
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just a quick check-in to say that AF has yet to rear her ugly head! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1320534444|3054826 said:
Just a quick check-in to say that AF has yet to rear her ugly head! :appl:

That's great news! :appl: Are you going to test? How many dpo are you now?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling, go POAS!

Also, two things:

1. I had my vino tonight and it was blissful! Not the whole thing, I shared with my mom :))

2. I'm 99% sure I just had implantation bleeding (after the wine, of course!) It was identical brownish/pink that it was last time, and I also had a 0.2 dip this AM. I'll be shocked if I'm KTFU so quickly, so we are trying to sit tight and just wait patiently. I did read that a HPT should be positive 4-5 days after implantation, so we might be looking at a Weds POAS....holy moly.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, hope you enjoyed that wine as it sounds like it might be your last for a while... :appl:
So, sorry of this is tmi, but is implantation bleeding really noticeable? How long does it last?
I've heard lots of ladies are super fertile after a mc, so not so shocked if you're ktfu! Kmfxfu
for a bfp & super sticky bean! (where's the smiley for that?)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I don't knwo a lot about implantation bleeding. I just know that when the blastocyst nestles down into the uterine lining it "digs" in and some old lining appears. It can just be a one shot deal for some or last for a few days. Generally it's brown/pink as it's older blood and is more spotty, nothing significant. Mine just showed up on TP when I wiped, which is what happened previously.

I had some other pinching sensations, gas and a little cramping today, so we'll see. I too have heard you're more fertile after a MC. Very cautiously optimistic over here...

Thanks so much for the encouragement!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm 14DPO. I don't want to test until I miss a period (though I'll probably cave and test tomorrow). I'm trying not to obsess over it. Anyway, FF only just started the countdown to testing and I'm still at 5 days to test - this does seem a bit strange given how I'm 14DPO; any ideas?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1320570090|3055106 said:
Bright, I'm 14DPO. I don't want to test until I miss a period (though I'll probably cave and test tomorrow). I'm trying not to obsess over it. Anyway, FF only just started the countdown to testing and I'm still at 5 days to test - this does seem a bit strange given how I'm 14DPO; any ideas?


14DPO is two weeks since O. Implantation likely happened and once that happens, hcg rises. Get some first morning pee and put a stick to it! I saw a light positive 14DPO on a wondofo first time around...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy: Increased sex drive is definitely indicative of impending ovulation I’d bet you are for-sure in the TWW with perfect BD timing… how exciting!

Lizzy: Hope you’re well… You’ll either go in tomorrow or Wednesday for transfer! HOW EXCITING! Any word on when it will be? I am rooting for you!!! (...and secretly I'm rooting that two super-strong, super-healthy embies will implant and stick!)

Naked: Welcome to the group! Not trying but not preventing is a good way to start off. Hope you’re able to keep this cool, calm mentality for a while. It’s easy to get wrapped up in TTC (though that’s not necessarily a bad thing!)

Rach: Welcome to you, too! Rachael is my first name, so I do a double take each time I read a post/comment directed at you! That Fertilitea sounds interesting. Do you think it’s working? How long does it take to see results, on average?

Bright: I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow. How's everything else going??

MP: Hey there! How are you?

Jen: What are your thoughts on the progesterone suppositories? I’m very interested in them, as well as progesterone creams (though I’ve heard the creams are largely ineffective)

Mayerling: TEST! TEST! (I’m not an enambler, or anything….)

JGator: I hope things start to happen for you. It’s funny to WANT AF to show, but it totally makes sense. Sounds like you are 100% ready to move on and try again.

Ltl: Welcome back! How long have you been temping cycles? Is your O date pretty regular/predictable? I could be wrong, but it doesn’t seem to me that you’ve O’d yet. Unless CD 10 was a temp fluke. (And I just read that it probably was)… So… in that case… Maybe you did O! How are your temps today??

Meg: Hoorah for implantation bleeding!! I hope this is it for you… how great if you were PG again! I am thinking positively for you and am waiting anxiously for your test date. Stay away, AF! Stay away!

AMC: Oh. My. GOSH! Woman! You’re PREGNANT! I was teary eyed when I saw your post.. I’m am beyond thrilled for you and your DH/FI. Many congrats to you and tell little Stewie to STICK! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months, mama!

Generally: HOLY MOLY! I love how active this thread is right now! Awesome!

