
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ltl Firecracker, thanks for the info. The lab that did the fasting insulin test has the following parameters:

Less than 10 - normal insulin sensitivity
10-14 - mild insulin resistance
Greater than 14 - insulin resistance

The dr said because of my level of 15 I was classified as pre diabetic.

I guess I will have to see what the endocrinologist says.

Bright:, there doesn't seem to be many RE's in Australia. There are fertility specialists, but I do not believe they are usually endocrinologists. I will just be seeing a normal endocrinologist. Hopefully he has some experience in fertility issues however. Fingers are crossed there.

JGator, thanks for the link. That is such good information to have now and in the future.

Rachel, congrats on the normal SA.

AFM, I had the thyroid scan yesterday. Even though he wasn't supposed to say much, the technician said that the thyroid was not normal and that it was indicative of Hashimotos Thyroidosis. I did a lot of reseach last night (because I am a control freak and have such a bad family history of horrible, horrible diseases) and I am so glad that this seems to have been detected now and prior to me TTC. I never knew that babies born to mother's with untreated thyroid issues can have serious birth defects. I just hope now the endocrinologist will give me the correct medication and will not tell me to hold off TTC now that we are so close (1 more BCP!). It has taken me a long time to get DH to this point.

Joining this thread has given me such hope and strength. You ladies are such an inspiration and support!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

J Gator - I am so glad the SA was normal, I am sure you husband is very happy about that! I am so glad your HSG was normal too. I am really hoping that you get a sticky bean too!

MP - Yeah, it sounds like a combo of lots of little things, which from my reading can add up. I really hope this IUI works for you, but if it does not I think an REI would be a good next step. But my guess is your costs will go up significantly as an NP probably does not charge as much as an REI doc :( . It sounds like we are in the same situation. I just want the testing as well. I am perfectly OK with waiting until one year to start interventions, but at the one year point I want to start!

Tammy - I hope things get lighter for you soon, and wishing you the best of luck this month.

Bright - thanks for the well wishes, and I hope all is going well with you.

Rachel - I am glad your husband's SA is normal as well. I am glad you are tolerating the metformin. I got rid of junk food in my house a long time ago, except ice cream every now and then :Up_to_something: . But I do tell the parents of all my patients who have weight issues, that if the keep the food in the house, assume their child will eat it.

As for me, AF came about 1 hour after my post last night. Too late for my wine, so I just opened a bottle now. I had a long day at work and my husband is gone this week. The place is kind of getting messy, so I need to clean up tomorrow night before I leave town to meet my husband. I didn't do OPKs this last cycle because I ran out and was on vacation, but I think I am going to try them again this cycle. When I tried them before, I did not get consistent results. It turned pos the day my temp went up. I am wondering if I will get a consistent result this cycle, and if I don't, I will need to figure out if I need to worry. Hopefully I will have an apt by than, but we will see.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AFM, I had the thyroid scan yesterday. Even though he wasn't supposed to say much, the technician said that the thyroid was not normal and that it was indicative of Hashimotos Thyroidosis. I did a lot of reseach last night (because I am a control freak and have such a bad family history of horrible, horrible diseases) and I am so glad that this seems to have been detected now and prior to me TTC. I never knew that babies born to mother's with untreated thyroid issues can have serious birth defects. I just hope now the endocrinologist will give me the correct medication and will not tell me to hold off TTC now that we are so close (1 more BCP!). It has taken me a long time to get DH to this point.

Hi MLK, I'm in Melbourne and I work in endocrinology. In terms of the underlying cause of your hypothyroidism, the only thing that really matters for pregnancy at this stage is to make sure that your thyroid function is within the normal range. Women with thyroid disease need to be monitored more closely during pregnancy as function often fluctuates much more during pregnancy than other times, and women with hyPERthyroidism (particularly Grave's) have more complex issues than those who are hypothyroid. I hope that Megumi won't mind me saying this, but her statement about making sure your endocrinologist doses you based on your free T4 is not strictly correct either - it is important that your FT4 and FT3 are in the normal range, but equally there is such a thing as "subclinical hypothyroidism" where the TSH is raised without the FT4 yet being depressed, and in many cases this will require treatment also.

