home for this first month and just trying to enjoy the trip? You're going to have SO much going on, and you definitely know you're ovulating regularly. Anyhow, just a suggestion! ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, Everyone :wavey:

MP, hang in there. We are all here for you and wish you the best. Please keep posting. Let us know when you hear back from the doctor about your progesterone test.

Bright, your story about the couch yesterday had me laughing so hard. Especially China's reaction! Good luck next week!

Lizzy, so great to hear from you. I think of you often, and I have been praying to St. Gerard nightly (I didn't know about him till you mentioned him) for my bean to stay sticky and for all TTC women and all pregnant women. Hopefully that will help you and everyone else on this board. I am glad you are moving ahead with IVF, and I wish you the best.

AMC, I know you really want a BFP, but I would just have fun on your honeymoon and test when you get back.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1317244879|3028188 said:
I think that unless you think you can keep a secret from everyone you'll be celebrating with when you're 10 DPO, you should just wait and not go overboard with the drinks. Personally, I know there's no way in heck I could hide it if I was with all of my closest friends and family! :)

Now if you and your DH want to know ASAP, and don't mind if the beans get accidentally spilled very early in your pregnancy, then by all means test away! :D The other thing to think about is the reality of getting a BFN at 10 dpo, ovulating late w/all of the stress, etc...

With what little I know of you, I am guessing this just wouldn't work, but have you thought about leaving the more analytical side of ttc at home for this first month and just trying to enjoy the trip? You're going to have SO much going on, and you definitely know you're ovulating regularly. Anyhow, just a suggestion! ::)

Oh, we won't be telling anyone until after he first u/s, so I wouldn't have trouble keeping that secret.

And I wish I could do as you suggested! The good news is the TTC part will be long gone, so it will just be a matter of the TWW. So no thermometer, no OPKs. Even if O late, I would know that before I even leave good old NV. Don't get me wrong, I know I'll have an amazing time. I mean it's my wedding, and a week long cruise with my family and close friends. I guess it's the ultimate TWW...probably the best way ever to spend it, but that doesn't mean those thoughts and feelings won't be creeping in still, you know?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1317245316|3028194 said:
AMC, I know you really want a BFP, but I would just have fun on your honeymoon and test when you get back.

Interesting to think about. Can I handle it? That's the question :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1317243876|3028172 said:
BrightSpot|1317242734|3028161 said:
I'm compiling a list of info for my first RE appt next week. (amc, where are you when I need you? :wink2: ) So hopefully I can go in as prepared as possible & get this ball rolling.

I'm here, I'm here! :) Wish I could be of service...but everything I know about REs/IVF is what I read in blogs....which is probably still way more than the average person. I read a lot of blogs. :lol:

Hi! :wavey: I was totally thinking of you & your impressive list of questions for your OB & wishing I was that prepared! You're the research queen!

I like tammy's suggestion of trying to keep it low key the first month, but that might not be possible. :wink2: Also, she made a good point that stress might delay things. Would it ruin your honeymoon if you tested negative?

JGator, yeah, the couch situation was pretty funny. Annoying, but funny. China had me rolling too! :tongue: Thank heaven for the lovely ladies on this board. ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, how will you react if you get a negative or a false negative on the cruise?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1317245846|3028201 said:
amc80|1317243876|3028172 said:
BrightSpot|1317242734|3028161 said:
I'm compiling a list of info for my first RE appt next week. (amc, where are you when I need you? :wink2: ) So hopefully I can go in as prepared as possible & get this ball rolling.

I'm here, I'm here! :) Wish I could be of service...but everything I know about REs/IVF is what I read in blogs....which is probably still way more than the average person. I read a lot of blogs. :lol:

Hi! :wavey: I was totally thinking of you & your impressive list of questions for your OB & wishing I was that prepared! You're the research queen!

I like tammy's suggestion of trying to keep it low key the first month, but that might not be possible. :wink2: Also, she made a good point that stress might delay things. Would it ruin your honeymoon if you tested negative?

