
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, wishing you the best this cycle. I hope the egg retrieval goes smoothly and that they are able to put some super sticky strong embryos back in.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1320288910|3053010 said:
Lizzy - so excited for you! Wishing you the best.

AMC - I cannot see the line, but it does not mean it is not there. I will be checking on you tomorrow.

missracheik - hey, I may be sitting this one out too....I will know by tomorrow. I am sorry if you posted this before, but I can't remember. How long have you been trying? How many cycles have you charted? When exactly did you go off your OCP? What kind of OCP were you using? From a pediatrician prospective (clearly I am NOT trying to get my patients pregnant) I will work them up for anovulatory issues if they have gone more than 3 months without a period, or are having cycles that clearly demonstrate an anovulatory pattern. This is of course not counting the first 2 years after having their first period, as it can take that long for ovulation to become regular. From my prospective, I don't want to work up someone who just has one weird cycle here or there, because that can happen. But if it a regular pattern, I want to figure out what is going on. For infertility treatments, you typically have to wait a year if you are under 35, but that "rule" does not apply to someone who wants to figure out why she is having irregular cycles. Does that make since?

AFM - I have the EWCM and my husband does not come home until tomorrow night. I am really hoping it stays until than. My temp was a bit high, but I have the "advise phone" this week and got called at 1 am, so I didn't have 3 hours of sleep. What I would give to get regular sleep, as I think it is totally messing things up for me.

Thanks for the input LTL

For your questions, I've only just started trying this cycle - mid way through - and have not started charting. However the last cycle was 53 days long, and also completely symptom free (no PMS at all and no cramping when AF finally did come - which I usually do have some PMS-y symptoms and at least some cramping / discomfort) which makes me suspect annovulation. I went off HBC (the generic loestrin) in March of this year - had my first 'real' cycle off it with CD1 being 4-30-11. Then I got lazy with tracking CD1 and don't have records of what went on between then and August, but I didn't notice my cycle being unusually long until the last one that was 53 days. I was on HBC for a really long time, since I was about 16 - and I'm 30, will turn 31 in March. I'm feeling that since more than 6 months have passed since I stopped the HBC that maybe some investigating is called for. My face has completely broken out in a very atypical way since about August as well, and continues to do so despite a new line of face stuff (Grr!) When I stoped the HBC I didn't really notice any dramatic changes right away in my face or otherwise.

I'm assuming there's not much reason to start charting now, that I should wait until a new cycle starts and get the data from a good starting point.

One thing my Mom has brought up, and I know this may be controversial here but it's the truth - is that I did get pregnant once before, when I was 21, and had a termination. So she says - at least you know you can get pregnant! But I say that that was 10 years ago, and happened one month when I stupidly was out of the country and let my BC run out. I do not regret that decision in the slightest (was with what turned out to be a horrible man at the time) but I don't necesarily think that has any bearing on the current state of my fertility. I was also without medical insurance for about a year and a half recently so I didn't go off it when we first started thinking a baby would be in our plans at some time in the future (now I wish I had!)

Good luck with the EWCM hanging in there until your DH gets home! And thanks again for your input.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


amc - did you test?? I thought I saw a hint of colour in your line yesterday.... TEST!!!

lizzyann - yayyyy!!! That's exciting! How many eggs will you be transferring from the 10-15?

tammy - that's a bummer that you and DH are on opposite sides of the fence re: wanting a baby now. DH and I have been there too. Just sending hugs!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Any word Amc? I've even been checking in on my phone! Thinking bcp thoughts for you today. :)

Afm: I'll be watching my next to temps. Had a pretty big spike this morning but I feel like the girl who cried wolf at this point, so we'll just wait and see!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, we are waiting patiently for an update!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1320330035|3053177 said:
Afm: I'll be watching my next to temps. Had a pretty big spike this morning but I feel like the girl who cried wolf at this point, so we'll just wait and see!

