
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good Morning Ladies!

Well, I'd love to say I got a BFP, but I didn't even bother testing. :| I woke up this morning about a half an hour early and I was cold..took my temp and it was 97.6 (my coverline temp). I tried to go back to sleep, was in and out but had the covers on me better (DH had the lion's share, and my hair was wet). Anyhow, woke up and took it again half an hour later at the right time and it was 98.04. I don't see how my second OR first temps could be accurate, so I have no idea what the heck to think. So it could go either way at this point and the pessimistic side has set up camp, just waiting for AF to show her ugly face today or tomorrow at the latest.

I do have a FRER w/me, I might take it this evening/late afternoon if she hasn't shown yet. I do have some transient aches between my lower back and my lower abdomen and a burning sensation around my uterus/ovary area, so I just don't think this is our month. :(sad The silver lining is that at least my LP is now long enough to support a pregnancy, and that's a very positive thing!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1323453364|3077888 said:
Good Morning Ladies!

Well, I'd love to say I got a BFP, but I didn't even bother testing. :| I woke up this morning about a half an hour early and I was cold..took my temp and it was 97.6 (my coverline temp). I tried to go back to sleep, was in and out but had the covers on me better (DH had the lion's share, and my hair was wet). Anyhow, woke up and took it again half an hour later at the right time and it was 98.04. I don't see how my second OR first temps could be accurate, so I have no idea what the heck to think. So it could go either way at this point and the pessimistic side has set up camp, just waiting for AF to show her ugly face today or tomorrow at the latest.

I do have a FRER w/me, I might take it this evening/late afternoon if she hasn't shown yet. I do have some transient aches between my lower back and my lower abdomen and a burning sensation around my uterus/ovary area, so I just don't think this is our month. :(sad The silver lining is that at least my LP is now long enough to support a pregnancy, and that's a very positive thing!

Ugh, I hate when temps get messed up. The good thing is you can safely say it didn't drop below your cover line, since that temp wasn't accurate. If you are going to test, I'd really recommend waiting until the morning. You're only 11 DPO and that's probably too early to get a BFP with afternoon pee...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah I know, I need to just wait it out. I'm at that point where I've had my fill of seeing BFN's honestly. I *might* try holding my pee for 4 + hours (not difficult for me to do) and taking one tonight, just to ease my mind about drinking tonight while we're out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy, I'm sorry about the temp drop. TTC is such a roller coaster ride, isn't it? Hugs. Worst case, your LP is getting longer, which is a great sign! Best case...well, AF isn't here yet, right? :Up_to_something:

Missy, how great that you haven't had any annoying pregnancy symptoms! Hopefully your LO will be well behaved outside the wonb too! :tongue: Hope you're doing well, mama.

amc, I'm sorry about your cold & hope you're feeling better soon!

meg, I totally understand why you'd feel nervous. I hope you have some upcoming fun holiday plans to take your mind off the wait for your first appointment. (I know--easier said than done!) I'm glad your heartburn is better, though. Have you figured out which foods are causing it?
Yep, TTC sure is a crazy world indeed! Maybe I'll ask the nurses in my RE's office about testing, but I'm afraid they might think I'm crazy too!

Rach, yay for CD1! I'm glad you were able to schedule your HSG for a convenient time. That'll be good that you can go home & rest after the test. That's fantastic you haven't had any side effects from the metformin yet too! That alarm app sounds cool, especially if it doesn't wake up your DH. I once got one of those gradual alarms that had a light too & he couldn't stand it!
Sounds like you guys had a great anniversary! What sweet gifts for each other! I did one of those "reasons I love you" gifts for my DH a few years ago & he loved it too. I'd love to see a pic of your new bling! Woo hoo!
As for my side effects, I had bad reactions to the following: apple pie a la mode, ginger snap cookie, lasagne & mojito (should've known better on the last one!) So I think it's a sugar/fat thing. I've pretty much cut out desserts & try to stay away from anything too rich & am doing much better.

