
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I know it sucks having to answer all of the awkward questions too. So I totally get that. I say enjoy your cruise and just take it easy. Also, most often after a loss, O is delayed. Once your beta drops below 5 it is considered day 1. But until then day 1 gets delayed. Did that make sense? So just try to go with the flow. Enjoy your wedding, your cruise, etc. You'll have plenty of time to obsess like the rest of us when you are back!

AFM, my transfer went great! Of the 10 blastocysts, they transferred one into me, they froze one more because it looked really good, and 6 of them they will wait until tomorrow, letting them grow one more day, and let me know how many are going to be frozen. So I only lost two. They were really pleased with the blastocyst count, quality, and with my transfer. It was a really cool experience. I could actually see them put the blastocyst in via ultrasound. So now I wait.... next Friday will be my first beta, then Monday if it is positive. Hoping for a baby!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1320865555|3057945 said:
AMC, I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I know it sucks having to answer all of the awkward questions too. So I totally get that. I say enjoy your cruise and just take it easy. Also, most often after a loss, O is delayed. Once your beta drops below 5 it is considered day 1. But until then day 1 gets delayed. Did that make sense? So just try to go with the flow. Enjoy your wedding, your cruise, etc. You'll have plenty of time to obsess like the rest of us when you are back!

AFM, my transfer went great! Of the 10 blastocysts, they transferred one into me, they froze one more because it looked really good, and 6 of them they will wait until tomorrow, letting them grow one more day, and let me know how many are going to be frozen. So I only lost two. They were really pleased with the blastocyst count, quality, and with my transfer. It was a really cool experience. I could actually see them put the blastocyst in via ultrasound. So now I wait.... next Friday will be my first beta, then Monday if it is positive. Hoping for a baby!

That makes sense. I'm guessing it's already below 5 since a FRER yesterday didn't pick up anything. I guess I'll find out in a few hours.
So excited that your transfer went well!!! Hopefully the little guy sticks. Not to freak you out, but I've read that the rate of identical twins is way higher in IVF (2.6% with a 5DT, versus .25-.5% naturally). So maybe you'll get an extra surprise :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, I had a few of those awkward moments. Fortunately for the staff, I was out of it and didn't growl at them for saying such dumb stuff. When the nurse was registering me for my impromptu "you're having a miscarriage" visit, she says, "This is confusing. I don't know if I should put this in as a prenatal visit or GYN check since you're having a miscarriage." I think you have to get Rhogam within 72 hours so you may have to march your buns back to the office quickly if they decide it's necessary. I'm glad you had a good cry and are feeling a bit better. I hope your cruise is fantastic! ...and can't wait to hear great news from you soon.

Lizzy, yay! I'm glad everything went well. I can't wait to hear more!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah, Lizzy! Very excited for you. I hope next Friday gets here quickly and you have great news to share.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations, Lizzyann! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, yep, the "mild pcos" diagnosis seems to be based on the cysts they found on my ovaries during the ultrasound. He wasn't concerned because he said I wasn't overweight but my weight has been creeping up a bit especially around the middle. I also went for a couple of years without a period several years ago but thought it was due to weight loss. 
Btw, it took a couple of weeks for my dh's SA results to come in. Hopefully your dh's office/lab will provide speedier results. Also hope he doesn't feel too awkward about it. 

Nf, congrats!! Lots of sticky dust to you!

Fire, yay for crosshairs! Fingers crossed for you!
Thanks for your thoughts. I've spoken with many hairdressers about my hair loss & they've all said the dye shouldn't cause a problem. (I do it myself with professional products). I dye to cover lots of grey so am hesitant to stop. 

Jen, maybe romance is overrated anyway. How are the progesterone supplements going?

Ppm, always glad to have you around these parts! Hoping you feel more confident soon. Hugs. Continued sticky dust coming your way. 

Jgator, I hope your re appt goes well on Friday. That would be great if you join the clomid/iui club!

S&i, yeah dh was definitely relieved that my re didn't think his SA results were all that bad. 

