
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies,

First I want to congratulate PP! That's fantastic news!

Second I want to say I'm SO sorry Bright. I'm really glad that your BIL finally realized that it was hurtful to you, but still... ;( I can only imagine how painful that must have been.

Prana, yay for being all clear and having a nice follicle on the way!

AMC - way too funny! I think you and I might actually be fairly close cycle wise if my body is back to normal this month. I hope this is it for you!! :)

Lizzy - waiting with baited breath to find out what your betas are today. Good luck hun. ETA you posted while I was composing. SQUEEEEEE!!! I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Sticky dust to you!

AFM: Sorry I've been quiet/MIA, I'm trying to obsess less and just be happy that we're NTNP. :oops: I'm on CD10 today and my month of temping has me both more relaxed and more anxious. I think more relaxed is winning, but only because I'm 100% sure I'm not in the 2WW yet. I've taken my temp once, but that's it and I doubt that I'll temp at all this month at least. I have to admit that I've POAS a couple of times just because I have a million of those darn opks. Nothing yet, and I know that I shouldn't even be doing that, but it's not like it will change if DH and I BD. I'm not sharing the info with him and I'm letting him initiate during those times so I can have a clear conscience. I suspect I'll O sometime in the next week, and I've been checking in with DH just to make sure he'll still be okay with no protection for the WHOLE month. He's been so reassuring, probably more relaxed about it than I am even. So that's really great. We're pretty much EoD people anyhow unless once of us is sick or something, so I'm not worried about getting at least once in during my fertile window, whenever that might be.

As a really sad side note, I just found out this morning that my boss' husband died over the weekend at the age of 54 of a heart attack. :(sad He had just retired 2 months ago and they have two kids - 16 & 18. I know this is supposed to be a happy thread, but I just can't get it out of my head. I want to do something for them but I'm just at a loss. I know nothing that I say or do will make it better.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1321897058|3066201 said:

:appl: :appl: hooray Lizzy! So happy things are looking good.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, that's the best news for a Monday morning! I'm so happy for you! This one sounds like a super sticky bean. What's the next action item? What a great way to start the Thanksgiving week. Keep on baking, lady!

MP, glad your HSG wasn't too terrible, and maybe you'll be one of those girls who gets a BFP right after clearing out the tubes. Good luck at your monitoring ultrasound on Friday!

BrightSpot, thinking of you too! So sorry you had to silently endure the thoughtless comments at the baby shower. Hugs to you, my dear!

Petite, congrats on your BFP!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Like AMC said, you can't really see anything on an ultrasound until your HCG levels are around 2000 (IIRC). Since you had such a long cycle, you might be able to convince a doc to see you sooner, but it might cause more stress if you don't see anything just yet.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Steph, NEL, Pupp, S&I, and Petite!

My RE was really pleased with today's beta. Friday was 230 and today 705. She said it was up to me if I wanted to have another beta drawn and I decided to have another drawn on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. They did schedule me for a scan on Monday 12/5, which is a couple of weeks away so I felt better having another beta drawn. I hope and pray this is it ladies! It's been a long roller coaster ride. I am a total emotional basket case...but in a good way!

Petite, congratulations to you too! :appl:

Bright, I am sorry you had a rough weekend. Sometimes people who have not lived thru fertility issues just have literally NO IDEA how it feels to go thru something like this. The insensitivity, dumb comments and questions, and lack of compassion were just uncalled for. Does any of your in laws know that you and your DH have been trying for awhile? If not I'm hoping that BIL that figured it out can fill them in so that they can be more understanding. Hugs to you my dear. Great BD timing this month!!!

MP, honestly I think that tube blockage issue was a big find! One thing about the HSG's is that the dye can help to clear up some of those blockages which is why many women find they get pregnant the very next month. I'm hoping finding that leads you on your way next month. Glad to hear the Clomid has been treating you well. Keep us posted on the scan on Friday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Lizzy!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LIZZY!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: so happy for you!!!! :P
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations Lizzy! :appl: Very exciting news on your Betas. I am thrilled for you. Sticky sticky sticky!

MP, great news on the HSG. I hope your newly opened tube decides to ovulate this cycle!

Bright, so sorry for the insensitivity you had to experience. I probably would have snapped at them and said something about everyone not getting KU so easily!

