
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, you definitely have the right attitude, and I hope that it works for you! I’m going to have to steal your mantra. You’ll enjoy the books I’m sure. I’m a hypochondriac and immediately began diagnosing myself with most of the of the conditions described in the scenarios in the book. But one good thing about the book is that you realize that even women whose doctors had given up on them were able to get pregnant once they found a doctor who was willing to get to the bottom of their problem.

Mayerling, not a bad idea to start OPKs are little earlier until your cycle has regulated. I think most people's ovulation cycle dates vary by a few days from month to month. The good news is that as long as you are BD’ing every few days between now and O, you won’t miss the window even if you happen to miss the positive OPK.

amc, I guess I better tell my DH to expect a house full of girls! Ha!

AFM, I heard back from the nurse and, of course, I was told that because the lab parameters for CD3 progesterone are 3-26, my progesterone was normal. Thanks, I got my medical degree from google, and even I could have told you that. But given the fact that most of the info I’ve seen says either 10 or 15 is the minimum doctors want to see for normal ovulation, I at least wanted acknowledgement that 10.4 may be borderline low or at least an explanation for why it is not a concern. Oh well, I didn’t waste any time arguing with a nurse who was only repeating what the doctor wrote. I scheduled an appointment with the NP in a couple of weeks, so hopefully, that will help me get the ball rolling. Oh, and its CD1 today. On to cycle number 10 :angryfire:

ETA: Tammy, missed your post. Too funny. I too at one point calculated possible due dates for a year and weighed the pros and cons of a winter baby versus a summer baby. At this point, I couldn't care less! I have a feeling you're going to inch up your TTC start time even more. The first of the year sounds reasonable :rodent:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I missed yours too, MP. :angryfire: x 100 re: AF. I'm so sorry. ;( I hope your NP visit is helpful and that they get to the bottom of things for you ASAP.

I wouldn't be surprised if we inched it up, but a lot really depends on two things. One, money :nono: and two, if DH is really comfortable with trying sooner and that seems to be 99% influenced by the money issues. I ask him what happens if we aren't where we want to be by Feb money wise though and he said that we'll just make due. Neither of us want to delay indefinitely. :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1318975239|3042996 said:
As a side note, can you relate to this...?

I just printed off fertile dates and due dates for the next 6 months, then added an additional 6 months of dates to share it w/my DH based on IF my body works right (suspect and hope it will) and I O approx 2 wks after stopping the pill AND my cycles revert back to 28 days.

ETA: For those of you that went off of BCP, how early did you notice changes, if any...and what were they? I have taken 4 pills in the last 2 weeks (4 placebo, then 4 active, then ditched them after 10/7) and I could swear that I am seeing changes in my body already. Is that possible? I'm breaking out (o m g I hope that settles down!!), my energy level the last 24 hours has dramatically increased even w/reduced sleep, my mood seems to be MUCH better/more patient/happier and from a more concrete standpoint my temps have dropped & are becoming more stable. I can't wait to see what it's going to be tomorrow!

Me? Plan that far ahead? Nooooooo.

Or, yes.

My problem, though, is I was counting on 28/29 day cycles, which just isn't the case...anymore. Put it this way- back in the Spring it looked like AF would come on 11/27, aka wedding day. Now she's not due (STAY AWAY!!) until 12/5. Which, obviously, works out much better.

As far as BCP, I did notice changes pretty quickly. Definitely had more energy and was in a better mood...and my skin got worse.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah I don't expect to be able to really rely on any of the dates until at least 3-4 cycles go by like clockwork (which I somehow doubt will happen). It was fun regardless of the inaccuracy of it all! :bigsmile:

Thanks for answering the BCP question. I am really happy about the energy and mood, but so not happy about the acne. I never had major issues with it before, so I'm hoping that goes away except for around AF.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MonkeyPrincess, I'm expecting a house full of girls too! I'm a worrier. :lol:

Tammy, I didn't really notice any changes after coming off BCP. This is cycle2 after BCP so it's probably too early to tell, but cycle1 was 28 days sharp. As for other changes, apart from the hot-flashes I experienced one night and the fact that I've gained about 1kg, I don't really feel any different.

