
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, glad the IUI is done! Now you've got to keep yourself busy during the wait! Sending lots of sticky dust for you!

Bright, I'm not sure what I would do in your situation. Your betas were doubling and it baffles me as to the empty sac. All of my early losses cleared naturally as soon as I stopped the progesterone. No need for a D&C. Ideally, it is the way to go. If you get a D&C, you have to wait a little before they will give you the green light. Although all docs are different. My RE told me that they usually have their patients stop progesterone as soon as there is viability. Meaning a heartbeat. And that generally is around 6-6.5 weeks. For me, they had me continue till 12 weeks but that was just because of my history. Personally, I think I would continue prog till my next u/s. If that u/s still doesn't show any progress, I would stop the progesterone and give it a little to see if it will clear naturally. And then deal with next steps at that point. Just my 2 cents. Still thinking positive thoughts for you. Any chance on another beta?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I think Lizzy has some good advice. I only wanted to add that I think it would be best for your mental well being to just take things one day at a time. There are countless stories of women who have been in your situation and a week later went back for another u/s and saw a heartbeat, so it IS possible that all of the heartache and worry are for nothing...I certainly hope that is the case at least.

If I were in your shoes, I'd continue the prog until your u/s and try to stay positive. Cross the "what to do" bridge if/when you HAVE to. I'm sure it's pure hell, but that's all you really can do right now unfortunately. :(sad

*big hugs*

ETA: After reading your JBP post about how your numbers were low (but doubling nicely), not seeing anything on u/s at 5w then seeing the gestational sack at 6w2d, it really seems to me like a logical guess would be that you implanted late because you ARE progressing, just more slowly than "textbook" pregnancies. Hang in there, only a few (albeit long) days. Please try to enjoy your little niece. It will be painful, but you WILL hold your own little baby too. Even if the absolute worst outcome happens, you will be okay because you're an incredibly strong woman with an even stronger desire to be a mommy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, one more quick question...if you took your last beta and doubled it every 48 hours, what would your beta have been on your last u/s? Reason I ask is that generally you don't see ANYTHING till it reaches at least 1500. Just wondering...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, is that 1500 or 15,000? If 15,000 then that would make sense. I did some quick math based on her last beta and she should be around 11,000 at 28 dpo.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright -re community accupuncture - I've seen that mentioned on a blog I read as well - how did you find yours? I'll hit up google some more, I'm in a big city so I hope I can find a lower cost option.

definitely echo the take one day at a time sentiment expressed here, I wouldn't try to go thru all the scenarios until necessary, just try to take it easy and as it comes. you never know.

Happy Weekend everyone!

I decided to try a juice fast for the first time and it went really well! I figure why not since detoxing / fasting is definitely not the thing to do while PG or in the beginning of a cycle. I used a blended citrus juice putout by a local fresh juice company and it's mostly grapefruit so fairly icky, but it went down suprisingly well. Even though it seemed like I drank juice all day I wasn't able to finish the entire gallon either yesterday or today (but I did have a few other juices in addition to the detox juice today) I am amazed at how easy it was! I've felt good, no bad symptoms and do feel lighter and good mental clarity. I also didn't suffer from any extreme bathroom visits TMI. I think the metformin is keeping my system pretty cleaned out (in a good way)! It was hard to go to sleep last night and I was thinking of food, but not actually hungry. Today again went great, I added some other juices to get a new taste in there and decided to have some fruit and a salad to break the fast this evening. As of this evening before I started eating again I'd lost 4 pounds and my tummy is noticeably less bloated (I've noticed how bloated it is lately thinking about a bump - it already looks very bump-like!) so I really hope that will be a good jup start to some needed weight loss. I really only need to lose about 15 pound total, but it's been extremely hard for me to stick to a diet or exercise plan lately and the pounds haven't budged. Luckily I haven't gained, but my clothes are all tight and I jsut really do not want to have to get bigger clothes that aren't maternity! It's 6 weeks till my birthday so I'm motivated to stay on a really healthy kick and get that weight gone and get me preggo!

