
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies!

Temp plummeted this morning, as expected. Is it weird that I at least take comfort in not being caught off guard by it? I love temping. As a side note, DH is just golden. I talked to him about the cups thing last night and he said "sure, why not". I figured he'd shrug it off/forget about it, but this morning when I told him about the temp drop and knowing for sure now the first thing he asked was if we needed to buy the cups or if I already had them for when we need them. I know it's weird, but I just love that he's so supportive. Now it could be because he's seen the ugly side of my PMS, but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. ;))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker, wouldn't that be nice to have an anniversary baby? Fingers crossed this is your month. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's passing, but very glad you are making healthier choices for yourself. Also glad you're not letting this TTC stuff get you down. Hugs.

Tammy, good luck with the instead cups. While I never wound up using them. I did tell DH about them and he was a little weirded out, but supportive. We joked about painting a "wrong way" sign on the inside before inserting them. :tongue:
So sorry your temp dropped. That's awesome that your DH is onboard with the cups, though. Very sweet.

JGator, much luck to your follies! How's the clomid going? I'll be excited to hear how all of your appointments go on Wednesday. That's nice that you can schedule them both in the same day. Maybe you can have a little treat that evening? Bath? Pie? Foot rub? :naughty:
As for my scan, I asked if it was ectopic & my RE said it was too early to tell. So not especially reassuring.

MP, I'm sorry for the internal spotting, but hope it doesn't mean bad news. As for IUI, it sounds like it could be really good for you guys. I really hope it's just what you need. It's easy to jump to worst case scenarios, especially when things have taken so long, but I hope you can take things one step at a time as much as possible. Hugs, friend...hope you're KTFU really soon!

afm, I just got back from my scan & my doc didn't see anything. He said this wasn't necessarily cause for concern since it's very early, but he said he wanted to see me since he thought my 1st beta was low, though he said it was doubling nicely. When he checked my chart he thought I had my 1st beta drawn on 31st not 30th, when it was actually drawn, so it was earlier than he thought, so he said maybe the level was ok after all. They drew another beta & a P4 test & asked me to come in again in a week & a half for another scan. Though, when I made an appointment for the follow up scan, they scheduled me for next Friday, the 13th. Not only am I not thrilled about coming in on Friday the 13th :shock:, but it also seems this is a little on the soon side. (The office is closed the following Monday.) So I'm trying to decide if I want to change the appointment to the following Tuesday to make sure there's something to see by then. I don't want to have another fire drill like today.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, so sorry your appointment didn't do anything to settle your fears. I was worried that might be the result of the early appointment, but remember that you knew going in that you likely wouldn't see anything yet. It sounds like your numbers were in the normal range, and I'm really hoping you get reassuring results from your most recent test. I wouldn't worry about Friday the 13th (but I'm not superstitious), but if they said a week and a half, then I would think the following week would be just fine and perhaps more appropriate. Lots of dust to you my friend!

Tammy, ugh, sorry about the temp drops, but you sound really good. I'm so glad that your DH finally sounds like he is fully onboard with all of this TTC now. I think it took my DH about 2-3 failed cycles of seeing how sad it made me before he really became fully supportive and wanted to make sure we took advantage of every BD'ing possibility. He has been my rock in all of this, and I don't know how I would have gotten through all of this without a supportive husband. So yay for awesome DHs! Hoping the instead cups do the trick for you next time around!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I hope I didn't scare you about an ectopic. I know when I went for my first visit which was likely around 5 weeks they did not do an ultrasound, but the doctor pressed my stomach and said I would feel pain if it was ectopic so all was good. If I were you, I would push the scan out just so you have a few more days for the bean to grow, and you'll have something more substantial to see at the appointment. As long as you are feeling okay, and you can take the suspense. Also, I am sure everything is fine as your numbers have been doubling and hopefully you will get today's results soon which will help alleviate your fears even more. Clomid is going fine for me. I felt a bit hot right after taking it last night, but no other issues. I am looking foward to next Wednesday. DH is also possibly scheduling his SA for either tomorrow or Monday. He's out of town so I'm not sure if he called to schedule it yet.

Tammy, sorry your temp dropped today. But, glad you have such a sweet DH!

Ltl, wishing you a BFP this month! That would be awesome. Thanks for your well wishes - I am feeling optimistic again. I really feel that if I believe it's possible, it's more likely to happen and stick! If things don't work out for you this month, you could start doing some of the testing, and likely not have it be considered fertility - you probably know more about this than I do. I had lots of blood tests on different cycle days and a few ultrasounds. Most insurance will cover diagnostic testing and I think all of what I have had so far has been diagnostic testing and a couple of drugs - the Clomid is in generic form so even if insurance doesn't cover you can get it at Walmart for less than $10 with no insurance. The Ovidrel trigger shot was about $100 without insurance and I ended up paying less than $20 after my insurance kicked in. My advice for all - go to Walmart over your local drug store if you don't have insurance and/or if your insurance hasn't approved your drug by the time you need it. Last month, I paid $30 for Clomid generic at CVS, where it would have been about $8 at Wal-Mart without any insurance. They apparently have the best prices on generics.

