
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

megumic said:
amc – test, test! Do it!
JGator said:
AMC, when are you planning to test?

Indecisive, I think you count CD 1 when you have enough blood to fill a tampon or pad. And, it doesn't matter if it starts at night or morning - you still count that day.

BrightSpot said:
Hmm. Sounds like you need to test soon!

Sheesh! Sooo I think I'll test tomorrow. I know 10DPO is still early, but all the weird stuff going on makes me wonder...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey guys, just a quick reply. I will try to write everyone back tomorrow

AMC - I don't know why you think you are not pregnant. It it is too early to tell, but you are not out of the running at all based on your chart. I would test in the next few days.

BrightSpot - sorry about AF :-(. I really hope you are enjoying some adult time.

MP - I am interested to see what the NP has to say to you! I am still following your story.

Prana - you are showing a nice biphasic pattern to your chart, so I would say it is very possible you ovulated.

AFM, I had a great weekend. But Friday was stressful at work, I had to admit a baby with a fever, and had some other complicated issues. I could not fall asleep Friday night, and that gave me a high temp that I discarded as I did not get 3 hours of sleep. I still have not been sleeping well, and I am not sure if that is messing up my temps. My CF is changing to the more fertile type, and my husband will be home in 3 days. So it can go either way with timing. I did not have time to do any yoga all weekend. Hoping to do a 10-15 min routine tonight, and a longer session tomorrow. Anyways, at this point, I am interested to see how my temps look over the next couple days.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MonkeyPrincess- I have wondered in focusing on the cycle so much can make it change/longer because you hear so much about people's cycles getting longer when they ttc. I hope you O soon!

amc80- Some people don't have any signs and end up with BFP but I know what you mean about just feeling like you aren't pregnant. A post cruise BFP would be cool too!

Nakedfinger- I initially wanted to be surprised and DH wants to find out as early as possible. I am wavering now because my best friend told me she is going through all her daughter's things and saving a lot for my future daughter. She and I have identical tastes so that got me excited and thinking about finding out early. But then Laila's story makes me what to wait. Haha so I am no help! I do think doing the nursery with a newborn in the house would stress me out though.

Novemberbride- That is a good point. My mom had to have a c-section with my brother and the Dr told her she had a son but she was so loopy from the drugs she didn't know if a son was a boy or a girl so she had to ask my dad later. Crazy!

Kunzite- I know even if the pills don't help I want to believe they do because of all the effort that goes into it! I think it is so sweet you got to make a special day out of finding out the sex.

tammy- That is terrible! I hope you get better very quickly! I know it seems embarrassing but now that I am really in to ttc I realize it takes a lot to be tmi. I mean I really talk to my husband about CM! Who would have thought. I guess this is getting us ready to talk about poopy diapers and episiotomies!

BS- I think that fertilaid is supposed to help you ovulate earlier but if you are using chasteberry already I wouldn't think it would be a huge difference with fertilaid. One think I was thinking about if it hadn't worked for me is soy isoflavens. I guess you take it the same way as clomid timing wise. It seems like your doctor is on the same page as you though so it is prob better to just go with what he or she says.I take the B-50 all cycle but I am going to do turmeric from O on. I also told DH that turmeric comes from curry so he should get me Indian during my lp :Up_to_something: . He does not like Indian so I know how much he wants to get KTFU because he agreed right away! I really hope November is our month, I have been thinking about Christmas morning way too much. I hope you and your DH have a great (hopefully last) Halloween as just a couple!

JGator- that makes sense. I don't think today was CD1 either then. This spotting is so weird! I hope your AF comes and goes quickly so you can get back to trying!

megumic- thank you! I will cross my fingers for you this cycle. How cool would it be to conceive on Halloween?!

Litlfirecracker- Yay for DH coming home when CM is getting more fertile!

So I am still spotting enough that I know I am not preggo but not enough to be CD1. I am 13 DPO so I guess the timing is about right if AF comes soon. I just wish I could fast forward to O day then go right past the tww!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Everyone,

I'm a long-time lurker on this thread and have been following everyone's stories for quite some time and cheering on all the BFPs.
I am in my 3rd cycle of trying to conceive, and due to spotting that occurs typically 3-5 days before AF my dr has prescribed progesterone supplements... Prometrium 200mg, once a day. I'm curious if anyone on this thread has any experience with taking prometrium... and if so, any side affects? Did it help prevent spotting for you/increase your LP if that was the problem?
Thanks in advance for any help... I figured it couldn't hurt to ask!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, I've never taken prometrium but consistently spotted from 8dpo until I got my period. My progesterone was normal and I ended up getting pregnant after 5 cycles. Did your doc check your levels or is the assumption they're low because you're spotting?

