
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, how did the trigger go? The countdown is on for some stealth BD'ing :naughty: Awkward but so worth it!

Bright, yay for 4 follies! I hope a couple of them take off by Thursday so the timing works out right for your IUI!

Tammy, way to see the silver lining in your BFN. You're right that a few months in the grand scheme of things isn't the end of the world. Hoping you get your little Christmas miracle. And I'm glad that you didn't get an August baby afterall :) For the past few months I've really been hoping I would get a summer time baby because my mom and sisters are teachers, and it would have been nice for them to be off from work around the time baby was born. August was my last shot, but God has other plans for me I guess :((

Lizzy, thanks for chiming in. I do remember you mentioning the longer cycle now that you say that. Unfortunately, I don't think my cycle held off long enough to make a difference for IUI timing,

AFM, thanks for all the positive thoughts. Like I said, I've been spotting/staining on and off for three days, so I knew it was "when" not "if" AF was going to show, but it appears AF is FINALLY going to make an appearance today. Talk about being fashionably late. I still don't think we'll be able to do an IUI this cycle because it's too hard to say when I would be ready for the trigger and if I would be back in time to get monitored and get the trigger. I put a call in for my NP to see what she recommends. Onward and upward.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MissR, good luck with the HSG. I haven't had that test yet.

Bright, I'm sure your 4 follicles will be in great shape on Thursday for your next ultrasound. Sounds very promising! I hope my 24 was still there for the trigger - I know that's on the ripe side so we'll see what happens. I had my DH give me the injection. I pinched the fat and looked away, and he did it. It wasn't bad at all. The nurse told me to take the injection out of the refrigerator 10 minutes before the to reduce the sting/coldness. I left another message with a nurse today to tell my ob to give me the darn genetic results already. She said she would hand carry the note to the doctor who was in with a patient. Not holding my breath over here!

Lizzy, thanks for your encouragement on the trigger shot. You are brave to do it yourself. I had DH do it. We are not doing IUI yet. I actually was only expecting a Clomid Challenge without the trigger as we are in the early testing phases at the RE. But, the doctor suggested the trigger after my follow up ultrasound at CD 12 - hopefully, this will work.

Tammy, thanks for the stealth dust. It sounds like you are in a good place about accepting that you will get your BFP when it's meant to be. Hopefully, that is sooner than later for you though! Enjoy the holidays while you can!

MP, the trigger was not too bad. Very awkward BD situation. The in-laws are leaving tomorrow AM so not too much longer of this craziness! Sorry about AF again. It sounds like you are in a good place attitude wise and looking forward to next cycle when you do your IUI. Hope you have a fun holiday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, thanks for the tips on the injection. That's really helpful! I didn't know that taking it out of the fridge 10 minutes before would help reduce the pain.
I'm so irritated that you haven't gotten the test results back! Darned OB... :angryfire: I hope you get the info soon.
Good luck with your stealth BD-ing & enjoy the rest of your in-law's visit. Very hopeful that this is your month, lady!

Lizzy, thanks for the reassurance on the follies! As much as I research the heck out of stuff, I haven't done much on IUI, so it's really helpful to hear about your experience. Maybe that's better if I don't ovulate all 4. That might be a bit much...
I guess they don't really know how many actually ovulate, though, do they?

tammy, hee hee.....didn't mean to make you :oops: . Can you send some of your mojo my way? :naughty: Between the hair loss & the metformin stomach issues, I haven't been feeling myself lately. I'm with you on enjoying the non-obsessive part of the cycle. I think that would be pretty special to get KU around Christmas. Here's hoping it happens to a lot of us around here!

