
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Come on, ladies! Let's liven this thread up! We need to be each other's support group.

Octavia and Pilsn, shame about AF.

AFM, AF is almost done and can't wait to start TTC again :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ah, Mayerling, my AF is almost done too, so looks like we will be close to the same schedule!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ah PPM, so sorry that AF showed. I always protest with junk food and alcohol too. I hope that your talk with your DH went well and that you guys are on the same page about whether to keep TTC. Hugs.

Prana and Mayerling, good luck to both of you on this new cycle!

AFM, signs are pointing to AF showing up in a day or two. I took an HPT just for the heck of it, and of course it was BFN. Not sure why I bothered. But as it is 10 dpo, there's not much hope for this cycle. I'm feeling more hormonal than usual or just emotional and have been on the verge of tears all day. I've never wanted something more in my life (other than to marry DH), and it is just such a helpless feeling because there is nothing I can do about it. Sorry, such a debbie downer. I need to cheer up, so DH and I can have a fun date night.

Hope everyone is hanging in there!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, Go team October!

Monkeyprincess, sorry about the possibility of AF showing up. Here's hoping that she doesn't and you get your BFP soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome to all the new TTCers. :wavey:

Jena, my sister has had 5 children in 8 years, and I am pretty sure with 4 of the 5 she was breastfeeding when she got pregnant. Also, the last one she never had her period and got pregnant. Her youngest was about 13 months old when she got pregnant with her last child. So, I think pregnancy and breastfeeding can delay your period and fertility, but not always......

Bright, I am doing fine. I think you should switch REs to someone with more compassion. I have been trying to start temping again. Every AM, I keep forgetting though as I stopped a few weeks after I got my BFP in late August. Last night I propped the thermometer against my alarm clock so I would see it when I woke up, and that worked today. So, just trying to figure out where I am in the cycle and indulging in foods/drinks I was avoiding while pregnant like coffee, Diet Dr. Pepper, wine, etc. The doctor said to wait a month or two before trying to get pregnant again. I was supposed to go in next week, but I now have business trips to Orlando and Vegas in the way so it'll be another week before I can go in for a follow up on the procedure. Also, we made an RE appointment for Nov 18th so I am optimistic. I think my progesterone and possible thyroid issues could have been the cause of the miscarriage. My TSH was 3.2 on my pregnancy panel bloodwork - I just noticed this - the doctor said all was normal when I got my results, but I read online that the optimal TSH is 1 to 2 when TTC. I know my TSH was 2 in July when I had my last physical so something is definitely up there.

Lizzy, good luck on the IVF. I think of you often and I am hoping and praying this works for you.

PPM, pulling for you this cycle.

MP, hi :wavey:. I hope all is well and I have a good feeling you'll be over in JBP soon. It's your turn to graduate!

AMC, love the t-shirt and I think it would be perfectly fine to have your future baby girl wear that.

Anyone taking any supplements? I am taking something called Queen's Delight - it's a combo vitamin of bee products including royal jelly, propolis, and bee pollen. I read that royal jelly helps queen bees (and people) with fertility, and the other bee products in there seem to have some good overall health benefits like improving energy so we'll see if it helps.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP: Blah. Sorry about the BFN. I am rooting for you, anyway. Hugs to you.

Edited because I wrote the wrong PS user name :twirl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So DH and I decided last night to not prevent, but not try until summertime... no condoms, no BC, no pull and pray, no temping, charting, OPKing, POASing... I could go on. (No POASing?! ;( ;( )

This is going to be challenging for my Type-A self.

I seem to ovulate between CD 17 and CD 25, so we're bound to BD sometime during that window. I'm not sure how I'll refrain from checking CM and other ovulation signs, but I'm going to try. I fear that I'm too in tune with my cycle to just "pretend" like I don't know what phase I'm in (pre-o, o, luteal phase, etc). And I *know* DH is always going to wonder, "She's initiating BD... is she fertile?!" Wish me luck!