AFM, no test line showed up on yesterday's OPK so I'm assuming O will either be on time (hopefully) or late. BD is a regular occurrence so I know I shouldn't worry about missing the window but I obsess nevertheless. :roll:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

When I came off BC, I wasn't really anywhere near TTC mode, so I wasn't paying attention to my body. I came off almost 2 years ago, and the reason was bc I wanted to have it long gone from my system when we did TTC.

My periods seemed to stay normal. Although they became a little heavier over time. Like I mentioned before, terrible acne, but I've found some great ways to keep it at bay using as many natural products as possible (I have very sensitive skin), and I don't want to use anything that could potentially cause harm to a baby. Also, unpleasant as it is, after stopping BC I've had more dark hair sprout up in unwelcome places, so I have to look at my face frequently to make sure nothing is there. :oops: :? :o :shock: :errrr:

I wish that I had become more familiar with my body throughout the past 2 years, instead of recently. I just assumed that I would be as highly fertile as the rest of the females in my entire family, who only need to look at a penis to become pregnant :devil: . I did start tracking my AF's using an iphone app, but I found out I wasn't even doing that correctly. But I think I've got it under control now :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I got my 6 FRERs in the mail yesterday! DF was looking at the box and said "um, you're getting the ones that say pregnant/not pregnant too, right?". I said yes, they are on their way. Then I told him I'll have to pee in a cup so that if the FRER comes up positive I can do a digi right then. He gave me a look as if that was the most disgusting thing he's ever heard...ha! Little does he know that's what I do every morning when I take OPKs! Boys...

Speaking of OPKs, I think mine is about 90% positive. My temp is plummeting like the DOW. EWCM showed up last night (yay!) so *hopefully* I O in another couple of days. Of course the past couple of months I've had EWCM for up to 6-7 days before a temp shift, so who knows!

sep chart.JPG
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1318975239|3042996 said:
For those of you that went off of BCP, how early did you notice changes, if any...and what were they? I have taken 4 pills in the last 2 weeks (4 placebo, then 4 active, then ditched them after 10/7) and I could swear that I am seeing changes in my body already. Is that possible? I'm breaking out (o m g I hope that settles down!!), my energy level the last 24 hours has dramatically increased even w/reduced sleep, my mood seems to be MUCH better/more patient/happier and from a more concrete standpoint my temps have dropped & are becoming more stable. I can't wait to see what it's going to be tomorrow!

Tammy, I think everyone is different. For me, I didn't notice any big changes at all when I got off BC. I felt completely like myself when I was on it, and completely like myself when I got off of it. Yaz never affected my moods or energy level, so maybe it just wasn't the right BC for you or maybe you are just more sensitive to it in general. Glad you are feeling better for the most part though. My skin was fine for a couple cycles off BC, and then I started noticing I was breaking out more often and still am unfortunately, but that is only because yaz helped control break outs.

amc, my DH is repulsed at the idea of me peeing in cups as well. I try to avoid discussion of that and any CM or spotting/AF too because let's face it, that's just not sexy. But it sounds like your fiance/DH is going to be very involved and supportive in general so that's great. Are you still on track for your plan for next month?

Hi Bright and Lizzy, hope you are both doing well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1319043699|3043567 said:
amc, my DH is repulsed at the idea of me peeing in cups as well. I try to avoid discussion of that and any CM or spotting/AF too because let's face it, that's just not sexy. But it sounds like your fiance/DH is going to be very involved and supportive in general so that's great. Are you still on track for your plan for next month?

Yes! I think he's almost as excited as I am. He even bought some boxers to wear instead of boxer briefs in order to cool off the boys. He hasn't actually worn them yet, though. It's so weird to think that a month from now we will be actively trying. It's all so grown up!

