
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mlk|1403785247|3701384 said:
amc80|1403752914|3701263 said:
lliang_chi said:
Funny MLK, I took all the liberties to drink etc until I got that BFP. What I've done when trying to hide TTC, I used to show up early and order a mocktail. Then when my friends all arrived, I already had a "drink" so I didn't need to order one.

Drink until it's pink.
I wish there was a like button! Thanks for confirming what I was thinking.

This sounds like the mantra we used in Jamaica:

Red Stripes til 2 Stripes.


oh how I miss the Red Stripe beer.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I have been participating in Pricescope for almost a year, and I only discovered this forum today! I was just telling my daughter how much I love Pricescope, and she asked if I liked it more or less than Facebook. I explained that it's totally different, because it's not personal, but, rather, I get to engage in scientific discussions about diamonds, but then I started to explore...

So...we have 4 kids (from 10 years old down to 2) and they were all conceived on purpose, hee hee. We love having a big family, and my husband and all the kids would like another baby. I have been on the fence because pregnancy is really hard for me. I get really, really sick for many months and usually end up being hospitalized repeatedly for dehydration. But I have taken a drug the last two pregnancies (Zofran) that makes it bearable (I throw up once or twice a day rather than every 15 minutes). So...we've sort of been trying, but for a girl, because our oldest is a girl and the other three are boys, but trying for a girl really just means being less conservative about rythym, which isn't quite enough (yet). I ovulated earlier than I thought I would this month (a day and a half after BD) and I really thought I was pregnant, I even thought I felt implantation, but either I wasn't or it didn't stick, because I have my period now. Even though I have been on the fence, I was really excited about the possibility, and I took a million HPTs, and I was sad each time they were negative.

So I think we are going to get more serious about TTC now, even though we have 4 kids and people might look at us as though we have 9 heads. We have a happy family, and more of the same is appealing. Another girl would be really great.

So, hi ladies! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome Tourmaline! How great that you are expanding your family! Your house must be so much fun! Lots of luck!


Afm...this happened this AM.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

marlie|1404046910|3703184 said:
Welcome Tourmaline! How great that you are expanding your family! Your house must be so much fun! Lots of luck!


Afm...this happened this AM.

OMG!! BFP!!! Yay!!!! How long have you been TTC?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

This was cycle #3. :) fingers are crossed that it sticks! This is my second baby and many women in my family miscarried between baby 1 and 2 so it's making me a bit nervous. But for now I'm happy because right now I'm pregnant :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

marlie|1404067882|3703314 said:
This was cycle #3. :) fingers are crossed that it sticks! This is my second baby and many women in my family miscarried between baby 1 and 2 so it's making me a bit nervous. But for now I'm happy because right now I'm pregnant :)

Well, I am thrilled for you! I wasn't pregnant this month, so I saw a puppy and had to adopt it! Crazy. She's adorable and my kids are thrilled.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Marlie, wow BFP congrats lovely! Wishing you a happy and healthy little bean! How many dpo are you cos that's a great line!

tourmaline, welcome! I can on,y imagine having a large family is all sorts of chaos and fun. I hope no. 5 comes easily to you.

AFM, 10dpo and nothing. I guess I didn't expect it to happen this month, but I got my BFP with my son at 8dpo and started testing early so what do I expect.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks mlk! I think I'm 10dpo today? I o'd on the 19th (or somewhere between the 18th and 19th). You are still very much in the running and please know that I have everything crossed for you! I was going to wait until AF day to test but I have been having pain in my lower right side so I thought maybe it was a symptom. I suppose I was right. Though I hope it doesn't indicate something bad in there. I vaguely remember cramping like this with my daughter.

Wishing you both tons of luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Marlie!

So after all of that I decided to dip an expired wondfo for the sake of it. It expired 9 months ago but I only had two left from last time so I dipped one the other day and there was no hint of a line, but today I can see a very slight line. So not sure if it is an evap or what. The only other tests I have are very cheapo Internet tests which are supposed to be 10miu but I'm seeing nothing on them.

