
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh amc, my heart sank. So sorry. No doubt about it, that just plain sucks. My thoughts are with you and your DH.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1320769761|3056940 said:
NF, congrats!!

Well, bad news ladies. I woke up this morning and my temp was way down (I'm 17DPO). Not below my cover line, but pretty close. I took my last FRER and it was negative. So it looks like a chemical pregnancy (I've decided I hate that term)/early mc. Boo. I have a call into my doctor to see about getting a blood test. I'm trying to see the positive and be happy this happened now and not in a few weeks when I'm on the cruise...It really does suck though.

Ugh, amc, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I know all too well how horrible that feeling can's just plain awful and it lingers. It's a complete rollercoaster to get a BFP to just then at some point later be let down. I'm so sorry. Hopefully your Dr can confirm one way or another shortly. We have such great technology that we find out so early, but I can't help but wonder if it is a disadvantage because we know so much so soon. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to process this - whatever the outcome may be. Lots of hugs!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NF, congrats! I can't get enough of all of these BFPs!

AMC, I'm so sorry. No one should ever have to go on that roller coaster. From experience, I know how terrible it can be. ;( My miscarriage was very tough on me but DH and I had a vacation scheduled and we decided to go. It really did wonders for my spirits and I hope your cruise and good company does the same for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm so very sorry amc. :(sad I still have my fingers crossed for you that it's a fluke. Know we're all here for you! I'm not sure what else to say. :((

Meg, I'm 6DPO and I'm sure I'll test early so I'll join you on Friday.

Hope everyone is doing well. I read everyone's posts but I'm trying to tone down my TWW craziness (don't know if it's working, but trying) so I am limiting my posting. Congratulations to all of our recent BFPs and hoping you have healthy and smooth pregnancies.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, so excited for tomorrow. I hope it all goes smoothly.

Firecracker, you could test earlier than 12-13 DPO. I know ladies on here have gotten BFPs at 9-10 DPO.

Jen, hope you remain without any side effects with the progesterone. I think I should be on them all the time, but my doctor said to wait till my next BFP and come in to get my progesterone levels checked before taking it again. She said the low progesterone levels could vary from pregnancy to pregnancy.

PPM, completely understand hanging around TTC for a while. I hope to be in your shoes soon, and I'll definitely be on the fence between the 2 groups probably for the first trimester.

MissRachel, yeah on getting an appointment. I completely understand. I am really looking forward to my RE appointment next week. Knowledge is power.

Meg, sorry about your test results. Yeah for implantation spotting. I am planning to try this cycle. I think my DH wants the genetic test results back first - and I really hope we get them in the next 12 days or so in time for O. I am older (just turned 40) so I feel like every month I am closer to running out of eggs so I really don't have the luxury of waiting around too long. We're seeing an RE a week from Friday which should be right around O time so if we don't get the genetic test results back by then at least the RE will likely give us a green light.

Congrats NF! Have fun in JBP and I wish you all the best for a healthy pregnancy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone. I'm still holding on to a glimmer of hope (a very, very small glimmer). I've done some searching and it appears that a lot of people have gotten false negatives on FRERs lately (within the past month). I used one of my tests yesterday afternoon but my pee was completely diluted...there was a line...very faint, but still there. These tests were new, I just bought them yesterday, so they are a different batch than my previous ones. I wish the doctor would call me back. I have a meeting at 9:30 so I'm sure she'll be calling me then :rolleyes:

ETA- of course there's still that temp drop thing, so chances are it's bad news.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I don't want to complicate matters for you, but I know I read somewhere that they say that it's good to stop temping once you get a bfp because temps can be erratic in pregnancy. Your test lines should be getting darker vs lighter though. :(
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, I missed your post before I submitted my last one. I am sorry you are going through this. I hope it's a fluke. I looked back at my BFP chart, and my temps did go down, down, up, down, and up again after my BFP. Maybe your next POAS will be more reassuring. Hugs to you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, AF has arrived. This totally sucks, no other way to put it. I knew this was wayyyyy too easy. I'm very thankful, though, that this happened now and not when I'm on my cruise.

On a positive note, I will now be drinking at my wedding and on the cruise. Probably heavily.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, I am so sorry to hear this. :(sad Hugs. Take care of yourself.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, very sorry for your loss. I was hoping for some good news.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So sorry amc...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So sorry to hear this news AMC... We are all here for you. Try to stay positive. Good news is you can get pregnant and I'm sure you will be again before you know it.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1320780969|3057123 said:
So sorry to hear this news AMC... We are all here for you. Try to stay positive. Good news is you can get pregnant and I'm sure you will be again before you know it.

