
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1369244491|3451921 said:
aviastar|1369233392|3451802 said:
Meanwhile, Facebook has suggested I start following ClearBlue for tips, support, and info! WTH? That would be like announcing to the whole world we're TTC! :lol:

Ha, I got the same suggestion!

Where do these suggestions even come from? I have never posted about babies or TTC or pregnancy on FB, I don't visit TTC forums, sites, or boards (other than this one, which ostensibly is part of a DIAMOND forum), never Googled pregnancy tests or bought wandfos on Amazon...

FB is so creepy sometimes... :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1369244491|3451921 said:
aviastar|1369233392|3451802 said:
Meanwhile, Facebook has suggested I start following ClearBlue for tips, support, and info! WTH? That would be like announcing to the whole world we're TTC! :lol:

Ha, I got the same suggestion!

Where do these suggestions even come from? I have never posted about babies or TTC or pregnancy on FB, I don't visit TTC forums, sites, or boards (other than this one, which ostensibly is part of a DIAMOND forum), never Googled pregnancy tests or bought wandfos on Amazon...

FB is so creepy sometimes... :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1369247291|3451960 said:
amc80|1369244491|3451921 said:
aviastar|1369233392|3451802 said:
Meanwhile, Facebook has suggested I start following ClearBlue for tips, support, and info! WTH? That would be like announcing to the whole world we're TTC! :lol:

Ha, I got the same suggestion!

Where do these suggestions even come from? I have never posted about babies or TTC or pregnancy on FB, I don't visit TTC forums, sites, or boards (other than this one, which ostensibly is part of a DIAMOND forum), never Googled pregnancy tests or bought wandfos on Amazon...

FB is so creepy sometimes... :rolleyes:

I figured they probably used your cookies to see that you were married and a certain age (which is likely in your FB profile) and had recently searched for something related to TTC. If you have nothing in your search history, then that is kind of strange. I work for a digital ad agency and I'm still amazed at all the info they can glean for targeted ads.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, I'm sure there's something they found. I own a business and depend on the effectiveness of social media and digital marketing and sometimes I still want to delete all my accounts and live under a rock :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Temp still hovering around the same #'s, 7dpo today. No real symptoms of anything yet. CP is firm and closed (I'm terrible at the high/low position. Mine never seems to go "high" since giving birth. Not sure what that means) and CM is yellowish sticky/thick creamy at the cervix, mostly dry everywhere else. My LP is usually 10/11 days so I'm at the home stretch :shock:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, dust, dust, dust headed your way! I agree that pregnancy and labor/delivery has made any cervical monitoring much more difficult. I don't check regularly, but I can barely tell anymore if it is high/low, soft/hard or open/closed. It pretty much feels mushy and open all the time.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, it's been a few days, so I'm checking in for any news.

aviastar, are you just cruising this week--I think your plan was to possibly test the first week of June?

SS, did you end up ordering/picking up any OPKs? They are admittedly addictive once you start.

MP, you're at the end of your 2WW, right? I'm sure the time is flying by--I find that this time around, I don't even notice the waiting because time just flies by.

Did I miss anybody? If so, sorry!

AFM, CD14, no real sign of O, but I'm assuming it will happen some time this week. Made good use of the long, relaxing weekend--in fact, I wish that long, relaxing weekends and O-days would coincide because it's a much more fun way to go about getting pregnant. Now D and I are both back at our super-stressful jobs (and mine seems super duper stressful this week), so we may hit a dry spell until next weekend. I'm sure that means I'll ovulate on Thursday or something.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL, great minds think alike! I was just about to check in with Missy too. Glad to hear you made use of the weekend, but that's too bad you didn't ovulate right at the same time!

Missy, thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed!

AFM, I'm not quite sure whether it is officially CD1, but I've had enough spotting and other AF symptoms today to know it was not my month. I'm okay with it I think. I might get sad later on tonight. But in some ways, it takes a lot of pressure off and is liberating to realize that we will probably need to go back to receive fertility treatment, even though I wish it didn't have to be that way.

Best wishes for the rest of you this cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Nothing yet! I tested the last two 2 days and negative. My temp was going up until this morning, but I slept so much better while off for the long weekend and slept like crap last night. FF is saying tomorrow is my test date, I'll be 12dpo. No symptoms of anything besides being tired. I took two 2 hour naps yesterday haha.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy0483|1369766694|3455171 said:
Nothing yet! I tested the last two 2 days and negative. My temp was going up until this morning, but I slept so much better while off for the long weekend and slept like crap last night. FF is saying tomorrow is my test date, I'll be 12dpo. No symptoms of anything besides being tired. I took two 2 hour naps yesterday haha.

Missy, I slept so much the weekend before I got my BFP - just sayin'! Good luck!