MP, I do feel proactive when I can actually do something - even if it's just taking a pill - particularly in the first 2 weeks of the cycle. I am with you on resenting all the restictions - been there, done that! Sending positive vibes your way!

Hi, Sha, :wavey: why don't you join us more often? BTW, your daughter is just beautiful - saw her on another thread.

AFM, I emailed my RE nurse and asked about taking Progesterone this cycle. She said it would be fine to do that 3 DPO. So, that's the plan - I feel much better about at least eliminating one issue before it becomes an issue or is too late.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just popping in to say CONGRATS to BRIGHTSPOT! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

What a beautiful way to start the new year! I know it's hard not to worry, but girl, you're KTFU! Completely and totally pregnant! Now it's just a matter of having faith and taking it one day at a time. So happy for you.

Good luck to everyone else! May 2012 be your year to get knocked up and fat and grumpy. :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Everyone -

Big Congrats to Bright!!

I stil feel like a newbie around here but I totally feel the frustration / desperation of TTC dragging on and seeing so many come through and 'lap' us both here and IRL. Our time will come, each thing in it's own due time, right?

I'm fairly impatient and frustrated and jsut read a friend's weblink to an article about positive living for the new year - starting the day with gratitude, and changing negative thoughts and feelings, taking ME time etc. and I know that I really need to implement these things, and that it will help with everything including TTC.

AFM TTC update:

I wonder how long I would consider myself as having been TTC since from the day when we decided to start trying and my next CD1 was almost 2 months... From when we decided to start trying it's been almost 3 months. Still waiting for my next cycle to start (CD 29 today) and jsut wondering what's going on, and suspecting (but realy trying not to) that I'm still not ovulating. Next RE visit is on the 24th. Does anyone have experience with going from basically zero ovulation to KTFU with Clomid and the likes? I'm wondering how likely I am to get that BFP if I'm not jsut needing a boost but a total jump-start. My HSG also unfortunately ate up almost all of my limited benefit (it was over $900!) so other than another follow up or 2 I don't have coverage for much more and will have to start paying out of pocket soomer than I'd prefer to. I think once I have that visit and find out my Dr's protocol (like do you have to do monitoring / trigger or can we try jsut clomid for a few cycles to try to control the costs and is that even a good strategy)

DH is a trooper and went in for his SA this week. He went alone and I think that was best. He said it was VERY clinical (like a bathroom with a chair instead of a toilet, and a TV) and he could even hear people in the next room through the walls. He pulled through though so we'll have his results in about a week. Poor thing he's in the 1WW and fairly worried they'll come back with bad news. LOL I guess we'll jsut see what they come back with and go forward from there. My next visit is on a day off for me so he can come with me which will be nice. I felt a little lonely last time with the other people at the office all being with their partner.

I guess we're a little dfferent than most that we're talking pretty openly with some people (not all) about what we're going thru. DH is a bartender and a couple he waited on this week jsut got pregnant with IVF (after 3 years they said) and I think talking to them was good for DH. I've also told several friends all about what's going on, and a few more just basically that we're trying but that there are some hurdles and that we're seeing a specialist. Not feeling secretive on top of all the TTC feelings is good for me, I think. I really like being able to be open with my closest friends (none of which live in the same city) Ask me again in 6 months if I'm still here and I may be singing another tune. But with DH and my age difference (he is 12 yrs older than I am) and being that we've been married 3 years now, and together for 6, I imagine our close friends and family- who all know we want a family - already suspect that we're trying and those that are most perceptive would put 2 and 2 together since it hasn't happened yet.

I was reading some articles about metformin earlier today and am fairly concerned about the implications of it affecting b-12 absorption and generally being a drug that is altering the metabolic processes in my body. My mom is diabetic and we tested my fasting blood sugar while they were visiting over Christmas, and my levels were always really quite low (70-85) so I think that is one indicator that I may not be insulin resistant. Actual testing of insulin levels would be more conclusive. But if I'm not insulin resistant I feel less likely to want to continue the metformin once I do get pregnant and afterward.

