
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

China Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

A BIG CONGRATS to all of the recent BFP's on this board!!! I reeeeaaaalllly hope to join all of you VERY soon!
Wishing you all a H&H 9 months! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Saturday ladies! Can NOT believe it's October!!! It is simply gorgeous out- finally less than 100 around here and of course I am feeling pretty crappy. I somehow got PINK EYE. It's gross and highly contagious.

MP- Glad they are doing the tests! That nurse sounds like a piece of work. Who cares, if it gets you where you need. And sounds like your dr has a plan and December will be here SOON. If you get KTFU in January, you can have an OCTOBER baby!!!! :appl: I love October babies.

Bright- Yay for trying acupuncture. Like I've mentioned before, I think stress plays a huge part in all of this. So if it just relaxes you, that's a bonus. I asked my acu guy what I should be doing now and he said RELAX. Best thing you can do. Also not to drink ice cold water and keep my feet warm. Or lift things. Yeah right on that one.

Looks like some new faces are jumping in, love how the cycle keeps going. I'm not abandoning anyone, will keep checking in and cheering you ladies on.

Lizzy- Thanks for updating us. I will be following your next steps on whatever thread you post on. We are all rooting for you.

ETA: Thanks Sha, Tao, and Sugarpie! Sha, I'm thinking of you and keeping an eye out for you on these boards. ;))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hope you ladies are enjoying your weekends and that you aren't indoors lesson planning like I am (or should be!) :knockout:

Bright: Sounds like accupuncture was a good experience. Glad to hear that! What was the book that you read? Sorry if you posted it a little while back... but it sounds like it could be interesting and informative.

MP: Woo! I am glad they're letting you do the test, and it would take all the energy in my body to keep my mouth shut when encountering that nurse. I am sure physicians get annoyed when patients Google-Diagnose diseases, symptoms, etc... But your concerns are totally valid and I see no harm in having the CD21 test. You're an awesome self-advocate. Good luck with this O!

Hello, Mayerling!! :appl: May your stay be short and sweet.

AFM: I get to see our friends new baby tonight and am SO excited! She had a long, rough labor and delivery and it may have ended in a c-section... still don't know details.

Regarding work/life/TTC balance... I'm a first-year teacher. I have a one-year contract with a university. They pay my salary but I work at a public school. There's a good chance the public school will hire me for next year, but I have to re-interview with the district to become a district employee. Because I am so new to the profession, I worry (and it's legitimate, I think?) that delivering in the middle of the school year is akin to putting a target on my back. Legally they cannot use it as a reason to not hire me... But schools do it all the time. Fortunately, not qualifying for paid leave is not an issue... I am more worried about retaining employment, period. If I was five + years into my teaching career I would not blink an eye, but I am fresh meat. Every move I make is scrutinized.

I view this two ways. 1) I am young and have LOTS of time to "recover" professionally if I have a baby in the near future; 2) I am young and have LOTS of time to stabilize my career before my eggs run out :tongue: Is one of those mentalities better than the other? I mean, really? What is your honest opinion? I sense that most people lean toward viewpoint #2, and I do as well, to some degree. It's just that every month, right around ovulation, I start leaning toward viewpoint #1 :wink2:


I hope my friend tells me a long, horrific, gruesome labor story this evening. Maybe that will be enough to send my reproductive organs into hibernation for a few months :errrr:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:love: :love: :love:

I just saw my friends and their newborn son.

She left for the hospital at 6:30 am and was three cm dilated on arrival. The next time they checked her, she was NINE. It took three and a half hours to go from nine to ten... and then she pushed for another three. The baby seemed stuck and so she finally decided to have a cesarian. (She was going med free with midwives until this point). She injured her bladder and uterus during pushing and her colon was nicked during the cesarian... so they had to do three additional 'surgeries' after the babe was removed. Insane.