It is pretty much standard practice for all women to have thyroid function tested during pregnancy (and a core part of a work-up for infertility) here so I am sure you would have been picked up either way!

Regarding your question about your hyperinsulinism and thyroid, they are unlikely to be related. Your hyperinsulinism may be part of metabolic syndrome, PCOS, or neither. In the case of PCOS, the diagnostic criteria require you to have 2 out of 3 of 1) raised androgens, 2) irregular periods and/or 3) polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. PCOS is associated with hyperinsulinism and the metabolic syndrome, but hyperinsulinism does not come into the diagnostic criteria, if that makes sense.

mlk|1326332451|3100842 said:
Bright:, there doesn't seem to be many RE's in Australia. There are fertility specialists, but I do not believe they are usually endocrinologists. I will just be seeing a normal endocrinologist. Hopefully he has some experience in fertility issues however. Fingers are crossed there.

MLK - reproductive endocrinology is a subspecialty of obstetrics and gynaecology here, so all IVF specialists and fertility O&Gs are essentially what are called REs in the States. Certainly you need to get your own endocrine issues sorted out before you look at them in the context of pregnancy and TTC though, so I think that the referral to a general endocrinologist is entirely appropriate in your case.

OK, taking my medical hat off now - and continuing to lurk and cross my fingers tightly for all the lovely ladies in this thread!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pancake, thanks for your reply and all the helpful information. I get my T3 and T4 results tomorrow, so will know more then. Two quick questions though, is it likely an endocrinologist will tell me to delay TTC until my levels are reduced? Also, how lons is it usually until BCP is out of your system so that PCOS testing would be accurate? At this stage my female hormones are within range, but not sure if that is because of the pill.

p.s. it is great to have so many aussies on here!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

No point in testing any of your sex hormones (male or female) at the moment since you are still on the Pill and none of the results will mean anything. I would have thought that the advice would most likely be to see what happens when you come off the OCP and then decide on testing if there are concerns that you are hyperandrogenaemic (which can cause excess hair, acne, etc) or that you're not ovulating. One of the treatments for PCOS is actually going ON the Pill, so it interferes completely with the investigations of it.

It is very possible that you DON'T have PCOS, so I would have thought that it'd be reasonable to come off the Pill, see when your period returns (it can take months, even without any underlying medical problems - the pituitary gland can take a while to kick back in), and then start the investigations if nothing happens.

Re TTC - I am a paediatric endocrinologist so usually advising patients about TTC is not part of my repertoire :lol: But if you are hypothyroid, then getting your thyroid function tests back into range is usually pretty straightforward. Harder to deal with hyperthyroidism.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks pancake! I'm sure I am overanalysing everything and being a control freak and hypochondriac, I guess I am just really happy to finally start TTCing and don't want anything to interfere with it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MLK- I just wanted to comment/share my story. I have Hashimotos disease. When I was 15-16 years old I noticed an increase in hair loss. As a child I had lots of hair. Teen years, I noticed the decrease, but it wasn't to the point of bothersome. At 17, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's after a normal doctor's visit. He noticed that my thyroid was enlarged and asked if I had issues with it. I said no. I just assumed fatigue,etc was a normal part of being a teenager. It was something I had lived with for a while, so assumed it was my normal.

Fast forward to now. This year my levels have been around 10. With an increase in meds my levels went down to 6. The next month or two we increased my synthroid dosage again and it went down to 4.69. That was the month that we decided to start TTC. We were able to conceive with my levels being ~6.

Before TTC, I had very irregular cycles. My normal cycles were about 33 days, but often AF liked to come every 40-60 days. I will also note that I was never on BCP. I didn't like the way it made me feel and I didn't mind not having AF each month! I charted twice in the two years prior to TTC, when I was learning about FAM method, etc. Both showed I would O around day 19. This seems to have been true for the time we conceived also.

