
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, the countdown is on. Crossing my fingers so tightly for you!

Tammy, it looks like this isn't your month. I think once you have the bug, it's hard to stop monitoring, so good luck with that! At least you are not preventing anymore though, so hopefully, it won't be long. You should definitely stick around!

Meg, do you know what cycle day you got your BFP last time? Still holding out hope for you. I'm in the same boat. Negative test yesterday at 10dpo, and not feeling anything. No surprise there. As far as the thyroid issue, that is a tough one. Believe me, I know a few months seems like a long time, but right now, your health is the most important consideration. Personally, I would probably try to wait at least a month to see how your body reacts to the medication, or at the very least, make sure that you do your research and ask your doctor a lot of questions, so you make an informed decision. It sounds like the risk to the baby is pretty small, but like I said, you need to make sure you are taking care of your health first and foremost. Hugs dear. I can only imagine how frustrating the timing of all of this is for you.

Jen, sorry about the spotting. How frustrating. I hope that you are able to find the cause of the spotting.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fingers and toes crossed for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, just wanted to tell you I'm thinking about you and am in LC's eagle pose for you. I want this to work so badly for you that I don't feel I have the words to describe it.

MP, I know that you're really sick of seeing BFNs, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone! I haven't been following the posts lately, so I apologize for being out of the loop this week. I just wanted to let Lizzy know that I was thinking of her and hoping for the best!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HI everyone! Thank you so much for all of the concern. I'm really doing well. I'm not sad anymore and am just focused on everything coming up in the next few weeks. Well, every once in a while I'm sad (Like this morning when I got my "you're 5 weeks pregnant!" email from babycenter. Note to self- change settings.) but more like a passing twinge than a "I need to go to the bathroom and cry" sort of thing.

Want to hear some irony? Way, WAY back when we first decided on TTC, I made a spredsheet and projected my O time to be right during the cruise. Perfect! Well, I think the month I did that was the last 28/29 day cycle I had, so then my cycle was all jacked up and I was now supposed to have AF on the cruise. Then my cycles got even longer (sheesh) and then with this whole chemical pregnancy, I am now scheduled to ovulate when? The day before the wedding. Ha. I was really hoping it would be a few days earlier, since we'd be at home and not traveling and I'd be able to temp, etc. But I've O'd on CD19 on just about all of my past 5 cycles or so. Which puts us at the day before the wedding. And the day before that we are traveling all day. So we are going to be exhausted but will have to BD when we get to Florida, and then again that next morning. We're sleeping in separate rooms the night before the wedding, so hopefully I O before that!!! Maybe God can perform a miracle (well, not quite a miracle, but a little help...) and let me ovulate on CD16 or so. That would be super.

BTW, my temp FINALLY dropped this morning. It's been unusually high since the mc, but is down to 96.48 this morning. So hopefully everything is back to normal.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you to all of you lovely ladies for all of your support! Especially Prana, Lili, and NEL, for stopping in to say hello! :wavey:

I found this cool chart online that details what happens in the days post transfer (dpt). Today I am 5dpt! I go for my blood test on Friday (9dpt)

0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on

AMC, glad to hear you are feeling ok with everything. Good thing is that your wedding is right around the corner so you will be busy and full of fun stuff to do!

MP, tomorrow is your DH's SA right? Hoping you get some answers!

Meg, so is it truly riskier in terms of a birth defect to get pregnant within that first month of using that drug? Sounds like they just want to get your dose right so they want you to wait? If that's the case, maybe wait one month like MP suggested and then get right onto tic!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm thikning of you my friend and I really hope the IVF works. You're getting double eagle poses from me and NEL. Hope you're feeling OK.

AMC, I'm glad you're doing well. O day = WeddingDay-1. That's not so bad. You can get a lot of action in the few days before. Especially since your FI has "Super Sperm" as all men like to think :bigsmile:

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Can I vent really quick???

Sorry to bring this here, but I have a major GRIPE. The past 4 months of my life, people are non stop asking me when I'm going to get pregnant. Today at work TWO people came up to me and rubbed my stomach and asked me if there was a baby there yet! WTF! Get away from me! People are so insensitive. What if I couldn't have kids? Do these people think??? There is one woman at work who I run from when I see her because she always says "Don't worry, you'll be pregnant by the end of the year. Just put your legs up after you have sex." HUH??? How do you even know that I want kids???

Sorry but I can't understand it.

It drives me crazy and just adds to the frustration.

