
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, your chart still looks great! It definitely looks different than last month and in a good way! :)) I don't know how you're holding out but I commend you on not POAS! Maybe you can be my sponsor. :tongue: Good luck!!

AFM: 4 dpo and the symptom spotting is in full force already. :rolleyes: Since last night I've had this same nagging little pinching feeling in my lower left abdomen. I KNOW it's not possible for it to be pregnancy related, but that didn't stop me from googling "4 dpo pinching"...nuts I tell ya! I did find though. I swear that website just feeds the frenzy!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1322847264|3072981 said:
Prana, your chart still looks great! It definitely looks different than last month and in a good way! :)) I don't know how you're holding out but I commend you on not POAS! Maybe you can be my sponsor. :tongue: Good luck!!
haha Tammy :lol: Like I said, I'm just too scared this month. Every other month I have no issue blowing through (or should I say pissing away :Up_to_something: ) $80 worth of HPT's. (JK on the $80 figure, I would never spend that much on HPT's) We will see where I am in a few more days. FF is suggesting I test in 5 days. Maybe I'll do it then.

ETA: YES! Those websites are straight from the very belly of the deepest part of hell! lol. They made me CRAZY the first month or so of TTC. I have to keep away from them. I so envy those women who get BFP's on CD6 and all those other ones who have all the textbook signs of being pregnant with their perfect little implantation spotting on CD 7. Gimme a break! :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, do you have the cheapie wondfo pregnancy tests? I got a bag of 40 for $10 or so online. Good for the frequent POAS-er. (Though I hope you don't wind up needing any more PG tests!) Fingers crossed for you!
You've been following the making babies tired/stuck program, right? How's it been going? I'm tired & stuck too & have been trying to follow some of their recommendations too (I haven't been anywhere near perfect with it, though.) Your dream about the curly haired toddler waiting for you in the car is so sweet. :halo:
As for the changes I made this month, the metformin (& some dietary changes--eating/drinking less, reducing carbs, etc) have been the only ones, though I have been much more stressed than usual this cycle, so that might be affecting things too. That's funny that you found a forum for spotters. I guess there's a group out there for everyone! That's really reassuring that they all got PG, though.

tammy, hoping the symptoms are the start of something good!

Missrach, good luck with your RE appointment! I hope your doc is helpful in figuring out what's going on with your body & getting you on track for getting your BFP! Let us know how it goes!

MP, no more confusion on my end (see below.) :tongue: It's definitely rough about holiday timing. I'm wishing you a pre-Christmas BFP so you don't need to do an IUI this month. (Worst case scenario, could you do another clomid only cycle if needed?) I know it's only another month, but after so long trying, another month can feel like forever!
How was your interview, btw? I hope it went well!

AFM, so AF showed up full swing last night. I still don't know what was up with the spotting, but glad the process is moving along now. I called my RE's office & the nurse said I go in for a baseline ultrasound & blood tests on Sunday morning. Then I take Clomid Monday-Friday, go in for a follow up ultrasound Sunday or Monday to determine the follicle development. If I'm ready to go, I do the trigger shot that evening & go in for IUI the following 2 mornings in a row. I'm excited & more than a little nervous about the process. Wish me luck!(Actually, now that I re-read this, it seems like the cycle moves much more quickly than I thought & wonder if this is correct information.)

If anyone has done Clomid and/or IUI & wouldn't mind chiming in with experiences or tips, it would be much appreciated!

Happy Friday, everyone!
Bright, well, I'm glad you at least have clarity and can think forward to the new cycle. And hopefully the timing will work out now for the IUI. I have very high hopes for you that it will be just the push you need! I'll have to talk to my NP about what to do next cycle. I was really hopeful we could do an IUI, but I know DH would prefer waiting another month before more intervention. Since I cut the clomid in half, I could probably take a low does again next cycle, but if it is not going to increase my chances much, I'm not sure if I will because you are only supposed to be on clomid for a few months, and the longer you are on it, the more it can affect your lining, etc.

Prana, I'm so glad your temp rebounded a bit! Keep us posted. I understand why you're not in a rush to test. I'm the same way. I would think you would have a pretty accurate answer in 2 or 3 days. But I'm encouraged that you haven't had any spotting yet! Hope your SIL's embryos are doing well too!

