
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, that's great that you have 4 follies! I hope o holds off until you get home & can do an iui. I started off with 4 follies at my 1st post clomid u/s & was down to 1 good one by the time we did the iui so maybe you won't still have 4 by o time. (tell your dh!) But it sounds like your follies were much bigger than mine so I suspect you'll wind up with more come o time (don't tell your dh!) Sounds like your lining is in great shape too. (I know you were worried about that.) 
So hoping you have a bfp by the new year!!

Jgator, how are you holding up? Tomorrow's the big test day! Any symptoms? I really, really hope you get a bfp for Xmas! Fingers crossed so tightly for you!
Thanks for the advice on the crinone 8. So far so good. Did you wind up using pantyliners during the day too or only at night?

Jen, I'm glad you found a re you like & have a great plan to move forward. It's always sad when we realize that having a baby will not be as easy or romantic as we'd dreamed but I bet once you hold your sweet baby in your arms, the difficult ttc process will be a distant memory. And how wonderful that there are so many options available to us now! Wishing you much luck & a bfp really soon!!

Lizzy, hope you're having a wonderful holiday & enjoying every minute of sharing your news!

Tammy, hope you're enjoying the holidays & good luck with your Xmas o! Sounds like you & your dh are in a great place & wishing you a fast bfp! 
I also hope your tourmaline showed up in the mail!

Amc & meg, hoping ms takes a holiday! Enjoy every minute!!

Hi to prana, Rachel & firecracker & anyone else I missed!

Afm, I'm at 6dpo. My temp went up again this morning but not sure if that means anything. With all of the drugs this cycle I probably can't count on my temps to show much. Would the progesterone suppositories cause my temps to be artificially high?
In other news, poor dh broke his foot last night. He just got an X-ray & we're off to the hospital soon. I feel so badly for him.  :(sad
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, that's great that you have 4 follies! I hope o holds off until you get home & can do an iui. I started off with 4 follies at my 1st post clomid u/s & was down to 1 good one by the time we did the iui so maybe you won't still have 4 by o time. (tell your dh!) But it sounds like your follies were much bigger than mine so I suspect you'll wind up with more come o time (don't tell your dh!) Sounds like your lining is in great shape too. (I know you were worried about that.) 
So hoping you have a bfp by the new year!!

Jgator, how are you holding up? Tomorrow's the big test day! Any symptoms? I really, really hope you get a bfp for Xmas! Fingers crossed so tightly for you!
Thanks for the advice on the crinone 8. So far so good. Did you wind up using pantyliners during the day too or only at night?

Jen, I'm glad you found a re you like & have a great plan to move forward. It's always sad when we realize that having a baby will not be as easy or romantic as we'd dreamed but I bet once you hold your sweet baby in your arms, the difficult ttc process will be a distant memory. And how wonderful that there are so many options available to us now! Wishing you much luck & a bfp really soon!!

Lizzy, hope you're having a wonderful holiday & enjoying every minute of sharing your news!

Tammy, hope you're enjoying the holidays & good luck with your Xmas o! Sounds like you & your dh are in a great place & wishing you a fast bfp! 
I also hope your tourmaline showed up in the mail!

Amc & meg, hoping ms takes a holiday! Enjoy every minute!!

Hi to prana, Rachel & firecracker & anyone else I missed!

Afm, I'm at 6dpo. My temp went up again this morning but not sure if that means anything. With all of the drugs this cycle I probably can't count on my temps to show much. Would the progesterone suppositories cause my temps to be artificially high?
In other news, poor dh broke his foot last night. He just got an X-ray & we're off to the hospital soon. I feel so badly for him.  :(sad
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, just wanted to drop in and say that the progesterone that I took didn't necessarily give me artificial high temps. It was more like my high temps were about .2 degrees higher than my normal highs. So you may still be able to see a temp pattern. I didn't start taking the suppositories until 4 days after my BFP though. I'm wishing you tons of dust that this is your cycle!

JGator, hope you get your Christmas BFP!