So those are my Thursday ramblings! Here's hoping I either start showing some symptoms (you never know and I won't be testing for at least another week if AF still hasn't shown) or AF gets off her slow train and comes.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JCGator - :wavey: thanks for the shout-out. You're right, I probably should join in the discussions more....I guess I'm mostly a lurker because we're kind of just NTNP for now... but I do love lurking here and cheering everybody on from the sidelines. :)) I hope you get that sticky BFP soon, and that the progesterone works well for you.

missracheik - do you temp? that might be the only way to know if you're ovulating or not. Is there any fertility issue that might be preventing you from Oing? I may have missed it before. Clomid also works for women who don't already ovulate though - you may just need a dose of 100 mg or higher. I was prescribed 50 mg but already ovulate on my own (just late). There are tons of pregnancy success stories from Clomid, too. Re: Metformin - I was also prescribed it by my doc (based on my PCOS diagnosis) but had the same feeling as you about not needing to take it because I'm not insulin resistant. I don' seems like some docs still feel it can help. I have to research that further. But that's great that your DH did the SA and that y'all will be discussing more with the RE soon, so that you have a clearer plan on moving forward.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, hope the clomid is going well and that you are growing some nice follies and healthy eggs. I’m glad you will be on progesterone this cycle because it is such an easy thing to do, and it will give you peace of mind if nothing else!

Rachel, I didn’t realize you only just started trying a few cycles ago, but it must be really frustrating to not know when you are going to ovulate. There have been ladies on here with longish cycles who still end up with a BFP, so don’t give up hope. If everything checks out with your DH’s SA, and ovulation is your only problem, there is a pretty good chance that just getting you to ovulate will be all it takes. I’m hoping that’s the case! Keep your positive attitude. I know I need to work on that because I’ve been feeling pretty defeated lately. It’s hard to get your hopes dashed over and over again!

Firecracker, thinking of you as you get closer to the end of the 2WW. Please keep us posted, and I hope you keep coming back with your upbeat posts!

Bright, hope you are hanging in there! We’re all thinking good thoughts for you today as you wait for your beta results!

Sha, just saw that you posted! You’ve been through a lot as well, so I hope you get your much deserved BFP soon and a sibling for your little girl!

Happy Friday to everyone else – Tammy, Prana and Blond. Sorry if I missed anyone!

AFM, I’m slightly spotting now, so I think AF will arrive later today or tomorrow, which is earlier than last cycle. That only confirms what Lizzy said about asking for progesterone next cycle. Even though I knew it was coming, I still sort of feel on the verge of tears right now. But I’m trying to look at the bright side that we will be stepping up our efforts again next cycle. If you’ve got any dust to spare, please send it my way that an IUI is our answer!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone! Just popping in to say hello. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

Oh, and Congrats to BRIGHT!!!! :appl: :appl: So happy for you!

Quick update on my end...My SIL had her second US and they saw/heard the little heart fluttering away. The US pic is so's like a little bean in there and you can see the arm/leg buds now. They think they're about 8 weeks now.

AFM: My body is torturing me. I swear. I started spotting on Monday at 11dpo, and I'm still spotting today at 15dpo. My temp was high yesterday, but plummeted this morning right above the coverline. So I've been pretty much spotting for 5 days, just waiting for damn AF to come and get it over with, and she won't even do that. This cycle I had dreams that I got a + clear blue HPT, and the following night I had a dream that some lab guy was analyzing my blood and said "yep, it's a girl". So my dreams are taunting me, my body is torturing me. I'm beyond frustrated. I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm disgusted, and I'm getting bitter. I just called my OBGYN, she's going to call me back so I can make an appointment for the next stages...hormone testing on my end and SA for my DH.

This was not supposed to be this way. I never wanted this process to be some invasive/medically involved procedure and I can't believe this is happening to us.

I wish I took the advice of everyone who told me that if I wanted kids, don't wait long after you're married. I wish that I had started right away and just dealt with it if it happened sooner than I wanted. :blackeye:

Sorry for the downer post.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry for the super short post, I only have a moment but I wanted to send out hugs to MP and Prana. I'm so sorry. :(sad MP I have high hopes for you with the IUI this coming cycle! Prana forgive my memory, but how long have you been trying and how old are you? I ask because I'm hitting 35 soon and I completely understand the feeling that you've waited too long...but you really haven't! Unless you're over 40, these days it's really not a huge issue. It just takes a little longer/might need a nudge.

Please try not to focus on the "how" part. In the end, when you're holding your sweet little baby, NONE of that will matter!! Big hugs to you.