JGator said:
AMC, how will you react if you get a negative or a false negative on the cruise?

Not at all. I don't think anything could ruin it. It's just the conflict of testing early and risk picking up an unsticky bean versus not testing and driving myself crazy. Obviously the happiest situation would be getting a BFP, and the added romance of DH and I having our little secret. I think I would be more surpised if it were positive than negative...I fully don't expect to get a BFP my first month of TTC, you know?

Of course, I could get another long cycle (or two) between now and then, so this may all be a moo point (reference for all of my fellow Friends fans). In which case I wouldn't be far enough long during the cruise anyway to test.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Side note/random question-
Is anyone here on cafe mom?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

In that case, I'd just pack the 3 FRER and don't expect to bring any of them home with you. :lol: Good luck!!

Also, not a member of cafe mom. I'm on another board but I don't know if we can reference other forums, can we? :confused: I was on it back when I had my first in 2003. It's slowed down a LOT compared to then. I also signed up for the bump one but haven't started perusing/posting. I probably won't until we're actively TTC. I'm already a little too close to the pool as it is!! :devil:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I know this is going to sound crazy, but I am going to post it anyhow. I'm currently on BCP. I was late taking one, but not by a full 24 hrs (so we didn't use backup bc, because the leaflet says it's okay to just take it asap unless you miss two).

Anyhow, that was about umm, 4-5 days ago. Fast forward to today. I had about 5 minutes of the WORST pain in my lower left abdomen, parallel to my hip bone. A little "did I just ovulate?!" thought popped into my mind. Fast forward a couple of hours later and I have some brown CM. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, at least I hope so because we're not slated to start TTC until spring! :errrr:

Any thoughts? I actually have a (gag gift) opk that I am strongly considering taking, just to see what it says. Yipes.

BTW this thread is too quiet now that so many have recently gotten bfp's and moved on!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1317338206|3029147 said:
So I know this is going to sound crazy, but I am going to post it anyhow. I'm currently on BCP. I was late taking one, but not by a full 24 hrs (so we didn't use backup bc, because the leaflet says it's okay to just take it asap unless you miss two).

Anyhow, that was about umm, 4-5 days ago. Fast forward to today. I had about 5 minutes of the WORST pain in my lower left abdomen, parallel to my hip bone. A little "did I just ovulate?!" thought popped into my mind. Fast forward a couple of hours later and I have some brown CM. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, at least I hope so because we're not slated to start TTC until spring! :errrr:

Any thoughts? I actually have a (gag gift) opk that I am strongly considering taking, just to see what it says. Yipes.

BTW this thread is too quiet now that so many have recently gotten bfp's and moved on!

Well, a friend of mine used to not be so great at taking her pills. She would be fine for a few weeks, then forget one and take two the next day, repeat.

She has two daughters, both a result of her pill taking habits. :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well I couldn't resist peeing on that dumb thing. It's a dollar store New Choice cheapy, and I had held my pee for like 15 minutes at most...but it looks like I should be okay. If anything there's a shadow of a 2nd line on the opk, at best. So hopefully that means all is well. I have never had a surprise and have missed only one pill, doubling up the second day, more times than I care to count over the years. It just threw me with the spotting and cramps! :o
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1317340566|3029183 said:
Well I couldn't resist peeing on that dumb thing. It's a dollar store New Choice cheapy, and I had held my pee for like 15 minutes at most...but it looks like I should be okay. If anything there's a shadow of a 2nd line on the opk, at best. So hopefully that means all is well. I have never had a surprise and have missed only one pill, doubling up the second day, more times than I care to count over the years. It just threw me with the spotting and cramps! :o

Well that's good! Or is it? :)

I talked to my fiance about when to test. His first response was we should test once we get to Disney World. Then he said he doubts either of us will be able to wait that long and maybe we could test the morning we get off the ship. He said if it's positive, everyone else will be all sad and tired because the cruise is over, and we'll be all smiley and energetic. He said was can just blame it on Disney :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy, I just started using OPK's so I'm probably not the best with the mechanics yet, but wouldn't it read positive before you ovulate, not after? I'm not sure if you're out of the woods... Would it be a problem if you C'd before you TT'd?