MP, yeah, I really hope the timing works out ok. I don't know what I'll do if's delayed so that it interferes with our holiday travel. :eek:
I'm so, so sorry AF is here. How horribly disappointing. Big hugs. Let me know what your NP says to do moving forward. Could you still do the clomid this next cycle without IUI?

afm, I met a new friend today. I was chatting with someone on a pcos message board & turns out she & I live in the same neighborhood, so we met for coffee. She was a sweetheart & it was really nice to be able to talk to someone IRL who is going through the same thing. And she just found out today that she's PG! (apparently she was only trying for a couple months, but went right on femara because of the pcos). Here's hoping she got some of her pregnancy germs on me. :tongue:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, The ob called me back finally today. The miscarriage was due to full Trisomy 9 which means the 9th chromosome had 3 chromosomes instead of 2. She said the condition is genetic and was there at conception and babies with this condition typically do not survive past the first trimester. So, we have some information. I will let our RE know and see what he has to say. But, from what I have read on line so far, it does not mean that if we get pregnant again, we will have the same condition.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1323835862|3081208 said:
Bright, The ob called me back finally today. The miscarriage was due to full Trisomy 9 which means the 9th chromosome had 3 chromosomes instead of 2. She said the condition is genetic and was there at conception and babies with this condition typically do not survive past the first trimester. So, we have some information. I will let our RE know and see what he has to say. But, from what I have read on line so far, it does not mean that if we get pregnant again, we will have the same condition.

Wow. I will be interested to see what that means in what are the chances it happens again, how to avoid it (if possible), etc. How do you feel about having this information?

I also wanted to say yay about your thyroid! That pesky little glad is responsible for so much and goes haywire so often! Glad to hear it's doing its job!

Pulling for you JGator...hoping your sticky BFP comes around soon lady.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Meg, I am okay with it for now. I know I will be more worried when I do get pregnant and super cautious until I get past the first trimester. We were going to do CVS with this pregnancy at 12 weeks, but the MC happened 2 weeks earlier. I don't think there is anything we can do to avoid it again - other than maybe IVF with the genetic testing of the embryos, but my RE already told us that a lot of times the pre-implantation testing actually harms embryos. The ob said that our odds of having a chromosome issue again are higher since we had this one, but it could be something with any of the 23 chromosome pairs. I think Trisomy 9 is pretty rare from what I have gathered so far. And, if the baby had partial or mosaic Trisomy 9, it might have lived with complications, but full Trisomy 9 babies usually don't survive past the first trimester.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, well, I’m glad that you finally got the results of the test. I can’t believe it took that long, especially after she initially told you to wait to try until you got the results. That's just awful. Anyway, I hope it is at least of some comfort to you to know that the baby’s condition was incompatible with life and that there was nothing you could have done differently. You always hear that many early miscarriages are a result of genetic abnormalities, so I wonder if this condition is underreported. Hopefully it was just an unfortunate fluke that won’t be repeated. In any event, I really hope that you get a healthy, sticky BFP shortly. You were able to get pregnant on your own before, so hopefully the clomid will give you just a little extra boost to make it happen again. Maybe as I’m writing this?!

Bright, that’s great you were able to talk to someone who knows a bit about what you are going through. I have high hopes for you, and will be closely following your story in the next few days.

AFM, my NP wants me to take 50 mg of clomid this cycle and to come in for an ultrasound next Friday morning before we leave town to decide how to proceed. I guess I feel better that we are at least going to be doing something this cycle, and there’s an off chance that ovulation will hold off long enough to do an IUI, although I’m not holding my breath. Does anybody know if ovulation is later if you take clomid on 5-9 versus 3-7? I’m thinking about asking to move it back to days 5-9 for that reason. . . .
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, I'm sorry to hear that. I know a m/c is never a good thing and I know it's devastating no matter what, but take some comfort in the fact that your body took care of something that was incompatible with life. I had a similar situation with the pregnancy before this one, but in my case my body did not miscarry. When we did the testing we found we had one of the trisomies and other issues that made the baby incompatible with life. However, we had to make the beyond difficult and heart-breaking decision to terminate. It was one of the worst things I've ever endured. Believe me that I was so so so worried going into this pregnancy. It took me a long time to be able to try again. My doctor said that it was a spontaneous genetic mutation that occurred at conception and there is nothing I can do or could have done to prevent it. In my case, all 3 of my doctors insisted that my odds of this occuring again were not higher with a subsequent pregnancy. I still had the same odds, and in my case because I am older that could have been a factor, but they were quick to say that it did not mean it was more likely that it would happen again. I find that hard to believe, but I needed to hear that to try again. Anyways, the happy news is that I did get pregnant again, and we did do the CVS at 12 weeks this time and ALL IS PERFECT. I will tell you that the weeks until that test were not easy ones. I worried every single day, all day. I *felt* like everything would be ok, but I just couldn't logically believe that it wouldn't happen again. Longest 7 weeks of my life. But totally worth it. Anyways, I hope this gives you some comfort that you will get pregnant again and this time with a healthy bean. If you have any questions or need some hand-holding later on, I'll be here.