MP, thinking of you too!

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Really quick post from my phone, so please excuse that! Bright, I'm so sorry that your DH broke his foot. Ouch! :( Jgator, lots of bfp dust! That's all. My fuzzy brain can remember and scroll on this thing is useless, I'm sorry!

AFM I am baffled! The last two months it's taken me a solid 48 hrs to see a temp shift from + OPK. Well I got an almost positive yesterday am, a definite sometime in the late afternoon and a temp shift this morning! I am pretty confident it's a result of o'ing. So now I get to worry that I didn't cover our bases as well as we'd planned. I wanted to bd the two consecutive days prior, but we ended up with 2 nights before, a break the day before (which I really wanted to hit this cycle) and like 6 hours before my tempt his morning. I know the egg lives up to a day, I just don't think we're quite that lucky since thats the same bd pattern as last month.

Anyhow, sorry for the ramble! I do have a question. I was wondering if any of you know if a slow rising bbt after o is a potential problem? I know I was surprised to see it take so long, now I'm surprised it happened so fast! LOL in other news, I'm back to normal at least Kemal for me by o'ing on cd14! Silver lining, I'll take it!

Phew, my thumbs are tired! I do t even want to know what I misspelled or what fun autocorrect had with my post!

Eta: yep the tourmaline showed, Ty!!! Good luck this week, MP! :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I did wear pantlyliners during the day just to be safe after the clumps arrived about a week or two into taking the Crinone. Glad your temps are rising. Sorry to hear about DH's foot. That's no fun - especially in the winter. Hope it heals quickly.

AFM, thanks to everyone for the well wishes for a Christmas BFP. :wavey: Hope you all had a nice holiday. I tested today - a BFN - temps are still high though. I am going to try again tomorrow - feeling cautiously optimistic. Although absolutely no symptoms right now. Still had a great Christmas with my family and my new 3 month old niece.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jgator, keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, sorry to hear about the BFN but I'm stay optimistic with you that it was just too early. Glad that you had a nice Christmas with your family and sweet little niece. Keep us posted.

Bright, hope your DH is hanging in there. That sounds painful and annoying. How are you doing? Are the temps still up? Sending you lots of good thoughts

Tammy, hoping your timing worked out! I'm guessing your body is still regulating after the pill, but I definitely think you're in the game this month. Good luck!

AFM, the OPKs have me a bit confounded this month. I got a couple close to positives on Saturday, and they seemed to have faded now, so I think I missed the surge. I don't feel like I've ovulated yet, but it is too uncertain to do an IUI this time. Next month we'll do the trigger and make sure we do it right!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, thanks for sharing your experience with the progesterone. That really helps. Hope you're doing well, mama!

JGator, I'm sorry about the BFN (on Christmas, no less!), but glad you had a nice holiday. How many dpo are you? I'm glad that your temps are still up & hoping you get a bfp in the next day or 2.

MP, sorry it doesn't look like you'll be able to do an IUI this month, but I hope you caught that eggie (or those eggies? :Up_to_something: ) on your own! It sounds like you might have a few good targets. Hoping you have great news to share soon!

tammy, I'm so glad your tourmaline showed! Yay! It sounds like your timing was pretty good in spite of the surprise O. I tend to have a slow rising bbt post-O as well. From what I've read online, some folks seem to think it's no problem at all & some think it might indicate low progesterone. How is your post-O temp pattern usually? If it stays up, that's great. If there's a saddle shaped dip in the LP, that could indicate low progesterone.

Hi to everyone else & hope you had a great holiday. :wavey:

afm, it's not looking good for me this month. My temp fell yesterday at 8dpo & I tried to talk myself into believing it could be an implantation dip. Well, it fell again today. I'm surprised it's falling so low, especially since I'm still taking the progesterone. It's never fallen this soon (without drugs) & I thought the clomid tends to lengthen the LP, not shorten it. I'm also having some PMS symptoms (breakout, tender bbs & some mild cramping.)

