
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!

Tourmaline: Dust to you, hope one of those many tests turns up positive in the next few days!

Huff26: Sorry you had such a rough day, hope things are better today! Hope you get a weekend O like you are thinking you will!

MuffDog: Hi! Another June 2012 mama! Hoping we are due around the same time again and you get your girl!

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, I *think* I was CD 3 when I got my IUD out, making me CD9 right now, but I never really had any cycle while I had the IUD so only basing that on having a few days in a row of red spotting, it wasn't anything like my pre-baby cycles. My OB said he recommended waiting until I actually have a period before we try for better dating, and I wouldn't mind waiting another month anyway - just signed up for a 15K race in 4 weeks and would love to get that done before we try for real. So I think I'll just observe things this month, I did get some OPKs so curious to see if I am O-ing or not. Will probably start using those tomorrow.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1405612163|3715103 said:
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!

Tourmaline: Dust to you, hope one of those many tests turns up positive in the next few days!

Huff26: Sorry you had such a rough day, hope things are better today! Hope you get a weekend O like you are thinking you will!

MuffDog: Hi! Another June 2012 mama! Hoping we are due around the same time again and you get your girl!

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, I *think* I was CD 3 when I got my IUD out, making me CD9 right now, but I never really had any cycle while I had the IUD so only basing that on having a few days in a row of red spotting, it wasn't anything like my pre-baby cycles. My OB said he recommended waiting until I actually have a period before we try for better dating, and I wouldn't mind waiting another month anyway - just signed up for a 15K race in 4 weeks and would love to get that done before we try for real. So I think I'll just observe things this month, I did get some OPKs so curious to see if I am O-ing or not. Will probably start using those tomorrow.

Hey Steph :-) Ya another June 2012 mama!! I used ovulation tests this month for the first time more to figure out if FF was accurate - I had never really tested before so it is kind of cool to figure out what is going on in your bod, ya know? Hopefully your stay is short and sweet in TTC land.

Tourmaline - haha that is hilarious. I analyized the crap out of one of those 'tweak' threads on another board - where ladies send in pics of early tests to see if anyone can tweak the photo to see if there was a line there. Started making me think that testing at 7/8/9 DPO was normal! haha

K have to run girls - I'm actually at a work retreat but got stuck doing some computer work. Figured I'd check in. :-) 2ww starts today for me I guess - +Ovulation test yesterday and we DTD last night and two nights before that. Of course I'm away for the next two days so chances are low but it is the 2ww nonetheless right?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MuffDog|1405635509|3715358 said:
Tourmaline - haha that is hilarious. I analyzed the crap out of one of those 'tweak' threads on another board - where ladies send in pics of early tests to see if anyone can tweak the photo to see if there was a line there. Started making me think that testing at 7/8/9 DPO was normal! haha

K have to run girls - I'm actually at a work retreat but got stuck doing some computer work. Figured I'd check in. :-) 2ww starts today for me I guess - +Ovulation test yesterday and we DTD last night and two nights before that. Of course I'm away for the next two days so chances are low but it is the 2ww nonetheless right?

Sounds like you did it at the perfect time, so it's a totally valid and possible 2ww!

I'm 9dpo today, and tests are still negative.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Can someone please help? I promise to write a proper reply to all you girls later but is this a positive OPK, or at least really close? I am CD13 today


I just don't want to miss my window on Clomid but don't want to jump the gun either. Please and thank you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff26|1405718923|3716141 said:
Can someone please help? I promise to write a proper reply to all you girls later but is this a positive OPK, or at least really close? I am CD13 today


I just don't want to miss my window on Clomid but don't want to jump the gun either. Please and thank you!

It's been a while, but I think that's super close, the test line is almost as dark as the control line! Go get to getting some :naughty: !
Not positive. You will know when it is :) Mine are like that from anywhere to a few days to a few hours before they turn positive. Keep testing!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dang it. Already did our BD :naughty:. Oh well hopefully it'll turn positive a few hours from now and it will be right within the window we wanted. Especially for a boy. Gosh I sound like a broken record.

amc80: Thanks for letting me know. I still haven't had a single O pain :? Also it was awkward as crap "trying" for the first time.

Tourmaline: What's the percentage of accuracy of 9dpo? I am still pulling for you that it slowly turns positive! :clap:

MuffDog: Hope you were able to do some relaxing on your work retreat. I am not going to lie, I completely envy you ladies who know your o-day. It must be so exciting but nerve racking at the same time. You and I should be about the same time line for 2ww but off by a couple days. I really hope you get your positive!

Stephb0lt: This is my first month ever trying, it was just a crazy month because the Dr kinda just said "listen, try now because I don't know if you will get a chance to later" so I got meds to help myself ovulate too. But I am learning on the OPKS too. Thank you so much for trying to read my OPK strip. At least we got to have fun on a Friday night :Up_to_something:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

For a boy, you want to BD as close to ovulation as possible, and since you already did it, you should do it again as soon as you get a positive OPK. When the lines are the same or the test is darker than the control, jump into bed and get it on!