Rachel, hope your appointment well went today!

Tammy, I've seen the site you're talking about, but I don't put too much stock in anything on there because I think a lot of things only seem like symptoms in hindsight. But that said, I really hope your pinching leads to more symptoms!

AFM, I had my interview and it went really well. I know that they have a lot of highly qualified candidates because it is a really attractive position, so I'm keeping my expectations low. Plus, the commute would sort of be a big PITA day after day. I'm 4DPO, and I do think the clomid is affecting me somewhat because my nipples are still pretty sore and I have a bit more CM than usual (sorry, TMI). It's too early for that to be a pregnancy sign, but like I said yesterday, I'm just hoping that means I had a stronger ovulation. Have a good weekend everyone. Hopefully next week will bring some good news for one or more of you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Friday!

My appointment went really well - here's the recap:

Office is really nice and well organized. I especally love that the waiting room is like a living room with several fairly private feeling seating areas, so you're not just staring at the other couples there waiting. Nurse takes me back and I talk to my Dr in his office for a good long time. Doc is very personable and smart and took a lot of time with me, also didn't mimnimize my issues in any way. He said he's not 'afraid' of my issues at all and that he can make me ovulate, no question. Looking at my bloodwork and intake forms (very thorough like 18 pages!) my diagnosis is PCOS. He says 'PCO' which I think I prefer to PCOS, it's a little easier to say. He told me all about the history of the medical treatment of it, and about the common causes of infertility. He's very polished and gave me time to ask questions. We went over a timeline and once my bloodwork to check liver function (and something else I can't remember) come back, I'll be starting metformin XR, one at first, then two after the first week if I'm tolerating it well. He (well the nurse but you know) also gave me a progesterone shot which should induce my period within about 6 days to 2 weeks. I especially like that time is not being frittered away. Once I get AF I'll call in and schedule an HSG, and DH can go get a semen analysis anytime. Better to know from the start whether the pipes and swimmers are in working order, right? We'll see what DH has to say about the SA though. Then my next follow up will be mid-January to review how the metformin is performing. If the HSG and the metformin haven't given me the elusive BFP by then I'll be starting ovulation induction (we didn't talk details there on what, but i assume Clomid). He did say that thin patients with PCO tend to be harder to treat (I'm no skinny mini, BMI about 24 but being called a thin patient was great!) and he also didn't suggest that I need to lose weight to help the process, which I was kind of expecting and dreading so I'm hapy about that.

The insulin resistance side of PCO defintiely makes sense for me, especially with my difficulty losing weight this year despite a ton of exercise and healthy eating, including a few months of low carb, Paleo dieting that went nowhere and made me unhappy. He didn't suggest that low carb is good or necessary, so I'm going to continue what I've been edging towards which is a very simple Michael Pollan approach to eating ie " Eat Food, Mostly Vegetables, Not too Much" and to get moving in some way more days than not.

So I am on my way to being an actual full fledged, cycling member of this thread! Woot!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, it's funny, I've never been so excited to see AF show. (with the temp drop, I knew it was coming, just wanted it to get a move on!)
Sometimes I'm super excited & think that surely this will be the push we need, but then I also hear of people who have been trying for years & with lots of different treatments, so I try not to get too hopeful.
So, monitoring question for you. At what cycle day did you go in for your first u/s monitoring? And was it awkward? I'm a little nervous about mine on Sunday.
That's great that your interview went so well! Did they give you any indication of what the next step was/when you're hear? I hope it works out for the best! Also, those are some promising symptoms, lady. Keeping my fingers crossed very tightly for you.

rach, I'm glad your appointment went well & you like the office & your new doc. Have you had any other symptoms of PCOS other than the long cycles & difficulty losing weight? Did your doc do an ultrasound? I was just diagnosed with PCOS last month & am now on metformin, so I'd be happy to talk about it with what little knowledge I've gleaned in the process. That's interesting that your doc said that thin patients were harder to treat. Did he say why? I wonder if that's because losing weight is less of an option to improve things. I don't consider myself a skinny minnie either (my BMI is 22), but I guess that puts me in the thin PCOS-er category too.
That's great that you have a plan of action to move forward, both with fertility treatments & diet/exercise!