I agree, though, CM is pretty unsexy. I mentioned the term "egg white" to him and he was completely grossed out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jena17|1318621942|3040440 said:
Hi girls! I am somewhat new here, I posted a lot when I was TTC my first child and haven't been on much since. But I'm back!! :)

My darling son just turned the big 1 year old and DH and I decided it was time to start trying for our 2nd child. My problem is I am still breastfeeding just a little at night and when I get home from work, So I go all day without BF'ing and he sleeps through the night. I haven't had my period return yet so I am worried I am not ovulating. Does any of you girls have any experience with this problem and have any insight for me?

Jena, if your period hasn't returned then you aren't ovulating.

In general to use 'lactational amenhorrhea' for contraception you need to be feeding on demand day and night and it should really be exclusively breastfeeding. I was doing this and it took 16 months for AF to return - even though I hadn't cut down in any way. My sister did the same, but AF returned after only 2 months which she wasn't very pleased about.

Although I am still breastfeeding around every 3 hours day and night (daughter will be 2 and a half next month) my cycle is very, very regular at 27 days as it was before I got KU. So I imagine that my cycles are ovulatory.

When people get KU by suprise while breastfeeding it is generally the cycle that their fertility returns.

I would suggest seeing a doctor to see why your cycle hasn't returned as you are not breastfeeding in a way that would generally inhibit your cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:wavey: Just checking in on everyone over here and wanted to say hi!

MP - Sorry about AF :(sad

AMC - That's funny about the boxers comment to cool off the boys haha. I never thought of that actually. DH has always worn boxer briefs, but I guess it didn't hurt his "boys" any. Good luck to you NEXT month! Oh my gosh, so soon!

Bright - Hope you're doing well over there!

Lizzy - Been thinking of you. Your new process sounds so scientific. I had no clue how any of that worked! Thanks for explaining, I was always curious about it.

Jena - I think we were married on the same day...October 10 right? Good luck with your cycle returning to normal!

Hi to Prana, Tammy, Mayerling!

Anyone heard from Hot? I haven't seen her post here in a while, but I didn't check to see if she's posted anywhere else either.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all!

Sorry I've been MIA for a bit & am coming back with a me-centered post. (I promise I'll write again soon & address everyone specifically, but time is of the essence...) Could you guys help me out with a quick chart read/OPK advice? My chart has been nuts this month & FF has given me 2 separate O dates, both of which have now been removed. I finally got what I think was a positive OPK yesterday (the 2 lines were pretty much the same). I'm only testing once a day with FMU so I might've missed a stronger reading.

So, since we got DH's SA results, we're on the EOD boat to try to give his swimmers more time to build up (he has a low count, among other issues). We BD'ed yesterday, but I'm not sure if we should BD again today or wait until tomorrow. What do you guys think, based on my chart/OPK results? I don't want to miss the window. The new schedule is causing me anxiety... :errrr:

Thanks for your help! Hi to everyone & more soon! :wavey:

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I totally understand your fears. Whenever we do EOD instead of ED, I get so paranoid that I am going to miss the peak day. What are your usual pre-O and post-O temps? I ask because it's possible you might have already ovulated yesterday based on today's temp. If I were you, I would probably BD tonight if the spirit moves you. It will have been 36 hours since yesterday morning. . . . so it should have given your DH's swimmer's some time to build-up. If not tonight, try it again tomorrow morning. The good news is that you've already gotten in some BD'ing in your fertile window.

