
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1322674519|3071623 said:
I have some very exciting news to report!! (NOT FOR ME THOUGH)

I just wanted to tell everyone that my SIL, who has been trying for 6 years to get pregnant with only one ectopic and no known infertility issues to show for it, had an egg retrieval today and they took 16 viable eggs!! I believe she goes in this weekend to have them put in, but I might have that timeline wrong.

I'm just so excited for her and my brother. It is very painful to watch someone you love go through the heartbreak of not being able to get pregnant, especially when all she ever wanted to be is a mother.

I feel so optimimistic for her, and I can't wait for her to be pregnant and have kids!!

Thanks for listening!

Prana, sending positive tought to your SIL that she'll finally get her long awaited baby. 6 years? I cannot even fathom. I've been trying just under 9 months, and it seems like torture. Hopefully this is it for her!

And I'm hoping that your rising temps are foretelling good news for you too! Maybe you'll be pregnant together! That would be wonderful.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

firecracker, I'm only on metformin now, but clomid is coming soon. 
I hope you had a nice thanksgiving & get a positive OPK soon!

Jgator, good luck car shopping! We got a Toyota rav 4 & like it so far. It's definitely a stressful process. 
I hope the new med will help with your thyroid levels. 

Prana, I think acupuncture has actually decreased my pms symptoms so that's good, but there's less to analyze during the 2ww. 
Your symptoms sound super promising & your chart looks great! I love how your temp keeps climbing! (different from your previous months) Fingers crossed this is your month (& your SIL's month as well!) I can't imagine trying for 6 years & hope she finally gets to be a mom. How fun would that be if you guys could be pg together?!

Lizzy, I'm glad you're feeling well & relaxed. I'm so excited for you & can't wait to hear how your ultrasound on Monday goes!

Mp, thanks for the info on clomid & timing. How are you feeling now? I checked on twin probability with clomid & it's pretty low (5-12%) for a fertility drug. Did you find that probability is higher when you add iui?
You're right that the holidays are hard. I think they sort of amplify the roller coaster nature of this process. Maybe not the best timing for our first medicated cycles. I hope it happens for both of us soon too!

Jen, thanks for the hug & sending one right back. It's so hard to know that something isn't quite right but not know how to fix it. I hope the 2nd analysis comes back much better & this one was a fluke. 
If not, is there a chance your dh going off his meds could help? My dh is on meds too that I was concerned about but his doc & mine said it was ok. (that said, his SA results were less than stellar)
Hope you're feeling better soon. 

Meg, welcome to the 2ww. Crossing my fingers for you!!

Tammy, sounds like you're in the 2ww too! Fingers crossed for you too! Pretty impressive that I can type like this... 
How much is the VIP special on ff? I consider upgrading from time to time but I hear ya on making the ttc OCD worse. 

Afm, bfn yesterday & my temp dropped this morning (right above cover line). I'm spotting &af should be here in full force soon. 

My annual exam with my OBGYN went well yesterday she was very compassionate & listened to everything that's been going on. She said she was surprised at some of my RE's comments since apparently he's a pcos expert & just did a talk that she attended where he said every pcos woman is different (symptom sets, weight, etc). She also said that the clomid side effects can be a bear with hot flashes, mood swings, depression etc. Just what I need right now! Oh, and I started crying in her office when I thanked her for being so understanding. So that was fun. She didn't know of any safe things to do for the hair loss while ttc but suggested I see a dermatologist to see if there was something safe & topical. 
So, I'll call my RE's office tomorrow to start the clomid/monitoring process. Wish me luck!
I also learned that apple pie & metformin don't go together. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks MP! I'm definitely hopeful for her. And praying praying praying! I hope she has (healthy) multiples so that she can get it all done in one shot and have lots of squishy babies all at once for all her years of pain and waiting.

I think that it would be so amazing if I end up with a BFP this month. I've always known that my brother and I would have very close families, but this would be such a tremendous gift for everyone involved.

