
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1319836460|3049614 said:
Yep, I had them on Monday. My temperature has clearly shifted and I'm either 4 or 6 dpo.
Don't give up hope! On the box of FRER it says the percentage of women who can get BFPs so many days before a missed period. I think at 10DPO (so 4 days before) it's around 50%.

Hmm. I don't know if that makes me hopeful or just ready to be disappointed again! I assume they're using a 14 day LP as a guide. Mine tends to be shorter than that (probably 11-12 days on average.) I wonder if that makes a difference.

Do you think you might be having an implantation pain or is it too early for that? Fingers crossed for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319837606|3049630 said:
amc80|1319836460|3049614 said:
Yep, I had them on Monday. My temperature has clearly shifted and I'm either 4 or 6 dpo.
Don't give up hope! On the box of FRER it says the percentage of women who can get BFPs so many days before a missed period. I think at 10DPO (so 4 days before) it's around 50%.

Hmm. I don't know if that makes me hopeful or just ready to be disappointed again! I assume they're using a 14 day LP as a guide. Mine tends to be shorter than that (probably 11-12 days on average.) I wonder if that makes a difference.

Do you think you might be having an implantation pain or is it too early for that? Fingers crossed for you!

Not sure if this is right, but I wouldn't think the LP would matter. It doesn't make a baby implant any faster, you know? I'd think the only difference would be that you might not get a positive until AF is due, since that would be 11/12DPO, whereas someone with a longer LP would be 14DPO.

I'd like to think it was implantation pain, but it definitely seems to be my ovary. I did some research and found an article on luteal cysts, which said this:
"While the ovaries produce and ovulate the egg that is fertilized during conception, these organs are also responsible for maintaining the integrity of an early pregnancy, until such time as the placenta has formed. After ovulation, the ovaries secrete high concentrations of estrogen and progesterone, which work together to maintain the lining of the uterus, into which the fertilized egg implants. The ovaries continue secreting these hormones until around the fourth month of pregnancy, at which point the placenta takes over. During this time, it's common for a cyst to form on the ovary that ovulated the egg that was fertilized to produce the pregnancy in question. These cysts, while generally harmless, can be uncomfortable. If the cyst is located on the right side, it's common for women to experience aching or stabbing pain in the right lower abdomen until around the fourth month of pregnancy."
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1319783590|3049204 said:
Megumic I am sorry for your loss. THe concensus on this thread over the years based on the literally dozens of women who have had early losses during their time here is to TTC when you are ready, there is no medical reason to wait. If you get pregnant, your body is ready. ((HUGS))

Thanks so much DD. I appreciate you weighing in on this. It's confusing when the doc says one thing and your heart says another. Thank you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1319838005|3049637 said:
Not sure if this is right, but I wouldn't think the LP would matter. It doesn't make a baby implant any faster, you know? I'd think the only difference would be that you might not get a positive until AF is due, since that would be 11/12DPO, whereas someone with a longer LP would be 14DPO.

I love it. "C'mon, get your implantation on! You only have one more day of progesterone coming your way!"
So, yeah. That makes sense. :rolleyes: Not sure if I should test again tomorrow or just wait for AF.

amc80|1319838005|3049637 said:
I'd like to think it was implantation pain, but it definitely seems to be my ovary. I did some research and found an article on luteal cysts, which said this:
"While the ovaries produce and ovulate the egg that is fertilized during conception, these organs are also responsible for maintaining the integrity of an early pregnancy, until such time as the placenta has formed. After ovulation, the ovaries secrete high concentrations of estrogen and progesterone, which work together to maintain the lining of the uterus, into which the fertilized egg implants. The ovaries continue secreting these hormones until around the fourth month of pregnancy, at which point the placenta takes over. During this time, it's common for a cyst to form on the ovary that ovulated the egg that was fertilized to produce the pregnancy in question. These cysts, while generally harmless, can be uncomfortable. If the cyst is located on the right side, it's common for women to experience aching or stabbing pain in the right lower abdomen until around the fourth month of pregnancy."

Wow, how weird! It seems I learn a new PG-related tidbit every day. So, does that mean you could be PG? :naughty:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1319836120|3049611 said:
amc80|1319835413|3049601 said:
BrightSpot|1319834259|3049590 said:
amc, yay for a negative opk. I got a negative test strip today too, but am less excited about it...

afm, 10dpo here. I took a cheapie PG test & got a BFN. I guess I just wait for AF to come now. The witch should be here in time for Halloween. :evil: At least I don't have to worry about taking cold meds now.
We've been trying since January & it's getting pretty discouraging.

BOO :(
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

About 3 hours ago I got what felt exactly like ovulation pains- sharp, stabbing, burning pains on the right side, just below the hip bone. Going through to my back. It was really bad for about 2 hours and is sort of trailing off now. Seeing how I ovulated several days ago, I'm guessing it just a cyst...any thoughts?

