
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, see for yourself! My Ovulation Chart

I've explained it all to DH and he's now "super excited" if I did ovulate. Men, I tell ya! I know I won't get for sure confirmation until I have another high temp, but what do you guys think? I didn't have any wine last night, got decent sleep except for waking briefly about 2 hrs early (took my temp, it was still decent at 97.6) then fell right back to sleep and it was 98.04 when I woke up at my normal time.

Could I really be in the TWW?!?! :o :bigsmile:

Between this and it being Friday, my concentration is CRAP! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1320422536|3053898 said:
MP, see for yourself! My Ovulation Chart

I've explained it all to DH and he's now "super excited" if I did ovulate. Men, I tell ya! I know I won't get for sure confirmation until I have another high temp, but what do you guys think? I didn't have any wine last night, got decent sleep except for waking briefly about 2 hrs early (took my temp, it was still decent at 97.6) then fell right back to sleep and it was 98.04 when I woke up at my normal time.

Could I really be in the TWW?!?! :o :bigsmile:

Between this and it being Friday, my concentration is CRAP! :lol:

I'd say you're in your TWW! When did you BD? Maybe you'll get lucky your first month as well :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

We uh, were making up for a dry spell and apparently my hormones were in overdrive. :oops: The only night that we didn't use protection was Halloween. Darn costume! :lol: Ahem, anyhow yeah it was about 2 days prior to ovulation, at the most (CD 25). I had a pelvis u/s for a follow up on some stuff on CD 27 in the afternoon (day FF will say I O'd if tomorrow stays high) and all there was on the report was a "hemorrhagic cyst" and quite a few websites say it could be a result of the corpus luteum. IF that's the case, I probably O'd sometime in the middle of the night on CD 26, making our little Halloween fun prime fertility time.

Have I over analyzed this a bit too much already? Perhaps! :wacko:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow! Congrats AMC! You are one lucky lady! Send some of your luck my way!!!!

I am home from my surgery. It was very stressful with anticipation of the unknown, but all is well. I started crying after talking to the anaesthesiologist but the nurse and RE calmed me right down and once the sedation started, I don't remember a thing. I am not nauseous, which I was worried about...but I am crampy. They say the cramps will get worse over the next day or so, then it will get better. They retrieved 14 eggs! Which they are really happy about. They will be putting the sperm in with them this afternoon and letting them do their business. Tomorrow, they will call me and let me know how many fertilized and give me an update. They will either be putting the embryos back into me on Monday or Wednesday. Ideally it will be Wednesday if all goes well. So that they can have two add'l days to watch the embryos. 14 days from today I will go for a blood test to see if I am pregnant. Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy I'm sorry that it was scary and you're crampy but SO awesome that they retrieved 14(!!!) eggs. That's fantastic! Hoping and praying for you that this is it!! 8)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'll definitely be checking in to hear about the fert report. 14 eggs though, that's great!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

congrats AMC! Looks like everyone's instincts were right! :appl:

Quick question ladies, I have a dilemma....

I am going out to dinner with my work friends tonight. While I am in my TWW to see if anything happened this month, I decided to avoid drinking "just in case" I actually did conceive. However, I dont know how to handle tonight. Everyone knows that I am a huge wine for me to not order wine with dinner would be very strange. But if I was pregnant, it would be too soon to tell people, especially work. I don't want to give myself away at dinner, but its about 9-10 days too early to take a pregnancy test. What should I do?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NakedFinger|1320431201|3054028 said:
congrats AMC! Looks like everyone's instincts were right! :appl:

Quick question ladies, I have a dilemma....

I am going out to dinner with my work friends tonight. While I am in my TWW to see if anything happened this month, I decided to avoid drinking "just in case" I actually did conceive. However, I dont know how to handle tonight. Everyone knows that I am a huge wine for me to not order wine with dinner would be very strange. But if I was pregnant, it would be too soon to tell people, especially work. I don't want to give myself away at dinner, but its about 9-10 days too early to take a pregnancy test. What should I do?

