
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LIZZY!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: YAY! Best news today! Keeping everything crossed for Monday.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I am so happy for you. I really think this is it! Fingers and toes are crossed for you.

AMC, my cycle was whacky post MC. My temps are erratic and I did get some dark colored EWCM about 2 weeks post miscarriage. My cycles used to be 29 days and it took 31 days post MC for my next cycle to start. I am on CD 13 now and temps are still erratic and no CM yet.

MP, good luck with the HSG On Monday. I will be thinking of you. I feel like you are finally really on a good path and it sounds like your NP is amazing.

Hi, to anyone else I missed. :wavey: I hope you all have a great weekend.

AFM, I had my first RE appointment today. I really like the doctor. He also gave me a couple of names of recommended ObGyns as I am pretty unhappy with the responsiveness of my current ObGyn's office - I called on Wednesday to check in on genetic test results and also another pregnancy panel test from September for Cystic Fibrosis and they haven't called back yet. He said he isn't concerned about my thyroid and thinks the MC was a genetic issue with my egg that could be just random and likely was there from the start of the pregnancy - odds are higher for me to have egg quality issues as I am older. The RE would like me to get an HSG and do the 5 day Clomid challenge and for my DH to get a SA - so that we know what we are dealing with. I don't think my DH is thrilled and got out of scheduling anything today due to having to check his travel schedule. I am supposed to call on CD1 to schedule the HSG and the Clomid Challenge. The doctor was funny - he told my DH "if you travel a lot we can just freeze your sperm - you don't need to be in town for an insemination - not very romantic but it works." And he said there is no need to wait for the genetic test results - he said they are likely inconclusive and would not change anything so we should TTC right away and often. So, CD 13 here - typically I O on CD 14, 15, or 16 so we're happy to have the green light.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

YAY Lizzy!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: HUGE congratulations, can't wait to hear Monday's beta too!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, so, so happy to hear your results!!! :appl: Sending tons of dust your way! I hope you can relax & have a wonderful weekend & get more good news on Monday!

PetitePoire, sorry your symptoms have lessened, but I'm not counting you out! Vacations can definitely mess with you. (though a month on vacation--lucky girl!)

Jen, I'm sorry to hear about the concern about your DH's meds (especially since you already cleared them with your doc!) I hope his SA goes well & has good results.

LtlFirecracker, that makes sense re: the clinical diagnosis for PCOS. It seems that everyone I hear about who has it has a slightly different set of symptoms. Fertility (and vanity!) issues aside, I'm also concerned about the possibilities of heart disease in the future, but my cholesterol & blood pressure are good. Hopefully that's a pretty strong indicator of heart health?
I'm sorry the antibiotic is messing with your stomach. :(( I hope you're feeling better soon & the infection is under control. Keep us posted on your temps tomorrow.

MP, I think the clomid monitoring ultrasounds are different than the one I had (ie they might not get a good picture of your ovaries). After I had my saline ultrasound I asked if the monitoring ones were this bad & they said no. How is the clomid going so far?
I'm glad your NP is so amazing! I hope your HSG goes well on Monday. At least it will be out of the way quickly. Have you decided if you're going to go into work after the test? I think the reason they say not to BD before the HSG is in case you wind up getting pregnant, it could flush the eggie into the fallopian tubes, resulting in a tubal pregnancy. (I googled this before mine.)

JGator, I'm so happy to hear your RE appt went well & that you like your new doc! (also that you have the green light to TTC...sounds like the timing was perfect!) It sounds like your doc is very thorough & hope he can be of help to get another bfp quickly. (lol re: freezing your DH's sperm!)

China, thanks so much for reaching out to Blushing. I really appreciate it! Hope you're having a great day!

afm, tummy is feeling better today since I didn't take the metformin yesterday. I talked to the nurse's office about it & she said to stop it & try again on Monday. I asked if taking the extended release could help (I'm on the instant release generic) & she said it wouldn't matter, which surprised me as I've heard it can be more easily tolerated for some people. I wonder if it might not be a bad idea to try dosing once every other day before switching to every day. Lots of EWCM today, but still no positive OPK, so I don't know what's going on.

