
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, so sorry for your loss. My sil has 2 early losses in a row & is now 6 mo pg. Hope you get another bfp soon & a sticky bean. 

Amc, good luck! At least at this point you'll be ok either way. 

Tammy, good luck! I hope your post hbc cycles even out quickly. 

Mayerling, have fun over the weekend! Hope you're in the 2ww soon!

Prana, it sounds like you're in great shape for ttc & very healthy! I haven't really adopted the eating warm things so much yet but winter should help. Cutting carbs/sugar will be the biggest challenge for me. 

Wow, olive oil as a moisturizer? I've never heard of that! Did it take your skin a while to adjust to it? I think I too tend to over wash & medicate to try to fend off breakouts but I might be making it worse. Do you use a special kind? 

Mp, thanks! The hair color issue might be the thing i worry most about cutting out while pg. I do it in the follicular phase now to avoid any concerns. Really not looking forward to being a grey mum. I did hear from a friend that it was ok to put Vaseline on the scalp to prevent absorption but that sounds like a really time consuming process. Might be worth it though. 

I'm definitely thinking about taking some time off from temping/obsessively tracking my cycles.  I wonder if I would get stressed by NOT tracking stuff though. I hope you & your dh can relax this month. Is af gone yet? When do you meet with the np?
Speaking of poor sleep, there's nothing like having an arduous alley cat courting your cat to keep you up at night. It's been howling for weeks now & recently decided to add a 5am call to its 11:30pm & 7am schedule. 

That's adorable about your dh's vitamins. Good for him for 
switching to boxers & avoiding your hot tub. (the latter especially must be rough) Frankly, I asked my dh to cut out alcohol a while ago but it took the poor SA results to get him to crack down & do it. 

Ppm, jgator, lizzy, thinking of you. 

Afm, got (solid) crosshairs today for an O on Tuesday. I'm not too optimistic for this cycle but you never know. Hoping I don't get too obsessive this 2ww. Oddly enough, I had a physical with my gp on my o day. He ran blood tests including fsh/lh & the lh was double the fsh. (I also got a positive OPK that day). I guess i was surging after all. Both were low normal though. Apparently my thyroid & everything else was ok so no explanation on the hair loss. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Great about getting your solid cross hairs, Bright! I'll be optimistic for you. ;)) Amc, I think your plan to let DF take the reigns is a pretty good one. That's where I'm at w/my DH as well even though we're several months behind you timeline wise. It's nice to just let go of that part, knowing it's coming soon and you're armed with everything you can regarding your body. :) I thought about sharing my chart but I can't figure out how. :confused: I'm also lightly spotting when I check CM internally. Yup, you read that right. I went from "oh I'll just temp to see if I am ovulating" to "I have to know MORE!" in one week. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I'm checking CP, but I'm still a little squeamish about that right now. :sick:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1319235942|3045071 said:
Great about getting your solid cross hairs, Bright! I'll be optimistic for you. ;)) Amc, I thought about sharing my chart but I can't figure out how. :confused: I'm also lightly spotting when I check CM internally. Yup, you read that right. I went from "oh I'll just temp to see if I am ovulating" to "I have to know MORE!" in one week. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I'm checking CP, but I'm still a little squeamish about that right now. :sick:

To share your chart from FF- two ways to do it. First is to do a screen shot and save the image and upload it here. Second is to get the link to your sharing home page. To get that, while viewing your chart on ff, click on "sharing" in the top right corner, then select "view" under Charting Home Page (if you havent set up your home page you can do that there as well). Your link will look something like this:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks! You caught me mid edit, even though it didn't show that I'd edited my post! Very odd...

Here's my chart! I'm very curious about tomorrow's temp. My Chart
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey guys,

Just a quick update. We are still TTC :-(.

But job and fellowship interviews are over, and I have more time. I am going to start tracking BBT this month, and download that program you guys are using. I am spotting today, I think AF is coming tomorrow. And my husband will be gone for 3 days during our window :knockout:. So I don't think there is too much point to using an OPK this month, as I think it would get me too upset. But if no luck this month, I will try next month.

I am going to start catching up on posts now to see how everyone is going.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1319236541|3045081 said:
Thanks! You caught me mid edit, even though it didn't show that I'd edited my post! Very odd...

Here's my chart! I'm very curious about tomorrow's temp. My Chart

I don't see any indication of O yet, unless your temp spikes up tomorrow. We are going to have very similar cycles this month, I should be Oing any time now!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1319237060|3045086 said:
Hey guys,

Just a quick update. We are still TTC :-(.

But job and fellowship interviews are over, and I have more time. I am going to start tracking BBT this month, and download that program you guys are using. I am spotting today, I think AF is coming tomorrow. And my husband will be gone for 3 days during our window :knockout:. So I don't think there is too much point to using an OPK this month, as I think it would get me too upset. But if no luck this month, I will try next month.

I am going to start catching up on posts now to see how everyone is going.

No need to download FF, it's online :) And there's also a free app that works really well.

Just remember, sperm can live several days in the right environment, so even if he's gone during the window it could still work!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

That's why I'm very interested in tomorrow's temp! :P We shall see...I know I'll be pretty darn surprised if I did ovulate already. I wouldn't be disappointed by it though, HA!

Re: the FF app, I like it. It's nice to put my temp in right when I take it vs. a notepad.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1319160082|3044565 said:

So sorry for your loss :((

My doctor recommended waiting three full cycles... Many will cite increased chance of miscarriage. I did some of my own research (earned my MD from Google :cheeky: ) and found that most doctors recommend waiting simply to ensure 'emotional' recovery. Also, in the event of a D&C or later miscarriage, waiting allows the uterine lining to build back up.

I was only 5 or so weeks when I MCd. My bleeding was quite similar to a regular period. For that reason, I did not wait and tried the next time ovulation occurred.

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Thanks PPM. I was about 5 weeks along when things went south and miscarried around 6ish weeks. So did you try two weeks later? Or after a regular period, like 4-5 weeks later? Just curious...thanks!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1319237290|3045091 said:
LtlFirecracker|1319237060|3045086 said:
Hey guys,

Just a quick update. We are still TTC :-(.

But job and fellowship interviews are over, and I have more time. I am going to start tracking BBT this month, and download that program you guys are using. I am spotting today, I think AF is coming tomorrow. And my husband will be gone for 3 days during our window :knockout:. So I don't think there is too much point to using an OPK this month, as I think it would get me too upset. But if no luck this month, I will try next month.

I am going to start catching up on posts now to see how everyone is going.

No need to download FF, it's online :) And there's also a free app that works really well.

Just remember, sperm can live several days in the right environment, so even if he's gone during the window it could still work!

My DH's sperm lived for at least 7 days. I was CD1 on 9/4, did the deed in 9/10 and O'ed around 9/17 and got pregnant. We ended up miscarrying, but those sperm can certainly live longer than you think!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


My DH's sperm lived for at least 7 days. I was CD1 on 9/4, did the deed in 9/10 and O'ed around 9/17 and got pregnant. We ended up miscarrying, but those sperm can certainly live longer than you think![/quote]

Wow! That's amazing to me (and a little freaky!) :shock:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg: First of all I am sorry for your loss :-(. I am wishing you success when you are ready to try again. Thanks for the info about the sperm. Give me hope.

amc80. Your story makes me laugh. I remember the first time we did something like that in Europe. I wanted to wait another month, and I was so nervous. But, that was in May, and I am still trying. I am interested to see how things turn out for you. I do think decisions over wine are not always wise, but sometimes wine allows your head to shut up and your heart to do the talking. You have been thinking about this for a long time. I think either outcome will be good. I just signed up for FF. Looks like I need to get a BBT thermometer tomorrow. I would like to download an iPhone app as well.

Brightspot, I guess those little guys can live longer than I thought. Wishing you luck this month.

MP - How frustrating!!!!! I really hope that they are able to find some answers.

Lizzy - I am glad your doctor is moving you through the IVF process. I am wishing for nothing but success for you.

To anyone I forgot, good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HI Ladies - I don't come here often at all but I'm throwing my hat into the TTC ring!

I'm among many who lurked through LIW, engagement and wedding planning and really want to participate and feel the community support for this next life changing phase!

DH and I will be married 3 years on December 6, and we've been talking about trying for quite a while, and just always have been waiting for 'the right time' We decided to start kind of on a whim (we were buying a new car and I went for something big enough for whenever we do have a kid - I think coming home with that car really made it come home that we are in a good position and there's no time like the present) but it feels so good and right to be taking the step that we can't wait to get that BFP!

I went off BC in March of this year, and had pretty good regular cycles up until August / September. This last cycle it took 53 days :angryfire: (I actually took 2 tests a week apart because I couldn't believe I hadn't gotten my period yet) to finally have AF come again, so I'm a little bit concerned, but want to take things easy at least to start before getting really detailed into TTC (temping, charting etc). So we've 'tried' twice so far this week and just plan to do that as much as possible and see what happens!

I'm very excited to have a community to come to and learn about and share this time with :appl:

Anyone else fairly casually trying right now?
And any advice to track without totally getting into temping and all that?

Now that we are trying, however much I want to keep it casual, I'd really love to see that BFP before the end of the year so I just might look into OPK's or a monitor to try to see what's happening. I tried temping right when I went off BC but I really didn't like it - it was annoying right when I woke up, and I'm a persistent snoozer (hit that sucker about 4-5 times each morning) so I'm not sure if my readings were accurate since my last 30 minutes in bed have a lot of movement hitting that snooze every 6 mins LOL! I also get up at a fairly wide range of times during the week (some days have to be at work at 7am and on the weekend sleep in until 9 if possible) So far I have kept track of my period and the times we've BD'd but nothing else.


PS - I'm in Atlanta, anyone else??
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies :wavey:

It’s been a crazy few weeks with work, but I still continue to read through everyone’s posts.

MP – your hubby’s vitamin comment just made me laugh out loud. So funny! And totally my kind of humor! Ha ha! :lol:

Meg – so sorry for your loss. I know many women who end up getting PG again the month after suffering a miscarriage – it is possible. If you’re ready emotionally, than I say go for it. Best of luck to you and your DH.

AMC – when I was TTC the first time around, I worked out extensively 5 days a week for over an hour each time. Working out didn’t seem to have a negative impact on TTC. I would probably stay away from exercise such as CrossFit which involves very heavy lifting, jerking, etc.

Missrachelk- Welcome! I was a lurker like you for a long time, and just recently came out of hiding and joined the group. Wishing you a short stay over here!


AFM – Tested today (around 9dpo – 10dpo) and got a faint positive using a Wondfo. In a state of disbelief, I ran to CVS to buy some CBE digitals and FRER’s – all of which came back positive. It seems so early to have a BFP, so I am being extremely cautious!! But happy, nonetheless! EDD July 1. :shock:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

First of all, congratulations sugarpie!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Thanks for paving the way for the rest of us.

amc80, here's hoping that the practice run ends in a win for the team!

missrachelk, welcome!

meg, I really home my DH's sperm is as potent as yours - explanation below.

Well, ladies, remember a couple of pages ago when I said BD is a regular occurrence so I wasn't worried about missing the window? I wish I could eat my words :roll: DH has a bad cold so no BD since Wednesday (so my DH's sperm better live for days!). At first I thought it wouldn't really make a difference as I'm on CD12 today and don't expect to O until CD14. Plus, I've had negative OPKs every day since Tuesday. However, since Wednesday I've had watery CF and last night it was as egg-white as can be. And, while I didn't think I've had much of a temp drop, now that I use FF and I can see the chart, I realise that my temp was at 36.2 on Thursday, but 36.4 yesterday and 36.5 today. On the chart it looks like a serious trough. I'm sure that if it's in that range tomorrow FF will tell me that I've ovulated because of three days of higher temps.

So now I don't know what to think. Did I do the OPK's totally wrong and that's why they came up negative? Did I do the temps wrong? This is actually fairly possibly because I do them orally, not while still in bed, and not after 3 hours of continuous sleep (my sleep is erratic and I hardly ever get 3 hours straight). Last night I woke up after 4 hours and decided to temp - 36.1C (I discarded it because it was at 2 in the morning while all my other temps have been around 8am).

Anyway, I guess it's just frustrating to wait a month for the big O (assuming a 28-day cycle), only to miss it and have to wait another month...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Sugarpie!!!! 9 or 10 dpo, that's pretty early! I didn't test til 12dpo so I may or may not have gotten a + earlier. Good for you!!!!! Did you tell DH yet?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayer - it sounds like there's still hope. I wouldn't worry too much about your CM and focus more on your temps and OPK's. I did not chart my temps during my TTC process, so I'm not much help in that department, but I do know that seems to be the most "accurate" way of pinpointing ovulation.

Thanks for the well wishes. I was very surprised to get a BFP so early, which also kind of scares me. Since I don't temp, I am basing my ovulation date off of the OPK's only. For the last few months I used the CBFM to try to understand my cycle better. I always seemed to peak around CD17. This month I only used OPK's and got a positive OPK from CD17-CD20 - I found it a little odd that the positive OPK last so long.

I'm *guessing* I was about 9-10DPO when I got my BFP. I've since tested only about 4,534,235,235 times to make sure it's really true. :bigsmile:

Have a great day ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CONGRATS sugarpiehoneybun! Best wishes for a sticky bean and a peaceful 9 months!!! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319235049|3045050 said:
Prana, it sounds like you're in great shape for ttc & very healthy! I haven't really adopted the eating warm things so much yet but winter should help. Cutting carbs/sugar will be the biggest challenge for me. 

Wow, olive oil as a moisturizer? I've never heard of that! Did it take your skin a while to adjust to it? I think I too tend to over wash & medicate to try to fend off breakouts but I might be making it worse. Do you use a special kind? 
Thanks Bright! I'd only refer to myself as 'somewhat' healthy... I try to do the best I can, but I love brownies. :lickout:

As for the olive oil, nope! My skin was happy from the start! I don't use a special kind, I'm not even quite sure what kind I use. The darker the better, though as it has more good stuff in it!

ETA: I hope that you hit O and get your BFP within the next couple of weeks! I'll be joining you in the dreaded TWW within the next couple of days!! I'm due to O any day now.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

sugarpie honeybun|1319248128|3045208 said:
AFM – Tested today (around 9dpo – 10dpo) and got a faint positive using a Wondfo. In a state of disbelief, I ran to CVS to buy some CBE digitals and FRER’s – all of which came back positive. It seems so early to have a BFP, so I am being extremely cautious!! But happy, nonetheless! EDD July 1. :shock:


mayerling said:
Did I do the temps wrong? This is actually fairly possibly because I do them orally, not while still in bed, and not after 3 hours of continuous sleep (my sleep is erratic and I hardly ever get 3 hours straight).

You really need to do them while you're still in bed. As soon as you move around (or even talk) your temp starts to go up. I would say that it's even more important than the continuous sleep. Temping after you get out of bed will result in super eratic temps.

AFM, well, I guess I'm officially in the ring. DF and I were talking about how our first choice would be for me to get preggo next moth, and our second choice would be for it to happen this month. But obviously those things occur in reverse order. So we decided to BD today and that 's not really really trying but sorta kinda. And sure enough, got my smiley on the CBE digi OPK this morning.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brightspot - there's a good book called the Panic-Free Pregnancy, and according to him there is no reason to stop colouring your hair when you are pregnant.

A lot of my friends continued dyeing their hair - and they were the ones who avoided all the soft cheeses (even though they were pasteurised), sushi etc that you are also allowed.

The worst thing about pregnancy and hair is that 5 months post-partum it goes to hell, falls out and the condition sucks and it takes best part of a year to get back to normal!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats sugerpie honeybun

mayerling - From what I am reading, it is going to be difficult to get accurate temps the way you are doing them. What is going on with your sleep? Did you ever get a pos OPK?

amc80 - you are in the running for sure based on what you said!

missracheik - welcome! In answer to your question, we have been trying without OPK and temping since June. I was using my CM as a guide. A lot of my friends just simply went off their BC and a month later, they had luck! No such luck for me. I am just starting to temp this cycle. If no luck this cycle, I will do the OPK next cycle. I say try how you want, if you have success great, if not, you can always change course.

As for me, I just started AF today, according to FF, day 14 of my cycle will be the night my husband is coming back. I bought the therometer to do BBT so I am hoping to start that tomorrow. I have a question. I like to sleep in on the weekends until about 8, during the week, I get up at 5:45. Is that going to mess things up?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1319339178|3045733 said:
I have a question. I like to sleep in on the weekends until about 8, during the week, I get up at 5:45. Is that going to mess things up?

Maybe, maybe not. A lot of tempers will set their alarm for the same time every day, wake up, temp, and go back to sleep. I find it doesn't matter for me, though. Since you will only be on CD 7/8 next weekend, just try temping when you wake up and see if there's a big difference from your weekday temps.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Grats Sugar! Good luck, AMC! I'll be back for a proper post soon, hectic but good day. Temp went down, I give up trying to figure out what my body is doing right now, gotta just back off and be patient! I'm NOT good at that! :errrr:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies! So great to hear about successes!

I decided to go ahead and get some OPK's - we're trying so why not try a little harder, right? I'm also very curious what's going on with my cycle. So I ordered the big pack of cheapies from Amazon with OPK's and HCG tests and also got a 20 pack of First Response non digital line tests at the store along with 3 FRER's. The cheapies were so cheap I'm slightly hesitant to depend solely on them and want to see how comparing the 2 kinds of tests goes for my results. I was at the dollar store later on (best place for baskets to organize stuff in cabinets!) and decided to get a few of their cheapies too, why not try a few while i'm waiting for my amazon package?? :naughty:

So I tried one right away, got a control line and a faint test line so that's a negative. No worries, because AF should be coming in about a week (but I really have no idea since the last cycle was so long. I'm really praying it doesn't take so long that will be so hard on my patience!)

Is there any particular strategy to OPK's as far as time of day to test? I feel like I've read here about twice a day testing. When do people tend to start using the OPK's - CD 10 as directed?

DH and I have opposite work schedules so knowing when to focus our efforts will be good, because waiting until he gets home to BD every other day will wear me out very quickly and I know getting good rest is important for overall health so if must be important for conception too. We're stil early enough in the process too to be really excited about all this action! Having a reason is definitely making us more interested than usual :love:

So happy Sunday to all and here's to a productive TTC week!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Question for the group - who / how many people know you're TTC? Even though it's not really 'news' yet and I totally want to be cautious and wait to people whenever we do get pregnant, I feel super excited and have the urge to tell all of my friends while at the same time I think that's probably not a good idea. I've told a close out of town friend and my parents, that's it.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

missrachelk|1319343216|3045756 said:
Hi Ladies! Is there any particular strategy to OPK's as far as time of day to test? I feel like I've read here about twice a day testing. When do people tend to start using the OPK's - CD 10 as directed?

There's a theory that LH surges usually happen in the afternoon and if you only test in the mornings you'll miss it. BUT, I can't get a positive any time other than the morning. I can have a positive in the morning, almost no line in the afternoon, and a positive the next morning. I drink a lot during the day, though, so that's probably why. I also pee every two hours or so, so that probably explains it as well. What I would do if I were just starting out is test with FMU until you start to get decent lines, and then switch to twice a day testing. Oh, but read the instructions on your OPKs because I think there are some that say not to use FMU.

FYI I use CVS brand and then confirm with CBE digis (which you can get fairly cheap on ebay and amazon).

missrachelk said:
Question for the group - who / how many people know you're TTC? Even though it's not really 'news' yet and I totally want to be cautious and wait to people whenever we do get pregnant, I feel super excited and have the urge to tell all of my friends while at the same time I think that's probably not a good idea. I've told a close out of town friend and my parents, that's it.


I have 3 friends who knew we were starting next month, and a few more who know we're starting after our wedding. Nobody knows we already started though :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ltl firecracker, I haven't gotten a positive OPK yet even though I tested twice yesterday. My sleep is difficult; it's not that I don't sleep at all, I just wake up frequently which makes temping after three hours of continuous sleep next to impossible. Temping in bed is also hard because my thermometer beeps and it's not fair on DH.

amc80, I smell a baby in the air :appl:

missrachelk, noboby knows that we're trying other than my husband. I told my mother a few months ago that we would be trying after the wedding but never said whether it would be straight away or at a later stage and she hasn't asked about it; I can bet that she'll ask when she sees me over the holidays. I really don't want people knowing; I don't want the questions. Also, in academia sometimes people don't look favourably on having children before you're truly established and I really don't want to have to deal with that.

Good luck, ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1319339178|3045733 said:
As for me, I just started AF today, according to FF, day 14 of my cycle will be the night my husband is coming back. I bought the therometer to do BBT so I am hoping to start that tomorrow. I have a question. I like to sleep in on the weekends until about 8, during the week, I get up at 5:45. Is that going to mess things up?

I set my alarm for the same time everyday (522 am!) and if I'm off, I just roll over and go back to sleep. Your temps will be higher by a few tenths of a degree if you take it several hours later.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

missracheik - a few people know we wanted to start trying for a baby after our Europe trip, but few know we actually are. My family, my close friends. But they don't know we are now taking it to this level of temping and stuff. I kind of told them we are just going to stop preventing and see what happens, that way if they ask I can say "well we were not just trying that hard." But so far no one has asked except my sister, so I just don't bring it up. The problem is that I am a doctor in a small town, and there are only 4 docs in the clinic. So if I need an official pregnancy test, or a referral because I can't get pregnant they are going to know. I told my friends mainly because we like to go out drinking, and I am trying not to drink during the last two weeks of my cycle. My husband actually is telling his co-workers. I find it funny. He works remote, and now he is trying to avoid coming on "fertile days" (although this month there is no way around it). He uses as an excuse to be home, and I guess all the guys totally understand (most of his other co-workers already have kids).

mayerling - I hope you see a pos OPK soon. I would also go by your CM and not your temps based on your sleep patterns. If you are not seeing a positive OPK for more than a couple months in a row, you might want to see a doctor about your sleep. There is a very complex relationship between your sleep and your hormones. I don't think there are enough studies to show that erratic sleep can hurt fertility, but it is an area that is being looked into by experts. Most of the major hormone stuff occurs at night when you are asleep. I myself have been having problems with insomnia, I have had problems since I was 8. I am finally getting it under control, it has not been easy, but it is possible.

As for me, I actually woke up on my own at 4:30. So I took the temp, wrote it down and went back to sleep until 8. I am usually not really sleeping between 7-8, so I figured that would be better.