Thanks for your well wishes!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright Thank you! My temp was up again this morning! I hope it means good things for me. And thanks for your kind words for my SIL too. She is one of the shining sun's of my life and I want the very best for her. I could cry right now for excitement for her.

I'm glad acupuncture worked to help out some of your PMS symptoms. I was having some pretty strong PMS stuff too, then I started (sort of) following the recommendations for the stuck and tired fertility type, and my PMS symptoms are reduced. I just hope that my sort of following the recommendations will end in a BFP for me soon!

Sorry about impending AF. :blackeye: Im glad that your OB appt went well though, and that your MD seems to have some compassion. It's hard when we are treated as numbers and problems, rather than people with real issues.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies!

Bright, it's $25.00 for a full year right now. I'm trying to see if I can get by using TCOYF's online system, so far it's not too bad! It's harder to navigate, but all the same info pretty much...and free! We'll see if I cave though, that's a really good price and TCOYF's forums are pretty sparse.

Prana I literally got chills reading about your sister. I so hope that the two of you can be pregnant at the same time!!!

AFM: Another high temp today, pretty sure the TWW is on. It's interesting, TCOYF gives me an O date of the 27th, but FF says the 28th when I plug in a fake temp for tomorrow. I know it's not a big difference, but it's interesting!

Hope everyone's having a good day. Can't wait til AMC is back with photos, etc.!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Tammy! Welcome to the TWW! :)) :knockout: The most wonderful time of the month...NOT. I hope it's successful for you!

And yes, some pics from AMC would be nice. It's been sort of dead around here, no?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I think all the TWW'ers are trying to forget that they're waiting so they're staying busy, maybe? :tongue:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1322686685|3071765 said:
I think all the TWW'ers are trying to forget that they're waiting so they're staying busy, maybe? :tongue:
You're probably right! I'm in the one week wait as of today, this one's usually the bad week of the two for me. The first week of the TWW is so uneventful, but the second week is like torture.

I'm hoping someone comes back with some positive news soon!

We need to have a baby boom! :bigsmile: Or more accurately , a BFP BOOM!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I've been secretly feeling scared lately. Not enough to pull the plug on NTNP/TTC, but enough to make me feel a little anxious. I think it's normal, but it's not very reassuring. Sooo I poked my head in on the JBP thread. Let me just say that I can NOT wait to join them - hearing the heartbeat, feeling the little flutters and sharing those things with my DH. :love: Ugh baby fever is some strange stuff!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1322697399|3071881 said:
I've been secretly feeling scared lately. Not enough to pull the plug on NTNP/TTC, but enough to make me feel a little anxious. I think it's normal, but it's not very reassuring. Sooo I poked my head in on the JBP thread. Let me just say that I can NOT wait to join them - hearing the heartbeat, feeling the little flutters and sharing those things with my DH. :love: Ugh baby fever is some strange stuff!!!
That's how I felt when we first started. I was like, uhhhhh am I really ready for this??? But now that I've been ttc for a few months, and it's a goal of sorts, I cannot WAIT for the day that I get to ask myself how I ever lived without my baby!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1322697399|3071881 said:
I've been secretly feeling scared lately. Not enough to pull the plug on NTNP/TTC, but enough to make me feel a little anxious. I think it's normal, but it's not very reassuring. Sooo I poked my head in on the JBP thread. Let me just say that I can NOT wait to join them - hearing the heartbeat, feeling the little flutters and sharing those things with my DH. :love: Ugh baby fever is some strange stuff!!!

THIS. Totally. 100%. What's up with that???
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Phew, glad to know I'm not the only one! It's a HUGE responsibility that means drastic, albeit somewhat temporary changes in the way we live and love. I have two girls from my previous marriage that are 6 and 8. They're almost completely independent sometimes (Saturday and Sunday morning, how I love them for that!). I'm going to miss those times. Also, they still spend a couple of days a week at their bio father's house. I'm going to miss those days to just be DH and I...BUT when my girls come home I feel SO much more complete and content.

I can't wait to share that feeling with my DH. He loves the girls as his own, but there's nothing quite the same as looking at a LO and recognizing yourself in them because YOU created them with the person you love. I really wish they were his, and so does he.