I guess I just wanted to share because the thryroid can really mess up your cycles and to note that it is definitely possible to conceive even with the disease. I'm glad you seem to be really on top of things as I'm sure it will help, just don't lose hope!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MLK, I am not a doctor, but I have had thyroid issues in the past. And, if I do get pregnant, I need to have my thyroid monitored closely by an endo as pregnancy triggered me going into hypo thyroid TSH levels when I was pregnant last year. I think you should get your thyroid under control before TTC though. I think with synthroid/levoxyl it can quickly come down to a normal level though and they can tweak the dosage to get you stabilized. It may only take a month or so to get it stabilized, but of course, ask your endo for his/her opinion.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, yay for good test results for you and your DH! Sounds like you'll probably have more than one target this time and more chances for a healthy, sticky bean. I’m really hopeful for you! I relied on the same link you posted after I got my blood tests results, and it was really helpful. Hope the trigger goes well for you today. Lots of dust!

Firecracker, so sorry about the BFN. You’re taking steps in the right direction and will hopefully get some answers soon, so I hope that is at least some consolation. I think you'll feel better having more information, even if it turns out nothing at all is wrong (and hopefully that will be the case!). Hoping you have better luck with the OPKs this time. Last month was the first month I did not get clear results from them, and it was maddening!

Tammy, good luck to you this month! I never have enough hours in the day either, but since TTC is at the center of my thoughts at nearly all times, I still end up spending way too much time on this site and researching all the possible things that could be wrong with me and DH. I think I need an intervention! Or a pregnancy – that would be better. Hopefully you'll have some good news to share very soon!

MLK, sorry to hear about your thyroid concerns, but at least you have the information now and there are treatments available. I know it’s hard but try to take it one step at a time. I agree with others that first and foremost, you should make sure your body is healthy first so you can provide the best possible environment for your future little one. Hopefully you will get your thyroid levels to an acceptable range very soon because I know how hard it is to wait.

AFM, nothing too exciting to report. Two more days of clomid to go, and then I wait for the ultrasound next week. I also have another interview lined up for next week. It's another position for which I applied on a whim thinking I would never get an interview, so I was pleasantly surprised. There are just not a lot of legal positions in my area right now, and so many people are looking to leave law firms. It's a battle! I feel conflicted about TTC and job searching at the same time and keep wondering whether I should turn my focus to one or the either. I just need some good news on one of the fronts. I'm not trying to be greedy :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, you are not being greedy at all. I think it's good to keep ALL doors in your life open right now. I also interviewed around the time we TTCed (or a few months beforehand) because I didn't want to turn down any good opportunities and I knew if I kept an open mind, it would all work out. I have no doubt it will work out for you, too. I wish you tons of luck on the interview. And I still totally stalk you on this thread--I'm going the do the happiest of dances the day you get your BFP. I'm excited for your IUI this cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1326398158|3101424 said:
Firecracker, so sorry about the BFN. You’re taking steps in the right direction and will hopefully get some answers soon, so I hope that is at least some consolation. I think you'll feel better having more information, even if it turns out nothing at all is wrong (and hopefully that will be the case!). Hoping you have better luck with the OPKs this time. Last month was the first month I did not get clear results from them, and it was maddening!

I hear you on the OPKs, I was very frustrated by the results! Thanks for the kind words. It will probably be at least a week until I find out when I can get an appointment. But I am fine with that. Just waiting for AF to make it's exit so I we can try again this cycle. I am CD3 today.

As for you looking for a job, I do not think that is selfish at all. I mean I am doing the same thing. I honestly think the best thing you can do if you are having trouble in the TTC arena is to move on and live the rest of your life while you are still trying. I know this is not the same as a job, but while in Italy this summer, I did not buy any clothes, because I knew we were TTC that month and I would probably get 2 months out of them. Boy am I kicking myself for that decision! My point is, moving on with your life may actually help you. You need to make sure you are happy where you are in life, after all, it will make you a better mom in the long run when your day does finally come.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL, thanks! You are so sweet, and I appreciate the support. And I'll definitely be doing a happy dance when I hear that Katie has arrived safely! Getting closer now!

Firecracker, you are very right. I have done a couple of things like that too - like not buying new clothes, or planning trips, and not buying a new bike last spring because I thought I'd be pregnant and wouldn't ride much. You definitely can't let life pass you by while TTC, as tempting as it sometimes. The thing I struggle with on the job front is that it adds extra stress and there is a possibility I could get pregnant at the same time as I get a job offer, which would present a whole new dilemma. But at this point, I can't wait for one or the other to happen because I have no idea when that will be.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1326470318|3102086 said:
NEL, thanks! You are so sweet, and I appreciate the support. And I'll definitely be doing a happy dance when I hear that Katie has arrived safely! Getting closer now!

