
The Official TTC Thread!

LC- it's a sucky place to be. Especially when things happened so quickly and easily the first time. It sounds like your body is back to normally so hopefully you're pregnant before you know it.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LP, did you test???

I got my beta back- 39 at 11DPO. Betabase tells me that average is 35, so I'm happy with it. Cautiously optimistic that this one will stick!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC :appl: Sounds like a good number. Hold on tight in there little bean! I'm cautiously optimistic for you too

LP, don't listen to the POAS-addict (no offense AMC ;)) ). Hold off until you're late or at least until AF is due. (Actually it's totally up to you. But I thought I'd be the devil on your other shoulder)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1401313366|3682000 said:
LP, don't listen to the POAS-addict (no offense AMC ;)) ). Hold off until you're late or at least until AF is due. (Actually it's totally up to you. But I thought I'd be the devil on your other shoulder)

Admitting I have a problem is the first step :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Amc, I'm also cautiously optimistic for you! Stick little bean!

LP...excited to hear whenever you decide to test :) fingers crossed! are you feeling today?

Afm...nothing, waiting.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1401315823|3682033 said:
lliang_chi|1401313366|3682000 said:
LP, don't listen to the POAS-addict (no offense AMC ;)) ). Hold off until you're late or at least until AF is due. (Actually it's totally up to you. But I thought I'd be the devil on your other shoulder)

Admitting I have a problem is the first step :)

LOL, where's the like button. And we all have the same problem :) I POAS like crazy once I get that BFP.

Marlie, Thanks for asking about me. TTC is really an exercise in patience, sometimes it's hard to be zen about things. And I've been enjoying my wine and started an unusual habit of drinking coffee in the PM at work. Mostly because I get sleepy and need to stay awake.

I'm feeling good enough I guess. Just plugging along. Had some significant EWCM today so contemplating hitting up DH for some action tonight and/or tomorrow. We're going to a friend's lake house for the weekend so if we dont' et some BDing in before tomorrow, we'd have to wait until Sunday night when we get back.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, POAS tonight and I'm pretty sure I'm out this cycle--BFN. Really, I'm not too disappointed. I had a lot going on this month between travel, being the MOH in a wedding, and running my marathon on Saturday. DH was a little sad, but we're looking forward to trying next cycle! :naughty:

Plus now I don't need to feel guilty for the really amazing wine and soft cheeses I had tonight. :bigsmile: Some amazing Champagne, a phenomenal 2005 Cornas, a rare Sauternes, and a 1903 Madeira. Yum!

AMC - So thrilled for you! That beta number sounds great!

Marlie - Hope the tww isn't too torturous.

LC - Have fun with the trying part of it! I'm sorry that you have to deal with long cycles--that must be really frustrating.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Awww, sorry LP :( Hopefully next month is your magic month.

I got my second beta results- 100! Doubling time was 35 hours. This one just might stick.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Woohoo AMC! Congrats, and yay for doubling betas this time! Tons of sticky dust to you!

I totally forgot to come back and report on my appt. When I went in for my first appt/ultrasound, all we saw was the gestational sac that measured 5w+3d. She later found the yolk sac when she was looking at different angles and checking my ovaries, fibroid, etc. she said to come back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound. This time, we found a baby with a heart rate of 159bpm measuring 7w+3d! She's keeping my LMP due date of 1/6 because the measurement was only 5 days behind, even though I know I Oed later than CD15. Oh, and since I'm the big 35 this year, she suggested the MaterniT21 test at 10w, so I'll get to find out the gender so early this time!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1401482971|3683420 said:
Woohoo AMC! Congrats, and yay for doubling betas this time! Tons of sticky dust to you!

I totally forgot to come back and report on my appt. When I went in for my first appt/ultrasound, all we saw was the gestational sac that measured 5w+3d. She later found the yolk sac when she was looking at different angles and checking my ovaries, fibroid, etc. she said to come back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound. This time, we found a baby with a heart rate of 159bpm measuring 7w+3d! She's keeping my LMP due date of 1/6 because the measurement was only 5 days behind, even though I know I Oed later than CD15. Oh, and since I'm the big 35 this year, she suggested the MaterniT21 test at 10w, so I'll get to find out the gender so early this time!