10dpo, negative. Breasts hurt as they do before period. That said, they hurt early in three of my four pregnancies. I have promised myself to ignore symptoms or lack thereof this cycle. But I'm thinking I am not pregnant.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1405777410|3716552 said:
For a boy, you want to BD as close to ovulation as possible, and since you already did it, you should do it again as soon as you get a positive OPK. When the lines are the same or the test is darker than the control, jump into bed and get it on!

10dpo, negative. Breasts hurt as they do before period. That said, they hurt early in three of my four pregnancies. I have promised myself to ignore symptoms or lack thereof this cycle. But I'm thinking I am not pregnant.

Tourmaline - I'm sorry I haven't followed along enough yet but how long have you been TTC? It is tricky/annoying how the symptoms of pregnancy are so similar to that of getting your period eh? Ugh. PS what kind of tests are you using?

Huff- sounds like you are on track. just keep boning. I mean...BD'ing ;) And YES it is so awkward!! The first time when we were 'practicing' I was super annoying and kept saying "ok..not in this position though...and go shallow etc etc etc' which um...makes it challenging! Plus even if you WANT to get preggo, I think for a lot of guys who spend so much of their lives trying not to get women KTFU it is kind of hard to get their heads around it when it is time to get busy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Haha, MuffDog! Funny about the BD. :) We have been TTC for 3 months this time. We have 4 kids already, and they were all on purpose. Got the first on the 1st try, second on the 10th try, third on the 1st try, and fourth on the 3rd try. I am 11dpo today and it's negative on Wondfo and FRER, so I believe I am not pregnant. I also checked my cervix and it's in the AF position.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1405859357|3716991 said:
Haha, MuffDog! Funny about the BD. :) We have been TTC for 3 months this time. We have 4 kids already, and they were all on purpose. Got the first on the 1st try, second on the 10th try, third on the 1st try, and fourth on the 3rd try. I am 11dpo today and it's negative on Wondfo and FRER, so I believe I am not pregnant. I also checked my cervix and it's in the AF position.

Tourmaline - I'm crossing my fingers for you!!

How is everyone else doing?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline: I am so sorry you aren't getting your BFP. I always thought trying for a girl would be so much harder, because it's easier to miss your window. Hopefully you won't have to wait 10 months like you did with your second child with TTCing. I am crossing my fingers for your this cycle. Are your kids heading back to school soon? I saw so many back to school "specials" at the grocery store today.

MuffDog: This next 2ww needs to pass quickly so we can find out if you got your BFP!! How long are you going to wait before you start testing? Hope you had a great weekend!

AFM I kinda disappeared after that test. Honestly, the was the strongest line I got, so I am thinking I didn't ovulate again. If I did then we definitely made it in the window. But I didn't have EWC or any o-pains. I was pretty disappointed because I just wanted a chance at trying. I also went to a baby shower where the mom got pregnant after her husband's vasectomy. So I am just hoping somehow I ovulated and we caught the egg.

So starts the 2ww.
Huff- just remember that EWCM and O pains are secondary signs of ovulation. Not having them doesn't mean you didn't O, just like having them doesn't mean you did O. As for the OPKs, it's very possible to miss a surge. Also, I have two friends who can't get a the positive opk. One is pregnant with her second; the other with her fourth. I tend to get very strong positives, so it really must depend on the person.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi girls. I'm on holiday right now and that actually leaves less time to be on the computer. haha.

Anyways - I'm obsessively POAS. What is up with that?! All negative but I'm only 5-7 DPO so that makes sense. I guess I was just so spoiled with our first time around that I'm assuming this month worked but odds are it didn't, you know? I mean - 20% chance each cycle - isn't that what *they* say?

Anyone else in the 2ww?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MuffDog: I am in the 2ww. Well kinda at least. We are pretty sure I didn't ovulate but there's always a chance right? Any changes with your testing? *Baby dust

AFM nothing really to report. Waiting for AF most likely and then will start Metformin and Clomid. Not eating sugar or carbs to help manage everything and its driving me bat crazy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hugs, Huff26. I hope you ovulated!

I drove myself completely crazy taking tests every time I peed for like 5 days! I got my period and I am on CD4 now. So we begin again.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry this wasn't your cycle Tourmaline, hoping this next one is it for you!

Muff and Huff (heh, it rhymes!) hoping you both still get good news this cycle!