Firecracker, you are very right. I have done a couple of things like that too - like not buying new clothes, or planning trips, and not buying a new bike last spring because I thought I'd be pregnant and wouldn't ride much. You definitely can't let life pass you by while TTC, as tempting as it sometimes. The thing I struggle with on the job front is that it adds extra stress and there is a possibility I could get pregnant at the same time as I get a job offer, which would present a whole new dilemma. But at this point, I can't wait for one or the other to happen because I have no idea when that will be.

MP, if the "worst" happens, is it REALLY that bad? ;)) I actually had that EXACT thing happen to me with my first daughter. I found out that I conceived the same week that they offered me the job. I was young (oh to be 24 again...wait, no thanks!) and was charting, TTA but misread TCOYF or something. Yeah, definitely don't want to be 24 again, even though 34 is proving to be more of a challenge on the TTC front. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, the only thing I can say is to just worry about that when you HAVE to, which is not right this moment. It'll all work out for you. I know it's cliche and I know people say it all the time, but I really do have a good feeling that things will all fall into place for you and your BFP truly is coming soon.

I need to get cracking on work, but my "to do" list for this weekend includes catching up on this thread and properly saying hi to everyone, I promise!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, you’re right, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world I suppose, and I know we’ll figure it all out. This is the situation that I’m in, so I just need to accept it and hope the pieces all fall into place. Hope you are doing well. I think I'm about a day or two behind you, so I'm also in the relaxed, no pressure stage of the cycle right now. I hope BFPs are right around the corner for both of us!

JGator, hoping things are going well for you and that you caught an egg this cycle!

Bright, if you’re still checking this, I’m thinking about you too!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, hoping you are having a nice weekend with hubby, and glad you have plans in the works for getting some testing done.

Tammy, I envy your upcoming trip to Napa. I cannot believe you said you are ready to give up wine! Enjoy the wine while you can - soon enough, you'll be cut off for 9 months!

MP, good luck with the job interview next week. I'm sure you'll do great, and what's meant to be will work out. I made a big career change a little over a year ago in anticipation of settling down and having a family. It was the right move - my life is a lot less stressful now.

Bright, how's it going? Next week is the big ultrasound right? I start Crinone on Sunday - how is that treating you? Any other new symptoms?

Hi to Sha, MissR, Prana and our new Aussie friends DandiAndi and MLK :wavey: .

AFM, DH gave me the trigger shot last night, and I should O today or tomorrow. I got a dark OPK line today, but I think that might just be the Ovidrel. I know you are supposed to O within 36 hours of the trigger. So, working on catching the eggie(s) this weekend. Cautiously optimistic. My next RE appt is not till Jan 24th, I think, so a long wait. It feels like I was in there multiple times/week getting blood drawn and ultrasounds so it will be a long TWW. Need to come up with something to occupy my time and distract me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies!

It's been a quiet couple of days around here! JGator, hope everything went smoothly after your trigger shot and good luck in about hmmm 9 days now?! :bigsmile:

AFM: Not a whole lot going on right now. I'm struggling with remembering to temp, but I think it's just that I know for sure that I won't O until around CD 14. I'm sure that I'll be neurotic about it in the TWW. :rolleyes: I've started opks & checking CM but I think after this month (if there's a next month ttc!) I'll just be on auto pilot if I ovulate on CD14 again.

I'm trying really hard to be optimistic, but I'll admit that I have a new feeling this month of almost dread and I'm anxious already that it'll end in a BFN. Anyhow, had to get that thought out of my head, hopefully that gets rid of it for a while.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, it is quiet around here! So many of the former regular posters have gotten their BFPS, but as much as we miss them, that’s a good thing! I definitely think it is okay to forget to temp once in awhile now that you have your fertile patterns worked out. That would be nice if it turns out you have a textbook cycle, although I’m hoping you don’t get much more of a chance to find out! I too am having the worries and pessimistic thoughts about this cycle, but I’m trying to push them out of my mind. I’ve been thinking a lot about what our next steps will be if IUI doesn’t work, and I still don’t know….