MP, how are you doing, lady? AF is scheduled to show this weekend, as I recall? I hope she stays the heck away! Any fun plans?
I'm glad you're going to have a nice holiday with your family, though the cute nieces & nephews might not do a great job of keeping your mind off having kids! (Unless they're not well behaved... :Up_to_something: )
I guess it will be hard for me to judge (if I have any O symptoms) if they come from the clomid or the trigger shot. Did your lower abdomen feel any different (slightly swollen) on the clomid?

S&I, good to see you, lady! I hope you're well!

JGator, how's it hanging? Any results from the genetic test or clomid challenge?

Hi to anyone I missed & happy Friday! :wavey:

AFM, I took my last clomid last night, so now I just wait for my ultrasound on Monday to see what the next step is. For the first time since I started the metformin, DH & I had a nice dinner out that I really enjoyed (I've been pretty nonplussed about food lately) & even a little bit of dessert & I wasn't sick after. Yay! I did refrain from drinking, which probably helped.
And speaking of awkward, I just had to leave a vm with the nurses in my RE's office to ask them if we were ok a little fun this weekend or if we needed to abstain for the insemination. :oops: Gotta love it.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone,

quick drive-by for me.

First, Lizzy I am so happy for you and teared up reading your story about hearing the heartbeat. I find your journey to be inspiring.

Second, a big congrats to AMC & Meg! So happy for both of you and wishing you lots of sticky vibes!

I will have to catch up more thoroughly over the weekend. The truth is, I've kind of been avoiding the forum the past couple of weeks to give my head a break while I waited for the results of DH's 2nd SA to come back. Well, I got the call today and it's bad. 0% morphology this time. My doctor told us to see an RE together, so that'll be the next step. I have a few different places people are recommending to me so I think I'll take some time over the weekend to process it all.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, sorry about the temp confusion this morning. Doesn't it always go that way? Let us know what you find out tonight or tomorrow (if you are able to hold out until then). Crossing my fingers for you!

Bright, yay for being done with clomid and getting this show on the road! So excited for you. You'll have to let me know what your nurse says about timing BD'ing before the IUI. The doctor wanted DH to abstain 3-5 days before his SA, so I wonder if it is the same for an IUI. I wouldn't think you'd be having it on Monday though, so I would bet you are okay to BD this weekend.

AFM, today is 11dpo, and I can tell AF is on the way because I noticed a bit of pink cm when I checked it earlier today :blackeye: I'm feeling more angry than sad right now. I just don't understand why this comes so easily to so many people and we haven't been able to get pregnant after 11 tries. I will call the NP on Monday to see where we go from here.

ETA - Jen, I just saw your post. So very sorry dear. I hope that you are able to find an RE that can give you a treatment plan or let you know what your best course of action is. Also, I understand your need to avoid the forum. I think I may need to force myself to take a break for awhile too. Infertility or being fertility-challenged is such a painful battle, and I don't think you can fully understand it until you've experienced it. Hugs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all, just wanted to stop in and see how you all were doing.

Jen, sorry to hear the second SA didn't go well. I"m sure with the help of an RE, you will qfigure out a plan that will work for you. If they recommend IVF, don't be scared. I just went thru it and at first I was overwhelmed but then once I was educated about it, it went by very quickly and very smoothly. Hugs to you.

Bright and MP, my RE told my DH to abstain for 2-3 days before IUI and before IVF. So basically they don't want you to abstain for too long but they also don't want you to BD the night before. MP, where are you at in your cycle now?

For the ladies who asked about me. I am doing great! Thank you! Still super excited from seeing the heartbeat on Monday. I have been quite nauseous in the mornings but it's all good. Totally worth it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm sorry Jen! :( I hope that the RE can help you and your DH very soon. At least you have knowledge, and it seems like help is on the way so you aren't just in the dark wondering what's going on. It's awful news, but it's not the end of your story by any means. *big hugs*

MP, I was so hoping this was your month. :(sad What's your game plan, if/when AF shows this month? I'm still holding my breath for you my dear, but I know how hard it is to remain optimistic.

