
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jgator, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I know how rollercoasterish it can feel to have a BFP and quickly thereafter turn in the other direction - it's just plain awful. Be kind to yourself no matter the outcome lady...thinking about you lots.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Drive by post...I tested this morning at 12dpo as instructed expecting to see nothing because my chart was so crazy & I've been cramping a but but I think I saw a super faint tiny line. (it wasn't there at 9dpo) My temp was up a bit this am but still doesn't look great. I'm in the waiting room at my RE's now for a blood test so I know either way. Its likely nothing but I need to know whether to continue the progesterone or not.

Dust, please? :eek:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dust, dust, dust, Bright!!! I was not expecting that news at all and am cautiously SO excited for you!!! Please keep us posted!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright!!!! :bigsmile: Hoping for good news!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp & missy, thanks for the dust! I feel like a crazy person for even going in for the blood test. I just can't see how it's possible to be pg when my temps dipped so much in my lp. I also feel like I've been cramping & af wants to come but hasn't because of the progesterone.
In any case, they'll call me with the results before noon tomorrow. Trying not to get my hopes up.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh my gosh they're making you (and us!!) WAIT a whole day! Ughhh. Well the cramping can be normal with implantation and stretching, remember I had that and bloating for like a week before and after my BFP and cramping here and there until around 6 weeks. Are you going to POAS again??
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, I know!! I'm not loving having to wait until tomorrow for the results. Thanks for the reassurance on the cramping. I've also had some acne which might tie in too. I remember you having both of those symptoms. Ugh. Trying not to get excited. My temps are really throwing me off.

How are you feeling? Any morning sickness? Hope you're doing great!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, a line is a line! Sending positive thoughts and sticky dust your way lady! Keep us posted!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah, Bright! I am so happy for you. I agree with Lizzy - a line is a line!!! Keep us posted on your test results when you get them tomorrow. Sending super sticky dust your way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BS!! I can't believe they are making you wait! Lots of dust!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator - thinking about you. I am really hoping for the best for you.

Bright - that is such an exciting development! I look forward to hearing the results tomorrow... tons of dust to you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright thanks for asking about me! I've actually felt great so far! No morning sickness or anything! Just tired but nothing too unusual. Oh and I feel like I could eat a whole all the time!! But luckily only gained about 5 pounds at this point.

I'll check back here tomorrow to see your update!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, wishing you luck! As the others have said a line is a line.

Hey guys, just a quick hello. I am on vacation in SF. Things have really worked out well, as we are both not working, at it looks like my big O was 2 days ago (will know tomorrow morning as it will be the 3rd day of high temps). We have had plenty of time to do the BD, so wish me luck this month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello beautiful TTCers!! I've been pretty quiet on here, just busy absorbing a heap of info and chugging down folic acid :)) I just cannot take multivitamins as they make me vomit, but I tried the gummy vitamins as recommended by the lovely tammy, they are great! So I'll stick to them. I have a question re. EWCM though, it's one thing I have never noticed myself, but I have read that Evening Primrose Oil capsules are really helpful with regards to producing fertile CM. Does anyone have any experience taking EPO?

Thanks girlies, and best wishes for a happy, healthy (and fertile! :rodent:) New Year! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright!!! I'm holding my breath for you over here, can't wait for your results! Are you going to test again tomorrow w/FMU? I certainly would, just for progressing line sake, of course! :bigsmile:

DA, glad you like the gummy vites! I suspect once I finally am KU I'll swap to them as well. ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I can finally join this thread! After 14 months of diagnosising, trying metformin, provera, prometrium, birth control, femara, clomid, and then clomid again and most recently ovarian drilling (6 holes in each ovary) and a dnc to remove some polyps. I have a severe case of pcos and a mild case of endometriosis. My RE gave me 6 weeks to get a period on my own and if not them I'll prob do prometrium to shd my lining then start femara or clomid again. We chose ovarian drilling because my chances of it working were 80% and since my out of pocket max for the year had been met it was FREE!! We figured we'd give it a try since it was a free option. If this doesn't work then we move to IVF. I started doing some OPKs and I got a + on the 28. We have been DTD everyday since the 23 so we DTD the day before the + OPK and the day of! We are crossing our fingers that hopefully I get pregnant! Hubby goes back to Grenada on Jan 8 so we cropreserved sperm to do AI since he will be gone. Hubby got a SA done and has excellent sperm! So no worries there! Hopefully my stay here will be short!