My believe is if you're not pregnant enough to get a BFP then drinking is fine. The baby isn't even connected to you yet.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NF - I would just order a glass and sip it (or just let it sit). At this point in your pregnancy, the baby would not yet share a blood supply with you. Think of how many women who are not actively TTC that drink heavily before finding out they are pregnant. I think any Dr. will tell you that you aren't doing harm to your child at this point.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy- YAY! 14 eggs = amazing! Glad it went ok and it wasn't too uncomfortable. Go eggies go!

Congrats AMC!

NF- I agree with the above ladies. I personally didn't abstain during a 2WW- you are barely pregnant and are not sharing a blood supply yet \so there's no real danger of the alcohol crossing the placenta (is there even placenta at this stage?). Obviously you should do what you feel comfortable with, but ordering a glass of wine and taking a few sips is fine. Or you could say you are sick or on antiobiotics and can't drink? I would drink the wine b/c if you ARE preggo, it might be your last one. :cheeky: I still remember the last bottle of wine I had- luckily it was a really really good bottle.

MP- Looking forward to hearing about your appt next week.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I read that you're okay until approx 21 dpo on the TCOYF website. I wouldn't overdo it, but one glass of wine nursed through dinner won't hurt you. :) I think the mindset is also that it's impractical to deny yourself the things that you love essentially half of your cycle days for as long as it takes you to conceive and can add to impatient/upset feelings because you're living as if you're pregnant 2 wks out of the month, only to find out that you aren't. After a few months that gets old real fast!

Anyhow, yeah that's the long answer. :tongue: Personally, I plan to have a glass of wine this weekend, but not two like I normally would (I swear I'm not a wino). I might just convince DH to pop open one of our nicer bottles though, just in case! It would be my luck, we just went to Napa last weekend and picked up our wine from Girard! But I'd be fine with not being able to drink them for a good year or two for a good cause. :wink2:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ChinaCat|1320433331|3054051 said:
I would drink the wine b/c if you ARE preggo, it might be your last one. :cheeky: I still remember the last bottle of wine I had- luckily it was a really really good bottle.

This. I bought a bottle of wine last weekend with that exact thought in mind. Unfortunately, I opened the bottle and didn't care for the I had maybe two sips. Had I know I'd get a BFP less than a week later I would have gone out and bought another bottle immediately.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, congrats!! :appl: Sending you & Stewie lots of sticky dust (and anti-nausea dust for your cruise)

Lizzy, congrats to you too on 14 eggs! Wow! :appl: I'm sorry the retrieval process was so stressful, though. Take it easy & pamper yourself a bit this weekend. I hope the cramping isn't too bad. Is it ok to take something for the cramps?
Sending happy fertilization thoughts to your eggies. Keep us posted when you get your update tomorrow.
Hoping & praying this is the one for you, dear. ::)

S&I, good to see you! Hope you're well.

China, thanks for checking in on us! I'm quite sure that, while I do long to have a LO, I will miss some things about my life as it is now (time alone, couple time, quiet, sleeping in, etc.). So, I'm trying to focus on the positive as much as possible. I like your comment about not wishing away our time together. Your posts always make me smile. ::)

NF, I agree with the other ladies re: the wine with dinner. Have a fun night!

tammy, glad you had a happy Halloween. :Up_to_something: What was your costume?
That's great that you don't have any signs of PCOS. Did your doc say that the cyst was a problem, or just a sign of ovulation? Was it a saline ultrasound? If so, I'd love to hear about how it was. I'm having my first saline ultrasound on Monday & am a bit nervous. Happy 2WW to you. That's great that your DH is super excited! Sending lots of dust. :halo:
Thanks for checking TCOYF about drinking during the 2WW. Good to know... :naughty:

MP, thanks for checking in! Not much to report here. Funny, though--DH & I went on a little cruise around the city on Wednesday night & boy, was I seasick. I had a momentary thought of, "hey, maybe I'm PG," but as AF was still making a leisurely exit, it's not very likely. :rolleyes: I'm excited about your NP appointment on Monday & can't wait to hear how it goes! Also looking forward to seeing the after pics of your kitchen. Mmm...granite & stainless. 8)

monkeyprincess|1320253812|3052616 said:
Glad you and your DH are enjoying some time as a couple, and I need to remember to not dwell on what I don't have so much and just enjoy being with DH. I don't know about you, but I have to admit that it is sort of irritating when people who have kids (i.e. my SIL and BIL and other friends) keep telling use that we should be going out as much as possible and enjoying our freedom while it lasts. I have to hold back every time from telling them that I'd trade the freedom we have in a heartbeat if it meant we would finally have a baby!