She is doing great, all things considered. Their son is GORGEOUS. As we left their hospital suite I turned to DH and said, "There's no going back now." The husband of our friend-duo said, "There's no reason to! It's wonderful!"

They're totally on cloud nine and it was so awesome to see.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Question for all you ladies who've probably looked into this more than I have: Are hot flashes an early sign of pregnancy? I was so uncomfortable last night no matter what I did. I felt like I was roasting. So, naturally, I started hoping that hot flashes are an early sign of pregnancy... :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling - everyone has different symptoms, but before I found out I was PG with DS, I did not have hot flashes. I almost always get hot flashes a few days before AF, though. Sometimes when PMS'ing I even wake up with night sweats :rolleyes:

Again, everyone is different! Good luck!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling: My body temp is always pretty high post-O... around 99.1 F. So it could mean pregnancy, or it could mean PMS. Progesterone is a b*tch. As if TTCing isn't full of enough excitement/worry/everything else, Progesterone has to go and mimic pregnancy symptoms every cycle.

Where is everyone? So quiet around here ;( (That's a good thing, though... it means lots of recent BFPs!)

AFM: THANK YOU, god of ovulation! I had a pretty-positive OPK yesterday and a hell-yes-positive OPK this morning. My temp dipped today and will hopefully skyrocket tomorrow. :appl: :appl:

DH & I have been gettin' busy with some frequency. Admittedly, I started the BD marathon because I wasn't sure if/when I was going to ovulate. It has been really nice, though. I don't think we've been so... ahem... active... since before we were married! I've been checking in with DH periodically to make sure he doesn't feel like he's being used for just his swimmers. :cheeky: He seems to be A-OK. :naughty: This is definitely the up side to TTC!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling, I’ve heard of stranger early pregnancy symptoms, so you just never know. How many DPOs are you? Good luck!

PPM, yay for ovulating! Good luck this time around. You seem to get pregnant pretty easily, so hopefully this will be your cycle. I can’t tell from your post whether you’ve decided to keep trying beyond this cycle (if need be), but I think that if you’re ready for a baby, the career stuff will sort itself out. Trust me, right now is far from an ideal time for me to TTC careerwise because I just completed my first year at a large law firm. My sisters and other family members are in the teaching profession and they have all had children and have many teacher friends who had babies during the school year (even early in their career), and they have not run into any issues or discrimination. It’s just a fact of life, especially in a profession with so many women. Fortunately, you are young and age is not a factor for you if you were to decide to wait. Hopefully you will get a sticky BFP this month, and your concerns will be moot.

Bright, hope you’re doing well. Not too much longer before your appointment.

Hi to everyone else who is still around or lurking!

AFM, I typically get a positive OPK around CD 11-12 and ovulate around CD 14, but I’m on day 15 and it is only now starting to fade in. Of course, my body decides to delay O during the cycle where I already had my CD21 blood test scheduled for next Monday. No big deal, they love me at my doctor’s office, so I’ll just call and annoy them again and get it moved back a few days. In the meantime, we’re just BD’ing every other day. Tough job ;)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys! Just wanted to say hi. I did my half marathon yesterday and I'm pretty slow moving today. My legs are so wobbly and it feels like I'm walking on stilts. But it's done and that makes me so happy. I definitely didn't train as much as I should have and was nowhere close to my best time, but I also don't regret not training more. Congrats again to all the BFPs out there, and good luck to everyone Oing or in the TWW. I should be getting AF on Saturday, for what will be my final cycle before we TTC!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:wavey: Hi everyone! I still read everyone's updates!!

PPM - YAY for ovulation! I love how you said it "god of ovulation" that's a funny way to put it! You jumped right back into it, so happy for you! Good luck and have fun on your BD marathon!

MP - Of course your body would change it's schedule on you! Hopefully it doesn't go too off course for you! Still thinking about you and hoping for good news soon!

AMC - You're almost on the big TTC journey! Not too much longer now :P

Brightspot - I hope you continue to enjoy the accupuncture!