AFM: CD 24, somewhere between 6 and 10 DPO. Not knowing is ANNOYING! I temped on CD 21 to see if I was post-O, and the reading was 97.7... that's a post-O temp for me, for sure. I'm temping regularly next cycle, I've decided... We BD'd a bit between CD 10 and 13, but the earliest I've ovulated since Mirena removal was CD 17, the latest was CD 25 So... less-than-stellar timing. I expect spotting will begin any time between now and Wednesday (I usually start about 9 DPO). Bah humbug!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OMGosh. Best. Find. Ever.

If any of you already know about this, why in the heck did ya hold out on the rest of us!??!?!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'll probably test tomorrow since I can't get morning urine today. Any idea why FF is telling me that it is now 5 days until the day I should test?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1320603483|3055323 said:
I'll probably test tomorrow since I can't get morning urine today. Any idea why FF is telling me that it is now 5 days until the day I should test?

If you're 14 DPO, you don't really need FMU... Pinky swear :cheeky: It's not so much that FMU is an old wives tale, but there is not necessarily more hcg in your AM urine than your later-in-the-day urine. Just make sure you don't drink two glasses of water right before you test. Try to avoid drinking and hold your urine for a few hours. I've seen lots of HPT result photos where women got darker test lines from 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc urine than FMU.

FF is telling you to wait 5 more days to ensure accuracy. There are some women who don't get positive results until a few days past their missed periods. The reality, however, is that it's possible (for some... not all) to get positive results as early as 10 DPO. In fact, the FRER info sheet says that women who test one day before their missed periods (14 DPO, for many) are something like 97% likely to get an accurate result.

So... TEST! :naughty: (Or I guess I can force myself to wait for your AM update!... But it may kill me!)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I caved...


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1320611885|3055432 said:
I caved...

WOOOO! I KNEW IT!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! :appl:

YAYYAYA. Fingers crossed for a sticky lil beaner!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MAYERLING! Awesome! Congrats! WOOHOO!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling, Congratulations! Great news! I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!

Meg, your implantation symptoms sound promising. Hope your bean is super glue sticky this time around.

Bright, the doctor said we should get the genetic test results back at around 4 weeks. It has been 4.5 weeks - I think I miscalculated on a previous post - the D&C was on 10/5. So, I think I'll call next Wed if don't hear from the doctor before that.

PPM, hi, how are you doing? Sounds like you're still in it this cycle. Hope this is it for you. Yes, it is funny to want AF to arrive - especially on this board!

AFM, AF arrived a couple hours ago in full force. I finally get a new chart on FF - my last chart was 105 days long. My DH travels usually Monday - Thursday for work so I am hoping my O timing works out this cycle that we are in the same city at the same time...just need to catch the egg and DH on a weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling - Congratulations!!!!!

BrightSpot - for you answer on hair loss, check out this article It is hard to say what I think it is without knowing everything that is going on. I do know it is possible to loose your hair from dying it. But it typically has to be harsh frequent treatments, think Lady Gaga. I went off OCP in Jan as well. I am not using OPKs this month, as I was not sure if my husband would be home in time for us to try. But if no luck this month, I am going to do those next month.

Tammy - You are right, whatever is meant to happen will happen. I think you might be right about the timing of ovulation on my chart, I will have an answer tomorrow, as if my temp keeps rising it will be the third day.

MP - While I enjoy the free time I have for myself and my husband, I think at some point you are ready to take the next step in your lives. I can totally understand where you are coming from. It is just the typical people don't know what to say to you, and they say the wrong thing in an attempt to make you feel better.

meg - Wishing you luck this cycle, hopefully it is good news when you do decide to test.

PilsnPinkysMom - Yes I am back, my life went on full swing for the last few months. Some job opportunities came up, and I also decided to apply for fellowship, so I had no free time. I am in the waiting game for the newt 6-8 weeks, but now I have much more time! Sorry things do not seem to be working out this cycle, but you never know....

JGator - I guess I am not the only person who's husband travels. It makes this so much harder. I am glad you are getting a fresh start, that is a long cycle.

AFM. Temp went up to 97.51 this morning, which is higher than the 2 previous. I am really hoping for a higher one tomorrow. No crosshairs yet.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling, Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy :appl:

Meg, sounds like implantation bleeding indeed... can't wait til you can test!

Bright, I had had my progesterone levels tested months ago, before I was really timing ovulation and such. The dr. had me come in on day 21, but I ended up having a 31 day cycle that month so I'm not sure how it affected the results. My level was 8.5 which they were ok with. But, he still thinks it could be dropping off too suddenly in the days before my period. To be honest, he's not totally sure the progesterone is the issue with the early spotting/bleeding but told me to try the supplements and see if they help with it. I'm certainly willing to try it for at least one cycle and see how I feel.
Keep us posted on how it goes tomorrow!