So am I afraid? Heck yeah! Is DH afraid? Um, yeap! Are we backing out? Not if I have any say in it! :devil: I can't wait! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1322699845|3071902 said:
tammy77|1322697399|3071881 said:
I've been secretly feeling scared lately. Not enough to pull the plug on NTNP/TTC, but enough to make me feel a little anxious. I think it's normal, but it's not very reassuring. Sooo I poked my head in on the JBP thread. Let me just say that I can NOT wait to join them - hearing the heartbeat, feeling the little flutters and sharing those things with my DH. :love: Ugh baby fever is some strange stuff!!!
That's how I felt when we first started. I was like, uhhhhh am I really ready for this??? But now that I've been ttc for a few months, and it's a goal of sorts, I cannot WAIT for the day that I get to ask myself how I ever lived without my baby!

I feel like Prana. At first I thought about what having a baby would mean and how it would change my life, and that scared me a bit, but now it has totally become a goal, so I don't even let myself worry about my fears because I know that DH and I will make it work because we want a baby so badly.

Tammy, I'm glad you are came to terms with your fears about a baby, because I hate to break it to you, but you are not just NTNP if you are temping and taking OPKs and BD'ing EOD! ;)) Good luck to you this month. I think we're 2WW buddies this time around because I'm about 3DPO.

Prana, are your temps still going up or staying? Fingers crossed!

Bright, sorry to hear that AF is probably on the way. Glad that your doctor was understanding, my OBGYN is nice, but she didn't seem to take my TTC worries too seriously and just kept saying that I would be pregnant soon. To answer your question, I did read that your chance of multiples is slightly higher when you do an IUI/clomid combo. When you think about it, you are only taking the best swimmers and you are making their journey a little easier, so if there is more than one target (egg), there is going to be a higher chance you will fertilize them than if you were just doing the traditional BD route. I still think it is relatively low though. So glad you will be getting a little extra help this cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP - SHHHHH! :lol: In all seriousness, I am going to lock up my opks until Feb after this! I just want to POAS, any stick! :rolleyes: Also in all fairness we've always been EoD people! :oops: Oh and temping I have to do because my cycles are irregular because of the bcp! See, it makes perfect sense!! :lol:

I think I fall somewhere in the "I'm sort of TTC and he's NTNP" pool, but I know the main goal of the NTNP label is to keep from being consumed by it. Our transition from not knowing if we wanted one, then wanting one but not now, then NTNP was a rough one for me, which was rough for him and our relationship. He has been initiating the EoD more than usual and he's the guy that was previously terrified of even ONE unprotected bd'ing so I have no doubt that he knows what he's doing. ;)) He just doesn't want to think about it too hard, hehe. He does show probably more interest than most in things by hunting down the Great Sperm Race for us and watching it, etc. so I am okay with whatever makes him less nervous. :))

I really like this state of things. I get to temp and we know we're BD'ing during my fertile times, but there's no pressure on us. I think he's really afraid of officially TTC because he doesn't want me to be devastated by BFN's. We have a history of me being really worried that I won't be able to conceive and give him a baby (he hasn't had any yet) because of my "advanced age". Once we are officially trying as hard as we can to time it perfectly, etc. then the pressure is on. I hope that makes sense.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, I was just teasing you. Seriously, if it makes you (and DH) feel better to say you're NTNP, then I say go for it. I was just saying that with your version of NTNP, you will probably end with a BFP sooner rather than later. :)) And I agree that your DH sounds like much more of a willing participant than he is willing to admit. Good luck to you this cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh I know, I was teasing back! ::) So..anyone care to try to help me figure out who's right - TCOYF or FF re: my O date? says I'm 4 dpo...

My Chart but FF says I'm 3 dpo. :confused:

Either is fine, but if I can shave a day off of my TWW I'd be more than happy! :lol: I think that my chances of a bfp are better if I'm 4 dpo though, just because I don't know how it works bd'ing the same day as a temp shift, especially since it was pretty late at night. I'm getting WAY too comfy with oversharing here. :oops: :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, I would say you are 3 DPO based off both charts. Looks like you O'd on CD 17 to me. Good luck in the TWW!!

