
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats LC!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, LC!!! This is fantastic news! Sending you tons of sticky dust. I'm glad you're able to enjoy the moment with your DH. Thinking of you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC! Congrats!! I had a good feeling for you about this cycle. So excited there has been so much good news on this thread! Wishing you tons of luck for a happy, healthy pregnancy!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Great lines LC!

Well my body is playing tricks on me and would love some opinions. I normally O between Cd14 and 17 and have quite a few days of ewcm before hand. This month now that we are actually trying, I have been taking cranberry supplement as we would like a girl but I read that it turns cm to creamy. I had creamy cm days 13 and 14 and strong ovulation pains on my right side those two days. I never got a positive on the cheapie OPKs I was using but used some expired wondfo OPKs which gave me pretty close to a positive on the left hand side of the line. My cervix seemed high and open (sorry if tmi) but dropped and appeared closed last night which was cd 15.

Today is cd 16 and I seem to have a bit of watery/ewcm though not like what I would normally have and just for the sake of it I used the cheapie OPKs (ran out of the wondfo a at cd15) and it gave me an almost positive. Cervix still seems lowing and closed. I have had a cold the last few days although not taking anything excopt saline drops so not sure if this has anything to do with it. I had to run out and buy some first response OPKs (all I could buy in the shop) which had a line not as dark as the control but still very visible. I haven't been temping because I can't find my Bbt.

So my question is do you think I have already I'd and my body is just playing tricks or despite my very clear O pains have I still failed to O. Problem is DH and I will probably not get a chance to BD the next 2 days as he has things on those nights. We did get in cd 13 and 14 only.

Thanks and sorry for the novel!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Very hard to say if you're not temping, mlk. All of the signs you mention - changes in CM, pain, dark-but-not-quite-positive OPKs - are possible without ovulating. Also, an "almost positive" OPK is always said to be a negative OPK so I don't know if you can interpret that.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for chiming in Pancake, tonight the opk was once again very close to positive but the ewcm seems to have almost dried up. Argh I have no clue now! Will they to get tonight in with DH but tomorrow's out. The joys of TTC, all the romance is gone out of it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

What Pancake said. All of those are secondary signs and don't always align perfectly with ovulation. FWIW, I'd be concerned using a product that changed EWCM to creamy, since creamy isn't ideal for sperm.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I say when in doubt about O, BD just in case. Sounds like you're trying for a girl, so maybe you're wanting to time your BDing a little further away from O day, in which case maybe you don't want to BD. I always thought trying for a girl was a little trickier (I tried for boys both times), so good luck to you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mlk...hi! I'm probably the worst advice giver on this topic since I'm learning the ropes myself (got lucky with my first pregnancy) but I agree with NEL that it makes sense that if you aren't sure about O, just get se extra BDing in to cover your bases. I've never heard the cranberry trick before. I'd like another girl but would be happy either way. If this cranberry method works for you I'd be curious to try it! Regardless, hope your stay here on this board is quick! But glad to have a buddy to compare notes with!

LC...thinking of you and your exciting news still! Dust dust dust!

Afm...just got back from a family vacation and now it is O week. I think the 19th should be the day. Neg opk this morning but I'll still BD tonight and then probably another time or two this week. I'll follow the lead of my opks. Last two cycles, we Bd'd a ton (5-6 days in a row) because I was afraid to miss THE day but maybe it was too much? I'm feeling a lot more relaxed about the whole thing this month. I think my expectations got lowered and now I'm trying to go with the flow. Now that the move is behind us and some of that stress is gone maybe I can chill out a bit about everything. We'll see. I'm sure this time next week I'll be my neurotic self again!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

marlie|1403024502|3695045 said:
Mlk...hi! I'm probably the worst advice giver on this topic since I'm learning the ropes myself (got lucky with my first pregnancy) but I agree with NEL that it makes sense that if you aren't sure about O, just get se extra BDing in to cover your bases. I've never heard the cranberry trick before. I'd like another girl but would be happy either way. If this cranberry method works for you I'd be curious to try it! Regardless, hope your stay here on this board is quick! But glad to have a buddy to compare notes with!

LC...thinking of you and your exciting news still! Dust dust dust!

Afm...just got back from a family vacation and now it is O week. I think the 19th should be the day. Neg opk this morning but I'll still BD tonight and then probably another time or two this week. I'll follow the lead of my opks. Last two cycles, we Bd'd a ton (5-6 days in a row) because I was afraid to miss THE day but maybe it was too much? I'm feeling a lot more relaxed about the whole thing this month. I think my expectations got lowered and now I'm trying to go with the flow. Now that the move is behind us and some of that stress is gone maybe I can chill out a bit about everything. We'll see. I'm sure this time next week I'll be my neurotic self again!