Edited to correct all of my errors. I'm not good at typing on my phone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot, I second MP's analysis/recommendation regarding your chart and when to BD again. Your chart shows an appropriate temp spike, and your OPK might have caught your surge on the way back down yesterday. If today's temp falls in your post-O range, I would say that you Oed yesterday. Since you BDed yesterday morning, you would have hit O day, so you're in great shape! Feel free to BD tonight or tomorrow morning, but I think the session you had yesterday was perfect timing. Hope you can confirm with tomorrow's temp!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I agree with the others. I think you possibly tried to O on CD 17 and 20, but it looks like you O'd on CD20. Definite temp shift there, now it just needs to stay up for two more days and you'll get solid crosshairs :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I may have spoken too soon regarding that whole better mood and more energy thing. :oops: I KNEW it was too good to be true! Poor DH...sort of. :rolleyes:

I'm feeling anxious today about waiting, moreso than usual. It sucks. There, I said it. I want my DH to want to start ASAP. He wants me to be happy and compromise with me on the issue, but I can't bring myself to push this subject. My need to feel like we didn't start ttc before he was fully ready outweighs my very strong want to start sooner. Ugh. Sorry, I know this is more appropriate for the WBW thread but hopefully nobody minds my misplaced whining.

Where's this all coming from? A silly, fairly insignificant assumption on my behalf. When he told his friend "Feb/March" I took it to mean that he was ready to try even sooner than my previously mentioned date (my 35th bday on 3/17). Long story short, he actually meant March, unless my fertile time is at the end of Feb because he knows I don't want to have to wait past my bday. I know it doesn't REALLY change anything, I was just temporarily really sad that I'd come to the wrong conclusion. :(sad He insists that he doesn't feel pressured and wants to try then. I know this is my weird and misplaced fear of pushing him into ttc and he hasn't given me reason to feel that way. Bah.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok, back with my longer post, as promised.

Hey Missy! Good to see you! How are things going? I hope you're feeling well & baking away. I haven't seem HOT round these parts in a while either. I hope she's ok.

amc, let me know what your DH thinks about the boxers. Mine wears boxer briefs too & his doc said that was ok (even in light of his SA results) & he didn't necessarily need to switch to boxers.
I hope you O soon! And next month it's go time, right? How exciting!
Thanks for chiming in with the chart read! I get so in my head & it's really helpful to get other expert opinions!

Tammy, my first month off BCP I had some really nasty headaches (like I've never had. I think they might've been migraines as I had some nausea as well.) On the upside, I also had some increased drive. Both symptoms have evened out over time. My face has been about the same--a breakout every now & then, but nothing awful. My first cycle off bc was 28 days, but since then they've varied with the longest clocking in at 37 days. I'm glad your energy & mood are better & hope your face will even out soon! I'm sorry you & your DH had some time line confusion. It's frustrating to have to wait longer than you'd like, but maybe in a few months he'll feel differently.

Prana, I'd love to hear about the natural products you use for acne. One of my fears of being PG is not being able to use my products & be broken out constantly!
I've read both books you mentioned. My Making Babies fertility type is tired & stuck as well, though heavier in the tired camp. Let me know what you think of the entire book. I've made a few changes based on its recommendations, but have yet to totally overhaul my diet. (maybe I'll do that if I don't get KU soon.)
Prana|1318883926|3042223 said:
I think my major problems are stress, not being able to let go of control, and SUGAR!
Ditto! (though I also drink diet Coke) I guess we are fertility type buddies.
I love your mantra, btw. I'm trying to adopt it myself, but it's hard sometimes.

Mayerling, I think obsessing is the name of the game when TTC-ing. I hope you O soon!
That's a little odd that your friend announced her pregnancy at your wedding. Hoping you have a big announcement to share soon!

MP, I'm so sorry AF showed. :blackeye: Big hugs to you. I hope the appointment with the NP will be helpful. Maybe they can inch up the dates on your HSG & SA? How are you doing?
I'm glad to hear the progesterone results were ok, but sorry they didn't give you any more info. I feel like we spend so much time researching this on the internet that it's almost disappointing when a doc confirms what we already pretty much know.
I agree with you that the not knowing is the worst part of this process. If I knew that I would be PG within, say, a year, I'd be totally fine with chilling out & letting what happens happen. It's just the idea that it may not happen that is so scary. I'm glad your cats have been extra snuggly lately. Very sweet. Mine has been more tolerant of the forced snuggle time. :rolleyes:
Thanks for your chart/BD advice. I looked back at my previous charts & you're right that this morning's temp looks like a post-O temp for me. I think we'll give it one more shot today as by tomorrow it will definitely be too late for this month.