Petite, Congratulations - wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months. My last ultrasound was $275 before insurance kicked in and negotiated a lower rate and blood work might be in the $100-200 range without insurance to confirm your betas. You can see a heart beat at around 6 weeks.

AFM, CD 16 here and I am not sure if I O'ed or not. I am using the Wondfo OPKs this cycle and never got a line darker than the control line. On Thursday night very late it was dark but not darker than the control line, and it has basically faded out since then. My temps and FF are not telling me anything either so I either O'ed Friday or haven't yet - not really sure.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, OMG what strong beta #'s I'm so doing a happy dance for you!!! I've got so many fingers and toes crossed for you and the numbers growing so much is SUCH a good sign!!!!! Hooray! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Monkey, thikning about you, friend this morning. I agree with NEL, I feel really positive for you since you've got a plan and doctors that will listen to you. I'm hoping this is it for you. I think there was another PS mama that conceived after she had an HSG, hoping you get the same luck.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Lizzy, that's such great news!!! I'm thrilled for you, and I will continue to keep you and the little bean in my thoughts!

Prana, sorry your procedure was so uncomfortable, but I'm glad that everyting is looking good for you this cycle!

Indecisive, hang in there. TTC has its ups and downs, but I'm hoping for good news for you.

Tammy, so sad about your boss's husband, and so close to Thanksgiving too :(( Puts a lot of things in perspective. Glad you and DH seem to be on the same TTC page now, and I hope your new approach works for you!

amc, happy wedding week! Excited for you!

JGator, sorry you're not getting much clarity regarding ovulation right now. That must be really frustrating. Have you been able to predict ovulation from OPKs or temps in the past? Hoping you get some clarity soon.

Afm, thank you all for your sweet messages! Means a lot! I'm trying to keep my expectations tempered because I know it still may take awhile to pinpoint the problem and to get all of our ducks in a row, but I do feel like we are getting closer that elusive BFP, and that's a good feeling. At least we have a lot more information than we did a month ago.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Lizzy! That is excellent news and an excellent beta! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy! Wonderful news, I am so excited for you!

PetitePoire - CONGRATS!

MP - I am glad the HSG went well and that you were able to tolerate it without too much pain. I didn't realize that surgery could cause fertility problems for endometrosis, I guess that is why I should not be answering questions about it. I am hoping that this month is it for you.

Bright - Your family members sound really insensitive. I mean really? Since when did a baby appear like magic??? I mean for some people it seems to, but everyone is different.

Tammy - So sorry about your boss's husband. That is hard when it hits so close to home. I am glad to see you posting again, however. I think if you are EoD people, than you really don't need to worry about missing something by not charting.

megumic - I have had a periorbital cellutitis, and that was scary. I cannot even begin to think what an orbital infection would be like! I am doing much better, and my stomach has adjusted to the medication.

incecisive - You have no way of knowing until it is time to test, so please don't get down over the holidays!

Prana - Sorry your US was so uncomfortable, but I am glad everything looks normal!

AMC - Tell your FI that in most cases the opposite is true! From my reading, infrequent intercourse can lead to a lower sperm count!

JGator - does sound like it is difficult to know what is going on, I really hope you see a temp shift soon.

AFM - CD4, not much going on here.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm so thrilled for you!! That's fantastic news!!! :appl: I think (and SOO hope) this is it for you! Keep us posted on how it goes on Wednesday.
I think you're right about people not understanding this if they haven't been through it. Newly PG SIL got KU on her first try. My other SIL had a chemical, then a MC before her sticky bfp. She wasn't teasing me... ::)

MP, I was thinking of you & am really happy to hear your HSG results. Maybe this sounds odd, but I'm kinda glad they found something...and were able to fix it! Maybe this is what was holding you back from getting your bfp all this time & now that it's fixed, you can get KTFU! Also glad you finished your clomid without any ill effects. So, what's the next step? Are you BD-ing this month or trying IUI?
Keeping my fingers crossed for you! (Though I hear you about trying to keep expectations in line.)