Hope everyone's weekend is off to a great start! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Bright - My Doc didn't explain why thin PCO patients can be harder to treat, I think it has to do with weight not being as much of a factor in the insulin resistance (more fat cells and body weight require more insulin, so if heavier ladies can lose weight and control their insulin that way sometimes that will help regulate things without further tretment) so the insulin resistance we have itself is harder to treat. I think the condition is different for everyone and those of us who have it but aren't clinically overweight are just tougher nuts to crack for those docs. But we'll put them to work!

I didn't get an ultrasound, no. He reviewed my bloodwork from a few weeks ago and he said based on my FSH/ LH ratio alone he would consider me PCO, and put that with the skin issues, hair and cycle wonkines - ding ding ding we have a winner! Part of what we talked about is how the body uses hormones like insulin to do multiple functions withiin the body, and that insulin is the primary hormone the ovaries use to communicate, so in our case(s) it's like they're trying to yell at each other in a noisy nightclub so the messages are getting confused. Once we dial back that background noise (excess insulin) normal communication can hopefully be restored.

I also didn't get into the details of ovulation stimulation, I'm wondering if I will be jsut taking the clomid (or whatever) first without monitoring, or if they want to go with monitoring right from the get-go. I can always email my nurse and get some more info. I also forgot to ask about vitamins, I've jsut finished my multi and am about to finish the fertilaid (which is basically a multi itself) and I wanted to see what kinds they recommend before I buy any more. There was also a sheet in my new patient packet about aspirin, and that everyone is encouraged to take a baby aspirin everyday because there have been good results with it and there don't seem to be any reasons not to. My sheet on metformin also says that for PCO women, contnuing the metformin into the early pregnancy can have a protective effect to reduce the rates of early misscarriage.

I hope your treatment takes you where you want to go! Don't worry either, I'd bet the monitoring won't be as bad as you imagine it might be. You've had an HSG already, right? How was that for you? depending on timing I might be able to do mine right before Christmas on a day I'm already off from work, which would be good both for not having so many suspicious appointments and for the potential to feel not so good afterwards. Otherwise I'm hoping to be able to schedule it for late in the day so I won't need to go back to work afterward. My office is super small so it's hard for me to take off, and I've already had 2 dental appts and now 2 dr appts in the last 2 months.

I'm off to read up more on metformin and the hsg.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, everyone.

Sorry for quick post, but I am on CD3. I was out of town for CD1 and CD2. But, I called my RE and was able to get in today for the beginning of the Clomid Challenge. So, Bright, we are Clomid Challenge buddies as well as cycle buddies apparently. I am getting bloodwork and a baseline sonogram today. I also will start Clomid 100 today for 5 days and then come back to the office on the 6 day (next Thursday) for more bloodwork and again the Monday after for bloodwork and another sonogram. I was also hoping to do the HSG this cycle but they only do them on Wednesdays between CD 5 and 12 and I could not get there next Wednesday due to the inlaws being in town. I am hoping missing this cycle on the HSG will not mean a really long delay because I will be out of town over Christmas, and I am not sure when I'll ovulate again. But, I think things will work out, and I'm excited about going on the Clomid Challenge. DH has agreed to get his SA after Christmas and before New Years.

I will post more later - gotta run to get this Clomid Challenge going!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies, I just wanted to chime in with my experience with Clomid and/or IUI/Trigger. My first time on Clomid was for the Clomid Challenge. I did not do a trigger or an IUI. It was a lower dose at different days of the month than when I did full on Clomid/trigger/IUI. The purpose of the Clomid Challenge was to find out my egg reserve. So they did blood work before and after. However, you certainly can get pregnant off of the Clomid Challenge, but not as many eggs are released than if you did the higher dose at different days. I did not get pregnant the month I did the Clomid Challenge, but I did gain some valuable info that I had a great egg reserve.