Lizzy, DH's doc put him on clomid, but hasn't really talked to him about anything else to do. He'll have a follow up next month. My RE suggested cutting down on alcohol consumption (which DH has). We've also switched to an EOD schedule, so hopefully that will give him a chance to replentish. My RE also briefly mentioned the possibility of IUI, but I guess I have to have my ultrasound (next month) before he gets a clearer picture of what's going on with me & how to move forward.
Thanks for updating us about the IVF process. It's really interesting to read about. How are your injections going? Where are you in the process now?
Btw, one of my SIL's is 6 mo PG & the other is trying. The one who is trying left me a vm the other day (we more often text than call) & my first thought was, "oh no, I hope she's not PG." Then I felt awful for thinking that. :oops: I'm so glad your DH is supportive. It's hard to stay positive when the process drags on & I can't even imagine how painful your losses have been. Praying that you have a strong day 5 transfer & a healthy LO 9 months later! Big hugs to you.

S&I, thanks for chiming in on the chart read/advice. I was thinking that I probably caught my LH surge on the way in, but you're absolutely right that I could just have easily caught it on the way out. That would be a better explanation for this morning's rise in temp. Maybe I did, in fact, O yesterday. I'll give it another shot today, just in case.
How are you feeling? Good to see you!

AFM (again), so, I've been pretty stressed lately. I don't know if I've mentioned this here or not, but I seem to be losing more hair (from my head) than usual. I noticed it a few months ago (more hair in the drain/on the floor, less hair in the ponytail). Also, a hairdresser on set that I hadn't seen since last summer made the comment when I saw her this spring that there seemed to be less hair. I went off hbc in January, so part of me wonders if it's extra androgens in my system (PCOS?) that the hbc would've suppressed. (It's a recommended treatment for this issue, but obviously not an option when TTC-ing) I also wondered about my thyroid. I talked to my RE about this & he tested my testosterone, but I don't know what the results are yet as the office only gives test results in person, not over the phone. :angryfire: But the nurse said there was no cause for concern. So I went to see my GP yesterday, who I love, and he ran some additional tests including a regular (not fasting) glucose & thyroid. I also got to discuss some TTC issues with him & he was reassuring. He also said that he & his wife were TTC-ing for over a year. Her CD3 blood work was so bad that it seemed she had nearly no eggs left. She is also 43. They actually went to see my RE & we got to talk a bit about him. My GP pretty much concurred with some of my impressions of him. He also did say that he heads the clinic, which gets good results, so he must know what he's doing. He said that the RE told my GP that he & his wife were better off trying on their own, not pursuing treatment considering their situation. My GP said he was pleased that the RE didn't try to sell them on treatments that probably wouldn't be effective. So the GP & his wife kept trying, but in a more laid back manner & she's now 38 weeks PG. He said it happened when they basically stopped thinking about it. So that was really reassuring. I should get results in a week or so on my tests. (I forgot to mention to him that I'm going grey fast & furious these days & wind up coloring my hair every month. This might be harmful too.) He also said a prime cause of hair loss is stress. So I need to come up with a plan not to obsess & stress out about this stuff so much. Wish me luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sorry you’re feeling so stressed and about the hair loss. That would be frustrating. I think that you’re okay to color your hair for now. When you do get pregnant, maybe you can try to hold off for the first trimester, but I know a lot of people who have continued to color their hair with no problems. Have you considered taking a month off from temping? I think that helps not to stress about TTC every single day of the cycle and to get better sleep. It has for me anyway. We are going to take a laissez faire approach for a month or two because lack of effort has certainly not been our problem, so I figure it will do us both some good not to stress around O time. I wonder if it would be helpful for you to try that next cycle if you didn’t already get KU. Thinking of you.