JGator, hope you had great timing this cycle, and that your 2WW is off to a good start. It is a little anticlimactic to just wait after you have been going in for testing and bloodwork. Fingers crossed! How’s the progesterone going? I need to remember to ask my NP about that.

AFM, I’m hanging out at CD10. I will go in for an ultrasound on CD12 to see where I’m at. My OPK was negative this morning, and I’m really hoping the LH surge will hold off until after my appointment, and she’ll decide to give me a trigger shot! In other news, I had my interview this morning. It seemed to go well, although I got some really odd questions and I could tell the interviewers are not used to interviewing! If nothing else, it was good practice!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, good luck, lady! I hope you caught that egg & it's your super sticky bean! It is an odd feeling to have so much monitoring pre-O, then such a long wait for the next appointment. I'm glad all went well with your DH's SA. The crinone is going fine for me. I've actually (mostly) stopped wearing panty liners as most of the leakage seems to be a toilet paper issue. (sorry...TMI) I just called in my refill, so hopefully the pharmacy doesn't mess it up this time. At least I'm calling in advance.

MP, I'm so excited for you & have such high hopes for your IUI cycle! Keep us posted on how your appointment on Wednesday goes. I never had great EWCM either. That's great that the IUI can bypass that issue, though. Congrats on a good interview as well. I'm thinking about you lots & hope you have lots of good news to share soon!

tammy, it's hard to get into a habit of temping. I had anxiety dreams about it when I started. But you'll get used to it. (Or, maybe you won't have to! :naughty: ) I hope you're feeling better soon.

LtlFirecracker, I hope you at least got a nice purse in Italy! I'm so sorry that AF showed. :nono: I'm glad it looks like you'll have an appointment to get checked out soon, though.

mlk, ditto to pancake's post to you. How have you been feeling once you went off the pill? I had a few horrible headaches (with nausea) my first month off the pill, but then they went away. I hope things get back to normal for you quickly! Did you get your test results back?
I'm glad that the thyroid issues were detected pre-ttc so you can treat them without affecting a pregnancy.

Sha, thanks for the congrats! :wavey:

Hi to anyone I missed! :wavey: Sending lots of positive vibes to you lovely ladies.

afm, I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately (perhaps the beginning of a cold?) and nausea has just kicked in at 6w2d. I have a scan on Wednesday, so hope all goes well.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone :wavey: Sorry I have been MIA, just needed to take a break for a couple of days as I was feeling a little down and didn't want to drag this thread down.

Petite Poire, thanks for sharing your story. It's great to know there are others out there with Hypothyroid / Hashimotos who have successfully conceived and without too much intervention. Congratulations on your pregnancy and hope its a smooth rest of the journey!

JGator, thanks for your advice. I too agree that things need to be stabilised first, the timing just sucks I guess. It has taken so much effort to get to where we are now (even getting my husband to this point) that there just always seems to be some delay. It doesn't help that out of my three closest friends, one is due with her second child in 7 weeks and the other two are TTCing. That is all they talk about. I have tried to keep out of the conversations, even before I knew about the thyroid problems, because I was of the view that I didn't want them to know when we would be trying in case it didn't happen easily (also in case hubby started to delay). I am now just hanging out until my appointment with the endocrinologist next Monday. Hopefully we will only have to sit out one cycle. I hope everything went well with your trigger shot and the TWW is treating you kindly. I will keep my fingers crossed you will have good news next week!

Monkey Princess, glad to hear the job interview went well. I am a lawyer too, what area do you practise in? I know how difficult it can be figuring out job changes and career prospects when you plan a family. I'm sure everything will sort itself out, sometimes you find when you have something in order everything else just falls into place. Crossing my fingers for good news for you on both fronts.

Hi :D to eveyone else, Dandi Andi, Tammy, Ltl Fire, Rachel and anyone else I may have missed.

