
TomKat is born!

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Date: 4/20/2006 10:05:48 PM
Author: gailrmv

(This has nothing to do with Scientology, just that we have no PM!)

Anyways I hope you find this funny and not take it the wrong way: My dog (whose name is Angie) looks so much like your sweet dog in your avatar!!! Their coloring is a little different, but very similar face and eyes. On another of your posts I saw you signed ''Angie.'' That with the picture had me cracking up thinking about my Angie on pricescope.

Can you tell us a little about your dog? My Angie is about 3 and as far as we know is a shepherd mix or perhaps Carolina Dog. I''ve posted a bunch of pics of her on a thread called Carolina Dogs.
Awww...I''ll talk about my little man anyday of the week! His name is Miles...he just turned 5 a couple of months ago. (I can''t believe I''ve had him that long!) He''s actually mostly a Jack Russell Terrier. Something in his genes turned him black and tan instead of white and tan. He''s the long legged, smooth coat type....weighs about 23 pounds. (He gained about 4 lbs when I had him neutered...kind of good though. It looked like I never fed him he was so anorexic looking! I wish I had that metobolism)

That is funny your dog has my name...but I don''t mind. I''m a dog lover, so I just think of them as four-legged people!
that dog is precious...I seriously thought he was some huge Shepard or hound mix from the pic...23 pounds! Wow...I love muts, always more itneresting looking.

hehee--you know when we start talking about pets, pies (LEMON PIE), or other such things, ze thread, it is a-dyin'
Date: 4/21/2006 9:22:21 AM
Author: Angela1977
Date: 4/20/2006 6:52:26 PM

Author: marvel

Date: 4/20/2006 6:44:38 PM

Author: ivanadiamond

rainbowtrout, thank you for sharing your story, I really enjoyed hearing your point of view and feel like I learned so much from it

Ditto! I really appreciate your perspective, Rainbow. I don''t like hearing people ''dis Scientology, because I really think it comes from a lack of knowledge. I knew a family when I was growing up that where Scientologist, so I understand some of he very basicis. I don''t think any of *us* should be judging others beliefs. Although, I was raised Catholic, so I can judge that religion
As far as Cruise is concerned, he''s just wacked because he''s wacked....can''t blame that on Scientology!

*sigh* man, i''m not even going to touch this one...


Back to work, and this thread...whew!

Rainbowtrout...your experience with scientology doesn''t change the reality. I didn''t say that every person that''s a scientologist is unfit to raise a child. I''m sorry that you took it that way, but I still think that this organization is a dangerous entity that is a threat to its members and to society. Everybody has a different experience with it...hopefully yours wasn''t quite as bad as some, though it sounds like some members of your family are feeling the effects. For that, I feel very sad.

I''ve said my peace on the issue...and I think this thread is fairly played out.

I like the banter though...stimulating.

I think that as with anything, you can def. take it too far, and then it is most definitely a danger. I do know that my attitude towards relgion in general is sort of moderatred through this experiance and through living in the deep South in a ultra-Babtist community for a some sense I expect *all* religion to be dangerous. I do think you are right on your main criticism of the COS though, in case I didn''t make that clear. The organization is corrupt at very high levels, doesn''t encourage independant thinking, and you have to make a concerted effort to live a moderate life in it. That''s why I am opposed to the COS absolutely, and more neutral on the ideas themselves.

Anyway, as long as we don''t lump the COS in with all their constituents, I''m cool with lobbing as much criticism at their scare tactics and money-stealing as you want.

But yeah, end of the day moral of the story is I wouldn''t recommend anyone to join and if I could talk my family out of it I would. As you can probably tell, I still haven''t made my peace with the whole issue entirely.
Suri. So the can use the phrase: yes sur ie.
By the way, Rainbowtrout, I had written my post to you after reading about Attacking the Attacker and Dead Agenting. I was feeling a little paranoid about what you could write.

Mmmmmm.... pie.
Bitches. They can sue the hell out of my little butt if they want to...just let them try. And if my family doesn''t have the f*ing guts to not shun me if the church tells them to, then they can go live with Xenu on the bloody moon.

Hmp! (ok, I find I am forced to again apologize for the potty mouth)
I'm sorry that I said things that got you upset, Rainbowtrout.


In the shocker of all shockers, Tom Cruise isn't the linguistic expert he claims to be. Despite telling everybody Suri means "princess" in Hebrew, Hebrew linguists have confirmed that it doesn't.

Suri has only two meanings - one is a person from Syria and the other "go away" when addressed to a female. Hebrew expert Jonathan Went says, "I think it's fair to say they have made a mistake here. There are variations of the way the Hebrew name for princess is spelt but I have never seen it this way." Suri can also be translated into a Hindi boy's name, and it also means "pointy nose" in some Indian dialects and "pickpocket" in Japanese.

The crazy bastard named his daughter "pointy nosed pickpocket." I take back whatever I said about Tom Cruise, because only a genius of maniacal proportions could come up with that. I just wonder how he's gonna top it. He's gonna have to name his next kid "degenerate puppy killer" or something.

That's directly from the Superficial.
Here''s another one of the little man...

And then me and the little guy...:-) (man, I look like I have a lot of freckles...)

Oh, and sorry these pics are so big. I'm at work, and don't have a way to resize...

ROFL Blen...gotta love the superficial...

shocker of all shockers...

I just realized that this thread has become the puppy pic thread (cute pup, by the way!), so I started a new one. I figured that some other people could be interested...
For those interested, here is an article that was written by a friend of my fiance.

I am not posting this to offend anyone - and the opinions in the article are the writer''s own. It details his 2 week experience at the Scientology Centre. This article does contain *strong language and adult subjects*.
Blenheim--trust me, it wasn''t you that got me riled up
Seriously, don''t worry about it. I''m not *that* easy to tick off...evidence to the contrary. That was more of a growl at those policies you mentioned than anything.

and OMG that name! Lordy, what-an-idiot. If you don''t speak the language, stupid, don''t name your kid in it!
angela, can you put your puppy in the NO CATS ALLOWED thread? I bet people would like to see him, what a cutiepie..
Date: 4/21/2006 1:28:46 PM
Author: LAJennifer
For those interested, here is an article that was written by a friend of my fiance.

I am not posting this to offend anyone - and the opinions in the article are the writer's own. It details his 2 week experience at the Scientology Centre. This article does contain *strong language and adult subjects*.

Hee! This is like all my repressed desires to yell at annoying scientologists wrapped into a beautiful package--this article is wonderful!!! OK, I know I'm supposed to be all tolerant and stuff but day-um, this is cathartic. He gets some facts wrong, but still.

I also realized reading this that pretty much all of my experiance has been at Celebrity Centre, which is probably the mildest and nicest place of the orgs...
rainbowtrout- I want to thank you also for sharing your experiences with us! I''ve always been curious about scientology and what draws people to it, and it''s great to have your well-informed voice around here
Date: 4/21/2006 9:22:21 AM
Author: Angela1977

style="WIDTH: 99%; HEIGHT: 230px">Date: 4/20/2006 6:52:26 PM
Author: marvel

Date: 4/20/2006 6:44:38 PM
Author: ivanadiamond
rainbowtrout, thank you for sharing your story, I really enjoyed hearing your point of view and feel like I learned so much from it
Ditto! I really appreciate your perspective, Rainbow. I don't like hearing people 'dis Scientology, because I really think it comes from a lack of knowledge. I knew a family when I was growing up that where Scientologist, so I understand some of he very basicis. I don't think any of *us* should be judging others beliefs. Although, I was raised Catholic, so I can judge that religion
As far as Cruise is concerned, he's just wacked because he's wacked....can't blame that on Scientology!
*sigh* man, i'm not even going to touch this one...

Back to work, and this thread...whew!
Rainbowtrout...your experience with scientology doesn't change the reality. I didn't say that every person that's a scientologist is unfit to raise a child. I'm sorry that you took it that way, but I still think that this organization is a dangerous entity that is a threat to its members and to society. Everybody has a different experience with it...hopefully yours wasn't quite as bad as some, though it sounds like some members of your family are feeling the effects. For that, I feel very sad.
I've said my peace on the issue...and I think this thread is fairly played out.
I like the banter though...stimulating.
Ummm...what is this suppose to mean? Go ahead, explain please, Angela...because it comes across pretty rude.

Do you consider Mormon's a cult too, because they expect their followers to "donate" 20% of their income to the "church".

I really don't appreciate you dis'ing me, or anybody else on here. It's just really unnecessary. Rainbow is coming in here with facts about Scientology, not heresay, like a lot of others.

Whatever your opinion is, you don't need to be so condescending about it.
I read in People a couple of interesting tenets of raising a child in the Scientology way. Some of them made some sense to, kids look to your reaction to see how to act, so if your kid has a minor boo boo (my technical term) you should console them but not overreact...(this is not addressing if they have a serious injury, but even then I think it common sense to try to stay calm so you do not cause your kid to get really freaked out). They also believe too much harsh discipline is damaging to a kid''s psyche...I agree to a point but think you still must be the parent and some kids are tougher than others. They also think kids should be shown a lot of affection, that this is not what "spoils" kids. A lot of it is common sense, but I had not known these details and thought them interesting. (It is in the new People)... I also read you can be any other religion and a Scientologist, meaning you do not have to give up your religion to be a Scientologist. I still do not wish to be one but...As for Mormonism, I watched an expose about a lesser wife of a Morman, and her story to escape with her kids to be out in the "real world" (her words)...she told of being forbidden to leave the house, basically kept prisoner, no money, never too much gas in the van she drove, everything monitored, the older wives dominating and policing her...she told of the brainwashing and her desperate attempts to get away. She finally did, yet one daughter chose to stay. She is heartbroken. This is not a diss, but I just felt sorry for this woman, she was caught up and did not want to be part of this, and nearly lost it all trying to get her kids out and get to a place she felt safe. I think it is hard to judge others situations, but when someone is in fear or is being dominated or manipulated in the guise of religion, I am not in favor of that...let people decide what works for them themselves if at all possible...
rainbowtrout, this is a 5 margarita indused post in on honor of Sally Field, I really really like you, I really do!!! ok, i need to go bedybye now!
I think if a large number of people are going to follow any religion, it has to make sense in a lot of the 'ground rule' ways..Mormonism has some good basic rules, but the scary polygamous child abusers are not a good thing. Still, not all Mormons are like that.

how many margeuritas was that
I do like tequila...heh.
Date: 4/22/2006 1:43:02 AM
Author: diamondfan
I read in People a couple of interesting tenets of raising a child in the Scientology way. Some of them made some sense to, kids look to your reaction to see how to act, so if your kid has a minor boo boo (my technical term) you should console them but not overreact...(this is not addressing if they have a serious injury, but even then I think it common sense to try to stay calm so you do not cause your kid to get really freaked out). They also believe too much harsh discipline is damaging to a kid''s psyche...I agree to a point but think you still must be the parent and some kids are tougher than others. They also think kids should be shown a lot of affection, that this is not what ''spoils'' kids. A lot of it is common sense, but I had not known these details and thought them interesting. (It is in the new People)... possible...

Yeah, that''s pretty much right. The dicipline thing can be a problem if you were looking for an excuse not to dicipline in a humane and consistent manner anyway, like many parents. Some people just decide it means their children shouldn''t have any at all, which isn''t really the way to go.
Date: 4/22/2006 8:07:13 AM
Author: rainbowtrout
I think if a large number of people are going to follow any religion, it has to make sense in a lot of the ''ground rule'' ways..Mormonism has some good basic rules, but the scary polygamous child abusers are not a good thing. Still, not all Mormons are like that.

I would take this a step further and say no Mormons are like that. The Mormon church (aka LDS) does not practice polygamy. And any member who does is no longer a member of the church. I realize there are some people who still claim to be Mormon and they have polygamist families- just like this lady Diamondfan saw on the TV. These situations are horrible, and likely to be full of abuse, just like this lady reported. However, even though these people claim to be Mormon, they are not. To be Mormon you must live the commandments, be a good person, follow the laws of the land, and much more. Because these people are not following the commandments, as well as our country''s laws, they would be no longer be a member of the church.
Date: 4/22/2006 12:21:41 AM
Author: marvel

Date: 4/21/2006 9:22:21 AM
Author: Angela1977

style="WIDTH: 99%; HEIGHT: 230px">Date: 4/20/2006 6:52:26 PM
Author: marvel

Date: 4/20/2006 6:44:38 PM
Author: ivanadiamond
rainbowtrout, thank you for sharing your story, I really enjoyed hearing your point of view and feel like I learned so much from it
Ditto! I really appreciate your perspective, Rainbow. I don't like hearing people 'dis Scientology, because I really think it comes from a lack of knowledge. I knew a family when I was growing up that where Scientologist, so I understand some of he very basicis. I don't think any of *us* should be judging others beliefs. Although, I was raised Catholic, so I can judge that religion
As far as Cruise is concerned, he's just wacked because he's wacked....can't blame that on Scientology!
*sigh* man, i'm not even going to touch this one...