I will continue to post on here and stay up-to-date with everyones' TTC journeys, but I probably won't have AFM updates unless I miraculously get pregnant.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thanks for sharing the info on Blackberry16. I found her posts & was definitely pleased to see someone with a DH whose SA profile wasn't great be able to get KU via IUI. (though I think, sadly, my DH's is a bit worse...)
I'm sorry about the BFN. Hugs. It's definitely frustrating to want something so much & not be able to control whether or when you can make it happen. And the hormonal ups & downs certainly don't help either. I'm glad you'll be getting more info soon from your tests & hope you find something that can help. You will be a mom, and a great one too! In the meantime, your cat will just have to get used to getting hugged more than usual. Mine has...(mostly.) Did you have a fun date night? How is project kitchen redo coming?

PPM, Thanks for the kind words & for sharing your parents' story. That's true that it only takes one. Fingers crossed for a supersperm... =)
So sorry about CD1. Hugs. I'm glad you guys aren't going to stop trying (or start preventing?) moving forward. I'm sure you'll still be pretty aware of what's going on with your body. You can't really "unlearn" what you know. Resisting the urge to POAS might be difficult, though! I hope you can enjoy a more laid back approach & hope you have a really exciting AFM to share soon. :bigsmile:
I've been taking vitamin B6 for several months. I started taking it because TCOYF said it would help improve CM, but, looking back at my calendar, I think my LP has lengthened by a day since I started taking it. How long is your LP?

Octavia, sorry AF has arrived, but glad you were able to enjoy some yummy beer. Silver lining?

mayerling & Prana, hope AF is out the door now & doesn't show her ugly face for 10 months or so. :rodent:

JGator, good to see you. I think I might give my RE one more shot (I need to schedule an ultrasound for next month after AF leaves, so I'll see how that goes.) You're definitely right, though, that it's not smart to waste a lot of time on him if I don't like him.
I keep my thermometer right in front of my clock too & it seems to help. I hope your RE appointment gives you some clarity on what happened. I forget, were you on progesterone supplements? The thyroid issue sounds like it's worth exploring. How long do you think you'll wait before TTC-ing again? Sending you lots of positive vibes for a sticky bean soon.
Let me know how you like the royal jelly supplement. I'm taking chaste tree berry, L-arginine, CoQ10, evening primrose oil, fish oil, calcium, folic acid, vitamin c & women's multi. Wow, that's a lot.

Lizzy, thinking of you... ::)

AFM, enjoying a beautiful weekend here. We got to visit friends with a 4 year old & 3 month old last night & I really enjoyed the baby snuggle time. :love: Makes me want one even more.
CD 20 here & FF now thinks I O'd on CD 16, but my OPK's, while still negative, are just now starting to show a fade in. Maybe I will O in the next couple of days.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Guess who's DONE with BCP? Yep, it's me!!! :bigsmile: That's my fly by update. I'll have to drop back by soon for a proper post! :) Hope everyone's having a great weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1318810311|3041698 said:
Guess who's DONE with BCP? Yep, it's me!!! :bigsmile: That's my fly by update. I'll have to drop back by soon for a proper post! :) Hope everyone's having a great weekend.
:appl: :appl: :appl:
How did you convince DH?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, good to see an update from you. I think about you often and am really pulling for you to get another BFP as soon as you start trying again. I’m glad to hear that you have an appointment lined up with an RE. Hopefully, that is giving you some hope. As far as supplements, I have taken calcium supplements and fish oil for several years, and since TTC, I added a prenatal vitamin, B6 (sporadically). I have also tried a daily baby aspirin for a few cycles to see if that somehow worked magic, but it hasn't. Oh, and I sometimes take robutussin or mucinex around O time, but I don't think they have helped me.

PPM, I’m glad you are not stopping TTC altogether. Good luck trying to step back from monitoring. Hopefully you are more strong-willed than I am. I think it would be really hard for me not to pay attention to the calendar and what was going on with my body, and to not get annoyed with DH if we completely missed the window. But I am glad you found a soluation that is acceptable to both of you. Chances are still pretty good that you’ll get a BFP sooner rather than later if you are BDing regularly.