AFM, its CD1 for me here (not sure if I can really call it that as it is my first AF since the pill?). I ordered some OPK's the other day, so hopefully I can at least monitor things, even if I am forbidden to try this cycle. Does anyone know whether you normally ovulate during this cycle, or do I have to wait for a real AF?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sorry our paths crossed. Thanks for asking about me. I did get the test results back. My ultrasound shows that my thyroid is quite small (I guess thats better than being too big) with nodules/cysts which are not cancerous. The Hashimotos antibodies also showed up in the blood test >1300. Free T3 and Free T4 were within the normal limits. The GP said she wouldn't do anything and I would have to wait until next Monday until I see the endocrinologist for the first time.

As for coming off the pill, I don't feel too bad. First day of Af today, so I am starting to get a little headache, but nothing too bad. I also started some vitamin B and I don't know whether its the vitamins or the lack of the pill but I feel slightly more energetic. I have also been trying to cut out all sugar (except for my morning coffee) and eating low GI foods.

I had a bit of a rough day on Friday and DH was not supportive at all, basically he doesn't want to think there is anything wrong with me and only wants to think positive, but I am feeling more optimistic today, just don't want my TTC journey delayed more than one cycle.

I just hope this endocrinologist is good and understands TTC!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Bright, good to see you post again! Sorry you’ve been feeling under the weather and that morning sickness seems to have hit. As unwelcome as it is, it is definitely a good sign! Can’t wait to hear how your u/s goes tomorrow! I have an u/s tomorrow too, but instead of seeing a baby, she’ll just be looking at my follicles, which is not nearly as exciting! No positive OPK yet, so I’m really hoping we can get the timing to work for a trigger and IUI this time!

MLK, I ovulated about 2 weeks after going off the pill (confirmed with OPKS), and I think most of the ladies on here have as well. I hope your appointment goes well and you find that you can start TTC very soon! I do think it is good you found about your thyroid issues before TTC, so you can address the problem as quickly as possible. To answer your question, I’m in litigation at a pretty large firm. How about you? The hours/stress of my job is just not conducive to the lifestyle I want for myself, especially after we start our family, and my department has some pretty unpleasant people that make it that much worse. I’ve been applying/interviewing for in-house positions, but I only have a couple years of experience, and the positions are in popular demand!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fly by post to answer the post BC ovulation question. I stopped my pills mid cycle and ovulated 22 days after. I hadn't had an AF for several months prior to stopping the pill though because the Yaz had thinned my lining so much. I did have a short LP that month, only 9 days and that freaked me out. Subsequent LPs have been getting longer - my first was 9, second was 11 (I think?) and this last one was my third, which was 13 (or 12, can't remember but it was sufficient). I also went from CD 22 to CD 17 then CD 14 for ovulation. It definitely takes a few months to get on track again! I'll let you know in about 5 days whether I'm consistently ovulating on CD 14 or if that was just a fluke. I'm not sure I will tbh, unless my fertility signs kick into gear like, NOW. :devil:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mlk, I'm glad you're feeling ok coming off the pill. I've heard lots of women have more energy after stopping the bcp. Some have increased libido too! :naughty: I hope your endocrinologist will shed some light on the thyroid issues. Keep us posted!

As for the DH issue, mine was very similar in that he was trying to stay positive about the process. The positive attitude is a great help and I'm so thankful for it when I'm freaking out, but sometimes when you suspect something is wrong, it can feel dismissive. Probably, though, he just loves you bunches & can't imagine that anything could be wrong with his sweetheart.

MP, well, the morning sickness seems to be gone (or dramatically improved) as quickly as it appeared. I did start taking B6 as recommended, but am a bit mystified nonetheless.
I'm excited for your u/s tomorrow! Let us know how it goes! I wasn't religious with the opk's during my IUI cycle, but I didn't get a positive either. I just tried to relax & leave it in the hands of the docs as much as possible. Pulling for you like crazy, girl...

afm, I'm an aunt! My SIL just had a little (well, not so little--almost 10 lb!) girl today via c-section. I can't wait to meet her! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy hump day everyone! Well its Wednesday her in Aus anyway.

Monkey, thanks for the info regarding ovulation after bcp. So far so good. I am actually looking forward to testing the opks. I iunderstand why you would want to get out of litigation and into an inhouse position. An inhouse position has always been my dream job in the legal world too. I am in a mid size firm in the property group but do work in many different areas including corporate and litigation. The partner I work for is over 70 so he likes to keep all the work he gets, whatever it is. I even have a family law matter at the moment! I too would've liked to move before TTC, but things ahve actually gotten better here workwise in the last 6 months so I am actually enjoying it a bit too much. Less litigation, more big property deals, including the purchase of a winery, which was so enjoyable. Anway, I digress, but good luck with the job process , your ultrasound and the trigger.