JGator, yeah it was tough not to say something, but I really am not sure if I want to talk about my troubles with them. It's hard to say something without saying everything, ya know?
As for OPK's, my "positives" the last couple of month have had the control line slightly darker than the test line. I assumed that I just missed the strongest surge b/c I only do them once, or twice (tops) a day. That's odd that your temps aren't helping, though. Mine went up yesterday, but dropped down a bit today. I looked back at previous months & see that pattern every month, though, so maybe they will go up again tomorrow. This can be so frustrating! I hope you're in the 2ww. Keep us posted.

S&I, thanks for the hugs!

tammy, yep, it was pretty rough. Thanks for the sweet post.
I'm so sorry to hear about your boss' husband's death. How awful. My heart goes out to the family.
I hope you can stay sane this month & catch that eggie. :naughty:

amc, happy wedding week! Thinking of you!

PetitePoire, I hope you're feeling less stressed. I agree with the Rx to stay away from Dr. Google. :wink2:

indecisive, thanks so much for the virtual hug. :)) I was totally dreading this happening & I expected the constant talk about pregnancy & babies & feeling left out & sad, but really didn't expect to be personally teased. :nono: I'm sorry you had a rough moment with your mom. Does she (now) know you're TTC? Also sorry you're feeling sad right now. Hugs back at ya! Do your other fertility signs agree with a CD10 ovulation? I hope you can relax & enjoy the holidays without the 2ww stress weighing too heavily on you.

Prana, thanks for the thoughts. I'm sorry your ultrasound was so uncomfortable (mine was also painful & my RE said some people are just very sensitive to this) but thrilled to hear everything was clear! It sounds like a pretty good prognosis to me! Good luck this month.

LtlFirecracker|1321919003|3066395 said:
Bright - Your family members sound really insensitive. I mean really? Since when did a baby appear like magic??? I mean for some people it seems to, but everyone is different.

Apparently since my SIL started trying! :tongue: Yeah, it's definitely easier for some than others. It was hard to hear her talk about how easy it was. Also, she offered me her big batch of (I assume wondfo) pregnancy tests that she won't need now. Insult to injury.
I hope you're feeling better & your infection has cleared up.

So, I'm happy to be back home, away from the in laws, which is odd for me to say, since they're normally pretty great. Nobody knows that we're trying & since we've been married for over 5 years, they might just assume we don't want kids because we haven't really said much either way. I'm a pretty private person, so I didn't want to talk about this with many people (& word spreads fast in this family).
For those of you who have tried for a while, how many people did you talk to about your difficulties?

Also, not sure if I O'd or not as my temp was lower this morning. I guess I'll see what it does tomorrow. I'm giving the metformin another shot (started with 1 pill today). Fingers crossed that it goes better this time. There was SO much hair in the drain this morning. :nono:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1321897058|3066201 said:

:appl: :appl: Great #s.
Sending you sticky dust for upping numbers Wednesday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lili|1321947047|3066670 said:
lizzyann|1321897058|3066201 said:

:appl: :appl: Great #s.
Sending you sticky dust for upping numbers Wednesday!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Those are some awesome numbers you have there Lizzy! :appl: :appl:

MP- glad you got the 'all clear' (pun intended) :cheeky: on your HSG! You are definitely one (BIG) step closer to your BFP. It won't be long now. I can feel it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Amc- Thank you. I appreciate the info.

S&I- Thank you. Thank you for the info. That does ease my mind a bit and makes me believe I can wait until I get back home.

Missy- Thank you. Although it must have been a little scary at first, I can definitely find relief in your story. I just pray that everything is going well and the little bean is growing and healthy.

Tammy- Thank you. You have a lot of patience to be NTNP and temping! We took the NTNP route too and I really believe, for me at least, it helped because I tend to be a very anxious/impatient person and it left it out of my control, which meant I couldn’t blame myself later if timing was right, etc. It sounds like your timing should be great though with EoD! Tons of dust. Also, I’m sorry to hear about your boss’ husband.

Lizzy- Thank you! Is it crazy that I am, potentially (don’t tell DH), more excited for your little bean? You’ve had such a roller coaster of a journey and seeing those numbers had me teary eyed. I am so happy for you and can’t wait for Wednesday to hear more news. Super sticky dust to you!

JGator- Thank you. I appreciate the info regarding doctor visits. That’s good to know, just in case. I may call around and see, but if I’m not as far along as I think then it might be best to wait a bit anyways.

Ltl- Thank you!