AFM: I can relate to the "okay I know you're coming, so hurry the hell up" feelings. It's my second day in a row of 97.2 temps but she's taking her sweet @$$ time getting here. :devil: I'm trying to feel optimistic about this coming cycle and our plan. Day 4 of decaf coffee is going well, woohoo! I'm a little scared of the softcups, but *ahem* by the time I ovulate I hopefully will be a pro at it. :oops: lol

Hang in there ladies. October is a great month to have a baby, so I've heard! :halo:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP- I want this for you so badly (and everyone else of course). Hang in there. All it takes is ONE time. It just has to work once. It'll happen. Sending you all my TCC dust.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Tammy. DH and I are both 28. We had a chemical pregnancy in July, and that month we weren't really paying attention to much in terms of TTC. We've been actively trying since August. So 5-6 months now, depending on how you look at it. I know that's not long and that some people try for years, but we are doing everything right, there's no way that there isn't something wrong....

As for the soft cups, I've used those for the past 2 cycles, along with preseed. Obviously they didn't work for me. And, I honestly feel that taking them out might be a little traumatic for that sensitive area in there. I don't think I'm going to use them this month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Prana,

I'm happy to hear that you're only 28. Oh to be that age again! :bigsmile: Regarding how long you've tried, since it's only my third cycle now and I'm already upset, and I know last time I was trying I was getting to that point too around 4 months, trust me I get it. Unfortunately, you might have trouble getting a doctor to do much until you hit a year, though you're charting so maybe you can get them to at least order an SA for your DH. I'm no expert at ALL compared to others on the board on that topic though.

If I remember right, your SIL had been trying for several years to get pregnant and has recently conceived. My thought is that you might be even more anxious because you've seen someone very close to you struggle for a long time. I know it would affect my ability to trust that I'd for sure fall into the 85% of couples that conceives within a year statistic. I'm just throwing that out there, though I'm sure you're already aware of it. Motherhood is a funny thing. We worry about getting pregnant, then we worry about staying pregnant, then we worry about the baby being healthy, then we worry about milestones, then we worry about their social development/health/education, then we worry about the choices they make as young adults, then THEY have babies and we start the cycle all over again as grandmothers! I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's 10000% normal to worry, it's part of the territory. Just try to keep it in perspective and have faith. You'll get that BFP. We all will, eventually!

Thanks for the info about the softcups. Interesting...I don't think we'll use preseed just because I think I am getting enough EWCM to be okay, but I haven't really researched it much. I'm sorry that they didn't work for you, but I do understand that it isn't a guaranteed thing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MissR, you can take Clomid without the Trigger shot, but I think they do want to monitor you with blood tests and songorams while you are taking Clomid so that would add to the cost of the Clomid. And, I think you can only do 4-6 cycles of Clomid before they want you to take a break - I am not sure of the total negative affects -but I know they say it can thin your uterine lining. Good luck finding the best, most cost effective way of going about this journey for you and your DH.

Sha, Hi! Looks like we both went through a 10 week loss last year. Let's hope 2012 is kinder to us both. I hope you get a BFP soon so you can have another adorable baby.

MP, sorry AF is showing her ugliness with early spotting. So, annoying. I really hope an IUI is just what you need - I feel confident it will help you. Will you go in for some early testing in this cycle - blood and ultrasound?

Prana, hi :wavey: ! Yeah, for your SIL's ultrasound. I personally wish we would have gotten married earlier - we just got married last February and started TTC right away. I am much older than you - 40! My sister is a year older than me and has 5 kids aged 8 and under including a 3 month old. So, I thought I might have the same super fertility as her - she did have one chemical pregnancy but otherwise no other issues getting pregnant every 2 years or so. The tests aren't so bad and could provide some reassurance to you. I found out my ovarian reserve is good from the FSH test they do on your blood on CD3 which really made me feel better. And, they say that statistically you have a 20% shot at getting PG every cycle. So, you may not need much or any medical intervention to get a BFP. I think the testing will be a good thing - either you find out things are in good working order or maybe they pinpoint a small problem that is addressable. The good news is you have time on your side, and you are taking steps in the right direction to move forward.

Tammy, sorry about your low temps and impending AF. Wishing us all October babies!

AFM, DH has a SA on Monday AM. So, next week is our big test week - Monday for him and Wednesday I get my HSG and folllow up ultrasound and bloodwork to check on the results of the Clomid.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1325874702|3096619 said:
Hi Prana,

I'm happy to hear that you're only 28. Oh to be that age again! :bigsmile: Regarding how long you've tried, since it's only my third cycle now and I'm already upset, and I know last time I was trying I was getting to that point too around 4 months, trust me I get it. Unfortunately, you might have trouble getting a doctor to do much until you hit a year, though you're charting so maybe you can get them to at least order an SA for your DH. I'm no expert at ALL compared to others on the board on that topic though.