Pretty grim, right? My Ovulation Chart

I also tested this morning & got a bfn. I know it's early & I didn't expect to get a positive, but it was still disappointing. I was so hopeful for this month. :(sad On a positive note, at least I know the hcg from my trigger shot is out of my system, so if by some miracle I get a bfp later on this month, I'll know it's a true positive.

I called my RE's office & they said I should continue taking the progesterone. I could either come in for a blood test tomorrow or Thursday morning or wait it out & test myself again on the 30th or 31st. Their initial instructions were to test on the 30th & if it's negative, stop the progesterone & if it's positive, come in for a blood test to verify. I think I'm going to stick with the initial plan as I have company coming in tonight & staying until the 31st.

DH's foot is doing a bit better & he's going to try to get a walking cast today (all he could get over the holidays was an ace bandage & crutches from the ER.) He was good at staying off his foot over the holiday, but he''s back at work today, though, so I hope it doesn't get worse again.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sorry about the temp drop. How frustrating. I think it is still too early to assume all hope is lost though because your temps could still rebound. Also, it sometimes takes a few months for an IUI to do the trick. I'll be crossing my fingers for you.

JGator, thinking of you!

AFM, I'm so frustrated. I took an OPK this morning, and it was almost positive again. It was my last OPK, which was depressing in and of itself considering I had initially ordered like 100 of them and assumed I'd have tons left over! Anyway, I went out and bought more digitals this morning (and paid way too much compared to amazon). I took another one just now, and it was as blank as could be. So basically, I have no idea if I already ovulated, am about to ovulate, or am not going to ovulate this cycle. Ugh! Sorry for the rant.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, thanks for the crossed fingers. Hope all is well with you.

MP, you still could be in it this cycle. Fingers crossed for you.

Bright, I think you still have a very good shot - it's still early in the cycle. Could your double temp dip be related to waking up earlier than usual? It could be implantation combined with that.

AFM, I have had 3 BFNs in a row from Christmas to today. My temps are still up there so kind of waiting at this point for AF to show and/or the temp to drop. I am 14 DPO so I think I should have gotten a BFP by now if I was going to this time around.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, so sorry about the BFNs. Did your RE give a date to test and stop taking progesterone if you don't get a BFP? It might be worth calling them because if you are not pregnant, I think your AF may be delayed if you stay on the progesterone. Thinking of you.

Thanks for the positive thoughts. I don't think I'm out this month, but I just have no idea where I am at in my cycle, and up until now, I have always been able to detect the lh surge and predict ovulation based on that. I just want to make sure I did in fact ovulate or am going to. I'm not sure if it is worth calling the NP about, or if should just wait it out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, I'm so sorry about the continued BFN's. :(( How long is your LP usually? I have heard that clomid can extend the LP by a couple of days. I was really hoping this cycle would be it for you. I'm not giving up hope yet, but do you have a plan if there's a next cycle? Hugs to you.
Unfortunately, I didn't get up any earlier for the past 2 mornings. If anything, I got up later than usual yesterday & last night I had a bout of insomnia. I did get to sleep for 3.5-4 hours before I woke up & temped, but I expected my temps to be higher because of the sleeplessness if not because of other reasons. Can implantation dips last for multiple days? I guess I'll see what happens in the next few days.

MP, that's so frustrating about the OPKs! (And I totally know the feeling about how sad it is to run out & have to order a new batch. I hope I don't run out of cheapie PG tests. Now that would really suck.) I hope you wind up with lots of leftovers from the new batch.
I think it's worth a call to your NP. It sounds like she's nice & supportive & hopefully she could set your mind at ease. Let us know what you find out!
I know I shouldn't have expected the IUI to work in the first shot (well, I didn't quite expect it to work, but I sure hoped it would!) but it's so disappointing to think I'll have to go through this again (& again & again?)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, as far as the temp dip, the only thing I can think of is that progesterone is supposed to peak around 7DPO, so it is technically possible that your temp could start going down after the peak, only to rise again after implantation due to rising progesterone if you implanted a little later in the cycle. It's a little weird that you've had an early dip with the progesterone supplementation, but who knows? The more I learn and the longer I try, the more confused I become! I did have a few days of spotting before getting AF last month, and AF was delayed by a couple days, so I do think clomid interfered with my LP last cycle. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I totally understand getting your hopes up after the IUI. It's impossible not to, and it is scary to think about the what-ifs, but honestly, you likely only had one follicle this time around, so maybe upping your clomid dose and producing more targets next cycle will do the trick (if this one doesn't work out). Thinking of you!