Good luck TTC!

Kunzite! Oliver is going to be such a great big brother! I can't wait to hear you get a BFP!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, what kinda tests do you have? Have any pink wondo's? Those might pick up trace hcg at 10 dpo...just sayin! ;))

Looks like my DH got a halloween treat last night in hopes of hitting the O. Anyone else just about O'ing? I can't TWW alone!!! (POAS dependent, clearly need a POAS buddy!)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good Morning Ladies!

I *think* this is positive, but I can't tell and neither can my DH! Anyone care to weigh in on it? I took the pic between the 4 and 5 minute mark. I know it's darker than any of the ones I've had before. I also know that last night DH and I didn't worry about a goalie because we figured I wasn't going to ovulate anytime soon! :o We'll be happy if it is and happy if it isn't. I just want to know one way or the other so I can figure out my best course of obsessing over the next couple of days. :tongue:

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, That isn't positive, but it's pretty close. Assuming you have the type of surge where you gradually fade in, I'd say you will have a positive in the next day or two.

I tested this morning- BFN. But my chart did this-
I know I'm definitely not out at 10DPO...I'll probably test again on Thursday, 12DPO.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1320097782|3051248 said:
Prana, still thinking of your new mantra. It makes me feel much more peaceful thinking of readying my nest & waiting for my little spirit to fill it. Thanks again for sharing.
That sucks about your cousin's surprise (and seemingly unwanted?) pregnancy. And on the heels of your chemical PG, no less. Hugs.
How are your temps doing?
thanks Bright! Yes, it was an unwanted pregnancy, she didn't want any more kids! Her daughter was a surprise as well, when she was 19 years old or so.

And I'm glad that you find that train of thought working for you! It is nicer to think of readying the nest and waiting for a little spirit to fill the vacancy.

And I love the idea of the couple finding out about the sex of their baby at their shower!! How fun is that???

JGator I definitely think I O'd too, I just don't know when!! :lol: Yes, I use the smiley face OPK's. I figured that they would be more fool proof than the cheaper ones that I had been using. :roll:

Ltlfirecracker Thanks! My temps are still high, the chart is definitely biphasic, I just have no idea how many DPO I really am at this point. I think I'm just trying to ignore the OPK's and focus on my temps.

Tammy Looks like it's close enough to + to me! Maybe in another several hours it would be more positive.

AFM, I think I'm 8dpo. I have no idea what is happening. I had some AF like cramps on Sunday, which I think was 6dpo. They were short lived, only in the morning time. TMI alert: The other night when DH and I were BD'ing, I had some serious cervical mucous, it was very very thick, and there was quite a bit of it. It definitely wasn't him. This stuff looked like the paste you used to use in art class. Sorry for that information. :shock: I guess I had a lot this AM too when we BD'd. I didn't see it, but he said it was there. This is somewhat unusual for me. My skin has been HORRIBLE, like huge painful cyst like hormonal zits on my chin and a few regular zits on the rest of my face. I look GOOD :? . My boobs started to get a little sore last night, my nipples felt a little sore at first, then the sides of my boobs started to get sore this morning. But breast tenderness is a normal PMS sign for me. I'm feeling a little bit like it's probably not gonna happen for me this month, especially bc my breasts started to hurt. I figure that when it happens for me, I will have no signs of anything bc I'm so used to having all signs of early pregnancy with no outcome. I know it's still early, but I can't help but feel defeated again this month. ;( Only a week or so left to my TWW, we'll see what happens, I guess!

Best wishes to everyone else!! And welcome to the new TTC'ers!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Here's the post 5 minutes one. I think you're right though AMC. It's also not the full thickness of the test line. So it looks like our slip up is okay...such conflicting emotions, ugh.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1320163442|3051718 said:
Here's the post 5 minutes one. I think you're right though AMC. It's also not the full thickness of the test line. So it looks like our slip up is okay...such conflicting emotions, ugh.