You're right that this thread is painfully quiet now. I hadn't put 2 & 2 together yet, but I think you hit the nail on the head about all of our newly KU'd friends deserting us for the JPB thread. Wishing all the new mommies the best (& missing you too!)

amc, sounds like a good plan! Maybe Mickey will be the first to know about your bfp! Fingers crossed for you!

MP, any word from your doc? Thinking of you.

afm, I had my first acupuncture appointment today. I really loved the practitioner. She was really warm & friendly & seemed very knowledgeable too. We went through my medical history & current issues & she seems to think they're all related & treatable. I was very apprehensive about the appointment as I'm squeamish & needle averse, but it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought. I'm a little achey now, but I was warned that might happen. Here's hoping for some positive results.

Hope everyone's having a great night. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi BrightSpot, thanks for chiming in!

I have no clue at all re: opk's to be honest. I've never used them! I just assumed that if it was negative only a few hours after I had the pain that it meant I hadn't.

It wouldn't be awful if we conceived now, it would just be about 6 months early, so life would be a lot more hectic in the short run. I will say that IF it happens, then it was meant to be because I've missed pills by 24 hrs before without this ever happening. Anyhow, we shall see! I'm sure DH and I will have some interesting conversations tonight. :tongue:

I'm sure the thread will pick back up again soon, and I'm hoping you're in the next wave of BFP's! :halo:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sure thing, tammy! Maybe some other ladies will chime in on the OPK's. I think ovulation is supposed to occur within 24 hours of the LH surge (positive OPK). I'm just not sure what an OPK looks like after you ovulate. It might go back to negative.

I would think that if you only missed one pill, you might be ok, but those do sound a lot like O pains. I've missed a pill once or twice & didn't get KU, but I've also been off the pill entirely since January & am not KU yet, so I'm probably not the best example. :tongue:

That's good that you & your DH could handle a pregnancy now if it's in the cards. And a surprise might be better than a long time TTC-ing.
Will you test in 2 weeks? Hoping for the outcome you desire... :naughty:

P.S. Congrats on your marriage, you newlywed, you! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks! We've officially been married 1 day shy of 3 months! Everything I've read on their website has said that there's no need for backup BC if you only miss one. That's why I said that if by chance it happens, then it was meant to happen and there's a higher power at work here!

As for testing...

"Hi, my name is Tammy. I'm a POAS addict." Does that answer the question? I'm going to be shocked if I even make it to day 10 and I doubt I'll stop until day 15. :rolleyes: Yaz also completely stopped my cycle about a year ago, so it just adds more fuel to the fire to not have an AF for reassurance! Speaking of, must order some new tests. My last batch lasted almost a year, though I've only tested once every month or so to make sure the uterus is still vacant! I'll have to peruse through this thread to see what online vendor is best, I'm sure it's mentioned several times.

I do have two girls (6 & 8 years old) from my previous marriage. One was a surprise (Oh the joys of reading TCOYF wrong and thinking it safe when it wasn't!) and the younger was conceived after 3-4 cycles. Granted I was much younger, I'm still hoping that once we do dive into the TTC pool it won't take too long.

I actually have an appt on Oct 12th with my new OB/GYN to get me off of Yaz so I can start charting in preparation for when we're ready to start trying. Of course, I also just thought "Oh I could get a blood test that day just to make sure I'm not pregnant!" :wacko:

So I know I shouldn't REALLY be posting here, but once you know you want to TTC soon it's nearly impossible to resist. Besides, you need some company! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow! There's something in the water, I think! Congrats to you, China! That is awesome news. I hope you have a super-sticky bean and a happy and healthy nine months. :appl: :appl:

MP: Keep pushing your office staff and doctors. You have every right to do so. I am glad your doctor is checking your file and considering how to proceed, but stay on 'em. Thinking of you!

