
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1319655735|3048149 said:
Prana|1319655313|3048144 said:
Hey AMC- I get O pains as well, and I tried to find some info on what caused them, and stumbled across a few sites that said a lot of O pains actually happen after ovulation secondary to the swelling from the fluid build up from the release of the egg. I alway thought that I was feeling myself getting ready to ovulate, or that I was feeling O, but I actually think I might be feeling the aftershock! It's amazing how much we learn about our bodies through TTC. Do you think it's possible you are feeling the pains after you O?

And it does seem like FF predicted O correctly based on your chart...what if you took that temp out for that day and left it blank? Maybe FF would change it's mind, just so you could compare possibilities?

I tried that, and it moves it a day earlier. Okay, I guess I'll go ahead and leave it. What you said does make sense. I guess my other hang up was how positive my OPK was that day, along with the timing of when I felt the pains. Here's something I don't know- does O always happen after the absolute peak of the LH surge? Or is it possible to reach an LH level high enough to where it causes ovulation, but then still have your levels go up a bit? It would seem that ovulation would cause your LH to stop rising, but who knows...
Hmmm, I honestly have no clue. I'm sort of having the same issue with the OPK--mine was + last night, and I can only assume it was + yesterday afternoon as well. Which would mean that I would have O'd last night? Or did I O yesterday because I had that slow rise temp thing happen. I think I'm just going to ignore the OPK and go based off my temps and CM because I have no idea what is going on.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1319656288|3048158 said:

You can say that again...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1319656288|3048158 said:
amc80|1319655735|3048149 said:
Prana|1319655313|3048144 said:
Hey AMC- I get O pains as well, and I tried to find some info on what caused them, and stumbled across a few sites that said a lot of O pains actually happen after ovulation secondary to the swelling from the fluid build up from the release of the egg. I alway thought that I was feeling myself getting ready to ovulate, or that I was feeling O, but I actually think I might be feeling the aftershock! It's amazing how much we learn about our bodies through TTC. Do you think it's possible you are feeling the pains after you O?

And it does seem like FF predicted O correctly based on your chart...what if you took that temp out for that day and left it blank? Maybe FF would change it's mind, just so you could compare possibilities?

I tried that, and it moves it a day earlier. Okay, I guess I'll go ahead and leave it. What you said does make sense. I guess my other hang up was how positive my OPK was that day, along with the timing of when I felt the pains. Here's something I don't know- does O always happen after the absolute peak of the LH surge? Or is it possible to reach an LH level high enough to where it causes ovulation, but then still have your levels go up a bit? It would seem that ovulation would cause your LH to stop rising, but who knows...
Hmmm, I honestly have no clue. I'm sort of having the same issue with the OPK--mine was + last night, and I can only assume it was + yesterday afternoon as well. Which would mean that I would have O'd last night? Or did I O yesterday because I had that slow rise temp thing happen. I think I'm just going to ignore the OPK and go based off my temps and CM because I have no idea what is going on.


Can you share your chart again?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1319657166|3048173 said:
Here's a link to this months and last months chart if anyone has any input for me. I would greatly appreciate it!

You chart is tough because you don't have a big shift. I think with FF it needs to be .4 degrees to qualify as ovulation. I think you probably ovulated on CD15 though....the next few days should tell you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just time for a quick me update! My blood work came back great yesterday so my RE said I could start the stimulation meds last night! This was awesome news because they usually make you wait till the next weekend. So I just bought myself almost a week! Surgery will most likely be Thursday or Friday next week.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks AMC for your input! I think I might have O'd on 15 as well. FF tried to tell me I O'd on CD 13, which could be a possibility, but I don't think that my OPK would have been + last night.

Or would it? I have to look into those darn things a little further, I want to know if it will predict a surge UNITL O happens, or if the surge drops off and THEN O happens.

That slow rise is throwing me off quite a bit. We will see what the next couple of days worth of temps does.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1319658762|3048188 said:
Just time for a quick me update! My blood work came back great yesterday so my RE said I could start the stimulation meds last night! This was awesome news because they usually make you wait till the next weekend. So I just bought myself almost a week! Surgery will most likely be Thursday or Friday next week.
:appl: Glad to hear your good news!! Keep us posted!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzy - glad to hear your news!