I also read yesterday that a favorite blogger is expecting twins! So happy and I love being able to see into other people's lives. Also brings pangs of jealousy. Does anyone else pine to be a stay at home wife / mother? I would love nothing more, and I know that once I did I'd also start up some type of business venture or other way to bring in income and be happily productive rather than slugging it out at work every day. Insurance is the biggest thing keeping me at my job for now, so I'll stick with it hopefully through getting pG and delivery, then reevaluate.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Rachel, I did community acupuncture while I was TTC. I had very long cycles that were getting longer. My goal was to just get back to regular cycles again, not 45-55-65 day ones. I also had sciatica pain too, so that was another reason why I went.

MP, Hooray! Was thinking about you today! Sending you sticky dust. Sorry the IUI wasn't as easy-breezy as one would hope, but I'm praying you guys got a good shot this month! Fingers crossed, eagle pose and super sticky dust to you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thanks for the dust, right back at you! Hope the IUI is successful. Don't worry bout tmi, I think all of us here would say there's no such thing and we want as much info as possible so if we are in the same position we know what to expect. So thanks for sharing. Any news on the job front?

JGator, halfway through the TWW, will you be Poas any time soon?

Dandi and Tammy, hope you will both be in the TWW soon and that all the timing has been right!

Bright, you are so strong lady! I don't think you should be thinking of the worst case scenario and focus on the positive statistics. I hope despite the circumstances you were able to enjoy meeting your new niece and that you were able to escape the what ifs for a moment at least. Whether this is your time or not, your turn of introducing everyone to your bub is not far away.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, still thinking of you today. I'm sure Wednesday can't get here fast enough so you can have a definitive answer. I found this quote online and I thought it was interesting. I'm still holding out hope for you. You first had no sac, then a sac, hoping and praying next week shows a fetal pole and/or heartbeat.

"Once the HCG levels are above 1000-1500 IU, vaginal sonography usually identifies the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy. At that point an ectopic pregnancy is effectively ruled out. Once the pregnancy is visible on ultrasound, further HCG testing is less reliable than ultrasound for monitoring a pregnancy, as the variations in HCG levels are frequently misleading and cause unnecessary worry. Since normal levels of HCG can vary tremendously, after 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, sonogram findings are much more predictive of pregnancy outcome than are HCG levels. Once the gestational sac is seen, most doctors will monitor with ultrasounds rather than drawing HCG. Subsequent monitoring with ultrasound should reveal normal growth of the gestational sac, and the development of a fetal heartbeat by 6 to 7 weeks' gestation (6-7 weeks after LMP). Once fetal activity has been detected by ultrasound, the chance of miscarriage is usually less than 10%."
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm thinking about you as you meet your little niece. I know it must be a very bittersweet experience. It does sound like all hope is not lost for you, so I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, but I can understand your need to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Sending you a virtual hug right now.

To answer your question, DH abstained for about 2.5 days before the IUI. We had BD'd on Tuesday night, and she said to wait to resume until after the IUI. From what I read 2-3 days is the normal recommendation, especially if there is any male factor infertility. I was hoping to BD again after the IUI, but I spotted a bit the day of the IUI and was crampy, so the IUI ended up being our only shot this cycle. That makes me a little nervous. Oh, and the sponge thing was so weird! I didn't see it until after I took it out, I realized it was a pretty big foam cylinder covered in a white plastic baggie, so it was not absorbant. Apparently, it acts more as a plug than a sponge. I was disturbed when I saw it, and it wasn't easy to get out.

JGator, getting closer! Sticky, sticky dust headed your way!

Tammy, hope you are doing well! Have you O'd yet?

China, NEL, LC, and MLK, thanks for the good wishes and support! It means a lot!

China, from what I gather, when they wash the sperm, they spin it, which results in the removal of the fluid and the dead and lower quality sperm. So, while you end up with a lower count after the wash, the sperm remaining are the best swimmers and hence the higher percentage of motility. I'm not sure if they did this in my case, but there is apparently something they can wash they sperm with that makes them better swimmers. One other odd fact is that the specimen they inseminated me with was pink! I read that this is because they have to test the ph of the wash they use on the sperm.

AFM, just waiting it out now and not sure what to think. I've been a bit crampy off and on, which is apparently normal after a difficult IUI. I couldn't help but do a lot of research this week, and it is a bit sobering to see the statistics. You would think that IUIs would have higher success rates than they do, but at best, it gives you a 25% chance (or less). So, if it is going to work, it often takes a few tries. Hoping that we finally beat the odds! I do know I need to stop obsessing because it is out of my hands and no amount of research will change that fact!