That's weird. I don't think I've ever had O pains, so don't know what that could mean. I do tend to have twinges from time to time, though, but don't really know how to explain them. Did you already have O pains this cycle?

Thanks for the finger crossing. I think that I'm probably out for this cycle, though. I don't know how likely it is that I'm actually PG if I got a BFN at 10dpo.

Bright dear hold tight! 10 dpo is still very early in the game to consider yourself out! I would try as hard as you can to wait until 12, 13, or 14 dpo to test again. No point seeing negatives day after day and waiting for AF. But if AF is late.... anticipation builds..... then hopefully happy news comes!

And yes, the combo of stomach acid plus brushing was what my dentist was warning against. Rinsing or swishing with water is fine, actually good, you want that acid off the teeth, and the warning is to let some time pass until you brush because your teeth are in a weakened state because of the acid. She also recommended cleanings every 3 months during pregnancy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So is anyone currently taking Fertilaid or drinking Fertilitea? I'm looking at them both on Amazon and my inner cheapskate is wondering if combining them really is better or if the tea (or the pills I suppose) will do the job by itself. I'm not totally against getting both, and want to do something to feel like Im Doing Something to get things going.

Over here I'm on CD 29 and no signs of much of anything PG or AF wise (besides the extreme for me acne and more fatigue than usual but nothing that's screaming preggo). I'm super concerned that with my years (nearly 15) on BC that my ovulation is going to turn out to be messed up or nonexistent. Sunday will be my next test day. I am armed and ready for the next cycle to start with wondo opk's and the digital clearblue easy kit. I intended to temp this morning but I was jsut sooo tired and snoozed several times. I think I will just have to put my foot down and make myself go to bed earlier. My DH gets home from work late (restaurant business) so it's easy for me to stay a little later than I mean to then a little longer because he'll be home soon then before I know it I'm up till 12:30 and getting up at 6. No bueno!

I definitely think I will be starting back at yoga next week, my mind needs something to focus on and I know stress relief will make me feel like I'm helping the process instead of hindering it. Along with the get to bed earlier strategy is a plan to restart my AM workouts - lately I am so tired and stressed after work that exercise is just not happening.

So that's the plan! Writing it down and out in the open to the community not jsut in my calendar wil hopefully help with my follow through.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, hang in there!

Amc - I get burning sensations when I have ovulation pain, so not sure. But I also read somewhere else (maybe here?) that ovulation pain happens a few days AFTER ovulation, something about hormones releasing??

missrachel - I'm not doing anything at this point besides temping, taking prenatals, and taking baby aspirin daily. As for temping, I set my alarm every day for same time, quickly temp half asleep, and then go back to sleep. The thermometer has a memory for one temp and then when I get up for the day I hold the button for 5 seconds and the most recent temp shows. Makes it easier to get reliable temps and still get my zzzz's! I've found that the cvs basal thermometers have an easier memory button to use. The rite aid thermom I have, the memory button is a pain in the butt!

AFM, nothing new. Charting and it's all wonky from the mc I think. On what I'm calling CD 12 I was 97.57 and then this morning (CD13) I was 97.98. So a jump, but who knows. We DTD last night w/o protection. We've kind of decided that we want to stop being in charge and just let life happen. We didn't try the first time, got excited with the BFP when we didn't think it was possible, and then we mc'ed. That was life just happening unplanned and we just want to stop trying for this or trying for that and just let God make all of the decisions and we'll just make the chance available. Sorry for getting religious, but I was really mad at God for surprising me with a BFP and then giving me a MC. I couldn't help but be so angry for all of that. DH and I pray together every night and I wouldn't pray I was so upset. But I've since realized,that maybe it was God's way of reminding us that we are ready for a baby and that we needed to realize that through this experience. I don't know. Maybe I'm rationalizing. All I know is, we're trying to find some peace and I think we might have found a little in deciding to take it out of our control.

ETA: I just read a wonderful article at NYTIMES called Notes From a Dragon Mom. Her son has Tay Sachs disease and she describes how parenting is entirely different for her b/c she knows her son won't live past the age of 3 or so. I'd post the link, but that's useless since NYT makes you log in. Give it a read!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Megumic I read the article--how sad and utterly heartbreaking. I can only hope that I am never put into that situation. Thank God for the mother's outlook and capability to cherish the time that they have together. And I think putting things into the hands of God is a good step towards recovery and moving forward. Whatever you need to do to relinquish control and just continue on. There is nothing wrong with having faith and hope, and relying on it to get you through when you need.

Bright Good luck to you! You are now in the hair pulling stage of the TWW, where you just want whatever is going to happen to HAPPEN ALREADY :bigsmile:

AFM, Nothing is going on. I have no idea where I am in the TWW, I can only assume that I did O. What do you all think?