If I remember right, your SIL had been trying for several years to get pregnant and has recently conceived. My thought is that you might be even more anxious because you've seen someone very close to you struggle for a long time. I know it would affect my ability to trust that I'd for sure fall into the 85% of couples that conceives within a year statistic. I'm just throwing that out there, though I'm sure you're already aware of it. Motherhood is a funny thing. We worry about getting pregnant, then we worry about staying pregnant, then we worry about the baby being healthy, then we worry about milestones, then we worry about their social development/health/education, then we worry about the choices they make as young adults, then THEY have babies and we start the cycle all over again as grandmothers! I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's 10000% normal to worry, it's part of the territory. Just try to keep it in perspective and have faith. You'll get that BFP. We all will, eventually!

Thanks for the info about the softcups. Interesting...I don't think we'll use preseed just because I think I am getting enough EWCM to be okay, but I haven't really researched it much. I'm sorry that they didn't work for you, but I do understand that it isn't a guaranteed thing.
Luckily my Dr. is going to see us on Monday. We have a 1/2 hour appointment to discuss everything and we will be scheduling DH's SA and some blood work for me at that time. I've already had an ultrasound, but they mentioned thinking about doing the fallopian tube dye test as well, just to make sure I don't have a blockage.

Yes, my SIL and brother were diangnosed with 'unexplained infertility' meaning that they did all the tests and found nothing wrong with either of them. They had to have in-vitro to conceive this child. And you bet your butt that I'm having anxiety about myself secondary to their struggles. Part or all of my problem might just be that I need to find a way to be less anxious and worried about EVERYTHING.

We added preseed to the mix just as an "in case we needed something extra" sort of thing. I don't inject it into myself at all, we use it externally if we need a little extra lube. The softcups are just awkward, and I felt like taking them out could have caused mild trauma up there lol.

Here's to 2012, hopefully we will ALL get our BFP's this year. :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1325878727|3096669 said:
Prana, hi :wavey: ! Yeah, for your SIL's ultrasound. I personally wish we would have gotten married earlier - we just got married last February and started TTC right away. I am much older than you - 40! My sister is a year older than me and has 5 kids aged 8 and under including a 3 month old. So, I thought I might have the same super fertility as her - she did have one chemical pregnancy but otherwise no other issues getting pregnant every 2 years or so. The tests aren't so bad and could provide some reassurance to you. I found out my ovarian reserve is good from the FSH test they do on your blood on CD3 which really made me feel better. And, they say that statistically you have a 20% shot at getting PG every cycle. So, you may not need much or any medical intervention to get a BFP. I think the testing will be a good thing - either you find out things are in good working order or maybe they pinpoint a small problem that is addressable. The good news is you have time on your side, and you are taking steps in the right direction to move forward.

Hi JGator! :wavey:
I too, made the mistake of believing that I would have the same super-fertility that the rest of my family has. Imagine my shock when I didn't get pregnant that first month that we actually 'tried'. Or the second, 3rd...4th...........
The tests will give me reassurance, and at least answers. I'm hoping that there isn't anything wrong with my DH's swimmers, or anything too major. Thanks for your reply! And I hope that your DH's SA goes well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, I've been there and know exactly what you are feeling. We all dream of these things happening easily and romantically, and I think it is normal to grieve the loss of that idea. I do think you will feel better and more proactive after you start running some of the tests and have all of the information. You guys are still pretty darn young, so I would highly doubt age is a significant factor for you. There is no sense in beating yourself up about not TTC right away - you can only move forward! And there is is still a very good chance that you will conceive naturally again since you have before. It sounds good in theory to say that you just need to relax and think positively, but making yourself do that is another thing entirely. Honestly, I think we sometimes beat ourselves up even more by thinking it is our fault for feeling stressed or anxious. Kind of a catch-22. Just know you're not alone in all of this, and we are all here to support each other in this journey! Also, I'm really happy for your SIL!

Ah China, thanks so much for the good wishes. Means a lot. Hope you and your little one are doing well!

Tammy, thanks. Sorry AF is taking its time. Seems to be the thing to do this cycle - I have a feeling I'll be in limbo for a couple days until it finally arrives for me too because my staining hasn't picked up at all.

JGator, hoping your week of tests next week goes smoothly. Be extra sweet to your DH this weekend because the SA tends to put a lot of pressure on guys. He better do the same for you too! I'm thinking you don't have much to worry about since you know are able to conceive, but it will be good information to have. Hoping you get the right egg and the right swimmer this cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I'm sending you all sorts of TTC dust. I really hope that the IUI does the trick for you! Will be thinking about you my dear, and don't give up. You've got a great resource with your NP and you and your DH are totally united on this. So that's a lot going for you.