Bright, thanks for your note. I know you get exactly how I’m feeling. I think we would both feel so much better if we could just know that we are able to, and will eventually, get BFPs. This not knowing what is going on or if it is possible is just too much to bear sometimes. And yes, my cats are definitely serving as baby substitutes right now. My little guys are both super cuddly with each other and me, and the three of us laid on the couch most of the day with a blanket yesterday. It was lovely. I think they can tell when I need a little extra attention.

Lizzy, how is it going? Thinking of you!

Tammy, congrats on getting off BC. Hopefully you’ll have an easy transition. I think you will.

Mayerling, hoping you get lucky this cycle!

AFM, still awaiting CD1, but it feels imminent. I asked DH how he wants to proceed this month, and he said that he wants us to keep trying to get to the bottom of any medical issues (obviously) and to keep actively trying, but he wants to figure out a way to avoid the pressure and disappointment. I know there are ways we can deal with the "pressure" issue, but I told him he is just going to have to accept and understand that I'm going to be feeling pretty sad and disappointed until I get pregnant. In his mind, it is understandable that I'll be sad a few days a month, but he thinks that I should try not to feel that way the rest of the month. I wish it were that easy to compartmentalize, but for me, it is a cloud that hangs over me all the time. I maybe need to work on not expressing it to him so much though because I know it makes him feel helpless and like he is not enough to make me happy. That's why this forum is helpful.

Anyway, a happy Monday to you all. We're having our first cold, fall-like day today, and I just want to be at home under a blanket!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys! :wavey:

Hope you all had a good weekend. We had tons of wedding stuff to do...but when I rolled over and looked at the clock Saturday morning it read 1:45PM. I knew I was tired, but sheesh!

I'm on CD11 and had a huge temp drop today. I looked at my other charts and noticed I have those temp drops starting 4 days before I O. So **crossing fingers** it looks like I will have a "normal" cycle this month...if I O on CD14. I've been working really hard on minimizing stress, so we shall see if it's working, or at least if it shortens my cycles a bit.

Tammy, congrats on going off the pill. I don't know how long you've been on it, but every time I've stopped taking it I've been amazed at how much better I feel...and I didn't even realize I felt crappy while on it. Sort of like a fog was lifted.

PPM, do you think you will really be able to not try now that the can of worms has been opened?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks! :) May, I think he just had a fear of the unknown issue re: the diaphragm. I just said flat out after using it the second time that I'm 100% comfortable with using it and whenever he's ready I'll stop the pill. He said that if I'm confident in it, then he's fine w/me stopping now. He's a reasonable guy, usually! ;))

I wish I'd been able to just not start this pack, but to be completely honest I know I didn't do it right the first time we used the other, and I would have been a WRECK for a solid couple of weeks if I didn't have the bcp in my system (the darn thing flipped but I didn't realize it until after the fact, long icky story you don't want to hear the details of!). So I am glad we waited and it was only 4 active pills so it shouldn't be too bad. I just wonder when my temps will start to look more "normal", when I'll have my first real bleed, when I'll ovulate....and when I'll stop dropping some of this weight, ugh!

AMC, I've been on it for a couple of years. I am really curious about if/when I'll start to feel different. Yaz hasn't been nearly as bad as when I was on Triphasil (sp?) before. That was AWFUL, I gained 25 lbs in a year! :nono: It came right off when I stopped, but still...depressing!

Anyhow, yeah glad to be off. I'm really looking forward to seeing what my temps do! I know I said it already, I'm just that excited about it. :tongue:

Hope everyone is doing well today! MP I'm crossing everything for you that AF stays far away. :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Question: Did anyone notice weight gain after coming off HBC? I seem to have gained weight, albeit slightly, but I haven't made any other lifestyle changes in terms of food, exercise, etc.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1318879639|3042154 said:
Question: Did anyone notice weight gain after coming off HBC? I seem to have gained weight, albeit slightly, but I haven't made any other lifestyle changes in terms of food, exercise, etc.

