
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, that's interesting about the acupuncture. I guess that is something to consider if I find out I have inadequate lining. Hope the second IUI goes/went well today! Fingers crossed so tightly for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, thank you for the sticky dust. I am not sure when I will test. We will be out of town visiting my family for a week starting Tuesday so I'm not sure if I want to bring tests with me or not or just wait it out till I get back on the 28th which would be 15 DPO. I likely will take some with me and then deal with my inner struggle on whether or not to test there. I have taken progesterone suppositories before when my levels were low a few weeks into the pregnancy - I took Crinone. I took it nightly and had no problems/side effects except for some white clumps coming out on toilet paper a week or two into taking it which the doctor told me was normal. My numbers went up from 8 to the mid-20s. I know they wanted the level at/above 10 or 11 to sustain pregnancy, and I think I was going to be on them for the first trimester only. Good luck today and happy baking!

AFM, I'm 5 DPO and over-analyzing every possible symptom even though I know better. I have had a few lower abdominal twinges and a patch of acne appeared on my back so I'm very hopeful.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much, meg! How are you feeling, lady?

Mp, I really think it was the acupuncture that made the difference for me. It was quite a change. Plus, the relaxation is nice. The re said my lining looked good, so fingers crossed. How are you doing? Hope the clomid is going well & very hopeful the new dose does the trick.

Afm, 2nd iui is done. The re said I hadn't o'd yet this am but looked like I could very soon. I've had some tiny cramps today but don't know if they are o related or from the iui. I guess I'll just wait. It's weird bc I haven't had any ewcm this month (only watery). Maybe that was from the clomid, but the iui bypassed that all anyway. We'll see. Feeling less excited today & mostly tired from the early am appointments.

Hi to all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, I'd love nothing more for your symptoms to be the real thing! Wishing you lots of sticky BFP dust!

Bright, yay, you are done and you are closer than ever to getting a BFP! I know how hard it is to keep the negative thoughts and doubts at bay, but I truly believe you have no reason to be any less optimistic than you felt yesterday. You're right that the big benefit of an IUI is that you get to bypass the whole CM thing and give the swimmers the best shot of reaching their destination. I would bet you will be ovulating today, so your timing is great. Just remember that you have done everything you can do this cycle!

And I'm doing alright, thanks for asking. I've taken two doses of clomid (I'm taking them at night this time), and so far, I have not noticed any side effects. I'm taking extra B6, Fertile CM, and drinking one cup of green tea every morning, and will probably add mucinex in the next few days in hopes of having adequate CM. I'm also taking baby aspirin (which I've been doing for months) and drinking red raspberry leaf to hopefully have the best lining possible. I guess you can say I'm desperate!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jgator, I don't know how I missed your post earlier. Thanks for the info on the progesterone suppositories. I think I'm getting the same thing. I don't know how much it will help, but I feel like I just want to give this the best possible shot.
The acne is pretty promising. Here's hoping for a holiday bfp for you! I'd probably bring tests if I were you. I'm leaving on Tuesday & will be home by the 26th, so no need for me to pack them.

Mp, I'm totally taking a strange mix of vitamins too. I haven't added the baby aspirin yet but am considering it. Do you like the red raspberry tea?
I'm glad the new dose isn't giving you side effects. I think taking it at night helps too. Fertile cm & Mucinex sounds like a good plan. (along with lots of water) Hoping you'll be back home in time for an iui this cycle.

So, the re who did the iui (he did the one yesterday too & is the other doc in my practice & one I haven't seen before) asked us what our plan was if this didn't work. I know statistically odds are it won't & it was good to talk options but it still made me a little sad. He did leave on a positive note & I appreciated getting his opinion. I'm also glad to know he's around as I might like him better than my actual doc. (though mine is the head of the center-not sure if that makes a difference either way)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, hoping your symptoms are right on track for a BFP! I did break out too!

