
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, ladies, it looks like I might be joining you officially again soon.

My scan results were not good. The doc saw the sac but nothing else. I'm to come in again next week for another scan but doc says this is likely (65% chance) an impending miscarriage.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, is the pharmacy physically giving you the trigger shot or can you or your DH do it later at night? I have heard that it's usually 36 hours after the trigger that you ovulate, but not sure when they usually schedule IUIs as I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm sure your NP knows what she is doing though either way. And, I will definitely be thinking about you on Friday and sending positive, sticky vibes your way.

Bright, I am super sorry for the emotional turmoil you must be feeling right now. I hope your bean is able to grow and beat the odds. We really don't want to see you back here as much as we love having you around. Hugs to you, my friend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright... I'm so sorry, I wanted so much for you to get good news. Did you have a bHCG taken as well?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, i'm terribly sorry to hear your news. I will pray that its better news next week for you. I know its hard, but try to keep up the positive thoughts.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much for the positive thoughts & prayers. I didn't have another beta hcg taken. They didn't suggest it & I wasn't sure there was a point. I guess it could still turn around, but I'm not feeling very hopeful.

My doc said I could stop the progesterone this weekend, but I think I will continue it at least until Monday as it doesn't seem likely that I will miscarry while I'm using it. We have to go out of town this weekend to meet my new niece (that's gonna be really hard :(( ), but at least hopefully I won't have to worry about miscarrying while I'm visiting the in-laws.

Girls, I don't know how I'm going to be able to do this again.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Bright, I am just so sorry. I can sense your pain in your email, and it is breaking my heart. I'm hoping against hope for a miracle. I will continue to send you positive thoughts and prayers your way. Nobody wants to see you posting on this thread again, but we are all here to support you. And I know you are strong enough to deal with whatever comes your way, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Big hugs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1326923683|3106160 said:
MP, is the pharmacy physically giving you the trigger shot or can you or your DH do it later at night? I have heard that it's usually 36 hours after the trigger that you ovulate, but not sure when they usually schedule IUIs as I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm sure your NP knows what she is doing though either way. And, I will definitely be thinking about you on Friday and sending positive, sticky vibes your way.

JGator, the pharmacy is physically giving me the trigger. I too have heard you ovulate about 36 hours after the shot, so I'm just going to hope that ovulation doesn't happen early and my eggies survive a long time! Apparently an IUI 36 hours after the trigger is pretty common, but some do it earlier.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Bright, I'm SO sorry! :(sad I'm hoping and praying so hard for you right now that you fall in that 35% success rate. I absolutely refuse to give up hoping for a sticky bean for you. While you wait for more info, which is torture, know that we are all here for you and want so much for you to have your healthy little one. I want to give you a real hug! ;(
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright - I am so sorry, I know how upset you must be right now. I am really hoping it is all a big mistake, and that the little bean remains sticky, but we are here for you no matter what happens.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Big hugs Bright, I'm so sorry for the news hon. I'm hoping so so much for you that you fall into the 35% category! Thinking of you, love xx
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

And a quick hello to tammy, JGator, pancake, mlk, monkeyprincess, LtlFirecracker, PetitePoire, missrachelk, Prana, and Sha (my apologies if I missed anyone!), I hope all of you lovely ladies are well. Just plodding away here on CD14.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Bright, I'm so sorry. My thoughts are definitely with you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright- As I said on the other thread, thinking of you and holding out hope. But I wanted to respond to your comment that you're not sure you can do this again. I absolutely have been there. It's gut-wrenching to lose something you already love, and it feels like you have been emptied out and there's nothing left. When we lost our second one at 13 weeks, it was all I could do just recover and get back to life. I couldn't possibly consider doing it again- not only the loss, but also the morning sickness and the pregnancy itself. It was too much. I know a lot of women try right away after a m/c and are successful, but I just needed time. I didn't force myself to think about it, or make any timelines. I just knew I needed to be ready. After about 6 months, I was ready again. I was scared beyond belief, not going to lie. It was hard hard hard. Point is, it's ok to need time and to reconsider how much of this you want to overtake your life. You do still have a life, a good one it sounds like, a wonderful husband, etc. I hope some time gives you the peace you need, because I do think you will make a wonderful mother, and I do think you will have a baby, and it is so so worth it in the end. We're here if you need us or if you need space, anything.

MonkeyPrincess- Friday is your IUI? COME ON, MP'S BABY TO BE, NO WHAMMYS NO WHAMMYS!!! We need some good news over here. I am feeling very positive for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, my continued thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope you and DH are taking good care of each other. Even if you aren't up for posting right now, we're all supporting you and hoping for the best!