Mayerling, I thought conventional wisdom was that, if anything, being on HBC makes you gain weight, and not the other way around. Were you on a type of birth control that acts as a diuretic? You might have more bloat or water weight due to the hormonal changes. I didn't notice any weight gain from either going on HBC or getting off of it.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I have but I'm 99% sure it's water weight. That doesn't make me feel any better about looking at the scale this morning! :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, congrats on pulling the goalie! It's very exciting!

AMC, when do you leave for your wedding? Getting close now.

MP, hoping CD1 stays far far away! It is sooo hard not to feel pressure and disappointment from all of this TTC stuff. I honestly feel though that if I didn't stay on top of things and just go with the flow, I would feel more stressed because I am losing control over the TTC steps that I once had control over. KWIM? The lack of control over all of this is the worst for me. I do have highs and lows over a course of a month which I'm sure you do too. My best parts of my month are when I O till 2ww. That is a very hopeful time for me. Just like right now, I have started my meds and I am in more of a hopeful state. However, I have many moments where I worry it's just not going to happen and it freaks me out. Did your Dr. get back to you with his interpretation of your progesterone count?

Bright, how did your OPK look this morning? I hope it is getting darker for you. Has your DH's doctor given him any idea of ways to improve the SA results? Have you discussed IUI's with your RE yet? I am hopeful that Clomid/IUI will give you the help you need to get what you want faster!

PPM, sorry about AF arriving, but I am glad to hear you aren't stopping completely. Are you going to feel more or less stressed by not POAS or any of that stuff? If your going to feel more relaxed then I say go for it. If not, I'd say you should become a "closet POAS'er"!

JGator, sounds like you have a solid plan with meeting with an RE and next steps. How are you feeling? Might as well enjoy your time off and relax a little. The only medications I take now are my prenatal and a daily children's aspirin. The aspirin may or may not do anything, but my RE says it can't hurt!

Jena, not sure about the breast feeding/ovulation connection. I thought I read that you don't always O while nursing though. Maybe worth it to call your OB and ask the question. Do you think you will start weaning soon? If so, that may help move O'ing along. I nursed my son till he was 8 months, but my OB did recommend we use a condom so I am sure that ovulation does occur off and on while nursing.

Mayerling, where are you in your cycle now? I hope your getting close to O time!

Octavia, sorry to hear AF showed. You'll be O'ing again before you know it! Glad to hear you enjoyed some beers though! What kind was it with such a high alcohol content?!

AFM, still doing my daily shots. No big deal at all. And no side effects. I am currently waiting for AF to come. Once AF comes, I go in for baseline blood work and an ultrasound. If all levels and ovaries look good, I add the ovary stimulation drug to my daily shot. They always start the stim medication over a weekend so I am hoping that AF comes sooner this week than later so that I could possibly start the stim med this weekend. Crossing my fingers! Once I start the stim medication, I will go in for an ultrasound every couple of days for an ultrasound to count and measure how many follicles I am growing. Generally people are on the stim medication from anywhere from 7-10 days depending on how the ovaries respond. Once my follicles are at the right size, I will take the HCG triggers shot, which will give the eggs the final maturation process. Then I go in for the egg retrieval surgery 36 hours later. The hope is that they go in to get the eggs just before they are released. This way the eggs have matured and are ready to be fertilized. The morning of my retrieval, my hubby does his sperm deposit at the lab. The lab washes the sperm and gets them ready for my eggs which will be fertilized shortly after they are taken out of my body. After that, the lab watches the embryos for three days. I will get a call on the third day and they will let me know if they think I should come in on that third day so that they can transfer the embryos back into me. But ideally, it would be better if the embryos can make it 5 days. So the goal is that on the 3rd day, I will receive a phone call from the lab telling me that they think the embryos can stay alive till the fifth day. By being able to watch the embryos two add'l days allows for them to watch and choose the absolute BEST and strongest embryo to transfer back into me. I have opted to have 2 transferred if they only make it till day 3, and 1 transferred if I make it to day 5. If I transfer 2 on day 5, my chances of twins are something like 70% or something. And ideally, I want one healthy baby you know? All of the stats about multiples and NICU stays and stuff is what pushed me to that decision. However, I still will be elated with twins! The chances of twins on a day 3 transfer are a little lower because it is very possible that one may not make it because they are being transferred early. Sorry that was long but some of you asked about the process so I figured I'd fill you in. Right now I'm thinking my egg retrieval will be first or second week of November. You find out if you are pregnant via a blood test 14 days after egg retrieval.