The next month I did full on Clomid/trigger/IUI. At my RE's office, they do not recommend Clomid without IUI. They just feel you have a much better chance of getting pregnant doing the IUI. They wash the sperm, and they put them in via IUI at the right place at the right time. I believe I took it days 5-9 that month. During my ultrasound monitoring they found that I had 2-3 follicles that were going to release eggs. The monitoring is no big deal. It's just an internal ultrasound. All it is is a wand with basically a condom on it and a ton of lubrication. They check internally and count your follicles and measure them giving you an idea of how many are going to release eggs. The chance of multiples is low for Clomid/IUI. I remember being worried about that. You do have a higher chance of twins, but triplets hardly ever happens with this treatment. Once they found that my follicles were in the 18-20 mm size, I took my trigger shot. My RE does the trigger shot 36 hours before IUI. So if I did my trigger at 9pm on a Wednesday night, then my IUI would be at 9am on Friday morning. The morning of the IUI, your DH will go in earlier than your IUI and make his deposit at the lab. They will wash the sperm and get all of the details on motility, volume, etc. So you will know that when you get your IUI done. I had no pain from my HSG so the IUI was cake! All they do is put the tube of sperm onto an injector with a thin catheter. It was all over in seconds and they had me lay on the table for awhile after. My RE told me that they do their iui's 36 hours after trigger because they like to do the iui right as you are ovulating. And they timed it well because literally fifteen minutes after I left the office I had STRONG ovulation cramps. I had to take it easy for the rest of the day. Bright, are you doing two IUI's? Did I understand you correctly? I'm not sure of what your timing would be then after trigger but I'm sure your RE will fill you in. MP, I recommend the Clomid/trigger/IUI combo if you don't have luck this month. Particularly in your case because your insurance is not going to cover much for you. I'd rather go all out now so that you can get your BFP sooner rather than later. I did get pregnant that month with the Clomid/trigger/IUI. Personally, I feel the trigger is so important because it causes the follicles to mature and pushes those eggs out so you can be sure that the eggs will be there ready and waiting. I'm crossing my fingers that you get your BFP this month though so that you don't have to even deal with any more treatment. Good sign is the CM. I remember when I went for my IUI they said that I had a lot too and that that was a great sign that a strong O was going to happen!

Sorry that was so long ladies, but please feel free to ask me any questions at all!

monkeyprincess|1322868578|3073142 said:
Prana, I'm so glad your temp rebounded a bit! Keep us posted. I understand why you're not in a rush to test. I'm the same way. I would think you would have a pretty accurate answer in 2 or 3 days. But I'm encouraged that you haven't had any spotting yet! Hope your SIL's embryos are doing well too!

AFM, I had my interview and it went really well. I know that they have a lot of highly qualified candidates because it is a really attractive position, so I'm keeping my expectations low. Plus, the commute would sort of be a big PITA day after day. I'm 4DPO, and I do think the clomid is affecting me somewhat because my nipples are still pretty sore and I have a bit more CM than usual (sorry, TMI). It's too early for that to be a pregnancy sign, but like I said yesterday, I'm just hoping that means I had a stronger ovulation. Have a good weekend everyone. Hopefully next week will bring some good news for one or more of you!

Thanks MP. I'm glad your interview went well! :appl: I hope that you get the job! Wishing you luck this cycle. It seems like the Clomid might have helped you out a bit with O.
My temp went up this morning a little smidge, but I think it did that last month as well. Still no spotting! And my SIL's embryo's are doing fantastic! The MD's called her to tell her that 9 of 16 fertilized themselves and were going through all the cell divisions on their own as well. Her uterine lining looked fantastic, and they are going to do the transfer on Monday!!! I'm thrilled for her. She's so excited. We are joking about how right now, I'm an Auntie to 9 petri dish babies. I now understand how Kate Gosselin chose to put in all of her eggs. How do you choose? It's such a crazy procedure. Amazing, actually. Thanks for asking about her!

Bright No, no wondofo tests. I always wanted to order them, after hearing everyone talk about them. But that would do me and my anxiety no good. :loopy: Sorry about AF :blackeye: Weird about the spotting too.... I don't know what would have caused that for you this cycle. Do you plan to continue the Metformin?

MissRachelKGlad your appointment went well! Glad you have a diagnosis now, and can move forward with a plan and some knowledge. Welcome to the TTC frenzy!

JGatorHoping you have and easy breezy SUCCESSFUL TWW!!!

Lizzy Hope you are still doing well! I think I read a post from you that you have an appointment Monday and are hoping to hear the heartbeat(s)? Best of luck to you!