China, your post made me laugh. Come on big bucks! I appreciate the positive thoughts!

Missy, thank you! I still follow you in the JBP and pregnant threads too! Hoping that all of us here join you ladies soon!

Dandi, good to see you pop in. Remind me, are you tracking your cycle? Are you close to ovulation? Thinking good thoughts for you.

Tammy, any signs of O yet? Hope the marathon is going well :)

JGator, hope you are holding up well! Sticky BFP dust headed your way! A few of us should be joining you in the 2WW in the next few days!

MLK, thinking of you. When is your big appointment again?

AFM, I had the trigger shot last night. I forgot this was not just a roll-up your sleeve kind of shot. Nope, I had to go back to a room with the pharmacist and the guy at the register and pull down my pants (partially) for a shot in the butt. Not awkward at all . . . . Oh well, it was worth the embarrassment I guess. I was given pregnyl instead of ovidrel, and I read somewhere that it was derived from the urine of pregnant women. Can that be true? Not even going to think about it. Tomorrow's the big day, wish me luck that O holds off until tomorrow morning and that DH is able to "perform" well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi MP!

You are a trooper, I'm sure that was NOT fun having to drop your pants for the pharmacist! :eek: Hoping that your IUI goes well, I'm sure your DH will do just fine! ::)

AFM: I had a not-so-mini meltdown this morning while talking to DH on my way in to work. :rolleyes: This month it seems like my CM is just mostly watery vs my usual EWCM but this afternoon I found some and literally a few minutes later I *think* I felt o pains on my right side (burning & full sensation, lasted about 5 minutes). My bb's are also tender today, so I'm feeling more optimistic. We're giving tonight a go then we need a break...we definitely aren't every day people! :oops: I also am now a firm believer in not worrying so much about hitting EVERY day. It just adds so much "performance pressure" on me to ovulate and since I can't control it, I really started to spiral after a few days. :errrr:

I also noticed that for the past week my temp has literally stayed the same - 97.18. What's up with that?! Anyhow, here's hoping that tomorrow brings a temp spike for me and Fri/Sat brings one for you! Oh, and a BFP as well, of course!

Bright - thinking of you, still praying for good news and wondering if they're going to give you some kind of backup info - a follow up u/s on Monday, beta draws, something. It seems WAY too passive of them to just send you home like that. :(sad
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

thinking of you Bright, and MP

I decided to be proactive and call my RE's office to see if we can go ahead and get some bloodwork run so that we can talk about the results at my appt (also trying to conserve the last bit of my insurance benefit...) So the dr agreed and I went and got 4 tubes of blood drawn this morning. I know we're doing an AMH, androgens, and fasting glucose and insulin, probably a bunch more like LH and FSH but not sure of everything till I get the results. The AMH can take up to a week, but hopefully it will be back before my appt on Tues. I'm glad to go ahead and get some more tests and I'm really curious if the glucose and insulin will indicate (or hopefully NOT) that I'm insulin resuistant. Still no signs of AF so I'll likely get another progesterone injection at Tues' visit to induce a period. And we're going to talk ovulation induction so that's where we are. At least I was able to schedule on a day I have off with DH, so he's coming with me.

Has anyone read the book 'Making Babies' I saw it mentioned on a bolg and picked it up and it's very interesting, especially for my crunchy-granola side. It's writeen by one RE (she participated in the first ever IVF) and one expert in chinese medicine and accupuncture. You take some quizzes to identify your 'fertility type' based on chinese medicine then there are diet and supplement recommendations for each type. The premise is that straightening out diet and supplements (along with stress and lifestyle) for a 3 month 'premester' will set you up to conceive naturally.

I have to admit that even if we can make me ovulate and hopefully get preggo, I'm worried that whatever is so out of whack that I'm not cycling will not bode well for a good egg and a healthy pregnancy. SO I'm taking the diet recommendations seriously and am going to get some new supplements over the weekend (nothing out of the ordinary, stuff like royal jelly and extra b vitamins, some other stuff I can't remember)

I'm almost even in 2 types -stuck and dry, and the xamples of each totally hit the nail on the head for me and my symptoms - stuck at work and frustrated and dry. Since I got and read the book (cover to cover from Friday evening to Sunday morning last weekend) I'm notcing how dry my skin and eyes feel lately. I think positive thinking and feeling like you're in conrol will also be really helpful.

I wish accupuncture wasn't so expensive or I'd be all over it. I may jump in despite the cost, we'll see.

I hope everyone is doing well and have those fingers crossed for good news from both MP and Bright
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much to everyone for your continued support. I tried to take a rest today from thinking about this too much, but will be back soon with a proper post & thanks to you all individually.