I haven't really commented much, but Lizzy is such a huge inspiration to me for anyone struggling. It sucks so much that some people have to struggle so hard to become pregnant, but with modern medicine it's rarely impossible. Keep the faith ladies, your time is coming too and if you need help then that is ABSOLUTELY okay.

AFM: I'm still floating along in the unknown but I now have EWCM and am totally confused. :confused: I looked up some google stuff and a bunch say it's the first bit of lining to shed and AF is near...then other say it's an early pregnancy thing. My cervix is also spongy vs firm (TMI, I know...sorry!). Stupid FRER is yelling at me from my purse. I may have to pee on it to get it to shut up...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm 11DPO, and AF is expected tomorrow or Sunday. I just wish knew that it is possible for me to get pregnant :(( I agree with Tammy that you are an inspiration. So happy to hear you are doing well. I'm sure nausea is something you will gladly put up with it if it means a healthy bean!

Tammy, I tend to get EWCM before AF, but everybody is different and CM is supposedly not a reliable indicator. As to your question, the NP had recommended more clomid and an IUI next cycle, but as I've mentioned before, I'll be out of town around O time, so that's not happening. I'm thinking we'll just take a break next cycle and wait to do clomid/IUI in January. Have fun tonight!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1323467780|3078116 said:
Stupid FRER is yelling at me from my purse. I may have to pee on it to get it to shut up...

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

jen, I'm so sorry to hear the bad news about the SA. Big hugs. I hope you find a great RE who can help. I totally understand your desire to keep your distance a bit. This can be a pretty overwhelming process for anyone, but it's so much harder when things don't come easily. How is your DH taking things?

Lizzy, thanks for chiming in with the abstinence time frame. I knew there was some window of time that was too short, but also one that was too long.
I'm so glad to hear you're doing well (sorry about the nausea, though) & am so, so happy your little bean is growing away! You are indeed an inspiration. :halo:

MP, I'm so sorry about the CM & impending AF. Hugs. It really isn't fair that it's so easy for some people & so difficult for others. Your time will come, though, & you're going to make a wonderful mom. ::)

tammy, that's odd about the EWCM. I hope it's a positive sign & AF stays far away! Have a great time tonight!

AFM, the nurse in my RE's office called back to say we were a-ok for the weekend. I have the ultrasound on Monday, but she said I probably wouldn't be ready to trigger yet at that point. I was a little surprised to hear this as the nurse I saw for my first ultrasound said I should be ready to go on Monday, but that did seem a little soon to me. I guess I'll just have to wait & see.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BFN, pretty sure it's just pre-AF. I don't see how I could get an inaccurate result at 11DPO with all the stuff going on in there. I'm stepping away from the tests for this cycle and enjoying my wine tonight guilt free.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1323470881|3078139 said:
Lizzy, I'm 11DPO, and AF is expected tomorrow or Sunday. I just wish knew that it is possible for me to get pregnant :(( I agree with Tammy that you are an inspiration. So happy to hear you are doing well. I'm sure nausea is something you will gladly put up with it if it means a healthy bean!

Tammy, I tend to get EWCM before AF, but everybody is different and CM is supposedly not a reliable indicator. As to your question, the NP had recommended more clomid and an IUI next cycle, but as I've mentioned before, I'll be out of town around O time, so that's not happening. I'm thinking we'll just take a break next cycle and wait to do clomid/IUI in January. Have fun tonight!

MP, sorry your getting pre-AF signs. If timing doesn't work out for IUI/Clomid next month, then you should totally take a month off. Regroup, take a vacation, focus on finding another job. Just take a breather, you know? Now, just remind me...all of your testing - bloodwork, HSG, ultrasounds have shown no red flags right? But your DH's semen analysis showed a couple small issues right? I feel really strongly that IUI will help you. It will get those swimmers to the right place at the right time, plus you will hopefully O 2-3 eggs which will up your chances. I'm sorry it has been a long road for you. But I will tell you that when it does happen, you will take nothing for granted, and that little person will be so special. Sometimes a long bumpy road gives you clarity. Hugs my friend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for the last couple of days...this place is hopping!