Prana, Sorry you're feeling frustrated. I can see how you're extra anxious but it's assuring to know you got pregnant once before naturally. Hopefully it's just been the wrong combinations thus far. The universe wants to make the perfect baby and we'll just have to wait until the mix is right.

Good luck ladies!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

China, thanks so much for the congrats. It was indeed a lovely way to usher in the new year. Thanks for all of your support on this journey and keep your baby dust coming! I think it works. ::)
I hope you & LO are feeling well.

MP, yeah, it helped that I was prepared for not seeing anything on the scan, but it made me uneasy nonetheless. (Also, that my RE said my first beta was low.) I'm going to try to relax & worry less.
I'm so sorry about the spotting (any chance it could be implantation bleeding?) Big hugs to you. I'm sending you a super concentrated, laser-like beam of baby dust in the hopes that you're KU & don't know it yet...or that IUI does the trick for you next month. (And good call going on the progesterone a few days after the IUI.)

Prana, thanks for the congrats. =) I'm so excited for your SIL! What wonderful news. Is it definitely one baby (as opposed to twins)?
I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I definitely had moments of wishing I hadn't waited so long to TTC too, but I'm glad to hear you're only 28. You have time on your side. That's great that you have an appointment with your OB & are getting started with the first line of testing. It's better to have information & a plan to move forward, rather than just sitting around & worrying. (Though it's so hard not to worry!) It must be so difficult to deal with unexplained fertility. At least if there's a problem, there's something you can wrap your brain around & there's usually a way to address it. Let me know if you have any questions about the testing, HSG, etc.
It is always sad once you realize that getting KU may be not be as easy or romantic as you'd envisioned it, but it won't matter in the end when you hold your perfect little baby in your arms.

missrachelk, thanks for the congrats. I'm sorry you're feeling down. I agree that trying to have a positive outlook as much as possible should help.
I can't remember if you said this or not, but are you temping? Also, how long have you been off the pill (if you were on it?) I think there were several cycles when I didn't ovulate, but still got AF & could tell this from my temps. I do think I was ovulating after several months being off the pill (before my IUI), but very late in my cycle. It's definitely possible to get KU with a clomid induced ovulation if you weren't ovulating before. If you're not ovulating, there's no way you can get pregnant, but sometimes that jump start of clomid is just what you need to ovulate & get KTFU already! How long have you been taking the metformin? I've also heard that metformin alone can restore ovulation & many women get PG because of this.
That's so awkward that your DH could hear people in the next room! :eek: I'm glad he was a trooper, though. It's definitely stressful waiting for results & worrying they won't be great. I hope you guys find out (good) news soon. I totally get the feeling of being lonely at the RE's office. Mine has single chairs & loveseats, so whenever I was there alone I'd always be wistful of the couples on the loveseats. And the 2 times my DH did come with me, it was so crowded that we couldn't even find a seat together!
I'm glad you & your DH have gotten the support of friends during this process. I was secretive for a long time, but finally started talking to close friends recently & it helped.
As for the metformin & insulin resistance, I'm pretty confused about that as it seems to be prescribed to PCOS patients, some of whom might not necessarily be insulin resistant (I'm not sure if I am.) I've also heard it can help patients who are not insulin resistant, but I'm not sure why or how. I've also read statistics that it dramatically reduces early miscarriage rates in PCOS patients when taken through the 1st trimester. Have you checked out soul cysters? There's a lot of helpful information on PCOS there plus a message board with lots of btdt ladies.

JGator, yeah, I'm a little scared about an ectopic, but I was thinking about it before you mentioned it. How hard & where did your doc press? (Kneading my belly now...) :tongue: Would my beta numbers not double if it was ectopic?
I'm really glad you'll be taking the progesterone this month. (Speaking of crinone, I was able to get a sample from my doc's office, which saved me so much stress since I had to go back & forth with several pharmacies before they finally got my Rx right. Thanks for the brilliant suggestion!)
I'm glad to hear your DH was able to schedule the SA for Monday. I hope your week of testing goes well & the results are good/helpful.
Are you going to trigger with the clomid? Hoping this is your cycle!

tammy, may I ditto your post to Prana? Very sweet & insightful. And regarding the worrying, I just came to the conclusion today that I think I might now worry forever. First I was worried about TTC, that I'd never get a bfp, now I'm worried that I'll miscarry...and I thought later on, I'm sure I'll worry about my little one crossing the street by herself or worry that he'll get into a good college, etc. It seems like it's neverending. I guess I'll just have to get used to it and figure out a better way to deal with anxiety without it driving me insane.
I'm sorry AF is taking so long to arrive. How inconsiderate! I hope she gets in & gets out quickly so you can move on to next month & your softcup adventure! I'm so curious to hear how it goes & hope it's just what you need to get your bfp!