AFM, not much. I'm (maybe) CD 18, no positive OPKs (been doing them daily since CD10). I'm really just hoping to get AF so I can have a cycle where I know the timing a little better at least. I'm trying to temp but not so reliable when my 2 year old still wakes up at odd times. So, no idea whether I should expect AF soon or still might see a late O this cycle. Pre-baby I typically Oed between CD 16 and 19. But I'm also still breastfeeding, not a lot, but wondering if that might be affecting O as well. Just wish I could either see O or AF so I knew things were “working” to some degree. But really, no need to borrow trouble yet either.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1406402040|3721100 said:
Sorry this wasn't your cycle Tourmaline, hoping this next one is it for you!

Muff and Huff (heh, it rhymes!) hoping you both still get good news this cycle!

AFM, not much. I'm (maybe) CD 18, no positive OPKs (been doing them daily since CD10). I'm really just hoping to get AF so I can have a cycle where I know the timing a little better at least. I'm trying to temp but not so reliable when my 2 year old still wakes up at odd times. So, no idea whether I should expect AF soon or still might see a late O this cycle. Pre-baby I typically Oed between CD 16 and 19. But I'm also still breastfeeding, not a lot, but wondering if that might be affecting O as well. Just wish I could either see O or AF so I knew things were “working” to some degree. But really, no need to borrow trouble yet either.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Sorry Tourmaline - crossing my fingers the next one is your month!

Stephbolt - Temping is tough with the wakeups, eh?! I tried to maintain my temperature taking this weekend when I was on a girls' weekend and it was a bust.

AFM - after some serious symptom spotting, I think I'm out this month. Lots of nausea, super sonic nose, cramping etc and now nothing. Temp drop this weekend (though could be from the bad sleep/etc on the holiday) and now I feel nothing. Sigh. I know it is dumb but I really really thought that I was preggo. I know I was spoiled the first time but I think it kind of made me think it is normal to get pg right away (I know it isn't). AF is due on Thursday (25 day cycle) and I've probably spent 40 bucks in pg tests already. ha. I'll be better next month. I swear!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Negative for me. Now just waiting for AF to come. Just thought I would update. :wall:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CD1 for me today.

I can't believe I had so many symptoms last week and now this. Ha. we go again!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry this wasn't your cycle Muff. Good luck with this new cycle.

Huff, sorry you are feeling out. Did AF come?

Tourmaline, when do you think you will O this cycle? Sending you lots of dust!

AFM, finally saw a positive OPK yesterday. We haven't had much BD leading up to and avoided this weekend since my OB did suggest I wait to have a period first, and I'm ok with waiting so I can enjoy our beach vacation in a few weeks. I'm just happy to see that I am likely ovulating as I was starting to get really nervous that my cycles wouldn't be normal post baby and while BF. So I'm not expecting to be KU this cycle but it's not entirely impossible.

Sending lots of good vibes to my fellow posters and anyone else who is lurking in here!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1407117023|3725591 said:
Tourmaline, when do you think you will O this cycle? Sending you lots of dust!

Glad you are ovulating!

We are trying for a girl, as I mentioned, and it has been my pattern previously to get frustrated with not getting pregnant when trying for a girl and push it to closer timing. This month I was expecting to O on CD13, and we did the deed on CD11. Well, I didn't O on CD13. Today was CD14, and I must have O'd, because the OPK peaked yesterday, though I didn't spot. In any case, three days after receiving sperm is too long, so I decided to go on a diet today. I've been gaining weight the last few months, not wanting to diet in case I am pregnant. I won't be pregnant this month, but maybe I can lose a few pounds before my next cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1407291647|3726926 said:
stephb0lt|1407117023|3725591 said:
Tourmaline, when do you think you will O this cycle? Sending you lots of dust!

Glad you are ovulating!

We are trying for a girl, as I mentioned, and it has been my pattern previously to get frustrated with not getting pregnant when trying for a girl and push it to closer timing. This month I was expecting to O on CD13, and we did the deed on CD11. Well, I didn't O on CD13. Today was CD14, and I must have O'd, because the OPK peaked yesterday, though I didn't spot. In any case, three days after receiving sperm is too long, so I decided to go on a diet today. I've been gaining weight the last few months, not wanting to diet in case I am pregnant. I won't be pregnant this month, but maybe I can lose a few pounds before my next cycle.

O-3 is still good timing! Don't rule yourself out. Just ask LC and her O-5 son :)

BTW, our timing was good for a girl (not on purpose)- O-2 was the closest we got. Just found out I'm pregnant with boy #2 :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1407340632|3727233 said:
O-3 is still good timing! Don't rule yourself out. Just ask LC and her O-5 son :)

BTW, our timing was good for a girl (not on purpose)- O-2 was the closest we got. Just found out I'm pregnant with boy #2 :)

Wow! I think I was about three and a half days out. I can't even pinpoint it. I think it's pretty darn unlikely. The 0-5 one is amazing! Super sperm (or maybe double ovulation).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1407341407|3727246 said:
amc80|1407340632|3727233 said:
O-3 is still good timing! Don't rule yourself out. Just ask LC and her O-5 son :)

BTW, our timing was good for a girl (not on purpose)- O-2 was the closest we got. Just found out I'm pregnant with boy #2 :)

Wow! I think I was about three and a half days out. I can't even pinpoint it. I think it's pretty darn unlikely. The 0-5 one is amazing! Super sperm (or maybe double ovulation).