Brightspot- I am feeling less stressed. I am trying to just enjoy this and enjoy reading the positive things. I hope the metformin works wonders for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I hope that this is the little push that sends you into BFP land:-) (And thanks for the report on it not hurting too much:-) I'm still waiting to get mine until DH mans up about his SA :Up_to_something: but it's good to know that it won't be worse than a Pap!

Lizzy :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I really hope that this is it for you1 Those are great Betas!!!! (maybe its twins :eek:

Tammy-so sorry to hear about your boss's husband!

petite-congrats!!! that is awesome!

bright-glad that you are hanging in there. Sorry that it's been a rough few weeks! Have you found an RE you like yet?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, hope your temps went up again today. When I was temping, I also seemed to have a slight dip a couple days into my LP. I don’t miss temping! I also hope the metformin is agreeing with you better this time. I wonder if it is something you can build up a tolerance too or if there are certain times of day to take it or foods to take it with that would help? I hope that you are able to find people to open up with about your struggles. My mom and sisters now know, so they are always checking in with me to see how I’m doing, and it helps. I’ve told a couple of close friends as well that things are not happening as quickly as we’d like, but I haven’t gone into detail with them. We haven’t talked to DH’s family about it at all because DH hasn’t chosen to. I sometimes wish they knew we were trying to avoid potential awkward conversations. I can tell they wonder if we even want kids and when we are going to start trying, but they don’t push too hard on it. Regarding my HSG, you’re right that it is actually nice in a weird way to have found a problem that could be fixed. If I knew that was our only problem, I’d be ecstatic, but I suspect that as far as these things go, it’s never that easy. I’m hoping either the clomid or clearing the tube or a combo of two will improve our odds. I’ll meet with the NP on Friday, and I guess we’ll figure out our plan for this month at that time. I’m so curious to see what my ovaries are up to!

Bella, good to see you post here! For me, the HSG was not bad at all. I know others have had a little more uncomfortable experience than I did, but if I were you, I would just go into it knowing it is going to be uncomfortable, but don’t get too bent out of shape about it. My doctor kept telling me to breathe deep and wiggle my toes, and I do think that helped keep me relaxed. I had some minor cramping last night and sort of again today, but not to the point where I feel like I need to take anything for it. And DH survived his SA, so I’m sure your DH will too when he gets around to doing it.

Hi Hot, nice to see you around here! Thanks for the encouragement!

Firecracker, I really don’t know much about it, but I think the surgery can impair fertility if the endometriosis is severe and your tubes or portions of your ovaries need to be removed due to adhesions. Hang in there. You’ll be gearing up to try again before you know it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Quick fly by to ask if you think this is positive...because the digital said negative.


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC it looks pretty positive to me! How strange that the digi was negative. :confused:

I'm at work and have a crapton of work to do, so forgive the short post but I have a tiny update! I was telling DH yesterday how I've enjoyed not temping but it's starting to make me anxious about the 2WW (and why it will do that). To my surprise, he just casually said "well you should temp then, I really don't mind". He explained that he is okay with it but asked that I set something up for my side of the bed so I can handle it. Our bedroom is TINY so the bed is against the wall - which is my side, so he had to wake up and hand me the BBT + my phone, then put it back because we're chronic snooze button ppl. :rolleyes: I had it set up in a matter of minutes! :lol: So I'm back to temping again, yay!

Sorry if I don't make sense, it took me literally 30 minutes of interruptions to get through just this little post! :devil:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, definitely looks positive to me. Is it an OPK or an HPT?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm sure it's an opk. :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mayerling|1321992391|3066957 said:
AMC, definitely looks positive to me. Is it an OPK or an HPT?

Definitely an OPK. I wish it were an HPT!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Soon Amc and in the meantime happy soon to be wedding!! :)

Hey amc, quick question for you, and for anyone actually that wants to play! Does anyone know if ovulation pain can take place a couple of days before I actually ovulate? I ask because last month 2 days before I ovulated I had the same exact weird rhythmic squeezing pain "down there" (uterine) that I'm having now. This month it's accompanied by right side (ovary?) pain. Both pains come and go, but are obvious when they happen. :confused:

I highly doubt I'm ovulating _now_ because I may have cheated and used an opk yesterday and the day before, which were definitely negative. :oops:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT, great to see you! How's it going? Hope you are well.