Did those come with instructions? Some of them specifically say that the entire line has to be as dark as the control line, others are positive if just part of the line is (in which case yours would be positive).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm not sure, it's the CVS brand . I'll search around for info because I'm sure I threw away the instructions after I read them!

ETA: Okay I found them this is all it says...

"Yes (LH Surge): The presence of two purple colored lines where the test line is the same color or darker than the control line, indicates you have detected an LH surge. No (LH Surge): The presence of one control line or two lines where the test line is lighter than the control line, indicates you have not detected an LH surge."

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, that's either positive or pretty darn close to positive, so I would say that your BD'ing last night definitely puts you in the running for this month. Maybe you won't have to wait until March after all! You should consider picking up a package of the CBE digital OPKs, so you can get some verification. I've had OPKs come up with a thinner test line like yours using wondfos, and then when I used the digital, it came up with a smiley face. Like amc said, it probably depends on the brand. Did your pain/infection clear up? I don't get YIs fortunately, but I read somewhere that you are not supposed to BD when you have one because you can pass it back and forth (how awful!), so be careful!

Meg, I should be O'ing in the next couple of days and it looks like Tammy will too, so you'll have some company in the TWW.

amc, good luck! It's definitely a promising sign that the temp is going up and not down!

Prana, 8 dpo is way too early to consider yourself out, and those sound like positive signs to me. (Or maybe you already knew that!)

Jen, welcome. I haven't taken prometrium but I know other ladies have, so hopefully they can chime in. I agree with Pupp that you
should have your doctor test your progesterone if you haven't already.

Indecisive, I do think that ovulation could possibly be delayed if you are really stressed about your cycle, but I don't think it would happen just by keeping track of your cycle. I suppose it is possible that the stress is affecting me more than I realize. I am more concerned that it is getting longer due to a hormonal imbalance or something. Are you still spotting or has it gone away? Sometimes it is hard to know what to call CD1.

JGator, hoping you O'd too and that AF will get here soon. Hopefully, you will get back your test results just in time to ovulate again.

Bright, at least you have the next steps laid out. Glad the sonogram won't be as bad. I'm dreading an HSG already and it hasn't even been ordered or scheduled! We have our new appliances, and we just decided to replace the countertop for now. I feel good about that decision, and having the stainless appliances and a granite countertop will really improve our kitchen. I just didn't want to tap too far into our savings considering we will be paying for fertility testing and treatments and hopefully having a baby in the near future!

AFM, the OPK was positive this morning, so the wait will soon begin again. I'm not as worried about this time because I know I'll be seeing the NP and hopefully getting more testing done soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi MP! Thanks for chiming in. :) Yep, I'm alllll better and couldn't be happier. I blame last night's extra special fun on that. :oops: haha I'm not quite sure what I'm feeling right now. Part "oh crap, we shouldn't have done that" and part "hmmm well that IS interesting". Considering it's the ONLY and I mean ONLY time that DH and I have ever gone w/o protection and my body has been completely messed up reproductive system wise, IF it happens then there were bigger plans than our timeline. We're not going to chance it again though because I don't want to miss the TTC stage. I very likely will regret saying that, but for now that's how I feel. I would love to be pregnant, but not until he's ready. He certainly wasn't forced last night, but I know his mind is running in "oh crap" circles today even though his exterior is cool, calm and reassuring.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1320166246|3051747 said:
I'm not sure, it's the CVS brand . I'll search around for info because I'm sure I threw away the instructions after I read them!

ETA: Okay I found them this is all it says...

"Yes (LH Surge): The presence of two purple colored lines where the test line is the same color or darker than the control line, indicates you have detected an LH surge. No (LH Surge): The presence of one control line or two lines where the test line is lighter than the control line, indicates you have not detected an LH surge."


Oh that's the same brand I use! That makes it easy. I've posted it before but it will probably be helpful to you now, it's a progression I had so you can see what almost positive looks like versus totally positive.

june crop.jpg
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh thank you AMC! So question, were those pics taken before or after the 5 minute window, for comparison? To me, it looks like your CD 15 looks the most like mine does but I'm not sure! Actually maybe CD 16. I have no clue, lol.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1320168260|3051769 said:
Oh thank you AMC! So question, were those pics taken before or after the 5 minute window, for comparison? To me, it looks like your CD 15 looks the most like mine does but I'm not sure! Actually maybe CD 16. I have no clue, lol.