Thank you for letting me vent!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1321316762|3061749 said:
Can I vent really quick???

Sorry to bring this here, but I have a major GRIPE. The past 4 months of my life, people are non stop asking me when I'm going to get pregnant. Today at work TWO people came up to me and rubbed my stomach and asked me if there was a baby there yet! WTF! Get away from me! People are so insensitive. What if I couldn't have kids? Do these people think??? There is one woman at work who I run from when I see her because she always says "Don't worry, you'll be pregnant by the end of the year. Just put your legs up after you have sex." HUH??? How do you even know that I want kids???

Sorry but I can't understand it.

It drives me crazy and just adds to the frustration.

Thank you for letting me vent!!

Ugh, I totally hear you Prana. I'm sorry ppl are being complete dingbats. Srsly. You just wonder sometimes if people actually use their brain on a regular basis. If someone at work touched my stomach I'd swat their hand away so fast and go running to HR on the basis of sexual harassment. (Okay, not really, but one can dream right? Co-workers who annoy the crap out of you has to be SOME sort of HR violation...and if it's not it should be!) I've been dealing with the same thing too. The other day a friend who knows about my MC texted "We should be home going on walks with our babies." I almost killed her through the phone. Like really?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - that brought me back to embryology back in college. I am really keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Prana - I have managed to avoid that, I am not sure if it because I work with a bunch of people in the heath care field who know better or if I set it up so that people would not have high expectations. But I would go nuts if people did that to me.

amc80 - I really hope that timing works out for you, but please enjoy your wedding day! It only happens once and is truly a special time. It is one of those days that is very stressful, but very important to make a point to be in the moment as it will fly by and be over before you know it.

meg - it sounds like you received really good info about the risks/benefits of PTU in pregnancy. Is your doctor sure you have a form of hyperthyroidism that does not go away?

To anyone I forgot, hello :wavey:

AFM - Things were looking good until this am. I am 10 DPO. My temp dropped this morning and is just above the coverline. I had a scant amount of spotting this morning. If my temp drops again tomorrow, I will be concerned. AF is not due for 4-5 more days. So just waiting for more data.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies -

Lizzy add me to the Chorus of good wishes!! Thanks for the info about your experience.

I had my blood drawn today so I hope I'll get my results and some kind of a consultation within 2 weeks or so. I've also revised my mental timeline to hope to be pregnant by my birthday (March 6) and if I'm not by then, the big guns in terms of intervention will come out. If the Dr's don't cooperate then for me that means things like accupuncture, naturopath, etc. Hopefully if there is an issue as I suspect the Dr will start intervention right away and I won't have to go the green and crunchy route.

Does the BC pill supress your ability to make estrogen, since you're taking synthetic estrogen and progesterone? Or does it possibly mask a lack of production? Just wondering because I just feel in my gut that my estrogen is low and or testosterone is high (no thoughts on all the other hormonal players!) and that's part of what I have going on. I noticed dark hairs on my lip this weekend - and I have never had a problem with facial hair. I have definitely noticed more stray hairs on my chin for the last few months too. So I am officially an old lady who got her lip waxed for the first time today. It feels good to have that hair gone, but noticing it really emphasized my feeling that I'm unbalanced. More zits keep coming too. And my energy is low, I haven't worked out much at all for the past few months, whereas I used to religiously get up at 5 and workout 4-5 (sometimes even 6) days a week. My fingernails are also peeling, and they're usualy really good and strong.

Does anyone wonder if there is nsomething that's not allowing conception to happen if that means that one (I) won't be able to sustain a pregnancy? Basically, if hypothetically I'm not ovulating, and I'm prescribed clomid, will the underlying issue lead to issues with sustaining the pregnancy, or is that way too hypothetical to even start trying to worry about??

Can I complain yet again about the lack of a new cycle to start tracking!!! At this rate if something doesn't give I'm only going to have something like 7 cycles a year which is just not good enough for me. Grr and please, please AF come ASAP!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

missracheik - This last post is really sounding like you have a lot of PCOS symptoms. From my understanding, PCOS is a mild form of insulin resistance. There is actually a lot of debate in the field on what is going on from a scientific prospective, but the best way to explain it to non medical people is that the body needs more insulin to control you blood sugars. Without getting into complex hormone pathways, I will just say, when one gets out of balance, it affects the others. It is thought that the effects of extra insulin is that the male hormones (androgens) get overproduced and the estrogens get underproduced. Birth control basically gives you doses of hormones high enough to stop your own body's natural production of hormones (weather they are normal or not). So it is a great treatment for PCOS for someone who is not trying to get pregnant. Once you go off the pill, and you body does not see any hormones, it will start making it's own. So the answer to your question is that the pill does both. For your last question, the main problem with PCOS is ovulation. I don't remember there being too many implantation issues. It is advised that if you are above ideal body weight you go on a diet that has lots of foods low on the glycemic index and exercise. That is actually the first line treatment for PCOS. The biggest worry in someone with PCOS is gestational diebetes. The better shape you are in pre pregnancy, the better odds your pregnancy will be low risk. Hope this helps.