PetitePoire, I'm glad you're feeling less stressed! I hope you can relax & enjoy your vacation. :wacko: Also hoping I can tolerate the metformin. I'm on day 2 of my second try with it. My stomach was a little upset last night, but tolerable. We'll see how it goes...

Bella, it's really good to see you in these parts! :wavey: How are you doing?
I haven't found a new RE yet, though I do have an appointment with my OB (whom I love) on Tuesday, so we'll see what she has to say.
Have you found a RE yet? I hope your DH gets his SA done soon. :Up_to_something: I also found the HSG procedure no more uncomfortable than a pap. I had some cramping that evening, but was fine the next day.

tammy, I'm glad you're back to temping again! I don't know about the ovulation pain, but hoping it's your time soon! (lol about closeted POAS-ing)

amc, that sure looks positive to me! (Weird that the digi says negative.) Good luck & enjoy your wedding! So excited for you!

MP, so my temp is back up today to the same temp as Sunday, I really think I O'd on Saturday, but FF hasn't given me crosshairs yet. Odd.
I'm on day 2 of the metformin & have tried taking it with lunch, rather than dinner. Maybe that will be more tolerable. I'm going to try to push through this time in the hopes of building a tolerance. I'll keep you posted!
I'm glad you're able to talk to your mom & sis about this & that it helps. It's funny--my DH would probably be more open about the process with friends/family, but I've been the one not wanting to talk about it. I did confide in my best (female) friend in more detail lately & it was nice to talk to her. I will probably wind up talking to my other best friend about it over the holidays, but it's tough since he's living in London right now, so we're not in as frequent touch as I'd like.
I hope everything goes well on Friday & that you have a solid plan to move forward! Are you hoping to do IUI, or just BD this month? I'm so excited & hopeful for you!

afm, day 2 back on the metformin & hoping I can keep it up this time! Also, I think I ovulated on Saturday, but FF hasn't given me crosshairs yet. What do you guys think?

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1322000257|3067052 said:
Soon Amc and in the meantime happy soon to be wedding!! :)

Hey amc, quick question for you, and for anyone actually that wants to play! Does anyone know if ovulation pain can take place a couple of days before I actually ovulate? I ask because last month 2 days before I ovulated I had the same exact weird rhythmic squeezing pain "down there" (uterine) that I'm having now. This month it's accompanied by right side (ovary?) pain. Both pains come and go, but are obvious when they happen. :confused:

I highly doubt I'm ovulating _now_ because I may have cheated and used an opk yesterday and the day before, which were definitely negative. :oops:


Ovulation pain can happen from several days prior to ovulation to several days after ovulations. It's a pretty unreliable source for knowing when you ovulate, just for that reason. Last month I had horrible O pain that didn't start until about 2 days after I ovulated, and lasted on and off for a week. I don't personally get them before I O, but I know some women do.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I think you O'ed on Saturday too! Looks like you covered your bases ;))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow!!! So much to catch up on! Sorry I've been MIA, work has been insane this week and it's tough to stay caught up. I'm going to try to get everyone, but forgive me if I don't....

Lizzy - SOOO excited for you!!! Like many have said, I have everything crossed super tightly. :appl:

Petite - A big congratulations to you! I'm glad you finally have a definite answer, and that it's such an exciting answer!

Bright - I was just shaking my head reading about your experience at the shower. Whether people know your history or not, those comments were inappropriate. I feel such a pull in my heart reading about your struggles with the hair loss on top of the TTC. I truly hope the metformin helps you with everything. I can tell from your posts how caring a person you are and what an amazing mommy you're going to make someday soon. (I wish I could be more helpful with your chart, but I'm not an experienced charter so would be bad at giving advice on that!)

MP - Glad your HSG wasn't very painful, and very interesting about the minor blockage. I'm so glad that you and your DH are getting a lot of answers lately and I hope with all my heart this will all lead to a BFP VERY soon. (I have a good feeling!!)

amc - Happy wedding week!! I hope the wedding and cruise are fantastic. (oh, and that looks like a positive OPK to me-- strange about the digital...

Meg - I think we're cycle buddies, I'm on CD 7 now. Good luck this month!

Ltl - Also good luck to you this month!