Going to SIL's baby shower tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - So happy for you, I really really hope it is good news on Monday

MP - I don't know a lot about endometrosis other than the fact the treatments for it often (other than surgical ablation) will keep you from getting pregnant. So here is the mayo clinic link Sorry I can't be more helpful :(. As a pediatrician who sees mostly young children, I don't deal with this issue. With PCOS, I just happened to work with an expert, and was working a patient up for it over the last month. So that was kind of lucky.

Jen - that is frustrating! I hope you get some info from the SA

Brightspot - What I told my patient today is to think of PCOS as a warning sign, which can be in a way a good thing. Lots of diseases don't give you a 20+ year warning sign that they may be coming. Yes you are at risk for some health problems down the road, but those are several years away. If you can be proactive about your health now, you can lessen that risk. There are many diseases that no amount of lifestyle modification will help, but this is not one of them. And yes, I found at least 3 different sets of diagnostic criteria when doing my research, kind of frustrating. Have fun at your SIL's baby shower, and I really hope the metformin works the second go around.

JGator - it sounds like you found a really good RE doc. The things that RE docs do are not typically romantic, but the end of the day the goal is a baby right?

AFM - I opened a bottle of wine. So yes, AF is here. I normally only have 1 day of spotting, not 3, so that was weird. I am not sure who is more ready for the baby, me or my husband. He wants me to share my chart with him! He will be around this month. I am going to get OPKs when I am in San Antonio next weekend (this town is just too small to get them here, I am bound to run into someone I know). Next month we will be doing everything by the book. We will see how it goes. At least I know my cycle is pretty classic. O is on day 14 and 28 day cycles, very textbook. If nothing happens this cycle, I am not sure what the next step is as the nearest RE doc is 3 hours away :(( . My infection is clearing, so I am happy about that.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much ladies! I am staying cautiously optimistic until Monday.

MP, good luck with the HSG on Monday. Did they tell you to take like three advil's before procedure? My HSG did not hurt at all. I was worried for nothing. Main thing to do is stay calm and don't tense up. That really helps. The whole thing doesn't last that long. The good thing is that they give you the results during the HSG and immediately after so there is no waiting for results. The Clomid monitoring ultrasounds are super easy. They are just a quick internal ultrasound to check out your ovaries and follicular development, so definitely no worries there. Are you doing IUI this month or just Clomid and BD?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm staying optistmic for you as well. Grow little bean grow! Thanks for you advice about the HSG. I was told to take ibuprofen (advil) before the procedure, which is kind of what freaked me out, but after doing a little googling, most people say it is uncomfortable but not horrible, so I'm feeling better about it. I'll meet with the NP on Monday to find out what she recommends. I think she was thinking we would do IUI if DH's numbers didn't come back well, so now I'm not sure. If for some reason and IUI would really up our chances, I'd like to look into it.

Firecracker, so sorry about AF :(( Happy to hear your infection is clearing, so at least you were able to take the best meds for that. I'm going to be asking about endometriosis next time I go in to see if that is a possibility. I wish there was a better diagnostic procedure other than surgery though. I do think surgery can help in some instances, but it definitely is not without risks to fertility. I suppose I better wait to see if that is even a possibility before I get too worried about it.

Bright, sorry the metformin is not agreeing with you. Have you tried reading up on what others have done to deal with the side effects? Maybe there is something else you can try. Hope the baby shower goes okay. They're a little tough to take sometimes. I'm not too worried about the ultrasound on Friday. I've had a transvaginal ultrasound before to check on a cyst that had ruptured, and it wasn't pleasant, but not a big deal. They were able to get a pretty good picture of my ovaries last time, so I think they should have a decent idea of the shape they're in and if they look polycystic, etc.