Congrats to Megumic and AMC! :appl: :appl: :appl:

I'm CD 4 today. AF showed upThursday evening. I think this cycle I'm going to stop temping after I get my 3 high temps after O. It's making me too crazy and obsessive, and I can't see anything good coming from it. I would stop temping all together, but I paid for 3 months of FF, so I might as well use it.

I had the last couple of days off, so I used the time to get some Christmas shopping done and clean the house. And by clean, I mean getting rid of stuff and just generally decluttering my life. I boxed up a lot of stuff and put it into storage in the attic, and I went to Goodwill with a bunch of stuff too.

I broke down last month and asked my mom how long it took her to get pregnant, and she told me she had a feeling that we were trying, but that she doesn't know how long because people didn't try the way we try these days. My MIL also knows now that we are trying. Both of them said things to me that really were spot on this past week though. We started a kitchen remodel in May, and it ended up taking 6 months (yes, six !@%$*&^#@! months) to complete (and it's still not complete, but pretty close). Our lives and house were upside down for 6 months. My MIL said to me a couple of days ago "I know you well enough to know that you will not get pregnant until your life and house are settled back down." The next night, I was on the phone with my mom and she told me I needed to get my zen back lol and that I needed to declutter my life. So I took that literally and cleaned the sh*t out of my house. I'm not done yet, and don't plan on stopping until both our spare bedrooms are empty. I know it's not going to help me get pregnant, but it makes my brains feel better :))

I'll catch up with everyone in a few. Good luck to everyone still in the TWW!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lab work came back and my 16dpo beta was 390!!! We might just have a sticky baby after all!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies. Amc congrats on the beta! Prana I'm sorry about CD4, it's nice to see you back around though and the house cleaning sounds very therapeutic.

AFM it's CD1. Knew it was coming today when I had a huge temp drop. I had an 11 day LP vs last month's 9 day, so I'm pretty happy at least with that. :) I'm looking forward to trying again, looks like I'll be busy during the holiday break! :lol: I'm sorry that I was kind of a brat the past few days. :( I've decided to not even have tests in the house until at least 12 spo from now on!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1323566899|3078860 said:
Hi ladies. Amc congrats on the beta! Prana I'm sorry about CD4, it's nice to see you back around though and the house cleaning sounds very therapeutic.

AFM it's CD1. Knew it was coming today when I had a huge temp drop. I had an 11 day LP vs last month's 9 day, so I'm pretty happy at least with that. :) I'm looking forward to trying again, looks like I'll be busy during the holiday break! :lol: I'm sorry that I was kind of a brat the past few days. :( I've decided to not even have tests in the house until at least 12 spo from now on!!
Sounds like a good plan, Tammy. Having tests readily available is never a good thing.

I actually think that I'm done temping. I didn't tempt this morning, and frankly, it felt good :lol: I'm just going to fly by the seat of my pants this month. All this charting and TTC is consuming my life, and that's not healthy. So I'm taking a step back, and a step away from making a science experiment out of this whole thing, and I'm just going to let it be. I know I'm ovulating, I know through my ultrasound that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me, so I'm going to just go for a few months without worrying about temping and peeing on sticks. If nothing happens, we'll go back to the Dr's for some more testing. But that's it for me for now. I'll probably still lurk from time to time, and I wish everyone here good luck. I hope to see everyone in the JBP thread very soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, just know that we're all here cheering you along! I think it's a good idea to do what is best for you and if taking a step back makes sense, then definitely take that space. TTC can be so crazy, and sometimes I think we can make it harder and worse for each other b/c there is SO much to know and SO much to analyze that it makes us more nuts than we already are. I sincerely hope some time away from the TTC madness helps your soul and your heart feel good and that it turns up in a BFP! Have a fabulous holiday season lady -- come back when you're ready and we'll be here!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, Bright, no news from my ob on the genetic testing yet. I went in for my follow up ultrasound today and more blood work. I have a 24 (mm - I think) on the left and a 14 and an 11 on the right. The 24 I guess is ready and the other 2 not yet. The nurse said she thinks the doctor will want me to trigger tonight, but she will let me know after we get the blood test results back later today. I was not expecting this - I thought it was just a Clomid Challenge - no trigger shots. She showed me how to do the shot, and said the doctor doesn't like to waste cycles. I am not sure what DH is going to think about all this with the inlaws here for a couple more days. Good luck with your ultrasound today and trigger shot too.