JGator - So glad you got the go-ahead to try! Are you now in the TWW?

Tammy - Good to see you check in. Glad to hear your DH is all for you still temping.

Anyone I've missed, I'm sorry! Like I said, I got pretty behind! :wavey:

AFM - Well, thanks to everyone for the dust/well wishes on DH's SA last Friday. I went with him b/c the whole thing was set up so quickly that I wasn't quite sure if we were meeting with a doctor or not. Turns out there was no need for me to be there at all, DH just got called in to do his thing and came out beet red in the face. It was all kind of cute. But, still haven't heard any news back yet. At this point, I am not optimistic we will know anything until after the Thanksgiving break, which is a little frustrating, but there is nothing I can do but wait. Trying to stay positive about things, but I am pretty nervous to hear the results.

On my end of things, my doctor seems to think that if the progesterone didn't help with the spotting issues that there is something else going on and doesn't even want to give it another month. He is giving me a medication called Lysteda this month to try. He said if that doesn't work he will probably go to Clomid the following month. That surprised me a little, but I do have one polycystic ovary, so maybe that will help? (btw- is that common to have one ovary look totally normal and one look polycystic? - it was interesting to see on my ultrasound). It's also interesting to me how he didn't seem too concerned about that polycystic ovary... so we'll see how this all plays out. I'm less focused on myself at the moment until we hear back about DH's SA.

So, I'm on CD7 and until we hear news otherwise we are just proceeding as normal this month with BD plans and all that.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I was able to detect ovulation with the Smiley Face OPKs and a temp shift in FF in the past. After almost a week of 3-4 OPKs, a day, I decided I must have ovulated last Friday since my darkest line was Thursday PM. Good luck with your NP visit on Friday. I feel like this is going to be your lucky cycle.

Firecracker, I think I do have a temp shift, it's just not as significant as in the past. FF hasn't given me the cross hairs yet.

Bright, looks like we are both about the same DPO if I did O on Friday. Good luck this cycle! Hope the Metformin gets easier to take and improves your hair loss.

Petite, I think you have a good plan to relax and enoy your vacation, and deal with the doctor visit when you get home.

AMC, happy wedding week! Looks super duper positive to me. Much darker than mine this cycle.

Tammy, yeah for temping and having your temp station all set up. I prop my thermometer up on my alarm clock so that I can't see the time in the AM without moving the thermometer.

Jen, good luck with your DH's SA. I hope you get the results soon. Yes, I am in the TWW...BD timing was not great as I was not expecting to O so soon in my cycle - if I did actually O.

Lizzy, hoping to hear a great beta update tomorrow. You and your bean are in my thoughts and prayers.

AFM, not much going on - we have a low key Turkey day planned. Probably going to do some car shopping this weekend and start to get ready for my in-laws' visit. They are coming for a week in early December.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow there's a lot to catch uop on here!

Lizzythinking of you have another test today?

Amc looks like a + to me. I don't know how I feel about digitals anymore-- I think they gave me false readings last month and I lost trust in them. I've decided not to use OPK's this month. For me it's just too much worrying and fussing, when I have other indicators of O'ing, like temps and CM. HAPPY WEDDING!

TammyO pains can happen before during and after O, from all the inflammation of fluid build up, rupture, release of the egg, tubes growing to accomodate, tubes shrinking afterwards...again, I don't think O pains are a surefire indicator of when you will O because there's so many reasons that those little twinges can be happening.

Bright I would say maybe Friday or Saturday? A few more days of temps should give you a better indication.

Jen Good luck and hopefully you don't have too much anxiety while you are waiting for your results. I'm a spotter too, which is why I had an US done this week to see if I had anything going on in there. If I'm not KTFU within the next couple of months, my MD wants me back to check my hormones and do a SA for DH. Hang tight and good luck!

AFM-I'm CD 13. I think I might have O'd yesterday, which would be the earliest so far. I had more EWCM these past 2 days than usual, and some twingyness in my left inner girl parts. Not that that means I O'd, but looking at my temps so far, maybe that's what it was. Plus I'm O'ing from my left, and I swear I haven't O'd from my left in a while. I had to wait 24 hours to BD after my US, so it threw off our 'schedule' by a day, but it shouldn't make a difference.
A few more days of temps should verify it for me.