Rach, that's great on scoring an appt so quickly! I hope your new doc
can get to the bottom of your cycles issues. 

Meg, lol re sexy speculums. 
I'm so sorry about the thyroid problem. Have you met with your doc again? Hope everything is ok/ you get a good plan to move forward. 

Amc, I'm so sorry, sweetie. Hugs. I'm glad all went well with your doc & your ovaries are clear but sorry about the awkward exchanges. Keep us posted. Crossing my fingers for you for next month. Sounds like the timing will be ideal. 

Tammy, hope you're feeling better soon. 

Petite, welcome! I second the advice to test. If you're not pg, it's definitely worth seeing your doc about the irregular cycles. 

Lizzy, I've been thinking about you & was so happy to read your update. Sounds like a fantastic report! Was the transfer easy to handle/comfortable? Wishing for a super strong sticky bean for you!

So I've had a pretty rough couple of days. I had some cramping after the ultrasound but nothing severe. I'm still spotting a bit, though. My shock & optimism about my pcos diagnosis & new plan have worn off & I'm left with a mild panic & lots of questions. My re didn't spend much time going over the diagnosis with me and only told me about it when I asked specifically about cysts in light of my other pcos symptoms. I called the nurses line & asked about pcos & the usual treatment & she said metformin is more often prescribed than clomid as it actually addresses (non fertility related) pcos problems as well. She was also surprised that the re hadn't run a full pcos panel even though I've specifically asked for one each time I've seen him. She said she'd pull my chart & look into it/have someone (doc?) get back to me, but no news yet. I just feel so helpless with the hair loss, especially. 
Now that i look back, I've been having hair loss issues for many years but I always had such thick hair & so much of it that I just thought that lots of hair on the floor went along with having lots of hair on the head. Not so. My re is nearly bald so I hesitate to gripe too much to him but I really believe it's different to lose your hair as a woman. From my reading now, I'm not sure that the loss is reversible so I want to treat it ASAP before it gets much worse. If the fertility treatments wind up being at odds with something to help hair loss I'm not sure what I'll do. 
Fortunately dh has been wonderful & supportive. (even cat has allowed extra snuggling) Not sure what I'd do without him. 
Sorry for being such a Debbie downer. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Lizzy, you and your little blastocyst (what a terrible name for a future baby!) have a huge cheering section! Lots of dust headed your way for a strong implantation and a sticky bean. You’ve done all you can do, so just relax as much as you can and think positively!

AMC, hugs. You sound like you are doing as best as can be expected under the circumstances. It sounds like you want to try again next cycle, so I’m really pulling for you to get a sticky bean just in time for your wedding!

Bright, so sorry you’ve had a rough couple of days. This whole journey is such a rollercoaster, isn’t it? You’ve mentioned a few times that your RE isn’t the most attentive doctor and doesn’t the best bedside manner. Have you considered seeing someone else? I think that worrying about whether your doctor is listening to you and fully addressing your questions/issues only adds more stress to an already too stressful situation. I really do think you will be able to get to the bottom of the PCOS issue, especially if it is a mild case and you have regular cycles. I’ve mentioned this before, but my sister was also told she had a mild case of PCOS. She is a little heavier than me, but not what I'd consider overweight. From what I've read, plenty of thin women have PCOS, so that's odd that your RE said that. My sister's only outward symptom was that she always needed to wax some extra hair on her face and other parts of her body, but I guess her bloodwork came back with some elevated levels. I do think she was on metformin briefly, but when she got pregnant, she was using clomid. Also, my BIL’s SA came back with less than desirable results, but they got pregnant with the clomid and without an IUI. Just saying that your situation may not be as dire as it seems. I do think you are right to insist on a full blood panel, so you can get the right treatment. As for the hair loss, I definitely agree that it is different for women, and I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with that on top of everything else. Hopefully, there is some treatment you can get that will help you get pregnant and stop the hair loss.