AMC: I say you should hold off til 12 dpo, as 10 is more likely to result in a negative even if you ARE pregnant. If getting a BFN at 12dpo won't ruin your honeymoon/vaycay, then go for it. In the event that it IS positive, I think it will only add to the magic and happiness. That is just my opinion, though ::) (And I am a self-proclaimed POAS addict)

Lizzy: Nice to hear from you. I understand why you may want to transition to the 6+ board, but I will be lurking there to check in on you. You will be perfectly fine through the retrieval and have a month to mentally prepare- you can do it!! Hope you aren't feeling too overwhelmed with the IVF drugs. I hope this month will fly by for you.

Steph: Go get your husband and get down to business! (And glad you had a great trip!)

Bright: Sorry about CD1, and hope you're feeling better. Would you mind sharing your questions for the RE once they're sorted out (at least the general ?s, anyway?) I find things like that to be super helpful in planning ahead for future doctor's appointments. Is this RE an OB referral? I hope you mesh well and s/he is understanding and helpful. Keep us updated.

Tammy: I think the OPK would register positive a day or two before you ovulated, soooo just be on high-alert this cycle? I hope you get whatever outcome you desire, whether BFP or a try-again-soon.

This board IS slow. I think we lost 1/3 or more of all the TTCers to the JBP thread (which is great!). Any lurkers hangin' 'round the edge of the TTC pool? Jump on it!


Yesterday my mentor teacher told me that she was 12 weeks pregnant with #1. This is how she told me: "I'm pregnant. Are you pregnant, too??" For real. I blurted out, "I was. I miscarried two weekends ago." She is 39 and I am 25, but we are close. She confided that she had a gut feeling about me being KTFU and was excited at the prospect of us being pregnant 'together', but was sad to know how close it was to being a reality.

Our close friends had their first child this evening, a little boy.

DH's cousin is due on Saturday with baby # 1.

I am elated for these people, but also wallowing in a pool of self-pity.

I have not ovulated and all signs are pointing toward an anovulatory cycle. This our last month of TTCing for a long, long while, mostly because of my job situation. The news of newborns and close friends getting pregnant makes me realize how badly I want to start a family with DH... and suddenly I transformed from being "okay" with the m/c and "okay" with only trying this fall to feeling really upset about both of those things.

I feel like I'm PMSing. Sorry for being a Negative Nancy, ladies :(sad
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Big hugs PPM. I'm so sorry. :(sad That must be extremely difficult to handle with your coworker's pregnancy announcement. I don't know your situation, but maybe you can figure out a way to keep from avoiding for a little while longer. In the meantime, lots of dust that you O soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Just jumping over from WBW. This is CD18, first cycle of BC and, assuming I ovulated when I think I ovulated, I should be 4DPO. TWW has officially begun! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok, back from vacation and on a real computer so I can check in with everyone much more easily than I could from my phone.

MP, I'm sorry your doctor is being resistant to doing the CD21 tests. Please don't ever worry about sharing what you are going through here, this thread is for all the ups and downs of TTC.

Brightspot, sorry AF showed up. I can't believe the couch you saw on set! I hope you get some answers from your RE next week.

Hi Lizzy! Glad things are moving along well toward IVF. Wishing you an easy time with all the drugs and whatnot.

AMC, hmmm, interesting dilemma. I'm not sure what I'd do in your shoes. I know I would be like tammy and unable to keep a secret especially on vacation, so I'd probably wait to test and just go easy on the booze. But it's cute that your FI has a plan, so I'd probably just go with that!

Tammy, OPKs do pick up the surge of LH just prior to ovulation (24 hrs or so I believe) vs. ovulation itself, so after O you would get a negative test.

PPM, I'm sorry things are taking a while to get back to normal with your cycle and that's putting you on a long delay. When will you try again? It's so hard to figure out how to best balance work and family timing, and the fact that you can't ever guarantee the timing of any of it makes it so much harder. Hugs to you about your mentor's pregnancy, I'm sorry the timing of her announcement just emphasizes your loss.