What great news! YAY! And don't you love how 35 is advanced maternal age? This baby will be born two months before I have to deal with that.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC, good luck for this cycle! I hope I am not stepping on your toes by saying this, but has anyone discussed the possibility of using clomiphene to induce more frequent cycles in you? You do have to be in it to win it, so to speak, and if your cycles are very long, some would think about induction in that situation.

AMC - congratulations! I have everything crossed for you that this is it. Hang in there!

S&I, squeeeeeee for good news!!!

Good luck to everyone, am still lurking here :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LP...sorry about the bfn. Seems like you are handling it ok which is great. Onward to the next cycle! Fingers crossed that the next one is it.

Amc...great numbers! So excited for you!

Afm...stilllll just waiting. 5dpo. Symptomless which I suppose is normal at this stage. Keep trying to remember how I felt during my first pregnancy at this point. We are moving over the next week or so which should be a good distraction for the rest of my TWW. Also, and not sure why, but I just don't feel optimistic this month. I was SURE last month that we got it and all my hopefulness was already used up. Hubby feels the same and he is Mr. Optimism. We are going on a family vacation June 13 for a few days so that will cheer me up a bit :)

Because if my move I may not be posting so much so I'll wish you all good luck for the next few days!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, I'm thrilled for you that your betas are doubling appropriately this time! Grow, baby, grow!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Amc, congratulations!! Your numbers look great this time! Sending tons of healthy, sticky dust your way.

S&I, just so thrilled for you too.

LC, I'm hoping you have a sticky bfp very soon. Hugs.

Cheering the rest of you ladies on as well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies!

Made it through my marathon this weekend! Now I can cross that one off the bucket list.

Still waiting for AF. Taking into account crossing the international date line, that puts me at CD 30, which is really long for me. I'll test again tomorrow, but I'm freaking out a bit because, since the test I took before I left was negative, I had a couple of drinks, ate raw oysters, had a cup of coffee, and took some ibuprofen post race (6 altogether over the course of a day), all preggo no-nos.

I guess I'm just worried that if I am pregnant, I screwed it up before the baby even had a chance, so part of me is hoping I'm not. I'm just feeling worried and scared right now.

AMC, woohoo on your numbers! Go, bean, go!

Marlie, good luck with the move (and the waiting!)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, congratulations! :appl: Great news on the betas!

LP, don't worry, you are not sharing a blood supply connection with the baby this early if you are Preggo. Good luck. Maybe test again??
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy sh*t you guys.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladypirate said:
Holy sh*t you guys.

YAY!!!! And i think we are due date twins?!

ETA- Don't stress out about what you may or may not have done before you were pregnant. You don't even share a blood supply until about six weeks. It's nature's buffer zone.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I think mine's right around February 8. I am still in shock.

Thanks for the words of encouragement, ladies. I am trying not to worry too much. At least I didn't go out and get dead drunk and start smoking, right?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladypirate|1401722902|3684942 said:
I think mine's right around February 8. I am still in shock.

Thanks for the words of encouragement, ladies. I am trying not to worry too much. At least I didn't go out and get dead drunk and start smoking, right?

Exactly! It will be fine.

Mine is February 7 :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats LP!!! :appl: Also chiming in with everyone else, whatever you did the past week won't have any affect on your zygote. Just be glad you got to enjoy yourself and cross off the marathon. How'd you do on your race? I'm one of the few "Never again" marathon runners. I just enjoy my free time too much to spend it running. Or maybe I just don't enjoying running enough to do it (exclusively) on my free time.