Afm, I have my first OB appointment October 17th. They'll do a full physical exam and get our family medical history while I'm there. I'll be a little over 6weeks then.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1317082439|3026347 said:
S&I, how exciting for your 12 week scan! Are you going to find out the sex? Have you told people (aside from family) you're PG yet? Sorry about the evening sickness. Hopefully it will go away when you enter your 4th trimester.
Thanks for the tip on the progesterone suppositories. I put it on the list of questions for my RE appt. I suspect the weak ovulation might be a bigger issue.

Yes, we're definitely going to find out the sex - I think that's at the 20 week appointment? I am way too impatient for a surprise, and besides, I want to be able to buy gender-specific things for the baby beforehand. :cheeky: We've been slowly telling close friends, but no official announcement yet. I don't know what causes weak ovulation, but I hope your RE can help with that! Maybe Clomid or something similar can help. Good luck, and be sure to ask your RE all your questions - no question is a silly one!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies,

I am jumping back in here - I was part of this board in 2009 and am glad to see some familiar faces. My DD was born November 2009 and is almost 2 and we are going to start TTC again. DD was conceived on my first cycle of Clomid after about 8 months of trying. Dr. wants us to try w/o Clomid for 6 months, but I am probably going to push her to let me go back on Clomid after 3 months if we are not KTFU by January 2012. I am an attorney and in a unique situation where my job will be ending in a year or two. To be honest, in a perfect world I would prefer to wait about 6 more months to TTC, but with the job situation and how long it took to conceive last time, this makes the most sense for me as I would not want to be pregnant while job searching and waiting until I get a new job and qualify for FMLA is longer than we want to wait. My DH is overjoyed, he was ready to TTC when DD was 1.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi NovemberBride, welcome back into the TTC pond. I hope you don't have to wait as long for your second BFP. My sister conceived with clomid the first time (after two years of trying), and then two years later, the second one came naturally without much effort. Maybe that will the case for you as well!

S&I, hope your scan goes well!

Missy, good to hear from you. Luckily, I think I should be O'ing in the next couple of days because I just took another OPK that was so close to being positive (even with a diluted sample). I hate using OPKS at work, but you gotta do what you gotta do! Glad things are going well so far, despite your doctor's earlier confusion over your conception date/hcg levels. Those early blood tests only seem to cause stress, but I'm glad your levels are doing what they're supposed to.

amc, congrats on your half! Way to go!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Monday, ladies. I hope you all had a great weekend!

Question about OPK's--how often do you guys usually do them? I was doing once a day, but I think that might not be often enough.

LC, thanks for stopping by & thanks again for talking to me about acupuncture. I never would have thought of the community option if you hadn't mentioned it. It's so much more affordable! I was in a private room for my first session & the acupuncturist still only used needles in my hands, legs & feet. Do you think it's less effective this way? How long did it take for you to get results? I'm not sure how to gauge my progress. I totally agree about what you said--it does make me feel like I'm doing something positive & productive!
How are you doing? I hope you're well & cooking away!

sugarpie, how are you doing? Where are you in your cycle now?

China, I'm so sorry you have pinkeye! What a pain! Do you have some drops or just waiting for it to clear out on its own? Do LO & DH have it too? I hope you feel better soon! (and thanks for not abandoning us. ::) )
Will you keep going to acupuncture throughout your pregnancy? Good luck on not lifting things! At least the warm feet one is easier.

Lizzy, thinking of you & hope all is going well with the IVF prep. You start the drugs today, right? I hope they're not too hard to deal with.