MP, thanks! My temps are still up, but down from yesterday.
The past several days I've been pretty optimistic, but today I feel like there's just no way that I'm pregnant. I feel sort of bummed, but I'm not sure why. I'm getting nervous too, because I'm CD 9 today, and usually by CD 10 or CD 11 I start spotting and then I get AF around CD 12-14. I am honestly so nervous! :errrr:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Prana! I think you're probably right. Regarding your chart, I think it still looks good. Tomorrow's temp will tell us a bit more, but fingers crossed in the meantime that it shoots back up! ::) If my chart looked like yours I'd already be POAS! I need help, truly! :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, here's my pregnancy chart from forever ago. I always spotted 8dpo until my period also. This month, I started to spot like usual but then it tapered off and I got my BFP. Also got a dip at 9DPO. I know all of this means *nothing* but a little encouragement is always good!

My Ovulation Chart

ETA - I don't know why it's showing my recent chart too. I'm trying to track my cycles since they've been wonky since my miscarriage.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1322759642|3072275 said:
I feel like Prana. At first I thought about what having a baby would mean and how it would change my life, and that scared me a bit, but now it has totally become a goal, so I don't even let myself worry about my fears because I know that DH and I will make it work because we want a baby so badly.

I feel that way too. At first I was worried about how much our lives would change, but now we've been trying for so long that, not only is having a baby a goal, getting a bfp is a goal. (and being able to carry the pregnancy to term) Before I was worried about putting the child through college. Now I just want to get PG.

That said, is it really bad to think that's pretty awesome that Tammy still gets a night alone with her DH sans kids every week? :oops:
And, yeah, I think MP is totally right that you're not so much "not trying" with the temping & OPKs. But don't worry, we don't tell your DH... :Up_to_something: That's a good point that not being consumed by TTC probably makes your DH less nervous about the process. (Btw, I'm of "advanced maternal age" too.) Wishing you luck this month. (I'm guessing you O'd at CD17)

MP, that makes sense about IUI upping the chance of multiples a bit. It's still pretty low on the scale of assisted technologies, though. And I guess a 2 for 1 deal wouldn't be all that bad... :naughty:
I'm glad that you like your NP better than your OB (or at least your NP is being considerate of (& responsive to) your concerns. How are you feeling? I hope this 2WW flies by & ends with great news!

Prana, wishing you luck. Do you usually have a bit of a temp drop at this point in your cycle? Hoping your temp rises tomorrow. Are you going to test soon? Do you usually have a temp drop that corresponds to spotting?

afm, I really have no idea what's going on with my body. I'm 12 dpo today. I had a bfn at 10dpo & haven't bothered to test again since my temp dropped like a stone. I've been spotting for the past 3 days (I've *never* spotted before AF before), but AF hasn't arrived yet. My LP's are on the shorter side, so I expected AF to show already. I'm assuming there's no way I'm PG, but this is just really weird. This is also my first month on metformin, so I wonder if this i somehow causing the spotting? I've also been extraordinarily stressed this cycle. Here's my chart. Any ideas? (Also, how do you post a link to your chart rather than posting the pic?)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Click share on FF. It'll give you a url to paste.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, I would go with your temps and say you are 3DPO. I think TCOYF was thrown off by your OPK and CM observations, but temps are supposed to be more accurate. Your BD timing definitely puts you in the running. I always kind of feel like BD'ing the day before the temp surge is a wasted effort too, but they always says eggs live 12-24 hours, so your O-day BD'ing might have been perfect.

Prana, I agree with the others that I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about today's temp just yet. Your still way above the coverline, and it is easy for your temp to be off by a tenth of degree or two. Still hoping for the best for you this cycle. Although I do know how discouraging it can be when you start to see your temps go south. I think that is the main reason why I stopped temping - I hated feeling discouraged in the middle of the 2WW.