I really think there is something to the EOD pattern. I know that the first few months we tried we did every day and as soon as we switched to EOD I got pregnant. Could have been a fluke, but who knows.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations LC!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: I'm so happy for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Amc, I know, I wish I had e realized the full implication of the cranberry before I tried it. I don't know if its just because I didn't have my usual abundant ewcm is why I'm questioning whether I o'd or not. I guess because this is likely going to be our last, I would really love a girl but because the age gap is going to be more than I originally wanted whether it is worth wasting time on actually trying for a girl or should we just time it well for O and take our chances.

NEL, thanks, if I had more time on my side then I would've tried timing bd a few days before O, but the way it turned out I thought I actually hit o-1 and O so if we have to be again around a new O date then I really won't mind, getting DH at the right time is more of the issue at the moment!

Marlie, hi, I'm looking forward to have a buddy here too! Apparently when trying for a particular sex, you are supposed to eat/take supplements based on either an acidic or alkaline environment which is where the cranberry comes into it. As I said to NEL, if we had time to spare, then I would've tried a few months of bding a few days out from O. But because of a few medical issues I have had to wait for several months and I didn't want more than a 2 year gap, now we are already out to at least 2yrs 3 months minimum. Part of this is that I was an only child and I would love L to have a sibling to be very close in age to and secondly because I have read studies where they say that if you have two pregnancies close together (no more than 2 years) then some of the uterine arteries have not gone back to their usual form and you are less likely to develop as severe pre-eclampsia or as early. Anyway, enough about that, good luck trying this week! I really have no experience with whether EOD or not works, I think we had 3 days in a row when we conceived our son, being o-2, O-1 and O but I think maybe try to at least hit O day whether or not you have bd'd the day before. But that's just my own thoughts without any real basis.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok so after all of that I have now got a glaringly positive opk. DH said he was too tired this morning and had a busy day at work and then he has a sporting event with work and will likely be home at midnight and a work conference all day tomorrow that he has to leave home early for. I think I will just admit defeat now as tomorrow night will probably be too late. Sorry to be such a drama queen!

Oh and I am now off to buy a new Bbt thermometer!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, if a girl is your goal then I wouldn't bother BDing again. If you are okay either way, then I'd do it tomorrow night still. I didn't O until two days after my first positive OPK last month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1403049353|3695338 said:
Well, if a girl is your goal then I wouldn't bother BDing again. If you are okay either way, then I'd do it tomorrow night still. I didn't O until two days after my first positive OPK last month.

I really am ok either way I guess. If I o'd today then we would only have o-3 and o-4 which I'm just not convinced is enough. Best chance would be to bd tomorrow morning which would I'm hoping cover O today or tomorrow. Like you, when I conceived L I had 2 days of positive OPKs and then ovulated the next day so I guess there is still the chance that it might be tomorrow or the next day.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just posting because the last post was apparently spam that got deleted, and it's messing up my page.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hi amc, sorry to hear you are getting ms, hopefully it's short lived!

marlie, how is your lead up to O going? Do you use OPKs?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mlk...officially in the TWW now! Hope you are distracting yourself so far. When is your testing day or will you wait to see about AF?

My opk was positive two nights ago (after being neg that AM) and since I don't temp I go by those and cm and o pains to sorta guess so I think I actually O'd today. If that is the case, since my scientific o proof could use some work, then I'm in the TWW with you! The last two months we bd'd like crazy but this month I relaxed and we did it less. I did the every other day method, ending with this AM so now we wait. AF is scheduled for 7/2. Fingers are crossed!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

marlie, sounds like you had great timing and hopefully caught that egg! I hope the TWW goes super fast for you.

I don't know WTF is going on with this cycle, I could be anywhere between 6dpo or ovulating today. I have now had 3-4 days of blazingly positive OPKs Cm and Cp have been changing so much that I really have no idea and have had sore bbs and twinges for days. Last week I had right side ovulation pain and today I have left side ovulation pain. I even took a hpt today but of course it was negative! Funny thing is The night before I got my BFP with my son I had a dream that one of my closest friends who shares my name was pregnant, last night I had a dream that she miraculously turned up with a baby in the pram that I want. She has never been pregnant!