I know this topic is controversial and I know that many women on here have been hoping to get pregnant for a very long time, so I hope this story does not make it worse. I know many people would not choose to terminate, but I hope everyone understands that it is an intensely personal decision, and you never know what you will do until you are faced with it. I still struggle with it and probably always will.

Ok, someone chime in with some happy news now!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, thanks for your well wishes. I am hoping that we get a BFP this time around - we should know in about 2 weeks. I took 100MG of Clomid starting on CD 3 for 5 days and I had a ripe follicle on CD 12 (which is early for me to O) so I think CD 5 should be good for you.

China, thanks for your well wishes and support. Your story makes me hopeful for a better outcome next time. I am glad that I did not have to make the decision that you did. We were planning to do the CVS as I am 40 and my sister has a son with Down Syndrome. After knowing the cause of this miscarriage, we will definitely do the CVS next time even though after going through a D&C with the MC the thought of going through that again is devastating.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, I'm glad you finally got the results back. (I still can't believe it took so long!) This is definitely sobering news, but good that you have this information so you know to have the CVS done next time around. I'm so glad China shared her story with you & hope that this was a fluke for you too & that you end up with a healthy, sticky bean very soon. (preferably in 2 weeks!) Have you decided when you're going to test? I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this & hope it's smooth sailing for you from here on out. Big hugs to you.

China, thank you for sharing your story. What a horrible decision to have to make. I'm so sorry you had to endure so much pain. I can imagine you must've been on pins & needles through your first trimester, but what a wonderful relief that everything is a ok with your little bean! Big hugs to you too.

MP, I'm glad you're going to be able to at least do a higher dose of clomid this cycle & maybe even an IUI. I did clomid at 50mg from CD 4-8 (I didn't even know what was an option!) & will be on CD15 tomorrow, when my RE is hoping I'll be ready to go. I usually O very late (CD20+), so perhaps I'm still even on the later end of things. I don't know. I would think that switching to CD 5-9 might give you a better shot at doing IUI this month, though. (Just found this online: a woman taking Clomid on days 5-9 will often ovulate on about day 16-20 of the cycle.) Really hoping you get a holiday BFP, lady!

Hi to everyone else! :wavey:

AFM, not much to report here. I have my ultrasound tomorrow morning to check on the follies & see if I'm ready to trigger & do IUI. I'm excited & nervous & really hoping this works. Poor DH threw his back out, so I guess it's good that we have a less athletic option to TTC this month. ;)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

China, I agree that is a heart-wrenching situation, and I’m sorry you had to go through it. I’m even more thrilled for you than I was before that everything came back normal with this baby.

JGator and Bright, thanks for the info. Wishing you both a lot of luck!

I researched my clomid question a bit today, and there really is no clear answer as to why certain doctors prescribe clomid for certain cycle days. It looks like it can vary from starting on CD1 to starting on CD6. From what I can tell, CD3-7 and CD5-9 are the most common. If you take it CD3-7, you are more likely to produce more follicles, but not necessarily higher quality, and CD5-9 is more likely to produce fewer follicles (usually one or two) but of higher quality. I took 25 mg last cycle on days 3-7, and I got a positive OPK on CD13, and I think I ovulated on CD14. I’m considering just splitting the difference and starting on CD4, but I'll probably just ovulate when I'm going to ovulate regardless. I should be back from vacation on the CD13, so that way I could maybe go in on CD14 for another ultrasound if I haven’t already gotten a positive OPK.