AFM, CD 11 today. No spotting yet...but starting to have some very very mild crampy feelings in there :sick: We'll see what happens in these next few days. I had a dream last night that I was trying to make an appointment at my Dr's office to get an ultrasound because I was pregnant. I was arguing with the secretary because she kept scheduling the appointment for days that my husband and I were working. Then in my dream I walked into my old bedroom at my parents house, and my bed was all unmade and my basal thermometer was in the bed, waiting for me. I looked at the clock and it told me it was time to take my temp! Then I woke up, and I was so pumped to take my temp! I just sat in bed for a couple of minutes until my temp alarm went off, and it was a little bit higher this morning. I think the last few days of the TWW are the absolute worst. I just want whatever is going to happen to happen!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, still looking good! I have a good feeling for you! And excellent news about you SIL too!

Rachel, glad you had such a good experience. Hopefully, the metformin will help regulate your PCOS.

Bright, I didn't do a clomid challenge like so many of you are talking about. I only went in for one ultrasound, and it was on CD9. It had originally been scheduled for CD11, but I got nervous because of a dark OPK on CD9. I later learned that some people get false positives on OPKs right after clomid, so it is best to wait at least 3 days after stopping. Like Lizzy said, the ultrasound is a piece of cake. Far less awkward than a PAP or HSG. I have had two, and both times, they asked me to insert it myself (which is the only awkward part), and once it's in, they only look at the screen and you don't feel as exposed.

Lizzy, can't wait to hear good news from you on Monday! I'm so excited for you!!! And thanks for the good information on clomid/IUI. I was hoping to have an IUI next cycle if this one doesn't work, but we'll be out of town from Dec. 23-26, and that seems to be exactly when my O window will be next cycle, so I will probably either have to go naturally or just take clomid again :(( Anyway, my NP said that since I ovulate on my own, I didn't need a trigger this cycle because I wasn't doing an IUI. She said the reason you do a trigger is if you are doing an IUI, so you can have perfect timing or if you don't normally O on your own. Hopefully it didn't hurt my chances this cycle by not having a trigger.... My OPKs and temps all indicate I O'd without the trigger though. My sister got pregnant with clomid and no IUI, so I'm hoping I get just as lucky. If not, I'll probably have to wait until January to take the next step.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fly by...

Sitting here 6DPO, with AF expected next Friday. Temps have been up, all with exception of a nice little dip today...maybe implantation dip? I guess I can test on Wednesday at 10DPO. Only symptom so far is lots of creamy/sticky CM. Like Elmer's glu paste (sorry TMI, but that's my best description!)

Hoping we get some Holiday BFP's around here!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I think your totally fine this cycle without a trigger. I'm sure you O'd naturally due to all your CM. I just recommend one when doing the IUI so they can better time when to do the insemination. The trigger causes final maturation of those eggs and pushes them out. And in my own non-medical opinion, knowing I was going to O 2-3 eggs, I felt my body was going to need a stronger surge from the trigger to push all of them out you know? Oh and if I remember right, I feel like my RE told me that Clomid sometimes elongates your cycle, so you may end up being home from your Christmas trip in time for IUI next cycle. But again, let's hope there is no "next" cycle! ;)) All of this scientific intervention stuff, is such a personal decision you know? So if you and DH decide to do just Clomid for the next couple months, then that's what works for you. It's personal. It all depends on how long you are willing to wait really. In my case, given my history, I knew I needed to go the more aggressive route. I had exhausted everything else. It all depends on what you are ready for. And the thing with IUI is that you still get to BD, so it isn't all scientific!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good Morning Ladies!

I don't have much time, but I had to drop by to admit to stalking Prana's chart and it still looks quite promising! ::)

AFM I'm floating along here at 7 dpo. I'm starting to get used to the TWW, I think. I know I'm MUCH more relaxed about it this month, the days are flying by so far. Last month I'm pretty sure I'd already POAS! :oops: I am (slightly) obsessing though, wondering if I might have a real live implantation dip, or if my temp didn't fall far enough to count...hmmmm.

Anyone care to speculate? Tammy's Chart I know I just have to wait it out a few more days, but it's fun to think about in the meantime!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, thinking about you today! And thanks for you message. I will definitely be doing a trigger and IUI if I am not pregnant in the next couple of months, and it is nice to know you are such a good resource! I am getting really impatient to get that elusive BFP, so I do want to step up our efforts sooner rather than later.