Tammy, sorry you’re feeling impatient. And obviously, all of us who post here understand your frustration and wanting to start now. I was ready to start trying a couple months before DH (he wanted to make sure I had been in my current job for long enough before we started trying), and it was annoying. I do think you are right to make sure that you and DH are on the same page timing wise though, and he has already agreed to start trying earlier than he initially suggested. November and December will fly by because of the holidays, and then you will only have a couple months to wait. Hang in there.

AFM, funny story. DH got a package from Amazon yesterday, and he was kind of secretive about it. Then later on he was very proud to show off what he calls his “big load” vitamins. Nice. They are called Fertility Blend for Men (I think) and supposedly improve sperm count. For the past few months, I have been making him take multivitamins, and he decided to try these ones instead after seeing them on Amazon. We figure they probably won’t help anything but that they can’t hurt. He also has been wearing boxers for months now and I haven’t heard him complain about them. Now if I could just get him to cut back on caffeine and alcohol (he is a big beer connoisseur, and has probably 2 a night on average), I’d be happy. Baby steps I guess. Oh, and he has not been allowed in our hot tub since February. I feel really bad about that because he used to use it all the time to relax after a long day!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright- I haven't received the books in the mail yet, so I'm only going off of the few suggestions from the website. I am more in the 'stressed' camp, and believe me, I didn't need a book to tell me that! I see a Native American body healer about 3-4 times a year, and she's always telling me that my stomach is in turmoil bc of stress, and that it might give me problems TTC. She always digs around in my stomach trying to release my muscles and get me to breathe lol. Alas, here I am having trouble concieving!! Luckily I see her next week!

What I've implemented so far based off the suggestions and what I already know about myself (ie. stress, ?poor circulation, ? short luteal phase) is drinking more hot stuff, avoiding cold water, avoiding raw foods, which I do have a tendency to eat a lot of, getting more of my protein from animal sources, avoiding soy and soya products, and *trying really hard* to cut out sugar (which has been totally unsuccessful :D ). So I've been drinking hot water with ginger and lemon all day, instead of my usual 1.5 liter of cold/room temp water. I've been eating more soups and stews instead of salads and the like. Luckily it's not too much of a transition for me bc I already eat a lot of the recommended stuff, I just have to cut back on the other stuff that's probably not doing good by me. I don't consume any alcohol at all, nor do I drink soda or juice so I'm lucky in that sense! Since drinking the hot stuff, my body does feel a bit better...I notice I'm not getting cold as much, especially in my hands and feet.

As far as the natural face care goes, it was definitely a trial and error business trying to figure it all out. I have sensitive skin, my face always looks flushed, I have rosacea, and I have acne. Lovely, right?

I started washing with unscented locally made goat's milk soap last year. That has been great for the sensitivity, and has helped the redness as well. I do have to use Finacea, which is a prescription, for my rosacea. My acne, I've realized is actually a product of over washing and my skin being dry (even though I have oily skin...does that make sense? I think my face was working overtime to create more oil to replace what I was taking away) so at night I moisturize with.........OLIVE OIL! I use a really high grade olive oil, and I put a thin layer on after I wash my face. Some people wash it off after a few minutes, I leave it on. After I put the olive oil on, I put my Finacea on. If I'm having a breakout, I'll use like a benzoyl peroxide acne spot treatment, but I don't use it very often. So I guess I'm half natural :saint:

The olive oil has worked wonders for me. I've been using it for about a year, I would say. My skin looks healthier, I've been having less acne breakouts, and it's obviously not drying or damaging in any way. From what I understand, it works by opening your pores and getting into your pore, not just sitting on top of your skin and essentially covering up your pore. So by getting into the pore and keeping it open, whatever topical stuff I need to put on can get in there and do it's thing better. Plus I believe the olive oil has some disinfecting properties, and anti-wrinkle properties in the long term. By adding oil to my already combination skin, I think it's tricking my face into believing that it doesn't need to make more oil. I believe there are other types of oils you can use on your face that have similar effects...possibly tea tree oil? But don't quote me on that. If I feel like I need an astringent, I use witch hazel.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all, I'm quietly poking my head in. We were surprised to be pregnant about 4 weeks ago and soon thereafter found out we would miscarry. Despite the devastation, we are wanting to try again soon. So, here I am, in the TTC camp and looking forward to spending time getting to know you ladies and hope everyone has a short stay.