Hi to everyone else who is still lurking!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys,

Just a quick hello. I am on a busy streak again, and I am also taking my insomnia head on. That means no internet an hour before bed or staying up on the internet if I can't sleep. That is when I usually post on PS :errrr: .

Kind of a dower day for me. I did not match into the fellowship I was applying for and AF decided to come visit. I also got dotted cross hairs on FF because my OPK and temps did not match.

Hoping next month is better.

I will try to reply to all of you this weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1323907314|3081711 said:
China, I agree that is a heart-wrenching situation, and I’m sorry you had to go through it. I’m even more thrilled for you than I was before that everything came back normal with this baby.

JGator and Bright, thanks for the info. Wishing you both a lot of luck!

I researched my clomid question a bit today, and there really is no clear answer as to why certain doctors prescribe clomid for certain cycle days. It looks like it can vary from starting on CD1 to starting on CD6. From what I can tell, CD3-7 and CD5-9 are the most common. If you take it CD3-7, you are more likely to produce more follicles, but not necessarily higher quality, and CD5-9 is more likely to produce fewer follicles (usually one or two) but of higher quality. I took 25 mg last cycle on days 3-7, and I got a positive OPK on CD13, and I think I ovulated on CD14. I’m considering just splitting the difference and starting on CD4, but I'll probably just ovulate when I'm going to ovulate regardless. I should be back from vacation on the CD13, so that way I could maybe go in on CD14 for another ultrasound if I haven’t already gotten a positive OPK.

Hi to everyone else who is still lurking!

Just delurking to say my gyn always had me do Clomid on CD 4-8. I'm sure it'll be fine if you start on that day - you might just ovulate a day or two later, if anything.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Just popping in to say that my SIL is pregnant!!! She had her first appointment since her transfer, and her level was 150, which they said was high for how far along she is (they're saying 2 weeks or so).

I was on edge waiting for their phone call today, but she is, indeed pregnant. With a high possibility of twins! She told me that when they called my mom, she had to pull over on the side of the highway because she was crying. And when they told her mom, she started crying in the middle of Sears hahaha.

It's been a long journey for them, about 6 years, so hopefully others who have been trying a while will find hope.

And I'm just praying for sticky velcro superglue babies for them!!

I miss you ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, that's interesting about the follicular development with clomid taken on different cycle days. I think splitting the difference & doing CD 4-8 sounds like a good plan. You might even be back in time for an IUI!

LtlFirecracker, I'm so sorry you had a rough day. That's pretty rude of AF to show up, on top of the bad news on the work front. Hugs to you. Do you have any other fellowship possibilities? I hope next month is better for you as well & that you're feeling better today. Looking forward to catching up.

Prana, that's fantastic news for your SIL!! Congrats to her (and you, auntie Prana!) :appl: I hope it's twins (and, following your law of "3's," that you have a LO on the way very soon to join! Sounds like they will be great parents. ::) We miss you too, lady.

JGator, hugs to you. Hope you're feeling better. How is the news settling?

AFM, I had my ultrasound this morning & I'm down to 2 follies on the left ovary--one at 17.5 & one at 13.5mm. My endometrium was at 11. My RE said that one of the follies (the larger one) looked really great, but he said I might only ovulate one, which is a little disappointing. (Lizzy, I'm glad you prepared me for the idea of having fewer follies today or I would've been really disappointed!) It's not that I necessarily want twins (though I probably wouldn't mind it...) but the idea of more than one target was appealing. So I have to do the trigger shot tomorrow night, not tonight, and will go in for an IUI on both Saturday & Sunday mornings. That's nice that DH will be able to join me, though, and that we'll definitely be finished before Tuesday, when we leave for the holidays.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Girls,

Bright, just wanted to say good luck and I'm glad that the timing all worked out for you with the holidays. Prana, we miss you too! So happy for your SIL. :)) At the risk of sounding cliche, you're up next! Ltl, sorry about the timing issues, sounds frustrating. :nono:

AFM: I've had a pretty crap few days which have lead to today being just awful. It's a long, personal story I don't really feel up to sharing, but suffice to say I think I need to take a break from ttc/"ntnp" for at least one cycle, maybe a few more to re-evaluate the situation. As much as I'd like to have a baby with my DH, I'm not sure he's up for it. Maybe it's just the holidays adding stress to both of us, but I can't fathom the idea of adding a baby to the mix with as difficult as the last several days have been. :(sad Anyhow, maybe everything will turn out okay, I just feel like I have something akin to cold feet before getting married and I can't ignore it. So please forgive me for being scarce for a while, it doesn't mean I don't wish the best for all of you. :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brightspot - Thank you. I have 2 work situations I am not happy about right now. I live in the middle of nowhere and I want to specialize. I am hoping to get published soon, and once that happens I will be more competitive for fellowship, so maybe in a couple years. Today was much better. I have some job offers, so hopefully I will be able to move this summer. Looks like you are on track to an IUI, I am wishing you luck.

JGator - I am glad you got your results back, and while a genetic problem is always hard, you do have an answer. Many women who loose a baby never know why. I am too hoping those results were just a one time deal, as they typically are.

Sha - good luck with the clomid

Prana - I am so happy for your SIL, it is always nice to hear happy endings when people have been struggling for years. And congratulations to you!

tammy77 - sounds like you are going though a hard time. I really hope you guys are able to work things out. The holidays can a really stressful time of year.

MP - I am glad you have a plan in place. It sounds like timing may be an issue, but I am still holding out for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, ugh, that darn AF just adds insult to injury sometimes. I can relate - I’ve mentioned my work challenges here before, and AF also came for me on a challenging day work-wise this week. It’s just so hard when things are not going as you’d like professionally and then you have to deal with fertility challenges at the same time. But it sounds like you have some other options work-wise, and I hope you find the right opportunity for you. I also hope you have better luck with temping next month and you and DH are able to be together at the right time. Have you considered getting any testing done?

Tammy, so sorry you’ve had a rough few days. Wishing you all the best, and I’m hoping that you both get on the same page again soon. Maybe a break for the holidays will do you both some good and take away some of the stress/tension.

Bright, I understand why you’re a bit disappointed, but I’m happy to hear that you’ve got one leading follicle that looks great! Hopefully, that will be all it takes. Good luck with the trigger and the IUIs this weekend! Crossing my fingers for you, and I expect a full report! So, are they able to measure your endometrium from the ultrasound to check your follicles? I’m going to ask about that next time because I keep getting such short AFs that I sometimes wonder if I don’t have adequate lining, and I keep reading about how clomid can thin your lining. If you don’t count the minor spotting beforehand, mine was barely 2 days long this time and pretty light.

JGator, thinking of you and hoping you caught that egg!

Prana, YAY for your SIL! That’s is such a great story, and I’m so happy for your whole family. My sister struggled with infertility for awhile (only a year or so), but I remember how excited the entire family was when she finally got a sticky BFP. I really hope that you follow in your SIL's footsteps very soon.

AFM, I decided to start taking the clomid on CD4, so I will start tonight. I’m hoping that it will help me hold off an ovulating just long enough to do an IUI, but if not, we will just have to try it the old-fashioned way one more month. Random sidenote, my DH is such a saint. I got to work this morning and thought I had lost my cellphone because it wasn’t in my purse or pocket. I knew I had it when I walked out the door this morning, so I had him check all over the house, in the garage, in the garbage can (because I had taken a bag out before I left today), and driving up and down our neighborhood to see if I had put it on top of the car and it fell off the car enroute to work. It hadn’t. It was sitting in the front console of my car the whole time. Oops. I would have been so annoyed with him if the roles had been reversed! Today, I’m thankful for a patient husband!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prana, congrats to you Aunty and to your SIL. We missed you - hope you are back to posting. Your outlook is so positive and inspiring to us all.

Bright, congrats on having 2 solid follies. I think that will be all you need. Good luck on Saturday and Sunday. I will be thinking of you, and do keep us posted on how it goes.

Firecracker, sorry about your fellowship and work troubles. Good luck with finding the right opportunity in the right city.