Tammy, I told you were getting ahead of yourself! Keep watching those temps, but I have a feeling you ovulated yesterday. If that's the case, we're cycle twins this time around.

rachel, if I were you, I would keep trying and monitoring a few more cycles to see what happens. Last month might have just been a fluke and other ladies on here with longish cycles have still managed to get their BFPs rather quickly, so you never know. However, if you don't get a BFP and/or your cycles continue to stay long or get longer, then I think you have a valid reason for getting it checked out without trying for a full year. I went to my doctor after 6 months (8 cycles) of trying and fudged the dates a bit and said I'd been trying 9 months, but she was very reluctant to do much because I hadn't been trying a full year. When I pushed a bit, she agreed to run bloodtests.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, you're killing me!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I think someone's holding out on us! :Up_to_something:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1320337779|3053269 said:
I think someone's holding out on us! :Up_to_something:

I think Tammy's right! AMC is usually really good about posting, so she must be waiting to tell her FI first or something. :Up_to_something:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Alrighty I'll fill the void that AMC's silence has created with a little in depth update that's way over my head!

I just got the results from my U/S that the Dr. ordered and the really short version is that I don't have signs of PCOS (which they were concerned about) and I have a tiny intraovarian hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary. I've already managed to convince myself that must mean that I ovulated from that side prior to my U/S yesterday afternoon and I've happily jumped into the pool, at least for this month. :rolleyes: :tongue:

Now, back to the REAL topic...AMC you're breaking protocol over here, c'mon out!!! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC! Let's go already lady! HELLLOOOO!?!?

Hi to everyone else :cheeky:

I know this cycle might be a disaster after my mc, but, can the chart-readers take a peek and give me their predicted O date?? (Side note - I feel like chart-reading should be a profession. How sweet would that be?!)

When Did I O.png
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, it would be really difficult to predict an ovulation date based on those temps. They are not showing a biphasic pattern because you had a temp spike on CD13 and 14. Did you do something different on the weekend like drink alcohol or sleep in late? If so, it is possible that your CD13 and 14 temps are artificially high. If that is the case, it is possible that you ovulated earlier this week (Mon-Wed). But at this point, it is too early to tell. Keep taking your temps, and if they stay high or go higher, you likely ovulated earlier this week.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1320359342|3053479 said:
Meg, it would be really difficult to predict an ovulation date based on those temps. They are not showing a biphasic pattern because you had a temp spike on CD13 and 14. Did you do something different on the weekend like drink alcohol or sleep in late? If so, it is possible that your CD13 and 14 temps are artificially high. If that is the case, it is possible that you ovulated earlier this week (Mon-Wed). But at this point, it is too early to tell. Keep taking your temps, and if they stay high or go higher, you likely ovulated earlier this week.

Totes possible to both the drinking and the sleeping in. I never bother entering the time, but it seems that makes a diff to FF so maybe I will start next cycle. That aside, I thought the three day spike temps on CD 16 17 and 18 were kinda odd too, as in I wouldn't be sure which day I O'ed. In any event, I think we covered our bases ;))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Crap I hadn't even thought about alcohol affecting temps. I had a "generous" glass of wine last night around 8pm. I hope that's not why my temp was up today. I stink at this! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Kind of worried about you Amc. Hope everything is ok!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brilliance. I would like to invent a basal temp thermometer that keeps track of the TIME TOO! How genius would it be?? Then I could briefly wake up whenever I wake up, temp, and go back to sleep and it would save the TIME and the TEMP so when I actually wake up for real, I'll have both data points! GENIUS! Who wants to get in on it???
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

missrachelk|1320319626|3053119 said:
Thanks for the input LTL

For your questions, I've only just started trying this cycle - mid way through - and have not started charting. However the last cycle was 53 days long, and also completely symptom free (no PMS at all and no cramping when AF finally did come - which I usually do have some PMS-y symptoms and at least some cramping / discomfort) which makes me suspect annovulation. I went off HBC (the generic loestrin) in March of this year - had my first 'real' cycle off it with CD1 being 4-30-11. Then I got lazy with tracking CD1 and don't have records of what went on between then and August, but I didn't notice my cycle being unusually long until the last one that was 53 days. I was on HBC for a really long time, since I was about 16 - and I'm 30, will turn 31 in March. I'm feeling that since more than 6 months have passed since I stopped the HBC that maybe some investigating is called for. My face has completely broken out in a very atypical way since about August as well, and continues to do so despite a new line of face stuff (Grr!) When I stoped the HBC I didn't really notice any dramatic changes right away in my face or otherwise.

I'm assuming there's not much reason to start charting now, that I should wait until a new cycle starts and get the data from a good starting point.