Bright, glad the IUI's went well! Stay hopeful! As I started a new treatment, I was always feeling the best about everything because I had such high hopes. Don't give it up! As far as the progesterone suppositories, I've been using them for awhile now and I used them for my DS. I use 200mg Prometrium capsules three times a day. Some doctors only do twice a day, but when I started IVF they switched me to three times a day. I definitely recommend a maxi pad or a pantiliner because they are very messy and leak out over the course of a day. I also try to lay down for about 20 minutes after inserted to give it the best chance to stay up there. As far as the follicle count going down, that is very common. I am glad I gave you a heads up so that you weren't upset. One thing I can tell you though is that Clomid generally helps to create a better quality egg. The trigger also helps in that final maturation process and a good surge to push it out. So even if you only ovulate one, that "one" should be a nice quality egg. Regarding the baby aspirin, my RE had me use it and I still use it now while pregnant until my RE tells me to stop. Definitely does not hurt and they are usually chewable orange flavored so not bad at all. Nice lining too! Usually I'm around an 8-9 layer.

MP, how's it going? Always thinking about you and sending you positive thoughts. What is your timing now? Are you going in for ultrasounds to check on follicular development before Christmas? Definitely have them tell you how your lining looks. They probably have taken note of that before but maybe didn't mention it to you if it looked good. I'm crossing my fingers for an IUI! Are you planning on using a trigger with our without IUI this month?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm thinking nothing but positive thoughts for you!

Lizzy, thanks! I will go in on Friday (CD11) for an ultrasound to see where I'm at and find out what the doctor recommends for this cycle. We'll get back the evening of the 26th (which will be CD14), so I'm thinking timing will be too touch and go for an IUI this cycle, but I do want to ask about the trigger either way to try to maximize my chances. Hoping things are going well for you and looking forward to another postive update after your next appointment!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just delurking to say that grapefruit also does wonders for CM. I had a few slices of grapefruit per day in the week leading up to O, and my cm was sooo much clearer and more abundant. I also had an extra day of it. I'm not sure if grapefruit juice does the same thing - maybe.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thanks so much for the positive vibes! ::) That's a good idea to ask about doing a trigger shot even if you can't do the IUI this month. I have a friend who just got PG on drugs (femara) & trigger shot alone (no IUI).

Lizzy, thanks so much for your post. I really appreciate the advice on the progesterone suppositories. It's this kind of useful info you wish your doc would tell you! :wink2: The stupid internet pharmacy messed up my order (even though I told them I was going out of town for the holidays) so I'm going to have to wait to leave on vacation until the packages arrives tomorrow.
Thanks, as well, for the info about clomid increasing the quality of the egg. That made me feel so much better! Do you think it's worth starting the baby aspirin now, or is it too late for this cycle?
I really think the acupuncture has helped with my lining & am pleased to hear it's in a good range.

AFM, I had some cramping last night--not sure if it was from the IUI or from a stronger than usual ovulation because of the trigger shot. Anyone else have cramps from IUI or trigger? I had a million things on my to-do list, but wound up lying on the couch for longer than anticipated. I'm feeling better today, but still not quite at 100%.

My chart is also really weird looking this month. Do you guys think I ovulated yesterday?

My Ovulation Chart
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1324338953|3084910 said:
My chart is also really weird looking this month. Do you guys think I ovulated yesterday?

My Ovulation Chart

It's possible. It looks like you took your temp at a different time- how off was it from normal?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1324340529|3084924 said:
BrightSpot|1324338953|3084910 said:
My chart is also really weird looking this month. Do you guys think I ovulated yesterday?

My Ovulation Chart

It's possible. It looks like you took your temp at a different time- how off was it from normal?

I know. That really doesn't help make sense of
the chart, does it? I took my temp this morning almost 2 hours later than Saturday & Sunday. I don't know how I wouldn't have ovulated after the trigger shot, but I'm just not sure if I did based on my temps.

How are you feeling, amc? Good to see you. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, if you had strong cramps then you O'd! I don't even need to look at the chart. I have used a trigger twice - once for an IUI and once for IVF retrieval. For the IUI, I literally had the cramps starting 36-40 hours after trigger. The afternoon after the IUI, I could feel it when I was walking and I needed to lay or sit down for awhile as they were quite uncomfortable. I don't think the baby aspirin can hurt. Given my history, it was a no brainer to use it as the baby aspirin helps to protect clots from happening after implantation which can lead to a loss. So my RE recommended it to me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1324261899|3084266 said:
Bright, I'm thinking nothing but positive thoughts for you!