And for temp went back up today, implantation dip? I am going to test tomorrow morning.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Megumic wow your story is worse than mine. I'm sorry about that. I'm convinced that the majority of people are stupid, to put it simply.

LtlFirecrackerI'm a nurse, and I work with a bunch of nurses. You'd think there would be a sensitivity factor right? Apparently not. :knockout:

I didn't mean to highjack the thread, I just happened to be inundated with people asking me if I had a belly full of baby yesterday. Usually it's only one or two people per day, but yesterday it was like one or two per hour. And two people rubbed my stomach. And one of them told me they thought I was pregnant because I look puffy. Thanks. :rolleyes:


MissRachelKSame happened to me after I stopped birth control with regards to the dark hair. I've always had it, but I think the BC pill was keeping it at bay. Once I went off I think my hormones were doing their own thing. Maybe we are just the lucky ones. I get dark hairs on my chin and I have to wax my upper lip too. My nails don't peel thought, and I'm pretty sure at this point that I am ovulating. I am going for an US next week just to make sure I don't have any cysts or anything going on. Hopefully you get some answers for yourself to put your mind at ease!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1321359845|3062058 said:
missracheik - This last post is really sounding like you have a lot of PCOS symptoms. From my understanding, PCOS is a mild form of insulin resistance. There is actually a lot of debate in the field on what is going on from a scientific prospective, but the best way to explain it to non medical people is that the body needs more insulin to control you blood sugars. Without getting into complex hormone pathways, I will just say, when one gets out of balance, it affects the others. It is thought that the effects of extra insulin is that the male hormones (androgens) get overproduced and the estrogens get underproduced. Birth control basically gives you doses of hormones high enough to stop your own body's natural production of hormones (weather they are normal or not). So it is a great treatment for PCOS for someone who is not trying to get pregnant. Once you go off the pill, and you body does not see any hormones, it will start making it's own. So the answer to your question is that the pill does both. For your last question, the main problem with PCOS is ovulation. I don't remember there being too many implantation issues. It is advised that if you are above ideal body weight you go on a diet that has lots of foods low on the glycemic index and exercise. That is actually the first line treatment for PCOS. The biggest worry in someone with PCOS is gestational diebetes. The better shape you are in pre pregnancy, the better odds your pregnancy will be low risk. Hope this helps.

And for temp went back up today, implantation dip? I am going to test tomorrow morning.

Interesting info on PCOS, LtlFirecracker. I have mild PCOS as well, with my main symptoms being longer cycles and polycystic ovaries.

I know that Clomid and Metformim are great for helping PCOS women ovulate and be able to conceive, but I've also read that women with PCOS are more likely to miscarry than other women - at least 45% more likely. :(( Any idea why that might be?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1321322826|3061811 said:
amc80 - I really hope that timing works out for you, but please enjoy your wedding day! It only happens once and is truly a special time. It is one of those days that is very stressful, but very important to make a point to be in the moment as it will fly by and be over before you know it.

Yes! We have gotten so used to saying "we're so excited for the cruise" and completely overlooking the wedding. So now we are making it a point to say "we are so excited for the wedding," instead. We were watching Father of the Bride the other night...well, you know the scene where the doors open at the church and everyone turns around to look at the bride? It hit me that in less than two weeks that's going to be me...everyone staring. Ick. I am very excited for the wedding, but not so much the people staring at me. At least we only have 29 guests so the gazing eyes will be minimal.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Interesting Sha, I just did a lit search and rewiewed 3 articles which do not show a significant difference between mischarrhage between pts with symptoms of PCOS and controls. In all these studies, there were other variables that were controlled for. I did not do a full search, so there may be other studies, but if that is the case I would say the question is not settled. The more I read about PCOS the more I realize there are a lot of unknowns that need to be figured out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1321380012|3062240 said:
Interesting Sha, I just did a lit search and rewiewed 3 articles which do not show a significant difference between mischarrhage between pts with symptoms of PCOS and controls. In all these studies, there were other variables that were controlled for. I did not do a full search, so there may be other studies, but if that is the case I would say the question is not settled. The more I read about PCOS the more I realize there are a lot of unknowns that need to be figured out.