Geez. I think I should start writing longer posts. :rolleyes:

Hi to anyone I missed & happy Friday! :wavey:

afm, I finally got a call from the nurse with my 3rd beta number. It came in at 361 at 18dpo (my 2nd beta was 154, at 16dpo). She said it was progressing nicely (though the values still seem slightly on the low side to me) & I just needed to come in for a scan next week or so. I asked if it was cause for concern that I didn't see anything at my last scan & she said no because it was so early. (She also seemed a little confused as to why I had come in for such an early scan.) I rescheduled the scan from Friday the 13th to Wednesday the 18th in the hopes that they'll definitely see something by then.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, one thing I wanted to mention regarding ectopic is that when my betas would only slightly go up but not double they said that is usually a sign of ectopic. So I think you're all good.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I am overwhelmingly hopeful that IUI is going to work for you. What dosage of Clomid are you doing next cycle? I'd like to see you O two to three eggs to up those chances. Stay hopeful. You have the right team of professionals helping you and you are doing all the right things. We are all rooting for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1325894365|3096885 said:
Bright, one thing I wanted to mention regarding ectopic is that when my betas would only slightly go up but not double they said that is usually a sign of ectopic. So I think you're all good.

Thank you, Lizzy. That's such a relief. ::)

And ditto to your post to MP. We're rooting for you like crazy, girl!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

thanks so much to everyone who responded : ) It feels good to have a lot of conversations going on around here.

I don't temp, and I actually don't plan to, I think it would make me anxious and really be an overall negative rather than a positive. That's why I planned on using the opk's but those frustrated me too :confused: after seeing over a week of negatives in prime O time this cycle, so I stopped using them. Like I said last post, my DH is a bartender, so he works late while I work office job hours so we struggle to get in our every other day BD which is our current plan. I think that will be the best way to go for us to get our best chances since getting analytical with pinpointing O seems to be problematic for my outlook. Hopefully the every other day plan will keep us in the game without needing to pinpoint (or locate!) my O, and at the very least, we're doing it a lot more than we had been :naughty:

I saw a chiropractor a little while ago, didn't end up going forward with her because we just didn't gel, but she recommended positive mantras - things like " My body is working perfectly and is ready to grow a baby" and stuff like that to get positive vibrations into the mix to help offset all of the stress and worry that is unavoidable in this process.

I've only been taking Metformin for a month now, so I am being impatient, I know. And it is almost a year since I went off of BC - about 10 months. I jsut totally echo the sentiment about wishing we hadn't waited for so long after we got married to start trying. I also regret staying on BC after we were married. But that's water under the bridge, right!

And for what it's worth I didn't have any trouble at all seeing an RE without having tried for a year already. I'm not sure if that would vary state to state based on insurance standards, or if I was 'green lighted' in because I have such irregular cycles. I got the impression that if you have something like irregular cycles then you can skip the year waiting period.

I had a great outside workout today, it was very unseasonably warm today (high was in the 60's) and that was so nice. All summer I worked out regularly outside and I didn't realize how much I miss that time, and how good it is for my mental state. I am going to be sure to get out there more regularly, even when it's colder, at least for 30 minutes or so a few times a week. But I'm in the South so there are probably only about 2 more months of really cold weather before Spring starts poking through.

I hope everyone else is also having a pretty weather weekend to look forward to, and good vibes going out to everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

rachel - you are right if you have irregular cycles, you are not ovulating, and are going to have trouble getting pregnant. That is because if a woman ovulates regularly (12-13 times a year) and has regular intercourse, there is only a 15% chance she will be pregnant each month, but in a year that goes to 85%. The remaining 15% are considered to have infertility issues. If you are >35 they will start at 6 months. It sounds like from a lot of other posters a lot of docs are bending that rule. If your cycles are irregular you are either not ovulating, or only ovulating every few months, you will be evaluated sooner. If you only ovulate say 4 times a year, than your chances of conceiving are low. If you only have a 15% chance each cycle, and 4 cycles instead of 12 or 13, well the odds go down a lot. Sounds like the weather is great in a lot of places, glad you got a good work out in.

Prana - That is so not what I wanted to read today. I am so sorry you are having to though this. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. Coming from an almost 32 year old with a 40 year old husband, 28 is not old. I truely believe doing all the things you want to do are very important, and will make you a better parent. I am interested to see how your workup goes.

MP - My insurance covers the diagnostic workup and the clomid, IVF and IUIs (and all the meds associated with them) are not covered. I live 3 hours from an RE doc, so I am going to be having to work out time off issues yet. I know we have not timed things perfectly every month as my husband has been gone, so even though I say we are at 7 months, I know they aren't 7 good months of trying. I am so sorry this month was not the month for you. I really hope this IUI works for you. I want to see you graduate from here, as I know lots of other people do.