Prana - I am new to charting, I am not really sure what is going on. I think one more day of high temps and FF will probably say you ovulated. But as you said, the OPK timing is kind off. October is turning out to be a weird month. It must be nice to have a studio with a prenatal class. There is no yoga studio where I live. I drop in to studios when I am traveling, and subscribe to an online streaming video system. I know I would progress faster if I could make it to a real class regularly.

Lizzyann -I am so glad to hear the good news!

amc80 - the way hormones work for the female reproductive system is probably the most complicated system in the body. From what I understand the LH surge is typically a day or two before ovulation. The surge actually triggers the egg to undergo it's final cell division, and than it is released. Looking at your chart, day 18 seems very feasible.

Meg - I think you have a right to be upset, if I got a card like that, I would be thinking "ok who did they hear this from?"

As for me, nothing TTC related, I am just not feeling well. There is a stomach bug going around at work. I have a headache and am nauseated. I am going to attempt to have dinner in an hour. I really don't want to get sick because my I have a spa day on Saturday. It was my anniversary gift from my husband. I am also wondering how this will mess with my temps. Hopefully it is nothing and will pass.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Second the :appl:

Best wishes for a successful cycle!

My internet cheapies came - so I have embraced my inner POAS fanatic LOL! I tried one new OPK, and compared it against one of my other ones (got them at the dollar store, so not much to lose wasting one) and also tried one of the PG tests, just for kicks. All were negative, so at least I think that means AF will be coming soon. The OPK's I'd done earlier this week all had faint test lines but nothing that screamed 'positive' -- these 2 today had nothing.

With the negative OPK's today I plan to now wait until at least Sunday to test again, and depending on how I feel, and will try to wait until the 3rd if AF still isn't here yet. If I see a BFN at that point, I am anticipating an ovulation issue ;(

So here's hoping October just gets one out of it's way messing with all of us and that little ones are on the agenda for the holidays!

I was singing to myself this morning " All I want for Christmas is a BFP, a BFP, a BFP! " :cheeky: I'd prefer Thanksgiving, but I'm tryng not to be overly ambitious.

And I've basically decided to start charting to have some data!
So any tips frm experienced charters?

Does anyone think that snoozing the alarm clock, rolling over and sleeping for another 15 minutes - half hour would have an effect on temps? I feel fairly sure that I should temp at the first beep without my typical snooze routine (I hit it at least 3 times every morning) and I'm thinking that temping at the first alarm might be a good way to try to break that awful habit. I have a BD thermometer, and when I tried it this spring it seemed to take -forever - to get the temp!
Is there a way to stay laying in bed and be sure you have it in a good position under the tounge?
And no sips of water before temp, just alarm off and thermometer in and lay as still as possible until it gets the temp?
Does everyone here use FF? I have a membership set up already from the spring when I tried temping for a few weeks.

And any other tips and tricks on charting, send them my way! I've never tracked CM, but will do that as well.

Just for imformational purposes, does anyone have tips on getting ovulation going? Obviously drugs, but I think I'm several months off from being even considered for a workup since I've only just started trying. I saw a mention of Fertilaid on here any info on that? I read one tip that to strengthen an organ we should eat that type of meat, so Im trying to eat lots of eggs, plus other fertility foods like mineral rich shellfish, healthy fats from grass fed dairy, and liver (I do quite like chopped liver so I'll pick some up this weekend at the deli)

Only 2 more workdays left! We can do it!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, I'd guess a cd15 o date for you too. If your temp stays up ff should give you crosshairs soon. I've had slow rises in the past too (and also a similar post o temp pattern as yours from last month.)
FF is weird this month. It thought I o'd 3 different times this month. Maybe someone new is in the kitchen over there. Or October is messing us all up! Happy 2ww to you! Fingers crossed it ends with a bfp!

Interesting that the o pains can come after the big event. I often get a little crampy during the 2ww (like now) but it always winds up disappointing me with a bfn.

The ghirardelli mix is something like triple chocolate. I haven't looked for it in grocery stores because apparently only a 6 pack is sufficient for dh & me. Yum. :lickout:

Amc, looks like ff called it correctly for you but weird that your fertility signs aren't perfectly aligned. I guess that's a human body for ya. Fingers crossed!

Tammy, sorry you're feeling down. It sucks when things don't seem right but there's nothing you can do to fix them. It can take your body a while to adjust from being on the pill. You were smart to stop a few months in advance of ttc. It'll work itself out in a little time. Hugs.