I hear ya. And I would make the trade in a heartbeat too, but nobody's offered it to me. So I'm just trying to enjoy what I have while I can. That's my new strategy. I hope it makes me happier & less obsessive over TTC things. I guess that's easy to say now, but we'll see how my next 2WW goes... :rolleyes:

rach, I hope you can get an appt asap to figure out what's going on with your cycles. Keep us posted!
I'm glad you like the fertilitea. I might have to give it a shot.

LtlFirecracker, yay that your hubby is home! I hope you guys have a great weekend & you can catch up on your sleep! How are things looking cycle-wise? Do you think you hit the window this month?
I wind up with a lot of open circles on my FF chart since my work & sleep schedule can be erratic. I can still detect my post-O thermal shift, though.

meg, great idea about the BBT with a time stamp! I love it! Maybe if it could post your temp via bluetooth to your FF chart, that would be even cooler! How are your temps looking today? When do you get your bar exam results? Sending you positive vibes for both of your 2WW's!

JGator, PPM, Prana, & Jen, how are you doing out there? :wavey:

afm, not much going on here. CD7 & AF is taking her sweet time leaving the premises. She should be totally gone tomorrow.
I'm starting to get a little nervous about my saline ultrasound on Monday, though. Has anyone had one who would like to share how it was? I hope I can ask my doc some questions, though & figure out what the next step is for us. Also still hoping to get some idea of what's causing my hair loss too. :sick:
On the upside, DH & I went out 3 times this week! Halloween fun, a cruise (less fun) & salsa dancing last night. :mrgreen:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you ladies for the feedback! I feel much better 8) I was really stressing about this.

Good point about this possibly being my last chance too! ;))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Bright!

I just had the transabdominal and endovaginal pelvis ultrasound, no saline. I wonder what the difference is. I know I had to have a full bladder and that sucked!

Good luck. :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, excellent news. I'm sending fertilization dust your way! Try to keep yourself busy this weekend and as stress-free as possible this weekend! I'll be thinking of you a lot in the coming days and weeks!

Bright, ha, I totally have the "maybe I'm pregnant" moments all the time when there is no way it would even be biologically possible. On the flip side, when I realized that I can feel a pregnancy symptom pretty much any day of the month, it helped me overanalyzing pregnancy symptoms in the 2ww, which keeps me more sane than I was the first few months of trying. I know exactly what you are saying that you can't trade spots with people who are pregnant or have kids, so you have to enjoy the life you have and make the most of your time alone with DH. I wholeheartedly agree with that. But the thing is - I feel like I already do that. I love spending time with DH, and we spend almost all of our free time together. We also go out and have dinner and go on trips when we have time. I guess what irritates me is when people assume that DH and I are naive about how much work having kids is and imply that we don't know how good we have it. I guess it's the whole "the grass is always greener" thing.

Tammy, it looks like you are indeed in the 2WW. I'm glad your DH is excited about the prospect. I figured he must have been pretty open to the idea of an oopsie if he was willing to pull the goalie :)

amc, congrats again! Looking forward to following your pregnancy!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, amc!!! I typically just lurk in this thread, but always had a sneaking suspicion you'd be a "jerkstore" as you call it. :D

Lizzy, wishing you the absolute best of luck.

Monkey, best of luck to you on your visit to the NP.

Bright, good luck to you for your saline ultrasound.

afm, I'm about 2 days into the TWW. In 2 more days I start on the progesterone supplements, which I'll take for 10 days, then take a pregnancy test. If it's BFP I would keep taking the supplements, BFN I would stop taking them until 4 days after the next positive OPK.

Good luck to everyone else in the TWW right now! Fingers crossed for all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone,

I've been MIA lately in an attempt to destress during the TWW. Soon after my freak-out about whether I ovulated or not, I suddenly transitioned into a state where I didn't worry about TTC at all. I didn't read symptoms, I didn't keep very good track of my cycle (though I continued temping for the hell of it), and I was generally pretty calm. And I wanted to keep that up for as long as possible so I chose not to post (though I did lurk and keep up with everybody's news - congrats amc and lizzyann!).