Oh, and regarding my DH's SA results, the NP said she would rush his results, so we could try to get started right away. If there is some delay and we have to wait one more cycle, it certainly won't be the end of the world, although I will be disappointed. I'm worried he is going to psych himself out. He is so outgoing and unafraid of anything, except when it comes to anything medical-related. I guess that is probably pretty typical of men.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


Bright - I'm sorry you didn't get much info from your doc, but I agree with mp that's there's lots of hope for women with pcos. I have mild pcos - my only symptoms are long cycles (Oing in the 20's generally) and multiple cysts on my ovaries. I was prescribed Clomid for an earlier ovulation and got pregnant twice on it. Metformin is often commonly prescribed too and does wonders for a lot of pcos women in helping them ovulate regularly and also sustain a pregnancy once conception is achieved. (Ii didn't take it the first time I got pg, but my doctor had prescribed it) I've read that losing weight can improve fertility in pcos women, as well. HUGS - it's another challenge to have to overcome in relation to ttc, but the overall prognosis in relation to ttc is quite good.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, Bright, I'm sad that you're sad. Please cheer up. I agree with MP that you should look at changing REs. See if anyone sounds good on or Yelp. I am currently looking for a regular endocrinologist and I posted on a DC area mom's message board and got some good recommendations - so you could try something similar for NYC. You are really in a great city for doctors so I'm sure a really smart one with bedside manner who also takes your insurance is out there. I think this will all be behind you soon, but try to look on the positive side of things. You are definitely a lot closer to a BFP now than you were a few months ago.

MP, I feel for your DH. I'm sure my DH would freak out about an SA. As soon as we got a BFP in late August, he said we know my boys work now. We have our upcoming RE appointment a week from Friday, and he keeps bringing up that we got pregnant once, so he couldn't possibly have any issues on his end. I think he's scared of the SA and keeps testing the waters with me on what I think.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, my RE said there is a chance I have a mild case of PCOS too but when the blood work was run everything looked fine. Did they have you do the fasting sugar test? Did they run the male hormone test? First things first, I'd get that RE to run the proper testing. Because if you do not have PCOS then you may need to research further on the hair loss issue. Also, I'm pretty sure my RE said that if I needed it they would put me on metformin and would also use Clomid/IUI as well. If that RE gives you a hard time about the blood work, I'd find a new one. You want someone who understands and wants to get to the bottom of things. I went back to my OB and ask for a new recommendation once my first one didn't work out and I am really pleased now.

MP, honestly my DH was nervous about the SA too, but the people in the lab are very professional. They take this very seriously. So he doesn't have to worry about people making him feel weird. Obviously, it's embarrassing! I get that. But if you plan on doing an IUI, he will have to go in one more time after the SA to make a deposit, so at least this way he gets a trial run! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, wonderful news.. I'm glad it was a good experience for you! Hoping you get some exciting news next Friday!

Bright, so sorry you are feeling down these past couple of days. Big Hugs to you. Forgive me if I missed an earlier post, but have you ever addressed your hair loss concerns with your re? I wouldn't worry about being sensitive because he is balding. I agree it's a different situation being a woman and I would push the issue if I were you. Are you at all considering switching re's as some of the ladies suggested?

Petite - Welcome! I'm a long-time lurker new to posting here myself. Have you tested yet?

Meg - How are you doing in the TWW? I'm sorry you're struggling with the thyroid issues. Anything new to report?

AFM - not much new to report. Still feeling fine on the progesterone. I'm 6 or 7 dpo and am planning to test a week from today. I'm hoping the progesterone works and I don't get spotting before that. So far though I haven't needed to test because the early spotting/bleeding has given me my answer.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, when in your cycle did your doctor have you start taking progesterone? Are they suppositories? When I was trying naturally, my RE had me start using it 3 days after a positive OPK to ensure that there was time for sperm to meet egg before using the suppositories. I have been behind in this thread, so sorry if you have already explained all this. And welcome again!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fly by...

Lizzy, all positive dusties to you! Really hoping this is both a success and a sticky lil bean!!! How do you feel today?

Just sitting here. Waiting. Patiently. No bar results. No testing. 9DPO. Waiting. Waiting. The longer I wait, the less hopeful I feel :knockout:

Who else is just sitting and waiting in the darn 2WW????
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just a quick fly by as well

Meg - Yep I am just waiting as well. I am 6 DPO.