PPM, the book is "Making Babies." One of the ladies posted about it in the >6 months thread, so I thought I'd check it out. It talks about preparing your body for pregnancy & using concepts from both Eastern & Western medicine. I found it pretty interesting.
Re: your career/baby timing, that's a really tough call. You could easily argue either one given your circumstances. That's great that you're young & have time on your side for both career & motherhood. When would you have to interview with the district? It sounds like if you're hired by the district, there would be more job security for you. Could you talk to your mentor about this, especially since you two are so close? Good luck! And how nice that you were able to spend time with your friends & their new baby. :love:
That's awesome that you O'd! Yay! :appl: Even better that you guys have been on it & enjoying it too. That's definitely a great thing about TTC-ing. :wink2: Fingers & toes crossed for you this cycle!

MP, that's odd that you're O-ing a little later than usual. Do you think stress is pushing it back? Or maybe the egg is timid & has performance anxiety now that the 7dpo test is scheduled. :tongue: It shouldn't be a problem to reschedule it with your office, though. I've been doing my bloodwork at an external lab so you just pop in when you want to do the test, no appointment necessary. It's a very convenient option.
Keep up the good work... :naughty:

amc, congrats on your half marathon! I'm so impressed! You're almost ready to TTC! What an exciting time.

Missy, great to see you! How are you feeling? Your appointment is around the corner. So excited for you! :appl: Glad your numbers are looking good now & your little bean is baking away.

S&I, how exciting to find out the sex! I don't think I could wait either & it does seem practical to be able to buy pink or blue things. Have fun telling your friends & let us know how your scan goes! I'll keep you guys posted on how my appointment goes on Thursday. Glad to see you're still around & hope you're feeling better (I glance at JBP sometimes). :wink2:

NovemberBride, welcome (back). :wavey: I've been trying since January & am going to my first RE appt on Thursday. I'm hoping for your luck with clomid! I'd love to hear more about your TTC #1 if you'd like to share.
I hope your #2 happens more quickly, but that's great that you have a plan to use clomid again if needed. Your job situation sounds pretty stressful, but sounds like you've considered all angles & have a great plan to move forward with work & family.
Hope your stay here is short & sweet. =)

mayerling, I'm not sure about hot flashes per se as a pregnancy sign, but elevated temp sure can be. Are you temping? Keeping my fingers crossed for you! :bigsmile:

AFM, got to see my SIL this weekend. She's due in January & has really popped. It was fun & exciting to see. It made me a bit wistful too, especially when I realized if we'd gotten PG on our first month trying, we'd be having a baby this month.
I have my RE appt & another acupuncture session on Thursday. I'm excited & gathering up all of my data. My poor doc won't know what hit him! AF is finally gone, so I'm looking forward to moving ahead. Just hoping I'm not coming down with a cold in the meantime...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1317671058|3032248 said:
Happy Monday, ladies. I hope you all had a great weekend!

Question about OPK's--how often do you guys usually do them? I was doing once a day, but I think that might not be often enough.

Bright, I typically only use OPKs once a day first thing in the morning. I only took a second one today because I was getting impatient due to my delayed O.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1317672545|3032267 said:
BrightSpot|1317671058|3032248 said:
Happy Monday, ladies. I hope you all had a great weekend!

Question about OPK's--how often do you guys usually do them? I was doing once a day, but I think that might not be often enough.

Bright, I typically only use OPKs once a day first thing in the morning. I only took a second one today because I was getting impatient due to my delayed O.

I take them once a day with FMU. My surges are long enough to where that's enough. Plus I've never been able to get a positive any other time. I can have positives two mornings in a row, but any test in between those two will be negative.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brightspot, I'm not temping, charting, OPKing, etc... I thought I'd give the first cycle as "natural" a go as possible. I figure that given that it's the first month off BC I'm unlikely to conceive, so I decided to wait until the next cycle before I start taking care of everything more thoroughly.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I OPK'ed 2-3 times/day around the time I thought I would O - maybe a 5 day window. The first few cycles I did it only in the AM, but I did get a positive in the PM after I started the multiple times/day testing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot, I started out only using FMU until I saw something other than a faint 2nd line. Once I got what I called a medium 2nd line, I added in another test in the evening. I caught my positive in the evening, and I've heard that some people only ever get positives in the afternoons or evenings. You may want to consider adding in evening tests if you feel like you might be missing your surge with just FMU.