I have had a rough couple of weeks. I found out last week that two more of my friends are pregnant and I am pretty sure another one is as well because she emailed me out of the blue that she wants to chat and suddenly is going house shopping. So right now, I have 5 friends pregnant and possibly another. I am so happy for them. But it makes me feel so inadequate. All of my friends have gotten pregnant either the first month trying or after 2 or 3 months. I just feel like a failure. :blackeye: One of them even posted her news on FB when she was only 5 weeks! I could never ever do that! Ever! Because of my history. Other people get all excited when they get that BFP as do I, but my emotion is followed up with worry. I have emotional breakdowns and my DH is so loving and helps me thru it. He stays positive and that is the boost I need to get by. I feel better now that I have started my injections, but I also get so worried that after all of this, it's not going to happen. I want nothing more than to have another baby
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks all! I hope October is a good month for us all!

I just ordered the book Making Babies: A Proven 3 Month Program for Maximum Fertility, as well as TCOYF. I plan to read them and learn a bit more.

In the little I have read in the Making Babies book, I have found that my fertility type is 'Tired' and 'Stuck', although majority "stuck". There is a website for the book where you can take the test to determine your fertility type and get some suggestions as to what can help you. It combines Eastern and Western medicine and ideas. There are many success stories of people who read this book and put the suggestions to practice, so I will give it a good read.

I've gone a while without doing yoga...I used to go religiously as I manifest stress physically, and yoga is extremely beneficial for me and my well being. I've gone back to it now, and feel a world better. My diet is already pretty healthy, I don't drink any alcohol or consume much caffiene, and when I do it is from chocolate and tea. I've been drinking lots of hot water with lemon and ginger in hopes of detoxing myself a little further. It was also suggested in the book that I eat a lot of hot foods, like soups and stews as I am a cold person. Maybe the little spermies have been trying to break through an ice barrier! :lol: Or maybe my egg has been trying to implant into a wall of ice :loopy:

I think my major problems are stress, not being able to let go of control, and SUGAR! I'm trying to eat less sugar. I would like to give it up in entirety, but that would not be possible for me.

Cheers to all the TTC'ers!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Uf, when I came off BC I was a hot mess. I will NEVER go back on hormonal BC, EVER! I'm convinced that it screwed me up, as are many of my friends. I did gain a little weight initially, but then lost it. My acne has been horrible since I've been off it (2 years in January!) But I think the BC was making my acne better, and that I would have been dealing with this horrible skin all along had I not been on it.

One thing that is weird for me though...I started taking prenatal's last year to get myself in tip top shape for when we did TTC, but they gave me horrible horrible skin breakouts all along my jawline. It took me a while to figure out what was causing it...I thought it was my water, so DH and I put a $2000.00 water softening system in our house. We changed laundry detergents, I stopped using any type of chemical on my face...nada. I stopped taking the vitamins when I thought of the correlation and BOOM-acne gone. So I tried different types of vitamins in different kinds of combinations, and no matter what, my skin breaks out on my jawline! I've been taking Flinstone vitamins with added Folic acid and DHA capsules, and I don't take them everyday. The acne is still there, but less severe.

What do you think that is all about??? I've only heard of a handful of people in random online message boards complaining of this. It's totally weird!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1318884401|3042233 said:
What do you think that is all about??? I've only heard of a handful of people in random online message boards complaining of this. It's totally weird!

I've never heard that! Generally you hear the opposite, that skin gets better on prenatals. Weird!

lizzyann said:
AMC, when do you leave for your wedding? Getting close now.

The wedding is 11/27 and we leave on 11/25 (day after Thanksgiving). It's coming up fast!