Lizzy - I hope that the IVF is successful.

AMC - I am so sorry you had to go though that yesterday. As others I have said, I love having you on the forum, but not under these circumstances.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA.

First off, a big congrats to those with recent BFP's! How exciting,ladies!!! Lots of sticky dust and well wishes for a happy healthy 9 months!

AMC, I'm sorry to hear about your chemical. The same thing happened to me in July, I had a BFP on a FRER and then POOF it was gone and AF came. I'm sorry for your loss and the disappointment.

AFM, this has been a no good week. Last Thursday my grandfather had a major stroke and passed away. We had to fly out to TN early in the morning, and we didn't get back until late last night. I started spotting while I was down there, and my luteal phase continued on and my temps stayed up. But it was just a mockery, AF made her grand debut this morning at work :bigsmile: yay! This cycle was a mess for me, I have no idea what was going on, when I ovulated, if my LP was longer than usual, or if it was the same and my cycle was just longer. I have an ultrasound scheduled this month to see if anything is going on in there, like cysts or anything. Then I'm going to go ahead and get blood work done to test my hormones, and DH sperm count as well. Here's a link to my chart if anyone is interested in helping me determine what happened.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, so sorry that AF arrived. Such a blow especially after having high temps :(( How long have you been trying again? Hopefully long enough for your doctor to run the tests. Sorry if you've already mentioned this, but remind me, is this the first cycle you've charted or do you already know how long your LP usually is? I do know that some people have luteal phases longer than 14 days, and that's why they say that your temperature should be up for 18 days to confirm a pregnancy, so it's possible you have long LPs. It is also possible that you had a chemical pregnancy. Did you ever take a pregnancy test? But I would definitely try to figure out why you're spotting before AF. It seems unlikely to me that you have low progesterone is your temps are staying up and you have long LPs, but I could be wrong. Hopefully your appointment will shed some light on the situation.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, the nurse called and said my levels were zero (yay!) but just to be cautious the doctor wanted me to get a rhogam shot. I went in this morning and got it...and let me say, ow! I get allergy shots several times a month in my arms, but this one, in my hip, freakin' hurt. Not during so much, but now. I do appreciate that my doctor is taking an extra cautious approach, though. I asked the nurse (well, she's an NP) if I would be able to call for a blood test next time I'm pregnant, just to make sure things are doubing properly. She said that would be fine but she'd want me to wait until two weeks after my missed period, because doubling levels at the early stage doesn't mean it's a sticky baby. Sigh. I understand her point, but it seems like every single woman on my TTC boards is able to get early beta tests.

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys about the real gem from yesterday. My blood pressure is usually pretty low, around 105/65 or so. Yesterday it was something like 140/90. The nurse said "oh, is your bp usually that high?" and I said "no, usually it's low." Her response? "Oh you should really try to relax." Seriously? I felt like saying "um, do you think I could possibly BE WORRIED ABOUT SOMETHING?" Ugh. I mean I'm sure she didn't know why I was there, but it's not like I was all rainbows and puppies.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC- Sorry about the shot, but glad your levels are back to 0. I don't think people are willfully inconsiderate, but the m/c thing is so sensitive and you'd think nurses would at least be a bit more aware of why you might be there. I didn't ever have a nurse issue, but after my m/c I got a call from A Pea in the Pod near my due date. I had forgotten I'd gone in there to buy something and they ask for your due date. So this enthusiastic young lady calls to find out if I had the baby. You'd assume that since I had not been back in there to buy anything for over 6 months that they would maybe not make that phone call? Not her fault, but kind of weird.

Bright- Oh honey, I'm so sorry you're down in the dumps. I get it, seems like an awful lot is being thrown at you right now, and nobody besides your husband (and us!) is really on your side. I think you are right to find a more helpful RE and definitely would push on the hair loss thing. Trust your intuition about your own body. I was hoping Blushing Bride would respond to your thread about RE recommendations. I might try to page her on another site and see if she has any thoughts for you. FWIW, it doesn't sound like any of your potential issues are insurmountable- you just need someone to work with you and develop the right plan.