China, thanks for checking in. It's funny. I've been feeling like I'm back in middle school & the last picked for the softball team lately. I miss you lovely ladies & start to pop into jbp to say hi, but then it makes me a little sad so I go away. Sorry for the invite to my little pity party! :((
I'm 8dpo & promised myself I wouldn't over analyze this month. That said, I'm feeling a little crampy on & off & have had a small amount of creamy cm. (oddly, not much ewcm at o time, though) I'm trying not to get too excited. Time will tell.
Thanks for the info on hair dye. Highlights don't help me much as I need grey coverage so I might have to tough it out for a little while.
How are you feeling? I hope all is going well.

Meg, I'm sorry about the card. I would agree that it's awkward to send that if you hadn't confided in this person about the mc. I heard from one of my sil's that the other had a mc & I felt I was in an awkward position of whether or not to acknowledge it. I wound up saying nothing bc I thought if she'd wanted me to know, she would've told me personally but I always wondered I should've reached out. Maybe your friend just felt awkward & wasn't sure what to do.
Hugs to you. Hope you feel better soon. ::)

Mayerling, happy 2ww! Fingers crossed for you!

Missrach, the breakout sounds pretty promising. Fingers crossed!
It seems like everyone is in the 2ww now! Hoping for lots of Halloween treats! :twisted:
If it's not the month for you, & you do wind up temping, maybe you can try putting the bbt in at the first alarm. I do that & often wind up going back to sleep while it's taking my temp. My bbt beeps when it's finished, so that wakes me up again. Then the wait for the bbt doesn't seem so long. I usually lie on my side, put in the bbt under my tongue & put my hand up a bit to hold it in place & catch a z or 2. You're right--no drinking water before temping. (or going to the bathroom, which is sometimes hard!)
I like your song, btw!

Fire, congrats on the yoga progress! I need to start going soon to help with stress relief & flexibility. Hope you get to check out that prenatal yoga class soon. I also hope you're feeling better & can enjoy that spa day. What a sweet gift from your DH! Happy anniversary.

Mp, thinking of you.

lizzy, so happy to hear your update! I'm hoping & praying this is it for you! Hugs. :bigsmile:

Ppm, good to see you. Hope you're doing well & looking forward to your update.

Missy, s&i, good to see you, mamas! :wavey:

afm, 8 dpo here. I've been really trying not to read too much into symptoms this month as it only leads to disappointment when I get a bfn. That said, I have had some cramps & creamy CM. I also seem to be developing a sore throat, so maybe I'm just sick. Still, I'm really feeling the urge to test. I'll try to wait until at least 10dpo, which is probably a little early, but my LP is on the shorter side (12 days or so.)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry to post and run... Will catch up tomorrow :)

Big :) on OPK again tonight. What on earth is going on???
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, everyone :wavey:. Sorry to be MIA lately. I have been doing a lot of travelling for work, and we're not TTC yet so I'm a little out of synch with you all. I had my MC and D&C procedure 3 weeks ago today - 10 weeks after my LMP. In FF, they do not give you a new chart until your next period - so mine looks super wide and whacky since my LMP was July 24th. I cannot wait for AF to arrive! We were told not to TTC again until I see the doctor post surgery. That is scheduled for tomorrow so I hope we get the green light. I also think having AF will help me figure out my next ovulation and also show my body is ready again. I am trying to temp every day, but I keep forgetting. I had such good habits from March to August, and now it is hard to get back into the routine. Taking my Royal Jelly and prenatals daily though - I don't ever forget those. I ordered a new supply of OPKs and HPTs and some Vitex/Chaste Berry from Amazon that arrived today so I'm all stocked up.

Meg, we received a card from my mom that was a miscarriage specific card, and I was completely fine with that as it acknowledged a real loss. I think some people think a miscarriage is not that big of a deal. But, of course, I personally had told my mother so I can see where you are coming from. Meg, has your doctor said anything about your thyroid affecting the pregnancy? I am going to ask my doctor tomorow since my TSH was pretty high early in the pregnancy, and I am concerned that had something to do with the miscarriage.

For people analyzing TWW symptoms - when I got my BFP - I did not have much visible CM around/before/after ovulation. I did break out before and after the BFP. And, I had a lot more gas than usual. So, you don't need many major symptoms to end up with a BFP - and I did not feel any differently that cycle - if anything, I felt less symptoms.