Edited to correct some really lame typos :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies. MP I'm sorry for the cramping and the weird "cork" like thing. :shock: I sure hope that your first IUI works and that the statistics don't worry you too much in your TWW.


I have....

not ovulated. :angryfire: ;(

I have, however, gotten a positive opk this afternoon. Apparently I haven't returned to a regular cycle and something's messed up because my CM isn't even remotely EWCM. It's just all confusing. :confused: I want to go get some preseed, but part of me just thinks that I'm overthinking all of this and it's time to step away from the monitoring (which I know will make me nuts, so...bah!).

Ending my ramble now, sorry! :oops:

Bright, thinking of you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Was very quiet here over the weekend. MP, JGator and anyone else in the tww i am hoping you are all feeling pg symptoms!

Bright, hope your weekend was bearable and time is moving fast for you so that wednesday will be here in an instant.

Tammy, yay for the + opk. Hope your DH is receptive to your advances!

aFM, well I am back from the endo. Looks like I won't be joining you for a while, at least another 6 weeks. I was not very impressed with the endo. Basically he said my tsh was not high enough to cause my hair loss and it was probably just hereditary. Nevertheless he did say that it was too high to ttc and we had to use protection until I see him again in 6 weeks. He prescribed some type of synthetic Thyroid and when I asked him about the natural forms he said you can't get those anymore, in the old days they used pigs thyroid but not anymore. I had read about armour and also asked the pharmacist who said that was rubbish and you get it from compounding pharmacies.

He also didn't take notice of my free t3 and only ordered tests for tsh and free t4!

He doesn't know about pcos said it would depend if my cycles turned out to be normal or not.

About the insulin resistance he said to lose weight and that is what he would tell me whether I had pcos or not and that most overweight people had insulin resistance. I know I am a little overweight (us size 10 aus size14) but I eat healthily and don't have rolls of fat. Anyway even if it turns out I do have pcos I'm not sure he will treat it.

Maybe (probably) I am overreacting but given I am very obsessive over researching and knowing my facts I just think he is too old school and when I go back in 6 weeks I may still not be in a position to ttc!

Anyway I'm sorry for venting but have no one else to vent to - DH still at work and not very interested anyway!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mlk, I'm sorry you didn't like the endocrinologist. I have to say though that his medical advice did not sound unreasonable. If your thyroid is underactive, there is usually no reason to test the FT3 as that is generally only an issue in Grave's disease (which is autoimmune hyPERthyroidism). So that is ok. The only form of T4 that is freely available in Australia is synthetic thyroxine. I am not a believer in "natural" vs "unnatural" (although given my profession I am not unbiased) - the essential thing is that it is replacing exactly what you are missing. So it is different from other types of drugs where certain physiological mechanisms are being modified - in this case you are only putting back what you do not have, whether it comes from a synthetic or animal source.

The advice re insulin resistance is also pretty much correct and is more or less what all endocrinologists would tell you. Re PCOS - the treatment for it in most women in the first instance is lifestyle modification (ie diet and exercise). You won't know about your cycles until your body has a chance to have one.

6 weeks is not very long - it will pass! I hope you are feeling better about things soon. In the scheme of things a month or two is not long to wait, even though I know it feels like eons when all you want to do is get pregnant and have a baby. Hugs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Aww mlk, what a bugger about the 6 week wait! Sorry hon :(sad Here's hoping that it passes super quickly for you. Big hugs! Feel free to vent away.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

G'morning Ladies! I'm short on time but I thought I'd drop a quick update for anyone that would care to listen, lol.

After all of my angry fire faces and moping, I had a temp shift this morning! I told DH that from now on all we need to do to bring on my egg is to skip a day. :rolleyes: Seriously, ONE day out of 7 we skipped and within 24 hrs I got the strong + opk.

I *think* last night's timing would still be in the running, but honestly I don't know. My strong + came at 6 pm and ahem, TMI but we couldn't get around to business until about 1 am and my temp was up this morning, just 12 hrs after my opk. I don't get it though because I never would have guessed that it would have been yesterday based on CM/CP. :confused: I really am baffled at My Chart. Anyone care to comment on it?