For those of you who have had previous mcs (or simply just know), how long is it usually recommended to wait before trying again? I did not have to have a d/c as everything passed naturally. My doctor recommended two full periods before trying again (i.e. however long it takes btw mc and AF, and then two full AF like a total of 12 weeks in my calculation...). I was thinking waiting for one full AF to cycle should be sufficient. Thoughts?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, welcome. I said it in another thread, but again, I'm so sorry for you loss. I have never been pregnant or miscarried, but the consensus around here is that if it was an early miscarriage, then it is okay to start trying again as soon as you ovulate. Obviously, you will want to consult your doctor to see if there is any medical reason to wait longer. I hope that you are able to get another BFP very soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

megumic|1319148048|3044451 said:
Hi all, I'm quietly poking my head in. We were surprised to be pregnant about 4 weeks ago and soon thereafter found out we would miscarry. Despite the devastation, we are wanting to try again soon. So, here I am, in the TTC camp and looking forward to spending time getting to know you ladies and hope everyone has a short stay.

For those of you who have had previous mcs (or simply just know), how long is it usually recommended to wait before trying again? I did not have to have a d/c as everything passed naturally. My doctor recommended two full periods before trying again (i.e. however long it takes btw mc and AF, and then two full AF like a total of 12 weeks in my calculation...). I was thinking waiting for one full AF to cycle should be sufficient. Thoughts?

Sorry to have to welcome you here :(

On some other boards I'm a member of, several women have had early MCs and started TTC again the next cycle. I don't think I've ever heard of a doctor asking someone to wait 2 full cycles to start trying, unless there was a d/c or some other complication. I'm no doctor, obivously, but if I were in your situation and felt I was ready emotionally, I would just go for it.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So sorry again, Meg. :blackeye: From what I've read here and on other forums, the main reason they want you to wait is just to make it easier to calculate your EDD. I think especially with it being an early loss, it wouldn't be necessary to wait at all. If you and your DH are emotionally ready, which I could easily imagine, then I'd say go for it.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Okay, random question of the week.

It seems like conventional wisdom is exercising more than 7 hours a week can cause issues with TTC, even if you're still ovulating (apparently due to metabolizing progesterone faster so your levels drop).

I have been working out (and when I say work out, I'm just talking cardio (running, elliptical, kickboxing class, rollerblading), not including weight training that I do a bit of)) say 4-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes a session, so roughly 2-4 hours a week. Seeing how my wedding is in 38 days (yikes!), I've been stepping up the workouts and want to continue to do so. I'm basically working out every day, except for one rest day. I'm ramping up and am going to start doing 2 cardio sessions a day, probably 30-45 minutes each.

I will be ovulating about a week before the wedding, and as you know, we're going for it. So a couple of questions:

1) Do any of you work out a ton AND have gotten pregnant while on intense workout regimes?
2) How long do you think it takes progesterone levels to normalize after an intense workout regime ends? As in if I ease way up right before I O, will that do the trick?

Thanks in advance for any advice!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


So sorry for your loss :((

My doctor recommended waiting three full cycles... Many will cite increased chance of miscarriage. I did some of my own research (earned my MD from Google :cheeky: ) and found that most doctors recommend waiting simply to ensure 'emotional' recovery. Also, in the event of a D&C or later miscarriage, waiting allows the uterine lining to build back up.