Tammy, the countdown is on! I’m 7DPO too. No symptoms to analyze or overanalyze for me yet, and I don't feel any different from any other cycle unfortunately. With respect to your chart, I’m in the legal field, not the medical field, so take this with a grain of salt, but I remember reading that there really is no such thing as an implantation dip. Or at least there is no physiological explanation for why your temp would go down upon implantation. I guess some women experience a temp dip in the middle of the 2WW from a secondary surge of estrogen which in turn lowers your temps. Who knows? Either way, your chart is still looking good, and I hope those temps hold steady or keep rising!

Meg, your symptoms sound promising too! Only a few days to go!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh how could I forget about Lizzy's appt today. Good luck hun, can't wait for your update! MP I don't really feel different this month either other than being constipated. :rolleyes:

In other news...I know a secret and I can't share it, but it's GOOD! :lol: :D
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1323106464|3074598 said:
Good Morning Ladies!

I don't have much time, but I had to drop by to admit to stalking Prana's chart and it still looks quite promising! ::)

AFM I'm floating along here at 7 dpo. I'm starting to get used to the TWW, I think. I know I'm MUCH more relaxed about it this month, the days are flying by so far. Last month I'm pretty sure I'd already POAS! :oops: I am (slightly) obsessing though, wondering if I might have a real live implantation dip, or if my temp didn't fall far enough to count...hmmmm.

Anyone care to speculate? Tammy's Chart I know I just have to wait it out a few more days, but it's fun to think about in the meantime!
Aw thanks Tammy! Thank you for thinking of me! Your chart is looking good too!! Looks like you had a good strong O and are happily trucking through your TWW! Too early to tell if that would be an implantation chart does mid TWW dips too. Could be hormone related. But I hope for you it was implantation!

MP-you and Tammy are 1/2 way through the TWW!! YAY! Hope it's a success for both of you!

And Lizzy, once again, I'll be waiting for an update from you today. Keeping my fingers X for you!

AFM- CD 13. I feel so happy, not sure why. I had a smidge of light pink on CD 11 when I checked my CM, so I got super bummed and prepped for AF to come. However, I've had absolutely nothing since then. I've been feeling sick though. Wanted to vomit Friday night-was getting close to dry heaving, and Saturday during yoga thought I might pass out. Over the weekend a couple of times I burped up straight stomach acid. Today I have gas like you wouldn't believe lol TMI! Absolutely no signs of AF. If nothing happens tomorrow, I might test Wednesday. But I'm still a little nervous because last month my LP was longer than usual, and AF could still arrive tomorrow or by the weeks end. So I don't know what to do or if I should feel this happy...not necessarily optimistic, more just REALLY hopeful!
And my SIL had her transfer this morning! Everything went super well, and now she's just playing the waiting game.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, TEST! With the lack of your usual spotting pre AF and your nausea, etc. it just seems SO promising!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself! :oops:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LIzzy, thinking of you today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