Bright, since your temp has dropped off pretty dramatically below the coverline, I'm guessing that AF is on the way or maybe you're just having a lighter or slow-starting AF. TTC is so frustrating because just when you think you have your body all figured out, it has to mix things up a bit. I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. I'm only 3DPO so there's nothing to analyze yet. The one thing I notice that may be different due to the clomid is that my nipples are a little sore. Hopefully, that's a good sign that I ovulated and am producing sufficient progesterone.

AFM, I have my interview tomorrow. It is only a first interview, and I'm still not convinced I have the relevant experience, but I figure if it is meant to be, it will go well, and if not, the right thing will come along. Wish me luck! Honestly, right now, I'm far more focused on getting my BFP and just hope the job situation will sort itself out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, yeah, I definitely think AF is on her way, but I've never had pre-AF spotting or a temp drop to coverline temps without AF coming immediately. It's very strange. I just kinda want her to come & be gone so I can get this show on the road with the monitoring, clomid, etc. I'm a little nervous that if my body delays that I won't be able to schedule the IUI this cycle (with holiday travel & such).
I wonder if the bleeding doesn't get any heavier if this counts as AF for the purposes of my next cycle.

Good luck on your interview tomorrow! I'm sure you'll do great & maybe the fact that you're not feeling really focused on/nervous about getting the job might make the interview process less stressful. Let us know how it goes!

Puppmom, thanks for the tip! I think I figured it out. =)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, thanks! And that does suck that you're not sure whether to count the spotting as AF on the cycle you're planning to take clomid. Murphy's law I tell you. I just hope the spotting picks up, so you know for sure! I hear you on worrying about IUI timing for next cycle. I'm in a similar boat. I realized the other day, that if this cycle doesn't work, it's almost certain that I'll be ovulating around Christmas time, and that means I will be out of town and unable to have an IUI :(( In that case, I guess I'll just have to wait another month. :angryfire:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies! I'm trerribly behind, haven't been on here very much trying to play it cool.

I have my first RE appointment tomorrow though! Couldn't come soon enough because since I've been posting here I'm STILL waiting for AF to come (cycle day 63 today for god's sakes!)

So I was jsut wondering if anyone can share any tips or any questions to be sure to ask. I had to fill out a pretty comprehensive intake packet already and sent that in, and I've talked to my insurance and uderstand what they do and don't do so I feel good. I'm really hoping the doc will be able to give me some kind of a shot or a drug or something to make AF come, so we can figure out what's up and get this TTC train moving finally!! I researched online and by who is in network with my insurance and this group has several offices and one is super convenient for me and the doc I was given appears to be quite prominent so I am feeling good - well nervous but good to get going with whatever I need to do to get on track.

Taking off early on a Friday is going to be great too, we had a total "Regime Change" at my work about 2 months ago and the new management is great, but I'm super swamped and have been going in early and staying late and stll staying behind, there's jsut so much to clean up from the previous management (or lack thereof more like it, so it is a positive process, just a ton to to)

I hope everyone else is moving forward on the journey well, and I will definitely report back about the visit.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1322767315|3072367 said:
Hi Prana! I think you're probably right. Regarding your chart, I think it still looks good. Tomorrow's temp will tell us a bit more, but fingers crossed in the meantime that it shoots back up! ::) If my chart looked like yours I'd already be POAS! I need help, truly! :rolleyes:
Thanks Tammy. HA! Every other month I would have already POAS too. I just hate seing those BFN's and I don't want to see one anymore. I actually had a leftover clear blue digi HPT that I peed on 2 days ago :lol: but it was BROKEN! I was so happy lol.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

puppmom|1322769187|3072376 said:
Prana, here's my pregnancy chart from forever ago. I always spotted 8dpo until my period also. This month, I started to spot like usual but then it tapered off and I got my BFP. Also got a dip at 9DPO. I know all of this means *nothing* but a little encouragement is always good!