LIzzy- I am fascinated by this whole process. It's pretty cool, I have to say. Can't wait to hear the next update!!!! :appl:

Meg- Good lord, girl, waiting for bar results AND a TWW? I think I would be drinking heavily if I were you. That or zoning out to old SATC or Friends episodes, anything fluffy and engrossing to take my mind off of it. Hope you get some HAPPY answers soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good Morning Ladies!

This thread is HOPPING! Work is keeping me too busy to properly respond, I'm sorry! :( I promise to catch up at some point. I am amazed at the ability that some of you have to address everyone, I so wish I had the focus to do that. These days I'm lucky to get through reading and somewhat comprehending posts! :errrr:

I feel selfish for just sharing my update, but hopefully it's okay...

I'm 8 dpo today and the symptom spotting is in full swing. Yesterday my boobs were hurting SO badly and they're spilling out of my bra. This is NOT a good development because I'm already well endowed! What else? Oh, tired but that could just be the craziness at work and the time change, right? hehe

I want to test today, badly. In fact I may or may not have already done so and the results are inconclusive...which brings me to a question. I bought the Wondfos from Amazon and I read that a batch is giving false positives. I looked at my tests and they're the same batch. :(( Does anyone know about this? I want to look into it and I'm sure I will, I just haven't had time yet, argh.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1320949402|3058775 said:
I want to test today, badly. In fact I may or may not have already done so and the results are inconclusive...which brings me to a question. I bought the Wondfos from Amazon and I read that a batch is giving false positives. I looked at my tests and they're the same batch. :(( Does anyone know about this? I want to look into it and I'm sure I will, I just haven't had time yet, argh.

Yes, I've read about that. It's not so much that they are false positives as just giving really bad evaporation lines. If your line has color and appeared within 5 minutes, it's positive. My advice- go to first response's website and print out a $2 coupon, Then go to target where you can buy a 3 pack of FRER (well, 2 pack + a bonus test which is different from the real 3 packs) for $7.99. So with the coupon it's only $5.99. FRERs have shown in clinical studies to pick up levels as low as 6. 6!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Amc,

Well I didn't believe it, so I dipped a second one and it was completely white. I don't think it's possible to have a true bfp if I got a bfn from the same sample. I think I will do the FRER thing you mentioned and try to be patient!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I too am amazed at everyone's ability to respond to everyone. My brain seems to get too tired and forgets even the one person I want to reply to! However, the reply with quote button just made my day. Hopefully that gets better with time.

Tammy- I hope your testing is just too early and your 12-14dpo (or 8,9,10 ;)) tests show two dark lines!

Where are the digi tests with the weeks? My google search only came up with a page for the UK (I believe). I know the digis are sold in the US, but are the ones with weeks too? Those would be fun.

AFM, still no testing. We haven't been able to escape the family we are visiting, but hopefully soon. I still have constant nausea, sore (although decreased?), and now slightly less bloated... all of those are my normal impending AF symptoms though. How terrible. I'd love something different to get me to the store quicker!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PetitePoire|1320956873|3058890 said:
Where are the digi tests with the weeks? My google search only came up with a page for the UK (I believe). I know the digis are sold in the US, but are the ones with weeks too? Those would be fun.

Only in the UK. The ones we get here only say Pregnant/Not Pregnant. I'm tempted to buy some of the UK ones online though. Why don't we get those here?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1320957070|3058892 said:
PetitePoire|1320956873|3058890 said:
Where are the digi tests with the weeks? My google search only came up with a page for the UK (I believe). I know the digis are sold in the US, but are the ones with weeks too? Those would be fun.

Only in the UK. The ones we get here only say Pregnant/Not Pregnant. I'm tempted to buy some of the UK ones online though. Why don't we get those here?

Do you not have to pay duty for importing them from the UK? It's the thing that stops me from buying all the cool US things.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1320957435|3058900 said:
amc80|1320957070|3058892 said:
PetitePoire|1320956873|3058890 said:
Where are the digi tests with the weeks? My google search only came up with a page for the UK (I believe). I know the digis are sold in the US, but are the ones with weeks too? Those would be fun.