Lizzy, thanks! I will go in on Friday (CD11) for an ultrasound to see where I'm at and find out what the doctor recommends for this cycle. We'll get back the evening of the 26th (which will be CD14), so I'm thinking timing will be too touch and go for an IUI this cycle, but I do want to ask about the trigger either way to try to maximize my chances. Hoping things are going well for you and looking forward to another postive update after your next appointment!

Keep us posted on how Friday goes! Even if you triggered the night of CD13, you could go in for the IUI the morning of CD15. Either way, good luck!!!! Hoping for many follies!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thanks for the well wishes. Sending you lots of BFP dust right back. You have a long list of things you are taking. I may have to add some to my diet. I currently take a combo pill of stuff from bees including Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, and something else. And, I did take generic Robitussin the month I got my BFP plus lots of grapefruit juice, but I forgot to do that the last 2 cycles. I ordered something called Vitex/chaste berry, but I am afraid to take it because I heard it could extend the length of your cycle.

Lizzy, I think I'll start taking baby aspirin. Thanks for the heads up. Do you take 1 a day?

Bright, I found out today that my progesterone level this AM was 13.6 so I don't need to take the suppositories for now. They didn't test my lining like I thought - just a blood test for progesterone. If I get a BFP, I will make sure that they check my progesterone regularly as it did go down to a low level between my first and 2nd appointments back when I got my BFP. I ditto using a panty liner - that worked for me with the Crinone 8 which I only had to take once a day and they said if I took it at night, the medicine would absorb while I was sleeping and any extra leaking out would not be needed by me. I'll pack a few strips and maybe test on Christmas - my DH asked me if I'm going to POAS on the trip. He loves saying POAS and jokes that he wants to POAS too. Sending super sticky dust to you. I can't help you with the O pains/cramps. I have never felt them or noticed them. I did feel tired for a few days after the trigger shot - ie, fell asleep on the couch a few times. Also, don't worrry about your chart. Mine looks odd too, but I heard the Clomid and Ovidrel mess with your temps and as long as you did the trigger you are pretty sure to O after that so it's not worth stressing about too much. Sending sticky BFP dust to you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, that would be so great if you got a BFP on Christmas! Wishing you lots of luck! I don't know about all the supplements. Part of me thinks I shouldn't be messing with them at all because there really is not a whole lot of credible information out there about whether they even help (or if they could possibly hurt). I feel pretty safe with the ones I'm taking right now, but I like you, am leary of any products that might change my cycle (since I'm pretty regular).

Bright, I agree with Lizzy that you should just assume you ovulated, especially since you already ovulate on your own. Hopefully your temps will give you more clarity soon. Hoping you get good news later this month!

Sha, I'll have to try to remember to pick up some grapefruit tonight. I love grapefruit anyway. I've tried drinking the juice a few cycles but didn't really notice any change.

AFM, nothing new to report. One more night of clomid tonight. Hoping it is doing its thing and I get a few decent follicles by Friday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies,

I've been reading everyone's posts just not sure what to say myself since I am only on cycle two and feel a little out of place. I'm rooting you all on though regardless of how quiet I am. ::)

I'm on CD11, hoping to ovulate in the next 5 days, so perfect timing for some holiday fun time! DH is on board with opks and going for the gold this month, so that's exciting! No more closet POAS for me, phew.

Hope everyone's having a nice holiday. I've baked my butt off (but it's grown from all of the "taste testing", oops). I'm trying very hard to be positive, so far it's working fairly well. If I could just shake the anxiousness, I'd be great! :)) I'm really looking forward to the break, having some days off with my DH and our girls and seeing their lovely excited little faces on Christmas morning! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, thanks so much for your post! I remember you writing about your O cramps with the trigger shot & felt reassured that I was probably having the same thing. I wondered if the cramps could have been caused by the IUI instead of O, but I didn't have cramps after Saturday's IUI, only Sunday's. They were in the late afternoon-early evening & quite uncomfortable as well. I've never had O pains before, so wasn't quite sure what to expect. My temps just threw me off a bit, but maybe that is just different because of the meds.I bought some baby aspirin yesterday & have added it to my routine. Sounds like it can't hurt & might help. Thanks again & hope you're feeling well & baking away! ::)