PPM - I'll keep you posted on the progesterone supplements. I start them tonight as my dr. said to start them 4 days after a positive OPK. He did warn me they'll likely make me quite tired, so to take them at night. (Great, just what every busy girl needs, added fatigue!) Oh, btw I am taking oral supplements, not the suppositories. So, we'll see. I do hear the suppositories have less side effects so we'll so how I feel with the pills. Sounds like you are not totally out for this cycle... not knowing DPO does sound annoying for sure. Hang in there!

Lizzy, congratulations on 11 eggs! Very exciting news!

JGator - so glad for you that you finally get to start a new cycle. That wait must have been so frustrating.

Ltl - Any clarity on your o-date yet?

tammy - good luck in the 2WW! I am in it too- it's a real killer. I learned from the last couple of cycles to try not to analyze symptoms as it will only drive you crazy!

afm, as I mentioned above I start taking prometrium (progesterone supplements) tonight. Supposed to take them for 10 days and then test... which would put me 13 or 14 dpo - it's going to be tough to wait that long but I'm planning to try. So, no POAS for me until NEXT wednesday. ugh.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, sorry I missed you before. I took Crinone 8% progesterone suppositories nightly after I got my BFP and my first and 2nd blood test were in the 10s and then 8s for progesterone levels. I was told to take it at night so that the progesterone would get absorbed and not leak out. I did not find I was tired from the progesterone or any other side effects. After a week or so, I started to have some white clumps showing up on toilet paper pretty regularly - the nurses said that was normal - just extra progesterone leaking out. They said everything I needed would be absorbed at night. My progesterone level went up to the 20s after taking the suppositories.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, sorry I missed you before. Yes, it is a pain dealing with a travelling husband, but I was pretty lucky to ovulate on/around weekends in my first 6 months of trying and I visited him a few times to work around the timing. I hope the travel and O timing works out well for you so you quickly get your BFP, and then you will only have to worry about scheduling your pregnancy appointments around your DH's schedule.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations Mayerling! You are much, MUCH stronger willed than I am. No way I could hold out that long to POAS! So happy for you. :appl:

Ltl, good luck tomorrow! I know all too well how tough it is to see your temp plummet vs rise on that third day, so frustrating! :errrr: Anyhow, hoping for you!

Hope everyone has had a good weekend, back to the grind tomorrow, but it's a 4 day week woohoo! :rodent:

AFM it's been a rocky weekend. Hoping this week goes by fast, I'm sooo not used to this TWW business and DH has never experienced it at all, so it's an interesting time in our household communication wise. :rolleyes: haha
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you, ladies! :appl:

I still can't believe it. I'm going to try to get a medical appointment today and see what happens. I'm in the UK and as far as I know they don't offer blood tests to confirm but we'll wait and see what happens. My cramps are still there; I didn't get much sleep last night because I was afraid to take ibuprofen to ease them; I'm hoping the doctor will say that painkillers are fine.

Good luck to everyone else! Looking forward to more sticky beans!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I feel a liiitle silly posting this. Are my tired and hopeful eyes playing tricks on me? I see something. Shadow? Faint line? I'm going to test again in two days just to confirm, but for your stick-analyzing pleasure.... (And I should note that I can only see it when my monitor is tilted backward... whatever 'it' is, is more obvious IRL)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, It's late and my eyes are tired but that is a line!!!

Congrats to all the other recent BPFs too. :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1320653235|3055923 said:
Thank you, ladies! :appl:

I still can't believe it. I'm going to try to get a medical appointment today and see what happens. I'm in the UK and as far as I know they don't offer blood tests to confirm but we'll wait and see what happens. My cramps are still there; I didn't get much sleep last night because I was afraid to take ibuprofen to ease them; I'm hoping the doctor will say that painkillers are fine.

Good luck to everyone else! Looking forward to more sticky beans!

Congrats Mayerling! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months! FYI general medical advice is tylenol (acetaminophen) is safe during pregnancy, but ibuprofen is not.

PPM! I think I see something there! Can't wait to see you test again lady!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats PPM!

Stephbolt, the doctor's basically told me that unless I'm practically dying I should avoid taking anything. I'm not surprised given how in the UK they're very reluctant to prescribe anything.

