
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I am cautiously dipping my toe in the water.

This is our second cycle trying and I'm currently 10 DPO. I do feel like we learned more this cycle, because I started with OPKs for the first time, and I ovulate much earlier than I thought I would, CD9. I absolutely can't hate the waiting! One moment I'm positive I'm pregnant and the next I think there's no possible way.

I know you all understand the feeling, so I'm glad to join a forum with such supportive women!
Congrats to Marlie and mlk!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mlk: I am so happy for you! Congrats! Make sure you stop by every once in awhile

OUpeargirl: I think after my next cycle (whenever I get aunt flo) we are going to try OPKs. I have know idea when I'm ovulating either... just kind guest work and BD every other day at least no matter what. Glad to know there's another mommy to be on the boards.

As for me I had a really tough night/ morning. I had horrible pains and was just positive this was an ectopic pregnancy. So I went to the ER... and not pregnant. My HTC levels were 2 and I have a new cyst now on my left ovary. So I am going to the doctor's office Monday to hopefully start my cycle and get back to trying. :(sad So it's some couch rest for me today.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff26|1404320953|3705300 said:
mlk: I am so happy for you! Congrats! Make sure you stop by every once in awhile

OUpeargirl: I think after my next cycle (whenever I get aunt flo) we are going to try OPKs. I have know idea when I'm ovulating either... just kind guest work and BD every other day at least no matter what. Glad to know there's another mommy to be on the boards.

As for me I had a really tough night/ morning. I had horrible pains and was just positive this was an ectopic pregnancy. So I went to the ER... and not pregnant. My HTC levels were 2 and I have a new cyst now on my left ovary. So I am going to the doctor's office Monday to hopefully start my cycle and get back to trying. :(sad So it's some couch rest for me today.

I hope you feel better.. Sorry about the cyst!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Clairitek.

huff, you are so sweet. I hope you join us over in JBP soon!

Good luck to all you ladies x
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OUpeargirl: Thank you. How is it going for you this cycle so far? Are you excited for trying?

mlk: Awww thanks. Hopefully I will be too. It's sad to say but I am looking forward to commiserating with everyone with morning sickness and being gassy. :lol:

I'm just wondering does anyone have any particular recommendations for OPK strips?
Huff26 said:
OUpeargirl: Thank you. How is it going for you this cycle so far? Are you excited for trying? mlk: Awww thanks. Hopefully I will be too. It's sad to say but I am looking forward to commiserating with everyone with morning sickness and being gassy. :lol: I'm just wondering does anyone have any particular recommendations for OPK strips?

Order the wondfo brand off of amazon. You'll get like 50 of them for around $20. If you don't want to order online, I always had good luck with the CVS brand of test strips. They are 20 for around $20. The Target brand ones are the exact same.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much amc80! I ordered some from amazon last week, per your suggestion.

So I had my doctors appointment today and all I can say is waaahhh wahh. Don't get me wrong, I loved the dr, but I am so upset with everything she had to say. She thinks my cycles are anovulary and that's why this last cycle was 47 days long and I have been somewhat irregular. She is doing a bunch of tests to see if I have PCOS and my AMH number. Depending on my results, she may send me straight to a fertility specialist. It seems so surreal :errrr: :sick:

She also prescribed me a 50mg Clomid prescription to try and get me going this cycle. I am a little nervous about taking it but I also want to know that I am at least doing something this round. Oh and I have additional test on days 10 and 21 of this cycle.

Hope you ladies are having better luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hugs, Huff26!

Well, the puppy didn't work out. I have been beating myself up like crazy for acting impulsively and adopting a puppy because she seemed so sweet and I thought we could handle her. After several days of not being able to control her biting, and with her peeing about 200 times a day, we had a trainer come over, and he helped us to figure out that it was not a good fit, and another family is adopting her instead. But it was really hard and sad.

I was thinking that my husband wouldn't be home in time for us to try for a girl (2 days before predicted ovulation), but I could tell by the saturation on the OPK that it was going to happen a day later than I had predicted, so he got home in time and we tried last night! I am going to ovulate tomorrow. So...two and a half week wait. Time to order some cheap pregnancy tests. Last month I took a bunch of brand name ones and spent way too much on it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1404857096|3709246 said:
Hugs, Huff26!