Anyway, last night I woke up from bad cramps so I assume that AF is around the corner - making this a 25-day cycle - so I thought I can delurk since the wait is over. I haven't had any blood yet but I'm sure it'll be here soon. What confuses me is my temps; I haven't had a drop at all but I suppose I can't trust my temps since I don't take them in bed. I guess I am a bit bummed right now that another cycle has gone by with no baby, but I'm trying not to let it affect me too much.

Prana, we were cycle buddies in October. How did it go?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, congrats again! Hoping it’s a sticky lil beano! When do you get back from your honeymoon? We’ll miss ya around here!

mayerling, sorry to hear you think AF showed. I have to say, a BFP could also mean cramps, as I had cramping right around my BFP. That said, either way, try to stay positive that your BFP will be here soon. I think destressing is a good idea and I know I’ve been doing a lot of that lately as well.

Jen, haha I forgot about “jerkstore!” I was a lurker when the term was founded and it was hilarious. Hope your TWW is going well. We are wait buddies. When can you test? I can test as early as next Friday. The waiting is misery.

Bright, what will the saline ultrasound show? I’ve never heard of that.

Tammy, when can you test? What day are you on now? I’m 21 DPO tomorrow, so can I drink that bottle o red tonight??

NF, I ditto what the others said. Just grab a glass and sip it or order something else and say you’ll have some wine in a bit. I know it’s tough…I’m in the same boat. If I don’t drink everyone is suspicious as heck! Let us know how it went and if anyone detected anything!

Lizzy, pulling for you hard! Hope some of those 14 eggies are your future babes. So you’re technically in the TWW, amirite? What’s the test date? How is your DH feeling about all of this? KMFXFY!

have you decided whether you’ll try to find out why you have irregular cycles now? Or will you wait a bit longer? I’ve heard acupuncture works well in terms of getting cycles on track and fertility. May be worth a try!

, how goes? What’s new with you?

LTF, so did you hit the window?? I believe your DH made it home in time. Are you TWW now?? How are your temps looking?

MP, hope the appt goes well Monday. What sort of test might they order?

Prana, okay so you’re a few days away from testing, right? How do you feeeel? What’s your temp doing? We’re pulling for you!

indecisive, what’s going on? Haven’t seen you round these walls recently…update us!

What's up Pupp??

Anyone else I forgot, I’m sorry! I really tried to get everyone in this post! But hi to all!

AFM, had a 0.2 temp dip today on CD20, which is about 4 DPO. Not sure if it means anything, but I’m hopeful. As for the wine everyone’s talking about drinking during the TWW, I’m jumping on board! Any good reds y’all recommend?? I love Pinots. Generally we buy cheap wine, because, well, we’re cheap! But I could go for a splurge for the TWW. Bar exam results still not out. Might come any day now. EEEEK. Just sitting tight over here in the TWW! How many of us exactly are in the TWW now???
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies!

Dinner last night went well. I ordered one glass of wine and sipped it throughout dinner. Luckily, we had the works.....apps salads entrees desserts dinner was long and I was able to milk it and really make that glass last. I dont think anybody noticed, and if they did, nobody said anything! Thanks again!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BIg congrats to AMC!!

I am going to pursue an answer to my irregular cycles - but how soon that will come is up in the air. To see an OB generalist at Emory, the appointment woudn't be until January. I started calling too late yesterday to reach anyone else so I'll probbaly get that appointment on the calendar and also call some other docs my friends recommended and see if I can get in sooner. I really hope I can because I just don't want to have to wait 2 more months to start testing and see what's going on!!! I also called my insurance and am super stoked that they do cover a little bit of fertility treatment! It's only $1500 but that's better than nothing. And my first visits will be for irregular cycles so they wouldn't come under that benefit.

I'm hoping that getting going with an appointment and drinking the tea, taking the fertilaid will all combine and get my cycle going! I also really need to start yoga, I have 2 groupons for 5 classes each that expire at the end of the month, so from today on it's at least 2 classes a week. I hate wasting groupons!

Everyone in the TWW good luck!