MP, I'm glad it looks like you'll be Oing soon! Hope your 7DPO tests shed some light on your cycles, so you can be one step closer to your BFP.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, glad to hear your acupuncture appt went well and you are enjoying it. I always felt super relaxed after my appts. Sorry to hear how you were feeling thinking about the fact that you could have been having a baby this month.

Novemberbride, welcome!

AFM, I went for my day 21 progesterone test to ensure that I ovulated before I start my IVF drugs. Well, my progesterone was still low so they think I didn't O yet. So I have to wait till Friday for another blood work to see if I O this week. So IVF gets delayed another week. I'm just worried that I won't O this month seeing as that has happened to me before after a loss. If so, I'll be out another month. I didn't use OPK';s this month because I didn't need to and now I wished I did so that I would know if I surged yet or not. On top of that, I just found out a lady I used to work with is pregnant after one month of trying and my best friend who I love dearly is due in two weeks. I am surrounded by everyone's good baby news and it is making me feel so sorry for myself. I had a little bit of a breakdown today. I needed to just let it out. I was feeling positive about the IVF and then the bloodwork and all the baby news just hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm going to try to post more often ladies. I miss you all.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, wow, it's crazy this cycle your body decides to delay O'ing. I hope you O soon so you can start the IVF train rolling. I can hear how stressed and helpless you feel that your body's not doing what you want it to, and all these people are having babies and it's so hard for you. Go ahead and have a breakdown when you need to. You're only human and you are facing a trying situation. It's totally normal. We're here for you when you want to just get it all out. It's good I think. I feel very positive for you for IVF. I think you've made some really good decisions along the way, followed your intuition, and there are somethings you just can't control. Are you still doing acupuncture too?

Brighspot, I just went back to my calendar, I did acupuncture for almost every week for 6 wks, then every 2 wks for another 4 weeks. Starting from my LP the previous cycle, through my BFP and a few times afterwards. I think that the needles in the arms & legs aren't the "high packing" points, but I still think it'll be affective. My acupuncturist said the point will be to increase blood flow to the uterus to give the egg a nice cushy place to land. I plan on going to acupuncture through pregnancy, I've been experiencing some minor pain with my SI joint. I can imagine it'd help with morning sickness etc as well.

Monkey, sorry you're faced with a delayed O this cycle. I hope it comes soon. Seems like Murphy's Law is poking around a little. I hope you get some more information with the CD"21" test. Thinking of you, friend.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, that's a tricky situation with work, I'm not sure what I would do in your situation. I see both sides of it. Work delayed us TTC a bit since I started a new job in March, and wanted to be sure I would be FMLA eligible. Hopefully it will all be a moot point since the O-gods have come through this month. When will you have to re-interview for your job?

MP, I'm glad they are doing the CD21 testing, but sorry O is delayed so you aren't sure when it will be!

Mayerling, I have no idea what actually is or isn't a sign of pregnancy, but I'm seeing everything as a sign of pregnancy right now! Fell asleep on the couch Sunday afternoon, could I be pregnant? Woke up with heartburn yesterday, oh, probably pregnant. Super hungry yesterday, pregnant? and so on and so on.

amc, awesome job with the half marathon! After I did my first one last year, someone told me to go down stairs backwards to make it less painful. I looked stupid but she was right!

Missy, glad you've got your first appt. scheduled!

NovemberBride, welcome! I love having some of the btdt moms here to help us newbies. I'll be hoping TTC #2 is easy for you!

Brightspot, I do OPKs once a day until I start to see a faint second line, and then twice a day until they are negative. I don't get a long fade in like some other ladies, just usually one faint line, and then two or three true positives, then back to negative. I'm glad you are enjoying acupuncture!