Hi, Jen, sorry about the results of the latest SA. Good luck finding an RE. I know that with today's technology there is a lot they can do to help when there are morphology issues so be optimistic. You will get your BFP, you just need a little help from an RE.

Tammy, sorry AF showed up.

Hi, Lizzy! :wavey: Still sending positive thoughts for you and your sticky bean.

MP, Hi, how are you? I think you have a good plan for IUI next year - take it easy and enjoy the holidays.

Prana, hi, sorry about AF showing up, but I can see where you mom and MIL are coming from with things being out of sorts for you. I understand what you mean on the temping. Mine doesn't seem to be telling me much - a lot of fluctuations.

AMC, congrats on your beta!

Meg, I'm so happy you got your BFP and I am pulling for you. BTW, my thyroid/TSH results came back at 1.7 so I do not need to start medicine. The doctor said to call though and come in for more blood work as soon as I do get pregnant, as I likely will need the medication during pregnancy. One less thing to worry about for now.

AFM, I went to the RE today for more blood work and an ultrasound and my follicles are ripening/getting ready to drop an egg or follicle is ready (24) and the other two not yet (11 and 14). The nurse is going to call me later with the blood test results and possibly I will give myself a trigger shot tonight (OUCH!). If, DH is willing to BD with his parents in the house - otherwise, I guess we'll wait 2 days and try this on our own this cycle without the trigger shot. I am fine either way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, sorry about AF :(

Anxiously awaiting my second beta draw....
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

(Dual posting in this thread and JBP)-

Beta at 19DPO is 1343, a doubling time of 36.44 hours!!!


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats amc, I’m very happy to hear that things seem to be progressing just right this time!

Prana, so sorry that last cycle didn’t pan out for you. I think you’ve got a great attitude going forward. I stopped temping for the very reasons you gave. Once you are able to read your signs, the temping just doesn’t add that much value and causes more stress and obsession. I do hope that your time is coming soon though. Any word on SIL? Maybe she will lead the way for you!

Tammy, sorry about AF. I think we all go a little crazy and can convince ourselves everything is a pregnancy sign the first couple months of TTC and get impatient to test. The lucky few get their BFP right away and never have to leave that phase. But for the rest of us, I think you just learn to lower your expectations and be a little more patient to protect yourself. I do think good things are going to happen for you soon!

Lizzy, thanks for your kind words. I do hope that clomid/IUI will help us address any minor issues that are preventing us from getting a BFP. You’re right that none of our tests results have come back with any real red flags yet. DH had one count that was borderline low, but unfortunately, my NP didn’t have DH’s results scanned in yet when we last spoke, so she couldn’t remember, but she though DH might have a borderline motility issue. I’m going to get to the bottom of that next time we speak. Hope you and Baby #2 are doing well!

Bright, I’m anxiously awaiting your ultrasound results! Let us know what you find out about your follies!

AFM, I hesitate to post this because I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea or tell me test, but I’m 14DPO and still awaiting AF. I can definitely tell it is on the way at any moment (thinking I might get worse cramps than usual), and I’ve had staining/spotting on and off since Saturday. It just hasn’t arrived in full force yet. I’ve read that clomid can increase your LP sometimes due to the increase in progesterone, so I’m thinking that is what is happening. At any rate, I'm ready to get this show on the road and be on to a new cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, I remember Lizzy had a longer LP when she was on Clomid so that very well might be what's going on. I don't want to pressure you to test, but there's always the possibility that you're KTFU though. In any rate, I'm still going to sending happy thoughts your way. Figure it can't do any harm, right? Feel free to test when you're ready to, but if you get any good news we better see some pictures! You've got a bunch of friends rooting for you :)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC congrats on your super beta number!