MP, yeah, my temps have remained "high," which is to say they're higher than they've been recently & seem to be in a post-O range, but lower than the temps on my clomid days. (Though I also woke up with hot sweats on these days, so it's definitely not my usual pattern.)
I hope your U/S on Friday goes well & you have lots of follies! :appl:

JGator, great progesterone level! I'm glad you don't have to do the suppositories. They gave me the crinone 8 as well. I'm supposed to start it today (though, they are really optional as my doc said he didn't think I'd need it, but it wouldn't do any harm if I wanted to try them.) I'm glad it's only a once daily thing & hope it isn't too messy. Thanks for the advice & reassurance on the medicated chart. I'm tempted to stop temping for the rest of the month as it doesn't seem super accurate, but I'm so addicted to it & I like to record the data. (OCD?)
I've been taking chaste berry for a while. I haven't noticed it extending my cycle, though I don't know if it's done any good either.
That's so cute that your DH loves the POAS reference. How are you feeling? Any new early pregnancy symptoms?
Wishing you lots of luck when you test & hoping for a Christmas bfp!

tammy, I'm glad you & your sticks can come out of the closet! :bigsmile: Hope you have lots of holiday fun & a bfp in the new year!
What tasty treats did you make? DH & I made fudge & salted caramels.
Enjoy your holiday break & time with your DH & sweet girls! :love:

Hi to anyone I missed! :wavey:

AFM, not much to report here. We finally got all of our holiday shopping done & are now visiting my folks for a few days, then going to spend Christmas with DH's family. It will be the last Christmas with his family without little ones (2 are on the way & I'm really hoping for a third!!), though there's baby talk galore. I also start the progesterone suppositories tonight. Wish me luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, yup just one baby aspirin per day. I usually just take it when I take my prenatal vitamin. My baby aspirin doesn't actually say "baby aspirin" on them, they say "adult low dose". Just look for the 81mg ones. Mine are chewable and orange flavored. They actually taste pretty good.

Good luck to all you ladies! I hope the New Year brings some wonderful news for you all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1324507691|3086382 said:
JGator, yup just one baby aspirin per day. I usually just take it when I take my prenatal vitamin. My baby aspirin doesn't actually say "baby aspirin" on them, they say "adult low dose". Just look for the 81mg ones. Mine are chewable and orange flavored. They actually taste pretty good.

Good luck to all you ladies! I hope the New Year brings some wonderful news for you all!

I've got a question about this. What's with the aspirin? Because once you're preggo you can't take anything with asprin (like Pepto), so it seems sort of counter intuitive.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1324507885|3086387 said:
lizzyann|1324507691|3086382 said:
JGator, yup just one baby aspirin per day. I usually just take it when I take my prenatal vitamin. My baby aspirin doesn't actually say "baby aspirin" on them, they say "adult low dose". Just look for the 81mg ones. Mine are chewable and orange flavored. They actually taste pretty good.

Good luck to all you ladies! I hope the New Year brings some wonderful news for you all!

I've got a question about this. What's with the aspirin? Because once you're preggo you can't take anything with asprin (like Pepto), so it seems sort of counter intuitive.

At my appointment today, my RE wants me to continue taking the baby aspirin even though I am pregnant. It helps keep the blood thin and prevents clots which often lead to early losses. Given I had 4 early losses this year, she felt it would be best for me to use it prior to IVF, to help with implantation, and for a couple of more weeks to ensure no clotting issues. Hope that helps.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1324509212|3086404 said:
amc80|1324507885|3086387 said:
lizzyann|1324507691|3086382 said:
JGator, yup just one baby aspirin per day. I usually just take it when I take my prenatal vitamin. My baby aspirin doesn't actually say "baby aspirin" on them, they say "adult low dose". Just look for the 81mg ones. Mine are chewable and orange flavored. They actually taste pretty good.

Good luck to all you ladies! I hope the New Year brings some wonderful news for you all!

I've got a question about this. What's with the aspirin? Because once you're preggo you can't take anything with asprin (like Pepto), so it seems sort of counter intuitive.

At my appointment today, my RE wants me to continue taking the baby aspirin even though I am pregnant. It helps keep the blood thin and prevents clots which often lead to early losses. Given I had 4 early losses this year, she felt it would be best for me to use it prior to IVF, to help with implantation, and for a couple of more weeks to ensure no clotting issues. Hope that helps.

Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for the explanation!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1324510572|3086423 said:
lizzyann|1324509212|3086404 said:
amc80|1324507885|3086387 said:
lizzyann|1324507691|3086382 said:
JGator, yup just one baby aspirin per day. I usually just take it when I take my prenatal vitamin. My baby aspirin doesn't actually say "baby aspirin" on them, they say "adult low dose". Just look for the 81mg ones. Mine are chewable and orange flavored. They actually taste pretty good.

Good luck to all you ladies! I hope the New Year brings some wonderful news for you all!

I've got a question about this. What's with the aspirin? Because once you're preggo you can't take anything with asprin (like Pepto), so it seems sort of counter intuitive.

At my appointment today, my RE wants me to continue taking the baby aspirin even though I am pregnant. It helps keep the blood thin and prevents clots which often lead to early losses. Given I had 4 early losses this year, she felt it would be best for me to use it prior to IVF, to help with implantation, and for a couple of more weeks to ensure no clotting issues. Hope that helps.

Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for the explanation!

Ditto. My OB said the same thing. I take one every morning.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thanks for the Christmas BFP wishes. Hope the Clomid is going well and helping your follies grow! Keep us posted on your appt tomorrow.

Tammy, hope you have a very happy Christmas with your girls. I'm spending mine with my 2 nieces and 3 nephews - there is nothing like being around kids at Christmas!

Hi, Bright, no new pregnancy symptoms. I am cautiously optimistic. The temps were steadily going up post O, and I had a slight dip today (.2 degrees) on 9 DPO. Trying to keep busy to hold out till Christmas to test. I went shopping with my childhood best friend last night. Let me know if you have any questions on the Crinone 8. I just took it at night and tried not to get up again after taking it so it would absorb. The nurse said all that I needed would be absorbed while sleeping. Also, about a week or two into taking it, that's when the clumps started showing up on toilet paper - I think it builds up and at some point starts coming out in the clumps when it runs out of space. But, I don't think it's as messy/leaky as what Lizzy took because it's a gel and you only have to take it once a day.

Lizzy, thanks for the advice on the aspirin. I'm at my mom's house and she takes the low dose aspirin daily for her heart/blood pressure so I'm taking hers. Sending sticky baking dust to you. Very happy to hear about your latest ultrasound on the JBP thread.

AMC, hi, how is JBP-ville treating you? Hope all is well and you are baking away.

Meg, sticky dust to you too. Glad to hear things are going well with your pregnancy.

AFM, I'm officially on vacation visiting my family out of state. Counting the days till I can test on Christmas! Only 3 days to go!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1324565973|3086747 said:
AMC, hi, how is JBP-ville treating you? Hope all is well and you are baking away.

Great! M/S has officially kicked in. It was worse on the first day, which is sort of nice, because every day since has not seemed as bad. I think that's a much better direction to go than starting off easy and getting worse! I've definitely been more tired. Luckily I live close to work, so a few days a week I go home and take a nap during lunch. It's awesome, I don't think I could get through the day otherwise. Last night I went to bed about an hour later than normal (but I did take an hour long nap at lunch) and today I feel like death. I could fall asleep right now.

The good news is my company shuts down between Christmas and New Years, so as of tomorrow at about noon I'm off until January 3rd. And I've got my first OB appt on Tuesday, so needless to say I'm looking forward to the upcoming week!

Hope you are all doing well, I'm crossing my fingers for all of you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Morning Ladies!

Lizzy I never answered your question! I made oatmeal chocolate chip and pecan cookies, frosted sugar cookies and some AMAZING ginger snaps (I hate ginger, but snarf these down like nobody's business). I made about 5 dozen of each and gave over half of them to my work, almost half to my DH's work, and the rest are MIA. I plead the fifth. :lickout:

JGator, I'll be checking up on you over the holidays, good luck!!! :bigsmile:

Bright I hope the TWW goes by quickly for you and that you enjoy a safe, happy holiday...and that the pregnant ladies rub off on you! ;))

Hi to anyone I missed. There aren't many of us around here. We need some fresh blood in here to take the open seats left by our waves of BFP's! ::)

AFM: Definitely gearing up to O. My opk's have been boringly faint, but are fading in a bit and I have a lot more EWCM this month than months prior, so here's hoping! Hopefully it happens by Christmas at the latest. DH seems to be up for the daily challenge this month, should be interesting! :lol:

In other news, I bought a beautiful little pink tourmaline from Bob Kast and it's missing. ;( The USPS says it was delivered yesterday at 1:08 pm, but it wasn't in my locked mailbox, and there was no tag left. I'm really hoping it turns up today!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1324565973|3086747 said:
Meg, sticky dust to you too. Glad to hear things are going well with your pregnancy.