Well, the puppy didn't work out. I have been beating myself up like crazy for acting impulsively and adopting a puppy because she seemed so sweet and I thought we could handle her. After several days of not being able to control her biting, and with her peeing about 200 times a day, we had a trainer come over, and he helped us to figure out that it was not a good fit, and another family is adopting her instead. But it was really hard and sad.

I was thinking that my husband wouldn't be home in time for us to try for a girl (2 days before predicted ovulation), but I could tell by the saturation on the OPK that it was going to happen a day later than I had predicted, so he got home in time and we tried last night! I am going to ovulate tomorrow. So...two and a half week wait. Time to order some cheap pregnancy tests. Last month I took a bunch of brand name ones and spent way too much on it!

Awww Tourmaline, I'm sad that the puppy didn't work out. At the same time though if she wasn't the right fit for your family it is so much better off for everyone involved that you found out now. You are a much braver soul than I!
I ordered the cheapies too from Amazon too... I'm hoping I can read the OPK strips when the time comes. It was CD1 for me Sunday and I start taking the Clomid tomorrow. So is the theory for trying for a boy to try as close to your O as possible?

Dust dust dust to everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff26|1404911404|3709678 said:
So is the theory for trying for a boy to try as close to your O as possible?

Yes. Best timing for a boy is within 12 hours on either side of ovulation, up to 24 hours before. For a girl, 48 hours before is ideal. I just ovulated, so ours was...hmm...about 34 hours before.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1404920074|3709738 said:
Huff26|1404911404|3709678 said:
So is the theory for trying for a boy to try as close to your O as possible?

Yes. Best timing for a boy is within 12 hours on either side of ovulation, up to 24 hours before. For a girl, 48 hours before is ideal. I just ovulated, so ours was...hmm...about 34 hours before.

We inadvertently timed for a girl, with O-2 and O-3. Totally unplanned (and DH really wants another boy), but we were in the middle of moving and it's all we could manage.

ETA- I'm convinced this baby is a girl and will be shocked if it's a boy. This pregnancy is just so so different than with B.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LOL. My timing for my son was O-5, so I wouldn't put too mucstock into the whole Shettle's method.

Good luck ladies :) I'm rooting for you.
lliang_chi said:
LOL. My timing for my son was O-5, so I wouldn't put too mucstock into the whole Shettle's method. Good luck ladies :) I'm rooting for you.

Your DH really must have super sperm. O-5 is crazy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1404948138|3710051 said:
LOL. My timing for my son was O-5, so I wouldn't put too mucstock into the whole Shettle's method.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1404948138|3710051 said:
LOL. My timing for my son was O-5, so I wouldn't put too mucstock into the whole Shettle's method.

Good luck ladies :) I'm rooting for you.

Amen, sister. With K, we were EOD with the last session being on my O day. We were trying for a boy, so trying to get a last session in right before O. When LC found out her O-5 was a boy and my O-a few hours was a girl, I think I literally laughed out loud. We tried for a boy AGAIN with C (and pretty sure we hit O day, though I wasn't officially tracking) and girl again.

amc, my pregnancy with C was so different from my pregnancy with K that I was convinced it HAD to a boy. When the u/s tech told me she thought it was a boy at 12 weeks, I didn't doubt her for a minute. I even carried differently throughout the pregnancy (higher). The only similarities I had with both were nausea, heartburn and round ligament pain. Though they were all worse with Cora.

Tons of luck to you ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

*peeks head in*

Hi ladies! I was in here just about three years ago when we were TTC my now two year old daughter. She just turned 2 at the end of June and we'd love to have kiddos around 3 years apart so Friday I got my IUD removed and I guess we are now TTC. With my daughter we were very lucky and I got KU the first cycle we tried so trying to temper my expectations this time around. I also am having mixed feelings about TTC this time, I am so excited to have another kiddo especially since I think DD is just the funniest, coolest, best kid ever and I'm so excited to have another one, but I didn't really enjoy pregnancy so not looking forward to going through that again. Also, my sister is currently TTC and has been for about six months with a miscarriage in that time. I'm worried about how it will affect our relationship if I have an easy time getting KU again and she's still trying. I know there's no way of knowing and DH and I realized we can't change our plans based on her experience, but it certainly is on my mind. Hopefully we'll both get KU around the same time and we can enjoy the experience together.