My Ovulation Chart

ETA - I don't know why it's showing my recent chart too. I'm trying to track my cycles since they've been wonky since my miscarriage.
Thanks puppmom! The spotting always makes me nervous in terms of getting pregnant. But a couple of months ago I found a forum of ladies who were all spotters, and practically all of them ended up with BFP's and babies eventually, so I'm not really concerned about it anymore.

But thanks so much for showing me your chart! It actually looks similar to mine this month. I'm so sorry to hear about your MC :blackeye:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1322774163|3072460 said:
Prana, wishing you luck. Do you usually have a bit of a temp drop at this point in your cycle? Hoping your temp rises tomorrow. Are you going to test soon? Do you usually have a temp drop that corresponds to spotting?

afm, I really have no idea what's going on with my body. I'm 12 dpo today. I had a bfn at 10dpo & haven't bothered to test again since my temp dropped like a stone. I've been spotting for the past 3 days (I've *never* spotted before AF before), but AF hasn't arrived yet. My LP's are on the shorter side, so I expected AF to show already. I'm assuming there's no way I'm PG, but this is just really weird. This is also my first month on metformin, so I wonder if this i somehow causing the spotting? I've also been extraordinarily stressed this cycle. Here's my chart. Any ideas? (Also, how do you post a link to your chart rather than posting the pic?)

Thanks Bright! It seems that I have a bit of a temp drop every cycle, but the day varies. It doesn't have any correspondence to the spotting. I'm not testing until I'm a week late for my period lol. I don't want to see anymore BFN's.

Not sure why you would have spotted this month, although if the metformin is the only change you made this cycle, maybe that could be related some how?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1322776137|3072485 said:
Prana, I agree with the others that I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about today's temp just yet. Your still way above the coverline, and it is easy for your temp to be off by a tenth of degree or two. Still hoping for the best for you this cycle. Although I do know how discouraging it can be when you start to see your temps go south. I think that is the main reason why I stopped temping - I hated feeling discouraged in the middle of the 2WW.

Bright, since your temp has dropped off pretty dramatically below the coverline, I'm guessing that AF is on the way or maybe you're just having a lighter or slow-starting AF. TTC is so frustrating because just when you think you have your body all figured out, it has to mix things up a bit. I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. I'm only 3DPO so there's nothing to analyze yet. The one thing I notice that may be different due to the clomid is that my nipples are a little sore. Hopefully, that's a good sign that I ovulated and am producing sufficient progesterone.

AFM, I have my interview tomorrow. It is only a first interview, and I'm still not convinced I have the relevant experience, but I figure if it is meant to be, it will go well, and if not, the right thing will come along. Wish me luck! Honestly, right now, I'm far more focused on getting my BFP and just hope the job situation will sort itself out.
Thanks MP. I don't blame you for not temping...especially after O. I am almost tempted to stop temping during my one week wait, because it's stressful! But I'm addicted to learning my body and having data for comparison month by month. I've turned myself into a science experiment! Sore nipples may be a good sign! Yay for aches and pains! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Okay, sorry for the abundance of posts! I should have just made one massive post, but it's too late for that. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and kind words! What a journey TTC can be.

My temp went up slightly this AM, but again, it could be meaningless. It's so hard not to analyze every little damn thing. My boobs are swollen and sore, the past couple of nights I've had this nasty taste in the back of my throat, but I can't say for sure that it's the metallic taste that pregnant women speak of, or just because I'm drinking too much hot water with lemon and its causing nasty flavors. I usually have very vivid dreams all the time, but haven't really been having dreams this week. Although I'm pretty sure I had a dream last night that I was spotting. I had a pretty heavy de ja vu (sp????lol) the other day when I was walking to my car that I had been in that position before except there was a little curly haired toddler girl in a car seat waiting for me. Does that count as a vivid dream?? haha. CM is still creamy, I'm not checking my cervical position because I've heard that it's fruitless. Uf. I should know within about 5 days to a week (or sooner) what my fate will be this month.
And I'm not really feeling all that negative, I'm quite happy IRL, just whining for pricescope. Sorry ladies! :bigsmile: Like I said, it will happen for us when our little spirit is ready to appear.