MP, my thoughts are with you. I am glad you are optimistic about your Clomid/IUI cycle coming up, and I'm cautiously optimistic that 14 DPO may be a good sign.

Bright, any news on your visit to the doctor today?

AFM, I got the call that my doctor wants me to trigger tonight based on the follicle sizes and blood work results post Clomid Challenge. So, just got back from picking up my syringe - it's Ovidrel. DH says we can BD in stealth mode with his parents in the house - should be interesting. I am very averse to needles, so hopefully DH can give me the shot. I think I can do it, but I know when I see the needle I'm going to panic. I will have to think of the end result to get me through it. Wish me luck, ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats AMC that's a great number! What a great wedding present : )

Question for the BTDT ladies - about how long does the HSG take? Im trying to figure out what else I can get taken care of that day when I'm way up on the other side of town. My appt is at 3 so I'm thinking I jsut might get out in time to get at least one other big errand done before it gets too late. I suppose there's the traffic factor there too, if I stay on that side of town much later than 4, I probably won't end up getting home till 6! Just curious as well as to how long the whole operation can take.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, wow, I have a little case of follie envy! 24mm sounds great! I think that's fantastic news that you're moving ahead with this cycle! Good luck with the Ovidrel shot (that's the one I'm doing too.) If your DH can do it for you, that might be the way to go. It goes into fat, not muscle, right? I think mine is going to do my shot for me too. That is a bit awkward to BD while your in laws are in town, though, but I'm sure they'd be 100% on board if they knew grandbabbies could be involved. :naughty:

I hope you get the other test results back soon & am so excited for this cycle for you! Hoping your juicy follie ends up being the one! (Does your RE think the others will ovulate as well? I'm not sure how this all works yet.) Good luck & let us know how it goes!

Lizzy, I hope you're feeling well. Still super excited for you, dear. :D

amc, looks like your little bean is already an overachiever! Yay! :appl:
Very glad to hear all is growing on (or ahead of) schedule!

Tammy, so sorry about AF. :nono: I'm glad your LP is lengthening, though. Early testing can definitely cause more stress than good.
tammy77|1323566899|3078860 said:
I'm looking forward to trying again, looks like I'll be busy during the holiday break! quote]

Hee hee...I think you're always pretty busy. :naughty: I hope you wind up with a Christmas baby!

rach, I guess the wait time for the HSG could vary, but the actual procedure was very quick. Not very different than a pap. I had to take a pregnancy test when I got there, read & sign some forms & get a counsel from the doc before the procedure, then the procedure itself (a few minutes) & they told me what they saw & I was on my way. Remember to take some pain meds beforehand (I took 4 advil).

Prana, so sorry AF showed. :angryfire: I think your MIL might have a point about it being hard to conceive when your environment is still so unsettled. I hope your nest is peaceful & organized soon & that you have a BFP in your future very soon! If the temping is doing more harm than good, you're definitely smart to take a step back from the process. We'll miss seeing you around these parts as frequently, but hope you come back to share good news very soon (both your own & your SIL's!)

MP, I will be very quietly optimistic for you & wouldn't dare ask you to test. :saint: Hoping that AF stays away & rooting for you big time!

afm, I had my ultrasound today & I have 4 follicles in the 12-13mm range. (Can't remember the exact numbers. I would've written them down, but wasn't exactly in the position to do so!) I'm not sure it this is a good number or not, but my RE seemed pleased, especially considering I was on a relatively low dose of Clomid at 50mg. He said I was responding well, but they're not ready yet. I'm coming in again for another ultrasound on Thursday & if I'm ready then, I'll trigger Thursday night & do an IUI on both Friday & Saturday mornings. I hope it goes according to schedule as I'm supposed to leave for the holidays on Tuesday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jgator, sounds like you have a nice follicle ready to go! The anxiety leading up to giving myself the trigger shot was worse than the actual shot. I just pinched some fat on my belly and gave myself the shot. It didn't even hurt. Good luck tonight and keep us posted. Are you doing an IUI or just BD?