Looking forward to spending time with you other ladies in here who are TTC!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline: :wavey: How are you feeling this cycle? Did you have any symptoms early on in your previous pregnancies? I'm rooting for you to get your girl this cycle.

amc80: well after reading the other posts about trying for a boy or a girl, you could definitely still be having a boy! DH doesn't really care but I really would rather have a boy, or three first :lol: Seriously though, I just don't think I am ready for a girl, my mother and I have a terrible relationship and I am frightened to death about dealing with girls growing up.

lliang_chi: thanks for the well wishes!

NewEnglandLady: That is too funny with you and your friend both having the opposite genders despite the theory. I know it is luck of the draw and I will cherish whatever little one I have. Girls are just... oooph. That's what comes to mind.

stephb0lt: Hi! I am hope your stay is really short this time around too. Are your cycles normal after you remove an IUD? That's great that you guys have your timing down between kids, for us it's much more of a crunch time, like have them now or never. I'm hoping I won't be too overwhelmed.

AFM, not to much going on. Finished my last dose of Clomid last night so we shall see how that goes this cycle. I'm on CD8, so I have a looonnng way to go. I have a funny/odd question to ask though. I am using OPK's this cycle, but to be honest, we already BD almost every day. We are newly weds still and enjoy that part, but I was reading up on previous posts and some of you recommended every other day instead. Does that just apply for the BD part or does that include him holding out too? Sorry for the embarrassing question. :oops: :?

Dust to everyone!
Huff- they say that as long as there are no known issues with DH, every day is fine. Having said that, my DH has no issues and we've been more successful on EOD cycles. That would include non BD action as well. I just think EOD gives him a chance to rebuild his supply's bit more. But the main thing is to try to keep having fun!

And yeah, shettles has been debunked lots of times. But it's still fun to think that we can have some control over the sex!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Last time (the time we conceived our third boy in a row), we had missed the perfect timing in terms of Shettles, and I went online and found something that said the opposite, that the best time for a girl was 12 to 20 hours AFTER O, and we tried that...and it was a boy. I'm sticking with Shettles, as my previous conceptions all followed the Shettles pattern.

Welcome, stephbOIt! When I was pregnant the first time, my husband's brother and SIL were pregnant, too, after 7 years of disappointments in TTC, and they lost their baby at 5 months, which was devastating to them, of course, and they had a hard time being around us for the first year or so after that. It was hard. I hope you and your sister both have great and similar luck conceiving!

Huff26, I am so connected to every little thing in my body that I have felt implantation (with the third pregnancy) and all sorts of symptoms, BUT I think I CREATE symptoms (meaning I think my mind-body connection is too strong), so I am determined not to think every little cramp means I'm pregnant, because I thought I was pregnant last month and I wasn't. Wow, that was one sentence.

I am 4dpo now. My pregnancies were hard, especially the third one. I am hoping the next one, if it happens, will be like the 4th, which was fine (I did take Zofran so I was throwing up just once or twice a day rather than every 15 minutes).

ETA: I ordered a 100-pack of Wondfo pregnancy test strips for $31 shipped! Embarrassingly, I spent over $200 last month on drugstore tests! Ack!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey girls :-) I popped in a number of months ago (April) saying we were going to get started TTC'ing #2 and well...we didn't. I had some major events happen in my personal life that made me not want to think about TTCing and planning for happy things. Instead I wanted to take the summer off and focus on trying to be happy and have fun. Luckily, I have a very supportive DH who was fine with that.

Ideally, I'd like to wait until September to start TTC but (I know this is silly) the Chinese gender calculator says that if I want a girl, I need to get KU in the next three cycles. I know it is dumb. I really do. However if I'm going to start TTCing anyways, I may as well try during the "girl" months if that is what I'm trying for, right?

Dumb. I know.

Anyway, we are going to go for it. If I end up with another boy, I'll be happy. Brothers. No buying new stuff. And Luca is so cute so another one like him (minus the bad temperment as a baby, please) would be great. Also as I have a bad relationship with my mom, maybe not having a mother/daughter dynamic is ideal.