JGator, glad you don't have to wait to try! Believe me, nobody was less enthusiastic about an SA than my husband, so if he can get through your DH can too. I do feel for the guys though because it is a really uncomfortable thing to have to do. I'm glad that you are going to get everything taken care of in the next cycle, assuming there is a next cycle :naughty:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm so happy for you! Grow bean, grow!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Lizzy! :appl: I hope your little bean(s) grow, grow, grow!!!

Will you find out Monday if you are having multiples?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So, I'm at my SIL's baby shower & I strongly suspect my other SIL is newly pregnant. It might be a rough weekend. :((
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Number of months TTC: 11
Number of sisters in law: 2
Number of pregnant sisters in law: 2

Father in law just asked me where my ultrasound pic was. :(sad
I'm assuming he didn't mean the one that showed my polycystic ovaries.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1321811631|3065620 said:
Number of months TTC: 11
Number of sisters in law: 2
Number of pregnant sisters in law: 2

Father in law just asked me where my ultrasound pic was. :(sad
I'm assuming he didn't mean the one that showed my polycystic ovaries.

Ugh, Bright, I'm so sorry your family is being so insensitive. Hugs to you lady.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1321811631|3065620 said:
Number of months TTC: 11
Number of sisters in law: 2
Number of pregnant sisters in law: 2

Father in law just asked me where my ultrasound pic was. :(sad
I'm assuming he didn't mean the one that showed my polycystic ovaries.
Aw Bright....(((((((HUGS))))))) big massive huge hugs to you. I'm sorry about that insensitivity from your FIL. It's impossible not to let it bother you. Especially with the other SIL now being pregnant too. I'm sure you're feeling sad right now, and that's OK. I have nothing else to offer you but hugs across the internet.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright: I am so sorry... Your FIL had a total foot-in-mouth moment. People need to think before they speak. I hope so, so, so hard that you will get your BFP very soon.

Lizzy: Congrats! Can't wait to hear your results from Monday- fingers crossed that your numbers will more-than-double!

Ltl: Enjoy the wine. AF will be gone before you know it... With your DH's excitement, this cycle just may be 'the one'. Thinking positively for you!

Meg: YOU PASSED!! YESSS!!!! Next up: Super-sticky BFP.

MP: Thinking of you as your HSG date approaches. Hope it is easy, painless, and provides some insight (and positive news that all is well)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

THANK YOU everyone for the congrats. We are SO thankful and relieved that I passed, as some friends did not. The idea of the time, energy and finances it would take to study again is just overwhelming so we are terribly relieved that I passed the first time around! We partied hard this weekend to celebrate, in the hopes drinking will take a 9 month departure soon. Thank you again.

Lizzy, SO happy for you and SO thankful you got a BFP and a great beta! Sending you all of my dust for good numbers tomorrow and that this is a sticky lil guy!

MP, good to hear the SA was pretty much normal. A relief, no? How is the Clomid going? Hoping the HSG goes well and isn’t too uncomfortable. How long until you’ll have results? That’s great they’re kind enough to open up for you on Friday. I love that sort of hand-holding kindness we all need during TTC.

Firecracker, that’s nuts about the MRSA. How is it doing? My DH had MRSA in his eye orbit the week before we got married and we thought he was going to either lose his eye or it was going to reach his brain, so I totally understand how intense that can be! Hope you’re feeling better and sorry to hear about AF. At least the vino takes the edge off the disappointment a little.

Bright, ugh. I hear you. The worst right? It’s awful when ppl just don’t know and they say stupid stuff. Things happen in three’s so maybe your BFP is coming up in the near future. Keep the hope lady!

Petite, how’s it hanging?

Jen, wow that’s nuts! What medication?

Tammy, what’s new lady? How goes?