Just wanted to send some quick dust to jgator & lots of luck to mp for her iui tomorrow.
pulling for you like crazy, girls! (and the rest of you too, of course!)

China, thanks for your sweet post. You are always so kind & thoughtful. I'll write more later.

Also, rach, check to see if there are any community acupuncture places in your area. That's what I do & it's much cheaper. (mine is $30/session)

Tammy, there was no mention of bloodwork, but I have a follow up u/s next Wednesday. Good luck catching that eggie!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Friday Ladies!

Bright, I am continuing to think good thoughts for you and hoping you are in the lucky 35%. You are so strong and still coming on here to wish everyone else luck. That is such a great show of character. We all have our fingers and toes crossed for you!

JGator and Monkey Princess, thanks for asking. My endo appointment is on Monday afternoon. I just hope that he is sensitive to my TTC desires and does not just focus on the Thyroid issues. DH and I ahven't talked yet about what we will do if the endo tells us we have to wait for a lengthy period of time, so I hope it will only be a month or 6 weeks.

Monkey, good luck for the IUI tomorrow, will be thinking of you and sending dust your way!

Dandi, hi back to my fellow Aussie! CD 14 - any signs of O yet?

Rachel, having tests can only be a good thing. It will provide you with all the information to overcome any obstacles in your path (if there are any). In regards to the insulin resistance, I have discovered I ahve it, but have not seen the endo yet, so I cannot say much, but I have tried these last 2 weeks to eat much better, less carbs and gluten and trying to buy low GI products. Together with a load of vitamins, I am feeling a thousand times more energetic and have probably lost a little weight (or bloating at least). I do not feel any hungrier and do not feel uncomfortable after eating. Just thought this might help if you do find any insulin problems. I too would also like to try acupuncture, although the one time I ever got it done (years ago) it was involuntary. My neck had gone into spasm and my dr recommended his massage/acupuncturist lasy. I told her I did not want acupuncture, only a massage (I was very firm there) so I was getting the massage and she stuck the needles into my ankles. Needless to say I was furious. I hope my next experience is less traumatic :o

Hi to anyone I might have missed. Have a lovely weekend all.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mlk, it is definitely not going to be in the order of months!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the reassurance pancake. Typical over analyzing everything by me. Note to self need to be more positive! Saw your bump on the pregnant tread, such a perfect bump!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, sending you lots of dust for today! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies! mp and mlk, yep I'm tracking my cycles but according to my temps there's been no sign that I've ovulated thus far... however I noticed EWCM yesterday for the first time EVER! Squee!! *happy dance* Looks like the EPO is doing the trick. And DH will be home in about 15 minutes, so... :Up_to_something:

We'll see! Bigs hugs and best wishes to all :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, wishing you the best at your IUI today. Sticky sticky sticky!

Bright, hang in there. I am praying for you. Still holding out hope for you and your bean.

AFM, FF says I'm 6 DPO and it's been 8 days since the trigger shot. Temps are above the cover line. None of my cycles are exactly the same. I keep going back to the two where I did get a BFP, and I can't draw any correlations between them or this cycle. Another week or so to wait to test. I got a facial last night, and I'm planning a massage next week to help me pass the time. My facial was adjusted in case I am pregnant. The place I went had a serious intake form and got all my issues out on the table even though I didn't really want to share. The facial lady asked about my fertility treatment and where I am in the cycle after asking about the MC I reported on the form. She also said my 3 pimples are likely from the Ovidrel since they arrived around that time. So much for my PG symptoms...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good Morning Ladies and Happy Friday!!!

Bright, if you're still popping in to read, know I'm thinking of you lady and still praying for you.

JGator, half way through the TWW, good luck! FWIW I've perused a LOT of pregnancy charts...more than I'll ever admit :oops: and honestly you just can't tell from most of them until like 12-14 dpo and by then you'd get accurate results for the most part by POAS. So regardless of your temp pattern, you're in the game!!

Dandi, congrats on the EWCM and good luck! ::) It's exciting when you know that your fertility is returning after BC. Hopefully you get a nice temp shift in the next day or two.

MLK, I think it's absolutely normal to worry and I'm right there with you regardless of how irrational the fears and worries might be. You'll be okay. :))

MR, I skimmed the book I think, but it just freaked me out because it seemed to focus on the complications more than I was ready for because it was before we even started TTC. I might have to give it a second look next month (or this one, if I fail to ovulate/fail to get pregnant) because I'm doing everything that I know of now, so it'd be time to step up my knowledge.