MP, good luck with the Clomid. I hope the timing works for you this cycle for an IUI. If not, the Clomid may very well help you get pregnant the old fashioned way! Your hubby sounds like a saint and a keeper! You are very lucky as patience will come in handy when you get to be parents soon.

AFM, the genetic testing results are good to have finally. I am hopeful that it was a random occurrence and won't happen again to us. I was able to get a copy of the lab report from my ob, and I sent that to my RE via email. I saw on the report that it was a baby boy - knowing the sex is somehow comforting to me. I am going in to the RE on Monday for bloodwork to test my progesterone (and possibly to check my lining) which I think is good to check early on since I had low progesterone during the last pregnancy. And, then when I get back from Christmas vacation, I go back in again for a pregnancy test. Keep your fingers crossed for a BFP!

BTW, I found this fertility blog recently which helped explain a lot of infertility terms, procedures, etc. and I thought of many people on this board who are going down this path with REs. It had some good explanations that I found helpful.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP and LF, thank you for your kind comments. MP, that sounds like something I would do! :oops:

Christmas is a really rough time for me, I admit that. 99.99% of it is because of my parents, who are living but live for their pets vs living for their grandchildren and only child (me). It gets to me every year that goes by without them present. This year my mother got my hopes up and I spoke with my father for the first time in close to a year, then within 24 hours she recanted their plans to come this year (haven't seen them in close to 3 years at this point). It's a lot of pain and anxiety, and unfortunately it makes me second guess the actions of even the best person I know (my DH). It all came to a head yesterday and I was just spun out of control emotionally. I had a good long talk w/my DH last night after my mom called me to tell me about her epiphany that she had to stop doing X bad thing for the sake of her dog. Nevermind the fact that X bad thing cost her daughter $1200.00 a few years ago. Just, ugh.

Anyhow, the anger and frustration is correctly placed now and I have a lot more clarity. Magically, I feel entirely better about DH and I, except for feeling awful about being pretty difficult the last couple of days. :nono: Thankfully he's forgiving and understanding, or I'd be in hot water. :loopy: I'm still not entirely sure where we stand on the TTC front. DH says he doesn't want to prevent, and I have a feeling once I hit my fertile phase my last few shreds of willpower will fly out the window, so I may as well pull up a chair and stay a while if you guys are willing to overlook my occasional meltdowns too. :oops:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, hugs to you. Sorry you are feeling down about the holidays and your parents. You are welcome on this thread no matter what you decide to do with TTC now or later.

Bright, I found this set of videos on fertility drug injections - there is one for Ovidrel that should be helpful for you tonight. Good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies -

Had my HSG today and it went well. Very quick and really not that uncomfortable for more than a few seconds. It was done at a different office than my main office so I'll hear from my primary nurse once my doc reviews the pictures, but the nurse practitioner said that everything looks perfectly normal.

They gave me prophylactic antibiotics (only 2 tablets) but I'm considering not taking them. Actually I'm not taking the first dose and I may not take them at all. I'm really against antibiotics unless they are actually treating an infection, and this year has been a loooong process of getting my gut flora back from it being decimated by having surgery last year. Are there lots of antibiotics typically used in fertility treatments?

So the docs in the house - LTL can you hear me? Are the antibiotics really necessary? I feel like the risk of infection is incredibly small and I would really prefer not to take them. Doxycycline 100 mg, 2 tabs is what I was given. I know we cant do computer doctoring but I'd love some input.

Getting excited to be getting into the 'meaty' part of the cycle! I'm going to start using OPK's probably Sunday (CD11) have both cheapies and some of the digital smiley face ones. Does anyone else plan to do only opk's and not temping?

I'm off to an early bedtime, 2 really late nights at work and one super early start to get everything done today before I left at 2 have me beat! Hopefully I'll get up early - it's my favorite farmer's market's last week before a few months off for the winter.