I went to my Native American body healer yesterday, and told her all about how we were TTC. So she spent our session focusing on my fertility and giving me tips to help align my DH and my Chakra's.

She also prayed with me, and she said something that was so beautiful and made so much sense, and that is what I will now be focusing on until I conceive, during my pregnancy, and forever, I hope. She told me that I needed to stop saying that I want to have a baby and get pregnant, but rather say that I have prepared my 'nest', and am ready to receive the spirit that comes to me; to love it and nurture the spirit in its bag of bones, to share my life with it, to give it life, and to guide it through this life. I just loved the way that she said it.

My 'nest' is ready when you are, little spirit!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missrach, I remember someone posting about fertilitea here, but not sure if it was on this thread or the >6mo thread. I checked it out on Amazon & the reviews seem largely positive (with a couple of scary negative ones). Let me know if you try it & like it. I am currently using a few ingredients that are in the tea already (chaste berry, green tea, red raspberry), but haven't tried this blend.
Your breakout & fatigue sound pretty promising. Maybe you want to wait a few days to order the tea? :naughty:
You must be exhausted all the time! I hope you can get on a better sleep schedule soon. I second meg's suggestion to get a cvs BBT. I like mine & it doesn't beep as much or as loudly as other brands, which is nice if you have a sleeping spouse in the room. :snore:

meg, your plan to put this process in God's hands sounds like a good one. I think one of the more stressful parts of this process is the fact that, much as we try to control things (charting, temping, OPK'ing, BD-ing), we really can't. I hope the idea to let go & let God brings you some peace. (and a bfp!)

Prana, what happened to your pup? It definitely looks like you O'd, based on your temps, but a little odd that you still have ewcm, but I've read that it can sometimes happen after ovulation.
What a lovely thought from your healer. ::) Thank you for sharing it with us. Mind if I borrow your new mantra?

I can't afford to pull out any of my hair! At least I don't have to now...

afm, the witch is here ahead of schedule. :angryfire: I was surprised that I only had a 10 day LP this month. Seems a bit on the short side. Also, a friend (who doesn't know we're TTC) just FB'ed me today to tell me I need to get on the baby making so his daughter & my son can get married someday. Sweet thought, but ill timed.
In other news, it's snowing in NYC. Bizarre!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright I would say that I O'd too, the thing that is throwing me off the most are the OPK's being + after the temp rise. I don't know whether I should believe the OPK's or not.

And of course you can borrow my mantra! LOL lord knows I seem to have enough of them ;)) . Don't you love the thought of a little baby 'nesting' for 9 months!
Sorry about AF :blackeye: that just sucks. And I feel your pain on the poor timing. This month, the day AF arrived my SIL told me that we needed to have a baby. Back in July, my mom told me that my cousin was accidentally pregnant AGAIN, while still on the pill, and smoking ciggs...just after I had a chemical pregnancy. I was not thrilled that day.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Delurking to say I'm sorry that AF showed, Bright. :( *big hugs*

AFM I'm still clueless and assume I'll stay that way for a few more weeks at least. Trying to be okay with that as my temp jumps all over the place and I spot at the most inconvenient times. :rolleyes: lol

Good luck ladies! :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

missrachelk|1319849577|3049740 said:
So is anyone currently taking Fertilaid or drinking Fertilitea? I'm looking at them both on Amazon and my inner cheapskate is wondering if combining them really is better or if the tea (or the pills I suppose) will do the job by itself. I'm not totally against getting both, and want to do something to feel like Im Doing Something to get things going.

I take fertilaid and fertilitea. I take the fertilaid 3 times a day and the tea usually once a day. I am very happy with it but I also had very long (possibly anovulatory) cycles. I went from 40-50 day cycles to a 29-30 day cycle with a definite ovulation on CD 17. Also, I have never had very bad breakouts but I think my skin has been especially clear this month. With the reviews on Amazon I don't think I would have tried it if I had a short, regular cycle though. I am just crossing my fingers that I have a good ovulation in November because DH doesn't have any business trips this month. I am daydreaming about telling the family about an August baby on Christmas morning :oops:

BS- I am concerned about a short LP too. Have you read at all about increasing B6 and turmeric? I think that is what I am going to do after O day this cycle. I think our cycles are kind of close right now. I am spotting a lot but I think CD1 will be tomorrow. Hopefully November is our month!!

Megumic, JGator, and PPM- So sorry for your loss :blackeye:

Prana- that is really sweet. I think I will be thinking about my "nest" being ready!'

Naked Finger- I really want a girl too but DH really wants a boy so we are not using any methods. Have you seen the show How I Met Your Mother? They have a cute episode where a couple is using conflicting methods to get the gender they want. They say lemons are baby girl fertilizer!