I'm not super hopeful for this month, even though I really want to be. I think I've read a few too many posts that say you HAVE to have fertile CM to get anywhere.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1327338604|3109649 said:
G'morning Ladies! I'm short on time but I thought I'd drop a quick update for anyone that would care to listen, lol.

After all of my angry fire faces and moping, I had a temp shift this morning! I told DH that from now on all we need to do to bring on my egg is to skip a day. :rolleyes: Seriously, ONE day out of 7 we skipped and within 24 hrs I got the strong + opk.

I *think* last night's timing would still be in the running, but honestly I don't know. My strong + came at 6 pm and ahem, TMI but we couldn't get around to business until about 1 am and my temp was up this morning, just 12 hrs after my opk. I don't get it though because I never would have guessed that it would have been yesterday based on CM/CP. :confused: I really am baffled at My Chart. Anyone care to comment on it?

I'm not super hopeful for this month, even though I really want to be. I think I've read a few too many posts that say you HAVE to have fertile CM to get anywhere.

I think your chart looks great! Your CM pattern is like mine- I would get EWCM several days (up to 7) before ovulation, but it would completely go away 1-2 days before ovulation. I also think your timing is right on. A lot of books don't even recommend doing it every day, just every other day. What we did (that seemed to work twice) is BD every other day once I got my EWCM (or around CD 12, whichever came first), then every day once I got a positive OPK. There is such a thing as too much BDing!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, hmm, I don't have much advice to offer on why your OPK turned postive so shortly before the temp rise. Were you taking the OPKs once a day or several times a day? And did you follow the directions as far as not drinking water and not using the restroom for a few hours before testing? Did you any near-positives before the postive? Maybe you missed the beginning of the surge....Like amc, I have found that I have my best CM a day or two before ovulation. Your timing looks pretty darn good - you got in plenty of BD'ing during your fertile window, so hopefully some of the swimmers were waiting around at the right time or got there just in time last night.

MLK, sorry your appointment didn't go like you had hoped :(( I know how long 6 weeks sounds when you're ready to start trying. If there is a silver lining in this, at least you have a goal of getting yourself into the best health possible before you start TTC. Feel free to vent here anytime, we all do! Hugs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, looks like you O'd yesterday but your egg should live for 24 hours so I think you are in fine shape with your timing. And, your DH's swimmers can live for up to 5 days I think so you have even more of a shot.

MLK sorry about your 6 week wait. I do think it will fly by quickly and you can hopefully get a better idea of your cycles off birth control during that time frame. I'm sure you will be able to quickly stabilize with medication. My endo is planning to put me on levoxyl after I get pregnant if my TSH spikes again like it did last time. I believe that levoxyl and synthroid are very popular and common and both synthetic so I think you have nothing to worry about.

MP, hope your embryo is growing and sticking! Sorry your procedure was not pleasant, but hopefully the rewards will outweigh all of that with a BFP this cycle. I know the odds on IUI and even IVF are not that great. Have you looked at the SART website? They have IVF success rates broken out by age group and fertility issue for most REs and I really worry if we have to go that route how many times it will take to get PG. Also, since I'm 40 - the odds go way down when you go from 39-40 to 41-42 so I really hope to get pregnant soon! I think it is good to have a positive attidue and just keep imagining an embryo growing in size every day - that is what I am trying to do.

MissR, not sure if you have looked into South Beach Diet, but I did it before my wedding and lost some weight pretty quickly. It is a no sugar, no processed carbs diet. Basically, you can have whole grains, vegetables, and meat, but avoid sugars, some fruits, and white bread, potatoes, rice, etc. It might help you, and you don't have to measure and keep track of things - just try to follow the guidelines which are pretty easy to remember.

Bright, keep up the progesterone. I started taking it at 5.5 or 6 weeks I think and was supposed to continue until 12 weeks. Hope you are hanging in there and meeting your niece was not too sad for you. I am hoping for the best for you on Wednesday.

AFM, I had a dream 2 nights ago that I had triplet boys. The triplets were in the hospital with Monica from Friends, and I couldn't get to them for some reason - I was making my way there but kept stopping off and talking to people including the cast of Friends and my DH. Apparently the triplets were a surprise we didn't know about until they were born - maybe we thought we were having twins. Strange dream. So, DH keeps referring to me and the triplets now. I am 9 DPO - my blood test at the RE is Thursday which is 2 weeks post trigger and 12 DPO. I will likely test Wednesday if I can hold out that long. I have had a few strange cramp/twinge feelings which I am optimistic about.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Amc, nice to "see" you! Interesting, I guess maybe it's normal then! Trust me, I agree that there is such a thing as too much! We've already agreed EoD until + then every day from + on, though it seems like my surge is REALLY close to my ovulation, that's been consistent this month and last month. Interesting stuff...