However, I'd like to try for a girl :-) So Hi. Here I am :=) Luca was 2 in June so hopefully by the time #2 comes around, he'll be old enough to understand (and maybe help out a bit haha).

Anyhoo - HI!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Amc80: Thank you for the response. I think we are going to try to restrain ourselves this one cycle because I am on the Clomid too and we really do want it to work. But if it doesn't work right away we are just going to go back to every day for a few more cycles. Gotta enjoy it all now! :Up_to_something:

Tourmaline: I am seriously going to do some reading on the Shettle's theory. It seems like it works to some degree and I would rather have the odds in my favor than against, if you know what I mean.
And oy vey, I was so darn sure I was pregnant last cycle, which is what started all this. I was three and a half weeks late and had every symptom out there, or at least I had convinced myself that I did. I know you are getting excited to test soon, you are 6 dpo right? Hopefully that means you can test by Sunday or so. I am not sure how early you test though!

MuffDog: Hi! Glad to see that you came back. I hope everything is alright with you now. And don't tell me I am in the months for trying for a girl?!?! Lol I seriously wouldn't mind that much if I had one, I just really want a couple of boys first. I hear you on the bad relationship with your mother though. Mine is completely awful and I just don't want to fight with her all the time. Then again you see something like Gilmore Girls and suddenly it doesn't seem so bad.

Where are you guys in TTC? Are you on track to start this cycle or will you be waiting a bit?

AFM have had a few hot flashes at night, which I am not sure is if it's the Clomid or our Tempurpedic. I just really want the Clomid to work, even to the point where I would be ok with multiples the first time. I am just nervous that if it doesn't happen now, it won't. DH and I already decided we weren't going the IVF route. Maybe that would change over the next decade, but I honestly don't think it will. So I am kinda hopeful but also dreading everything. My cycles have never drug on like this before.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I got my 100 Wondfo tests today, so I tried one in the middle of the day (6dpo) just so I know what a negative looks like. There was no evap line or anything, which is nice to know. I test obscenely early, which is really dumb, because I get disappointed so many times. Here's a link to a page where they polled a LOT of pregnant women about how early they got positive results, so I consult this a lot. Silly, I know. Scroll down on the page and you can click on a particular dpo.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff26|1405461735|3713949 said:
Amc80: Thank you for the response. I think we are going to try to restrain ourselves this one cycle because I am on the Clomid too and we really do want it to work. But if it doesn't work right away we are just going to go back to every day for a few more cycles. Gotta enjoy it all now! :Up_to_something:

Tourmaline: I am seriously going to do some reading on the Shettle's theory. It seems like it works to some degree and I would rather have the odds in my favor than against, if you know what I mean.
And oy vey, I was so darn sure I was pregnant last cycle, which is what started all this. I was three and a half weeks late and had every symptom out there, or at least I had convinced myself that I did. I know you are getting excited to test soon, you are 6 dpo right? Hopefully that means you can test by Sunday or so. I am not sure how early you test though!

MuffDog: Hi! Glad to see that you came back. I hope everything is alright with you now. And don't tell me I am in the months for trying for a girl?!?! Lol I seriously wouldn't mind that much if I had one, I just really want a couple of boys first. I hear you on the bad relationship with your mother though. Mine is completely awful and I just don't want to fight with her all the time. Then again you see something like Gilmore Girls and suddenly it doesn't seem so bad.

Where are you guys in TTC? Are you on track to start this cycle or will you be waiting a bit?

AFM have had a few hot flashes at night, which I am not sure is if it's the Clomid or our Tempurpedic. I just really want the Clomid to work, even to the point where I would be ok with multiples the first time. I am just nervous that if it doesn't happen now, it won't. DH and I already decided we weren't going the IVF route. Maybe that would change over the next decade, but I honestly don't think it will. So I am kinda hopeful but also dreading everything. My cycles have never drug on like this before.

Huff - just for fun, put in your info into the Chinese Gender Calculator and see what it says?

As far as where we are in TTC - I'm CD10 today and I typically have a 25 day cycle. So we are just kind of going for it. My husband likes to think we are 'practicing' but we were a one shot wonder couple last time so who knows.

And Huff - I'm crossing my fingers for you that the Clomid works.