Lizzy, I'm sorry things are a little delayed for you. I hope O is still on her way this month so you don't get pushed back any further. Hugs to you!

AFM, 5DPO. As I mentioned above, every little weird thing going on with my body this week has me wondering if it could be a sign of pregnancy. I know I am probably insane, but I can't seem to talk any sense into myself. I mentioned to DH that I might try and test on the weekend (9 and 10 DPO) and he thought that was weird and I shouldn't test until AF is actually late. My thoughts are (A) the weekends are typically the only time I drink, so if I did get a negative I would feel ok having a glass of wine still and (B) If I was lucky enough to get a BFP it would be great to take the test on a weekend when we didn't have to rush off to work afterwards. So we'll see if I can persuade him to see things my way...

Thinking of all of you ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, that’s great that you’re prepared for your appointment. I can’t wait to hear what your RE suggests. I know exactly what you mean about imagining what it would be like if you had gotten pregnant when you first started trying. I think about that all the time. I could be 7 months pregnant by now, but instead, I’m nowhere close to being pregnant, and several of my friends have since had babies and announced their pregnancies, and pretty much everyone on this forum has gone on to get a BFP. Just know that you’re not alone, and you are doing everything you can right now to get closer to that BFP.

Lizzy, I’m glad you wrote. I’m so sorry that things are a bit delayed, but just remember it is a temporary delay, and you will be starting the process soon. So sorry that you had a rough day. I think it is important to let yourself feel it once in awhile and not hold it in. I have days like that too where I can't help but break down. Like I said to Bright, you are not alone and we’re all thinking of you and cheering you on.

LC, thanks for the support. I agree that Murphy’s Law needs to mind its own business! Hope you are doing well. I’m waiting anxiously for your gender scan!

Steph, welcome to the world of the 2WW! Unfortunately, it gets even worse in the second week when there is a real possibility that what you’re feeling could be a symptom. Best of luck to you! I know it is really hard to wait especially since you just started trying, but hold out to test as long as you can, maybe 10DPO. Except in the rare case, those early tests only make it worse.

AFM, I had a very clear positive OPK this morning, so I think I will count tomorrow as O day. We BD’d the past couple of nights, so now I need to decide if we should BD again tonight or wait until tomorrow. We were going to try to do it every other day, but then I got paranoid we would miss the peak day. I don’t know why I stress over that because BD timing is not our problem, but I guess it is because that is the only thing we have control over.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1317734163|3032832 said:
amc, awesome job with the half marathon! After I did my first one last year, someone told me to go down stairs backwards to make it less painful. I looked stupid but she was right!

Good tip! Today is much better. I'm sore, but not so sore that I look like an 80 year old trying to shuffle around. I can actually walk like a normal person. My knee is sort of hurting though, so hopefully that resolves quickly. Tomorrow I am going to the Global Gaming Exposition in Vegas...basically I get to walk around all day and check out all the new slot machines coming out. Which would be much more enjoyable if walking didn't hurt :)

So, remember how I said that my goal between now and the wedding/TTC is to stay as relaxed as possible? Well, I already had a groupon for microderm abbrasion, to use before the wedding. I also wanted to get a facial and a massage at some point. God apparently agrees with my need for these things, and today's groupon was for a one hour massage AND a facial, for $39. Score! Gotta keep my cycles normal and my eggs happy :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Steph, Jgator, amc, MP, s&i, Thanks to everyone who chimed
in re the opks. This is very helpful. 

Mayerling, that's a good idea to keep it low key as long as you can. It's really easy to get very caught up in this ttc business. Wishing you luck this cycle. Are you still having hot flashes?

LC, thanks for checking your calendar for me! I'm glad you're still liking acupuncture & hope it helps with your sore joint. I have occasional joint pain too & hope the acupuncture helps. How long was it from acupuncture to bfp for you? (just curious.) 