Thanks lady! So far so good. Have been having m/s every day and food aversions. No spotting at all this time (except a little implantation) so we're thinking things are going okay this time. First OB appt on Weds and we can't wait! Wishing you lots of luck this clomid cycle and FX your bfp is just around the corner! Enjoy the holidays!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone,
Once again I've been away for a bit so I want to try to catch up with everyone before I update...

JGator - I hope you enjoy your vacation and am hoping you get an exciting present on christmas day! Thinking BFP thoughts for you.

Bright - I was excited to read your updates on the IUIs you underwent this past weekend... you know my fingers are crossed for you big time. How are you finding the progesterone suppositories? I hope this long journey is going to end very soon for you with some happy news.

mp - Forgive me if you stated this and I missed it, but do you know for sure yet if you will be able to squeeze in the IUI this cycle or if you will be going natural? ok actually I just read back again and it looks like you will be getting a recommendation on that today... good luck and keep us posted! Tons of dust that you will get your BFP soon. I know this road is so frustrating. 5 out 6 of my friends who TTC got pregnant within the first 2 cycles... I completely agree it is tough to watch something come so easily to others when it seems elusive for you. (Don't get me wrong-- I'm over the moon for my friends, just envious of the effortlessness).

tammy - hi! Glad to read you and dh will be going for it "full force" this month... maybe that's a terrible way to word it, wow. Anyway, you know what I mean!

lizzy - good to see you back here with words of wisdom - i may be needing you to answer some questions for me as well over the next couple of months (see my update below).

prana - I know you posted a bit back, but I haven't been on much myself, just wanted to tell you I understand the whole "clean house, clean mind" type of connection. Especially when it's hard to control one thing it is always nice to feel calm and more controlled over the other aspects of life.

ltl - I was sorry to read about the tough time you had recently - AF & disappointing career news all at once. But it sounds like you had some promising prospects. Any new updates?

A big hello to anyone I've missed.

AFM - Kind of a big update. Many of you may remember DH and I got some bad news a couple of weeks back that his second semen analysis had come back with poor results on the morphology - it was actually 0% this time (it was 1% the first test). My OBGYN referred us to an RE and we had an appointment on Monday morning. We took the day off work, which was a good thing as the appointment was nearly 3 hours all in all. The good news is that we really loved the RE. She came across as both whip-smart and nurturing. It wasn't too shocking, but pretty sobering, to hear within minutes of sitting down that given the morphology issue we would need IVF with ICSI. IUIs would be pretty useless given our specific issue. She explained that while the morphology is not a reflection of the DNA inside the sperm, the shape of them (well, the vast majority of them) makes it impossible for them to penetrate the outer surface of the egg.
With the ICSI, they will pick the very best looking swimmers (and the 1% on the first analysis shows me there are at least SOME of them - they can only test a small portion of the sample for morphology, so the 0% on the second sample does not literally mean no good sperm in the whole sample), and using some amazing technology, will fertilize the eggs themselves.
I have mixed feelings typing this out, and obviously this is not the most "natural" way to conceive and am not sure how everyone may see it. Myself, I feel grateful there is technology out there that will allow us to hopefully have a baby one day soon- I'm not going to get too hung up on the road it takes to get there.
The good part was that the RE said (knock wood - and we literally all did)- that we are a pretty straightforward case. She said we have age on our side-- for reference, I just turned 31 and DH is 32... apparently that makes us spring chickens at this clinic. She also had no concerns about me- was not concerned about my spotting history since I will be taking various hormones/injections anyway. I got an ultrasound and she said everything looked perfect. We each got a ton of blood taken, and we are getting underway into this process.
My next step is to call on my next day 1 (On day 12 right) and then will come in for Day 3 bloodwork and then a saline sonogram several days after that. Next will be 21 day bloodwork to confirm ovulation. Then, they will start me on medication and the cycle after that should be go-time if everything works out. That would be right around the very beginning of February if all checks out and goes forward as planned.
(Oh, for those of you who may remember - one big question we had for the RE involved medication DH is taking. She strongly felt the morphology results were not related because his other numbers (count, motility) we "so good." She said we would likely be seeing an effect on everything. She said we may never know for sure, but her gut is that if DH went off the medicine for a year or two and tested again that the results would be the same. We asked what would cause this issue then and she said morphology is typically just an issue of someone's genetics. She said it's really not that uncommon (I guess not in her world at least) but you'll never hear guys talking about it. Regardless, DH has drastically cut down the dosage he is taking over the past 6 weeks and will probably continue to do so indefinitely.)