I am cheering for you all in the TWW and Getting Ready to O clubs. I hope to post more frequently once we get the TTC green light. Also, we still have a RE appointment in November to look forward to so I am optimistic that we are on the right track.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker Good for you, having the discipline to self educate- I wouldnt be able to do that. I hope you don't get sick--I'm not sure if you live in a place where the weather changes, but change in season always make me feel crummy :knockout: . Have a wonderful spa day!

Missrachelk /you should take your temp at the same time each morning. It makes it more accurate. And when your alarm goes off, just roll over, grab your thermometer and put it in your mouth. Don't sit up, don't fumble around, don't talk, don't stand up, and definitely no sips of water! It's a very fragile operation ;)) If you happen to temp earlier or later than normal, just make note of that. And try really hard not to be off with timing around those precious O days--it will make you panic :bigsmile:

Brightspot 8 dpo!!!! You are so close to being out of the TWW! Here's hoping for your BFP within the next couple of days! nd maybe that sore throat is a good sign???

Jgator I'm sorry that your journey has taken this road. I really hope your body gets back on track soon, and that your time TTC is short and effortless.

AFM, I got my crosshairs on FF this morning, they think I O'd on CD 14, which would be 2 days earlier than usual, but fine by me if it's true. I'm sort of concerned about my lower temps after O, I usually sustain above 97.7. I'm not really sure what is going on!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319670975|3048290 said:
Amc, looks like ff called it correctly for you but weird that your fertility signs aren't perfectly aligned. I guess that's a human body for ya. Fingers crossed!

So, an update- when I put in my temp for this morning it moved my crosshairs to CD18. Then I put in my positive OPK (yeah, still positive) and it moved them back to CD16. So I removed the OPK test to keep O at CD18. I'm happy that FF and I pretty much agree, but obviously a little bummed that I'm now 3DPO instead of 5DPO.

Prana said:
AFM, I got my crosshairs on FF this morning, they think I O'd on CD 14, which would be 2 days earlier than usual, but fine by me if it's true. I'm sort of concerned about my lower temps after O, I usually sustain above 97.7. I'm not really sure what is going on!

The crosshairs are dotted, so I wonder if they'll change when you put in more temps. I hear you on the lower temps. The only thing I can think of is it's the lower temps we've had lately. Yesterday morning it was 26 on my way to work. Eek.

JGator said:
We were told not to TTC again until I see the doctor post surgery. That is scheduled for tomorrow so I hope we get the green light.

Yay, any update?

BrightSpot said:
I'll try to wait until at least 10dpo, which is probably a little early, but my LP is on the shorter side (12 days or so.)

You can do it, two more days!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you for the warm welcome ladies (and the helpful info)! Its still so surreal to be posting in this section 8)

To answer the question on when well actually start "trying"...I'd say we're going to "not prevent, but not actively try" this month and maybe the next two months (assuming nothing happens before then), and then I'll get into the charting/temping, etc. I must say though, it all sounds so exhausting! lol I'm reading everyone's post and the whole thing seems so confusing and vague. Its like you spend your whole life trying not to get [pregnant, and then when you finally want to, you have to try hard at it. lol.

I do have a question though, has anyone actually tried the Shettles method to try for a certain sex and actually had it happen? In theory it sounds plausible, but my cycle usually varies between 28-30 days, so it seems very easy to mess that up if you are off by a few days. Just curious.....
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, my doctor said to wait to TTC until we get the results back from the genetic testing on the fetus. That could be another 1-2 weeks. She said everything looks fine physically though. So good news there. She also wasn't concerned about my thryoid/tsh numbers, but I think that's because she's not an endocrinologist. I will see what the RE says in 3 weeks. P.S. Glad you were able to convince your fiance/DH to start TTC in advance of the wedding! Exciting times.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, good to see you. I hope all goes well with your appointment tomorrow & you get the green light to TTC again. Keep us posted. That's great that you have the RE appointment coming up so soon. I hope you get some helpful info. Also, while I love seeing your posts, I hope that you're back in JBP soon. ::)

NF, I hope your stay is short & sweet. Will this be your first little one? Do you have a gender you're hoping for? :naughty:

amc, that's weird that your OPK's are still positive. I barely eek out 1 positive a month. That said, once it goes positive, I sometimes stop testing.

Prana, I don't know if the sore throat is an early pregnancy symptom. I'm kind of having mixed feelings now as I feel really rotten & would like to take some cold meds. Of course, I would still be super excited about a bfp, but it would kinda suck to be sick if/when I got it.