The pink one is the expired wondfo. Can anyone see anything?

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone :wavey:

I'm a long time lurker on pricescope, oogling the pretties and reading the threads when I needed a pick me up. You all seem like such lovely people, I wish I could find that in my current community.

I have to admit that the reason I am posting on this thread is to 1) ask very nicely if I can join and 2) I desperately need some friendly opinions at this point, so I hoping you guys will help me :confused:

The story is that I am currently on CD40. I do track my cycles and I usually run around 29-30. I have taken three pregnancy tests, all BFN. But I have been having all the signs in the book. Swelling bbs, weird dreams, excessive cm (sorry tmi :nono: ), nauseous, gassy :(sad , headaches, and oh so tired.

I did get diagnosed with two cysts (very small on my right ovary) right at the start of this cycle. Everything I have read on the internet has said this could mean I'm pregnant or anovulating, so basically not answering my questions.

I guess my question is, do you really think I could be pregnant this late in the game with negatives on all my tests. I do plan on getting a blood test done this coming Friday but it's honestly so hard to wait that long.

Thanks for reading my vent.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I think I might see a very faint something on the pink one. Not sure if my eyes are playing tricks. Go get more tests!! Luck sent your way!!

I'm a little confused myself as I just took an ept (old school plus blue dye test) and it was negative. That said, the test didn't seem to be working 100% correctly, but is it possible my previous test was a false positive?? Those are rare but not impossible right? I think link dye tests are more accurate that way....any thoughts?

Hi Huff! Welcome. I wish I had answers for you. I guess the only way to know is to wait (yuck!) for the blood test. I have heard of some people who don't respond to urine tests I think. Regardless, I wish you lots of luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Marlie. I appreciate your response. I read through your thread too and don't discount yet. I'm sure you already know this but if you took this test later on in the day and were very well hydrated, your hcg might not have been as concentrated. Or honestly if it's an old school one, it could also be a fluke. I had a friend in nursing school that didn't find out she was pregnant until three months in because she trusted one old school test. :roll: Needless to say, sending you lots of positive thoughts.

I hope I just get some answers. I cried tonight because I honestly wasn't expecting to be pregnant but I still had already started to think all about a baby in my head. I was just hoping today's hpt wouldn't be negative too. I have never been so late and it's scaring me that if it's not pregnancy than something else major is going.
Marlie, there is no way that FRER is a false positive. False positives don't really exist- evap lines and indents do, but those are gray and faint. Blue dye tests are crappy and not very sensitive. Congrats!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Snap Marlie! I'm 10dpo too!

Don't put anything into those blue dye ones. If you want to try another, try a CLear Blue Digi

mlk said:
Snap Marlie! I'm 10dpo too! Don't put anything into those blue dye ones. If you want to try another, try a CLear Blue Digi

And another, congrats!!! The JBP thread is going to get very busy :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1404106353|3703600 said:
mlk said:
Snap Marlie! I'm 10dpo too! Don't put anything into those blue dye ones. If you want to try another, try a CLear Blue Digi

And another, congrats!!! The JBP thread is going to get very busy :)

thanks amc! I might give it a day or two and a few more tests and head over to JBP to join you lovely ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oooh, some wonderful news in here, congratulations ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Pancake!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So exciting!!! Huge congrats pregnant ladies!!!! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DandiAndi|1404126951|3703671 said:
So exciting!!! Huge congrats pregnant ladies!!!! :appl:

Hi Dandi :wavey: thanks!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yayyyy!! Congrats mlk! So exciting!

Thanks everyone for the good wishes!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Marlie & MLK!! How exciting!!! :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats to Marlie and MLK as well. I know you guys are super excited! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1403969301|3702836 said:
I have been participating in Pricescope for almost a year, and I only discovered this forum today! I was just telling my daughter how much I love Pricescope, and she asked if I liked it more or less than Facebook. I explained that it's totally different, because it's not personal, but, rather, I get to engage in scientific discussions about diamonds, but then I started to explore...