JGator, glad to hear you like the RE and more importantly that you got the green light! It seems that some doctors in this field are very alarmist and want to know everything before saying okay, but so far I’ve really appreciated the docs that are like GO FOR IT. And honestly at the end of the day, more information isn’t always better. So, is it fair to say you’re in the TWW now??

amc, I just had my next cycle after a 6 week natural mc. I’m usually about 28 day cycles and that cycle right after was 30. I had heavy bleeding for one day and two days of lighter bleeding, but nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe a bit more cramping, but nothing outrageous.

Did I miss anyone? Ah, sorry if yes!

AFM, I’m on CD5 and we’re gearing up to get down. We’ll be at the in-laws when we get the ball rolling which normally is fine, but we’re taking my mom’s dog with us and she’ll be sleeping with us too. Isn’t it weird to BD with a dog in the room? We’ve never had to worry about it and now it’s making me nervous! Would love to get a BFP for xmas, but not holding out too hard. Just trying to stay positive these days…
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Bright, I'm so terribly sorry. :( I know it's been a long road, but you will have your BFP in the end, I just know it. *hugs*
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for thinking of me Meg!

Well, today DH and I were able to sneak away and we bought a test. It was positive immediately!! DH felt like he knew, but everything just feels like pre- AF to me, so I was/am hesitant. So, I guess that is that. I'm pregnant! I think the impatience is now kicking in and I would like to get home for the first appointment. It's actually pretty scary/exciting. Sorry I couldn't be with you ladies longer. :( I'll be sure to stick around and cheer everyone on though!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

WoooO! CONGRATS Petite!!!! That's so exciting! Such great news. Please send the BFP dust around to your other fellow PS'ers....Yay! :appl:

(You're a jerkstore, if I'm not mistaken....)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Steph, prana, ppm, meg & petite, thanks so much for your sweet posts & the hugs. Don't know what I'd do without you ladies.  ::)

Petite, huge congrats to you!!! :appl: Sending lots of sticky dust. Definitely spread your luck around these parts. My newly pg SIL was a jerk store too. 

Mp, thinking of you & hoping your hsg goes well tomorrow. Keep us posted!

Lizzy, thinking of you too! I hope your levels look great tomorrow!

Meg, good luck bding at the in laws'. I just had to do that! Yipes!

Hi to everyone else.  :wavey:

I have to say, not the best day today. It got worse before it got better. For a while they were teasing me for being the only one who wasn't pg until one BIL asked if this was rough on me & DH said...uh...yeah. :cry: Then it stopped. I'm very glad to be home now. 

 In other news, I think I o'd yesterday so I might be in the 2ww. Between the sonogram & diagnosis it's been a rough month with lots of stress (& less bd than usual) so I don't have high hopes.  We did hit o, o-1 & o+1 though. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you ladies for the congrats and sticky dust!

I was very surprised to have a BFP so soon. To the point of denial actually. Then it kicked in last night and now I am terrified of having a mc. I read Dr. google a little too much last night(because of my decrease in symptoms). Is it possible to see an ob/gyn without US insurance? Or would the fees be crazy? I would just really like some medical proof that a baby is in there (and growing) without having to wait until the end of December or beginning of January. Advice?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PP, congrats! I knew you would get a BFP! I wonder how far along you actually are.

Bright, ugh, I’m sorry. It’s hard enough to deal with the pregnancy news, but then to have it rubbed in your face must have been really hard. I’m glad that your BIL at least figured it out and that the comments stopped. Hopefully, they will learn to be more sensitive in the future now that they know. Just remember you are doing everything in your power right now to get pregnant. Yay for o’ing and well-timed BD’ing. And if this is not your cycle, you’ve got an even better plan next time. Have you tried the metformin again?

Meg, good luck getting in your BD’ing this weekend. Funny about the dog. We keep them out the bedroom for the most part because of the hair and because they are too active in the night for me sometimes, but anyway, one of them was hiding under the bed one time when we were BD’ing, and I think we traumatized him. I was embarrassed :oops:

Lizzy, thinking of you today. Fingers crossed for good betas!