One thing my Mom has brought up, and I know this may be controversial here but it's the truth - is that I did get pregnant once before, when I was 21, and had a termination. So she says - at least you know you can get pregnant! But I say that that was 10 years ago, and happened one month when I stupidly was out of the country and let my BC run out. I do not regret that decision in the slightest (was with what turned out to be a horrible man at the time) but I don't necesarily think that has any bearing on the current state of my fertility. I was also without medical insurance for about a year and a half recently so I didn't go off it when we first started thinking a baby would be in our plans at some time in the future (now I wish I had!)

Good luck with the EWCM hanging in there until your DH gets home! And thanks again for your input.

First of all, I do not see any link to the the events in your past and having the issues you are having now, and I hope you are not holding guilt about that. Typically for an OCP, we tell women that while fertility can come back right after you go off of it, often times it takes a couple months. I am not an OB/GYN, and this is not my area of expertise, but 6 months seems a bit long, and I am not sure I would blame it on the OCP (although I did not lit search this just so you know). The reason why I asked what you were on is because Depo (the shot) will suppress ovulation a long time after you go off of it, and we typically tell women that will take a year. The thing is, if something did go wrong over the last 10 years that messed with your hormones, the pill would mask that, and it will be hard for you to pinpoint what was going on in your life when things changed. I would consider addressing the issue with your OB or another provider with expertise in women's heath. I think you have waited a reasonable amount of time. They may disagree, but 6 months does seem a bit long to me.

Thank you for the well wishes, my husband is home :-).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks again LTL.

I talked to a friend at length tonight, and while she reminded me to chill out and relax over the process, she agreed that time is of the essence and there is not any point or justification to sitting around with clearly irregular cycles for some kind of time clock to run out before seeking help. So I started researching some local practices and several stated their timelines ( 6 months for 35+, 1 year for under 35) but also noted that irregular cycles can be looked at right away so I am going to get an appointment ASAP and see if we can find out what's going on (or not as it were). I'm not sure if the midwife group I saw for my annual does anything related to fertility, but I'm in Atlanta and there are tons of good Hospitals / Doctors here so I'm not worried about finding a good practice to work with. If I can get an appointment and depending on the recommendations I can find I'm going to see if I can get in at Emory University, overall they have an excellent reputation (and their website was very informative).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OMG guys I'm so sorry! You guys are awesome. DF and I had taken today off to do a bunch of random wedding stuff and errands, so I wasn't at the computer at all. I'll fill you in now. Wednesday night, at your urging, I took a digi. BFN. Boo. This morning I woke up and took my temp and it went down a little, but nothing like it should have. I took a FRER and got this:

Then I took a digi and got this:

I woke up DF and told him the news. We were both in shock. I said I couldn't believe it only took us one month, but he told me he knew it would happen because of his "super sperm." We went about our day running errands, saying "OMG I can't believe it" at random intervals. We are both really excited. I'm in a state of nervous disbelieving excitement.

I've named the little guy/gal Stewie, since s/he'll be our little stowaway on the cruise. EDD is July 14!!


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So NOW I can say...I knew it this morning and I had to keep it in ALL DAY! I peeked at your chart first thing. :oops: Do you realize how hard that was?!?!

Oh, and HUGE congrats! Wow you got what you wanted for sure! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, that's hilarious! I didnt even think about my chart, ha. You're quite the detective. :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm just too nosy! haha :lol:

I'm very happy for you. Like I said you'll be missed, it's been really educational following your journey. ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats amc!!! WOOOOO! So happy for you and your DH! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats AMC! I was waiting for this news. You will be missed for sure, but I am so happy for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats AMC! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats amc! And dust for sticky Stewie and no morning sickness on your cruise!

Tammy, you are quite the detective indeed. What did your temp do this morning?

Lizzie, I'm thinking about you today and hoping the retrieval and fertilization goes well! Keep us posted!

Bright, hope you are doing well. I hope your test on Monday goes well!

Nothing new to report from me. Looking forward to meeting with the NP on Monday and hopefully getting a plan in place to get a BFP or at least find out why we aren't getting one. Have a great weekend everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, how wonderful! Enjoy your first preggo weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC congratulations! What wonderful news!!! So funny about your FI's "super sperm" comment :)

Monkey, I'll be checking in next week after your appointment. I hope you get a plan and that you guys can hit it off with the NP.

Lizzy, still thinking about you. Do keep posting updates for us.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yayyyyyyy amc!!!!! How exciting!!! Congrats!! :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Awww you guys are all so nice. I'm going to miss you all. I'm still going to check in every now and then :) Hopefully you'll all be over to JBP soon!