Yay for crosshairs! Maybe they'll turn solid after another high temp.

My temps have been slightly lower than usual too. It might indeed be because of the cooler weather.

afm, 9dpo & feeling pretty miserable with a nasty cold. My sore throat is much worse than yesterday & is accompanied by general fatigue & achiness, but no fever. I think I'll test tomorrow am so at least I know what medicines I can take.

Hope everyone's having a good day!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319752789|3048959 said:
amc, that's weird that your OPK's are still positive. I barely eek out 1 positive a month. That said, once it goes positive, I sometimes stop testing.

I agree. The most I've ever had is 5. FF get's pi$$ed if I put them all in and changes my O date. I'm still not sure which day I O'd. There's definitely a temp shift on CD17, but the "I'm a real person not a computer" signs point to CD18.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone for the validation and support. It was my mom who told my brother, and I specifically said “MOM DO NOT TELL BROTHER ABOUT ANY OF THIS” because he and I are not close right now and I didn’t feel comfortable sharing it with him. I told her how upset I was and how I had specifically said not to share with him. She tried to validate herself by saying that SHE was upset. I reminded her that while SHE was upset it was happening to ME AND DH and it wasn’t her personal business to share with anyone, let alone someone I said DO NOT TELL. Plus, if brother was actually concerned he should have called instead of sending a ridiculous card. I agree with missrachel, I think he and his wife wanted attention too. I get it that maybe they didn’t know what to say, so I don’t entirely blame them. But I am pretty upset at my mom (which is the worst – I hate being upset at my mom!)

missrachel – I also broke out when I was pg. KMFX for you!

Lizzyann – congrats on the great bloodwork! I also have my fingers crossed for you too!

JGator – my doc thinks this was a fluke and unrelated. I went to the endocrinologist 2 weeks ago and she said my levels were just borderline hyperactive and she wasn’t even willing to medicate me and she felt my levels were acceptable for pregnancy. So, if I had another MC, I would certainly start talking more about my thyroid causing it, but I would also think it could equally be anything else. It’s my understanding that thyroid issues can prevent ovulation and it follows then that it’s difficult to get pregnant. However, we got pregnant w/o trying not even in my O window. So, I’m thinking it was a fluke. But DH and I have been talking recently about how if we MC again, we are now classified as riskier for MC and will be in a whole new boat. How high was your TSH? Have you been to an endo? You’ll want to test your free T3 and free T4 to really see how your thyroid is reacting to the elevated TSH released by your pituitary. There is a great informative board over at babycenter called thyroid issues and concerns. Definitely head over there and see what they say. I learned so much about thyroid issues, medication, treatment, etc. and being pg. I’m hoping you get the green light soon!

AFM, dr called today with bloodwork results. HCG was 8 at 10 days after onset of MC. She said they follow down to below 5, but that she won’t send me for more bloodwork with an 8. I have an annual appt for Monday, but we are thinking of giving it a go this weekend. We’re nervous to MC again and scared, but I also am not convinced more time will make it easier. From the research I’ve done, all drs will say wait one to three cycles, but so long as hcg is back to normal levels, there is no medical reason to wait. In fact, there is great evidence that you’re more fertile post-mc. What would you do? Give it a go? Wait for one AF to come and go? Wait two full AFs like the doctor said? And why?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HI Ladies - Lots of hugs to everyone - this process is tough no matter what is happening in your individual circumstances. But the goal is a great motivator, right? :love: Having a place to come and vent and share is really awesome, especially since it's so problematic to share with family and friends. It's my faher in law's birthday next week and I'm actually thinking about telling him that we're trying. Once we do get KTFU it will be his first blood-related grandchild and I know he will be thrilled to know it's coming at some point sooner than 'one day' We'll see what DH has to say on that idea.

I went to the dentist today to get 3 fillings (3! Come on now! I floss every day - but nevertheless) the Doc had a great point about PG patients that I wanted to share - if you're sick with MS and actually throwing up, DON'T brush your teeth right away. Apparently the stomach acid softens the enamel and your teeth are in a weakend state from that acid so brushing right after really wears away your enamel. So rinse well and try to neutralize that acid (only thing I could think of that's a base is tums or other antacids) and brush later.

My dang jaw is really sore and with 3 fillings in one day I think my bite will have to be adjusted (Doc said she'd be suprised if not since both top and bottom were numb) No matter how much dental work I go through, and I've had a lot, it always sucks ;(

So happy TGIF to everyone and happy weekend for lots of POAS and BD!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

missrachelk - I am glad you are ready to get back into this. I would take the temp as soon as the alarm goes off. Even if you hit the snooze button, you never actually get back into the deep stage of sleep you were in and will likely be moving around a little more. However you decide to take you temps, keep it consistent. I have the thermometer next to my bed so that it is easy to reach, I take my temp, and than write it down on a piece of paper I have sitting there. I see we are cross posting, so sorry about your fillings. I just had that done this week too :-(. My dentist also told me not to brush my teeth after drinking a soda for the same reason, soda is a mild acid too.

BrightSpot - Thanks for the well wishes, I am looking forward to this weekend! As much as I love trying to get the hard poses, what keeps me doing yoga is that is quiets my type A racing mind for an hour, and the stretching really helps with my back pain. Hope you are able to get to a class soon! As for your cycle, I know how hard it is to try to keep from over analyzing things! I have to remind myself to do that. I probably won't be posting this weekend, but I will be wishing you luck if you decide to take a HPT.

JGator - I am so sorry about your MC, I am really wishing the best of luck to you and hope that the testing all comes back ok.

Prana - Thank you. The temperature actually did drop here today (I am in S Texas) by about 30 degrees. I was not expecting that. I think I had a migraine yesterday, as I improved once I took a good dose of Motrin. I get headaches, but they are usually tension headaches, so kind of weird, but I am feeling better today. I would not worry about the temps unless they keep dropping, the overall trend looks good - but remember, I am new at this ;)) .

AMC80 - There is a saying we had in medical school when things did not got as we were taught they should, we would say "well, I guess that patient did not read the textbook." It of course was a light hearted joke to remind ourself that "normal" is not the same for everyone, and diseases don't always show up the way we think they do. I would go with your gut. The computer is just a tool to help you out.

NF - I can totally understand you not wanting to chart. If you look at my old posts, I did not want to either. The only reason I am doing it now is because I have been trying for 5 months with no BFP. I know I am still in the normal time limit, and should not worry too much, but I want to see if anything obvious is going on. I have a lot of friends who got pregnant without having to do any of this.

BrightSpot - I am so sorry you are not feeling well, there is a lot of what you have going around where I live!

Megumic - I would be livid if someone in my family did not respect my wishes. I know it is hard to be angry at one of your parents, but it sounds like she is putting herself before your feelings. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this, that is the last thing you need right now.

For me, I am totally opposite of the rest of you. I am day 6 of my cycle, still not enough data to see any trends. I am going out of town for my spa day this weekend, and am so excited. Probably won't have time to post, but will be checking this tread for sure to see how you are all doing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Megumic I am sorry for your loss. THe concensus on this thread over the years based on the literally dozens of women who have had early losses during their time here is to TTC when you are ready, there is no medical reason to wait. If you get pregnant, your body is ready. ((HUGS))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1319762230|3049038 said:
AMC80 - There is a saying we had in medical school when things did not got as we were taught they should, we would say "well, I guess that patient did not read the textbook." It of course was a light hearted joke to remind ourself that "normal" is not the same for everyone, and diseases don't always show up the way we think they do. I would go with your gut. The computer is just a tool to help you out.

Good point. And I'm one of those people who is never text book when it comes to medical stuff, so of course it would be no different when I'm TTC.

I do have some good news, though. After six days of positive OPKs, I finally got a negative. Sort of fits in with the whole "on the 7th day He rested" thing. Of course even as a negative it's still veryvery close to positive. Oh well, I'll take what I can get.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319752789|3048959 said:
NF, I hope your stay is short & sweet. Will this be your first little one? Do you have a gender you're hoping for? :naughty:

Why yes I do :) I am reallllyy hoping for a girl. Obviously, we are happy either way and just pray he or she is healthy, but I am desperately hoping to have a girl for my first child.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1319762230|3049038 said:
NF - I can totally understand you not wanting to chart. If you look at my old posts, I did not want to either. The only reason I am doing it now is because I have been trying for 5 months with no BFP. I know I am still in the normal time limit, and should not worry too much, but I want to see if anything obvious is going on. I have a lot of friends who got pregnant without having to do any of this.