I was only 5 or so weeks when I MCd. My bleeding was quite similar to a regular period. For that reason, I did not wait and tried the next time ovulation occurred.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Megumic, I'm so sorry for your loss.

amc80, I'm not sure about the exercise question. I'm not really a work-out person :oops:

AFM, watery cervical fluid for the past two days but negative OPKs. It is still early, though; I don't expect to O until Monday. I'm just surprised about the fluid. No temperature drop either. :roll: Oh, well. Need to be patient, I guess.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry for your loss, Megumic. Best of luck to you during your time TTC!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I would like to start my Friday morning off with a public service announcement:

"Don't make major life decisions while drinking wine, especially if you're the biggest lightweight ever."

So, last night DF and I went to dinner. I was half a glass of wine in (which is like 2 glasses for normal people) and casually mentioned that I should be O'ing any day. DF said that he hope it works for us the first time we try (next month). Then I said the thing that made much more sense while intoxicated: "You know, we only have about a 20% each month of conceiving. So if we want to up our odds for next month, we should just go for it this month." DF asked what that would mean for the cruise, and I said "well, if it happened to work this month then I guess I wouldn't be drinking, but I would be pregnant so I really don't think I would care. And if it doesn't work I wouldn't really be all that bummed because then I would get to do whatever I wanted on the cruise."

He paused for all of 3.5 seconds and said that we should go ahead and stop preventing. That's right, ladies, he totally caved. We went home from dinner and did the deed with no goalies. I'm on CD15 and was expecting a positive OPK this morning but didn't get one, but should in the next day or two.

The problem, though, is this morning I'm sort of feeling "damn we shouldn't have done that" a little. My train of thought is something like hopefully it doesn't work this month but at least we tried and somehow that's supposed to help our odds next month. Does that even make any sense at all? Don't get me wrong, we would be absolutely thrilled if I got a BFP in two weeks. Completely thrilled and happy. But a BFN wouldn't really make me all that sad either.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LOL! Well good luck! I see nothing at all wrong with that logic! :lol: Congrats on pulling the goalie! I can't wait for the knowledge that we're actually trying to make a baby when we dtd. I know that's oversharing a bit, sorry. :oops: I'm sure a few months in it will start to suck probably, but that first month or two are probably really special. ::)

Regarding your second thoughts, I think that it's probably going to be just fine. You didn't have a temp shift yet anyhow, so it was more than likely just a practice round, hehe.

AFM: I'm already analyzing my chart wayyyy early, and wayyyy more than any normal "non-ttc'er" should be. :rolleyes: I actually am wondering if I managed to ovulate, but the data would put it only 5 days after my last pill so it seems impossible. This is going to be a long ride.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1319214063|3044832 said:
LOL! Well good luck! I see nothing at all wrong with that logic! :lol: Congrats on pulling the goalie! I can't wait for the knowledge that we're actually trying to make a baby when we dtd. I know that's oversharing a bit, sorry. :oops: I'm sure a few months in it will start to suck probably, but that first month or two are probably really special. ::)

Regarding your second thoughts, I think that it's probably going to be just fine. You didn't have a temp shift yet anyhow, so it was more than likely just a practice round, hehe.

AFM: I'm already analyzing my chart wayyyy early, and wayyyy more than any normal "non-ttc'er" should be. :rolleyes: I actually am wondering if I managed to ovulate, but the data would put it only 5 days after my last pill so it seems impossible. This is going to be a long ride.

Thanks! I've had an internal debate all day, going back and forth between "no, we really should wait (well, other than last night which we obviously can't undo" and "what the hell, why not?".

I think where I'm at is if t's a BFN, I honestly won't be devistated since it was just a "practice" month anyway. And if it's a BFP, then I'd be so thrilled and who cares about partying at a cruise if it means I get a baby?! I think I'm just going to let DF take the reins :)

Feel free to share your chart. I've heard of people ovulating very soon after their last pill, so it's possible!