PPM, thanks for your good wishes. I just saw your post on JBP, and I’m sending you lots of sticky dust. I’m glad you will be checking out your progesterone today.

AFM, I had the lovely HSG this morning. For anyone who will be getting one in the future, I just wanted to say that I didn’t think it was bad at all. Maybe some people react differently, but I only noticed some minor pinching, and that was it. No worse than a pap smear. I took 800 mg of ibuprofen beforehand, so that may be helping. And she did say I may get cramps later. Anyway, the dye went through one of the tubes immediately, but it did not go through the other one at first and they thought it was blocked, but then the dye finally went through that one as well. She said there was probably a minor blockage that was cleared out. I was surprised because I have never had an infection or anything, so I thought for sure they would both be open. Not sure what that was about, but I’m going to be doing some research to find out. She seemed optimistic this would improve my chances, so I hope she’s right. I don't think it is going to be that easy though.... I also took my last clomid pill today, so I will get my follicles checked on Friday. I am on a low dose of clomid (25 mg), but for those who are considering it, I have not noticed any side effects at all.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry for the really quick post. It is so hard to keep up! First, Congrats PetitPoire! Such an exciting time!

BS- I really wish I could give you a hug right now. I know the feeling when you hear a pregnancy announcement and your heart drops even though you are happy for them. I am glad BIL said something so the teasing stopped. I had a rough moment when my mom was talking about timing the birth of a baby (she didn't know we were TTC). I said something about not everyone being able to pick the exact month they get pregnant and she said oh just wait and see and I burst into tears. I really hope you get your BFP soon.

AFM, I am in the tww I guess. My chart says I ovulated on CD10, which is really early. I don't think our timing was good because of that :(sad I was sick off and on around that time so I am not 100% sure on the accuracy. I am just not feeling positive like I was in the beginning of this cycle. I guess I just wanted it so bad this month. I am do to test on Thanksgiving if I don't get my period but I am not very hopeful. Sorry to be such a downer and I hope everyone else has a good cycle.

ETA: MP- Congrats on the good HSG!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats PetitePoire!! How exciting! And STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE!

Bright, again, I'm sorry. People can be jerks.

MP glad your HSG went well!!

Indecisive- good luck in your 2WW! The worst time of the entire cycle :lol: Hopefully yours goes by quick and ends in a BFP!

AFM, I had my US this morning. It was very very uncomfortable. They did an intravaginal first to get a look at my uterus, then my doc came in and inserted a scope of sorts and injected me with saline. It felt like uber AF cramps the whole time, and I was getting really hot. Either who, I'm perfectly clear, there wasn't a cyst or a polyp or blocked tube to be seen. And my dominant follicle is the left this month, and I swear it's usually always the right. I should be O'ing within the next 4-5 days. She said I had good CM and was very optimistic for me. I feel so relieved that everything is clear in there and everything is working properly. It put my mind at ease quite a bit.

So, maybe my left follicle will be my lucky one. I'm just so happy that everything is OK with me!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP- I’m glad the HSG wasn’t too bad. I really hope this is what your body needed to get it into BFP gear! It sounds like the minor blockage could have been a reason, no? Dust for you this week!
Also, I’m curious too to know how far along I am. I could be as much as 8-9 weeks if I had a normal cycle in September (which I don’t think, but we’ll see!).

Indecisive- It only takes once, so I’ll keep you in my prayers.

Prana- I am trying! I’ve decided no more Dr. Google for as long as I am on vacation.

BFP dust to all of the ladies this cycle! I hope everyone gets their Thanksgiving/Christmas/Holiday BFP this year!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PetitePoire|1321889020|3066118 said:
Thank you ladies for the congrats and sticky dust!