Thanks for your reply! :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker, thanks for doing some more research for us on PCOS. The more I read, the more it does indeed seem that there are still a lot of unknowns about this disease. I'm glad to hear that it doesn't necessarily seem that the miscarriage rate is so high for PCOS girls. I did read that there are a lot of potential long term health problems, though, from type 2 diabetes to heart disease & uterine cancer. It's pretty scary stuff & has me more than a little freaked out. (I wonder if I'm having mild panic attacks as I've had bouts of shortness of breath & chest tightness lately, usually following internet research. :oops: ) Do keep us posted if you wind up connecting with the RE doc you worked with in med school & get more info.
My doc's office finally called in the Metformin Rx for me (after saying they'd do it on Friday :angryfire:) so I should be able to start it tonight. I really hope it helps with the hair loss & other possible problems.

How are you doing? It sounds like this cycle is looking pretty promising for you! Fingers crossed for your test tomorrow!

Sha, thanks for popping in with more PCOS info. I know you have an adorable LO, but have you have a mc too? I hope not...
Hope you are well.

missrachelk & Prana, Sounds like some PCOS symptoms to me. I was diagnosed last week with a mild case. I haven't noticed a lot of hair on my face, but I do have some on my abdomen & hair loss on my scalp, all of which are symptoms. If you wind up having a mild case as well, hope your doc can help control it. I didn't really notice my symptoms (certainly the hair loss!) until I came off the pill either. From what I read, this is quite common. Keep us posted!

Prana, I hope your us next week goes well & you get to the bottom of your cycles. Sorry for the annoyance at work! Some people can be really insensitive.

missrachelk, I hope your blood work comes back well & your doc can help you get your cycles up & running again! Remind me how long you've been off the pill. I've been going to acupuncture weekly for the past 6 weeks. I find it relaxing & I didn't have as many pms symptoms before last AF, which was nice. Still not PG yet, though.

amc, yay for focusing on the wedding too. It's a really special moment & can easily go by in a rush. Try to savor it! ::)

Lizzy, thanks for sharing your post-transfer timeline details. How exciting! Still keeping fingers & toes crossed for you!! I hope you're feeling better & that the cocktail of hormones isn't getting you down,
I called my OBGYN (who I love) to ask for another referral & also make an appt for an annual visit for next week. I'll be interested to hear her opinion on everything. I've also been looking around online for another RE, but haven't made an appointment yet. You're definitely right that having someone supportive could make this process less stressful.
That's interesting you brought up the clomid challenge. My RE hasn't mentioned it, but I've read about it. He did say my CD 3 test results came out really well, which pointed to a good ovarian reserve, but maybe the clomid challenge gives a clearer picture? My RE did say there was bloodwork involved in the monitoring process, so maybe he's doing the clomid challenge after all?
Thanks for talking about your clomid/trigger/IUI experiences. That's scary that the trigger shot caused such bad cramping! How long did it last? How was the actual insemination? Was it uncomfortable (physically/emotionally)? Did your DH go with you? I watched a couple go through IUI on "The Real L Word" & they held hands during the insemination, which I thought was really sweet.

Meg, I really don't know how to advise on the TTC/thyroid med timing. Maybe it's not a bad idea to wait 1 month to make sure the dose is correct? (assuming you're not PG now...still holding out hope for you!) I tell ya, this TTC business can really dredge up health issues we didn't know existed, can't it? Not so fun...Is the new thyroid medication helping so far? Any news on the bar exam results? Fingers crossed for you!

tammy, so sorry AF arrived. Definitely stick around here, though! NTNP sounds like a good plan, (it worked for PPM!) but I can imagine it would be hard not to monitor. Good luck & wishing the best for you!

jen, I'm sorry about the spotting. I hope your doc can get to the bottom of what's going on.

MP, I'm so sorry for the BFN. Did AF arrive? I hope not, but if it did, hope you're moving forward with the SA today. (If so, how did it go?) That would be great if you can move forward with Clomid/IUI this cycle! You'll have to let me know how everything goes so I know what to expect next month.
Thanks for sharing your sister's experiences. That makes sense re: the monitoring. (Though I'm sorry that selective reduction was suggested to your sis...even before she was PG! :nono: ) I didn't know that IUI raised the chance of multiples vs clomid alone. I guess we could deal with more than 1, though it's not my preference. My DH would be delighted with twins, but at least he's changed his official stance from "hey, 2 for 1!" to "I'd love to have more kids, but only if it doesn't put your or their health at risk." Progress.

Missy, thanks for checking in! Turns out there are lots of beautiful parks around Lake Harmony so we did some hiking. Also, a little shopping, much to DH's chagrin. :lol: Hope you & the little bean are doing well!

Hi to anyone I missed! :wavey:

AFM, DH & I are back from a long weekend in the Poconos. It was nice to get away & take my mind off of health-related issues for a while. I feel like my stress is reaching chronic levels & it's really not helping anything. I just hope I can get PG soon or go back on the pill so that hopefully these crazy new symptoms go away. :shock:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Bright - yes I did have a missed mc, unfortunately, at 9 weeks. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the PCOS, though. Hopefully it won't happen again - my first pregnancy was blissfully uneventful. :))

I hope the Metformin works well for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana - OK that is really annoying. They should know better. I am in a super small clinic in a super small town. We have had quite a few early miscarriages in the clinic, so I think everyone is sensitive to the issue. Plus, I socialize with some of the staff, so they see me drinking. I think they have figured it out.

BrightSpot - no problem. This has always been an interesting topic for me, and I deal with this a little. I lived an breathed PCOS for a month during that RE rotation in med school, I am glad I am finally looking at the literature, as it is never good to just have one point of view. Good luck with the metformin, I am hoping it helps you.

AMC - I am so glad you are getting excited for the wedding. I don't like to be the center of attention, and my BMs told me I handled the day so well. Just smile and realize it is your day and you will have all eyes on you. But they will be looking at you with happiness and joy, not judgement.

MP - how are you doing? I am so sorry about BFN. I am hoping you are looking ahead to the next step and wishing you luck with the SA.

Tammy - sorry about the BFN - I can understand if you want to take a break from charting, but I hope you pop in to say hi.

Jen - I am so sorry that you are still spotting, I really hope that if this does not work, your doc has a next step for you. I know how frustrating it can be for nothing to happen after several months of trying.

AFM - I had a vivid dream about being pregnant last night. I am not trying to take anything as a sign, as I do not want to get my hopes up too much. If the test gives me a BFP, I will be super excited, but I do not want to let myself get down, especially since tomorrow is only 12 DPO. I will let you know how things go tomorrow. In other news, we finally hired a house cleaner and she is coming tomorrow. I am so excited to finally have someone clean our house for us!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, hey there. Glad you had a fun weekend with DH, sounds like that is just what you needed. I'm sorry to hear you're so stressed right now. Deep breaths. Remember you only have a mild case of PCOS, and your hormones have all checked out. You're starting the metformin, which is the first step in addressing your TTC and hair loss issues. I know how easy it is to go to the worst case scenario, but nothing you have heard so far leads me to believe that you will not get your BFP. Be easy on yourself, you are doing everything you can! Thinking of you!

Firecracker, I'm crossing my fingers for you! Hopefully the dream was a good omen!

amc, the countdown is on! So excited for you. I was worried about the whole being the center of attention thing too, but when the time came, I was just so excited and focused on DH that I completely forgot about it. I know how anxious you are to get another BFP, but I second Firecracker that you should just focus on enjoying your wedding day and enjoying your cruise. Crossing my fingers O falls on a convenient day for you. Maybe it will hold off until the cruise!

Lizzy, I keep thinking about you and anxiously awaiting news from you. I hope you are hanging in there. I agree with NEL that words cannot express how badly I want this for you!

Prana, ugh. That's ridiculous. So sorry. Luckily, I haven't had anybody be that clueless, but I feel like I'm on the verge of getting uncomfortable questions because we've been married over a year now and everybody knows I want kids. I'm just hoping I can handle it as gracefully as you have when and if the questions start coming. But seriously, putting your hand on somebody's belly! Rude!

Meg, hope things are going okay. I know you've got a lot on your plate right now.

Rachel, that's good to keep track of all of these things, and hopefully you are on the way to finding out if everything is as it should be. I know how frustrating it is to feel like your body is letting you down, and I really hope you get your BFP by March!