Tourmaline - I hear you on the testing. I already went to the dollar store and picked up pregnancy tests and ovulation kits. Already used two.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Haha, Muff, I am just like you.....I really wanted to use the Chinese gender chart for conceiving my next pregnancy ( wanted to sway for a girl as much as I could), but I got pregnant very unexpectedly ( one night of fun, lol), and we are having another boy! We are very happy to give L a little bro though. But I have to say, it was right for me both times! MH thinks I'm ridic for believing in it, but I do!!! I say go for it!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dani|1405516505|3714351 said:
Haha, Muff, I am just like you.....I really wanted to use the Chinese gender chart for conceiving my next pregnancy ( wanted to sway for a girl as much as I could), but I got pregnant very unexpectedly ( one night of fun, lol), and we are having another boy! We are very happy to give L a little bro though. But I have to say, it was right for me both times! MH thinks I'm ridic for believing in it, but I do!!! I say go for it!!!

Dani! Another boy? SO cute. I mean please - you produce pretty gorgeous boys, so it is only fair to the women of the world that you have more of them!!

Luca was conceived in 'one night of fun' like your L was - and of course my husband thinks the same thing should happen for this one. I have had to explain to him that our BD schedule is....ahem....too infrequent to rely on a fluke like that happening again!

It must be hard for men - so much of this part is all on them. I mean...I kind of feel bad for them...but then not really. Haha.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MuffDog|1405517439|3714355 said:
Dani|1405516505|3714351 said:
Haha, Muff, I am just like you.....I really wanted to use the Chinese gender chart for conceiving my next pregnancy ( wanted to sway for a girl as much as I could), but I got pregnant very unexpectedly ( one night of fun, lol), and we are having another boy! We are very happy to give L a little bro though. But I have to say, it was right for me both times! MH thinks I'm ridic for believing in it, but I do!!! I say go for it!!!

Dani! Another boy? SO cute. I mean please - you produce pretty gorgeous boys, so it is only fair to the women of the world that you have more of them!!

Luca was conceived in 'one night of fun' like your L was - and of course my husband thinks the same thing should happen for this one. I have had to explain to him that our BD schedule is....ahem....too infrequent to rely on a fluke like that happening again!

It must be hard for men - so much of this part is all on them. I mean...I kind of feel bad for them...but then not really. Haha.

Aww, thanks!!! I do have to say, my L is a stud!!!:) he's too cute!!

Actually, it took us a few mths to conceive L...that's why we were SOOO surprised w this was literally one night the WHOLE month!!! ( tmi, sorry). I thought we were in the safe zone....we were totally not trying and it was the first night we didnt use any protection! All I can say is, I guess this little one is meant to be!!! But yes,it's another boy, and we are very happy, especially for L, since he is such a " boy" and will love having a little bro we think!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

The Chinese Gender prediction calendar got one of my 4 kids' genders correct.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MuffDog: I put it in the calendar and it said a girl... oy vey. I feel like such a brat but I want a boy! Oh well, again we would be happy with anything. I hear you on the practicing part though... I am still trying to tell myself that's what we are doing so I don't go into neurotic mode. Everything went from, "oh we aren't trying but we wouldn't be upset if it happened" to " you only have about a 5 year window total to make this happen, so we recommend you start trying right away." I'm just hoping for the best because DH's mom and dad really want to move in with us the first couple of years to provide free babysitting. I feel so much pressure.

And hey we are cycle twins! hurray! Well I don't think my cycles are quick as quick as yours but I'm on CD11 and who knows what the clomid is doing to me.

Dust for you as well!

Tourmaline: That's what I like to hear! Then again if someone told me to rain dance for a boy I would probably believe them and do it. I am rather gullible I'm afraid. I am anxiously awaiting your test results over this weekend. I hope it's a happy announcement!

AFM work today was just tiring. I got into a fight with my mother and I rather cowardly blamed it on the Clomid. The truth is, I just don't really think of her as my mom. My grandparents raised me when I was younger and I still view them as my parents. She took over when I was about 7 with my step dad, but I don't really think of them as anything other than an aunt and uncle. We just aren't close and I feel like she is really manipulative.

I am hoping Saturday is O-day for me!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hugs, Huff26. I'm sorry you had a hard day.

So I am 7dpo and I've taken 4 tests today. I'm so ridiculous.