Has anyone else had ovarian drilling done?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, any news? Waiting on pins and needles over here.

Ltl, hope you are having a great vacation in SF and that you get a souvenir of a BFP after you get home.

Dandi, I have not taken EPO, but I have taken grapefruit juice and that has been helpful.

Blonde, I have not heard of ovarian drilling. Good luck to you sounds like you have a great plan in place.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dani, glad the gummy vitamins are working for you!

Jgator, any news on your end? Thinking of you & sending a big hug. 

Firecracker, enjoy your vacation! That's great that you & your dh have had such good timing this month. Fingers crossed tightly for you!

Mp, how are things going? Hoping this is your month!

Missy, that's awesome that you've been feeling so well.  Yay for no morning sickness (& very little weight gain!)

Blondebunny, welcome! I hope this is your lucky month! Sorry you've had to go through so much in this ttc journey. Was the ovarian drilling painful? I've heard it can yield great results. Fingers crossed for you!

Jgator, lizzy, mp, fire, Tammy, missy, Jen, indecisive, thanks so much for the dust & positive thoughts!

Afm, I tested again last night & it was still very light but maybe slightly darker & again this morning & it wasn't any darker this morning.  I did get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom (oddly enough, I didn't sleep well last night) so my fmu wasn't very concentrated. Still, it makes me nervous. I know a line is a line, but the fact that I use a trigger shot this month is making me doubt. 

My stupid re's office hasn't gotten back to me yet! 
They said they'd call by noon & I called a little while ago & got the answering service that said the office would be closed until the 3rd of jan. I left a message but am not  confident in  the service. I'll not be happy if I have to wait out the 3 day weekend with no news. Between my friend leaving & my dh's broken foot, there won't be much to distract me this weekend. 

Eta...just got a call from my re's office. My beta was positive at 29.2. (those of you who have had betas, is this a good number?) They want me to continue the progesterone & come in on Tuesday for a repeat beta to make sure my levels are doubling appropriately. 
Should I keep temping after my bfp?

I can't believe after trying for so long that I'm finally ktfu! I'm so nervous that it won't stick. Please send all the dust you can & thank you for all of your support in this crazy journey!
(I'm not going anywhere but just wanted to make sure I thanked you guys because I don't know how I would've survived without you!)

I hope a big new years bfp train is leaving the station now!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright!!! Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. Sticky, sticky dust!!!!! I think a Beta of over 5 is good and it just needs to double every 48-72 hours. You can continue temping, but expect the temps to be somewhat erratic. But, I think your temp should not go below the coverline. And, just remember, no AF means you are still preggo!

I really don't want to rain on your well deserved parade, but AF arrived for me yesterday so I am on CD 2, and I experienced a chemical pregnancy. Going in on Monday for some blood work. Hoping 2012 is the year for our forever baby.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, it's finally your turn, and I'm so excited for you! Sending you loads and loads of sticky dust!

ETA - I know you're feeling cautious, and I totally get that, but I hope that just for the next couple of days, you can just enjoy your news and focus on the fact that you are FINALLY pregnant!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, so very sorry to hear that AF arrived. You've had a long, hard road, but I just know that a happy ending is on the horizon for you. Hopefully next cycle! Take care of yourself. Hugs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright CONGRATS! Very exciting news! How many DPO did you get your first beta? everyone is different on the betas because it all depends on implantation timing and everything. Hoping your numbers double and this little one sticks like glue! I undestand the cautiousy optimistic approach - i dont think it ever really goes away to be honest. Keep us posted and enjoy!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jgator, thanks for the congrats & sticky dust. I guess since I'm still on the progesterone it will be harder go tell (no af=pg). Not sure if I'm still going to temp or not.
I'm so sorry to hear af arrived. Big hugs. This has been such a tough year for you & I so hope you have a healthy, sticky bean in the new year. You deserve it! Do you have a plan for next cycle?