Lizzy, I know what you mean about the babies. I think 4 of my friends have posted pics of their newborn babies on fb in the past week. Week! Another handful are pregnant. I think by the time the years is over there will have been 15-20 babies born out of my friends. Crazy. Good luck with the injections. Really hoping and praying that things go as planned for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, I read Making Babies, and it had some interesting information, but just to warn you, for me, it mainly just gave me more things to be paranoid about and feel bad about and like I’ll never find a solution to why I’m not getting pregnant unless I go that particular doctor. And I could never figure out which Chinese fertility type I am because they all seem to have the same characteristics! Maybe I’ll have to try the online quiz sometime to see if that gives me any more clarity. But TCOYF was really helpful and a must-read. I wish I could blame my occasional acne issues on prenatals, but I haven’t noticed a connection. I’m pretty sure mine is just due to hormonal changes.

amc, I’m glad to see that your cycle seems to be on schedule. I hope it stays that way! I too have had experienced rash of pregnancy/birth announcements. Each week brings another announcement. I guess we are at that stage of life. I feel like a jerk because my first reaction to a pregnancy announcement is to feel sorry for myself.

Lizzy, hugs to you. We are obviously in different situations because your problem is staying pregnant and my problem is not being able to get pregnant, but I relate to how you are feeling. I definitely think the fear of the unknown is the worst part. I’m crossing my fingers you’ll have one strong 5 day transfer in a few weeks. I haven’t heard back from the clinic yet about my progesterone results, so I guess I will need to call again to ask for more information, but based on DH’s advice, I’m waiting to do it until tomorrow, just in case the doctor has not had a chance to look at my results yet. Plus, I’m 90% sure she’ll just say it was normal and keep trying, which is only going to frustrate me. I will probably push to meet with that NP and for a “prescription” for an HSG and SA.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzyann, CD8 here and I've decided to use OPK today just in case my body is doing something weird coming off BC; I don't want to rest on my laurels thinking that it's got a 28 day cycle only to discover that this month my cycle was actually 24 days and that I missed my LH surge.

Prana, I did the Making babies online test and, like Monkeyprincess, it kind of depressed me. It diagnosed a whole bunch of possible problems and kind of freaked me out. I thought I'd better steer clear of it for the moment so as not to work myself up into a frenzy again. Where are you in your cycle now? Are we still team October?

amc, I know what you mean by the birth announcements. One of my close friends, who's having her second, actually announced it at my wedding! I was happy for her but I did feel a slight twinge of jealousy. At least at that point I wasn't actually TTC yet; If I had been I probably would have been even more jealous. :nono:

Everyone else, keep your chins up! I'm sure it will happen soon for the rest of us (she said, secretly hoping she was right...).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I plan on reading both books with the mindset that there is nothing wrong with either my DH or I. I'm pretty sure we're both fine, I'm just interested in what they have to say, and implementing some of the suggestions. I almost didn't buy either book because I knew I would be self diagnosing myself with every infertility diagnosis under the sun, but I'm going to try to keep an open mind...

Mayerling I am on CD 8 today, and I've been O'ing on CD 16 the past several cycles. So I will be peeing on O sticks in about3-4 days and waiting for that :) to appear! And then I'll be waiting for my temp to rise the day after, and then I'll be in the hell-hole TWW driving myself nuts thinking that every PMS symptom is a pregnancy symptom. TTC is very stressful!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1318951147|3042709 said:
Mayerling I am on CD 8 today, and I've been O'ing on CD 16 the past several cycles. So I will be peeing on O sticks in about3-4 days and waiting for that :) to appear! And then I'll be waiting for my temp to rise the day after, and then I'll be in the hell-hole TWW driving myself nuts thinking that every PMS symptom is a pregnancy symptom. TTC is very stressful!