Tammy- Sorry about CD1. I am right around there too so hopefully November will be our month!

So I am really spotting for the past few days but I was reading and it looks like it doesn't count as CD1 until the color turns bright (ugh sorry for the TMI!) It has not turned yet but I think by tomorrow it should be CD1. Is that what you guys do? I am pretty positive because I know our timing was terrible this cycle because of DH's out of town conference. I just really hope we all have a fertile November!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I take fertilaid and fertilitea. I take the fertilaid 3 times a day and the tea usually once a day. I am very happy with it but I also had very long (possibly anovulatory) cycles. I went from 40-50 day cycles to a 29-30 day cycle with a definite ovulation on CD 17. Also, I have never had very bad breakouts but I think my skin has been especially clear this month. With the reviews on Amazon I don't think I would have tried it if I had a short, regular cycle though. I am just crossing my fingers that I have a good ovulation in November because DH doesn't have any business trips this month. I am daydreaming about telling the family about an August baby on Christmas morning :oops:

Thanks Indecisive! Long cycles, possibly annovulatory is exactly where I am and I ordered both the tea and the Fertilaid yesterday so hopefully they will work for me too! I'm really hoping between starting the herbs and positive thinking that AF will come soon, I jsut really want to have as many chances as possible before the end of the year! I am also already thinking about being PG on Christmas, and just really want to go through a normal cycle with a confirmed ovulation.

Sorry not to respond to everyone - still getting the hang of this actual posting thing and not just lurking : )

So I had an eventful weekend! After the dentist Thursday I was really quite uncomfortable Friday, with a sore jaw and teeth. Did a few errands after work, treated mysellf to a pumpkin spice frappuccino and turned in early. Well at around 6am on Saturday morning, both DH and I were turning over towards the middle of the bed and he accidentally poked me in the eye! I could not believe how much it hurt and I kew that something was wrong right away. I tried to sleep a bit longer and called my eye dr as soon as she opened at 9am. I went in and sure enough, I have a scratched cornea. I really could not believe how much pain it caused! I ended up needing to take 2 strong pain pills I had left over from a surgery last year because the Tylenol didn't even take a dent out of my discomfort. I didn't want to take them but I really don't think we got anywhere with our initial TTC efforts this month (don't think I ovulated and still waiting for AF on CD 32 today with no symptoms and only negative opk's and hcg tests) Luckily it was much better yesterday, and much better again today, so when I see her for my follow up later this morning I expect a good report. Part of the treatment was to use a realy strong dialating drop in that eye as well (apparently relaxing the eye helps it to heal) so since Satuday my vision has been really odd with one eye super dialated. Until yesterday I couldn't focus on the computer at all. Poor DH felt awful.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missrachelk- I know what you mean. I never thought I would be anxious for af to come but now my mindset is totally about getting the there fertile time as quick as possible. It does take the stress off to know that I can ovulate so I know how you feel there as well. DH was out of town the week of ovulation so I knew there was very slim chance this cycle but I was just so excited to see ovulation signs and see it on my chart. I really hope they work for you. I do really think charting is worthwhile even if it is annoying at first! I hope your eye feels better too. Dh rolled over and hit me one time too and felt so bad about it! I am posting from my phone for the first time so I hope spelling any grammar aren't too terrible!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, so sorry AF arrived (again) and that it arrived early. Hopefully, you were at least able to have a little more fun this weekend without feeling guilty. I can’t remember if you already said this, but what is the next step according to your RE? Are you going to just keep trying for now or did he suggest IUI or anything? Hugs, I unfortunately know all to well how you are feeling, and I just hope that we both have better days ahead!

Lizzy, yay for getting to start the process sooner than you thought! Thinking of you. Are you still on track for surgery this week? Keep us posted on your journey. Thinking good thoughts for you in the coming days!

JGator, glad to hear that you are physically ready to try again and hopefully your genetic test results come back okay. You seem to be handling this all as best as can be expected. I guess if there is any silver lining in all of this it is that you at least know that you can get pregnant, and you did it on your own last time. Hopefully, your RE will have some advice on how to get you pregnant again quickly and stay pregnant. Thinking of you.

Firecracker, good to see you posting again. I hope the temping gives you a little more clarity and that your and DH’s schedules align this cycle.

amc, I see you started early! Good luck to you! I don’t get O pains, but I have had a functional cyst that burst and caused me some pain. I remember my doctor told me that you sometimes do not feel any pain for awhile after the cyst actually bursts and the pain you feel is often in areas remote from the ovary because the pain is caused by fluid irritating surrounding tissue.