Tammy, thanks for your reply. I do expect things to be wacky after coming off bcp, but was actually hoping the first months would be a little on the normal side. I guess I will have to wait and see. Hope you still have some time to BD before the O window shuts.

Bright, congrats on being an auntie! I can only imagine how wonderful that must be and it will be so nice to have little counsins so close in age. I too feel that DH did not want to think of anything wrong with me, but I do suspect that he just thinks he can click his fingers and we'll be KTFU and doesn't realise the trials and tribulations of TTC.

Better get back to work. Bye for now :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, good luck at your scan today! And, congrats on becoming an Auntie. It's the best - I have 4 nephews and 2 nieces. And, girls are so much fun to shop for also.

MLK, when is your endo appointment?

MP, good luck with your scan too. Hope you have lots of nice follies.

AFM, I am either 4 or 5 DPO. In the dreaded TWW analyzing my symptoms which include acne and heart burn. The days are passing so slowly.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies!

Bright, can't wait to hear how your scan goes today, lots of positive thoughts and prayers for healthy happy sticky bean!

There aren't enough hours in the day! I will say though that if my body doesn't start doing something, I may explode in frustration. :angryfire: I know it was naive of me to think that my body would be back to working like clockwork, but I have NO fertility signs going on and tomorrow is CD 14. ;( We've been actually trying trying this month with the whole every day, softcups, etc. deal and I'll keep at it until I do ovulate, but IF there's a next month TTC I'm so done with the extra stuff. I miss our "do it however we want EoD" style. Sorry, TMI I know. :oops: It's just frustrating! In other news, those softcups definitely do their job. I'm not going to elaborate though, you can figure it out and I've overshared enough for one thread! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, glad the softcups seem to be working for you, but sorry to hear that your not getting any ovulations signs yet. It will happen soon! At least you know you won't miss your optimal days this time.

JGator, hang in there. Hoping you find lots of things to distract you this next week or so. Do you have a specified day that you will be testing? I have high hopes for you!

MLK, my DH is the same way! It was only recently that he was willing to admit we might have an issue. I love him for his optimism and positive attitude, but it also drives me crazy at times.

Bright, anxious to hear how your ultrasound goes today. I'll be on the lookout for updates. From everything I've heard and read, it is 100% normal to have pregnancy symptoms come and go, so don't read anything into it. Hoping you get to see a strong beating heart today! Congrats on becoming an auntie! My nieces and nephews are my favorite people in the world. It is such a fun relationship and so fun to watch them grow up!

AFM, my ultrasound went well today. I have 3 good follicles and 1 that still might make the cut. I'm going to get a trigger shot tonight, and we'll go in for an IUI on Friday morning. I have a pretty important conference call on Friday morning that I'm going to have to miss now, and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to explain that one. . . . But this is more important, so I'll figure something out!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, yay for 3-4 follies! I will be sending you some dust on Friday morning for the IUI. Take your time getting up after the IUI and try to take it easy for the remainder of the day. The trigger caused me some cramping right around 36 hours after when I actually O'd. I literally got home from the IUI and I could feel the cramping. But it's no big deal. Just wanted to give you a heads up! If you get a chance ask to find out your husband's stats on his sample. They usually give you an idea of volume etc.

This is it my friend, I know it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Lizzy! I'll take all the dust I can get! I do feel like this cycle will be our best possible chance yet, and that's exciting. Good to know about the trigger shot. I never get O pains, so I'll be curious to see if that happens this time. There's a particular pharmacy she is sending me to tonight for the shot, and she told me to get there as close as possible to closing at 7. I probably won't get my IUI until 10 or 10:30 on Friday morning, so it will have been about 40 hours. I'm slightly concerned about the timing, but hoping for the best!

Also I just read about your excellent ultrasound results on the JBP thread, and I'm thrilled for you! I couldn't be happier for you that your little one is looking so good!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP - Still following your story and wishing you well on Friday with the IUI!