Prana, we really are cycle buddies; we're both on CD8 :appl: . I think I O'd on CD14 last month but given that I hadn't been temping or OPKing I can't be absolutely sure. I do know, though, that the line didn't show up on the OPK strip today which means O-day is not near. I've decided not to retest until Thursday :roll: .
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just read everyones posts on this page (I have a habit of posting first, then reading :P). I'm sorry to read everyones trials. It really is not an overly pleasant process. I wish that getting pregnant was the fairy tale we were all expecting. Wouldn't it have been wonderful to say "I think I want to have a baby" and then ~*POOF*~ BFP!

Lizzy, I feel the exact same as you in terms of my mood throughout my cycle. When AF arrives, I feel angry and depressed. Then I get super hopeful and try to tell myself that it will happen when our baby is ready to happen- the baby that we are meant to have. Then the OPK's tell me I'm going to O, we BD and our timing is spot on, then my temp rises and we BD just to cover our bases. Then, the TWW happens and I'm miserable and anxious the whole time bc I don't have a clue as to what's happening and NO CONTROL!!! It makes me mental. I can't help but wonder if the stress I'm creating for myself is creating a hostile environment for an egg trying to implant.

This month, I'm trying to let go and let whatever happens happen. My mantra is that we will get pregnant when the baby we are meant to have feels like showing up :D

Thankfully we can get support from each other here! At least we all understand what we are going through, even if our DH's don't!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just read everyones posts on this page (I have a habit of posting first, then reading :P). I'm sorry to read everyones trials. It really is not an overly pleasant process. I wish that getting pregnant was the fairy tale we were all expecting. Wouldn't it have been wonderful to say "I think I want to have a baby" and then ~*POOF*~ BFP!

Lizzy, I feel the exact same as you in terms of my mood throughout my cycle. When AF arrives, I feel angry and depressed. Then I get super hopeful and try to tell myself that it will happen when our baby is ready to happen- the baby that we are meant to have. Then the OPK's tell me I'm going to O, we BD and our timing is spot on, then my temp rises and we BD just to cover our bases. Then, the TWW happens and I'm miserable and anxious the whole time bc I don't have a clue as to what's happening and NO CONTROL!!! It makes me mental. I can't help but wonder if the stress I'm creating for myself is creating a hostile environment for an egg trying to implant.

This month, I'm trying to let go and let whatever happens happen. My mantra is that we will get pregnant when the baby we are meant to have feels like showing up :D

Thankfully we can get support from each other here! At least we all understand what we are going through, even if our DH's don't!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow Mayerling we are cycle buddies to the max! Hopefully it will make our time more bearable :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1318954072|3042749 said:
My mantra is that we will get pregnant when the baby we are meant to have feels like showing up :D

That's exactly how I feel. We will get pregnant when we do, and that baby will be OUR baby. I mean for all of you who already have kids, think about if you would have gotten pregnant a month before...the baby you have now wouldn't exist. Weird!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well that explains why I have two girls! :lol: :rolleyes: :lol: Pretty interesting article though. I wonder about the statistics for things like post 9/11, wars, etc.

As a side note, can you relate to this...?

I just printed off fertile dates and due dates for the next 6 months, then added an additional 6 months of dates to share it w/my DH based on IF my body works right (suspect and hope it will) and I O approx 2 wks after stopping the pill AND my cycles revert back to 28 days.

I've already warned DH that my crazy obsessing side will not be stopped. I'll try, but it's just not going away completely in this process! :wacko: I went the "if we try now we could get a July/Aug baby, which would be great months for our family birthday wise" route, but he didn't even bat an eye. :lol: I'm okay with Feb, and if my calculations are right it'll be early to mid Feb anyhow! :Up_to_something: Ah, gotta laugh, really!

ETA: For those of you that went off of BCP, how early did you notice changes, if any...and what were they? I have taken 4 pills in the last 2 weeks (4 placebo, then 4 active, then ditched them after 10/7) and I could swear that I am seeing changes in my body already. Is that possible? I'm breaking out (o m g I hope that settles down!!), my energy level the last 24 hours has dramatically increased even w/reduced sleep, my mood seems to be MUCH better/more patient/happier and from a more concrete standpoint my temps have dropped & are becoming more stable. I can't wait to see what it's going to be tomorrow!