MP, how could I have forgotten...your IUI is TODAY!!! Good luck!! :bigsmile:

I'm sure I've missed a few people, I'm out of practice at this and I was never good at it to begin with! :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, thank you for taking the time to wish me luck today. I really appreciate it. I really feel badly for you that you are in limbo right now. That must be so hard. Nobody expects you to respond to everyone individually right now. Just know a lot of people are thinking about you and sending you good vibes no matter the outcome. Hugs to you, and be kind to yourself this weekend!

Tammy, I think all of us who have tried more than a couple cycles know exactly where you coming from on the everyday thing. It just puts a lot more pressure on everything! Really hoping your efforts paid off this cycle though, so you don’t have to go through it again. Any more O signs for you?

Rachel, I read that book. I don’t know if I was just overanalyzing or what, but I could never figure out my fertility type and none of the descriptions seemed to fit me! That said, there is a lot of really good information and ideas in that book, and it is a good resource. I’m glad it was useful for you! You’ve got a great attitude, and I hope that things work out for you soon!

MLK, good luck at your appointment on Monday. Dust that the doctor turns out to be a good fit for you and takes the time to address your fertility concerns!

Lizzy, thanks for the IUI dust!

Dandi, yay for O signs! Good luck to you this weekend!

JGator, you know your body, but I wouldn’t read too much into anything yet. Good for you for getting the facial and massage. That’s annoying you had to share more info than you wanted. Hopefully it was relaxing and helped take your mind off the 2WW. I’m sending you lots of sticky dust. I just know your time is coming!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AFM, I have officially been artificially inseminated! First off, everything on DH’s side went fine, although it took longer for him to get in, get it done, and get everything processed than I would have liked. DH waited there when he was done, and I met him out there (I had to come into work early for a telephone conference first). But then DH ended up having to leave before the IUI because he had some court hearings to attend. Anyway, his pre-wash sperm count was good, but the forward motility was again on the low side. I think it was 47%, and they like to see at least 50%. After the wash, he had something like 26 million and his motility was 79%. I don’t know much about the numbers, but she seemed to think they were good.

Warning – this part is a little graphic, so don’t read it if you get squeamish easily!

My part of the procedure was not pretty ladies. She couldn’t get the tube thing to go into my cervix easily. I guess it is somewhat tight and my uterus is a little tilted. She had to switch to a different kind of speculum, which was pretty uncomfortable. At that point, I started to feel lightheaded and sweaty, and she noticed I looked pale, so she took everything out, and got me orange juice, so I wouldn’t pass out. I was mortified! She is super nice and patient though. When I felt better, she had me tilt my pelvis, and it finally went through. I think it was about 2 hours after DH gave his sample and 41 hours after the trigger. She put in some weird sponge thing I’m supposed to take out tonight. Has anyone heard of that? I start progesterone on Monday. I am SO relieved it is over! Praying we had good timing and that we finally catch an egg!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MONKEYPRINCESS- Yay for being officially artificially inseminated! Thanks for the details- so interesting. How does the washing of the sperm increase motility? Sounds very very promising!!! So now, we just wait?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi MP! Soooo glad to hear that even though it was rough, your IUI is done! I understand what you mean about the tilted uterus/cervix. I have a heck of a time when they do paps even because they can't find it. :rolleyes: It's PAINFUL so I can only imagine how crappy it would be to have them trying to find the opening. :oops: ahem, moving on...

Thanks for asking about me. I have no idea what's up with OPKS this month (I couldn't get a positive, haven't yet and suspect I won't) but at least CM and CP are finally cooperative. So we're determined to keep at it until I get a temp shift. He's being really good about the whole thing, which helps relieves my "performance anxiety" and we're trying to keep it fun. We definitely agree though, back to normal + softcups next month, if needed! :devil:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, yay for getting throug the IUI--sounds like it was a bit more...involved...than anticipated, but it sounds like the nurse was really nice and that does help when you're in an unfamiliar situation and a bit nervous. The post-wash sperm quality sounds really good and you can rest easy tonight knowing you've done what you can and now it's just a matter of taking the progesterone and waiting. Blah, more waiting. TTC is all about waiting. Waiting to O. Waiting to test. How does the testing work? Do they have you come in to draw blood? Do you just take a regular HPT?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, so glad to hear the deed is done! Sorry it was more awkward than expected (I have no idea what the deal was with the sponge thing). Your dh's count sounds great! Did they tell you how long to abstain before the iui? They never told me
So I always wondered. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Hi to everyone else! Thanks for your continued thoughts & prayers.

Afm, starting to resolve myself to the worst. I think all of my pg symptoms are gone now. :(sad I don't know if I should be considering the options of how to miscarry?
(d&c, meds, naturally?) never thought I'd have to make that decision.

We're leaving to meet our new niece soon. I hope I can stay strong, at least through the weekend.