MP, I'm hoping all you need is a little help with Clomid to push luck in your direction. :) Will be checking in on you this week as you're in you 2WW. :)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1323114826|3074709 said:
Prana, TEST! With the lack of your usual spotting pre AF and your nausea, etc. it just seems SO promising!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself! :oops:
I know!! I'm too chicken though. Last month (even though my whole chart, O day and everything ) was out of whack, I still think there's a chance that my LP is going to be longer this month, so I'm trying to hold off in case AF is just delayed for some reason. The only thing giving me hope is that little bit of light pink I had the other night. Because I haven't had anything since then, and I should be having something by now. Cramps, spotting etc. Instead I just feel sort of sick, nauseous, headachey, gassy. I feel like an ultimate beauty queen! But it's possible that all this stuff is just PMS. So if tomorrow goes by without any events, maybe I'll test Wednesday morning :?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Okay, okay...Is it bad that I'm only going to be 9 dpo on Wed and fully intend to test that day? :lol: Wait...don't answer that. I already know the answer but I'm not listening, lalalalalalalalala.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, we had our ultrasound today and saw a heartbeat! I completely started crying in the office. Even when I think about it now, my eyes get teary. It was a strong heartbeat at 130bpm and I measured accurately for being roughly 6w3d. I didn't' even ask the due date but when I calculated it, it looks like end of July. Thank you all for your support, words of encouragement, and friendship over this long 11 months! I hope my roller coaster ride gives you hope that it can and will happen for you too, when your special little one is ready to make their appearance. Sending hugs and BFP dust to all of you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm so incredibly happy for you!!! Yay for measuring accurately and for seeing such a strong heartbeat! Ours was only 113 around that time, so that's a great sign that this is the one for you! I'm still reading your posts here and in JBP, and can't wait for you to join us in the Preggo thread!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy!!! Hugs and congratulations!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: So happy to hear such good news. Definitely looks like a strong little bean. I hope you all the best and will keep checking in on you. :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, that's the best news I've heard in a long time! I would say we will miss having you here, but in your case, your departure has been long-awaited and I'm happy to see you move on! You so deserve this! Can't wait to follow your progress!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy dance, happy tears...just HAPPY for you Lizzy!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: That's such great news and I look forward to following your pregnancy journey. Enjoy!! ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah Lizzy!! So happy for you! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm beyond thrilled to hear your news!!! :appl: It sounds like your long awaited, well deserved sticky bean is super strong & growing away! Big hugs to you. ::)
Also, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge & experience with us. I really appreciated all of the info on IUI you posted. It makes the process so much less intimidating when I know what to expect (and that it's not too bad!)
That's a good reminder that they will get a sense of DH's sample quality (count, motility, etc) when they do the sperm washing. My DH hasn't been in for a second SA yet, but maybe that's unnecessary since they'll take a good look before the IUI.
Yep, my RE's office usually does 2 IUI's on two consecutive mornings. So, my last Clomid dose is on Thursday & I go in for an ultrasound next Monday to check on my progress. If I'm ready to go, I do the trigger shot that evening, then come in for IUI's on Tuesday & Wednesday mornings. They do the washing in the office, so I can just bring the sample with me to my appointment. I'm trying to figure out whether to bring DH with me or not. It seems kind of impersonal not to have him there, but it's not like it would be romantic even if he was there... :roll:
Thanks for the heads up on the post-trigger O pains.

missrach, that makes sense about the insulin resistance/weight issue. Also, the hormones in a nightclub analogy is very clever. Thanks for sharing! (My RE didn't really tell me anything about PCOS, so the info I've gathered has been from internet research.) That's interesting about the baby aspirin. Maybe I'll add that to my (ever growing) pill box. My understanding is that clomid is usually the first line of ovulation stimulation treatment (probably with monitoring), but maybe the metformin will work on its own! I've also read good things about continuing it into (at least early) pregnancy. I just recently found a website & message board called soulcysters that has a lot of good info as well. How are you tolerating the metformin? I just recently worked up to my final dose (1500 mg/day) & am still having some stomach issues on & off. Let me just say that I would not recommend indulging in dessert while on metformin. :devil:
I did have an HSG. I found the procedure itself to be really no worse than a pap smear (I did take 4 advil before, though). I had some pretty annoying cramping later that evening, but was fine the next day. If you can do it on a day where you can take it easy after the procedure, that might be a good idea. ;))

JGator, yay for being clomid buddies! I'm not sure if I'm doing the challenge or just a regular round of clomid. How do you know? I'm doing 50mg/day for 5 days (CD 4-8), then have a follow up ultrasound (not sure if they're doing bloodwork too) on Monday before trigger + IUI. How are you tolerating the clomid so far? I've only taken one dose so far, so not much to report yet.
Isn't that weird about scheduling the HSG's? I had a hard time with mine too. Is there another radiology place in your area that has hours that better fit your schedule? I'm glad you're moving forward & hope you get more info soon! Did the genetic testing results come back yet?

Prana, let me send you one of my cheapie wondfo's so you can test already!!! :Up_to_something: Seriously, you've got some pretty great symptoms going on & your chart looks really promising. Fingers crossed for you & lots of sticky dust to your SIL! Sounds like she's in great shape! How many embryos did they transfer?
As for the metformin, my research says it's often beneficial for women to continue the drug at least through the first trimester as it seems to dramatically decrease early miscarriage rates. Though I can't imagine morning sickness on top of the metformin stomach upset. :eek:

Tammy, your chart is looking good too! Good luck with your test--hope you have good news to share in the next few days!

Meg, fingers crossed for you as well! How are you feeling?