Thank you. That's sort of my silver lining I suppose. I have friends who have lost babies as late as 16 weeks, so in comparison, this really isn't horrible. Not fun by any means, but it could be so much worse.

As it turns out I should be Oing the week before the wedding. We are off of work starting 11/23 and the wedding is 11/27, so aside from that whole packing/traveling/last minute scramble stuff we will have lots of time for baby making. Maybe these hormones will give me an extra boost next month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm sorry that AF arrived. :(sad I'm very happy that it didn't happen to you on your cruise though and you WILL get your bfp very soon. It's not much of a consolation, but you now get to full on try for your little one and you have a little time before the wedding to process this. I want to make sure that you know that I'm not trying to trivializing your loss at all, just trying to help with those silver linings too.

I wish I could give you a real hug.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, I'm sorry about AF coming and I hope you have some needed and well deserved celebration on your cruise. Just one thing - don't feel like you're not entitled to mourn because your miscarriage was early. I think one of the things I struggled with early on was being embarrassed that I was sad because it was *early* and people have much worse things happen to them. I also learned to not ASSUME that DH wasn't upset because he wasn't all teary-eyed like me. For weeks, I was not only sad that I miscarried but sad that I thought DH wasn't upset. Turns out a little communication goes a long way (who knew!). It did indeed upset him but (surprise), we didn't react the same way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, I'm so sorry to hear AF arrived. As much as we like having you around here, I wish that you weren't back under these circumstances :(( I guess the baby you are meant to have is still waiting for the right time, but I have a feeling that it won't be long before you get another BFP. In the meantime, my thoughts are with you. So sorry you had to experience this.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1320787222|3057228 said:
amc, I'm so sorry to hear AF arrived. As much as we like having you around here, I wish that you weren't back under these circumstances :(( I guess the baby you are meant to have is still waiting for the right time, but I have a feeling that it won't be long before you get another BFP. In the meantime, my thoughts are with you. So sorry you had to experience this.

Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate it. I'm going to stop on the way home and get a bottle of wine. They say laughter is the best medicine but really I think wine is a close second. DH is bummed but very much the "well there was obviously something wrong so this is a good thing" person. And I know he's right. I told him he better rest up because we are trying for real this month and he's going to be tired. Ha.

Question for any who may know- how far along do you have to be to need a Rhogam shot? I'm guessing I was way too early to warrant one, and I'll obviously call my doctor IF SHE EVER CALLS BACK, but thought I would ask here as well. Damn negative blood.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc, wine certainly is great medicine. We give large doses of it daily around here, especially when the cranky gets crankier! Drink up sister and be kind to yourself.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Update- finally heard back from the doctor. I do have to get a rhogam shot. I'm going in tomorrow at 8:45. She also said that even heavy bleeding doesn't absolutely mean a mc and they will take a look at everything while I'm in there. I'm not optomistic given the negative test and temp drop, but I guess stranger things ave happened.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hugs to you, AMC. Wine is a great helper in times like these. Take it one day at a time, and sooner than later you'll be able to try again. I know that doesn't help reduce the pain of THIS pregnancy, but I know there are lots of great things in your future, including a baby.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1320793683|3057299 said:
Update- finally heard back from the doctor. I do have to get a rhogam shot. I'm going in tomorrow at 8:45. She also said that even heavy bleeding doesn't absolutely mean a mc and they will take a look at everything while I'm in there. I'm not optomistic given the negative test and temp drop, but I guess stranger things ave happened.

AMC - I am so sorry, I am holding out for you, as until you see your doctor (I am guessing she will do a serum HCG???) this isn't over. But I know how hard this must be.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, so sorry you are going through this right now. Keep us posted how your appointment goes tomorrow. Sending good thoughts your way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you today and hope the transfer goes well. Rest up and take care of yourself! I will be sending you dust for a sticky little bean!

AMC, thinking of you today too. Hoping for a miracle. Let us know what you hear after your appointment.

Hope everyone else is doing well, and that those of you in the 2WW are holding strong.

AFM, I'm 7dpo, and unless I'm pregnant by some miracle, I just want AF to get here already, so we can schedule our SA and find out what the plan will be for next cycle! However, to say that DH is not looking forward to the SA would be putting it mildly. I think he's mostly worried about being embarrassed and uncomfortable and also having performance anxiety. He's sort of been in a funk ever since I told him that is the next step. I completely understand his apprehension, but I'm really hoping he can buck up and do what he needs to do.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies,

I am hoping to get a little advice. My DH and I are currently trying by not preventing, as of last month. I used to temp a while back as a preventative measure and found I usually O'd around CD19. However, I am not doing that anymore as I think it would just cause me stress during TTC/not preventing (I'm not sure if I've adjusted fully to actually calling it ttc ;)).