Birght - I really hope that beta keeps climbing...I am holding out for you.

JGator - thanks for the info. I kind of addressed my issues above. I would like to do the SA and the HSG if possible as from my charting, my cycles, and leuteal phase look good. I did bring up with my doctor/co-worker I would be coming to him in a few months if I was not pregnant. Of course since we are co-workers, that was a little awkward. He said he would just put in the referral so that we would not have to discuss the details. We had a female doc in the clinic I used to talk about this stuff with, but she just left :-(. She was the one who told me they typically wait until a year. I am guessing you are still waiting for ovulation?

Tammy - so sorry you temps are down, I know that frustrating felling. I am not a fan.

AFM - I am day 9 DPO. I have had a small bump in my temps, and am wondering if this chart is going to be a triphasic pattern???? I am considering testing tomorrow or Sunday. Not much else going on here.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone for your kind words! They help out a lot. While I'm obviously hoping that there is nothing wrong with us, answers will be good. AF FINALLY came today. After 5 days of spotting I was just hoping that she would come and get it over with. So here I am on CD1!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, glad AF finally arrived. I'm right there with you on CD1 :(( Given your chemical pregnancy and several days of pre-AF spotting, I think it is a good idea you are going to start having some fertility testing to make sure your hormones are all at normal levels. I do think you're going to have a good outcome sometime soon. Hugs!

Tammy, how about you? Any news???

Firecracker, thank you. I want us both to graduate from this thread! It's about time. DH and I have been trying since last March, but it's been 12 cycles, and that's 12 cycles with good timing, so that's why I'm so frustrated! I read in TCOYF that the 12 months of trying if you are under 35 is really meant for people who are not monitoring, but if you are monitoring and timing correctly after about 4 cycles without success, you may want to consult your doctor (assuming you can get your doctor to listen). And anecdotally, it does seem like most of the ladies on here seem to get their BFP within a couple cycles of monitoring and good timing. Anyway, I'm crossing my fingers for you lady and hoping that your temp bump is a good sign! Keep us posted.

Rachel, your plan sounds good. If later on, you decide you want peace of mind that you are ovulating, temping really isn't that bad. I did it for a few cycles early on just to confirm that I was ovulating, but I don't do it anymore and don't think it is all that helpful long term.

LC, Bright, and Lizzy, thank you! I'm feeling the love from you BTDT mommies to be! As I mentioned above, AF arrived today, but I'm feeling ok with it now and looking forward to this new cycle. I will call the NP on Monday to start clomid. Lizzy, I took 50 mg last cycle, and I had 4 larger follicles in the 17-20 range on CD11, so I'm thinking she'll probably keep me on 50. I'm going to request a trigger and progesterone too, so hopefully all of the stars will align this cycle. Bright, what supplements were you on last cycle? I'm wondering if I should just take my fish oil and prenatal and drop the other things. I never know if I should keep taking baby aspirin and B6 or not. . . .

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Interesting MP, we have only monitored for 3 cycles and one was not well timed. That is including this one. By the time we get to 4 cycles, I will be at 10 months and it will be a good time to ask anyways. Since my DH is over 40, we would really like to have the SA done. I have a urine FSH test that came in one of the boxes with my HPT. I don't know how accurate that is though. Can't hurt to try it if this cycle does not work out. I think if this cycle does not lead to success, I will really start getting concerned. Although I was not monitoring my temps, I was previously monitoring my CM. Now that I am monitoring my temps, I know my previous monitoring was pretty good.

OK, I am rambling, just trying to figure things out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies,

CD2, on to the next cycle! At least for me it's comforting to know that there are a few of us going through the same phases. That makes what, 3 of us all on CD1/2?

Anyhow, my mind is jello. I just wanted to stop in and say hi and I'm sorry that AF showed up. :( I have really high hopes for your first (and hopefully last needed!) IUI, MP!

I'll do a proper post tomorrow!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi lovely girlies! I've mostly been lurking and trying to take in all of this info, it's all very new to me! I'm cheering you all on from my keyboard!! This is our second cycle of TTC, I wasn't expecting much last cycle, my first one off the pill for 12 years, but one can hope, yah? 8) I decided to start charting but totally muffed up my temping last month (remembering to do it appears to be quite the challenge!) and am pretty sure I didn't O after checking my CM every day.

So here I am on CD3 and ready to get the ball rolling. Sorry about the prattling, I'm just a tad excited about all this :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, I got my BFP at 9dpo - maybe test. You never know lady. Fingers crossed this is your month! When do you plan to POAS??