Only in the UK. The ones we get here only say Pregnant/Not Pregnant. I'm tempted to buy some of the UK ones online though. Why don't we get those here?

Do you not have to pay duty for importing them from the UK? It's the thing that stops me from buying all the cool US things.

I'm not sure how that works. I know we bought some hand made knives from the UK on ebay and we didn't pay any duty.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

They would definitely be more fun. It's pretty crazy how it can detect how many weeks. I'll have to read some reviews, I wonder if that part of them aren't as accurate?

I think I'll order them too depending on when this cycle ever ends.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1320957435|3058900 said:
amc80|1320957070|3058892 said:
PetitePoire|1320956873|3058890 said:
Where are the digi tests with the weeks? My google search only came up with a page for the UK (I believe). I know the digis are sold in the US, but are the ones with weeks too? Those would be fun.

Only in the UK. The ones we get here only say Pregnant/Not Pregnant. I'm tempted to buy some of the UK ones online though. Why don't we get those here?

Do you not have to pay duty for importing them from the UK? It's the thing that stops me from buying all the cool US things.

I think it depends on if customs open your package or not and how it's labeled. If it's marked "gift" or marked under a certain dollar amount I don't think they open it/ check it. I just know that's how I usually make sure people send me stuff or I send packages (that aren't too valuable of course).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1320944718|3058701 said:
Prana, so sorry that AF arrived. Such a blow especially after having high temps :(( How long have you been trying again? Hopefully long enough for your doctor to run the tests. Sorry if you've already mentioned this, but remind me, is this the first cycle you've charted or do you already know how long your LP usually is? I do know that some people have luteal phases longer than 14 days, and that's why they say that your temperature should be up for 18 days to confirm a pregnancy, so it's possible you have long LPs. It is also possible that you had a chemical pregnancy. Did you ever take a pregnancy test? But I would definitely try to figure out why you're spotting before AF. It seems unlikely to me that you have low progesterone is your temps are staying up and you have long LPs, but I could be wrong. Hopefully your appointment will shed some light on the situation.

Hi MP! :wavey:
DH and I had a chemical pg back in July (we weren't 'trying' yet, just not preventing). We started actively trying in August, which is when I really started to track temps and all that good stuff. So this will be our 4th month of trying. I went to my doc in October when I scheduled the US, and she told me whenever I wanted to test we would test. I know I haven't been trying that long, but I had some concerns and didn't want to go through months and months with no success when something could potentially be wrong. So luckily, we won't have to wait to start the testing process...

So I've completed 3 charts. The first two were almost identical in that I O'd on CD 16 with a 13 day LP. 29 day cycle. Then October happened and my temps told me I ovulated, but then my OPK's told me I O'd 2 days after my temps. We still covered all our bases either way. I definitely felt that something wasn't right this cycle though...because of the weird O and FF not being able to accurately predict, then having the spotting show up when it did. I did take pregnancy tests. I took 3 FRER, the first of which had a silvery gray evap line (which I later read that FRER do not produce evap lines, so no clue what that was all about), the following 2 (taken the following 2 mornings) were both BFN's.

I suspect that maybe something is up with my LP. Hopefully we will be able to figure it out quickly.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PetitePoire, it told me 2-3 weeks which was accurate as I had ovulated 2 weeks before. However, the doctor said they measure pregnancy from the last period and not conception, which made me almost 4 weeks.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1320959376|3058932 said:
PetitePoire, it told me 2-3 weeks which was accurate as I had ovulated 2 weeks before. However, the doctor said they measure pregnancy from the last period and not conception, which made me almost 4 weeks.

True. On their website they say a 2-3 means you conceived 2-3 weeks ago and are 4-5 weeks pregnant. So the numbers are actually indicating time from conception.

BUT my only concern would be levels can vary SOOO much from person to person. What they need to come out with is a pee test that gives you a quant level. Now there's a product that would sell :)