Thanks for sympathizing with my frustration. If I don't get a BFP this cycle, I'm reluctantly ordering more wondfos. I still can't believe I'm completely out! I talked to DH earlier, and he asked me to just let it go this month and see what happens rather than calling the NP again and obsessing about the OPKs. So, I'm going to honor his wishes and just keep BD'ing awhile longer and hope for the best.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I am not taking progesterone as my levels were okay when they tested them last week. I am supposed to go in when I get back from my vacation which would be Thursday for a pregnancy test, but I have a feeling that won't be necessary. I ran out of OPKs on my last cycle too so I know how you feel. I was using 3 or 4 a day and I never got a line darker than the control line! Also, my DH thinks I am obsessing about my temps. I don't think he completely understands how I feel about my ticking clock.

Bright, my LP is usually 14-15 days, but last cycle it was only 12 or 13 days as my total cycle was only 25 days and it's normally 29-30. You are right, the Clomid is probably going to extend my cycle a few days. My plan for next cycle is to get the HSG test done sometime between cycle day 5-12 as I didn't do that in December due to my in-laws being in town and see if DH will go get his SA also. I have a feeling the RE will suggest we try IUI next. Sorry you are disappointed - keep your spirits up though - and see how tomorrow's temp looks.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, sorry about that. I remember you saying that now that I think about it. I don't know why I assumed you were taking progesterone. I'm still hoping you get some good news, but if not, I'm glad you have the next steps in place. If my DH survived the SA, anyone can! He was so nervous and reluctant. Also, I really do believe you will get another BFP soon since you were able to do it on your own before. Hugs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HI Ladies - Hapy Holidays and TTC'ing!

We had a good, low key holiday around here but I'm feeling so so on the TTC front. I remember some talk about a bad batch of wondfo tests a while back - how do you know if your tests are bad? Mine are kind of thick and separated on the testing end, and some were really smeared when the results came up. None of them (opk) were positive, neither were my digital opk's. Fairly disapointing and I haven't done one in 2 days now because it's been a letdown. Also on CD 21 so I'm fairly doubtful it wil happen if it hasn't yet. DH and I did ok while my folks were here, getting in a bd almost every other day so we have tried. Although I did notice some CM this month (mostly creamy and just wet) I have a gut feeling that I'm not ovulating yet. I don't want to be negative because who knows right? Once a certain window of time has passed I start to feel like the cycle is a bust, even though I know that some ladies have ovulated realy far into their cycles and getten PG - there's someone in JBP now I believe.

My skin has definitely improved on the metformin, my smooth texture is back, but I did get another bad breakout and it's just so upsetting to me to have such bad skin. This probbaly was the result of my OD'ing on cookies and treats over christmas, or jsut working thru my pcos symptoms. I think I'll call today to schedule my follow up appt and then hopefully will feel good that the next steps will be coming soon.

I've calculated that if I did O this month I should be testing around the 8th or so of Jan, if AF doesn't come by then, and by then it wouldn't be super super early if O cam at a 'normal' time. I'm jsut dreading the possibility of another super long cycle and needing the progesterone (or whatever it was) shot to get AF to come again.

Work woes continue as well, even though today is my first day back after almost a week off. My and DH's plan is that I will stay in this job only as long as it takes for us to get mostly out of debt, because it just makes me miserable. So at least there isn't an indefinite need for me to stay in a job I don't like. I think I may even pick up a side job for 1-2 days a week just to be in a more positive environment.