They were taken right around 5 minutes. I think yours is positive, now that I know the brand. At least that second one you posted.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you so much for your input with the CVS brands! The second one I posted was a pic taken at about 10 minutes if I remember right. I guess we'll have to see what happens over the next few days. I'll keep taking them, I'm curious about what tonight's will look like since this was FMU.

Thanks again!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Are you still temping?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah my temp has been leveling out a bit more, but this morning I ended up taking it almost 2 hrs early (though I got a TON of sleep, so hopefully that doesn't matter). My Chart EWCM has made it's grand entrance and my cervix is pretty much wide open. I hate to jump the gun because I feel foolish when it doesn't happen, but all signs point to O I think, at least more than they have before.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1320171844|3051817 said:
Yeah my temp has been leveling out a bit more, but this morning I ended up taking it almost 2 hrs early (though I got a TON of sleep, so hopefully that doesn't matter). My Chart EWCM has made it's grand entrance and my cervix is pretty much wide open. I hate to jump the gun because I feel foolish when it doesn't happen, but all signs point to O I think, at least more than they have before.

Sounds promising! Hopefully you'll see a temp rise in the next couple of days!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy, I'm glad you're feeling better. You're definitely in this month! Your OPK looks just about positive to me. And remember, the little swimmers can live for a few days under the right conditions. :naughty:
As far as missing the TTC phase is concerned, it's not always as fun as we'd like it to be. :tongue:

amc, your chart's looking great...triphasic? Sorry about the bfn today, but I'm still hopeful for you this month.

Jen, welcome! :wavey: I've never taken prometarium either, but a few ladies around these parts have & maybe they'll chime in. I second having your progesterone tested to be sure it's low. I hope your stay here is short & sweet.

meg, yay for Halloween treats! :twisted: Do you think you O'd yet? I'm glad your doc appt went well & you got the official green light. Fingers crossed for you!

indecisive, I was considering using soy isoflavones a while ago but haven't tried it (them?) yet. I might just wait another month & see if my doc gives me clomid or something. I'm on day 4 now, so I'd pretty much need to start them tomorrow for the timing to be right. I've heard they can cause cysts, though, so I'm a little hesitant. I've never heard about tumeric before, though (in this capacity). Maybe I'll check it out. That's sweet that your DH is trying to surmount his aversion to Indian food for the cause. (My DH & I like it, so maybe that could be a 2WW treat.) Now you have me thinking, though. Do you think pancakes for dinner could help with implantation or LP length? Or maybe homemade cherry pie... :naughty:
Fingers crossed for a fertile (and thankful) November for all.

Prana, I thought the shower idea was neat, though I wonder if it would be a logistical nightmare. What an odd thought that all of your family & friends know the sex of your child before you do!
So, when are you going to test? :naughty: Your signs sound pretty darned promising to me.
That is odd (and stressful) that so many early pregnancy symptoms are similar to PMS symptoms. Aside from a little cramping, I didn't have any of those symptoms this month (breakout, tender breasts, etc.) Fingers crossed for you!

MP, I hope I didn't freak you out about the HSG. :? The test itself was really fine--no different than a pap as far as discomfort is concerned. (though I did take 4 advil beforehand) And I didn't take any more pain meds that evening. Probably had I re-dosed, I wouldn't have noticed the cramping. I was totally fine the next day. And, while it hasn't helped me so far, my ob did say that lots of women get PG after an HSG.
I'll bet your new kitchen will look great! New appliances & countertops will go a long way. Are you posting before & after pics somewhere?
Yay for a positive opk! That's nice that you can take it easy this month since you know help is on the way. I hear a lot of stories of bfp's coming when the pressure is off. :))

LtlFirecracker, glad you had a great weekend, but sorry about the stressful day on Friday. I think insomnia could definitely mess with your temps. Are you taking anything to help? My doc said benadryl was ok to take when TTC (and even PG), though it can dry your CM a bit. I hope your DH is home by O time!