Mp, thanks so much for the congrats & dust! I hope you're right behind me, lady. I will try not to worry so much & just enjoy the good news for a bit. Now my brain is buzzing with all of the changes I need to make (meds, supplements, dietary stuff, etc)

Meg, thanks! My first beta yesterday was at 12dpo. I don't know when I implanted but I've been having some cramping for the past few days & had some weird low temps so maybe they were implantation related? Here's my chart if that helps.
How are you feeling?

My Ovulation Chart
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot, congrats on the positive beta!!! You are indeed preggo, lady! :appl: :appl: :appl:
For reference, my first beta at 11DPO was 39. I was told anything above 5 meant pregnant, but the more important thing is the doubling rate between your first and second betas. Mine went to 84 at 13DPO, and I'm now 24 weeks plus 1 day along, and feeling baby boy moving around! I also had to take progesterone until I hit 12 weeks. Tons of sticky dust to you for a doubling beta!

JGator, so sorry about your chemical and AF showing up. Are you going to do an IUI with trigger for the next cycle?

MP, how are you doing? Are you testing soon?

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BRIGHT- Huge congrats to you!!! I just read where you posted on the 30th about the cramping, etc and couldn't help but think of myself! It was the same for me when I got my BFP, so I felt confident yours would be a BFP too! so exciting! I was/am the queen of worrying and questioned the darkness/ thickness of my BFPS until I could see the Dr and I must say it was all for nothing. Those lines differ with concentration, so as long as the line is still there try not to worry! Dust for a super stinky bean. :) :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations bright! Hoping for a sticky bean and a happy and healthy nine months for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright: Holy moly!! What a wonderful way to kick off 2012! It's totally fine feel cautiously optimistic, but I will be wildly optimistic for you! Many, many congrats and lots of dust for a super-sticky babe.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Steph, thanks for the congrats & best wishes.

PPM, thanks for the congrats & wild optimism. :wink2: It was a nice way to kick off the new year.

S&I, thanks for sharing your beta results (and the congrats!) I guess I'm a little behind you, but I hope the second beta shows appropriate doubling. How exciting that you're having a boy (& can feel him moving around!) :appl: So happy for you, lady.

tammy, thanks so much for posting that link! I was feeling a little concerned about my beta number, but feel much reassured after reading the site you posted. Thanks!!

PetitePoire, thanks for the congrats & reassurance. How long did your cramping last? Mine is still happening on & off & it can be concerning, but good to know it's a fairly common symptom. My line was a bit darker this am at 14dpo. Maybe I should stop POAS... :rolleyes:

So, I already told my 2 best friends, kind of by accident. One was staying with me when I got the results (and actually went to the doc with me) & the other asked me if I'd tested (she knew we were doing an IUI) & I didn't have the heart to lie. I totally didn't mean to do this... :nono:

Hope everyone had a great NYE & 2012 is off to a good start!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, is the news sinking in yet? Do you have to make any medication changes now that you're pregnant? I'm hoping my comment about making sure you don't forget to enjoy the fact you're pregnant even though you're feeling cautious hasn't been misconstrued by anyone. I completely understand why you are feeling cautious, and I wouldn't expect you to feel any other way after trying so long, and because you are obviously not someone who takes pregnancy for granted. My only point was that for people like you and me who have been trying for so long without a BFP (although you can't say that anymore!), just knowing you can (and did) conceive is a huge victory and cause to celebrate. You and your DH created a life, and that's pretty amazing! That's all I was saying. I'm sending all of the positive thoughts and sticky dust that I can, and I'm so happy for you! ETA: Just saw your update. Glad the HPT was getting darker. That's a great sign. It's okay you told people because now you have even more people praying for and and sending you positive thoughts, and I'm sure they'll be there to support you.

JGator, sending my continued thoughts. May 2012 because the start of wonderful things for you!

Tammy, have you tested yet? I remember you were going to test on NYE. Hope you are next in line.

AFM, nothing very exciting to report. I'm getting close to halfway through my 2ww, or at least I hope I am. I've had a bad couple of weeks of not eating as healthy or exercising as much as a I usually do, and I think it is because I'm feeling jaded and depressed about TTC. I better snap out of it and get back into fighting shape, so I give myself the best shot possible next month if we do an IUI. It's hard to be the last infertile standing and to think of all the people who have come and gone since I started TTC. Praying 2012 brings good news. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up.