Meg, glad to see you are TTC again. I don’t know your family dynamic and obviously you have complicated relationships with your mom and brother, but I would just take the card at face value. Your brother and SIL heard about your news and wanted to express their sympathy. It’s unfortunate that your mom did not respect your wishes, so I guess that means that you will just have to be more guarded with what your share with her in the future. That's too bad, but I'm glad you at least have a very supportive DH. I definitely think you are correct that getting pregnant is out of our hands (to a certain extent) and that God is in control of the timing. It’s hard to say why some people get pregnant without trying and experience no difficulties and others of us struggle to get pregnant or suffer miscarriages. I do think that those of us who have had to struggle will grow from the experience and will have an even greater appreciation for our little ones when they finally come. I’m hoping you are able to get pregnant again quickly with a sticky little bean.

Hi everyone else, I’m a little behind and haven’t had a chance to catch up properly. To those of you who are just starting to temp and chart, try not to get too stressed about it! It takes a couple months to get the hang of it and to see patterns. One thing to remember is that you can never know exactly when you ovulate, but charting should at least give you an approximate idea. And if you are BD’ing regularly around O time, you should have your bases covered. Wishing you all lots of luck!

AFM, nothing too exciting. I’m trying to take a step back from this thread for a bit just because I know I need to take a little of my focus away from TTC 24/7. I should be ovulating sometime this week. One thing I’ve noticed is that whereas I used to ovulate around day 13-14, I am now ovulating later around day 16-17, so my cycles are getting longer. Wonder what that is all about. I have an appointment next week to speak with an NP who specializes in fertility, so I’m hoping that something comes of that and that she will be more helpful than my OB/GYN.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was relaxing, it was the first one in forever where we didn't have any real plans. I did get dragged to Paranormal Activity 3. Eh.

I've decided that I'm not pregnant. Yeah, yeah,I know I'm only 7-9 DPO (so even if I were to become pregnant this cycle that little embryo (is it an embryo yet?) could still just be floating aimlessly around. But my temps aren't really doing anything to indicate fact, they are still lower than normal:

I know I'm not out until AF shows, which is still a week away. The good news, for me, is AF would mean an uninhibited cruise, so at least there would be some sort of silver lining.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Indecisive- Haha I saw that episode. So funny! I think most of the time the man wants a boy and the woman wants a girl. My husband said he doesnt care either way...but I'd bet he'd secretly prefer a boy.

Our problem is though, that I 100% want to find out the sex ahead of time, but my husband feels very strongly about not finding out. He wants us to be surprised. Did anybody else go through this, and how did you handle it?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NF - DH and I were in the same position. He wanted to be surprised and I definitely did not. 1. I am a planner by nature and I wanted the opportunity to shop and arrange the nursery before the baby's birth and I did not want to be relegated to gender-neutral colors. 2. As a general rule I hate surprises (see no.1). We discussed it as we do all things and in the end the fact that I was the one pregnant was a trump card and we found out at 18 weeks we were having a daughter. Everyone is different, but I do not feel that I missed out on anything by finding out ahead of time. We were still "surprised" when we found out at our ultrasound. We both took the day off work, scheduled the ultrasound in the morning, went to lunch, and then went shopping where DH picked out the outfit we brought DD home in. It was a very special day to us.

I'll also throw this in the mix - a lot can go wrong in the delivery room and you may not get the "It's a boy/It's a girl" moment from the movies. I luckily had an easy delivery, but I've had friends with emergency c-sections, or where the mom was so tired and/or ill after hours of labor that she was vomiting while she delivered and the surprise moment kind of got lost in the shuffle of caring for mom/baby. Definitely not the norm, but it's important to remember that things in labor often do not go as planned (check out the birth stories on the newborn thread).

I don't mean to influence you one way or the other, there really is no right or wrong way here.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NakedFinger|1320076627|3051034 said:
Our problem is though, that I 100% want to find out the sex ahead of time, but my husband feels very strongly about not finding out. He wants us to be surprised. Did anybody else go through this, and how did you handle it?

Lurker weighing in: my DH and I had this situation, only reversed. I wanted to be surprised, he wanted to know.

I think if one spouse wants to wait and find out in the delivery room, that should be respected, because you can't 'undo' finding out and it's a once-in-a-lifetime moment. So DH decided it was fine and we could wait. It was only 20 more weeks after all. :bigsmile: In the end, he thought it was SO fun to be surprised, and now he wants to do that for our second child, haha. That moment in the delivery room was priceless--the suspense was unbelievable!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

re: Short LP and spotting, my cycles were the same way. I wouldn't be too concerned unless it's under 10 days. Mine was always 10 days and I started taking a B complex the first cycle we started TTC. The first month I still had a 10 day LP and the second month we got KU, so I have no idea if it helped or not. I'd like to think that it helped because those pills were :knockout:

re: Finding out the sex.... we were so undecided on it. One day we'd want to be surprised and the next we wanted to find out. We still hadn't decided if we were going to find out even when we were getting the anatomy scan! The tech asked if we wanted to know and we just stared at her for a few minutes trying to decide! In the end I agree with a lot of what NB said. We did end up finding out and we made a really special day of it. Went to lunch, called family and friends, and bought a special outfit and blanket to celebrate. I also had a pretty dramatic labor, PP experience (I didn't even see LO until 5 hours after delivery) so I'm glad we didn't envision this special "reveal" moment. Obviously, we couldn't have known that in advance, but in hindsight I'm glad we knew ahead of time.

So we're officially jumping in the pool this month! I don't have much to add TTC-wise to this thread because we're taking it pretty easy the first few months. No charting, no OPKs, and no testing early. I'll be a snooze-fest compared to you ladies! I'll be here cheering everyone along though :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies,

Soooo much TMI in this post, just warning you now before it's too late to skip the details. :knockout:

Alright, here's the deal. I think I got a little too enthusiastic about checking CM/CP and offset my internal balance because I was handwashing with antibacterial bath and body soap first. Anyhow, I ended up with a yeast infection. ;( I'm pretty clueless about them, this is the second one I've had in my life and the last one was a loooong time ago. It started on Thursday so I got a 1 day treatment that day but it didn't work because the next morning I was worse! I went back, got a couple of different things - the 3 day kind and a "cleansing product" (I hate saying the real word, you can figure it out) that was called Yeast-Gard, I think.

Anyhow, discharge has subsided, but I'm having troubles still with a LOT of pain. :( DH and I waited until Sat to bd, figuring it was safe since everything looked normal again but it was SO painful. :eek: Now since yesterday evening I have had this strange cramp/squeezing pain way down low - not in the opening area, but I'm guessing it's where my uterus would be. I'm just stumped. I'm on CD 25 with no sign of AF and my temps indicate no ovulation yet (though I'm told that's completely normal after coming off the pill). I'm just stressed out, depressed and worried. It's one thing to not be ovulating and feeling like my ovaries aren't working right yet, but it's a whole different ball game when EVERYTHING is messed up down there!

So that's my real update. I didn't want to say anything because frankly it's darn embarrassing, but I figured that maybe someone else has had something similar (and is willing to admit it too, HA!), and might have some insight. I actually scheduled an appt this afternoon w/my gyno, but I'm just really not looking forward to going. I guess I'm looking for someone to say "oh that's totally normal after a yeast inf and it'll go away, don't worry about it!" so I can cancel, lol.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, Yucky, so sorry you're going through this! I'm no help as I've never gotten a yeast infection (I must not be prone to them since I've been on antibiotics a lot in my life and always get the warning about them, but I've never gotten one... ::knocking on wood::).

Kunzite said:
So we're officially jumping in the pool this month!

Welcome! Careful, though, once you touch the water you'll want to dive right in :)

AFM, to update my earlier post. You know how I had that ovarian pain on Friday? It's back. It was on the right side for maybe 2-3 hours and then went over to the left as well. The stabbing pain isn't really there, just an intense burning. Ick. So this is the 3rd day of it, but an entire week after the first episode and 3 days after the second.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NB- Thank you so much for the insight. I feel the same way you did, I am a planner my nature (and profession), so I tend to need to know whats going on at all times, and plan things out. Maybe its because I really want a girl, but the thought of not being able to totally do up an obnoxiously pink and girly nursery is such a bummer (or a totally blue and boyish room if it were a boy). I just dont want to to do a "neutral" room at all (yellow doest not seem boyish to me and green or yellow doesnt seem girlish to me). My husband's solution to that was since the baby usually stays in the bassinet in our room in the beginning, that we could do the nursery after the baby was born and we know the sex. (Has anyone ever done that?). I know the readying of the room is an important part of the process and "nesting", so that seems like it wouldn be an option to not have it done before the baby is born. Good point about being "surprised" at the ultrasound and being too distracted or out of to get the full effect after labor. I will be sure to use those in my case with DH! :wacko:

Laila- Thank you for weighing in as well. You bring up good points, many of which my DH is using as well. I do agree that the suspense would be exciting and that moment in the delivery room (if all goes as well) would be very memorable. But the planner in me would still probably go nuts not knowing! haha

Kunzite- Haha that will probably be us too, in the room getting asked and still not knowing what to say! ::) Again an interesting point about not having that dramatic, magical "reveal" of the sex that everyone always pictures. Better to know in advance and relish in that moment instead I think.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NF - If you decided that you dind't want to find out in advance, I know there are services where you can select all the items for the nursery ahead of time for both a boy and a girl, then when the baby is born you call and tell them which you had and they deliver everything by Fedex so it's there when you get home from the hospital. It was really popular amongst my jewish friends in NYC who followed the tradition of not having anything baby-related in the house before the baby is born.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NB, what a fascinating idea! How convenient. The only thing I'd have to do I is make DH paint the day we come home. Haha. I guess the only downfall of that, is you cant register for that stuff right since people wouldnt know what to buy ahead of time?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Halloween, everyone! :twisted:

MP, it's so good to hear from you! I think of you often & hope you're doing ok. As for the next round, I have the uterine sonogram next Monday. Apparently it provides a more detailed view of the reproductive organs than the HSG, which just tells you whether or not your tubes are open. DH also needs to go in for a 2nd SA in a week or 2 to see if there's been any improvement since he started Clomid & stopped drinking. ;) So I guess the ball is definitely rolling. In a way I'd hoped to go on Clomid or something myself this month, but I guess we haven't done the necessary testing yet. Hopefully I'll have more info on what's going on next week.
I'm glad you have an appointment with the fertility NP next week. Do you think you'll be scheduled for HSG & SA tests soon? I hope the NP can be of help & get the next step of the process going. Did you move forward on your kitchen redo, btw?
I definitely understand feeling the desire to step back a bit. I go through periods when I want to do that as well, but always wind up right back where I started. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the kind words. I hope this fall is a good time for both of us, friend. ::)

Tammy, Thanks for the hugs--back at ya! :)) I'm so sorry to hear about your ordeal! I don't have much experience with yeast infections, but I hope you kept your doc appointment today & the doc was able to help. Don't feel embarrassed about posting about things of this nature. That's why we're here! (And sometimes it's just awkward to talk about the things we address with each other with IRL friends or DH). It's so stressful when things don't seem to be working right in the lady parts area, but add pain & infection to the mix & that just sucks! Hope you're feeling better soon.

As for finding out the sex of the baby, my cousin & his wife did something I thought was kind of neat & hadn't heard of people doing before. They found out at the shower! I guess the doc who did the sono gave the info to them in a sealed envelope (How I Met Your Mother style) & they shared it with the people who planned their shower. So when they (both) showed up to the shower, there was a big banner that said, "It's a boy!" So they had a cool moment of surprise & also got gender specific gifts. (I think they did the nursery post-shower.) So maybe that's a cool compromise between finding out at the sono & in the delivery room.

NF, Like you, I would prefer to find out ahead of time for planning purposes, but DH has a slight preference for being surprised. I think he would defer to me, though. :Up_to_something:

NB, thanks for pointing out that things might not go as smoothly as desired in the delivery room & the magical moment of surprise may not be what we'd hoped for. (glad your delivery went smoothly, though!) What an interesting service, btw. Did your friends have a baby shower? (not sure if that would fit in with the no baby things in the house tradition)

kunzite, welcome! :wavey: Good for you for taking it easy the first few months. Obsessing isn't always as fun as it sounds. :rolleyes:
Hope your stay here is short & sweet. How old is your LO?
I love the idea of making a day of it if you find out at the sono. What a special day! I'm sorry your L&D was so stressful.

amc, that's so weird about the pain! How many dpo are you now? Do you think it could be implantation related? I have random twinges from time to time, but they don't sound as severe as you describe. I hope you feel better soon! And don't count yourself out yet for this month! Are you planning to test?

Prana, still thinking of your new mantra. It makes me feel much more peaceful thinking of readying my nest & waiting for my little spirit to fill it. Thanks again for sharing.
That sucks about your cousin's surprise (and seemingly unwanted?) pregnancy. And on the heels of your chemical PG, no less. Hugs.
How are your temps doing?

indecisive, thanks for sharing your experiences with fertilaid/fertilitea. My cycles aren't as long as yours used to be (mine have ranged between 29-37 days) but I tend to O later than I'd like (CD20+) & have a shorter LP. I wonder if the tea addresses things like this too. That's great that your cycles are so much shorter & you have a nicely timed O. Fingers crossed for you this month! It's definitely helpful that your DH will be around. :tongue: I admit to having some Christmas morning announcement fantasies too. I hope November is our month too! :mrgreen:
As for B6, I've been taking it for several months. I'm not sure how helpful it's been, though. My LP the cycle before last was 13 days, which was long for me, so I was surprised this month's was so short. I do take the B6 every day, though. Do you only take it from O-AF?
I hope your AF comes soon (assuming you're not KU!) & gets out of here quickly.

missrach, I hope the fertilitea works for you! (keep us posted!) I'm so sorry about the ordeal with your eye! :shock: I hope it's feeling better now. Maybe you should wear some goggles to bed tonight. :wink2: Or at least get a nice foot massage from your DH...

Lizzy, thinking of you. I hope all is going well with the IVF process & the hormones aren't getting you down. Keep us posted if you get the chance.

Hi to anyone I missed! :wavey:

AFM, I kept a low profile over the weekend to try to kick my cold to the curb. DH & I decided to dress up & go out tonight for Halloween after all. I'm hoping this is our last Halloween without a LO or at least a PG belly, so we're trying to have a fun adult night out while we can. :Up_to_something: Might as well enjoy the life we have rather than pine for the one we don't.
I went in to my RE's office for another round of CD3 testing today. I'm also scheduled to go in for a saline hysterosonogram next Monday. Apparently, according to the nurse, it's similar to the HSG but "less intense" as far as cramping is concerned. I hope that's true because I wasn't loving the post-HSG experience. :eek:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot said:
amc, that's so weird about the pain! How many dpo are you now? Do you think it could be implantation related? I have random twinges from time to time, but they don't sound as severe as you describe. I hope you feel better soon! And don't count yourself out yet for this month! Are you planning to test?

I agree, it's really weird. I've had this burning type of pain before but it has always been right around O time. I'm 9DPO. It's interesting, because I was debating whether I O'd on CD16 or 18/19, since I had pains on CD18 as well. Last Friday's pains happened at 6DPO if I say I O'd on CD16....and today's pains were 6DPO if I O'd on CD19 (which, based on my chart, is totally possible).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1320098710|3051255 said:
BrightSpot said:
amc, that's so weird about the pain! How many dpo are you now? Do you think it could be implantation related? I have random twinges from time to time, but they don't sound as severe as you describe. I hope you feel better soon! And don't count yourself out yet for this month! Are you planning to test?

I agree, it's really weird. I've had this burning type of pain before but it has always been right around O time. I'm 9DPO. It's interesting, because I was debating whether I O'd on CD16 or 18/19, since I had pains on CD18 as well. Last Friday's pains happened at 6DPO if I say I O'd on CD16....and today's pains were 6DPO if I O'd on CD19 (which, based on my chart, is totally possible).

Hmm. Sounds like you need to test soon! :naughty:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, everyone :wavey: . Happy Halloween!

MP, good to hear from you. I hope you O soon and catch your egg this time around. Good luck with the NP. I hope he/she takes some kind of action for you to move things along. I know how frustrating this process can be as it took me 6 months for my first BFP.

Meg, hi! Thanks for the article.

Prana, looks like you O'ed. Temps are above coverline so that's good! I have no idea why the OPKs are still showing Positive though! Are you using the smiley face ones or the ones with the control line?

Bright, so sorry AF showed. I hope you have fun tonight. You should definitely take advantage of the time you have now to do things that you won't be able to once your LO arrives. I completely get your disappointment though.

MissR - sorry about your eye. How awful! You deserve a ton of sympathy from DH.

AMC, when are you planning to test?

Indecisive, I think you count CD 1 when you have enough blood to fill a tampon or pad. And, it doesn't matter if it starts at night or morning - you still count that day.

AFM, I am still waiting for AF to arrive (and trick or treaters - no sign of them!). The doctor said it sometimes takes 1-3 months after a MC - I hope mine is sooner than later. It has been almost 4 weeks so I'm ready to get the show on the road already. My temps have been relatively high but my FF is still 3 months wide and crazy looking until AF shows and resets it. I had a large amount of dark CM about a week and a half ago so I'm hoping I O'ed around then and AF should arrive soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sorry about AF. What a bummer. I hope you had a fun Halloween with your DH. I hear you re adult nights out to enjoy while you can. We are in the same boat and trying to enjoy them for sure. Hope the upcoming tests all go well!

Indecisive, glad to hear Fertileaid and Fertile tea are both working for you. I have my fingers crossed for you!

Missrachel, yikes! DH and I have had nighttime run-ins, but never to that degree! I hope your eye heals well and is feeling better soon!

Monkeyprincess, thanks so much! We are very hopeful and trying to keep the faith. Good luck at your appt next week!

Kunzite, welcome! Glad you’re here and hope your stay is short and sweet!

Tammy, yuck! Yeastie Beasties are the WORST. I usually get them when on antibiotics so I know how it feels. I always need the three day treatment from the doc plus cream. Gross! Hope you went to the doc and got some meds to help you feel better soon!

amc – test, test! Do it!

JGator, hope AF knocks on your door for some tricks tonight! My doc said the same thing, but that usually it’s between 4-8 weeks. Hoping the witch (AF) shows up so you can start ttc when you’re ready again.

Heyoo to everyone else I missed! Hope all is going well in everyone’s TTC journey!

AFM, CD15 over here (if you count 1st day of MC as 1st day of AF…) and I had a steep temp drop this morning. Pretty sure I am O’ing based on CM and temp. I had an OBGYN appt to follow up the MC and for an annual. She said everything looked great, saw good CM. I told her how we felt about trying again and that we felt ready and she agreed things looked great and gave us the green light. Too bad we already started, :naughty: but you know, it’s nice to get the official okay from the doc.