Anyways, I have noticed very irregular cycles as of June of this year. That cycle lasted from June 14 to August 14. My "normal" cycles are approximately 31-33 days. The next being September 17 and nothing since. I've spotted twice Oct 22 (a few days after AF was due) and just recently a few days ago. Both times I felt as if AF was on her way, but nope.

My normal pre-AF symptoms are bloating, sore bbs (I assume after O all the way until AF). I've had both since mid Oct. We have done a lot of traveling since June, with extra added stress along the way-- could that be a cause of my long cycles? I'm tempted to test soon, but because of the long cycle in June I'm scared of it just being another long cycle and a wasted test.

Thank you so much in advance. I apologize for this being so long. :oops:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Petite, hi. Sorry to hear about your irregular cycles. How long have you been off of birth control? Personally, I think you should take a test. I wouldn't look at it as a "wasted" test, because if you are pregnant, you need to know so that you can make the necessary lifestyle changes, etc. On the other hand, if you are not pregnant, you may want to see a doctor about your irregular cycles to make sure that you are ovulating regularly. I know you don't want to have extra stress while you are just starting to try (or not prevent), but I sometimes think that not having any information about when and if you are ovulating can cause more stress than using OPKs and/or taking your temps. Oh, and yes, I do think that travelling and stress can sometimes affect your cycle, so that is a possibility. Good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys. Well, it looks like I had a chemical pregnancy. They did a urine test (sensitivity was 25) and it was negative. Then they did an U/S and couldn't see anything. On a positive note, I don't have any cysts on my ovaries as I suspected, so that's a plus. She said everything looks good and we can try again whenever we want. She didn't give me the rhogam shot because she said I wasn't far enough along for the baby to be producing any sort of blood supply. She ordered a quant blood test, though, and if that comes back positive then I might still have to get the shot. They ordered it stat so I'll have it in a couple of hours.

This completely sucks, but if there wasn't something right with the baby then I'm glad it happened when it did. I cried it out pretty thoroughly last night (bonus- I was asleep by 9:30) and am feeling much better today. Not 100%, but a solid 65%.

Had two awkward moments today. One, when I was checking in at the doc and the receptionist said "oh, are you pregnant?" My response was "uhhhhhhhh" and luckily she got it. Two, I was getting my blood drawn and the blood taker lady looked at my lab sheet and said "oh, you're pregnant" and I said "well, I was, but it was chemical" to which she looked very confused. So she said "so you aren't pregnant?" and I had to explain it was an early m/c.

I haven't decided my game plan for this month. In light of everything I should probably wait until I'm further along to test...but I still got a positive at 14DPO, so I'm sure my 15DPO would have been positive too. So who knows.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, thinking of you. Good luck today. Super sticky dust going your way.

Petite, I think you should test as you may be pregnant. I know my sister had what she thought was a period and found out later she was already a month pregnant at that time.

AMC, sorry to hear your news from the doctor. I think you should wait until after the cruise to test whenever that is..just enjoy your trip and be cautiously optimistic. My health insurance company called me recently to tell me about a special program for expecting moms - I said well, I was pregnant, but not anymore - that was awkward.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just submitted a response--- but I am guessing it didn't go through or was sent elsewhere? oops.

Thanks JGator & Monkeyprincess for replying. I think I will cave and test soon. I remembered though that my thyroid medications were changed just last month, because my levels were over 10. Perhaps they haven't lowered as they should have yet. I've been cautious either way to avoid anything that could cause harm, just in case.

AMC- I've been reading the board for a while and followed your story. I was really hoping for a positive outcome following your appointment. I am glad you were given the go ahead to try again when you feel comfortable. I hope your wedding plans keep you busy and you are able to enjoy the cruise 1 million percent! Best of luck.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1320863110|3057902 said:
AMC, sorry to hear your news from the doctor. I think you should wait until after the cruise to test whenever that is..just enjoy your trip and be cautiously optimistic. My health insurance company called me recently to tell me about a special program for expecting moms - I said well, I was pregnant, but not anymore - that was awkward.

That's sort of what I was thinking. I don't think I'll have much of a choice because I won't ovulate until the 23rd or so now. It will definitely have to be when I get back.