
The pull of OEC optic - Ah man!


Feb 2, 2011
I upgraded last year from a simple .5 ct oval to a 1.01 H VS1 EC. It's a fabulous diamond that Jon described as a 'needle in a haystack'. I put it in a simple unplated WG (thanks Yssie), chunky bezel setting that suits my outdoorsy, nonfussy style.

It's a beautiful ring. The buttery metal makes my diamond appear even whiter. So what the heck am I doing looking at OEC's? What is that pull I'm feeling? My EC is cool, and unusual for my circles. No one has one, and those large flashes of light and color? Ooo la la. Then I started following Gypsy's, Dreamer's, and other threads, saw The Burk sold. RB's don't charm me, but there is something about those OEC's that I just can't resist. :love:

I would have to trade in my EC and do a boatload of reading and learning. I would have to ask a million questions, and then save for a while as I regroup financially. I would have to decide btwn secondary market and it's pitfalls, or going for an AVR. What am I asking exactly? I'm not too sure, other than maybe some testimonials of others who have perfectly gorgeous diamonds and then found themselves pining for something else. :roll:
I like change and variety. I have bought and sold more diamonds than I care to think about over the last four years ::) I have no regrets about it, I did not lose any money in the process (maybe $1000 on settings over the years, small pennies on a hobbie I enjoy). I have no regrets.

OECs are pretty cool. They combine the wham bam of rounds, with the chunky look and bold flash of step cuts. I have been fortunate that each of the three OECs I have bought has been well cut, but still, there is real variety in their optics. Each one is unique. My little 5.2mm is the best cut of the three I own. Too bad it is not bigger :Up_to_something: But you can't just order up what you like when it comes to true old cuts. It is a crap shoot, a snipe hunt, a game of sorts. Even buying full retial you are limited to a very small pool of availability. Larger OECs are not common (i.e. over 1ct). Less tinted OECs are rare. Well cut are rare. How long it takes you to find what you want and how much you have to pay depends on what you want! So much different than trying to buy cuts that are mass produced.

I am addicted to them, hunting them out as they languish in the hands of people who don't know or care what they have. I like the hunt, and mystery of wondering what will arrive in the mail because the vendor photos SUCK, getting to know the stone once it arrives. So much fun. But it is not for everyone. If you don't have the patience and perseverence, or the time to spend *literally* 1000s of hours on ebay, then buy on the primary market! If you want perfection of symmetry and optical precision, then but an AVR. Save yourself the headache! Old cuts are not for everyone.
Welcome to PS lol
I don't blame you! When I worked with JbEG on my first engagement ring, I got to see a LOT of OECs, and they have this gorgeous charm and personality that RBs don't. My original engagement ring was a modern cushion which I absolutely loved, and sadly the relationship didn't work out. But we are both happily in new relationships, and I've already shown my bf an OEC that I am hopelessly in love with (we've talked about marriage, I wouldn't scare a man like that!)

I think if you get information overloaded, you can always talk to anyone at GoG, and I'm sure they would love to answer any questions. Their AVRs are gorgeous and JbEG have beautiful OECs as well. You could always save up for a smaller OEC too and wear it as a right hand ring. There are many possibilities to consider!! :)
I find your ability to hunt out quality OEC's fascinating Dreamer. I can understand the thrill of the hunt, and scoring a lovely diamond at far less than retail/online prices. I quite enjoy the thrill of the hunt myself and have been involved in the secondary market most of my life for all sorts of objects (I buy 90% of my clothing that way), except jewellery and diamonds. There I am a frustrating novice.

Would it be fair to say that those that are successfully buying diamonds on the secondary market have a background (whatever that may be) that gives them an advantage, or is it a matter of spending the time to learn the ropes? I have only been on PS for around a year now, and I feel very uncertain about how to start my search. Well not exactly. I know I would like to wait a while and build up my resources, but then again, would waiting cause me to be faced with even higher diamond prices? I haven't heard the latest where they are headed.

I have read a fair bit, and would like to spend time looking at OEC's in person, but our local market (both primary and secondary) rarely carry OEC's, so it is difficult for me to develop an knowledgeable eye for a quality stone. I could easily order off eBay (although I am embarassed to say I have not actually done so - an eBay virgin), but could easily end up with frozen spit or a diamond with inferior optics. It does intrigue me though, the hunt. Gaining the knowledge is the problem, not the time/hours spent.

Ordering an AVR would be the simplest solution. There is something about sourcing an Old Cut that is actually an old cut, with beautiful faceting. To get that and a sweet deal, oh man. Or to be able to have a larger diamond that what I could afford for retail, now we're talking!
Ditto begonia- dreamer has a gift for finding quality OECs amongst eBay trolls :)
There's really nothing like an OEC. I've purchased about 15 on ebay this past year alone. This is my holy grail: 2ct oec, L, VS, perfect girdle. After my ebay bucks and cc cash back, I paid $4836. ;)

oec mammoth 1.jpg

oec mammoth 2.jpg

oec beach 2.jpg
ForteKitty|1329948969|3131920 said:
There's really nothing like an OEC. I've purchased about 15 on ebay this past year alone. This is my holy grail: 2ct oec, L, VS, perfect girdle. After my ebay bucks and cc cash back, I paid $4836. ;)

that definitely is the holy grail!!
ForteKitty|1329948969|3131920 said:
There's really nothing like an OEC. I've purchased about 15 on ebay this past year alone. This is my holy grail: 2ct oec, L, VS, perfect girdle. After my ebay bucks and cc cash back, I paid $4836. ;)

fortekitty that is SOOO gorgeous!!!
ForteKitty|1329948969|3131920 said:
There's really nothing like an OEC. I've purchased about 15 on ebay this past year alone. This is my holy grail: 2ct oec, L, VS, perfect girdle. After my ebay bucks and cc cash back, I paid $4836. ;)

:love: :love: Wow! ForteKitty! That is gorgeous!

Begonia it's funny you started this thread at a time when my DH and I just bought a gorgeous OEC and yep, he showed me his "dream ring" for me which is not an OEC, and we're selling the OEC to put towards that ring so I completely understand where you're coming from.
I'm glad I'm not alone in my dilemma - if it really is one! :lol:

When I see an OEC like Fortekitty's, that's when the trouble starts. That is jaw-droppingly beautiful. This is what I am getting at however, is the knowledge base that one needs to be able to acquire that calibre of stone. Perseverance-check. Time committment-check. Finances - hmmm, wait and save vs watch diamond prices. Diamond knowledge and ebay savvy-not so much. That is roughly what I paid for my EC loose...arrrggh.

As you have all so lovingly pointed out, there is no shame in exploring the diamond world beyond owning an EC. Why do I support all of you in your diamond adventures, and then criticize myself? :lol: The trick is, like Dreamer, Fortekitty and so many others, to navigate with savvy, smarts and persistence. Ok, now I'm going back to look at that stone again, and again, and again... :mrgreen:
ForteKitty|1329948969|3131920 said:
There's really nothing like an OEC. I've purchased about 15 on ebay this past year alone. This is my holy grail: 2ct oec, L, VS, perfect girdle. After my ebay bucks and cc cash back, I paid $4836. ;)

:o That's one gorgeous OEC ! Wow
Uhhhh...Holy Grail....YES!!! That OEC is gorgeous Forte Kitty!!!

Begonia: I am so in your shoes right now! It's only recently, like in the last few weeks that I even thought about OECs, OMCs, and the like. So many of them having been popping up on PS lately that I had to see what all of the fuss is about....and now I know!! They are all so different from one stone to the next, and I am fascinated by how they perform in different lighting situations. So all of sudden I want one of my own! Unfortunately, I have too many other things that I should be doing with my ready cash to justify a new diamond purchase. So I'll just have to live vicariously through you as you search. I hope you find one you love! There are a lot of folks around PS to guide you in your search.
Well, I just went through the same situation. Giving up an AGS000 ideal cut RB for my hearts desire of an OEC. Although I looked for quite some time trying to find what I wanted at a steal, it just was not in the cards and I ended up buying on the primary market. I looked at the AVRs a lot but there was just something to me about owning a true antique OEC. It has so much personality, much more than the RB.

I am so jealous of yours Fortekitty, it's a beauty at a down right steal!

Here is my recent purchase: 3.09ct M VS1.

Bright Ice, that is gorgeous!!!!!!
ForteKitty|1329959722|3132090 said:
Bright Ice, that is gorgeous!!!!!!

Thanks Fortekitty. I wish I could have done as well as you but I was ready to have one.
3+ carats are RARE, and I'm not sure you could have done better on ebay cut-wise. I think you picked out a great one!!!
ForteKitty|1329960250|3132101 said:
3+ carats are RARE, and I'm not sure you could have done better on ebay cut-wise. I think you picked out a great one!!!

I had Dave Atlas appraise it for me and he said it is a great performer. I will get a thread on it, can discuss his opinion and the outcome. I don't want to threadjack.
bright ice|1329959635|3132088 said:
Well, I just went through the same situation. Giving up an AGS000 ideal cut RB for my hearts desire of an OEC. Although I looked for quite some time trying to find what I wanted at a steal, it just was not in the cards and I ended up buying on the primary market. I looked at the AVRs a lot but there was just something to me about owning a true antique OEC. It has so much personality, much more than the RB.

I am so jealous of yours Fortekitty, it's a beauty at a down right steal!

Here is my recent purchase: 3.09ct M VS1.

bright ice it's beautiful!!! Get that thread going, I want more pictures :love: :love: :love:
They are really lovely. Even the ones that aren't "amazing" performers are beautiful to me. I prefer fancy's and personality over top notch performance though-- if I have to chose. My favorite is Coati's big shy 3 carat. It's the most beautiful diamond I've never seen.

I think getting an old cut is something very special. I know I love the ones that I've been able to own, however briefly. And I plan to get nice one in a ring one day.

Personally, I find old cut hunting on ebay fun. LOL. I'm a weirdo though. I really enjoy the hunt.

ETA: Can't wait Bright Ice it sounds amazing!
Gypsy|1329963676|3132144 said:
They are really lovely. Even the ones that aren't "amazing" performers are beautiful to me. I prefer fancy's and personality over top notch performance though-- if I have to chose. My favorite is Coati's big shy 3 carat. It's the most beautiful diamond I've never seen.

I think getting an old cut is something very special. I know I love the ones that I've been able to own, however briefly. And I plan to get nice one in a ring one day.

Personally, I find old cut hunting on ebay fun. LOL. I'm a weirdo though. I really enjoy the hunt.

ETA: Can't wait Bright Ice it sounds amazing!

It's ironic, Gypsy... I finally just finished reading Al Gilbertson's - American Cut and I think of all the painstaking effort to create the ideal RB of today, yet here we are, just absolutely swooned by these OECs. Far from ideal, yet many of us are choosing them over the perfected modern day RBs.

Quite something!

PS> Coati's OEC makes me melt too, it's one of my absolute favorite OECs :love:
Haven't met an OEC on this forum I haven't liked quite frankly. Some I would give my left...well never mind. Gypsy I do believe it started with you and one of your stones (that has ultimately been sold I do believe). I can almost pinpoint the moment...

Who would be willing to share their story from beginning to end of how they acquired their OEC? Right from the very beginning for an absolute novice such as myself. I am literally at that stage of finding of what the heck an OEC really is, and as helpful as past posts on PS are, it is laborious to read through them (but oh I shall). Yet at times I find that so much isn't there, ya know?

Fortekitty, what did you bring to the table before you got that gorgeous chunk of delight? Are you in the industy? Do you live in a city with scads of places to view, and educate yourself about the stones? Have you been on PS forever and a day? Dreamer, how did you acquire your knowledge that gave you the confidence to start making the purchases on Ebay? Ebay is another whole consideration for those who have never even made a purchase, let alone become a competent bidder/buyer.