Hi mayerling! Welcome and good luck!

AFM, I guess I'm in my first 2WW. I got postive OPKs Wednesday night and Thursday morning, and felt some O pain Thurs night so I'm tentatively calling yesterday O day. We BD on O, O-2, and O-3, and will likely try and get another session in tonight. I feel good about the timing, not sure when we will ever have this much sex during the week again (thank you, vacation). So now I just wait? Luckily I have my annual review at work next week and a housewarming party to throw in two weeks so I should have plenty to keep me busy.

Thinking of all you ladies! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling, congrats on your first official month of TTC and good luck!

Tammy, chances are you are safe if you only missed one day, but are normally consistent with your BC because the yaz stops ovulation and affects your uterine lining and CM. I would bet it was just some breakthrough spotting. Seems to be a lot of suspicious oopsies coming from you ladies over in the wanting but waiting thread lately . . .  ;)

PPM, thinking of you. It’s got to be so hard to have pregnancies and babies all around you after your recent loss. I’m hoping ovulation is just a bit delayed for you and you can try again this month. I know you have a plan in mind for what time of year you want a baby, but if you are really ready to have a baby, have you considered relaxing your timeframe a bit? As you unfortunately had to experience last cycle, we don’t have as much control over the timing of a pregnancy as we would like. If you had to take a bit of maternity leave in the fall, it truly wouldn’t be the end of the word. Just my two cents.

Bright, sorry you had a rough day earlier this week. Trust me, been there done that (about eight times now), and I always think it will get easier, but it doesn’t. It just plain sucks when AF arrives. You seem to be in good spirits though. I’m glad your acupuncture appointment went well. I may have to do some research to see which places in my area seem reputable and not overly expensive. I’m not quite ready for it, and DH laughed at me when I mentioned that a lot of people try it when TTC, so he would take even more convincing. That’s great you’ve got an appointment with an RE lined up. I will be following your progress very closely! I really do think that you are close to getting a BFP!

amc, you crack me up already talking about when you are going to test in November. Knowing what a planner you are, it shouldn't surprise me.

Lizzy, glad you checked in! I’m excited for you that you are getting the IVF process started soon. I’m sure it’s daunting with all of the medication, monitoring and procedures, but we’re all thinking of you and supporting you, and it will be so worth it when you finally get your second baby. Thinking of you!

JGator, thanks for checking in and for your well wishes. Thinking of you and your little bean!

AFM, I heard back from the nurse the other day, and they are going to let me get the CD21 test, although the doctor said she didn’t think it would be necessary or tell me why I am not getting pregnant. I told the nurse that I wanted the progesterone test to confirm that I’m ovulating. Honestly, I really don’t care if they don’t think it is necessary because I know it will give me another piece of information about my cycle. She said that if I think I have a LPD, she could do an endometrial biopsy at 7DPO, but not if I was TTC. I don’t think that is necessary at this point, so I guess I’ll just be my own fertility specialist for now. The doctor also said to keep trying and if I’m not pregnant after a year, I can meet with their NP who specializes in fertility. The good news is that based on what I told my doctor, I will have been trying for a year right around my follow-up pap smear appointment in December. At that point, I think the next step will be a SA and HSG, and we can hopefully get this show on the road. Depending on what I find out after I have my progesterone tested, I may push to meet with the NP even earlier. Anyway, that's what's up with me. Gearing up for another O, so I guess we keep trying.

ETA - Steph, I missed you. Congrats on your first TTC cycle! Your timing sounds perfect. Maybe you'll be another one time one wonder!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1317392519|3029661 said:
Mayerling, congrats on your first official month of TTC and good luck!