So,most of all, I'm feeling relieved to have some answers and a plan. Of course, this is not how I imagined this journey to be when I started it, but hey, that's ok. I'm truly ok with that if it means I get to hold a snuggly baby one day.

Sorry this post is such a novel, but as you can see there is a lot to catch you all up on. I will definitely be keeping you all posted on this new leg of my journey, and hope we all have BFPs to share together someday soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Quick update because we're about to leave, but I just wanted to say I had my appointment this morning. I'm CD11, and I have 4 larger follicles (3 on the left and 1 on the right). She was happy they were mainly on left due to the possible tube issue on the right. If I don't get a positive OPK until Monday, we might do an IUI on Tuesday, but since they were all in the range of 17-20, so she thinks I will get a positive OPK sometime this weekend, and in that case, we'll just do our business as usual. I'm not going to trigger this time in hope that ovulation will hold off until Monday. My lining was at 9, so she thinks that is fine. She did say she thinks my tube and DH's borderline low forward motility might be causing our issues, and she thinks IUI will be our best shot. So, I guess we will see what happens in the next couple days.

Good luck to you all and another update to each of you soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, please feel free to ask any questions at all about IVF. I had a really great experience with it and I'd be happy to share my thoughts. I know that was really big news for you, but while reading it I could hear the "hope and excitement" from your tone. Hoping 2012 will be a great year for you!

MP, sounds like you had a great appointment! 4 follies! That is awesome! I'm crossing my fingers O holds off till Monday. If not, at least you have more than one target for those swimmers to find au natural! Keep us posted and enjoy your holiday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, thanks for the encouragement! Should be an exciting Christmas for you - sharing your news with everyone! Enjoy every minute!

Jen, even though it's not what you ever imagined or how you hoped conceiving a baby would be, I'm glad that you found an RE who was straightforward with you and gave you hope. How far each of us is willing to go to have a baby is such a personal decision, and I don't think anyone on here would judge you for your decision, so don't worry about discussing it. It never ceases to amaze me how far medical technology has come. Enjoy the next few months while the pressure is off of you for awhile and keep us posted!

JGator, fingers crossed so tightly for you! Hope you are enjoying your holiday and holding up okay during the wait! We're all rooting for you!

Bright, thinking of you! Hope that you are also enjoying your time away! Would love nothing more for you and JGator to lead the way to another train of BFPs!

Tammy, sorry you're feeling a little out of place here right now. A few months ago, it was the other way around, and we had a bunch of newbies, and I'm sure it will swing back to that soon. You and your DH have sure had a lot of ups and downs in your TTC/NTNP journey, but it sounds like you're in a good place now. Wishing you luck for a Christmas BFP!

Prana, Rachel, and Firecracker and anyone else I might have missed, sending good thoughts to you ladies too if you are lurking!

AFM, the OPK was negative this morning, but I suspect it might be positive tomorrow, so it will be too early for an IUI. I feel okay with it either way. DH is sort of uneasy about doing an IUI after I told him there were four follicles. From my talking to the NP and researching, I know there is no guarantee all 4 have an egg and will ovulate, and even if they did, given our difficulties, it's unlikely more than one or two would fertilize, but I think I may have to have him talk to the NP to reassure him before we try an IUI. Anyway, I'm signing off and wishing everyone a happy holiday!