I've been loving and collecting jewellery since I was a wee girl looking at the Birks Blue Book (any Canadians reading this?), but I have but a mere fraction of the knowledge needed to make a go at this. What is my goal? To get a lifetime OEC like Forekitty's, that I can say, okay this is it for me. I've reached my Holy Grail. I can't help but want to find a steal (or good deal) - heck even if we weren't a one income (and modest one too) family, I'd want to save the cash. Sure I can go after an AVR, and pay an absolute premium (and a pretty small stone to be honest), but so many of you have a process that secures you some lovely stones for less, and/or larger stones that you could ever afford otherwise. It is calculated risk if done right.

Can someone who plants gardens and prunes trees for a living pull this off?
Totally ironic.

I accept the blame for adding to the flames of the old cut love.

I really have loved every stone that's come through me. The L 1.25 was my favorite, and I'm just happy it went to a great home with someone who really adores it. It was fun buying it in person, seeing it recut to get the chip removed and the (many) surface abrasions polished out.

And I will eventually buy another OEC for a ring for myself, just because they are really entrancing and I enjoy their performance so much.

If you want an OEC just give us a budget and we can search on ebay for you. But be warned, there is risk involved. I saw the listing that Forte Kitty bought her gorgeous OEC from. All you could see is a vague diamond ring with very blurry photography in two pics and no stats listed. Very risky. But it worked out.

I just helped another PSer buy an OEC and the stats listed were wonky as all heck, but for her the pics were nice and she decided it was worth the risk. It worked out. If it hadn't it would have had to have been ebay buyer protection to the rescue. I've had to use ebay buyer protection myself. Fortunately, it works. And works well if you also use paypal.
Gypsy- you have also been the "OEC whisperer" :) always helpful and always finding great stones
Amys Bling|1329969952|3132219 said:
Gypsy- you have also been the "OEC whisperer" :) always helpful and always finding great stones

Thank you AB, that's lovely of you to say. I love helping people find bling! You made my night. ((HUGS))
I'm not in the industry, but I had a lot of experience buying on ebay. I bought my first ebay diamond in 2002, just out of college. (0.47ct D VS Ideal w/ ruby sidestones, 18k setting for $700) Over the years, I collected almost every standard shape between 1/2ct to 1.5ct. I don't have any branded fancy cuts, though. Rounds never thrilled me, in fact, I was totally anti rb because it's SO common. (insert whine) And prior to my first oec purchase (1.64 K VS- posted here somewhere), I had only seen 1/3 carat oec/omcs. I was randomly browsing thru ebay when I found it, offered, negotiated a few times, and ended up with a gorgeous ring. She's now with my aunt, who is giving her a loving home.

Then I went on a binge and collected a good 5 more sub-caraters (some at great prices, some at not-so-great prices. Hey, I was still learning!), and one 1.3ct (being set in a pendant as we speak) before landing my 2ct. Gypsy was right. The pics were terrible. I almost overlooked it, but something made me email the seller and ask if she would take better pics. I walked her thru the process on how to get better macro shots, and she was amazing. She never lost her patience. about 15 (somewhat better) pics later, I got my precious. Well, there was a slight hiccup. After the seller agreed to sell it to me, her husband sold it to someone else at the same price! Luckily for me, their first buyer couldn't come up with the money for 3 more weeks, and they relisted it and sold it to me.

After the 2ct, I continued buying more oecs, and purchased an antique (pretty sure it was made before 1910) 3+ctw old cut brooch, w/ a gorgeous 1+ct oec main stone and 2ctw omc accents all around for a lovely price of $1300!! :bigsmile: I also acquired some 1.5ctw oec dangly earrings for $300. My oec count is now at about 15, and most of them hover around 0.9-0.95ct.

My daily searches were crazy, and took up a lot of time. I also took a LOT of risks. It's been a wild ride, and I had a ton of fun, but I pretty much retired from the oec scene as of a few weeks ago. It was just too much work. :))

eta: thanks to everyone who complimented my baby! She's beaming! :D
Gypsy|1329969485|3132211 said:
Totally ironic.