And to all - have a great weekend! I'm going to enjoy the cool sunshine before the real dreary winter arrives. I am so not looking forward to how dark it's going to be getting up for work on Monday with the time change : (
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, Congrats! I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy! And, I hope the 9 months flies by. Sorry I didn't post earlier, but i have one of my college friends here for the weekend from out of town and this is the first time I was able to check in.

Lizzy, congrats! Hope the cramps are not too bad.

Bright, good luck on Monday. Will be thinking of you.

MP, good luck to you with your NP on Monday. I hope you get more of a plan than you have in the past.

AFM, still waiting for AF to arrive - it's been 5 1/2 weeks since the miscarriage. My temps are a little erratic so I can't really tell anything from FF. I feel like AF is about to start, but I have felt like that for a week. I just really want to get the show on the road already. No news from the doctor on the genetic testing either.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just got the call! 11 of the 14 fertilized! My RE was pleased! Now they will watch them grow and call me on Monday and let me know whether they will transfer them over on Monday or Wednesday! Hoping for a Wednesday transfer! 2 more days to watch em grow! Feeling ok today. I just feel crampy and bloated and my breasts hurt from all of the hormones. Officially in the 2ww!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - so excited for you. 11 eggs is wonderful. How many are they going to implant?

JGator - I am really hoping that your AF will start soon!

missracheik - I am sorry it is taking so long to get in. Emory is a good place, so I can see why it would be backed up. I did a very quick lit search yesterday at work on some of the paid medical sites I have access too. All as I could find was that it could take "several" months for your cycles to come back to normal after going off OCP, I did not have time to find a range. However, one site said that if they don't normalize after three months, it was time to see a doctor.

NF - Being that I have been trying for 5 months now, I have come in this situation a lot. During my TTW, I don't open bottles of wine at home, and I will have one glass and nurse it when out with friends. I usually open a bottle of wine at home when AF comes, it is kind of my consolation prize I guess.

Meg - I know my cousin's fiancé's bar results came in, I am not sure if it differs state to state, I am wishing you luck! Can't help you on the wine, I more of a Cab girl.

Mayerling - I hope your cycle is not coming, but try to keep your spirits high. I think you are doing the right thing about not worrying about it. Once the TWW starts, we really have no control over what will happen.

Jen - Good luck to you!

BrightSpot - Sounds like you are having a good time. I hope you US goes well

To anyone I forgot, hi :wavey: I will put my stuff up in another post. I think this is taking too much space.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OK so here is where I am at. My DH came home on my last day of EWCM. This is what my chart looks like. I am hoping my temps go up soon. One of the reasons I am charting is because while I think I am ovulating, my AFs are very light, so I want to make sure. I had 4-5 days last week where my sleep was erratic, and messed things up. The last few days, I have been sleeping well and getting consistent temps at around the same time. I think the next two days will tell me a lot. I am still not sure if we timed it right, but I think we have a chance.


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good morning ladies! Please forgive any typos, posting from my phone.

Meg, the TCOYF website says 21 dpo but I'm nervous about saying sure, go for it! Personally, I feel like once you get a definite bfp it's time to stop, maybe one glass of really nice wine (small one) the same day if it's an early bfp. That's just me though. :) if you like reds and enjoy flavor, try an old vine zinfandel. Bogle makes a pretty good one that's still what I would consider pretty cheap. For our nicer reds we love Girard wines. Their Mixed Blacks is probably my favorite, but they can run $45 or more per bottle, so it takes a special occosion for us to open one!

Ltl I'm not sure maybe you had a "fake out" and will o soon but I think I feel that way because that's what happened to me. I'd link my chart but simple typing is a chore on this phone haha. Feel free to check it out though, I posted it yesterday. :)

Lizzy, that's such wonderful news! I find it very interesting and it must be so exciting for you. Good luck in your TWW! There are a LOT of us right around this time. Speaking of which....

I got crosshairs today! DH has been quiet, but I'm giving it a little time to sink in. I'll probably start testing around 8 dpo, not even going to try to resist temptation lol. If AF shows, we were meant to wait til March and if I get a bfp well that was meant to be too.

I think the biggest problem I'm having now is the "now what?" becaus I've been trying to look for signs of o and worrying about all that and I feel like while DH says he's excited, he's pretty scared (hell I'M scared lol). I just don't know what to do with myself during the TWW!