PPM, thinking of you. It’s got to be so hard to have pregnancies and babies all around you after your recent loss. I’m hoping ovulation is just a bit delayed for you and you can try again this month. I know you have a plan in mind for what time of year you want a baby, but if you are really ready to have a baby, have you considered relaxing your timeframe a bit? As you unfortunately had to experience last cycle, we don’t have as much control over the timing of a pregnancy as we would like. If you had to take a bit of maternity leave in the fall, it truly wouldn’t be the end of the word. Just my two cents.


Ditto to this, PPM. Could you consider trying a little bit longer? What would your DH think?

I'm sorry for how you're feeling, though. Having had a mc myself, I know it sucks to 'be pregnant, then not'...especially when you see other people happily trucking along with their pregnancies. ((HUGS)). I hope it happens soon for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Friday, ladies! I'm happy to see this thread picking up again!

tammy, sounds like you probably won't have too much trouble conceiving once you're officially trying. (And maybe even if you aren't!) :tongue: Welcome. Are your girls excited about getting a baby sibling?

PPM, good to see you. I haven't come up with a list of questions for my RE appt so much as written out my history so I don't forget to mention everything. As for questions (for me), mostly I'm just curious as to what the next step is --additional tests, fertility drugs, etc. I also want to ask about acupuncture & Chinese herbs.

I'm sorry you're feeling so down. It's tough to be trying when there are so many pregnancies & babies around you, but I can imagine it's so much harder if you've just suffered a mc. <hugs> Have you thought about trying for a little longer? Like so many have said, TTC can take longer than you anticipate & it's definitely not on "your" schedule. I know it would be ideal to have the baby during a school break, but would it be feasible to take some maternity leave at another time if necessary?

Never apologize for feeling these feelings of for sharing them here. That's why we're here. ::) Hope you're feeling better soon.

mayerling, welcome! :wavey: Good luck during your 2WW. Hope your stay here is short & sweet!

steph, sounds like you've timed things perfectly this month. (Yay for vacation!) I hope you have a busy 2WW so you don't worry too much & that it ends with great news!

MP, I was eagerly awaiting your news & am very happy to see this post. I'm so glad they're going to do the progesterone test for you & very glad to hear you have a plan for next steps. December is really right around the corner & perhaps you could take these steps even sooner. I think you'll be on the bfp train soon. :bigsmile: Good luck with your appliance shopping this weekend. :$$):

Thanks for the good vibes. I'm definitely feeling better now & looking forward to taking the next steps. Re: acpuncture, it's not something either DH or I have done before & I don't know if it will bring the results I'd like, but, as my DH said, even if it helps me relax, that's something. When I was looking for an acupuncturist I found a lot of different options, from the fancy fertility acupuncture place mentioned in the MB book at $110/session, to the "insurance discount" at $70/session. I settled on the community acupuncture place (thanks to LC's suggestion), which also happened to be 6 blocks from my apartment & only charged $30/session. So there are affordable options out there if you don't mind sharing your room. I only had needles in my hands, feet & calves, so no modesty issues. I also asked my acupuncturist about the fertility types, as mentioned in the book & she said that she'd probably put me as a tired or stuck, which is exactly what the quiz said.

Lizzy, thinking of you & cheering you on!

AFM, feeling better today & no more aches. (Actually, my achiness yesterday was probably due in larger part to a heavier-than-usual set of weights at the gym than the acupuncture.) CD 4 & hoping AF gets a move on soon so we can get this party started. :kiss:

Hope everyone is well & looking forward to a nice weekend ahead. :sun:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, I'm glad you're getting the CD21 test, despite your doctor being reluctant. I'm of the school of thought the more info the better. December is coming quickly so you should be in a good spot for the NP, but definitely push to meet with her sooner if you can.

BrightSpot, I'm glad you found an acupuncture place thats' easy and convenient for you. That's a big deal. I'm a big fan of the community acupuncture. It probably takes a little bit longer to get "results" since you can only "tap into" energy points on your arms and legs, but I think it's still a good thing. And at $30/pop, it's not super expensive either. I'm with your DH, worse thing it only helps to de-stress and help you relax, and psychologically you feel like you're "doing something." Y'know?