MP, I honestly don't know. I do test 2-3 times a day (FMU, midday, late evening) but I had a pretty significant fade in pattern yesterday. It went from "is that positive? I think so...if not it's close" to "holy crap it's darker than the control line" in 6 hours. Unfortunately I don't have a baseline for the day before yesterday, because I didn't use any at all. I just assumed that since the EWCM was gone that I'd wait for it to show up again before resuming opk's. If TTC has taught me anything, it's that I'm often wrong! :devil:

How are you doing? Are you temping this month or waiting it out and going with the flow?

ETA: Hi JGator! Thanks for your input too. :) I had to laugh about your dream but I think if I had triplet boys I'd have to go invest in a padded house - for my insane condition and to keep them from hurting themselves/each other! :lol: Good luck on holding out until 11-12 DPO and lots of BFP dust!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, everyone. Sorry for being MIA for so long. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kind thoughts. I decided to continue the progesterone until my appointment on Wednesday. I figure the worst it can do is delay the inevitable & I want to give this pregnancy the best possible shot just in case. I'm kind of expecting the worst at this point, and am almost resigned to it, but I'm sure I'll be a basket case again if the news is actually bad. I'm sort of eager for the appointment so I can end the limbo, but also a little anxious & sad, thinking pretty soon I might not be pregnant anymore. I really feel like I just can't catch a break with this TTC stuff. Between the hair loss, PCOS diagnosis, year of trying only to get a BFP, then miscarry? It just doesn't seem fair.

I also worry about having to wait a long time before trying again if I do indeed m/c. I've heard lots of ladies are really fertile after a m/c & sort of want to catch the window, but since we've never conceived naturally before, I don't have much confidence in getting another BFP without an IUI.

In other news, we got to see my little niece this weekend & she's just gorgeous--big with lots of dark hair & the sweetest little face. Her dad is fantastic with her & her mom seems to be recovering ok from the c-section. It was amazing, but also a little wistful & sad for me.

Lizzy, thanks so much for your advice. I can imagine how difficult it must be for you to think back on the rough times you experienced, but knowing what to expect if the news is not good on Wednesday is comforting to me. So I guess the progesterone I've been taking wouldn't let me miscarry naturally while I'm still taking it even if there was a problem, right? Seems like it might be tricking my body into thinking everything is ok when maybe it's not. How long after you stopped the progesterone did things clear? It's really stressful not knowing how long this would take. I read online that sometimes it can take weeks to months, which would be heartbreaking.
Thanks for posting the info on betas. I'd read somewhere that once you can see things on an u/s, then beta levels are less predictive of pregnancy outcome. So maybe it's not worth asking for another beta?
I sometimes do feel hopeful that, since I didn't have anything at the first u/s, the fact that there's a sac now is progress. Maybe just not enough, though? It would be hard to mis-date things since I had an IUI, but is it possible I could've implanted later than usual? Oh, and the doc did say the sac was in the right place, so at least ectopic is ruled out.

tammy, thanks for the hugs. I'm trying to take things one day at a time as much as possible. I was a little hopeful as well that I progressed from nothing to gestational sac, but maybe that won't be enough? I have read online that it's possible to have doubling betas & never have more than a gestational sac. :(sad Btw, I think your timing sounded great for this month! Fingers crossed for you! I had a couple of months where my temp rose the day after my positive opk.

And lizzy & tammy, I think my betas should be high enough to see something at this point. (sorry for not getting back to you sooner on this, but tammy, thanks for doing the math!)

missrach, lliang_chi actually recommended the concept of community acupuncture to me & I found my acupuncturist via google. I'll bet you'll be able to find someone locally!

mlk, thanks for the positive vibes. I'm sorry you have to delay TTC a bit, but hope 6 weeks goes by relatively quickly. At least you have some short term goals in the meantime. Probably only time (and a few tests once you're off the pill) will give you a better sense of whether you have PCOS or not. I've heard weight loss is often recommended, but sometimes that's harder to do if you have PCOS. What is your BMI? Also, I can't remember if you're taking metformin or not, but it might be worth asking your endo about it as it can help with insulin resistance, weight loss & fertility.

MP, thanks for the virtual hug. Sending one back at ya & hoping this is your month. If it's not me, I really hope it's you. (I know it doesn't work that way & I hope it's you regardless, but I really want at least one of us lifers to graduate to JBP for good!)
Interesting about the abstinence prior to IUI. We wound up abstaining for 3 days & DH's first post-wash count was 79 million, but on the 2nd IUI, it was only 2 million! :o What a difference a few days make! (Our samples were a bit pink too.) We didn't BD after the 2nd IUI either because I was crampy as well. That's really weird about the sponge thing. :eek:

JGator, thanks for the positive hopes. That's funny about your dream. Maybe it's prophetic? :naughty: Are you feeling any symptoms? I got my bfp on 12dpo, 14dp trigger. I tested at 9dpo, 11dp trigger to make sure the hcg was out of my system & it was a bfn at that point. Fingers crossed for you!

Hi to anyone I missed. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, Bright, good to hear from you. I am still hopeful for you. I wanted to let you know that I did have red spotting with my MC even while taking progesterone when I was at 10 weeks since LMP and the baby was measuring 8 weeks. So, I think no spotting is a good sign for you even on the progesterone. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MLK, sorry to hear you weren't into your endo. I went to four before I found the right one. When I started my thyroid meds, my doc told us to wait 3 months before ttc to allow for adjustment of my levels. After discussing it and researching the reasons why to wait and why not to wait, DH and I decided to just let it ride and I was pregnant in 4 weeks. It was a difficult decision and required lots of information and discussion, but we felt that my dr was largely asking us to wait so it would make her job easier. Certainly it would have been safer to wait, but we made the difficult and personal decision to move forward with our lives despite my condition. Just my two cents...I'm not suggesting that you disobey your dr, I'm merely suggesting that being an informed advocate is an important part of being in control of and feeling comfortable with your situation. That said, six weeks is about half the time my doc wanted me to wait so perhaps it's not even a decision for you.

Bright, ugh I'm sure the waiting is just the worst. I've been there, so I know how you feel. And when I thought it would end, it didn't. My betas went from 160 to 140 and then up and up for another 10 days, with no real help from an u/s. even then the doc said to just wait nd see. Just know you are not alone and that this sadly happens to many people. I wish it on nobody and I hope that you are taking good care of yourself. I just wanted to share that if things do not work out, depending on how you're doing emotionally, I would try to wait for things to happen naturally. It took me about two weeks to mc, which was difficult, but it gave me the opportunity to try again right away. (my doc said to wait one cycle for dating purposes, but that was not a good enough excuse for us to wait...) I think this depends on how you're feeling, but I just wanted to share my experience with you. Hoping that Wednesday brings you a pleasant surprise...I'll be thinking about you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, that's interesting to hear you had spotting despite the progesterone. I haven't had any yet, but still have some mild cramping on & off. Oddly enough I haven't been waking up in the middle of the night lately. I'm happy for the sleep, but wonder if that isn't a bad sign (yet another symptom gone). Thanks for the fingers crossing!

meg, I'm so sorry you had such mixed messages with your betas. What an emotional roller coaster. Hugs. I'm so happy you got KU with a sticky bean so soon after your mc.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It really helps to know what to expect. Was it heavy bleeding for 2 weeks or for a shorter time, then spotting? I guess it would be better to let nature take its course, but I just hope I'm not waiting for weeks or months. I've heard it can take a while.

I'll definitely keep you guys posted on what happens.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! :wavey:

tammy, yay for a temp shift! I think your timing sounds pretty spot on, fingers and toes crossed for you hon!

Big hugs, Bright, thinking of you, love. You niece sounds just divine, by the way! Meeting her must have been lovely but I hope it wasn't too hard for you. Lots of love.

JGator, tons and tons of dust for you on Wednesday!!

Hoping hoping HOPING this is the month for you mp! More dust, more dust!

Hi mlk, I've been thinking of you. Hope you're keeping cool in this heat too (it is HOT in Vic!). Lots of snuggy hugs.