We're going to see Mike Doughty today in SF, I'm sure I'll figure this all out once a little time has passed. I'm just rambling, sorry!!

So that's it. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ltl, I can't see your chart! Maybe try reposting??
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh odd, I could see her chart on my phone, but not on my computer. :confused:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Weird. It was in tiff. I will try posting it in JPEG. The high temp from CD 10 was when think I was partially awake for an hour and than took it when my alarm went off. The following day, I woke up early again, took my temp right when I woke up, and than again when my alarm went off. There was a 1/2 degree difference between the two temps, so I recorded the lower one.

OctNov11 copy.jpg
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, that's fantastic news! 11 eggies! How many will they implant? Hoping for a strong day 5 transfer & super sticky bean(s)! Keep us posted. Do you watch "Private Practice" on ABC, btw? Addison is going through IVF & it's interesting to watch.

LtlFirecracker, looks like you might've O'd yesterday. Good timing for DH to come home. :naughty: I'm glad your sleep has been better lately. Fingers crossed for you this month! I know you've been trying for 5 months, right? Were you on hbc beforehand? I went off hbc in January & some of my periods were very short & light as well for a while. (they've gotten a little heavier since) I was also temping & didn't notice a thermal shift for some of those months. Are you using opk's as well?
Quick medical question for you. Any causes you can think of for hair loss? I've had my thyroid checked (normal) & testosterone (low) & can't seem to find anything else. I do dye my hair, though... I feel like this has been happening since I've been on the pill. I was on it for 7.5 years & realize it could've masked some hormone imbalances.

tammy, welcome to the 2WW! It's really hard not to overanalyze every possible early pregnancy symptom. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
I'm supposed to have a full bladder for the saline sonogram too. From what I read, it's a bit more intense with the saline, but we'll see.

JGator, I hope AF arrives soon so you can get this show on the road. When do you expect to get the results from the genetic testing? Thinking of you...

rach, I hope you can get in to see a doc sooner than January. That's great that you have some insurance coverage for this stuff & even better if you can code things to irregular cycles, not infertility for a while. I'm not looking forward to the time change either. :sick:

NF, glad your dinner went well!

meg, the saline ultrasound will show the general shape of the reproductive organs and look for any irregularities (cysts, polyps, fibroids, etc.) It can also tell if the fallopian tubes are open, but I already had an HSG to determine that. Fun stuff.
Crossing my fingers for your bar & POAS results! Enjoy that wine while you can!

Prana, how are you doing out there? Hope you have good news to share soon!

Mayerling, good to see you back! Good for you for being able to chill out during the 2WW. Care to share your secret? :naughty:
I'm holding out hope for you. It's not over till it's over.

Jen, thanks for the luck! Sending some back at you for your 2WW! Let us know how it goes with the progesterone supplements. Did you wind up having your levels tested?

monkeyprincess|1320446965|3054236 said:
Bright, ha, I totally have the "maybe I'm pregnant" moments all the time when there is no way it would even be biologically possible. On the flip side, when I realized that I can feel a pregnancy symptom pretty much any day of the month, it helped me overanalyzing pregnancy symptoms in the 2ww, which keeps me more sane than I was the first few months of trying.

That totally makes sense. I'm going to try to remember that for my next 2WW. ::)

monkeyprincess|1320446965|3054236 said:
I know exactly what you are saying that you can't trade spots with people who are pregnant or have kids, so you have to enjoy the life you have and make the most of your time alone with DH. I wholeheartedly agree with that. But the thing is - I feel like I already do that. I love spending time with DH, and we spend almost all of our free time together. We also go out and have dinner and go on trips when we have time. I guess what irritates me is when people assume that DH and I are naive about how much work having kids is and imply that we don't know how good we have it. I guess it's the whole "the grass is always greener" thing.

Yeah, I was totally thinking it was a grass greener situation too. I guess what is more hurtful is if others paint you as being "lucky" to be able to have so much freedom without kids. Hoping you get "unlucky" really soon. :wink2:

afm, not much to report on the TTC front. DH & I took a bike ride today & are going to see "Billy Elliot" tomorrow with the in-laws. Should be fun. I'll keep you posted on how the sono goes on Monday.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend! :wavey: