
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Hump Day ladies of TTC!

does NP stand for Nurse Practictioner? I figured as much but was wondering reading thru the recent posts.

Anyone with the lovely facial hair waxing experience I need advice! I got the lip waxed and was thrilled to have it smooth and hairless (that was Monday night) however since waking up yesterday, it's been covered with tiny bumps - like tiny miniature whiteheads and it's uncomfortable! I couldn't help but to pick and get that nasty white off my face and I did call the spa and ask for advice so I also steamed witha hot towel and exfoliated lightly. Does this happen to everyone? Any tips to avoid it or make it go away faster?

LTL - after your comment and tallying my symptoms, I'm thinking PCOS / insulin sensitivity might well be my problem. This spring I experimented with the Primal / Paleo way of eating and although that was right when I went off BC, I got periods then, and since I've been eating more starches and treats again things have gone more haywire.

I managed to strain my neck in traffic last night (not horribly, just uncomfortable to turn it far to the right) so I finally made an appt to see a chiropractor tomorrow. I got the number at my midwives office so I plan to talk to her about all of my health and my symptoms and see what her thoughts are. I used to work for a chiro practice and I like the way they look at health and problems you may have holistically. I'm also very curious how much accupuncture costs.

Lots to think about!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey guys, just a quick flyby. It is amazing how things can change in a day. I had some spotting yesterday, and I think my temp is starting to drop. So it looks like AF is coming 2 days early. I was really mad yesterday, but than last night, I realized a skin infection I thought was minor had spread very quickly and had evolved into cellulitis. I live in an area with lots of MRSA, which we usually treat with a tetracycline or a medication called Septra. Since tetracyclines are not a good choice for someone TTC, I asked for Septra to be called in and looked up up after I had it called in and started it. It turns out that drug is a category C. The biggest issue is it can drop my folate levels, so I am taking my PNV, but I really think, if AF comes today, everything will actually work out for the best. If for some reason I do end up pregnant, I think there is another antibiotic I can try that might be safer, but it has not always worked in this area when I prescribe it. I have to go into work early today to have the infection looked at.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, I'm very sorry to hear about the infection. Yikes. I hope you are able to get it taken care of quickly. At least if you do get AF, there will a bit of a silver lining in that you can take the best antibiotic without worrying. So sorry about the temps and spotting though. It can be so disheartening :((

Rachel, ugh, I hate when I strain my neck. It is the worst! I did something to my neck a few months back, and it took forever to go away because I kept re-straining it or sleeping funny on it. Hope the chiropractor helps. And yes, NP does stand for "nurse practitioner." I'm trying to avoid going to an RE until I have to because we have no fertility coverage whatsoever, so I just started seeing an NP who specializes in fertility. She is a considerably more economical option for the time being and she can do all of the preliminary lines of treatement. Plus, she has been awesome so far. She is very prompt about returning my calls, and yesterday, she called me up as soon as she got DH's results.

Lizzy, thanks. I'm hoping the clomid kicks my body into gear. We'll see. Thinking of you today and doing eagle poses for you my friend! We're all hoping for good news and we're supporting you no matter what!

Petite, I really think you just need to just sneak off and buy a test. Seriously! You are far more patient than I am. Dust!

Bright, have you started the metformin? Does that have any side effects? Hope you're feeling a little better about things.

AFM, I start clomid today. Anybody have any experience with side effects? I assume since I'm only taking 25 mg, side effects should be minimal. I also scheduled an HSG for next Tuesday. For those of you who've had one, do you think I will be able to go to work right afterward? It is at 8:30 in the morning. I guess I could always work from home if need be. Hope everyone is doing well.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkeyprincess-- wanted to jump in quickly and let you know my experience with Clomid. i also took 25mg -- i felt fine for the most part. However, i did have ovulation pains on the side where the eggs were growing -- and that was quite noticable. Uncomfortable, but not crazy. The only other symptom i had was being extremely HOT -- ALL.THE.TIME. it was almost unbearable. Be prepared -- wear layers that you can strip off if need be. I was a mess wearing tank tops at the office in early April! :)

Good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, so sorry af arrived but glad to hear you're moving forward for next month! That's great that your dh's SA came back well & that it wasn't too awkward for him. Lol re it not being his best performance. 
I think you're wise to get the hsg. Then you'll know if your tubes are open (my doc didn't find my cysts until the ultrasound so not sure if the hsg checks for this). Also, my ob said its very common to get pg after an hsg. As for going to work after, I had my hsg at 9am. I felt totally fine until maybe 4 or 5pm but had some pretty uncomfortable cramping that evening. I took 4 Advil before the procedure which helped. I don't think I took anything that evening. 
A low dose of clomid sounds like a good plan regardless. Let me know how you tolerate it (I'll be on 50mg next month). Fingers crossed for you!
And thanks for talking me down a bit. I definitely tend to jump to the worst case scenario, which isn't helpful. 

Firecracker, so sorry about your infection & the bfn. I hope you're feeling better soon.  Keep us posted on your temps & enjoy your clean house!
Did the literature on pcos support your re's opinions? 

Rach, I hope your neck & skin are better soon! I wonder if tend skin could help post waxing? I've used it before but not ok my face. l
Re acupuncture, it was anywhere between $70-150/session here in NYC but I found a local community acupuncture place that sees me for $30/session. Maybe there's one by you that's similarly affordable?

Lizzy, how are you doing? Thinking about you a lot & hoping for good news when you test tomorrow!

Pp, sounds like some pretty promising symptoms. Fingers crossed for you. I hear ya re: family time making ttc stuff awkward. We'll be visiting the inlaws this weekend around what might be my o time. 

Meg, sorry about cd1 & no bar results out yet! Hope you can have some wine & try to relax as much as possible. 

Rmfa, thanks for chiming in re: clomid side effects. I'll be taking it next month so it's nice to know what to expect. Did you do iui too? 

Afm, I'm on day 2 of the metformin. I started with 1 500mg pill once a day with food & am to work up to 3 pills a day. I took yesterday's at dinner & woke up with such an awful stomachache this morning that I was terrified about my hour long train ride to work. I'm feeling a little better now but am hoping I get used to this soon or this might be a no go. Also had some ewcm today & my opks seem to be starting to fade in, so maybe o is coming soon. It's only cd 20. :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, great to hear the news about your husband's SA results. I hope things go well for you on Clomid and good luck with the HSG next week.

Bright, good luck with the Metformin. I hope your side effects go away soon. I posted on dcurbanmoms to find an endo recently and they have an active TTC discussion that is very IVF/IUI focused (which is how I found the RE I am seeing tomorrow - there are a few RE practices in the DC area and the women talk about all the doctors regularly on that site) so maybe they have something similar in NYC to help you with your search for an RE if you don't hear from Blushing.

Firecracker, hope your skin infection clears up soon. Sorry about AF if she arrived.

MissR, hope your neck feels better soon. See if you can get one of those neck wrap things that you put in the microwave - that might help. I'm sure a chiro will be beneficial too though.

Meg, hope all is well and that you get your bar results soon. Sorry about CD 1 too.

Lizzy, sending positive sticky vibes to you. Let us know the results tomorrow.

AFM, we have our first RE appointment tomorrow. I have not heard back from the obgyn on our genetic testing of the fetus (it has been 6 weeks), and the obgyn doesn't want us to TTC until we get those results. I will ask the RE tomorrow though and use that advice as I am starting to get annoyed with the ObGyn's sense of urgency. Also, I am on on CD 11 and typically ovulate around CD 14 or 15 so cutting it close here. My temps are all over the place and no positive OPK yet. I went from 97.36 yesterday to 98.16 today so I have no idea what is going on.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok, I owe y'all a REAL post, but just had to drop in to say I PASSED THE BAR!!! That, plus my period, means I'll be drinking tonight!

Behold the positive energy -- hoping some BFPs pop up around here -- please Christmas come early!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah, Meg!!! Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment. Celebrate! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, huge congrats to you!!! Hope you're celebrating tonight! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, that is fantastic news! Congratulations! :appl: :appl: :appl: The two week wait is nothing compared to the several month bar exam wait!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker- Sorry to hear about hte infection. It’s nice to hear that you are able to see the positive in what could be negative situation (or test). Looking forward to hearing your update on whether or not AF arrived.

Monkeyprincess- Thanks. I am only patient now because of my long cycle before (and inability to go to the doctor asap if I were), so I just wait. If I had a cheapie on hand it definitely would have already been gone though. I’m excited for your clomid start! I hope the weeks fly by.

Lizzy- I’ve been following yours story and I am excited to hear from you tomorrow! I enjoyed reading the timeline of IVF, it’s really exciting to think about.

Bright- Well, those symptoms have pretty much gone away. As of yesterday it turned into more twinge like cramps, little/no nausea, and no longer as bloated as I was… Is it weird that it makes me sad not to have those? I just feel like AF is on her way. Make sure you get some time in before family trip! (and bring tests!)

Meg- Congrats!!! That is sooo exciting. Good job!

AFM- Feeling back to normal. Bloating is way down ( I can wear my normal jeans), No nausea, barely sore bbs, but tons of fatigue. Is it possible for food to affect my body so much? We are away from what has become my normal food- here it is less fresh, more preservatives, fast food, etc. Now I just want to get home and figure this out, but I still have over a month on vacation.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations Meg!! You diserve a drink tonight, I hope you are celebrating!!!

MP - I am glad that the SA came back normal and that your DH had a good since of humor about it. I think it is a good plan to get all the diagnostics out of the way, so at least you have ruled out the big things. I hope the clomid works for you.

BrightSpot - Oh I really hope you will be able to tolerate the metformin. As for your question, my patient who I think has PCOS is coming in tomorrow, so I did some more reading. Last time I read an article geared towards adolescents, this time I read the article geared towards adults, and it was much more clear to me what the current research is. PCOS is still a clinical diagnosis, meaning that while labs and ultra sound can help support it, they don't have to be abnormal for you to have PCOS, that is what makes it so confusing because different docs argue over what is and is not PCOS. The main question I was looking up is birth control for patients not TTC, he did not use it. He said it just masked the symptoms but did not address the underlying cause. He really wants them to focus on diet and exercise. I think he was a very good doc, and that he is right to focus on diet and exercise, but this is a diagnosis with lots of different opinions, and lots of new discoveries. Just trying to keep myself up to date.

JGator - Genetic testing can take at least 6 weeks. So you should hopefully hear something soon, but it is painfully slow. I am really hoping it all comes out normal.

missrachelk - Neck strains are horrible, I hope it gets better soon. Definitely talk to your mid wife and get her opinions about why your cycles are abnormal.

PetitePoire - Do you think that there is any way you can sneak in a test early in the morning? If I was having your symptoms, I would take a test.

AFM - no AF today, still spotting. The doc who checked out my infection agreed that I needed to start antibiotics right away or else I might need IV antibiotics. It looks like I will have to stay on the Septra for the entire 10 days, and won't be able to switch to something else. The Septra is doing a number on my stomach, I was supposed to go out tonight, but decided to stay in. Infections just never have good timing! I am hoping AF comes tomorrow, or my temps tell me what is going on. Tomorrow I will be 14 DPO.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Taking the test wouldn't be an issue. It's just actually getting the test. We'd have to use a family car and as of now we are constantly on the go with others. I'll have to talk to DH tomorrow and see if we can figure a way out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I really owe a real post to all, but just wanted to congratulate Meg on passing the bar! What fantastic news!

Also, sending Lizzy lots of dust for tomorrow.

AFM, quick fly-by update is that DH is getting an SA tomorrow morning-- a brand new development that has turned my heart inside out all week. Will go into more detail later, but the short of it is that a urologist strongly urged he go asap due to medication he has been on for 13 years possibly interfering with his fertility. I am upset we heard nothing about this until now, in fact we had both individually cleared TTC while DH is on this medication with other doctors and nothing was ever mentioned. Now I'm terrified about hearing the results. Anyway, any luck you could spare for us on that issue would be greatly appreciated.
Also, have some more updates on my front regarding my spotting issues, but I'll fill you in on that when I post more thoroughly over the weekend. I'm barely even concerned about that now given the other new development.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, sending dust and positive vibes to you and your DH for his SA.

Petite, I hope you can sneak away tomorrow to pick up a test.

Firecracker, thanks for the reassurance on normal turn around times for the testing. I really hope you are feeling better soon and that AF stays away. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

megumic|1321571869|3064024 said:
Ok, I owe y'all a REAL post, but just had to drop in to say I PASSED THE BAR!!! That, plus my period, means I'll be drinking tonight!

Behold the positive energy -- hoping some BFPs pop up around here -- please Christmas come early!

Woohoo to passing the bar!! Next month your BFP! I like that plan. ;))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, Meg!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, it goes without saying, but I'm praying for good news for you today my dear. Thinking about you lots.

Meg, yay! Isn''t that the best feeling?! Celebration time for sure!

Jen, dust for your DH's SA results. I know how nervewracking that can be. So sorry you're feeling stress about both of your conditions right now, and I'm just hoping you get some positive news. Keep us posted.

Petite, just try to come up with an excuss why either you or DH need the car to run a quick errand and get something else, but sneak a test in as well. Or just say there's a couple of personal items you forgot and need to pick up. You can do it!

Firecracker, sorry about the spotting. When do you expect AF? I hope you are able to clear up that infection quickly. That doesn't sound fun. Since you're the resident medical expert, do you know much about endometriosis? One of my sisters had to have an ovarian cyst removed last year, and the doctor told her they found endometriosis. She is on BC right now to keep it under control. But I sometimes worry that I may also have it. I don't have painful cramps or heaving bleeding or clots with my AF, but on the last few days of my AF when it is just barely spotting, I seem to feel lot of pressure and weird twinges. I'm just wondering if it could be endometriosis. I wll have to ask about that.

Bright, sorry to hear about the side effects. Hopefully, it is just one those things that you have to experiment with regarding the timing and when and what to eat with it. Hopefully you can do some googling to see how others have managed the side effects.
Yeah, I don't think I'll find out anything about my ovaries at the HSG unless it's apparent that they are not where they're supposed to be or something. But fortunately I have an ultrasound next Friday to monitor my follicles because of the clomid. I really will not be surprised I they see cysts, and I'm almost hoping they do, so I don't just have uneplained infertility.

JGator, good luck at your appointment. Let us know what you find out. That is so frustrating about not getting results. I would hope that they are treating it with some urgency knowing that you'd like to try again immediately. Hopefully your RE will be able to advise you on whether you really do need to wait for the results. Hoping you are able to try again this cycle!

RMFA, thanks for sharing your experience. I am one day down, and so far so good. I'm always cold, so if I do get hot flashes, it will be very noticeable. Did clomid do the trick for you?

AFM, my HSG got pushed up to 7 am on Monday morning, so I need to be there by 6:45, and the place is 30 minutes from our house. Nothing like waking up bright and early on a Monday for a potentially uncomfortable/painful procedure, but at least I'll get it out of the way. She did say that I shouldn't have any intercourse until between CD1 until after the test. That's not a problem, but I was wondering what the purpose of it is. Is that so there's no way I'm pregnant? Or for infection prevention or what? I'll have to ask. Then I'll have an ultrasound next Friday. The NP is so sweet. She is going to open up the clinic on the Friday after Thanksgiving, even though its closed, so I and a couple other patients can get our monitoring.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Meg!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, congrats! Huge accomplishment.

Question for those of you who have been unfortunate to have chemical pregnancies/early MCs. What was your next cycle like? I've been Oing around CD18/19 with a 32/33 day cycle...and starting to get EWCM around CD12/13. Yesterday was CD10 and I had EWCM. Seems odd and early. I know that up until I started charting and my first month of doing so, back in June, I always had 28/29 day cycles. I'm wondering if I'm going to have a short cycle? That would be so much more convenient.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MEG- CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

LIZZY- Thinking of you.

BRIGHT- I sent Blushing a message, hopefully she'll get back to you.

JEN- Dust to you. Hang in there.

Happy Friday girls. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BETA HCG = 230 I literally started crying in relief ladies. Lots of anxiety had built up and I just lost it. Usually they don't call this late in the day so I was beyond worried that it was going to be bad news, but what a relief. The nurse told me that was a great starting beta and she was glad that I didn't put two in! ha ha! Good news for now, but Mondays test will decide if this long road will finally be over...with a baby!

Meg, big congrats on passing the bar!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Great news Lizzy!!! So happy for you, and praying that the good news will continue!! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1321634866|3064505 said:
Meg, congrats! Huge accomplishment.

Question for those of you who have been unfortunate to have chemical pregnancies/early MCs. What was your next cycle like? I've been Oing around CD18/19 with a 32/33 day cycle...and starting to get EWCM around CD12/13. Yesterday was CD10 and I had EWCM. Seems odd and early. I know that up until I started charting and my first month of doing so, back in June, I always had 28/29 day cycles. I'm wondering if I'm going to have a short cycle? That would be so much more convenient.

My next two cycles after the chemical were normal. The third one (last months), not so much.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1321647283|3064669 said:
BETA HCG = 230 I literally started crying in relief ladies. Lots of anxiety had built up and I just lost it. Usually they don't call this late in the day so I was beyond worried that it was going to be bad news, but what a relief. The nurse told me that was a great starting beta and she was glad that I didn't put two in! ha ha! Good news for now, but Mondays test will decide if this long road will finally be over...with a baby!

Meg, big congrats on passing the bar!

Yayayayaya!!!! Congrats :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1321647283|3064669 said:
BETA HCG = 230 I literally started crying in relief ladies. Lots of anxiety had built up and I just lost it. Usually they don't call this late in the day so I was beyond worried that it was going to be bad news, but what a relief. The nurse told me that was a great starting beta and she was glad that I didn't put two in! ha ha! Good news for now, but Mondays test will decide if this long road will finally be over...with a baby!

Oh Lizzy I so hope this is your baby! I have everything possible crossed for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Lizzy, I am SO VERY HAPPY to hear this!!! I was starting to worry when I didn't see a post from you earlier, and I just let out a big sigh of relief. Prayers and dust are headed your way for a healthy, strong baby!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I've been checking this thread all day hoping for good news. That's a fantastic beta, I am so, so excited. I so want this to be it for you--I'll be keeping my eyes glued on Monday! I'm just very happy for you right now!

MP, excited to hear your hubby's SA was good! And that you're starting Clomid, I feel like you're moving forward and that's always an empowering place to be!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - :appl: :appl: I'm so happy for you! :appl: :appl: I've been following from afar, and I am just so so happy for you!! :appl: Sending you ALL the sticky dust imaginable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I am so so so happy for you!