I lurk over here but just wanted to tell you that I got pg last winter on O-4 (I m/c'd though)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline: I am so sorry that your timing was wonky this cycle. I hear you on thinking that you missed the right time period, sometimes the intuition is just there. I hope for your sake you still got in for the right timing. What kind of diet will you be doing?

Stephb0lt: Glad you are ovulating normally this cycle. Hopefully your stay will be short and sweet on the TTC thread!

MuffDog: How's your cycle going this time around? I think you are four or five days ahead of me, so I'm hoping you get your BFP this cycle and I follow!

AFM I finally got all my test results back. Last month's cycle was a bust, the blood tests came back and I officially did not ovulate. In addition my hormones were even wackier when they tested them later in the cycle, so I've been put on Metformin and Clomid for this cycle. Starting on both as of tonight! Good luck everybody!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff26|1407353956|3727369 said:
Tourmaline: I am so sorry that your timing was wonky this cycle. I hear you on thinking that you missed the right time period, sometimes the intuition is just there. I hope for your sake you still got in for the right timing. What kind of diet will you be doing?

Stephb0lt: Glad you are ovulating normally this cycle. Hopefully your stay will be short and sweet on the TTC thread!

MuffDog: How's your cycle going this time around? I think you are four or five days ahead of me, so I'm hoping you get your BFP this cycle and I follow!

AFM I finally got all my test results back. Last month's cycle was a bust, the blood tests came back and I officially did not ovulate. In addition my hormones were even wackier when they tested them later in the cycle, so I've been put on Metformin and Clomid for this cycle. Starting on both as of tonight! Good luck everybody!

Huff - well I hope the Metformin and Clomid help this cycle. I must admit I'm not super familiar with those meds but I have heard good things. Crossing my fingers for ya!

Stephbolt- ovulation is good :-) At least you are on the right track,right?

Tourmaline - do you have a timeline in your head where you will 'give up' swaying for a girl? I only ask because I'm not sure how long I could go with the swaying (which I am also trying to do) if I wasn't successful. Sure, the swaying may have nothing to do with it but I think after a few months I'll probably just throw in the towel and just go for it whatever way and see if it works! haha

AFM I'm on CD8 today and am expecting my order of OPKs tomorrow. I'll probably DTD tonight just in case. haha.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey guys - me again. Just checking in. This is a bit of a slow moving group eh? ;-)

I got my pack of cheapo OPK tests yesterday and my first test showed a very very faint line. I'll take another one later today and see what it says. According to FF I'm in the 3 day pre-O window. I've told DH that we are to DTD every other day until I say stop. Ha.

Last month we did it every third day. O-3, O, O+3. No bueno. Hopefully this route will be more effective. It will be more fun, anyways :-)

K...what are you guys up to today? At work? Getting ready for the weekend? We are heading to a friend's cottage this weekend so that should be fun. As long as our little guy still fits in his portable crib.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yes, we are a slow thread here! I wish there were more action. :)

Huff, I am doing the only diet that has worked for me for weight loss since having kids: Take Shape For Life (Medifast foods). Were I to find out I'm pregnant, I'd get off of it immediately. It's very low calorie, but balanced vitamins. I am sort of morally opposed to diets like this one, haha, but it works for me where no other way of eating does. My metabolism changed a lot (left) after having kids.

Muff, I am not going to throw in the towel on timing again. I have 4 kids, and three of them (in a row) are boys. If I don't get pregnant with timing it O-2, I'm going to stop trying to get pregnant at some point. I'm not doing the other sway things (diet, douche, etc.). But I really believe in the timing thing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MuffDog: We are a slow moving group! My life has been nuts lately. I am interviewing for a new job, my husband's interviewing for a new job, we are house hunting and going through trying to rent or sell our current one, trying to manage this new stupid-annoying-you-can-never-eat-anything-delicious-again diet, annnnnd I'm working on my masters.
Oh and I guess trying to get pregnant :wink2:

Tourmaline: Good luck on your timing this cycle. I really hope you get your girl because I know that's what you have been hoping for! My diet is not calorie restricting but it is enjoyment restricting. :snooty:

AFM I am very happy and feel blessed with everything that could happen for us so I am not complaining. I am on CD9 and just took my last dose of Clomid. I absolutely hate taking the Metformin because it's giving me stomach issues but it will be all be worth it in the end hopefully.