I accept the blame for adding to the flames of the old cut love.

I really have loved every stone that's come through me. The L 1.25 was my favorite, and I'm just happy it went to a great home with someone who really adores it. It was fun buying it in person, seeing it recut to get the chip removed and the (many) surface abrasions polished out.

And I will eventually buy another OEC for a ring for myself, just because they are really entrancing and I enjoy their performance so much.

If you want an OEC just give us a budget and we can search on ebay for you. But be warned, there is risk involved. I saw the listing that Forte Kitty bought her gorgeous OEC from. All you could see is a vague diamond ring with very blurry photography in two pics and no stats listed. Very risky. But it worked out.

I just helped another PSer buy an OEC and the stats listed were wonky as all heck, but for her the pics were nice and she decided it was worth the risk. It worked out. If it hadn't it would have had to have been ebay buyer protection to the rescue. I've had to use ebay buyer protection myself. Fortunately, it works. And works well if you also use paypal.

Thanks for the offer Gypsy...
I'll definitely take you up on that once we have saved a bit more, I want a healthy budget for it :Up_to_something:
I use ebay often but so far never had to make a claim with paypal, is there a $ limit for protection? I was holding out for an AVR but seeing Forte Kitty's OEC up there just bounced me back to the reality of how amazing an OEC can be and I'm going to broaden my scope to them once again.

Thanks for being such a great enabler :naughty:
ForteKitty!!! :eek: That is one incredible ring at any price, but what a DEAL that was!!! (I already drooled over BrightIce's diamond in her thread!)

You people are killing me. I did want a rb for my main e-ring, but I really want an OEC (or AVR), too.

begonia...seriously, if you have an excellent emerald cut, keep it!!! That is a beautiful cut and I think you'd regret selling it. Save some money, do some ebay shopping and find an OEC for another ring!
Well, my almost 20k posts on PS has helped a lot. It makes me confident that I know enough about diamonds that I am not a sucker waiting to happen when it comes to buying diamonds privately. I am a rather saavy diamond cosumer at this point. And I like to learn. So I soaked up all I could on PS about old cuts.

I have also owned a tonne of diamonds. I know what a well cut stone looks like in person, and after hours and hours looking at photos of OECs, and then comparing photos to my own daimonds in person, I learned what a well cut stone looks like in photos too (not an exact science, but you can see the hints). There are some tell tale things in photos that clue me in, personally, that a dark crappy looking photo could be a good buy. I bought two more OECs this week that are big risks based on the photos :Up_to_something: I'll let you knwo how it turns out.

I also learned a lot from a nice group of PSers whom I met off PS and spent way to much time chatting with about ebay stones 8) That was good edumacation, but that was just luck to have.

I think each person has their own methods for hunting. I only buy from private sellers and small antique "stores" that don't sell diamonds. Most of the ones I have bought knew nothing at all about what they have. They did not call them "OECs" or mine cuts, they don't list carat weight, usually don't know the spread or color or clarity, maybe you get a photo of the diamond next to a ruler ;)) Below you can see examples of the wonderful photography that I have spotted and seen potential and taken the chance to buy. And that chance meant I got really good deals. Below are my photos of the same stones.



Amy: So true!

sp&bc: Thanks for the encouragement!

Sparkly: What is your dream ring :)?

Onedrop: Search may not happen for a while, but then again :Up_to_something:

Brightice: OMGosh, congratulations!

Gypsy: Deep bow at waist for OEC Whisperer. I have missed your sourcing for others. I would be honored for your help when the time comes...

Fortekitty: Thanks for sharing your story. I love hearing people's stories! When did you buy that tantalizing trinket?

Dreamer. 20K Good God! I don't pay enough attention to the number of posts people have done - newbie errors. Thanks for showing the before and after. That's why those diamonds are still available because of before shots like that LOL.

Diamondseeker: Ahhh the voice of wisdom! I shall muse on your suggestion. I hate regrets.