AFM, CD1 today, which is fine. I've known it was on the way since this weekend and we're taking steps this month, so I'm not sad. Work was beyond crazy today and the rest of the week looks to be much of the same, so I don't have any time to dwell. I talked to the NP yesterday and she told me she wants me to start taking clomid this month no matter what. I picked it up just now, and I start taking it on Thursday. I'm on a low dose (25 mg), so I'm not too worried about it. DH had his SA this morning. I could just tell the poor guy was SO nervous when I left for work this morning. I felt really bad for him. Anyway, he managed to do what he needed to do, but according to him, it wasn't his "best performance." Oh well, I'm just happy he's done, and if he has to do it again, so be it. The NP said she'll have the results by Friday, and we will figure out what we're doing this cycle from there. I would be so happy if his results are normal or only marginally low, and I'm praying for the grace to be completely supportive and encouraging if it is not.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, I'm glad your NP is working with you and you guys have a plan. Hope your DH's results come back, and I'm sure you'll have the the poise and grace enough to handle anything.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP - I am glad things are moving for you, and that your NP is trying an intervention before she has the answers. I hope you guys figure out what is going on soon!

AFM - Just tested, BFN. Temps still high, so while I am not holding too much hope, I am not out till the temps drop. I will probably try again in 2-3 days unless AF comes early.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fly by....

Lizzie hoping and pulling and praying for you!

Firecracker, hold on to that temp! I was neg at 12DPO, but positive at 13!

MP, ugh, sorry to hear about CD1. I am right there with you starting today :blackeye:

Thanks everyone for your replies and support about the thyroid. We still haven't made a final decision about it, but I know we're leaning toward TTC. CD1 for me today. I've been spotting for nearly a week now, which I think is MC related as I've never spotted much before AF. Still waiting for bar results too...ugh. Very worried that if it's not a pass that this girl will become very depressed this winter, based on that and everything else life has been a jerk about recently. Trying to stay positive...

In other decent news, I'll be O'ing right around/after Thxgiving so at least we'll have all weekend together!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

megumic|1321445967|3062841 said:
In other decent news, I'll be O'ing right around/after Thxgiving so at least we'll have all weekend together!

Looks like we'll be cycle buddies. I *should* be Oing right around then.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good luck ladies! :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Quick post and run. So, I just got a call from the NP, and she said that my DH's SA results came back pretty much normal. She said that one of the counts was borderline low, but not where she was concerned about it. DH is SO relieved, and said, "And that wasn't even a good speciman!" Ha. But now the plot thickens. I will still take the clomid as prescribed, and have an ultrasound next Friday to monitor my follicles. She gave me a choice whether I wanted to wait a month or have the HSG now, and I decided to go ahead and have it done next week because I might as well have a full picture of what I'm dealing with, since there are no other obvious problems. Maybe I have PCOS??? More later.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay for healthy SA results! Here's hoping the clomid does wonders for you this cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP- So glad to SA results came in and were relatively normal. I am glad you are doing the tests this month. I bet it will be more relaxing for you to be able to see the full picture vs wondering all of the time. I hope the clomid the clomid does the trick this month though!

Best of luck to all of the ladies in their new cycles and to those waiting to test!

AFM, still nothing to report. I’m really terrible at this. Visiting family just doesn’t allow many opportunities to escape for a test (why didn't I bring cheapies?) without them knowing. I’m not sure we would be ready to report a BFP if it were. Nausea was intense this week, but I had a great day today (however, I also slept most of it away). Tomorrow will be the exact timing, if AF shows, when I had the 61 day cycle (2 cycles ago), so honestly I’m really not holding out hope. This has made me realize I need to get to the Dr. asap when we get home to figure this out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1321484182|3063233 said:
Quick post and run. So, I just got a call from the NP, and she said that my DH's SA results came back pretty much normal. She said that one of the counts was borderline low, but not where she was concerned about it. DH is SO relieved, and said, "And that wasn't even a good speciman!" Ha. But now the plot thickens. I will still take the clomid as prescribed, and have an ultrasound next Friday to monitor my follicles. She gave me a choice whether I wanted to wait a month or have the HSG now, and I decided to go ahead and have it done next week because I might as well have a full picture of what I'm dealing with, since there are no other obvious problems. Maybe I have PCOS??? More later.

Great plan MP! Glad to hear his SA came back fine and the HSG will help to rule out any anatomy issues and tubal blockages. Clomid with monitoring sounds like a great plan though for next month. This plan should give you renewed hope! Your getting there sister! Did you ask about a trigger shot?