Well that was fairly debbie downer, but I needed to get it out. thanks for listening : )
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MissR, hope things work out for you this cycle. I know this can be such an emotional roller coaster every cycle. Sorry to hear about your job, but happy that you have a light at the end of the tunnel after your debt is paid off.

Update on my end - got a light pink line this AM at 15 DPO and CD 28. So, I am very cautiously optimistic! Will see if I can get a PG test tomorrow at the RE. We're flying home today.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, woohoo! That is awesome news! I'm thrilled for you more than you know! Loads of sticky dust headed your way for a strong, healthy little bean!

ETA - Rachel, so sorry you're struggling right now. I can relate to your job and ovulation concerns right now, and it is a tough road, but hopefully better days are ahead for both of us. I wouldn't give up on ovulation just yet. It may take awhile for your body to get back in sync.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, I'm so happy for your little pink line! :appl: :appl: :appl: Hope you can get in to get your first beta drawn tomorrow, and this will be a super sticky/healthy bean! Congrats lady! Keep us posted!

MP, are you okay with just letting things happen this cycle with your mysterious OPKs? I know I would totally want to get my follies examined again just to know if ovulation happened yet or not, but we all know how I'm not the most patient person. :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, it's not easy because I'm a pretty impatient person too when it comes to TTC, but I am going to tough it out this cycle. I really do think I probably ovulated because the tests were coming up close to positive this weekend, and then they faded. I don't know if the test yesterday morning was just picking up the tail end of the surge or if it was faulty, because my test this morning was completely negative again. TMI, but my cervix also feels like it is post-O and my nips were a tiny bit sore this morning, so I'm just going to assume that means I ovulated. We have a plan in place for a trigger and IUI next month, so I think that is making me a little more patient about this. That, and I have to pay out of pocket every time I have an ultrasound, so I'm trying to be responsible about it. Hope you are well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations, JGator! :bigsmile: Sticky dust heading your way by the bucket loads!

MP, I can understand how your DH is wanting to lay low with the scientific side of TTC this month, but hopefully that means he'll be more cooperative next month (IF there's a next month, I hope there isn't a need!).

MissR, I had a bad batch of wondfos and feel your pain! I didn't have any issues with the OPKs except for a bit of streaking. They didn't ever get darker than the control line, but they got allllmost there and I just counted it as close enough. The hpt were AWFUL though, I got a false positive two months in a row. After the second one I requested a refund from Amazon, which was granted. THEN the company contacted me and said they'd send replacement hpts if I'd remove the negative feedback. I went ahead and removed my feedback and they sent the tests. You better believe that if this batch is faulty I'm putting that feedback right back up and never ordering them again! :nono:

AFM: I'm sitting (somewhat) patiently at 5 dpo and feeling calm, for now at least. I know I'll be too early at 8 DPO, but I'm going to POAS on NYE. With my second DD I got a bfp at 8 DPO, so I just can't get it out of my head that I might be able to this time too. I had a much different experience this month O wise, so I'm more hopeful this cycle. The previous 2 months it was on CD 22 and CD 17 with almost a week of so-so quality CM, this month it was on CD 14 with a LOT of good quality CM on the 3 days leading up to O, which seems healthier but maybe it's all just in my mind. :wacko:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator - YAY! I'm thinking positive thoughts for you!!!! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jgator, I'm beyond thrilled to hear your news!! Congrats to you! Sending you tons of dust for a healthy, sticky bean!

Mp, It sounds like you probably o'd. Fingers crossed this cycle is the one for you!

Miss rach, sorry for the confusing cycle. I hope you o'f after all. Glad the met has helped your skin for the most part. I'm dealing with a bad breakout now too. Darned pcos. Has the met affected your hair in any way? Hope things at work improve soon. Hugs to you. 

Tammy, fingers crossed that you can welcome in the new year with a bfp!