So...we have 4 kids (from 10 years old down to 2) and they were all conceived on purpose, hee hee. We love having a big family, and my husband and all the kids would like another baby. I have been on the fence because pregnancy is really hard for me. I get really, really sick for many months and usually end up being hospitalized repeatedly for dehydration. But I have taken a drug the last two pregnancies (Zofran) that makes it bearable (I throw up once or twice a day rather than every 15 minutes). So...we've sort of been trying, but for a girl, because our oldest is a girl and the other three are boys, but trying for a girl really just means being less conservative about rythym, which isn't quite enough (yet). I ovulated earlier than I thought I would this month (a day and a half after BD) and I really thought I was pregnant, I even thought I felt implantation, but either I wasn't or it didn't stick, because I have my period now. Even though I have been on the fence, I was really excited about the possibility, and I took a million HPTs, and I was sad each time they were negative.

So I think we are going to get more serious about TTC now, even though we have 4 kids and people might look at us as though we have 9 heads. We have a happy family, and more of the same is appealing. Another girl would be really great.

So, hi ladies! :wavey:

Hi Tourmaline! I have been lurking on Pricescope and just decided to join because of this thread. You sound like you have the most beautiful family. Congrats on your new puppy, we almost adopted a second one the other day :Up_to_something:

Good luck in TTC this month. Hopefully we will join the others in the JBP thread soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MLK & Marlie, wow, big congrats!!! :appl: :appl: Sticky dust to the both of you :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Marlie, Huff and LC!

Unfortunately today's FRER was lighter than yesterday's and the Internet cheapie is still not showing a line. Put that with a "not pregnant" from a Clear Blue Digi and I am slightly concerned this one might not stick. I had very sore bbs yesterday but not so much today, so I guess I will see what happens over the next few days.

Has the news sunk in yet Marlie?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hugs, mlk! How's it looking today, marlie?

Hi, Huff26. I can't believe we got a puppy!! It's exhausting!

My husband will be away this month at our optimum TTC time, so it won't happen this month for us.
Re: The Official TTC Thread! are you? All the different brands of tests have different levels of sensitivity. I had a great line on the frer and it wasn't til today that I got a clear positive on an ept. Don't worry!! Your frer was clear as day. Does your doc do a confirmation blood test?

Huff and tourmaline...wishing you luck! And congrats on your puppy!!

Afm...went to my doc for a blood draw this AM to confirm the pregnancy. I have to call tomorrow for her to tell me whether I should come back for another draw or whether to forge ahead. Forgot how unpleasant she is. Last time she wasn't nice until I hit the second trimester. I considered switching but aside from her bedside manner, I liked working with her. In any case, my first appt is set for 7/22. I'll be between 6 and 7 weeks then I think and she did an ultrasound during that appt with my first so fingers crossed. Just reallllly hoping this is a safe and healthy, viable pregnancy.

Wishing you all lots of luck and I hope this thread is all cleared out with happy news very soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline: Well darn. To be honest I don't know what's happening with my body anyway so this month is probably a no for me as well. I am going crazy here on cycle day 42. :(sad ;( I wish I knew what was going on but I have an appointment set in stone for Monday.

Marlie: That's great you got your positive today with the EPT! And hopefully the blood draw goes well and you can start moving forward. I am a nurse so I completely understand when you say sometimes the docs bedside manner just sucks.

mlk: Are you testing at different times of day? Your levels may just not be steady yet. I wouldn't worry too much although I know that's so hard to do!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline, thanks for the hugs! What kind of puppy did you get?

Huff, I was testing at different times, funnily my afternoon 10dpo was way darker than my FMU 11dpo test.

Marlie, yay for the clear positive. I hope your betas come back good. Any symptoms yet?

AFM, I finally was able to get a positive on a Digi today after negatives the last two days. I went to my GP, but she didn't order a beta. So I got a referral to my OB, who I will call and line up an appt which I'm guessing will be 7 weeks like last time. I am starting to feel slightly nauseous, which I never got with my first pregnancy so not sure what to expect there. I think I will head over to JBP now.

Good luck Tourmaline and Huff!