Lizzy, that must be so difficult having so many babies & pregnancies around you right now. Big hugs. Feel free to post & vent anytime. I've missed you & am happy to see you back. 
I hope O shows up soon so you can get moving on the IVF. Is it too late to try some opk's? 
Are you still doing acupuncture? I've read that it can dramatically increase ivf success rates especially if you do a session before & after transfer. 
Wishing you all the luck in the world. 

Steph, sounds like you're having some pretty positive symptoms. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Amc, glad you're feeling a bit better. Enjoy the pampering!

MP, thanks for the pep talk. It's so helpful to have you ladies to talk to & glad to feel I'm not alone. I'm really only talking to dh about this stuff & he's amazing, but it's not quite the same. 
That's great that your o is coming tomorrow! Sounds like you've gotten some good BD-ing in. Have you played around with timing? (ED vs EOD) I think I'll have to think about that now. 
Thinking positive thoughts about this cycle for you. 

AFM, remember how I was hoping to try clomid? Well, it seems my DH is going to beat me to it. His SA & bloodwork results came in & he has low sperm volume & low testosterone. So his doc is starting him on clomid today. The news is still sinking in.  :(sad
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sorry to hear about DH's less than desirable test results. I had no idea clomid could be used by men. You learn something new every day. Given these results, you should definitely consider switching to every other day. We have tried both methods to see if that could be our issue, but obviously neither has worked for us thus far. DH has not had an SA yet though, so I have no idea if we have any male factor issues or not. Given the fact he is 40, I wouldn't be surprised if he has low counts though. Question for you, did your doctor prescribe the SA and bloodwork or did your DH go to his doctor and ask to have it done? I know getting DH checked out is going to be one of our next steps too, but I know he is going to be a bit reluctant to take action unless he has to.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, the plot thickens. My dh is also on enbrel for psoraisis & psoriatic arthritis. The med works wonders for him but it struck me that it might affect his sperm count. I did a quick search & couldn't find anything definitive but did find concerns over everything from sperm count to possible chromosomal abnormalities or birth defects & a recommendation to stop 3 months before you start trying. So now I'm officially freaked out. Dh said he mentioned he was on it to his doc but I asked him to call to follow up. 

Mp, funny about clomid in men. Apparently it tricks the pituitary gland into producing more testosterone.  My ob did prescribe the SA (but not the bloodwork) for my dh, who is 39, btw, but due to insurance issues he had to go to a urologist for a consult first, then get the Rx from his doc for the test. It would've been $340 out of pocket for a complete analysis. So I guess we'll be switching to EOD (if we're still trying this month, that is). 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Have I said congratulations to china already? Congratulations!! :appl: :appl:

PPM, this is my first year teaching, but we're TTC already. We're not that young anymore, and we figured we'll figure things out as we go. We probably have trouble conceiving anyway.

Hi NovemberBride. I'm new here!

Mayerling, that's how we're TTC this cycle too. If it doesn't happen, I'll start temping and maybe drive myself batty.

Steph, I wouldn't POAS yet because it would feel horrible if it was BFN. I know what you mean though. It's taking me a whole lot of will power to not run into bathroom.

BrighSpot, sorry about the test results...But I guess at least you know what's going on? That's so interesting about clomid for men! I didn't know that!

AFM, TWW without even knowing if I ovulated sucks. I should know next week, but odds are against us. I'm temping next cycle for sure! I keep saying that because I don't want to jinx anything, but I can't help hoping for a one hit. Have a great week everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brightspot, that's a no on the hot flashes. It was just that one night so I guess I was reading too much into it. It's like I was willing myself to get pregnant.

Choro, it's good to know I'm not crazy for leaving everything to chance this month.

Today I couldn't resist POAS for the first time; even though my period isn't due for another week (assuming my cycle isn't completely messed up from coming off BC)! I rationalised by telling myself that I need a practice one so I know how to do it right when the time comes :roll:

Good luck to all you ladies, and let's be optimistic! :appl: