
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ahh I'm posting in the TTC thread! Crazy..... 8)

So I have been lurking on the TTC thread....since i am in the pre-ttc stage (we'll be"not-preventing" for a little bit before we get to actively trying), and looking to get acclimated with everything. I feel like the entire thread is acronyms, and I find myself totally confused. Are these things that I should know and are therefore not knowledgeable? Are they the types of things that I would only get accustomed to talking about if I were actively charting/trying for awhile? Or are they "PS" terms that have been formulated over time?

So far some less "technical" ones (lol) I have figured out are "POAS"= Pee on a stick, and "KTFU"= Knocked the **** up. (oh and obviously "TTC")

There is so much more slang or abbreviations......anyone want to help me out with a cheat sheet? Maybe "TTC....Decoded". :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NakedFinger|1319379640|3045867 said:
Ahh I'm posting in the TTC thread! Crazy..... 8)

So I have been lurking on the TTC thread....since i am in the pre-ttc stage (we'll be"not-preventing" for a little bit before we get to actively trying), and looking to get acclimated with everything. I feel like the entire thread is acronyms, and I find myself totally confused. Are these things that I should know and are therefore not knowledgeable? Are they the types of things that I would only get accustomed to talking about if I were actively charting/trying for awhile? Or are they "PS" terms that have been formulated over time?

So far some less "technical" ones (lol) I have figured out are "POAS"= Pee on a stick, and "KTFU"= Knocked the **** up. (oh and obviously "TTC")

There is so much more slang or abbreviations......anyone want to help me out with a cheat sheet? Maybe "TTC....Decoded". :cheeky:

NF - welcome! It can seem crazy being over here.

A lot of these abbreviations were difficult for me. I would go onto the website and look at their graph legend. A lot of the abbreviations are from there.

Here are a few - I went off the top of my head, so someone correct me if I am wrong.
CM = cervical mucous, egg white consistency is typically considered a sign you are in you fertile period
BBT = basal body temperature
BFP = Big Fat Positive -pos pregnancy test with a very dark line
BFN = Big Fat Negative - neg pregnancy test
OPK = ovulation prediction kit
FF = Fertility Friend website (where everyone is getting their graphs)
DPO = days past ovulation
O = ovulation
BD = baby dance (intercourse)
TWW = two week wait. The period after ovulation when the pregnancy test will not typically show anything. From what I understand is that the levels of HCG go up after implantation which can happen sooner than 2 weeks, so that is how some people get pos pregnancy tests early.

I am sure there are more, but this should get you going.

Edited twice for grammar issues
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1319383572|3045893 said:
NakedFinger|1319379640|3045867 said:
Ahh I'm posting in the TTC thread! Crazy..... 8)

So I have been lurking on the TTC thread....since i am in the pre-ttc stage (we'll be"not-preventing" for a little bit before we get to actively trying), and looking to get acclimated with everything. I feel like the entire thread is acronyms, and I find myself totally confused. Are these things that I should know and are therefore not knowledgeable? Are they the types of things that I would only get accustomed to talking about if I were actively charting/trying for awhile? Or are they "PS" terms that have been formulated over time?

So far some less "technical" ones (lol) I have figured out are "POAS"= Pee on a stick, and "KTFU"= Knocked the **** up. (oh and obviously "TTC")

There is so much more slang or abbreviations......anyone want to help me out with a cheat sheet? Maybe "TTC....Decoded". :cheeky:

NF - welcome! It can seem crazy being over here.

A lot of these abbreviations were difficult for me. I would go onto the website and look at their graph legend. A lot of the abbreviations are from there.

Here are a few - I went off the top of my head, so someone correct me if I am wrong.
CM = cervical mucous, egg white consistency is typically considered a sign you are in you fertile period
BBT = basal body temperature
BFP = Big Fat Positive -pos pregnancy test with a very dark line
BFN = Big Fat Negative - neg pregnancy test
OPK = ovulation prediction kit
FF = Fertility Friend website (where everyone is getting their graphs)
DPO = days past ovulation
O = ovulation
BD = baby dance (intercourse)
TWW = two week wait. The period after ovulation when the pregnancy test will not typically show anything. From what I understand is that the levels of HCG go up after implantation which can happen sooner than 2 weeks, so that is how some people get pos pregnancy tests early.

I am sure there are more, but this should get you going.

Edited twice for grammar issues

Ahhh thanks LT! Very helpful! Based on the context in which "BD" was used, I thought it was having intercourse, but then for the life of me I could not figure out what the BD stood for. I kept trying to come up with ridiculous things it could stand for....but baby dance was not one of them! :cheeky:

Thank you for the information, this will definitely help me navigate this thread and understand what everyone is talking about now. Haha!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1319383572|3045893 said:
NF - welcome! It can seem crazy being over here.

A lot of these abbreviations were difficult for me. I would go onto the website and look at their graph legend. A lot of the abbreviations are from there.

Here are a few - I went off the top of my head, so someone correct me if I am wrong.
CM = cervical mucous, egg white consistency is typically considered a sign you are in you fertile period
BBT = basal body temperature
BFP = Big Fat Positive -pos pregnancy test with a very dark line
BFN = Big Fat Negative - neg pregnancy test
OPK = ovulation prediction kit
FF = Fertility Friend website (where everyone is getting their graphs)
DPO = days past ovulation
O = ovulation
BD = baby dance (intercourse)
TWW = two week wait. The period after ovulation when the pregnancy test will not typically show anything. From what I understand is that the levels of HCG go up after implantation which can happen sooner than 2 weeks, so that is how some people get pos pregnancy tests early.

NF, welcome! Hopefully your stay is short.
Here are some more-
FRER- First response early result (what most consider the best and most reliable HPT)
HPT- home pregnancy test
CBE - Clear blue easy (they make the digi OPKs and HPTs), as well as a fertility monitor
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey charters (and everyone else), would you mind taking a look at my chart? The pattern isn't so weird as the temps. My temp was 96.1 yesterday and the "spike" today only went to 97.04. I know the temps themselves aren't as important as the overall pattern, but it just seems so low compared to normal.

ETA- Does anyone here know what causes super low temps? The quick research I've done is that it's estrogen that causes the pre-O temp dip, but wondering if any of you have any actual medical knowledge :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Everyone! :wavey: I'm sooo behind!

AMC, I am help on charting, but good luck to you this cycle! Very exciting!

NF, welcome to you! The abbreviations will get much easier the more you hang out with us!

ltlfirecracker, I think it is so cute that your DH is telling people and is so excited to be TTC. Good luck with all of the baby dance timing!

missrachelk, I think everyone knows that we are TTC at this point because it has been going on for so long now with so many ups and downs. But in retrospect I wish that less people knew that we are TTC. But at the same time I needed the support of all of my friends and family to get thru the rough patches that we have gone thru along the way.

Sugarpie, congratulations!

Mayerling, sometimes a surge can come and go quickly so you may have just missed it. Have you since gotten a positive OPK?

Meg, hope you are doing ok and thinking about moving on. I unfortunately have a lot of experience with losses and most often I get the go ahead to try again the very next month. Meaning 2 weeks later when I O. My losses have all been around the 5-6 weeks along point. On occasion a nurse will tell me to wait a month, but honestly there is no medical reason to wait unless they give you one. When I have pressed the issue with the nurse, she usually just tells me that waiting a month is there standard answer in order to date a future pregnancy. So start trying when your ready, k?

Monkey, sorry about AF. Did you end up getting an earlier appt with the NP? I think the SA and HSG are the way to go. If nothing is found, I'd ask for Clomid with or without the IUI depending on how your DH"s SA goes. This has been a long 10 + months for the both of us. I hope we can move on very soon. We deserve it lady.

Hello to anyone I missed! I think of you guys often even though I'm not always up for posting. Good luck this cycle ladies!

AFM, I FINALLY got AF yesterday. Day 40! Can you believe it? I am always a 28 day cycle person and of course the cycle that I am waiting for AF to start, it all gets delayed. So I am out another week on IVF. So frustrating, but I am getting closer. I'll call the office tomorrow and let them know my day 1. I will then get an appt for my baseline u/s and bloodwork and will most likely start my ovary stimulation medication next weekend. They only start that stim medication on the weekend so that's why I'll most likely have to wait till then. Given the delays, I'm guessing retrieval surgery will be the second week of November. So roughly three more weeks. Trying to stay really positive to get thru all of this craziness.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1319394471|3045987 said:
Mayerling, sometimes a surge can come and go quickly so you may have just missed it. Have you since gotten a positive OPK?

I've tested twice daily since Friday, and once daily on Weds and Thurs, and it's still negative...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello Ladies! I am sorry I introduced myself and then went MIA. I got kind of down because of long cycles where I was not ovulating. I have been taking fertilaid and fertilitea and I finally ovulated this month!! Of course DH was out of town for it but I feel better knowing I can do it. I am so glad I stuck with the charting even though I hated it at first. The only thing I am really nervous about is that my temp dropped some this morning. If it keeps dropping will ff take away my beloved cross hairs?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much lizzyann. I know, you've had a rough road and I've followed along quietly. I actually thought of you when all of this was happening and it's reassuring to know there are others, albeit sad as nobody would ever wish a MC on anyone. I appreciate the advice regarding when it is okay to try again. The research I did was consistent with what you said, particularly if things happened naturally. Also, I read that you're more fertile after a MC. DH and I kind of decided as long as my hcg is back to zero, we may be ready again, just want to be sure my body is back to pre-preg state and nothing remains. We'll get the bloodwork done this week.

I've got my fingers crossed for you that everything you're doing now is not for naught -- you're going to get a sticky lil sucker! So if they retrieve in early Nov, then when would the possible implantation/insertion of the lil bean(s) happen? Is it possible the Christmas/Hannukah (sorry not sure which you celebrate) holiday will come early for you?! Keep the positive attitude, we're all rooting for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

megumic|1319416388|3046196 said:
Thanks so much lizzyann. I know, you've had a rough road and I've followed along quietly. I actually thought of you when all of this was happening and it's reassuring to know there are others, albeit sad as nobody would ever wish a MC on anyone. I appreciate the advice regarding when it is okay to try again. The research I did was consistent with what you said, particularly if things happened naturally. Also, I read that you're more fertile after a MC. DH and I kind of decided as long as my hcg is back to zero, we may be ready again, just want to be sure my body is back to pre-preg state and nothing remains. We'll get the bloodwork done this week.

I've got my fingers crossed for you that everything you're doing now is not for naught -- you're going to get a sticky lil sucker! So if they retrieve in early Nov, then when would the possible implantation/insertion of the lil bean(s) happen? Is it possible the Christmas/Hannukah (sorry not sure which you celebrate) holiday will come early for you?! Keep the positive attitude, we're all rooting for you!

Thanks Meg. Sounds like you are ready to move forward. I think that is the only thing that keeps your spirit up after experiencing a loss, so I am right there with you. I 100% agree to wait till your beta HCG is down to 0 before moving on. I have found that my betas drop quickly once I start bleeding, so I'm hoping that you are well on your way now. Keep us posted on your blood work this week.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

megumic|1319238300|3045103 said:
PilsnPinkysMom|1319160082|3044565 said:

So sorry for your loss :((

My doctor recommended waiting three full cycles... Many will cite increased chance of miscarriage. I did some of my own research (earned my MD from Google :cheeky: ) and found that most doctors recommend waiting simply to ensure 'emotional' recovery. Also, in the event of a D&C or later miscarriage, waiting allows the uterine lining to build back up.

I was only 5 or so weeks when I MCd. My bleeding was quite similar to a regular period. For that reason, I did not wait and tried the next time ovulation occurred.

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Thanks PPM. I was about 5 weeks along when things went south and miscarried around 6ish weeks. So did you try two weeks later? Or after a regular period, like 4-5 weeks later? Just curious...thanks!

I tried BEFORE getting a 'regular' period. I ovulated about 3.5 weeks after I started to miscarry. Not to be too graphic, but miscarrying for me was just like a normal-heavy cycle. I was curious to know if I would ovulate before having a regular period, and I did. I figured that 3.5 weeks was plenty of time for my uterine lining to build back up (considering it usually only builds up for two during a normal cycle!) and my betas were back to zero.

Like lizzy, my betas dropped rapidly after I started bleeding.

TTCing again was just about the only thing that lifted my spirits.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, thanks for the optimism. Back at ya!

Sugarpie, huge congrats on your bfp! Sending you sticky dust for a happy & healthy 9 months!

Fire, thanks for the luck!  I hope your timing works out well for this month. You might see a little rise in temp if you sleep in on the weekends but it shouldn't be enough to drastically disturb your chart. It's different for everyone though. 
That's awesome that your dh's work lets him call out "fertile" from work. 
I hope your sleep is better. I have occasional bouts of insomnia too. 

Missrach, welcome! I hope your stay is short & sweet. If you can keep it casual for a while, it'll probably be
more fun. I too wind up temping at different times because my work schedule is erratic. My chart is less than picture perfect but I can always detect my post O thermal shift. 
I've told a couple best friends we're trying (& you lovely ps ladies!) but that's it for us. No family as I don't want the pressure. 

MP, how are you doing? Thinking of you.

Mayerling, ditto about temping 1st thing in the morning before you talk, drink, get out of bed, etc. I put my bbt in front of my alarm clock, which helps. Fingers crossed for you this month! I hope your sleep improves & you get your positive OPK soon!

Prana, a girl's gotta have one vice & I think brownies are a pretty good way to go. Have you tried the ghirardelli mix from Costco? Divine!
I might try your olive oil trick. I guess you use less refined oil (not evoo-what I like to call slutty olive oil).
Any news on O for you? Good luck!

Amc, you're definitely in the ring. Good luck!

Pandora, thanks so much for chiming in. That sounds like a great book. I'll definitely add it to my pregnancy reading list. I'm prone to panic & would love a sensible approach to pregnancy (especially if it says I can dye my hair!) Did your friends who colored their hair switch types of dye or just use their usual products? I'm very prematurely grey (probably 50%) & really don't want to walk around like that if I don't have to. The postpartum hair loss is pretty frightening. Did all of yours come back? Thanks again for the reassurance. 

NF, welcome! When will you start officially trying? I think there's an acronym list on this thread, maybe page 4? Good luck to you!

Lizzy, good to hear from you. Odd to say this, but glad af showed up. Now you can move to the next step. Do you know why the ov stimulating drugs are started on the weekends only? Are there crazy side effects? Which meds are you on? Wishing you all the luck in the world for the ivf. Hugs. 

Indecisive, welcome back! How do you like the fertilaid & fertilitea? Yay for O-ing! Hope your dh is around for the next one. 

Meg, hope you're feeling better. Hugs.  Hope you'll be able to try again soon & sending lots of dust for another bfp & a sticky bean!

Ppm, good to see you. How are you doing?

I Hope everyone had a good weekend & hi to anyone I missed!

Afm, 6dpo & not feeling anything.  I've been really trying not to think about the possibilities this month as I don't want to be disappointed again. 
Af is expected on Halloween. I guess I'll get a trick or a treat.  :twisted:

Speaking of Halloween, does anyone have plans? Dh & I usually dress up & do something fun but we haven't made any plans yet. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello TTC-ers,

I am not a regular lurker, though I do check-in from time-to-time. I haven't seen any references to pre-seed or instead cups in recent months, so just wanted to mention them in case any of you have been ttc'ing for a while wants to add something new to your repertoire! I know from first-hand experience that TTC'g can become so frustrating. I was always looking for something new that might help, so maybe this will benefit one of you out there. Ever so briefly, I was TTC'g for many months, had all of the baseline fertility testing, a successful iui, a m/c, an unsuccessful iui, and was going to try for another, but I had residual cysts, so the cycle was called off. I was also receiving acupuncture at the time (for almost 3 mos), used preseed and instead after BD'ing and miraculously (in my mind anyway) conceived that cycle.

Preseed is a lubricant that is supposed to mimic CM. The Instead cup is normally used for AF. When used after BD'ing, the cup sits over your cervix with the goal of keeping sperm close to cervix. There are lots of references to this combo. You can google it for more info.

Back to semi-lurking. Good Luck TTC-ers! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LV, this brings back memories! While it certainly made TTC a little less glamorous (as if it ever was), instead cup and preseed worked for me. Who knows if I would've gotten KTFU that cycle anyway but I think it was cycle 5 (maybe 6) when we tried it and that was the cycle of our BFP. I still have instead cups under my bathroom sink and sometimes I get a little laugh when I see them there.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Okay, ladies check this out OPK from this morning-

My CBE digi said negative- no smiley face. And yes, that's the test line on the left. I think I am Oing right now since I have O's 8:45am. That test was taken at 7:45am. So I guess I really REALLY caught that surge, ha. My temp did spike yesterday, but I also took it several hours later than normal, so I'm disregarding it. Here is my chart now-

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Amc, holy positive OPK, batman! Good luck!!

Ok, LV & PM, regarding the instead cups, when & how did you insert them? (in bed or bathroom?) And how long did you leave them in? Is it super awkward?
I've been using Pre seed for several months. I have a diva cup, which I purchased intending to use for af but couldn't get the hang of it.
Maybe I'll give it a shot next month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, instead is similar to diva cup but, fortunately, you don't have to wear it for days! I could never use them for their intended purpose. I would insert it after we BD but before getting out of bed if possible. I would have one unwrapped in my nightstand drawer. I tried to be discreet so DH wouldn't be creeped out. :bigsmile: I practiced beforehand and that definitely helped. If we BD before bed, I left it in overnight. Otherwise, I left it in for a few hours.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Possibly stupid question, but was I supposed to leave the urine in the cup for half an hour before dipping the OPK strip in it? :oops:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1319475603|3046667 said:
Possibly stupid question, but was I supposed to leave the urine in the cup for half an hour before dipping the OPK strip in it? :oops:

Haha, I don't think it matters. They say you can leave it for several hours as long as it's in the fridge...but I don't think 30 minutes should matter :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, pm. I guess that would address post bd stickiness as well. (if I can get the hang of using them & bring discreet!) My first experience was less than positive. :eek:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Puppmom, Ahhh, memories! The preseed/instead combo had a real following when we were ttc'g! I thought it was worth a mention. My instead cups are on the top shelf of a spare closet, patiently waiting for my DH to have a change of heart re: ttc-2! :wacko: 8) ::) ;))

Brightspot, I also practiced beforehand. It was a bit tricky at first, so practicing in advance was very important. I think I was a lot less discreet than PuppMom though. :lol: In bed, legs UP for a bit first, then a little additional preseed in the cup before insertion. I also slept with it in. I've never used a diva cup. I think these are more flexible and a different shape so they sit differently.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy O pain. What started off as typical right side O pains is now equally strong on BOTH sides. Like really really strong. Sheesh. I have a theory (oh, how I love my theories). My temps were unusually low this month, at least half a degree lower than normal. Is it possible this is because of higher than normal estrogen levels? And these higher levels are making me ovulate from both sides?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1319475703|3046669 said:
mayerling|1319475603|3046667 said:
Possibly stupid question, but was I supposed to leave the urine in the cup for half an hour before dipping the OPK strip in it? :oops:

Haha, I don't think it matters. They say you can leave it for several hours as long as it's in the fridge...but I don't think 30 minutes should matter :)

Wishful thinking, I guess.

Congratulations on the positive, amc80!

Bright, I hope AF stays away and you get your treat!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey amc....*cough*twins*cough* :lol: I'm not sure but if you're feeling O pain on both sides you could indeed be popping two eggs! :eek:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1319485326|3046796 said:
Hey amc....*cough*twins*cough* :lol: I'm not sure but if you're feeling O pain on both sides you could indeed be popping two eggs! :eek:

I also have nausea. I know a lot of women get this around the time of Oing due to flucuating hormones, but I've never had it. Kinda sucks!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, pm. I guess that would address post bd stickiness as well. (if I can get the hang of using them & bring discreet!) My first experience was less than positive. :eek:

Amc, twins!? :appl:

Mayerling, thanks! What a nice treat that would be. ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319490073|3046833 said:
Amc, twins!? :appl:

We'll see if anything stuck, ha. I texted DF and told him about the two-sided pains and he said "too bad all of my swimmers are probably dead by now." I had to remind him that we BD less than 48 hours ago, so if any of them completed the journey then they are indeed alive and well.

BTW we watched The Great Sperm Race the other night, I highly recommend that to everyone. It's awesome and does a great job of illustrating what is actually going on. It's on youtube.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LV, how timely! I was just talking to DH yesterday about that (yes, my husband is just as into TTC as the rest of us)! He was so sad that I didn't have any ladders handy (a la The Great Sperm Race)! I guess I need to get on that :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brightspot - they just carried on using their normal dyes.

I have very fine hair to start with and not a huge amount. I had amazing hair, skin and nails when I was pregnant so it was rather disappointing the way it went PP! I didn't lose a huge amount - didn't start to look bald or anything - just lost the hair that hadn't shed while I was pregnant so back to the usual thinner hair from the thicker that I had while PG. However, it went from always being very silky feeling to feeling very coarse and matting all the time. Two years on it's almost how it was before - although I am sure DD is the cause of the extra grey hairs - but I need to use a really good conditioner now which I didn't always before and I now blow-dry rather than just leaving it to air-dry.

Just for general consumption... I got KTFU very quickly, I'm fortunate that my female blood relatives all get PG by thinking about it, but since I was 36 I upped the ante by charting, using PreSeed and eating vast amounts of fresh pineapple (literally every day for lunch for 4 months before with started TTC and the 4 weeks we were TTC).

I am now going to vanish from this thread before anyone thinks I might have babies on the brain or be planning to TTC - nope and nope, just dropped in by chance!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC80 - I am interested to see what happens for you in two weeks. The cards are all lined up, as you said, it all depends on weather or not it sticks.

mayerling - I looked it up, while the hormone breaks down, it takes a lot longer than 30 minutes, and that should not affect your results.

Brightspot - I actually took my temp an hour later this morning (which will be my usual time) and it was a tad lower, by 2 tenths of a degree. FF is reading it as an open circle, I guess because it was >1 hr from yesterday's value. I am wondering if that will change when I start plotting other values at the same time. Thanks for the luck, I am looking at the calendar, and I am still unsure about timing. I am wishing you a treat this halloween. I have no plans for the actual day, but we have a fun weekend planned that is totally unrelated to Halloween.

mugumic - from what I understand there is no reason you can't try again next cycle, assuming that your HCG goes to zero. I am really hoping thing go well for you next go around.

As for me, not much going on. Still way to early in my charting to see any trends. I am kind of at a standstill for the rest of the week.