Back to work, and this thread...whew!
Rainbowtrout...your experience with scientology doesn't change the reality. I didn't say that every person that's a scientologist is unfit to raise a child. I'm sorry that you took it that way, but I still think that this organization is a dangerous entity that is a threat to its members and to society. Everybody has a different experience with it...hopefully yours wasn't quite as bad as some, though it sounds like some members of your family are feeling the effects. For that, I feel very sad.
I've said my peace on the issue...and I think this thread is fairly played out.
I like the banter though...stimulating.
Ummm...what is this suppose to mean? Go ahead, explain please, Angela...because it comes across pretty rude.

Do you consider Mormon's a cult too, because they expect their followers to 'donate' 20% of their income to the 'church'.

I really don't appreciate you dis'ing me, or anybody else on here. It's just really unnecessary. Rainbow is coming in here with facts about Scientology, not heresay, like a lot of others.

Whatever your opinion is, you don't need to be so condescending about it.
All Christians churches recommend at least a 10% tithe. However, they don't REQUIRE it to be enlightened as to what the group is all about.
I don't think I'm "'dis'ing" people honestly still say that? Anyway, I didn't come here with anything but facts either. My family may not have been involved in it, but I do know some facts.
I just found your post amusing because after 3 pages of how dangerous this was, and my reasoning as why I had every right to criticize, you come back with "we shouldn't be judging others beliefs." Like I said, should we respect polygamists who feel it's fine to marry a 13 year old? Or should we respect the "ministry" of Fred Phelps (God Hates Fags...that's the name of it) who goes to military funerals and protests because it's God's retribution on a country that promotes homosexuality? I mean, there are some things to respect and some things we need to speak out against because they're dangerous...
You have such a condescending attitute. It's obviously just a muturity level with you. I have absolutely no respect for your opinion, or *facts*.
Date: 4/24/2006 10:19:26 AM
Author: marvel
You have such a condescending attitute. It's obviously just a muturity level with you. I have absolutely no respect for your opinion, or *facts*.

Well, at least I have spelling down...
Just so you know...

And frankly I don't care whether you have respect for my opinion or not...what were you hoping to accomplish by telling me this? I'm condescending occasionally when I hear something that really, really gets to me. Most of the time, I'm very pleasant. I think before you label someone, you might want to go back and read all of their posts and make an informed analysis of the situation.
And please...don't throw in the "maturity" factor. I'm extremely well-educated, and plenty mature enough for my advanced age of 28.
. Saying that is just the common girly repsonse...either "You're jealous" or "you're immature" know nothing about me, and you happen to be very wrong.
Date: 4/24/2006 10:49:29 AM
Author: Angela1977

Date: 4/24/2006 10:19:26 AM
Author: marvel
You have such a condescending attitute. It''s obviously just a muturity level with you. I have absolutely no respect for your opinion, or *facts*.

Well, at least I have spelling down...
Just so you know...

And frankly I don''t care whether you have respect for my opinion or not...what were you hoping to accomplish by telling me this? I''m condescending occasionally when I hear something that really, really gets to me. Most of the time, I''m very pleasant. I think before you label someone, you might want to go back and read all of their posts and make an informed anaylsis of the situation.
And please...don''t throw in the ''maturity'' factor. I''m extremely well-educated, and plenty mature enough for my advanced age of 28.
. Saying that is just the common girly repsonse...either ''You''re jealous'' or ''you''re immature'' know nothing about me, and you happen to be very wrong.
I did...and the more of your posts I read, the more annoying you sounded. Talk about a girlie response! You spelled girly wrong...just so you know.
Now ladies....

There are posters on this thread who know what they are talking about...through their own experience or through their own research. Just because you may not agree doesn't mean you have the right to personally attack them.
Date: 4/24/2006 11:22:48 AM
Author: Caribou
Now ladies....

There are posters on this thread who know what they are talking about...through their own experience or through their own research. Just because you may not agree doesn''t mean you have the right to personally attack them.

Thank you, Caribou...That was basically my point...but, I lost focus. I''m done now.
Date: 4/24/2006 11:22:48 AM
Author: Caribou
Now ladies....

There are posters on this thread who know what they are talking about...through their own experience or through their own research. Just because you may not agree doesn''t mean you have the right to personally attack them.
Amen and lock
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