Brightspot, wow 4!!! I believe they want them around 18-20+ for when you give yourself the trigger so I bet you'll be ready to go on Thursday. And yes, the trigger goes in a fatty area. I always did my shots in my belly as it was easy to pinch some fat there and easy for me to see it and give myself the shot. it's really not bad at all.

missrachel, the HSG itself didn't take long. As long as they aren't backed up I bet you'll be able to run your other errands.

MP, like LC said my cycle was lengthened when I was on Clomid. I can't remember by how many days but enough to have me scratching my head. That's why I mentioned to you that it is possible you may end up being in town for an iui next cycle instead of waiting for another cycle after the holidays. Good luck and keep us posted!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1323740241|3080161 said:
Brightspot, wow 4!!! I believe they want them around 18-20+ for when you give yourself the trigger so I bet you'll be ready to go on Thursday. And yes, the trigger goes in a fatty area. I always did my shots in my belly as it was easy to pinch some fat there and easy for me to see it and give myself the shot. it's really not bad at all.

Is 4 good? I really didn't know what to expect, but am hoping this whole thing goes well. (Though, not too well.... :errrr: ) That would be great if I could have everything done by the weekend so that I could focus on holiday plans after that.

Thanks so much for the feedback & advice on the shot. I wish I could say I had no belly fat to pinch, though that's definitely not the case. :tongue: Please keep the good vibes coming!

MP, sending good vibes your way...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BrightSpot|1323742905|3080188 said:
lizzyann|1323740241|3080161 said:
Brightspot, wow 4!!! I believe they want them around 18-20+ for when you give yourself the trigger so I bet you'll be ready to go on Thursday. And yes, the trigger goes in a fatty area. I always did my shots in my belly as it was easy to pinch some fat there and easy for me to see it and give myself the shot. it's really not bad at all.

Is 4 good? I really didn't know what to expect, but am hoping this whole thing goes well. (Though, not too well.... :errrr: ) That would be great if I could have everything done by the weekend so that I could focus on holiday plans after that.

Thanks so much for the feedback & advice on the shot. I wish I could say I had no belly fat to pinch, though that's definitely not the case. :tongue: Please keep the good vibes coming!

MP, sending good vibes your way...

4 is really good Bright! You may find that 2 end up leading the pack by Thursday. So you may end up ovulating less than 4, but 4 is definitely great for leading follicles. I had 2-3 leading follicles on my first u/s when on Clomid, then on my second u/s they believed of the three, only two would actually release eggs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Morning Ladies!

Bright and JGator, good luck this week!!! Sending super stealth dust to you, JG! :lol: Bright, your comment made me :oops: but I will say not much going on this week at least! I told DH that he can have more fun time than usual though in about 2 weeks to make up for it. :Up_to_something: MP, how are you doing my dear? Thinking positive thoughts for you!

Prana, Missrachel, and anyone that I missed, hope you have a great Tuesday!

AFM: I'm at my most mellow part of my cycle I think. I've found that from about CD2 to CD 10ish I couldn't care less about tracking, etc. but once I get about a week from O things start getting obsessive again. I obsess about when I'm going to O, then I obsess and symptom spot until I realize that AF is coming, then I obsess about when exactly it will show up. :rolleyes: It's interesting! I've also come to the conclusion that I'm really okay with last cycle turning out like it did. I know we've just begun this journey and on a personal level, I really am glad that our baby won't have an August birthday (long story). Another fun thing is that we get to try around Christmas, which is just magical, and I can indulge in a NYE cocktail (in moderation, of course). So all is not lost. ;) This month all bets are off though!!! I'm starting to think that it might not be a bad thing, up to a certain point, for it to take more than a month or two (at least for me). The more months that go by, the less worried I am about being ready and the more I REALLY want to have a baby. I think that's a good thing, for now. I can't help but worry though that something might be wrong with me/us. I know it's early, I know it's silly because it's only been a month really...but still, it's there, nagging at me and I know it won't fully go away until I get that BFP.

As a side note, it's so much quieter around here. ;( : I miss all of our recent graduates, but I'm SO happy for all of them! I just can't wait to join them. ;)