MP, don't worry about a lack of symptoms. It's probably too soon to feel much at this point anyway. I'm super hopeful that this is your month! Are you going to test?
Thanks for the reassurance on the ultrasound. It was much easier than expected. (Though that's super awkward that they asked you to insert the wand!) Did they take your blood before you started on Clomid? I'm not sure if I'm doing the challenge or just regular clomid cycle. Do you think it's worth bothering with OPK's this cycle? I go in for a follow up anyway 4 days after my last pill.

Hi to anyone I missed. :wavey:

afm, I had my bloodwork done yesterday (apparently it was a pregnancy test & another FSH check) & pre-clomid ultrasound. Both were a piece of cake, fortunately. I started Clomid last night & will take it through Thursday. I asked the nurse about IUI timing & she said I should be finished with everything before the 20th, when we are leaving for holiday travel. All I want for Christmas is a bfp!
In other news, I seem to have developed a cold as I'm congested like crazy. Just in time for a performance on Tuesday. Ugh.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1323126680|3074844 said:
Prana, let me send you one of my cheapie wondfo's so you can test already!!! :Up_to_something: Seriously, you've got some pretty great symptoms going on & your chart looks really promising. Fingers crossed for you & lots of sticky dust to your SIL! Sounds like she's in great shape! How many embryos did they transfer?
As for the metformin, my research says it's often beneficial for women to continue the drug at least through the first trimester as it seems to dramatically decrease early miscarriage rates. Though I can't imagine morning sickness on top of the metformin stomach upset. :eek:

afm, I had my bloodwork done yesterday (apparently it was a pregnancy test & another FSH check) & pre-clomid ultrasound. Both were a piece of cake, fortunately. I started Clomid last night & will take it through Thursday. I asked the nurse about IUI timing & she said I should be finished with everything before the 20th, when we are leaving for holiday travel. All I want for Christmas is a bfp!
In other news, I seem to have developed a cold as I'm congested like crazy. Just in time for a performance on Tuesday. Ugh.
Hi Bright! The thought of testing makes me giddy, but the thought of seeing a BFN is keeping me far far away. I mentioned before that I feel happy...I feel like there's nothing happening to make me feel like AF is approaching, so why ruin the mystery with a BFN (if that happens)? I know I'm gonna need to test eventually, but the thought of seeing only one pink line makes me want to hurl. As for my SIL-thanks for asking-, the docs and her and my brother are very optimistic. They transferred two embryo's, so we're all hoping she has twins!

Hopefully you won't have any morning sickness. Some women don't get it...maybe you'll be one of them. But if you are sick, just think of the reasons why...a baby will be worth it, I'm sure. You'll be fine, I have no doubts!

Oh, and I just found out my other cousin is mistake :rolleyes: She's been with her BF for a few months. I'm happy for her. But I've heard pregnancy comes in 3's, so I'm hoping that me and my SIL make 3! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana|1323130400|3074902 said:
Hi Bright! The thought of testing makes me giddy, but the thought of seeing a BFN is keeping me far far away. I mentioned before that I feel happy...I feel like there's nothing happening to make me feel like AF is approaching, so why ruin the mystery with a BFN (if that happens)? I know I'm gonna need to test eventually, but the thought of seeing only one pink line makes me want to hurl. As for my SIL-thanks for asking-, the docs and her and my brother are very optimistic. They transferred two embryo's, so we're all hoping she has twins!

Hopefully you won't have any morning sickness. Some women don't get it...maybe you'll be one of them. But if you are sick, just think of the reasons why...a baby will be worth it, I'm sure. You'll be fine, I have no doubts!

Oh, and I just found out my other cousin is mistake :rolleyes: She's been with her BF for a few months. I'm happy for her. But I've heard pregnancy comes in 3's, so I'm hoping that me and my SIL make 3! :bigsmile:

I've definitely heard of lots of other ladies who were scared to test, had great symptoms & got bfp's when they finally did test! (especially thinking about Missy...) When is your AF due? So optimistic & excited for you...

That would be amazing if your SIL had twins, especially after so many years of trying! I'm definitely hoping that there are 3 PG ladies in your family soon too! (congrats/sorry to your cousin? :? ) I'm also hoping I can join my 2 PG SIL's soon!

I do find that I'm getting used to mild stomach upset & finding out what causes it & what makes it better, so maybe I'll be prepared if/when morning sickness hits.