Also, something which puzzled me is that she said I should stop using my antifungal - I have onycholysis where the nail separates from the nail bed so I spray an antifungal under my nail (I've been doing this since late August and there's a big improvement but I know there's still some fungus there). She said I should just leave my nails and wait until after the pregnancy to treat them. I guess I'm not sure why an antifungal on the nails would affect the fetus.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom|1320670701|3055989 said:
I feel a liiitle silly posting this. Are my tired and hopeful eyes playing tricks on me? I see something. Shadow? Faint line? I'm going to test again in two days just to confirm, but for your stick-analyzing pleasure.... (And I should note that I can only see it when my monitor is tilted backward... whatever 'it' is, is more obvious IRL)

That ain't no shadow. That's a line! Yay! :appl: :appl: :appl:

...I must exit this thread. I love a good BFP but DH isn't going to appreciate all of this TTC business rubbing off on me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling, Congrats to you! :appl: To guess an answer to your question, I suspect the anti-fungal may absorb into your bloodstream through your skin. There are lots of websites out there with info on medications that are not advised to be taken during pregnancy. You might google the name for more info/clarification.

PPM, It's a line! It's a line! Congrats!!! :appl:

Puppmom, Same here!! Time for me to scoot on out!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mayerling, a big congratulations! See you had nothing to worry about. Wishing you a sticky bean and a healthy pregnancy?

PPM, a cautious congrats to you too! I see a hint of a line, and a line is a line! Keep us posted.

Lizzy, crossing my fingers for you that your embryos are growing nice and strong! Sending lots of postive thoughts and prayers your way this week!

Bright, hope the test went okay today. You’ll have to let us know if you noticed any difference between that and the HSG. I'm hoping that you are able to get some answers and take the next step in this process soon.

Jen, I just came from an appointment, and I will probably be taking progesterone supplements next cycle too just as a precaution. I think we’re at about the same point in our cycles, so good luck to you in the 2WW!

Megumic, I hope you’re right about the implantation spotting!

NF, I concur with the others that an occasional glass of wine in the 2WW is nothing to worry about, so I’m glad you found a workable solution. Where are you at in your wait?

Rachel, it certainly isn't a bad idea to get your cycle checked out sooner rather than later. You said you’ve only started trying this month, right? It would be nice if you got a surprise BFP while you wait for your appointment!

JGator, I’m sure it is a big relief that AF finally showed. I’m hoping the timing of your test results and your O day work out, so you can start trying again soon.

Firecracker, hoping your temps are still up and you are officially in the 2WW!

Tammy, hang in there. You probably have a couple more days to go before the real symptom-spotting madness will begin!

HOT, nice to see you pop in. Hope all is well with you!

AFM, I had my consultation with the NP this morning, and I feel SO much better after talking with her. She was great, and seems very proactive. She said that we have been doing everything right and it should have worked by now. It was nice to be validated! She said that based on my blood test results and the fact that I have been getting positive OPKs with regular cycles, she is more suspicious that something may be amiss on DH’s end. So, I’m supposed to call as soon as AF arrives (which will probably be next Monday) and schedule an appointment for DH to come in early next week for an SA. Then depending on DH’s results, I will probably start clomid next cycle and possibly do an IUI. If DH’s results come back normal, I will have my tubes checked instead. The only problem is that DH has to go into the clinic to "provide" his sample, and I had told him that I thought he could do it from home. I know women have to have all the invasive tests and go through most of the hard work, but at least we don’t have to masturbate at a doctor’s office! I know he’s willing to do what he has to do, but I feel bad for him. Anyway, I feel much more hopeful that we are at least on the way to finding out what the problem is and that we will actually start the next step next cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom said:
AMC: Oh. My. GOSH! Woman! You’re PREGNANT! I was teary eyed when I saw your post.. I’m am beyond thrilled for you and your DH/FI. Many congrats to you and tell little Stewie to STICK! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months, mama!

Thank you so much!!

I totally see a line. It looks similar to the one I posted the day before I got my BFP.

Mayerling, OMG, congrats! I think we have the same EDD based on ovulation. You were 15DPO when you tested and that was yesterday, right? I'm eithr 14 or 16 DPO today, so we are right on!

Also, I'm jealous of those cool digis you guys can buy over there.

What a fun few days on this thread!!

AFM, still in disbelief. I did take my first belly pic yesterday to use as a baseline pic. I made a deal with Stewie- if he eats all of my fat over the next 2.5 weeks, I'll feed him anything he wants on the cruise. :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, Congratulations!!! :appl: Keep us posted. Super sticky vibes going your way.

MP, I am so happy about your NP appointment. Sounds like you found the right person to be your advocate going forward. You must be very relieved. I hope the SA in the office is not too uncomfortable for your DH. I cannot imagine being a guy and having to do that, but it's probably not as bad as half the stuff we as women have to do to have a baby.