JGator, did you wind up getting trick or treaters? Do you usually have them in your neighborhood? I saw some cute ones out & about yesterday afternoon (also a chihuahua in an Elvis costume, which was fabulous!) I hope your AF arrives soon & leaves quickly so you can get this show on the road. Any news on the genetic testing? I hope everything is ok.

Hi to anyone I missed. :wavey:

afm, DH & I had a nice time last night dressing up, dancing, laughing, etc. Along with the idea of readying our nest, I'm going to try to focus on enjoying our couple time as much as possible.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm amazed by all the knowledge on this thread.

For those that don't want to find out, but don't want gender neutral stuff, check out "not finding out dot com". (Obviously put it all together for the URL, I don't know if we can post links). The cool thing is you register for whatever you want, say a Bumbo or something and you can pick the "NFO" option. When you register they send you a cute postcard to give to your dr to fill out and send back. You register for the NFO option, but the site knows if you are having a boy or girl and selects the proper color. Once you deliver, they ship everything to you. Pretty genius, wish I'd thought of it. ;))

Both ways have pros/cons. My DH wanted to find out with #1 (he's such a planner) and I didn't. I like surprises. I decided to find out for a few reasons. One, I was so convinced I was having a boy that it didn't feel like a surprise. :cheeky: Silly, I know. Two, it's hard sometimes for the dad to feel connected and a part of the pregnancy. You are going through all of this stuff so physically you are connected, but it's sort of abstract for them. I wanted him to feel a part of it, and if finding out was helpful, then I thought it was a good idea. It's funny how the things you think you'll care about change. I was adamant that we not find out, then when preggo I really didn't care. As for the surprise thing in the delivery room- I totally get that idea, but the thing is, it IS a surprise and you do have a moment when you find out, whether it's in the delivery room or beforehand. Even though I relented, we had the envelope for WEEKS before I let him open it. I wanted it to be the right moment. We were on vacation in Puerto Rico and we went out to the beach at sunset and opened it. I took pictures as my DH opened it and totally caught his reaction. It was a really special moment and one I will never forget. Funny thing is that I was so sure it was a boy that it didn't even occur to me to want to look in the envelope. I would have been shocked if it was a girl.

Do what feels right. I do agree that if one of you feels super strongly, it's very important to respect that.

Lizzy- Thinking of you and hoping that THIS.IS.IT. You've got us all rooting for you.

Kunzite- Welcome and good luck! We both have little Oliver's, btw. :love:

Bright- Glad you have a plan going forth. I know it's hard, but I'm glad you are trying to enjoy the life you have while you have it. While being pregnant and having a baby is defintitely worth it, you will look back wistfully at the just the two you time. Try not to wish it away while you can still enjoy it. I know it's easier said than done.

Hope everyone else is holding strong.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1320181133|3051945 said:
amc, your chart's looking great...triphasic? Sorry about the bfn today, but I'm still hopeful for you this month.

Thanks! I just checked and if I have two more days of high temps then it says it's possibly triphasic. Fun! Not that triphasic necessarily means anything, but still fun :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I mean to say good luck too, I'm too darn focused on that opk! :oops: Speaking of, I just got a notification from Amazon that my wondofo (sp?) opk/hpt combo has been delivered. Guess I can compare them to the CVS ones. I also had an appt yesterday (go figure, all the pain went away last night). She wants to do a pelvic US and that's scheduled for tomorrow. I'm guessing I could do without it, but I am VERY interested in seeing what's going on in there and the pain is intermittent so I'm going to keep the appointment. I know, I'm crazy. :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, thick paste-like CM was my very first sign of PG. Then breast tenderness, then exhaustion. Sounds promising to me! KMFXFY!

amc, that looks like an implantation dip to me! I was negative at 10 dpo, but positive at 12 dpo. Be sure to test first morning pee, as it has the highest concentration of hcg. Keep us posted!

Tammy, I know you didn’t intend anything, but sometimes life throws you off course. We were not TTC and planned to not TTC for another few months, but fell pg. Then I mc’ed. We decided to go for it again right away. If we hadn’t fell pg the first time, we wouldn’t be going for it now. The unexpected changes us sometimes! And fyi sometimes sperm lives longer than you think –DH’s sperm lived for almost 10 days!