Good luck with everthing missrachel! Reading you post makes me want some fruit now.

AFM, I'm a bit confused about my chart... according to FF I possibly O'd on CD9, which I wasn't expecting because I hadn't noticed any EWCM, but then on CD13 I actually noticed some for the first time ever. So perhaps it was there earlier on and I hadn't noticed? Can't figure it out. I'm now on CD19 and over the last 24 hours have had nasty tender BBs, which I always get the week before AF anyway when I'm on BC. Although last month, my first cycle off BC, I had no pre AF symptoms at all, which was odd. I have had a temp shift but there was a dip at the start of it, so I dunno. I think our timing was OK, IF I did O on CD9, but I'm not convinced. I think next cycle I will buy some OPKs to settle my brain down a bit!

Hello to any lovelies I may have missed! :bigsmile:

Fertility Chart 1.png
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dandi, thanks for the well wishes. I think you O'd on CD 11 since your temp dropped again on CD 11. My 2 cents. Either way, your BD timing should cover all your bases.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, I hope your twinges and dream (minus the triplet part) are good signs! I have a strong feeling that IVF is not going to be necessary for you, but even if it were, I think the fact that you know you are able to get pregnant naturally puts you ahead of the curve with the statistics despite your age. I like your idea of visualizing a growing baby, but it is so hard for me to do that. I'm afraid I've put up a pretty big emotional wall to protect myself after so many cycles without success. It just hurts too much to get my hopes up.... Anyway, I hope the next couple of days fly by for you. Thinking good thoughts for you lady!

Tammy, yup, I'm just going with the flow this cycle. I'm using prometrium, so I'm not even sure how accurate temps would be anyway. I've still got at least 10 days to go, and it seems like torture this time! You're just a couple days behind!

Bright, I'm glad Wednesday is almost here, so you can finally get some resolution. You are very strong to be holding up so well under this cloud of uncertainty for so long. I honestly don't know if I could do it. I want so badly for you to stay pregnant and for me to join you. We have both outgrown this thread!

Dandi, your temps are a bit confusing. Is it possible that your CD10 temp is artificially high? Your coverline also seems a bit low. I would be inclined to think that you didn't ovulate on CD9. It's possible you ovulated on CD11 or 12, but it's hard to say with all of the missing temps. Also, did you temps continue to rise in the 2WW last month? Right now your temps are still lower than they were after you got AF, and that seems odd. I definitely recommend OPKs to give you one more indication of ovulation if you don't get a BFP this time.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone for letting me vent and your positive replies.

Pancake, thanks as always for bringing me back to reality. I was just so devastated yesterday that I probably overreacted. In reality 6 weeks isn't that long, I guess I jsut feel like my life in the last 4 or so years has been one step forward, one step back and then that same step forward after a long waiting period. WHen you think of all the struggles and pain other people go through, I really am not bad off at all. I guess I am disappointed that the 6 weeks may mean I am effectively ruled out for 2 cycles and if the synthectic thyroid dose is not right, then the time may get pushed out even more. I guess I jsut have to take it as it comes and get to know my cycles in the meantime! NOt long for you to go now, I bet you are feeling so many emotions now!

JGator, love the dream! I am a big believer in reading signs - my mother swore by them - so maybe this is it! Going to be a nervous few days until you can test!

Dandi, I am a complete novice here so can't offer any advice, but your temps look very low, I wonder if you are yet to ovulate? Thanks for the Aussie hugs, its actually been cold and rainy in sydney. they are forcasting a month of rain, so am not looking forward to that!

Megumic, thanks for sharing your story. I must admit, I am tempted to disobey orders, but I will definately sit this cycle out. I am tempted to go back to the gp prior to the 6 weeks is up to get another blood test of my own, especially if I am likely to ovulate just before seeing the endo.

Bright, good to hear you are hanging in there. I bet it was such a bittesweet moment meeting your niece. Hang in there, wednesday is not too far away.

I cannot recall who asked about my BMI, but I am not sure what it is. I have never ever weighed myself, just never wanted to know those things and always just went by the way I looked in the mirror. I will admit there is a little pudge there, but I have always been a bigger built girl too and 170cm. I am not on metformin, and i do not think the endo will prescribe it he just said to lose weight so that is what I will aim for in the meantime.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone for letting me vent and your positive replies.