Anyway all of that said I am thinking that's have still ot ovulated (which is not normal for me) and may do so today. If I O today then we only got in yesterday morning, so probably a great chance this month. DH is having a crazy day at work today which he likens to a war office and will likely be working until all hours trying to fix something so unlikely we will get a chance tonight, and even if he is home earlier I sense he is just exhausted and won't give in to my advances anyway!

ETA, so these are the last 4 days OPKs in order

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi mlk! I think it's just me and you holding down the ttc fort. Wondering how you are doing and where in the TWW you are now? Did you ever find any resolution in when you O'd?

Nothing new here... I think I'm either 5 or 6dpo. Just waiting...
I'm pulling for you both!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Marlie, hope the TWW is treating you well. I ended up having 4ish days of positive OPKs but I'm pretty sure I o'd on the day of the last one which makes me 4dpo today. Feeling absolutely no symptoms so pretty sure I am out as we only got in the morning of O-1. Even though I am pretty sure this month is not it, I will be obsessively testing from about 8dpo since that is when I got my BFP with my son! When are you planning on testing?

Hi AMC, thanks for your well wishes!
mlk said:
Hi Marlie, hope the TWW is treating you well. I ended up having 4ish days of positive OPKs but I'm pretty sure I o'd on the day of the last one which makes me 4dpo today. Feeling absolutely no symptoms so pretty sure I am out as we only got in the morning of O-1. Even though I am pretty sure this month is not it, I will be obsessively testing from about 8dpo since that is when I got my BFP with my son! When are you planning on testing? Hi AMC, thanks for your well wishes!
O-1 is great timing! This baby is a product of O-2 and O-3 which I believe is the fewest number of times we've BDed in the fertile window.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1403580701|3699737 said:
mlk said:
Hi Marlie, hope the TWW is treating you well. I ended up having 4ish days of positive OPKs but I'm pretty sure I o'd on the day of the last one which makes me 4dpo today. Feeling absolutely no symptoms so pretty sure I am out as we only got in the morning of O-1. Even though I am pretty sure this month is not it, I will be obsessively testing from about 8dpo since that is when I got my BFP with my son! When are you planning on testing? Hi AMC, thanks for your well wishes!
O-1 is great timing! This baby is a product of O-2 and O-3 which I believe is the fewest number of times we've BDed in the fertile window.

Thanks for the positivity AMC, I guess I was just disappointed that this cycle was completely wacky as was DH's work so the timing wasn't what I had hoped. We'll see what the next week brings I guess
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MLK, don't feel bad. I've always had awful BDing timing O-5 and O-4 in my previous pregnancies. This one I think we're O-2. So you're still in this.

Marlie, Hoping the 2WW flies by for you. Fingers crossed that AF stays away next week!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mlk...the last two months I had textbook bd'ing. 5 days surrounding and during o ...and nothing. I wouldn't worry that you didn't get enough in. Like LC has proven, all you need is one shot near O! This month I purposely did it less based on the example of other ladies here. So, point is, you are very much in the running!

Amc and LC...hope you are both feeling well! Thanks for rooting us on :)

Still nothing to report. Boring times over here in twwville. I'm going to try very hard not to test unless AF is late. That's a week from tomorrow. Absolutely no symptoms and no gut feelings like the last couple times. Sadly I'm getting the hang of this process and know that symptom spotting is bad bad news. So I'm trying to be patient and just waiting to see if we got it or if we are going on to cycle 4. Gonna be a long week!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks LC! I definitely have to be more positive. How are you feeling with your little bean?

Marlie, ditto on feeling absolutely nothing. My son has been sick the last few days so the only benefit of that is that it has taken my mind off the TWW. I have a girls night out with my mother's group on Saturday, which will be 8dpo, so not sure how I will handle that. I guess if I get a BFN that day then I will allow myself two glasses of wine
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Funny MLK, I took all the liberties to drink etc until I got that BFP. What I've done when trying to hide TTC, I used to show up early and order a mocktail. Then when my friends all arrived, I already had a "drink" so I didn't need to order one.
lliang_chi said:
Funny MLK, I took all the liberties to drink etc until I got that BFP. What I've done when trying to hide TTC, I used to show up early and order a mocktail. Then when my friends all arrived, I already had a "drink" so I didn't need to order one.

Drink until it's pink.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1403752914|3701263 said:
lliang_chi said:
Funny MLK, I took all the liberties to drink etc until I got that BFP. What I've done when trying to hide TTC, I used to show up early and order a mocktail. Then when my friends all arrived, I already had a "drink" so I didn't need to order one.

Drink until it's pink.
I wish there was a like button! Thanks for confirming what I was thinking.