Marlie, good luck on your move. And family vacation sounds great! You're still to early to count yourself out, so stay patient (easier said than done, I know). Fingers crossed for you :)

AFM: Not much going on. Spent a wonderful weekend on a lake with DH's friends. It was a lot of hanging out outside and drinking. I'm hopefully sporting a decent tan too. Told DH that I think I'll be ovulating this week so hoping for some decent BDing action. We'll see how it goes. Temps are still low for me, I usually crack 98F for O. So we're still on the build up. OPKs are showing up very faint, so we'll see what there is to see. I'm going to try setting up weekend acupuncture appointments. I did that when I got pregnant the first time so why not try for repeated success, right?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LP! Congratulations!! How exciting! Please don't worry at all about the preggo no nos. Like the others said, it's too early for any of that to have affected your little bean. I'm so excited for you! You and your baby ran a marathon cool is that? :)

AMC..hope you are feeling well!

LC...the lake house sounds perfect. I love summer weekends like that. Good luck with your O week! Glad your long wait to this point is almost done and you can get cracking! Fingers crossed. If the acupuncture worked the first time, I'd say that's a great idea! For my first time I was tooling around Italy drinking bottles of wine and eating my weight in pasta. It worked then! Perhaps I can convince hubs that we need to try that again ;). Sigh.

Afm...I hate this part. I think I'm 7dpo but I might be 8. I wrote down two different things on my calendars. In any case, since I'm not sure when to expect AF I'm just going to wait til maybe 12dpo to test if I haven't gotten AF by then. If my cycle is 22days again AF will get here on Wednesday. If it's my usual 25 days then Saturday. So sometime between now and then I'll know. I feel nada. Symptom free. I had some cramps when I was moving over the weekend but that could also be pre-AF so not counting that. Anyway, wait wait wait it is!
I used my last test today at 16dpo. It's so pretty! I get a beta tomorrow and, based on Friday's test, it should be over 400. Once I get that (hopeful) confirmation I will move over to the JBP thread. But don't worry, I'll be checking in on all of you :)
Pic didn't post...

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Looks like a winner, AMC! The pee sticks don't lie, your betas are rising beautifully. :bigsmile:
544!! Woohoo!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, that's great news! Congratulations!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the words of encouragement, everyone! I read some research and it sounds like the Advil shouldn't be a problem this early, so I'm not freaking out too much.

AMC, woohoo for high betas!

LC, glad you had a good weekend! Sending so much dust your way this cycle! My race was rough--the first 18 miles were great, then I hit a wall and really struggled for the last 9. I may do another marathon after I get done with the whole pregnancy thing. I'll definitely run some halves at least. I feel like I could do so much better with better training. In any case, definitely looking forward to getting back into some light running once I give my body a chance to recover a bit.

Marlie, thinking about you this week!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Marlie, how was the move? Hoping you're getting all settled in. At lesat it's a distraction from the 2WW, right? Hopefully time will go quickly, when do you plan on testing?

LP, Well, you finished your race, so whatever training you did was good enough I'd think :) So very happy for your BFP :)

AFM: I'm nearly sure I O'd on Sunday, so I'm 4DPO now. Not planning on testing until end of next week, which is kinda nice since it works out to be Father's Day weekend.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Friday ladies!

LP and AMC...hope you are both feeling well.

LC...tww time. Fingers and toes crossed for you! Hoping your hubs gets a great Father's Day gift!

Afm...thanks for checking on my move LC. It was stressful as to be expected. We just moved to a different apartment in our building so we didn't hire movers and spent the weekend moving everything ourselves which is great bc we saved some money but not great bc it takes forever. Not even 100% done moving our stuff but mostly there. We close on our apartment on the 16th so we just have to be moved out by then. We have a vacation beforehand so we have to figure it all out. My daughter is having difficulty adjusting bc she has an actual bedroom for the first time (gotta love NYC living!) so I think she feels lonely. We are working through it though. As for future baby...I passed the 22 day cycle mark on Wednesday which made me so happy. My usual 25 day cycle would mean AF should show tomorrow. I kind of want to test later but reallllly hate seeing bfns. My tests are in the old apartment which helps me stay disciplined ;) I feel like I am feeling some symptoms but they could also be AF symptoms so I'm ignoring it. Cannot wait to just know. If I am pregnant, future baby's due date will be just 2 days before my daughters 3rd birthday. I have mixed feelings about that but certainly not a deal breaker.

Anyway, thinking about you newly knocked up girls and you soon to be knocked up ones :)