Thanks LF- that makes me feel better. I thought maybe I was just being lazy! lol I do know I get O pains usually, and the looking out for the appropriate CM in advance seems easy enough. So i'll probably start with that, and then take it to the next level with temps or OPKs if necessary.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

meg, that's so stressful that your mom seems to be putting her emotional needs ahead of yours. That sounds like something my mom would do, which is why she doesn't know we're TTC.
I've never been PG, but I would say if you feel emotionally & physically ready, why not give it a go? I have heard lots of ladies are super fertile after a mc. Sending you lots of dust.

Missrach, hope your jaw is feeling better today! Thanks for the tip of not brushing after a bout with ms. Do you think using mouthwash is ok? (I assume the abrasiveness of the toothbrush is the problem.)

Fire, hope you enjoy your spa weekend! That's something I love about going to the gym (whether doing yoga or something else)--it's nice for the mind to be quiet for an hour.
That's funny that so many ladies' cycles seem to be in sync. Maybe posting on PS is like living in the same house--we all sync up? :confused:

NF, sending you pink baby dust, then. :kiss:

amc, yay for a negative opk. I got a negative test strip today too, but am less excited about it...

afm, 10dpo here. I took a cheapie PG test & got a BFN. I guess I just wait for AF to come now. The witch should be here in time for Halloween. :evil: At least I don't have to worry about taking cold meds now.
We've been trying since January & it's getting pretty discouraging.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319834259|3049590 said:
amc, yay for a negative opk. I got a negative test strip today too, but am less excited about it...

afm, 10dpo here. I took a cheapie PG test & got a BFN. I guess I just wait for AF to come now. The witch should be here in time for Halloween. :evil: At least I don't have to worry about taking cold meds now.
We've been trying since January & it's getting pretty discouraging.

BOO :(
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

About 3 hours ago I got what felt exactly like ovulation pains- sharp, stabbing, burning pains on the right side, just below the hip bone. Going through to my back. It was really bad for about 2 hours and is sort of trailing off now. Seeing how I ovulated several days ago, I'm guessing it just a cyst...any thoughts?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1319835413|3049601 said:
BrightSpot|1319834259|3049590 said:
amc, yay for a negative opk. I got a negative test strip today too, but am less excited about it...

afm, 10dpo here. I took a cheapie PG test & got a BFN. I guess I just wait for AF to come now. The witch should be here in time for Halloween. :evil: At least I don't have to worry about taking cold meds now.
We've been trying since January & it's getting pretty discouraging.

BOO :(
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

About 3 hours ago I got what felt exactly like ovulation pains- sharp, stabbing, burning pains on the right side, just below the hip bone. Going through to my back. It was really bad for about 2 hours and is sort of trailing off now. Seeing how I ovulated several days ago, I'm guessing it just a cyst...any thoughts?

That's weird. I don't think I've ever had O pains, so don't know what that could mean. I do tend to have twinges from time to time, though, but don't really know how to explain them. Did you already have O pains this cycle?

Thanks for the finger crossing. I think that I'm probably out for this cycle, though. I don't know how likely it is that I'm actually PG if I got a BFN at 10dpo.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319836120|3049611 said:
amc80|1319835413|3049601 said:
BrightSpot|1319834259|3049590 said:
amc, yay for a negative opk. I got a negative test strip today too, but am less excited about it...

afm, 10dpo here. I took a cheapie PG test & got a BFN. I guess I just wait for AF to come now. The witch should be here in time for Halloween. :evil: At least I don't have to worry about taking cold meds now.
We've been trying since January & it's getting pretty discouraging.

BOO :(
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

About 3 hours ago I got what felt exactly like ovulation pains- sharp, stabbing, burning pains on the right side, just below the hip bone. Going through to my back. It was really bad for about 2 hours and is sort of trailing off now. Seeing how I ovulated several days ago, I'm guessing it just a cyst...any thoughts?

That's weird. I don't think I've ever had O pains, so don't know what that could mean. I do tend to have twinges from time to time, though, but don't really know how to explain them. Did you already have O pains this cycle?

Thanks for the finger crossing. I think that I'm probably out for this cycle, though. I don't know how likely it is that I'm actually PG if I got a BFN at 10dpo.

Yep, I had them on Monday. My temperature has clearly shifted and I'm either 4 or 6 dpo.
Don't give up hope! On the box of FRER it says the percentage of women who can get BFPs so many days before a missed period. I think at 10DPO (so 4 days before) it's around 50%.