Afm, my temp was higher today (about the same as the day before yesterday).  I'm not having any other symptoms but am not especially optimistic. I'm going to try to hold out until the 30th to test again.  My dear friend is in town for a visit so my spirits are much higher these days. Dh is trucking along. He got a walking cast today so hope it helps. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

thanks for the reassurance ladies. I got a good mini pep talk from a friend about my work stuff as well, so I need to get my big girl pants on and stay positive. CD 21 is not too late to ovulate! Especially for me, coming off something like a 70 day cycle. I suppose I was a teeeny bit unrealistic in the entire TTC experience that I would get pg right away, and then when it didn't happen, that once the RE waved his magic want, that then I'd get pg right away. Not so fast but good things come....

So I went ahead and scheduled my appt with the RE for follow up (not till the 24th), and the nurse prodded me about DH's SA so we're going to go ahead and do it. Much better to know now than later if there are any stumbling blocks on his end as well as mine. He was initially very hesitant but seems much better about it today when I asked / told him it was time. Has anyone been allowed in the room with DH for the SA? He was asking me if I would be and I'll have to ask. If not I may not go with him at all (he has mornings free so he has lots more times available than I do)

Majoy sticky dust to jgator! And things are looking good for you too Bright! and fingers crossed for the rest of us still in the hunt this month.

I know myself, I'm glad to not be wanting to test right beofre NYE, I plan on tying on a good one : ) hopefully it will be the last big drinking event for me for a long time! Maybe those things that people keep casually saying " jsut get good and drunk, then you'll get pregnant!" will come true too : )
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, how are your temps doing? How many DPO are you now? Crossing my fingers. So glad that you are enjoying some time with a friend and hopefully taking your mind off TTC for awhile.

JGator, continued sticky dust!

Rachel, apparently my clinic allows wives/significant others to go in with the guy for the SA. I didn't know this before DH went in, but DH and I both agreed afterward that this would probably have been even more awkward than it already was if I had been. But I would think it would be an option for you if you wanted to and it would help. According to DH, they had very explicit instructions on what you can and can't do if you go in with your DH :)

Nothing new with me. I'm CD17 and ??? DPO :) Remember how we replaced all of our kitchen appliances and got a new countertop recently? Well, now our living room tv is going out, so we need to replace that too, and we also had to replace the water heater and my laptop in the past few weeks. I guess I know how I'll be spending this year's bonus :? Hope everyone else is doing well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, thank you all for your sticky dust. I had my beta and progesterone tested today. I just got the call back from the RE nurse saying my numbers are low and to be prepared for the worst. My progesterone is a 1 and my beta is a 12. I asked if I should start taking progesterone now and she said no. I have to go in on Saturday for follow up blood work, but it's not looking good right now. She said this may be a chemical pregnancy. So, I'll sit tight for two days and pray that AF stays away and my numbers go up. I am a bit in shock right now and still absorbing this.

Hope all is well for the other TTCers. Keeping my fingers crossed for you all.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So sorry JGator :blackeye: I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm so sorry JGator! :(sad I'm praying that it's just super early and AF stays far away, ugh. :((
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Rach, my dh said the SA wasn't as bad as he'd thought it would be. Good luck!

Jgator, I'm so sorry about the test results. Sending you super sticky dust in the hopes that your levels go way up...and a big hug. 

Mp, re the appliances, when it rains, it pours! Sorry the tv will have to be replaced too. How do the new counters & appliances look? Pic? 

Hi to everyone else. 

Afm, my temp is down again today. So I think I'm out for this month, sadly. I will test tomorrow at 12 DPO/14 dp trigger shot. If its negative, which it will be, I go off the progesterone & wait for af. I'm disappointed & would like to be more aggressive next month. I got to talk to my dear friend about this stuff & unburden myself a bit, which was nice. I feel a bit lighter today. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jgator, I am so sorry to hear this news. I know what you are feeling and I am sorry you have to go through this. When you get thru this and are ready to talk about next steps and would like my advice, please just let me know and I would be happy to share my thoughts on this with you. Hugs and will be hoping for some closure for you soon.