I was very surprised to have a BFP so soon. To the point of denial actually. Then it kicked in last night and now I am terrified of having a mc. I read Dr. google a little too much last night(because of my decrease in symptoms). Is it possible to see an ob/gyn without US insurance? Or would the fees be crazy? I would just really like some medical proof that a baby is in there (and growing) without having to wait until the end of December or beginning of January. Advice?

My doc won't do ultrasounds before 8 weeks or so, mainly because if there's no heartbeat they don't want to freak you out possibly unnecessarily. I don't think all that much can be seen before 6 weeks anyway...I think that's when IVF gals have their first ultrasounds. Beta levels need to be to a certain level (3000?) in order to see anything in the uterus.

Hi to everyone else!

I'm waiting to O. I have a funny story for you. Last night we were BDing and the ipod was on in the bathroom (connected to the bedroom). It started off on something normal, no biggie…then a few songs later, the Hannah Montana theme song from the movie came on. OMG I started laughing and he was like “what the eff is this.” Hahaha. It took everything I had to stop laughing. Luckily the next song was “Let’s Get it On.” He said he should have finished during the previous song but “couldn’t conceive a child to Hannah Montana.” Hahahaha…so funny.

So right now we’re doing it every other day, then we’ll do it the day I get a positive OPK. He’s worried that he’s using up his A team. “Like being in battle in Iraq and using all of my bullets before the enemy is there.” I told him not to worry since he gets a fresh supply daily. Ha.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1321895223|3066177 said:
I'm waiting to O. I have a funny story for you. Last night we were BDing and the ipod was on in the bathroom (connected to the bedroom). It started off on something normal, no biggie…then a few songs later, the Hannah Montana theme song from the movie came on. OMG I started laughing and he was like “what the eff is this.” Hahaha. It took everything I had to stop laughing. Luckily the next song was “Let’s Get it On.” He said he should have finished during the previous song but “couldn’t conceive a child to Hannah Montana.” Hahahaha…so funny.

So right now we’re doing it every other day, then we’ll do it the day I get a positive OPK. He’s worried that he’s using up his A team. “Like being in battle in Iraq and using all of my bullets before the enemy is there.” I told him not to worry since he gets a fresh supply daily. Ha.

Hahahaha AMC, he's so funny!

Petite - Congrats!!! I know what you mean on not knowing how far along you are. I had a good feeling because I was temping, but it was my first month trying it and could have been off. According to my lmp I would have been 11 weeks when I got my BFP, which was obviously wrong! My OB let me have an ultrasound, because my uterus size didn't feel anywhere near 11 weeks. Turns out I was 6 weeks 4 days and I was calculating exactly 7 weeks from my O day so pretty close! Good luck and I hope you figure out how far along you are soon!

:wavey: to everyone else!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

yay Lizzy!!!!! That is so incredibly wonderful!!! I am beyond thrilled for you! Tons and tons of sticky dust. :) :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, what wonderful news! :appl: :appl: :appl: What now? More betas? An ultrasound in a week or two?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

EEEEEEE!!! LIZZY!!! That is fantastic! Oh my gosh, I'm literally doing a little happy dance in my chair for you right now. 705!! Oh my gosh, I'm just so excited to read your betas are going up...I think this is the first time I've ever seen you post with doubling (tripling) betas, which is just wonderful. When is the next appointment? I'm continuing to send you the stickiest vibes possible.

And MP, I was thinking about you all morning (in addition to thinking about Lizzy). Okay, so I have to confess that I didn't think they were going to find anything at all in your HCG--very interesting about the minor blockage. While I know that it's not likely that it was a major source of your not conceiving to date, I can't help but wonder what kind of role it may have played. If nothing else, now that the blockage is gone, that can't hurt! I just feel like you're in a much better place now than you were a couple of months ago--you've done the HCG, your husband's SA was good, you're taking Clomid, you have docs around you who are actually interested in getting to the source of the problem and offering proactive options for you along the way...I just feel like you are well on your way to getting your BFP and I'm really excited for you!