Pancake, thanks as always for bringing me back to reality. I was just so devastated yesterday that I probably overreacted. In reality 6 weeks isn't that long, I guess I jsut feel like my life in the last 4 or so years has been one step forward, one step back and then that same step forward after a long waiting period. WHen you think of all the struggles and pain other people go through, I really am not bad off at all. I guess I am disappointed that the 6 weeks may mean I am effectively ruled out for 2 cycles and if the synthectic thyroid dose is not right, then the time may get pushed out even more. I guess I jsut have to take it as it comes and get to know my cycles in the meantime! NOt long for you to go now, I bet you are feeling so many emotions now!

JGator, love the dream! I am a big believer in reading signs - my mother swore by them - so maybe this is it! Going to be a nervous few days until you can test!

Dandi, I am a complete novice here so can't offer any advice, but your temps look very low, I wonder if you are yet to ovulate? Thanks for the Aussie hugs, its actually been cold and rainy in sydney. they are forcasting a month of rain, so am not looking forward to that!

Megumic, thanks for sharing your story. I must admit, I am tempted to disobey orders, but I will definately sit this cycle out. I am tempted to go back to the gp prior to the 6 weeks is up to get another blood test of my own, especially if I am likely to ovulate just before seeing the endo.

Bright, good to hear you are hanging in there. I bet it was such a bittesweet moment meeting your niece. Hang in there, wednesday is not too far away.

I cannot recall who asked about my BMI, but I am not sure what it is. I have never ever weighed myself, just never wanted to know those things and always just went by the way I looked in the mirror. I will admit there is a little pudge there, but I have always been a bigger built girl too and 170cm. I am not on metformin, and i do not think the endo will prescribe it he just said to lose weight so that is what I will aim for in the meantime.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, thank heaps for your valuable opinion, I thought that too!

I'm with you mp, I think I really muffed this chart up as well as the last one! I think I'll take your advice and grab some OPKs next cycle. I wish I could compare my temps to last cycle but I wasn't diligent enough in taking them! Grrrr me. Thanks lovely!

Yah mlk, you're right, they are really low... I think it is probably me more than anything, some days I take my temp at about 6am and other days around 8am if I'm on a late shift at work. I'm not terribly reliant on them this time around! Thankyou hon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Gals,

Dandi, on days when I'm going to be sleeping longer, I just set an alarm to temp and go back to sleep. If you can manage to get 3-4 hrs sleep beforehand, that's going to be more accurate probably than the 2 hr variation. You also want to really truly not talk even until after that temp is done. I've set up a little station where I put my phone (the FF app is great) and thermometer so I don't have to even move more than my arm before taking my temp. It made a HUGE difference in terms of accuracy on my chart. HTH!

MLK, I doubt that your BMI is an issue if you only have a little pudge. If you're under 190-200 lbs it's unlikely to be an issue at your height, at least from what I've read. I'm sorry that you have to wait 6 wks to start trying, but hopefully you can use those weeks as prep time for conception - taking your prenatals, establishing/strengthening healthy eating/exercise habits, etc. so when you get pregnant on your first month of trying, you can attribute it to being fully prepared! ;)) The bottom line is while you might have to wait to pull the goalie, you don't have to wait to do everything related to TTC. Charting your cycles will be good too. I apologize if any of this is redundant, I'm trying to catch up but am (as always) a little low on time.

JGator, have you caved yet this morning? :Up_to_something: Thinking BFP thoughts for you this week!

Missrach, if I don't get KU this month, I think I'm going to try the juice fast too. My coworker swears by it and I could use a little detoxing. I just downloaded an app I heard about from someone here on PS called "Lose it" and I think I might actually use this one, it's good!

MP and Bright, thinking positive thoughts for both of you, as always!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Bright, I just saw your response to me. The progesterone is going to help sustain your pregnancy whether or not it is viable. For me, as soon as I stopped the progesterone my betas dropped quickly and the bleeding started within days. All was clear and betas down to 0 within a week. I've read that same thing you did that it could take awhile but in all of my cases, it all happened quickly. I am still hoping for the best for you though. The fact that you saw a sac is encouraging to me. Keep us posted on tomorrow. We are all here for you and will be praying and hoping for the best!

MP, what's next for you? HPT or beta WHEN?? Sending positive vibes!