Bright, not sure if I O’ed. I think I am O’ing yesterday or today, based on CM. However, I was attacking DH all weekend, so based on that, I’m thinking maybe Sunday? My temps are not helpful at all this month, I think the mc screwed up FF and temping for me.

AFM, just sitting tight. Just realized that we actually have TWO two-week-waits. Waiting on BFP/BFN as well as results from the bar exam I took in July, expected sometime around Nov 15. Hopefully at least one of those comes back with good news!

ETA: Has anyone else experienced pain during BD during O-time? I noticed last night that when DH went deep and in most positions, it hurt. On another forum someone posted that during O your ovaries are "inflamed" for lack of a better term, so it causes pain. Anyone else know anything about this or experience this?? Thx.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

megumic|1320189551|3052061 said:
amc, that looks like an implantation dip to me! I was negative at 10 dpo, but positive at 12 dpo. Be sure to test first morning pee, as it has the highest concentration of hcg. Keep us posted!

Oh gosh, you think? I'm debating right now whether to test again tomorrow or be good and test on Thursday. Decisions, decisions. And I defintely will use FMU :)

And here's my test in case anyone was interested. I don't believe that you should have to squint or tweak for it to be positive. This one is pretty obviously negative, though. I can tweak it to get a line but I really don't think that counts.

11-1 close.jpg
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

puppmom|1320114885|3051443 said:
Jen, I've never taken prometrium but consistently spotted from 8dpo until I got my period. My progesterone was normal and I ended up getting pregnant after 5 cycles. Did your doc check your levels or is the assumption they're low because you're spotting?

Good luck TTC!

Kunzite! Oliver is going to be such a great big brother! I can't wait to hear you get a BFP!

Thanks for the replies everyone! So, my doctor did test my progesterone on day 21... which it turns out was not 7 dpo that month as I had a 31 day cycle. (This was many months ago, before I really was paying attention to the timing of these things - they said day 21, I literally went in on day 21.) At any rate, my progesterone was 8.5, which they seemed ok enough with and said going on prometrium to see if it helped with the spotting was up to me. I decided to try to TTC for a few months without it and see what happened... which has been nothing so far, so figured I would try and see if it helped with the spotting... which last month was closer to actual bleeding. Oh, I did also get an ultrasound to check for uterine polyps and that was fine.

Puppmom, your story does inspire me! I know for most people the process does take time, but sometimes it's hard not to get slightly anxious! (If someone just told me, you'll get pregnant but it'll take 6 months or so, then fine! - it's the unknown that's a killer).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, just test tomorrow! I THINK that I see a second line, but I'm also a huge enabler! :tongue:

AFM: Opk tonight is as negative as it gets, same as it was last night. So we shall see what the next few days of temps bring and I'll continue w/the opks since I now have over 50 of them. Why not?!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC 80 - I would give it at least 48 hours. Also, are you testing in the morning? Your first morning urine is the most concentrated. On the months I chose to test as early as your are, I always did first morning tests.

tammy - I am not very good with OPKs, I am actually learning a lot from following your thread, but with your other signs, I will be interested to see how your temps look over the next few days.

MP - I am glad you are more relaxed now that you know that help is in the future, but I am really hoping that you don't need it ;-). Your new kitchen sounds like it is going to be wonderful!

BrightSpot - I think that focusing on your time as a couple together is a great idea. Once a baby comes, that time will precious. For my sleep, I do take Benadryl a couple times a week. I didn't have any that night since I was staying at my husbands place (which he is in the process of moving out of).

Prana - I cannot say much about your symptoms, I am not sure when you are going to test, but I am thinking positive thoughts for you.

Jen - Hello! I have never been on progesterone, and really don't know too much about leuteal phase defects, but I am wishing you the best of luck.

For anyone I forgot, hi :wavey:

AFM. So yesterday I was in a partial sleep/wake pattern an hour before I was supposed to get up, and my temp was higher than normal, about 97.5. So this morning, when I woke up early again, I went ahead and took my temp and it was about 96.8. I took it again when my alarm went off an hour later, and it was up again. I put in the lower temp and marked the earlier time. FF is giving me an open white circle, but I think it is a more accurate temp since I was not tossing around as much. I would love to stop waking up an hour early, that would make life so much easier. But I do have a feeling that the sleep issues I have had since Friday are going to mess up my chart. Not much else, 2 more days before DH comes home!