Hi NEL and MP! Good luck to you ladies too! I have my annual exam tomorrow, so I'll be talking to my OB about removing my Mirena. But we probably won't be ready to start until end of this year or early next year. :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I - Oh don't you worry...I had that same thought in the back of my mind :lol:

I got my BFP at 12dpo last time, but I didn't test any other days prior to that. My beta level was pretty low when it was tested at 14dpo also, it was only like 44 I believe? Anyway...that was last time! We all know we can't compare because nothing is definite :rolleyes:

I'll be sure to update you ladies!
Does anyone watch the show Newlyweds- The First year? It's a show that follows four couples in their first year of marriage. One if the couples is TTC and decided to consult an OB because the wife is 35 and they didn't get pregnant in month #1. The OB tells then to do timed intercourse on day 12, 14, and 16. You know, since everyone ovulates on day 14. The wife made a BD calendar but the husband refuses to follow it. "You mean to tell me you only have these days each month to get pregnant? I don't think that's how it works." ::facepalm::

Anyway, OT but I thought I would share.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just for reference, my chart. That temp dip...please join in my craziness of me thinking that *could* have been implantation? Is 11dpo too late for that?

Missy0483 said:
Just for reference, my chart. That temp dip...please join in my craziness of me thinking that *could* have been implantation? Is 11dpo too late for that?

It could be, but implantation dips aren't very common. FWIW I had a big dip at 9DPO which was the same day as my BFP.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Can you girls see that??? Am I seeing things?

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I swear I see it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, if you're seeing things, then I am too. It's hard to tell, but I definitely see a little something there! Dust, dust, dust and more dust to you!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy I see it too, dust dust dust!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, Missy, I think there's something there! It's faint, but I think you would be safe to stay hopeful!

Sorry this wasn't your month MP- but I feel the same way you do- the anticipation and unknown are killer, once the path forward is clear I feel much better about just getting on with taking some action!

S&I, so would you take your Mirena out now? I thought one of the benefits to the lower, localized hormone dosage was that you would be ready to TTC immediately- is that right?

amc, ya gotta wonder if people on those shows are playing dumb for the camera. I mean, I can understand a guy who has been told his whole life that UNPROTECTED SEX=BABIES!!!! But it takes all of 30 seconds of googling to get past that. :rolleyes:

Thanks for checking in NEL- yup just cruisin along over in the avia household. If I have a normal 4 week cycle then AF would be due by this weekend, but I had a 5 week cycle last time, for whatever reason (just off BC/that's my 'normal'/no idea). So if that is the case again this cycle, I wouldn't expect AF to show up for another week and a half. Geez, that seems like forever away! So, um, testing...I don't know, maybe not till I pass the 5 week mark, we'll see.

I am enjoying the fact that by this time in last cycle I had some AF symptoms and they just lasted, but I am totally symptom free right now and hoping that means my body is settling back into a routine after the BC. It's also just a lot more comfortable. Plus, (huge plus) the BC seems to have been responsible for the very stubborn 10 lbs I couldn't get rid of that I am now suddenly without!! YAY! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok I thought it was just me. I'll retest again tomorrow and let you know! Ahhh!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy I see it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tomorrow?! I'd be peeing on another one tonight for sure! Good luck!!!! :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh my gosh, Missy, I think we all see the faint line. I have no doubt it will be darker in the morning. Drink lots of water before bed so you wake up at 4am to test :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, I totally see it too! Eek! Test again tomorrow! Congrats mama!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

This is a Wondfo from tonight, still verrrrry light. Not sure you can even see it on the pic! I need FMU, hurry up morning!!!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I can see that one too! FMU should hopefully be more definitive tomorrow, but it looks like you are preggers! Dust to you and can't wait for your update tomorrow!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Can't wait to see tomorrow's strips! Lots of dust!!

I did get the two month supply of CBE digitals. I just want an easy, non over analyzed answer if I'm ovulating or not. (Or at least getting LH spikes). Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm going by when AF really started, and not by the 5 days spotting when wiping before that. That would put me at CD 12. No smileys yet but I'm wasn't expecting them to for at least a few days. Still not going to get too worked up on TTC this month but whatever happens, happens. Next month it's game on though. :). It's amazing how less stressed I've been this last week with not being all worked up with whether or not I'm missing a CM sign or a twinge here or there (I'm still paying attention, just not worrying about timing out BD and everything. Easier said than done but I'm sure things would be a lot easier and faster if we didn't have to deal with the stress that we and everyone else put on ourselves. I finally am understanding how uncomfortable it is when people ask when we are having "the next one" and not knowing what to say. I used to be snarky to people I thought needed to mind their own business and say "as soon as people quit asking" (we weren't trying yet but the question annoyed me). Now that we are, and haven't been successful the first few times, it really hits a nerve and I don't know how to respond without actually saying, well we are but it's not working... And how is your day going? ... Awkward for all involved I'd say. I don't really want people to know we are TTC either, as I feel like people would just be watching the calendar, and watching if I order a drink whenever we go out or not.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Woohoo! I can see them both too! I can't wait for tomorrow's update. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Still about the same I believe. Still really faint. I need a FRER! Update later on when I can get to the store!!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Maybe you can see this one better? I am freaking out! Please be it!