Happy thoughts to everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Drive by post-1 iui down, 1 to go. The trigger shot was fine last night-I pinched & dh shot. I also lost almost no hair in the shower this am. Probably because of the hcg? Hoping my body is making lots of it soon. The iui was fine & no more unpleasant than a pap. We got to get the goods at home, so that was nice & less awkward than doing it in office. (my RE's office processes the sample on site). I didn't get follie or sample numbers but the doc said both looked good, which pleased me. So we do the same drill tomorrow am, then we wait. I also asked the doc about progesterone supplements since mine has been low in the past &, while he thought clomid would fix the low progesterone issue, he sent in an Rx for suppositories since he said it wouldn't do any harm.

I have to say I'm feeling more optimistic than I have in ages. Just hoping I'm not in for a disappointment. Please send me all the baby dust you can manage!!

I hope everyone's having a great weekend & I'll do a proper post to catch up with everyone soon. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm so glad that you're feeling more optimistic this cycle. Tons of baby dust heading your way, and good luck tomorrow too!!!

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend so far!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, so glad to hear that the first IUI went well and that you're feeling optimistic! I'm optimistic for you too! I hope tomorrow's IUI goes just as well!

Rachel, glad the HSG went well. I use OPKs but don't temp. I find it is far less stressful that way. Also, I was not given antibiotics after my HSG because my doctor didn't think they were necessary. I know a lot of people are prescribed them though.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP & S&I, thanks so much, ladies!!

Rach, glad your hsg went well. My ob gave me a full course of antibiotics starting the day before the hsg. I took them but don't know if they were absolutely necessary.

Hi to everyone else & more soon. (running around like crazy today)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sticky dust to you! I am cheering for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Major fertilization and sticky dust to you Bright! During the hsg I was wondering if it was similar to an iui would be.

I do have a little - what if? feelings about skipping the antibiotics, but I'm going to stick with my initial gut feeling that they are unnecessary. Overuse of antibiotics is so rampant and I believe that is the cause of a lot of our health problems.

I can't believe it's one week till Christmas! I have to get off right now and keep prepping for a little party I'm having tomorrow. Hoping to get a good opk this coming week and get in some good BD before my parents come on Friday.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1324168430|3083713 said:
Bright, sticky dust to you! I am cheering for you!

Thanks & ditto, JGator! :wink2: Also, I hope the clomid will help both of our progesterone levels (& get us KTFU!!) Have you tried the suppositories? I won't be able to get a progesterone test this month, but will be trying the suppositories. I'll let you know how it goes.
When are you planning to test? Fingers crossed for you!
Thanks for posting the drug videos, btw. It was really helpful.

Tammy, I'm so sorry you've been having a rough go lately. The holidays can be really stressful, especially if things are tough with family anyway. I hope you're feeling better & things with your folks get resolved. That sounds like a pretty painful situation. Hugs to you. I'm glad you had a good talk with your DH, though, and are feeling better about the situation at home. You're always welcomed here, TTC or not!

MP, yes, my doc was able to measure my lining via ultrasound (I have no idea how!) I really think the acupuncture has helped with my lining. A few months ago, my periods were very light & spotty too, but since I've started the acupuncture, they've been more like I remembered them from when I was younger. (also, less PMS) How's the clomid going? Are you still side effect free at the new dose?
That's frustrating about your cell phone, but good to know it was safe & sound in your car. Sometimes I think I get more irritated at things than my DH does too. Yay for patient husbands. :halo:

LtlFirecracker, thanks for the luck! I'm glad you're feeling better & have a plan to move forward on the work front. It sounds like you have several options available & hope you find the right one! Are you & your DH still far apart?

Rach, thanks for the dust! I found the IUI to be much easier than the HSG. The IUI was very similar to a pap in the discomfort factor. DH got to come in the room with me, which was kind of nice/kind of awkward.
Re: the antibiotics, not every doc prescribes them, so I get the feeling they are optional. How are you doing on the metformin? I hope it's agreeing with you.
Good luck with your party (have fun!) & hope you can get some BD in before your folks arrive. :naughty:

Hi to anyone I missed & hope everyone's having a great weekend!

AFM, DH & I had a fun salsa dance class tonight. I was feeling sorta frisky & told him if he played his cards right, I had something fun in mind involving him, me & a specimen cup. :Up_to_something:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, best of luck! A little baby rainbow is hopefully just around the corner!